3fluffies · 2 years
My beautiful Bagel passed over the rainbow bridge this morning, just shy of age 16. The angelfaced psycho!kitty of Chez Fluffy, he of the pink nose and white toes. He was a Jekyll/Hyde kitty who loved snuggles and had an adorable meerkat purr, but the most fearsome temper I’ve ever known. He left me with a few scars over his life, but the deepest one is on my heart. I’ll miss you so much, gray boyo.
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I was tagged by @richardjager and @thestuffedalligator
Rules: Write the latest line from your wip (or post where you last left off in your art) and tag as many people as there are words in the line. Make a new post, don’t reblog.
I have really bad writer's block at the moment, so most of my WIPs sound more like Wikipedia synopses for my stories if they already existed than actual stories themselves. I cobbled together some exposition into a brief preamble for a fantasy story I'm working on
Physicists prefer not to use the m-word when dealing with the so-called inexplicable phenomena of the universe. They've come up with fancy names for it like "complex radiation" or "the fifth fundamental force," and it's generally accepted as a third theoretical framework somewhere between quantum mechanics (the physics of the subatomically small) and general relativity (the physics of the astronomically large), but our current understanding of it does little to bridge the gap between the two. Hollywood likes referring to it as "dark science," a term which was briefly adopted by academics in the 90s as an attempt to categorize it alongside dark matter and dark energy (neither of which it can fully explain), but soon abandoned because it carried negative connotations and did not adequately reflect the field. It did inspire an entire generation of scientists if for no other reason than it sounds cool as hell. Even so, you'd be hard-pressed to find a regular person outside of a lab, university, or studio who would call it anything but the forbidden word itself; magic.
That's 176 words, which is too many, so I'm gonna tag all my active mutuals
@goldenmoldies @olivia-online @nsomniacsdream @schifty-al @ihaveacrappyusername @marcy-the-martian @alexalister97 @ambiguousjellyfish @jewishpangolin @n-brio @moodycow210 @dontgetmadgetmaddie @trowelsand @cartoon-acid @madmanrambler @laughter-is-universal @arthooooor @flyingdiscopanda @miniature-stigmata @3fluffies @capitalismcastratingsuffragette @neverknwsbest @bunnyshowwhytho @chocotunda @anselat @aceteron @adventures-in-instant-ramen @exhaustedboi @muukumuu @cryptidcrispin @bames--nond @prophet-or-prophecy @fffffabulousss
And here are some of my followers whose names and icons I have come to recognize
@neyri-hime @erikag59 @constructedparadox @tack-bell @aj-reblogs @srrrrrwashrrrrr @bhinky @tarranthitopp @principle-sinner @arkanjil
These sorts of tag games make me feel like I'm excluding people; if I left you off this list, it wasn't intentional. If you follow me and you're reading this, go ahead and respond. I'm @ing you in spirit
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copperbadge · 5 years
tcfkag replied to your post “just had to step around your mess of an addition to a post to reblog...”
I just went to your page like "I'll figure out which one" but you add stuff to a surprising number of your own posts, lol. Always excellent additions of course.
Aw, thank you :D I think lately I HAVE reblogged a lot of my own, usually to reply to someone...
drgaellon replied to your post “just had to step around your mess of an addition to a post to reblog...”
I presume this was regarding Pumpkin Spice Evans? Poor little anon, not even brave enough to spew his hate with pride. Sad.
scifigrl47 replied to your post “just had to step around your mess of an addition to a post to reblog...”
Nope, I'm betting it was the Good Omens smore post. Because this is some 'newbie in new fandom' nonsense.
I have no real idea which one it was, I was just sort of enjoying fucking with them should they ever return :D I’m willing to bet it was an older post, probably one where I made a joke they didn’t find funny. Though the whole “I had to go to ALL THE TROUBLE of NOT REBLOGGING YOUR  VERSION” does smack of Anon being new to tumblr.  
tyrannosaurus-trainwreck replied to your post “just had to step around your mess of an addition to a post to reblog...”
I guess you *could* describe the OP's own additions to a post as unoriginal, if you really wanted...? O_o #siriwhyarepeople
I will say I didn’t find “You suck” to be the height of Wildean wit, but we can’t all practice what we preach, I suppose. 
looshahontas replied to your photo “Farewell Ren Faire!”
Which one? I go to the one in Wisconsin
That’s the one! Bristol, unless there’s more than one, which is entirely possible. 
quaidpoppinjack replied to your photo “Farewell Ren Faire!”
My friend owns the flower shop at Bristol! I haven’t been there in ages since I moved west of Rockford, but these pics are making me nostalgic.
Oh, we sat outside the flower shop for a bit! 
the-grey-hunt replied to your photo “Farewell Ren Faire!”
did you enjoy the joust? that's always my favorite part of the day
YES! I bought a flag to wave. SUCH fun. 
i-ddpej replied to your photo “SAM’S FIRST REN FAIRE!”
ahhh, have fun!! I blue-screened for a few seconds at "first", but I forget sometimes that the average person did not grow up right down the road from a giant Ren.Fest, lol.
I think mainly the issue is that they’re almost always pretty far outside of town or held at a fairground, and tough to get to without a car, so I’ve never really had any way to get to them, or known people who would be interested in going, before. 
aubergeen replied to your photo “SAM’S FIRST REN FAIRE!”
this photoset makes it look like you caught whatever's floating in the air in image one on a plate and just tucked in. i was like, why was there a chicken breast flying in the air is that part of the fair or something
LOL! “We arrived at the faire and a chicken breast just came hurtling at me!”
The thing floating in the air is actually a scratch on my camera lens. I named it Bertie. :D 
guineapigwithaflamethrower replied to your photo “SAM’S FIRST REN FAIRE!”
I'm sorry, what kind of Ren Faire is this where the food comes on PLATES?!
It was on a stick on a plate, at least! 
3fluffies replied to your photo “SAM’S FIRST REN FAIRE!”
Is that Maryland?! Fantastic faire!
It’s Bristol in Wisconsin, BUT I’m told that the Maryland fair is especially good since jousting is the state sport! 
waititsyu replied to your post “Hi Copperbadge! Are you still making cat food for your babies? If so,...”
just a... friendly reminder that people really shouldn't change their animals diet to homemade without consulting with a vet, and preferably one specialized in it. Cats do need a very specific makeup in their diet (as compared with dogs, that are much more forgiving in that sense), and there are individual variations, etc, that can make the diet that is fine for one, not so fine for another. Not to mention that food transition should always be handled super carefully.
This is a very good point! Before I put them on the homecooked diet I talked with my vet, and others should too. The vet said to me that it was fine as long as they kept putting on weight, and double-checked the vitamin I planned to add to make sure it had taurine in it. But yes, always talk to your vet and make sure you transition the kitties carefully! 
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uniasus · 6 years
Fic rec! Three years, 236K words, and all the messy emotions of life. While this is part of a series, it doesn’t have to be read as such. This stands on its own. Jocelyn is @3fluffies here.
Summary:  The Hansens' story, from Lucky Seven and the Mark-1 glory days to Striker Eureka and the decline and fall of the Jaeger Program. Now complete as Chuck and Herc arrive in Hong Kong to join the last remaining pilots and prepare for the Jaeger Program's last stand, and Chuck learns just who will be joining in Operation Pitfall!
Comments: This is one of those stories I watched grow up. From the first chapter to the last, I set aside time to reach each individual update. I squealed when I saw the alert e-mail. I fell in love with every single character, saw the bumps, the crevices in their souls, and all the attempts to fix them. Or not. 
Worldbuilding, characters, technology, politics, and such a seamless integration of canon that to me - this is canon. This is perfect. This is what happened. Every success. Every funeral. Every pivot of change. And every shining happy moment. 
This is a fic where you will return every year and read all 236,000 again and love it even more. A story you will not shake. A tale that changes your fandom view. A good three weeks of high-class entertainment and lack of sleep. But you’ll love it. 
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hauntedfalcon · 6 years
@3fluffies replied to your post “I've just seen Pacific Rim Uprising and I must say 2 things: actual...”
Repeat after me: “Sequel? What sequel?”
The one where Jake was super bi and Mako got some badass prosthetics in time to save the world with her little brother, obviously
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gutterballgt · 7 years
3fluffies replied to your post: It’s me again! I just got back from watching the...
Let us all join hands and close our eyes and shout, “SEQUEL? WHAT SEQUEL?!”
I watched an occasionally entertaining movie Thursday night! Was it a sequel, you ask? No. No, it was not.
And part of it didn’t happen.
The rest has nothing to do with anything I’ve seen before. John Boyega’s in it, though, and he’s adorable when he tries to role model. And he does a really, really good impression of Scott Eastwood, which made the entire theater population laugh.
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mgnemesi · 7 years
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Hi, @3fluffies!!
Hey, there’s nothing to forgive ~ actually, I’m glad if I can be of help!! (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧ So thanks for the opportunity ٩̋(ˊ•͈ ꇴ •͈ˋ)و Now, out of the two terms “Shrinkyclinks” is the one that was born first. (*´ ˘ `*) ♡   It refers to a story or piece of art wherein Steve is his small, pre-serum self, while Bucky is the Winter Soldier. It also applies to fics where Bucky doesn’t have the WS history, but just the physique. I think that for some people the metal arm is optional, even. Myself, I tend to consider Shrinkyclinks only the stories and art where Bucky has the arm; even better then at least part of his backstory is the same as canon; but it’s just a personal preference. (。•̀ᴗ-)✧ I am not sure where the term originated from, but personally I always linked it to the sound/basic concept of “Shrinky Dinks”, which are those sheets of plastic you can use for fun, DIY crafts. Their peculiarity is that they shrink and harden when you put them in the oven. Steve is “shrunk” in those stories, just as the plastic sheets are “shrunk” when you heat them up. So for me the term made immediately sense and I embraced it wholeheartedly.
On the wake of that came the term “Shrunkyclunks”. Which is my favourite of the two. ❤︎⁄⁄꒰* ॢꈍ◡ꈍ ॢ꒱.*˚‧  “Shrunkyclunks” is the name that the fandom gave to the ship Captain America Steve Rogers/Modern Bucky Barnes. Basically, to be called a “Shrunkyclunks” a fic or piece of art must portray the relationship between a Steve that doesn’t just possess the post-serum body; but that *is* Captain America. So: born in the 30s, became Cap, fought in the WWII... and then met a version Bucky who was born in modern times. Make it the 80s, or s, if you want them to be the same age. 90s for age difference fics (Thinking of it, I don′t think I’ve seen an age-difference Shrunkyclunks though...)  (ー_ーゞ Of course, there are variations here as well. I think I saw one or two people say that in Shrunkyclunks Cap might be a modern man as well, like Bucky. But (again, it’s nothing my personal preference! ) I tend to consider those modern AUs, and not Shrunkyclunks. Cap’s gotta be Cap. As for the origin of the term: I know for sure that someone first suggested it on the @thestuckylibrary, but I can’t remember who. I *think* they suggested “shrunkyclunks” as a play on Shrinkyclinks. Maybe the “clunk” half of the name had something to do with the metal arm - most specifically, with dull noise it makes if it’s hit. I kinda always explained it that way to myself, but I don’t think that was quite the OP explanation. I hope this was helpful! °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°
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Title: Reward
Writer: @3fluffies | Jocelyn
Recipient: @bloglikejaeger | somethingsomething
Main Pairing: Raleigh Becket & Hercules Hansen & Mako Mori, Raleigh Becket & Chuck Hansen & Mako Mori, Raleigh Becket & Mako Mori, Mako Mori & Stacker Pentecost, Jake Pentecost & Stacker Pentecost, Chuck Hansen & Jake Pentecost, Chuck Hansen & Hercules Hansen, Hercules Hansen & Stacker Pentecost
Rating: Gen
Summary: In Operation Pitfall, Chuck and Stacker do everything right, but still fail. Mako and Raleigh do everything right, but still fail. Yet despite everything that goes wrong, they succeed - but still have to face the aftermath. Stacker finds himself with more time than he expected, and more choices than he ever imagined to help his suddenly-expanded family.
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thestuckylibrary · 7 years
Can you point me to stories where Steve survives the crash (or is rescued from the ice early) and goes on to rescue Bucky from Hydra? Could be before or after Hydra turns Bucky entirely into the Winter Soldier, doesn't matter. (Preferably something in which the Howlies join to help him and also does NOT turn Peggy Carter into a villain!) I've only ever found one (Recursive by Domenika Marzione) but surely there're others where Steve returns to the place Bucky "died" and realizes he lived!
Try [this search for Recursive](https://thestuckylibrary.tumblr.com/search/Recursive+) on the blog. Also [this post](https://thestuckylibrary.tumblr.com/post/146835273272/hello-ive-been-looking-for-this-fic-for-a-really), [this post](https://thestuckylibrary.tumblr.com/post/134701189897/do-you-have-any-fics-were-hydra-captures-bucky) and the [World War II](https://thestuckylibrary.tumblr.com/tagged/genre:worldwarII) tag.EDIT: Anon recommends this one:[Cascades.](http://archiveofourown.org/works/5620294) by [orange_crushed](http://archiveofourown.org/users/orange_crushed/pseuds/orange_crushed)> “Holy shit,” Howard says, crackling through the speakers. “You alive in there?” Lying is a sin, of course, but Steve’s not sure what else he can do. He’s already lied to the government and Bucky and God Almighty; and himself, himself most of all. He ought to tell the truth. That he’s not quite what they hoped for. That perhaps they should put him back into the ocean.> “Probably,” he says, instead, listening to Howard’s tinny laughter; and waits for the blast doors to unlock.
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raina16 · 7 years
3fluffies reblogged your post:jadedamber: drst: bitchwhoyoukiddin: ...
Iron Manpain 4: An Affluenza Case Study aka Civil War: “Everyone Except Me Is Legally Obligated to Fix My Bad Choices”.
You have some of the best responses. :)  Humorous yet also very, rather unfortunately, true.  
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3fluffies · 3 years
First World Problems: Party of 1435
Stopped to grab a burger about a mile from my house after a 12-hour day eating next to nothing. In the drive thru, I noticed a fire truck, tower truck, and at least one other emergency vehicle screaming by, lights and sirens all going. Uh-oh.
As I pulled out of the drive thru, got a text: power outage alert, crews em route, estimated reestablishment 1 am. Joy! If not, I’m starting tomorrow with a cold shower, wet hair, and makeup in the dark!
Arriving at the turnoff to my complex, the access road and highway are dark - BIG outage.
Pulling into my complex - oh, there’s that tower truck, lights still on!
Didn’t smell smoke and my place and the neighbors’ all appear to be standing.
It’s full dark with heavy cloud cover, just a few tiny emergency lights around the complex. The only light entering my apartment is from car headlights.
(Spoiler Alert: No fluffies were stepped upon during the ascent, but they were miffed that I kept swinging my purse and grocery bag to bump them along ahead of me.)
Update 90 minutes later: Reprieve! REPRIEVE! Lights are on, a/c is running, clock reset, devices charging. Still curious to know what the heck the fire truck uproar was about, but hopefully this means we’re good on power now.
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veliseraptor · 8 years
3fluffies replied to your post “[[MOR] it’s been literal months and I’m still annoyed by that one...”
Damn, now I want to see that survey!
this one here
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shellyseashell · 2 years
Making this for @that-glasses-dog who just finished the hunger games so <3 a lot of clovniss because I read the entire tag at my brother’s graduation and they’re so <3 also if any of these authors have tumblr and I didn’t tag them feel free to tag them
Messiah - oc fic, the Victor of the 73rd and the 72nd come together to fight the Capitol, in progress. I’m too emotionally attached to the characters that will die
Anything by chemicalpixie I am in love with their characterizations
Anything by @the-sun-and-the-sea
Anything by @mega-ringsandthings-world
This Year - Clove is a new girl at school, one shot
Five Times Katniss Everdeen Kissed Peeta Mellark And One Time She Didn’t - Peeta’s characterization is brutal and it’s amazing, one shot
lover girl - Clove stares at Katniss, one shot
Introductions - Clove meeting Katniss’s family, one shot. Clove and Prim >>>>
Anything by @3fluffies though everything takes place in the same universe, so I recommend just reading all of it but especially Favors, if nothing else. It’s an au where Peeta dies at the end of the 74th Games, leaving Katniss a lone victor. Super super well written it’s probably my favorite thg fic <3
only in my dreams - Glimmer stares at Clove, one shot
little acts of rebellion - Clove trains, in progress but hasn’t been updated in a while and has one chapter, so I consider it a one shot
Shattered - AU where Clove and Katniss start a rebellion, and Clove is hijacked, one shot. Quite possibly one of my most favorite fics ever
did you see the flares? - Clove saves Katniss from the tracker jackers, one shot
Control - Clove x OC, they start a revolution and it’s gay and this is one of my favorite fics ever, completed, with the sequel in progress
Snowdrop - oc fic of the 50th Hunger Games, very AU, Haymitch’s characterization is top tier, completed
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megaspacemanspiff · 4 years
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The launch of Striker Eureka piloted by Hercules and Chuck Hansen happened today in @3fluffies fic Generation K
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hauntedfalcon · 8 years
aeroknot replied to your post “When we don’t have dogs anymore we can get a sugar glider” OH MY...”
I had one as a child! I love fondly reminiscing about her but in retrospect, also, my family & I were not well-educated or prepared for her needs. She did not live as long as her species could have with us and I feel really bad about it to this day. But I have confidence in your research and maturity if they are legal as pets where you live! I just wonder about how to humanely get one from a reputable source nowadays.
fangirlscout replied to your post “When we don’t have dogs anymore we can get a sugar glider” OH MY...”
Make sure they're legal to keep as pets where you are! In many cases they're considered exotic animals and at least require special licensing if they're allowed at all. My work has a rescued one (we have a zoo license) and they require so much care and are illegal as pets where I am.
3fluffies replied to your post “When we don’t have dogs anymore we can get a sugar glider” OH MY...”
They take a very careful diet and a large habitat...but they are adorbs. My cousin had one. They're marsupials and like pouches, so she slept in an oven mitt.
Thanks very much friends! I appreciate the tips. 
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gutterballgt · 7 years
3fluffies replied to your post “susan-25 replied to your post: ...”
Raleigh knows he should leave it until he’s slept. There’s no possible way he’ll have the kind of mental filter a... conversation... with Chuck absolutely requires. He’ll slip. He’ll say something unguarded.
There will be blood.
But once the question is -- questions are -- in his head, he can’t get it -- them -- out. And only one person can answer it. Them.
So, sleep or no sleep, he drags his exhausted ass to the caf and warily sits down across the table from Chuck. He’s not quite out of arm’s length, and Chuck is fucking quick with his punches, but... they haven’t actually had a physical dust-up since the hallway.
They’ve bickered, of course. It’s almost fun how much they disagree like petty children about the stupidest, simplest of things.
But that isn’t this.
And he can’t think of a way to softsoap it.
So he opens his mouth and blurts. “What were you thinking after your first kaiju kill?”
Chuck blinks wide eyes, thankfully too thrown by the bluntness to take offense just yet.
And his mouth opens again. “I just... you were a kid. Barely past awkward boners and wet dreams, and there you were, piloting a jaeger and killing monsters from another dimension. There you were, standing over your first kill, smelling that fucking reek that even the air processors in a brand new jaeger can’t completely filter, body twitching with adrenaline and thoughts not entirely your own going through your head.”
Another blink. A chunk of scrambled egg falls off the kid’s fork, stretching a trail of cheese behind.
“But... what were YOU thinking? How did you deal with that? Were you fucking ecstatic? Terrified? Proud? Ashamed? What did you think? What did you feel with that first kill?”
Still blinking, owl-like and silent, the poor kid puts down his fork. His forehead slowly wrinkles on a frown, and Raleigh tenses. Thankfully, for the moment at least, it looks like a frown of concentration, not of impending doom.
Fighting the urge to bite at a hangnail on his thumb, Raleigh watches that young, freckled face, seeing some of the veritable child that had been in the cockpit that day half a decade ago. He sees a flicker between anger and consideration, a bit of confusion, even a moment’s slash of near-panic that is mercifully swept away by irritation. It’s a complex progression for someone Raleigh has always assumed only fluctuated between arrogant and angry and back again.
Of course, the kid hadn’t always been like that. Right before Pitfall, for instance. Even during.
Finally, after an oddly charged moment, Chuck huffs irritably and shakes his head. “Don’t rightly remember, mate. I was stoked as fuck afterward, when we got back to the ‘dome. Hard not to be, what with all the cheering and shite.”
In all his wondering in the watches of the night, Raleigh never once considered that Chuck wouldn’t remember how he felt, what he thought. Raleigh’s own first victory was etched indelibly in his mind. Yancy’s stabilizing confidence and fierce pride in their accomplishment, Raleigh’s breathless sense of “we finally made it, we’re finally superheroes”.
They’d been pants-shittingly scared, yes, but they’d also been almost euphoric at finally finding what they’d been born to do. They’d never been the best at anything before, but this? Hell yes.
“Reckon maybe I’d have been chuffed as fuck if not for my old man.”
Shaking off his own memories, he focuses almost greedily on the kid’s thoughtful expression. It isn’t a look he’s used to seeing on that freckled face, but he rather likes it. It’s... approachable. Chuck Hansen isn’t known for being approachable.
“He’d killed a load of them by then, yeah? Knew how to keep his shit together until the celebration was over. Knew there’d be nightmares later, too, but that we’d always be just a reach away, so it’d be alright.”
He doesn’t know why this is so important. He just knows that it is. And he can’t help but wonder if Chuck has ever even thought about it before.
“Mostly... I reckon I felt like I’d finally started getting the bastards back for Mum. Like it’d take a fucking load of them, but I’d eventually kill enough of them to pay them back for what they took. If I stayed alive long enough.”
It feels like a weirdly soft punch to the gut. He should have expected something like that, but... somehow... it’s a weirdly mature thought for a kid like Chuck to have had.
Or maybe the kid had been different then. Not yet as bitter and angry as he became when the years piled up the rough mileage between him and his old man.
Then, suddenly, those changeable eyes meet his, free of anger or irritation at the sudden soul-searching. “That answer your question, mate?”
It’s his turn to blink, surprised. Still, he manages a nod. “Yeah. I think it does.”
“Right, then.”
For now, it’s enough.
Breakfast calls.
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