mostweakhamlets · 4 years
quaidpoppinjack replied to your post “I appreciate people drawing or hcing Crowley's presentation as...”
Thank you for this addition about aziraphale. I feel like tumblr fandom has written him off as either- middle aged gay man or voluptuous female. And like - my best friend IRL is genderfluid mostly enby but they dress butch. And even within supposedly safe spaces, it’s been hinted at them because they are overweight and only choose one way to dress that they *can’t* be enby cuz of that. It’s hurtful- too fat to be enby? I worry people thin=androgynous=enby since it’s happening IRL
I’m so sorry that your friend has to go through that. There’s nothing worse than your own community doing something like that to you. 
You don’t have to put an effort into being enby! There’s no rules or criteria! I think that there’s this “aesthetic” with being enby that’s really exposing the racism and fatphobia that has always lingered in the LGBT community. You don’t have to be thin and pale and wear flower crowns and have an undercut to be considered genderqueer! You are who you are, and no one gets a say in that but you!
On a whole other level, I feel like this also overlaps into those niche “queer culture” things. Like that post that was like “tumblr says that every lesbian listens to so and so and I have to google who this person is and why they’ve been assigned to my identity by a niche online group.” Which is how gatekeeping happens for the LGBT community, and I’m sure there’s whole histories of this happening far back. The second we start making criteria for being LGBT is the second we start excluding people who seriously need love and support. 
The LGBT community is very diverse in all shapes and forms, and we should be embracing each other’s differences because that’s what we should be advocating for all the time! Embracing and accepting differences!
On the Aziraphale note: yeah, it’s not cool to have Aziraphale as being either gay grandfather or a busty woman. I see a lot more of Crowley dressing in skirts and dresses with no other changes to their body than I see of Aziraphale dressing in those clothes with no changes. 
People either want Aziraphale to be a cis woman or a passing trans woman. There’s no fun “experimenting with clothes and makeup” content like what we get with Crowley--and while it’s perfectly valid to stick with one style as I said above, I feel like experimenting with clothes and makeup at least a little is a big thing that a lot of us do. It is, to a lot of us, crucial to finding what we’re most comfortable with. But Aziraphale always seems to be Peak Ideal Feminity. 
There’s one artist that I love who handles it so well imo. They draw Az with fun clothes, Az is still in that same corporation--still middle-aged, still soft. I can’t remember their URL right now, but I will update when I do find it.  
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fablefan · 5 years
quaidpoppinjack replied to your post
“I just”
Why is there not more discussion or fanfic dealing with the fact that Aziraphale basically spent a chunk of time inhabiting the same body as a sex worker and medium!!! Like did he pick up some sex tips? Do they hang out occasionally post-Apocalnot? Grab a coffee, chat about spirits and morality? Tell me!!
Madam Tracy teaching Aziraphale how to cook (And Azira conversely teaching her how to bake in return) because they each showed an interest in it. They share recipes together
Azira bringing over tea and biscuits (and a particular kind of coffee for Sergeant Shadwell) and chatting with her.
Also you better BELIEVE they gossip about people during these times (”Now, I know it’s not polite to do so, and you musn’t tell a soul! -” // “Of course not, Mr. Fell.” // “- But I had the most egregious customer come into the shop the other day.” // “Oh, my.”)
Shadwell asking if Aziraphale has come into contact with any witches in his long life. Azira can’t seem to remember interacting with any witches, exactly, but there were these raspberry tarts back in 1862 that were positively bewitching -
Tracy also asking Azira about different spirits and such, and if they really exist. He actually goes on a bit of a rant about how people have grossly misinterpreted the states of spirits and ghosts, and ends up correcting her on any mistakes she might have.
Tracy makes the mistake of asking for book recommendations. Two days later her bedroom now has quite a few stacks of older books he lent her that she works through.
Half-way through their talks, Madam Tracy mentions how Azira’s husband is keeping, “Very strange sort of gentleman, all tall and dark, handsome. Very shapely legs, too - oohhh,  I’d love to see him in some leather.” Meanwhile Aziraphale is actually about to discoporate from embarrassment. 
Afterwards she realizes that Mr. Fell isn’t actually married to his (quite obvious) suitor, and tries to help by giving him advice on how to be seductive and attract his attention a bit. (”Now remember, dear, be sure to wiggle a bit when you’re bending over and he sees you!” // “YesthankyouMadamTracyI’llbesuretokeepthatinmind”)
Conversely, Azira being the one to encourage her to talk more with Shadwell after the Apocawasn’t.
It reaches a point, though, where her cupboard has an extra cup for when the angel comes over, and Azira has a special spot in his pantry for the type of tea Tracy likes.
Just. The two of them making a bit of room in each others lives for the other, whether they realize it or not.
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copperbadge · 5 years
tcfkag replied to your post “just had to step around your mess of an addition to a post to reblog...”
I just went to your page like "I'll figure out which one" but you add stuff to a surprising number of your own posts, lol. Always excellent additions of course.
Aw, thank you :D I think lately I HAVE reblogged a lot of my own, usually to reply to someone...
drgaellon replied to your post “just had to step around your mess of an addition to a post to reblog...”
I presume this was regarding Pumpkin Spice Evans? Poor little anon, not even brave enough to spew his hate with pride. Sad.
scifigrl47 replied to your post “just had to step around your mess of an addition to a post to reblog...”
Nope, I'm betting it was the Good Omens smore post. Because this is some 'newbie in new fandom' nonsense.
I have no real idea which one it was, I was just sort of enjoying fucking with them should they ever return :D I’m willing to bet it was an older post, probably one where I made a joke they didn’t find funny. Though the whole “I had to go to ALL THE TROUBLE of NOT REBLOGGING YOUR  VERSION” does smack of Anon being new to tumblr.  
tyrannosaurus-trainwreck replied to your post “just had to step around your mess of an addition to a post to reblog...”
I guess you *could* describe the OP's own additions to a post as unoriginal, if you really wanted...? O_o #siriwhyarepeople
I will say I didn’t find “You suck” to be the height of Wildean wit, but we can’t all practice what we preach, I suppose. 
looshahontas replied to your photo “Farewell Ren Faire!”
Which one? I go to the one in Wisconsin
That’s the one! Bristol, unless there’s more than one, which is entirely possible. 
quaidpoppinjack replied to your photo “Farewell Ren Faire!”
My friend owns the flower shop at Bristol! I haven’t been there in ages since I moved west of Rockford, but these pics are making me nostalgic.
Oh, we sat outside the flower shop for a bit! 
the-grey-hunt replied to your photo “Farewell Ren Faire!”
did you enjoy the joust? that's always my favorite part of the day
YES! I bought a flag to wave. SUCH fun. 
i-ddpej replied to your photo “SAM’S FIRST REN FAIRE!”
ahhh, have fun!! I blue-screened for a few seconds at "first", but I forget sometimes that the average person did not grow up right down the road from a giant Ren.Fest, lol.
I think mainly the issue is that they’re almost always pretty far outside of town or held at a fairground, and tough to get to without a car, so I’ve never really had any way to get to them, or known people who would be interested in going, before. 
aubergeen replied to your photo “SAM’S FIRST REN FAIRE!”
this photoset makes it look like you caught whatever's floating in the air in image one on a plate and just tucked in. i was like, why was there a chicken breast flying in the air is that part of the fair or something
LOL! “We arrived at the faire and a chicken breast just came hurtling at me!”
The thing floating in the air is actually a scratch on my camera lens. I named it Bertie. :D 
guineapigwithaflamethrower replied to your photo “SAM’S FIRST REN FAIRE!”
I'm sorry, what kind of Ren Faire is this where the food comes on PLATES?!
It was on a stick on a plate, at least! 
3fluffies replied to your photo “SAM’S FIRST REN FAIRE!”
Is that Maryland?! Fantastic faire!
It’s Bristol in Wisconsin, BUT I’m told that the Maryland fair is especially good since jousting is the state sport! 
waititsyu replied to your post “Hi Copperbadge! Are you still making cat food for your babies? If so,...”
just a... friendly reminder that people really shouldn't change their animals diet to homemade without consulting with a vet, and preferably one specialized in it. Cats do need a very specific makeup in their diet (as compared with dogs, that are much more forgiving in that sense), and there are individual variations, etc, that can make the diet that is fine for one, not so fine for another. Not to mention that food transition should always be handled super carefully.
This is a very good point! Before I put them on the homecooked diet I talked with my vet, and others should too. The vet said to me that it was fine as long as they kept putting on weight, and double-checked the vitamin I planned to add to make sure it had taurine in it. But yes, always talk to your vet and make sure you transition the kitties carefully! 
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10yrsyart · 5 years
quaidpoppinjack replied to your photoset “what can i say, except i enjoyed this immensely. please read Good...”
These are about 98% the spitting image I’ve had of these two since I first read the book in high school a bazillion years ago!!!
@quaidpoppinjack !!! that makes me SO so happy to hear! 8′D i remember that originally i didn’t envision Aziraphale with glasses, but it was such a fandom wide accepted fact that i picked it up hahah.
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switch842 · 5 years
What was your first cosplay (beyond Halloween stuff?)
My first cosplay was Ten at Chicago Comic Con 2013. John Barrowman was coming and I was like, “OMG CAPTAIN JACK!!!” I mean, I love so much of what he’s done, but CAPTAIN JACK! I wasn’t planning a cosplay or anything but about a month or so before the con I was just looking through my closet to figure out what to wear that day and my brain went, “You have a brown suit. You have red Converse. You have Tennant-ish hair. You could be Ten.” So, I went with it. Got a sonic screwdriver online. Some frames from Warby Parker (their 5 day free trial is awesome) and boom! Ten. And it was so much fun! I wasn’t sure how it was going to go since I’d never done it before and it wasn’t anything super intricate or whatever, but it went over well. Wil Wheaton said I was one of the best cosplays he’d seen that day. That meant the world to me. The photo op with Barrowman was awesome! I’ll reblog this with a copy momentarily.
And that was it. I was bit by the bug. Been doing it ever since. Nothing ever terribly complicated, but it’s fun.
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gildalilli · 5 years
quaidpoppinjack replied to your post “friends w add - is it possible to get rejection dysphoria over your...”
So if someone has rejected a thing you like- it almost feels like they have rejected part of you because you’ve invested part of yourself into that thing. Brains are so weird.
Hey I never said thank you for your thorough and thoughtful response on this post!!! That makes a LOT of sense. I really need to have a look into these things with my psych and GP but in the mean time seeing and talking to people on here about this sort of stuff is really helping me understand myself a lot more.
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gaslightgallows · 5 years
quaidpoppinjack replied to your post: UGH okay so my current fic-wrangling issue is that...
I feel this so hard. I have some 10 year old WIPs I am reanimating from the dead and some current WIPs and I keep seeing the same themes. I need to really smush it together.
I find that a looooooooooooooot with older WIPs. And that’s the best way to tackle them, I find: just slice those puppies up and sew them together into a delightful fanfic Frankenstein’s Monster that you can treasure. 
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However this is the first time I’ve ever had two fics I’m currently working end up being so incredibly similar that they might as well be clones.
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gerec · 5 years
quaidpoppinjack replied to your post “I would like to say that even though @kianspo’s awesome fic is Cherik...”
I flip back and forth between Cherik and xaverine and one of the things I really would love to read or write or something is an AU where Logan is the first mutant he encounters either besides Erik or Raven. The whole dynamic would be kind of interesting!
I think I’ve seen that idea float around before and there’s an absolute wealth of possibility there yes! Def. consider writing it because I would LOVE to read it :D :D :D
lyricfulloflight replied to your post “I would like to say that even though @kianspo’s awesome fic is Cherik...”
I'm not usually a Xaverine person, but kianspo's fic really got me on logan's side. Great writing.
Kianspo is a wizard indeed, but there are a lot of other great Xavierine fics out there too just waiting to be discovered! 
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alcalavicci · 3 years
Your the first other Sam/al shipper I’ve met on this hell site. I thought we’d all disappeared with LJ
Nope, plenty of Sam/Al shippers on this hellsite too! Come check out my tag :D
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mostweakhamlets · 5 years
quaidpoppinjack replied to your post “Me, a week ago: Martin Whitly needs art therapy. I think a creative...”
My sister said the same thing!
yo great minds think alike. We just all want Martin to distract himself with some arts and crafts
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switch842 · 5 years
Playlist Random 10
Rules : we’re snooping on your playlist. Put your entire music library on shuffle and list the first ten songs, then choose 10 victims.
I was tagged by @suchalilyofthevalley
1. Sara Bareilles - Manhattan
2. Finn Hudson - You’re Having My Baby (OMG.......)
3. Elijah Kelley - Run and Tell That (Hairspray 2007 Soundtrack)
4. Darren Criss - Pheromones (LU Chicago)
5. The Black Keys - In Our Prime
6. Hans Zimmer - Pirates, Day One, 4:56AM (Pirates of the Caribbean)
7. Jeremy Jordan - Shiksa Goddess (The Last Five Years Motion Picture Soundtrack)
8. Nathaniel Rateliff & The Night Sweats - S.O.B. (YES!!!)
9. Backstreet Boys - Everyone
10. Robin Williams - Prince Ali (Aladdin Soundtrack)
I am tagging @bononoh @queeneve84 @brihana25 @cutesynamehere @missviolethunter @dream-beyond-the-fantasy @quaidpoppinjack @theempressar @outforawalkbitkah @storyshark2005
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gildalilli · 5 years
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I have so much trouble pinning down crowley's character in this version! Like no image of him in my head quite fits. Maybe because I'm used to Tennant's crowley being so loveable; radio!crowley doesn't really have the anxiety and softness about him that tv!/book!crowley definitely have.
When it's apparent that your old ideas won't work for this version, it becomes really hard to build a whole new character in your head that's generally similar but a little to the left, yknow? And when I can't fully grasp radio!crowley's personality, it's then really hard to imagine what he looks like.
Also i'm gonna make this worse for you because when you said "zira is crowley's poodle he keeps on a leash" it reminded me of an artist I love who has this fetish character called Miss Poodle I'll post one of her drawings....
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I haven't! but i'm only on episode 3 of it so far. The radio version is a trip I will say that. I'll see if I can find the bloopers when I'm done.
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gildalilli · 5 years
quaidpoppinjack replied to your post “anyone ever had a fic kill the magic of the thing you like? read a...”
I have had this exact thing happen with fic. Sometimes, I have to take a break and shift to a different fandom for a while and sometimes I have to reread things i know work for me. And it tends to end up something that has been recd all over the pace or has like 10 billion comments and kudos, so I read it even if the summary and takes make me unsure because - well- what if I miss something? I do it in every fandom, so you are not alone in this feeling!
thank you for the validation, it’s nice to hear I’m not alone!
Honestly even if it isn’t a full on break, I’m considering just... rereading the book. Rewatching episode 3. Going back to the source material to remind myself that this person’s interpretation isn’t “real” and they can’t take the joy I get from what is canon away from me.
I think I’m also struggling with the concept of stepping away because as an artist I have... SO MANY PROJECTS revolving around my love and joy of the thing and it feels wrong not to work on them. It might be necessary to admit that I could suffocate that love if I force myself to work on my Gomens art when I'm in this state. When everything you make is a labor of love, you need love to be alive and well inside you to be able to successfully do the labor otherwise you will kill both the project and your joy in one fell swoop.
I think I also just need to get out of the house. I need to buy some new paint brushes, that might be a nice distraction
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