bomberqueen17 · 4 years
the modern A/U I’m still not writing
waititsyu replied to your post “aisatsana441 replied to your post “boo” ...”
Oh no I need this now D:
I know you siad you don't want to write this and no prressure but this is amazing and if you only ever drrop rarndom thoughts on this AU i will eat them up with a spoon! I really like the idea of Jaskeir having to warm up to Geralt cause that is not something which is explored in this fandom
Beauty and The Beast and the Custudy Battle
ooooooooooooooooooh bbbbbbbbbbbb i waaaaaant ittttt
I don’t talk about it here much, but I am a CASA volunteer. Which might be a role Yen would fit into, here... Not that you’re writing it.
OK OK y’all I do have some more thoughts.
 I had the seeming-at-the-moment brilliant thought that like... it’s not that Geralt’s been transplanted to the modern era, it’s that he’s survived. He’s a couple of hundred years old and is fitting in to modern life as well as he can, and the world doesn’t have much room left in it for Witchers.
Here’s the thing I thought was such a brilliant idea. IDK how it holds up but listen for four hours on the Thruway I thought this was fucking brilliant. 
The social worker’s name is Pancratz, and Geralt’s like, fuck, I used to know a Pancratz. But that happens to him a lot; he’s super fucking old and he’s known a lot of people and they’ve sort of come and gone, over the years, right? So who fucking knows; it’s not relevant at the moment, so he forgets about it.
Until maybe the Snowed In incident, and after young Mr. Pancratz has gotten over some of his terror at being unexpectedly trapped in a remote half-ruined compound with a bunch of Witchers, he winds up hanging out with Ciri, and finds her toy ukelele and tunes it up and reveals that he’s got a night job as a musician, and as soon as he starts singing, Geralt’s like
ah fuck that’s who I knew who was a Pancratz
and young Mr. Pancratz is like uh excuse me?
and Geralt’s like fucking Dandelion, his real name was fucking Pancratz, you fucking sound like him, you even smell like him, I can’t believe it took me this long
and Young Mr. Pancratz is like I’m sorry what and it turns out Dandelion was his like, 9-greats-grandfather and it’s a big deal and he’s been researching him and performing under his name and all of that and is like we thought all the Witcher stuff was fake and Geralt’s like well, i mean, it was heavily fictionalized, but no, that was me and goes into the back of one of his closets where he’s got a handy enchanted trunk that keeps shit from getting wrecked by the lack of climate control and hauls out a lute Dandelion’s daughter or somebody gave him after the old man dies and is like, well, I should probably give this to you then, and Young Mr. Pancratz pretty much faints on the spot.
Anyway. I am not writing this but I was highly amused by this imaginary scene.
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ineffableplan · 5 years
waititsyu replied to your post “aziraphale is making a star trek reference in this fic and no one can...”
This made me want fic where Aziraphale is a Trekkie while Crowley is a diehard star wars fan and that conflict is the lowest stakes possible heaven/hell parallel
i read a short story once, it was a rewrite of romeo and juliet that took place at a sci-fi convention and it was a love story between two cosplayers, one a trekkie and the other star wars, and no one died, and i wish i could remember the name of the book it was in
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copperbadge · 5 years
tcfkag replied to your post “just had to step around your mess of an addition to a post to reblog...”
I just went to your page like "I'll figure out which one" but you add stuff to a surprising number of your own posts, lol. Always excellent additions of course.
Aw, thank you :D I think lately I HAVE reblogged a lot of my own, usually to reply to someone...
drgaellon replied to your post “just had to step around your mess of an addition to a post to reblog...”
I presume this was regarding Pumpkin Spice Evans? Poor little anon, not even brave enough to spew his hate with pride. Sad.
scifigrl47 replied to your post “just had to step around your mess of an addition to a post to reblog...”
Nope, I'm betting it was the Good Omens smore post. Because this is some 'newbie in new fandom' nonsense.
I have no real idea which one it was, I was just sort of enjoying fucking with them should they ever return :D I’m willing to bet it was an older post, probably one where I made a joke they didn’t find funny. Though the whole “I had to go to ALL THE TROUBLE of NOT REBLOGGING YOUR  VERSION” does smack of Anon being new to tumblr.  
tyrannosaurus-trainwreck replied to your post “just had to step around your mess of an addition to a post to reblog...”
I guess you *could* describe the OP's own additions to a post as unoriginal, if you really wanted...? O_o #siriwhyarepeople
I will say I didn’t find “You suck” to be the height of Wildean wit, but we can’t all practice what we preach, I suppose. 
looshahontas replied to your photo “Farewell Ren Faire!”
Which one? I go to the one in Wisconsin
That’s the one! Bristol, unless there’s more than one, which is entirely possible. 
quaidpoppinjack replied to your photo “Farewell Ren Faire!”
My friend owns the flower shop at Bristol! I haven’t been there in ages since I moved west of Rockford, but these pics are making me nostalgic.
Oh, we sat outside the flower shop for a bit! 
the-grey-hunt replied to your photo “Farewell Ren Faire!”
did you enjoy the joust? that's always my favorite part of the day
YES! I bought a flag to wave. SUCH fun. 
i-ddpej replied to your photo “SAM’S FIRST REN FAIRE!”
ahhh, have fun!! I blue-screened for a few seconds at "first", but I forget sometimes that the average person did not grow up right down the road from a giant Ren.Fest, lol.
I think mainly the issue is that they’re almost always pretty far outside of town or held at a fairground, and tough to get to without a car, so I’ve never really had any way to get to them, or known people who would be interested in going, before. 
aubergeen replied to your photo “SAM’S FIRST REN FAIRE!”
this photoset makes it look like you caught whatever's floating in the air in image one on a plate and just tucked in. i was like, why was there a chicken breast flying in the air is that part of the fair or something
LOL! “We arrived at the faire and a chicken breast just came hurtling at me!”
The thing floating in the air is actually a scratch on my camera lens. I named it Bertie. :D 
guineapigwithaflamethrower replied to your photo “SAM’S FIRST REN FAIRE!”
I'm sorry, what kind of Ren Faire is this where the food comes on PLATES?!
It was on a stick on a plate, at least! 
3fluffies replied to your photo “SAM’S FIRST REN FAIRE!”
Is that Maryland?! Fantastic faire!
It’s Bristol in Wisconsin, BUT I’m told that the Maryland fair is especially good since jousting is the state sport! 
waititsyu replied to your post “Hi Copperbadge! Are you still making cat food for your babies? If so,...”
just a... friendly reminder that people really shouldn't change their animals diet to homemade without consulting with a vet, and preferably one specialized in it. Cats do need a very specific makeup in their diet (as compared with dogs, that are much more forgiving in that sense), and there are individual variations, etc, that can make the diet that is fine for one, not so fine for another. Not to mention that food transition should always be handled super carefully.
This is a very good point! Before I put them on the homecooked diet I talked with my vet, and others should too. The vet said to me that it was fine as long as they kept putting on weight, and double-checked the vitamin I planned to add to make sure it had taurine in it. But yes, always talk to your vet and make sure you transition the kitties carefully! 
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mostweakhamlets · 4 years
waititsyu replied to your post “I know literally nothing about Star Wars and I just learned that that...”
If by 'that guy' you mean Adam driver, the voice is Def like 75% of the appeal.
is adam driver the guy that everyone made fun of bc of how he looked in those black hightwaisted pants?
that was fucking mean of people bc i look like that okay some of us are just wide
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usedupshiver · 5 years
waititsyu replied to your post: since i know i will never manage to play it i am...
Oh my god, I am struggling with playing Witcher 3 ATM, moving and fighting are a struggle, but Geralt is fucking DELIGHTFUL, c'mon. I have to say his personality is quite distinct from usual action heroes, but for me that’s a bonus, since those guys are usually the flat boring characters.
People probably think he’s boring because you have the choice of conciliatory speech options, probably, instead of blowing everywhere up instantly
I’m 100% used to WoW, with tab target combat, and actionbased combat is fucking me up. What, I need to parry and dodge myself? Like a sucker?? Jesus christ Geralt get on this you’re the pro. XD But after a while on the lowest difficulty I am slowly getting the hang of things. Slowwwwly. Not setting any records, but I’m mostly there to explore and poke around and I’m enjoying it a lot.
Agree, I really love that you can smooth things over instead of going in swinging in every single case. But I definitely think he has a deep and complex personality, even with a generally softer attitude than in the books.
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Hi! I tried to reply to the email with my match because I have a question, but I got a "email does not exist" automatic response (which was very odd, as I simply hit reply on the email I received). What's the best way to contact the mods, then? I have a question about clearly up what my match prefers in their gift.
Please feel free to use the [email protected] email, contact us here, or via the discord server!
All the links (including discord) can be found on the links page of the tumblr blog!
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@waititsyu thanks for educating me on the art of capybaras (I really want to meet one now) and also giving me the BEST idea
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dkettchen · 7 years
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Fat birbs (feat. @waititsyu’s very wholesome and good suggestion)  Loki, like any Disney princess, has a way with birds (also my achievement of the day is figuring out how to draw fat fluffy magpies xD)
(from the suggesto time lapse video on my yt channel :P)
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copperbadge · 6 years
Honestly I think cat personalities are pretty stable - they might mellow out with time re: how electric and destructive they are, but otherwise... With both of my cats I could tell their "type" within five minutes of meeting them and it just stayed the same over the years. (of course, this might not be the case with traumatized kitties! but unless something pretty bad happened, I think that's pretty much how it goes)
Yeah, I kind of agree -- I don’t think my babies were super traumatized, and their personalities have held pretty steady. Deebs likes to hide, cuddle in laps, and stalk toys, and is very physically timid (she can’t jump like Polk can, or rather doesn’t THINK she can) while Polk is queen of the leap-attack, loves to run around yelling, is always the first to get to some high, inaccessible place, and gets mad if I sit still and don’t pay attention to her for too long. 
It’s kind of nice, because I love how inquisitive and outgoing Polk is, but I also like to have one reliably lap-oriented kitty to pet, and Deebs is The Softest, so she’s a joy to cuddle. And as different as they are, they still love each other, give each other face-baths and curl up together, so I know they’re never lonely or unhappy. 
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mostweakhamlets · 5 years
waititsyu replied to your post “trellanyx replied to your post “Fans find Crowley’s secret instagram...”
just FIY, if you meant to use the word trap as I think you did, that term is like, absurdly offensive
I understand where you’re coming from but “tr*p” and “thirst trap” are different things!! “Thirst trap” isn’t affiliated with the trans community in any way. It’s used when people (both cis and trans people) post semi-indecent pics of themselves on social media to get people thirsty in their comments. It’s just a way to get attention and then, basically, ignore everyone (like not replying, messaging back, etc.)
TBH this video of Tan France looking through the thirst trap pics of the rest of the fab five is a really good place to go to get a better definition and examples of the term
It’s a completely innocent term as far as slurs go, and I’m sorry that my post came off as transphobic. And thank you for bringing it to my attention! I hope I cleared any misunderstanding up!
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usedupshiver · 7 years
waititsyu replied to your post: The online kink community where I hang out is not...
that’s weird, here facebook has a third option, “custom”, in which you can write whatever you want, and then you get to choose pronouns, including neutral ones.
Swedish Facebook only offers two genders, as far as I can tell. Might be that there is a way to change it in the settings, somewhere, but that place is such a goddamn mess I haven’t found it. 
If you have to rummage through every single one of a million badly made settings pages to find it, the purpose is still sort of gone, when the only choices when creating your account is “man” or “woman”.
The custom option sounds pretty decent, at least.
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notmissmarple · 8 years
waititsyu replied to your post:waititsyu replied to your post “hockey-trash...
I meant the sweatshirt because I read 3.8 as being right before 3.9 and didn’t seem likely she would have changed, but then I double checked and Bitty did so, yeah, who knows.
3.8 and 3.9 aren’t the same day - the Aces were playing at Providence, whereas this was an away game for the Falcs because they had to fly home. So the sweatshirt, alas, is not an indicator. 
(it’s probably lardo. don’t mind me. la la la.)
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tehnakki · 8 years
efostertheory replied to your post:Hmmmmmmmmmmm……. The beef strips that were red when...
I have the impression that beef does that, and it doesn’t mean it’s spoiled. Often it smells bad if it spoils. Another thing to look for is a multi-colored sheen. That’s actually a biofilm of bacteria.
waititsyu replied to your post: Hmmmmmmmmmmm……. The beef strips that were red when...
if it was uncovered, it’s just oxidized. it it smells ok and isn’t slimy, it’s probably safe to eat.
Oooooo. good to know. thank you!  They don;t smell bad so I am going to try eating them.  I’m pretty siure I bought them this week.
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veliseraptor · 8 years
waititsyu replied to your post:copying my tags from that last post because I...
One of the most interesting parts of ASOIAF, for me, is that it is people living in what they believe is a low fantasy world that is slowly reawakening into a high fantasy one. It is a whole theme that people who don’t have “reading fantasy baggage” miss, and thus have some really strange readings of it. Of course, there is no “wrong” reading, but it does seem to miss the point when you know GRRM’s roots and influences.
(like people who seem to think ASOIAF is some sort of harsh critique of Tolkien. I guess it might seem like it, superficially, but… yeah, no.) 
Exactly! And I do think reactions from people who don’t have that background/baggage are really interesting - I like to know what people think of aspects of ASOIAF without some of that awareness/genre literacy. But at the same time that analysis is fundamentally limited, in the same way that responding to horror movies in isolation is limited, if you don’t know the genre conventions or don’t speak the “language” of that genre. 
And there is absolutely a way, too, of having that reading that doesn’t involve ignoring that the background is there - saying “I am analyzing this work not as part of a genre but on its own” is different from saying “this work does not belong to this genre”. 
(yeah, that one always kind of makes me tilt my head - responding to Tolkien, absolutely, as a lot of fantasy is because Tolkien is such a huge figure that the urge to respond to him is, I think, a powerful one. But it doesn’t feel to me like there’s a “the way Tolkien did this was wrong” message there; just a “what if instead I wrote from a different angle” message. 
And that’s the cooler thing, to me: literary influences don’t have to be “antagonistic” or “exact copy.” There’s so many more complicated ways for those relationships between works and authors to go.)
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cacchieressa · 12 years
waititsyu said: I always hated how they dealt with Jess leaving the show. He had his problems, but I always felt he was better matched with Rory than any of the other guys. My OTP will always be Rory/Awesomeness.
Yeah, I thought Jess and Rory had the most in common in terms of interests and I thought they had the most chemistry. I liked his last appearance a lot, because you could see that he'd grown up, and I could see them getting back together in the future and it working out, but I agree, the way he left was kind of awful.
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copperbadge · 7 years
waititsyu replied to your photo “Found out why the microwave was on the free stuff table.”
I imagine this might not be the case, but if it still works and you're willing to still use it, sanding and microwave appropriate spray paint can make it look brand new.
I considered it, but I feel like that would just be tempting fate :D Some kind friends gave me a giftcard and I had a $20 off coupon after buying my fridge through Best Buy, so I got a really good microwave for under $75 (free, for me, because giftcard) when all was said and done.
karasunovolleygays replied to your photo “Found out why the microwave was on the free stuff table.”
How do you fuck up that bad?
I’m guessing someone blew up some food and it stuck to the top, they let it dry there, and then they tried to scrape it off with something metallic. And from there everything just snowballed. 
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