#tcfkag shops
tcfkag · 5 months
I treated myself to a new clothes order from Quince for Mother's Day. I love the stuff I've gotten from them in the past; even the stuff that I wasn't so sure about.
Happy Mother's Day for those who participate.
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copperbadge · 5 years
tcfkag replied to your post “just had to step around your mess of an addition to a post to reblog...”
I just went to your page like "I'll figure out which one" but you add stuff to a surprising number of your own posts, lol. Always excellent additions of course.
Aw, thank you :D I think lately I HAVE reblogged a lot of my own, usually to reply to someone...
drgaellon replied to your post “just had to step around your mess of an addition to a post to reblog...”
I presume this was regarding Pumpkin Spice Evans? Poor little anon, not even brave enough to spew his hate with pride. Sad.
scifigrl47 replied to your post “just had to step around your mess of an addition to a post to reblog...”
Nope, I'm betting it was the Good Omens smore post. Because this is some 'newbie in new fandom' nonsense.
I have no real idea which one it was, I was just sort of enjoying fucking with them should they ever return :D I’m willing to bet it was an older post, probably one where I made a joke they didn’t find funny. Though the whole “I had to go to ALL THE TROUBLE of NOT REBLOGGING YOUR  VERSION” does smack of Anon being new to tumblr.  
tyrannosaurus-trainwreck replied to your post “just had to step around your mess of an addition to a post to reblog...”
I guess you *could* describe the OP's own additions to a post as unoriginal, if you really wanted...? O_o #siriwhyarepeople
I will say I didn’t find “You suck” to be the height of Wildean wit, but we can’t all practice what we preach, I suppose. 
looshahontas replied to your photo “Farewell Ren Faire!”
Which one? I go to the one in Wisconsin
That’s the one! Bristol, unless there’s more than one, which is entirely possible. 
quaidpoppinjack replied to your photo “Farewell Ren Faire!”
My friend owns the flower shop at Bristol! I haven’t been there in ages since I moved west of Rockford, but these pics are making me nostalgic.
Oh, we sat outside the flower shop for a bit! 
the-grey-hunt replied to your photo “Farewell Ren Faire!”
did you enjoy the joust? that's always my favorite part of the day
YES! I bought a flag to wave. SUCH fun. 
i-ddpej replied to your photo “SAM’S FIRST REN FAIRE!”
ahhh, have fun!! I blue-screened for a few seconds at "first", but I forget sometimes that the average person did not grow up right down the road from a giant Ren.Fest, lol.
I think mainly the issue is that they’re almost always pretty far outside of town or held at a fairground, and tough to get to without a car, so I’ve never really had any way to get to them, or known people who would be interested in going, before. 
aubergeen replied to your photo “SAM’S FIRST REN FAIRE!”
this photoset makes it look like you caught whatever's floating in the air in image one on a plate and just tucked in. i was like, why was there a chicken breast flying in the air is that part of the fair or something
LOL! “We arrived at the faire and a chicken breast just came hurtling at me!”
The thing floating in the air is actually a scratch on my camera lens. I named it Bertie. :D 
guineapigwithaflamethrower replied to your photo “SAM’S FIRST REN FAIRE!”
I'm sorry, what kind of Ren Faire is this where the food comes on PLATES?!
It was on a stick on a plate, at least! 
3fluffies replied to your photo “SAM’S FIRST REN FAIRE!”
Is that Maryland?! Fantastic faire!
It’s Bristol in Wisconsin, BUT I’m told that the Maryland fair is especially good since jousting is the state sport! 
waititsyu replied to your post “Hi Copperbadge! Are you still making cat food for your babies? If so,...”
just a... friendly reminder that people really shouldn't change their animals diet to homemade without consulting with a vet, and preferably one specialized in it. Cats do need a very specific makeup in their diet (as compared with dogs, that are much more forgiving in that sense), and there are individual variations, etc, that can make the diet that is fine for one, not so fine for another. Not to mention that food transition should always be handled super carefully.
This is a very good point! Before I put them on the homecooked diet I talked with my vet, and others should too. The vet said to me that it was fine as long as they kept putting on weight, and double-checked the vitamin I planned to add to make sure it had taurine in it. But yes, always talk to your vet and make sure you transition the kitties carefully! 
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fashionandanostomy · 7 years
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I was going through my old Instagram pictures (for reasons that only make sense at 1 in the morning) and came across this manicure. Not the most technically proficient manicure ever, but I had forgotten how awesome a color combo this was.
Thinking about doing it again tomorrow except, since its still summer, doing the burgundy as the accent nail and the hot pink as the color for the rest.
But the real question is...should I go for a matte finish or a glossy finish?
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alaric-greyson · 7 years
Fish Week Day 4
So Wednesday was pretty much spot on.  I’ll have to admit though it helped a bit that when I was craving snacks later in the evening it turned out I’ve been terrible at grocery shopping lately, and therefore I literally had nothing remotely snackish in the house (not even bread). Otherwise, dinner was swordfish cooked on my gas grill, along with egg noodles and green beans.  Lunch was chicken tenders and breakfast was a big pancake. Daily Result:  success And to give a serious answer to @tcfkag‘s snark:  originally I was including fish sticks in the challenge because I assumed I’d use them as a lunch on a day where I was going to have pasta or something for dinner.  Then my junk food craving kicked in on Monday and I went with terrible meal remembered fondly from childhood.  :P And to make you really shake your head sadly, it was Kraft mac and cheese, not even something fancy or homemade.  :D
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foreverlonglost · 11 years
Need help finding the perfect outfit this summer? Look no further than TCFKAG Shops! http://bit.ly/14EgxeO
I'm absolutely terrible when it comes to finding matching clothes for complete outfits and shopping online is always a tricky business. Even as a brand new blog, TCFKAG Shops has provided more helpful information than my own personal searches online. 
Check out the blog, promote it as best as you can, and have fun shopping!
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tcfkag · 2 years
Apparently, moving means that you rediscover all sorts of things including these jeans I bought when I was going to cosplay War from Good Omens for NYCC.
Am I crazy that I kind of like them? I feel like Imn probably too old for the ripped jeans look but these are so fun!
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tcfkag · 2 years
So I've been applying for jobs for MONTHS with barely any traction and then a couple nights ago I submitted another round of applications and have already gotten four interviews (and one call back for a second round interview)! So...I decided to celebrate by getting myself some pretty and semi-reasonably priced jewelry on Poshmark because what else do you do when you've been struggling with your depression, feeling bad about not working, been kind of sick, and have a toddler who sometimes seems like she's reached the terrible twos prematurely? RETAIL THERAPY, THAT'S WHAT!
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tcfkag · 1 year
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My new sneakers (from INKKAs) AND my new necklace and earrings (from Poshmark) came on the same day and it’s like grown-up Christmas!
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tcfkag · 2 years
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Our new house has a wood stove and, let me tell you, I am already in love.
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tcfkag · 2 years
Decided to bite the bullet and buy new clothes after my significant (though unintentional) weight loss and I got this from a line of clothing called Pact. I got a couple sweaters/sweatshirts and some leggings and so far they get a HUGE thumbs up.
Pictures aren’t great but who cares?
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tcfkag · 2 years
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In honor of my first real post in a while, check out my new boots!
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tcfkag · 4 years
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I wonder if I could pull off this chambray maxi dress from eShakti? I’m short so I always worry maxi dresses will make me look stumpy but this is super cute.
Plus eShakti has started making matching masks in various cuts to go with their dresses ... I love them.
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tcfkag · 4 years
Fluezog Shoes
Just had a delightful Twitter thread about shoes that reminded me of old Corporette or Tumblr shopping threads. There were a lot of shoes being discussed. 
It started with this tweet (and the resulting thread here) about these shoes that Fluezog has designed to honor Dr. Bonnie Henry, a public health official in British Columbia, to raise money for coronavirus relief. You can head over and see 
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I think these shoes are very cute. I like Mary Janes. I like stacked heels. And while these COULD read “Nana shoes” but I don’t think they do. 
Nebula Black and Orange Sporty Lace Up Boots
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And someone else posted these:
Room 502 - Open-Sided Bumped Toe Heel
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I found these and they are just whimsical, even if a bit absurd.
Wonders Champey Lace-Up Heel with Embroidery
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Okay, editing to add ANOTHER set of Fluezogs that someone in the thread said she bought. I feel like someone wearing these could absolutely kick my ass but also look super cute while they did it:
Mellow Soca (in black) Platform Buckle Boot
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And last but not least (definitely not least):
Poser Somani T-Strap Heel with Stitching
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Guise, GUISE, I want to but them ALL but they’re just expensive enough that I can’t buy even one pair on a whim. Especially since I already bought these “I got laid off yesterday so I should get a cool pair of sneakers” Vans “Old Skool Sneakers” earlier tonight:
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tcfkag · 4 years
unsungfury replied to your post “Fluezog Shoes”
Keep an eye out for sales on their website! There's also a Fleuvog peer selling space where folks post shoes all the time
Thanks for the tip @unsungfury - that is very good to know. Do you know where they come from and if they are easily shipped to the US? (I mean that in normal times; I know nothing is being shipped right now so I’m thinking of this on a longer-term basis).
Also (and sorry to hijack your response), for all my followers - I’m thinking of re-starting my TCFKAG Shops - let me know if you have questions you’d like me to address or if you’d also like content like this where it is just a collection of things (shoes or jewelry or whatever) that I think is interesting and seasonal.
Let me know if you’d read it again everyone! I know it has been several years since I stopped and there have been a few fits and starts on it since then. But I’m stuck in the house all the time, just found out I’m losing my job in two weeks, and just had some of the most fun I’ve had all week on a Twitter thread exchanging shoe pictures so it might just be time to resurrect the beast (so to speak).
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tcfkag · 4 years
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I’m a grown-up lady lawyer who found out yesterday that I am losing my job (in about two weeks), so of course I NEEDED some new, super cute Vans.
Because of course I need them!
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tcfkag · 5 years
This is probably a more usable version of the same aesthetic of the other necklace I just reblogged but I still totally love it. 
Even if I don’t actually believe Garnet is a “stone of healing and power” because my college mascot was “the Garnet” and I definitely didn’t get any healthier or more powerful during undergrad. Lol.
Edit: I just went ahead and bought it! It was on sale plus its our civic duty to be supporting small businesses and independent artisans right now, right? That’s certainly the excuse I’ve been using to order WAY more take out from some of our local favorite restaurants then I normally would.
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