tcfkag · 9 months
2024 and the Return of the To-Done List
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So, after a year during which (a) our daughter ran full-speed (literally) into the trying two's, (b) I had multi-focal pneumonia that resulted in a week or two in the hospital (including a brief sojourn in the ICU), (c) I had bizarre, seemingly inexplicable seizures for the first time ever [which meant I couldn't drive for six months...right after we moved to a semi-"rural" town...for the northeast that is], (d) had an acute kidney injury, (e) had several bouts of unexplained pitting edema in my legs, (f) started a new job that I actually really like, even if there is a steep learning curve, and (g) lost my Mom after a long battle with mild to moderate dementia/Alzheimer's that then dropped off a cliff into end-stage dementia in less than six months (depending on how you count it), and (h) just generally felt like I was never managing my physical or mental health as well as I could or should be, I'm going to try to make some changes. These aren't resolutions because I truly think that New Year's resolutions just set you up to fail. Instead, I'd call them goals. Or, at least, hope that I want to support with action as much as I can. While still giving myself grace knowing that I can and probably will mess up along the way. But, the first step is that I'm going to try to bring back a kind of journaling-like activity (since I suck at journaling) that my old therapist recommended when I was feeling like this before. Each day I make a list, generally on Tumblr for at least a tiny modicum of peer pressure, and I just make a list of everything I've done that day. No matter how big or how small. As she put it "make it your base assumption that each day, you will do absolutely nothing, so you get credit for everything, even things as simple as showering. I frequently restart these lists when my depression and anxiety have gotten bad enough that I know I'm not taking care of myself, mentally and physically, so a big part of my goals are (a) to move more [in whatever form that takes], (b) eating healthier, and (c) to take care of several medical/dental appointments that I've been putting off for way too long. The beauty of the list is that, a lot of the time, I ended up doing stuff BECAUSE of the list. So that I won't be staring at an empty page as I try to make my list each year.
Things I'm proud of today...so far:
when we took Peanut to the trampoline park to burn off some of her "no daycare today suckers" energy and this time, I bought a jump pass for myself. I only made it ~30 minutes but it was a great work-out. 10/10 would recommend.
I took the dogs for the "long" trail walk out to the back of our property,
I did a core and flexibility routine this morning,
I decided to take one for the team and point out to my Uncle that the nostalgia he feels about Aunt Jemimah as a syrup mascot isn't as important as the company making money off the likeness of a woman who died 100 years ago who was used as a stand in for the generic idea of what an enslaved (or recently freed) Black woman did or should do, and (finally)
this one is a few days late, but not only did we drive 12+ hours to visit my in-laws for Christmas, but we also stopped in NJ in both directions to pick up Monotasker's Aunt who is 80-years-old, hard of hearing, and in the early stages of dementia or Alzheimer's and I didn't even lose my shit at a single person...even the ones who deserved it.
Happy New Years everyone!
"May the best of your todays be the worst of your tomorrows." (Jason Mraz) And even if the worst of your todays are the best of your tomorrows, I hope you can still find your way out and through by the light of the moon to guide you.
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wasureneba · 2 years
Ancient meme, but @aliciadreams tagged me to put my library on shuffle and post the first ten songs... I'll go for it. As I'm not on my laptop with its many gbs of downloads, here's Spotify liked on shuffle:
1. In a Week - Hozier feat. Karen Crowley 2. Here Comes The Sun - The Beatles 3. Each Coming Night - Iron and Wine 4. Saeglopur - Sigur Ros 5. Rainbow - Oh Land 6. You Gotta Move - Parker Millsap 7. Love and Some Verses - Iron and Wine 8. Wolf Like Me - TV on the Radio 9. Same Old Same Old - Civil Wars 10. Flaws - Bastille
I'll tag @intospiderverse, @lady-of-rohan, @stargateinmybasement, @caffeinatedcorvid, @bonsterisamonster, @tcfkag, @sexpot-titsgerald, @astreetcarnamedwynn if y'all are feeling it
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goddammitstacey · 5 years
Here's a Good Omens fic idea, after going to Witch Finder Pulsifer and Anathema get married, Adam gets it in his head (and it's a powerful head you know) that clearly Crowley and Aziraphale should get married too. Crowley and Aziraphale are, as usual, the absolute last to know.
The first clue is the cake.
It arrives on Aziraphale’s doorstep on a Friday so by the time he’s thought to phone the delivery company about the mixup . . . well, it would be a shame for the food to go to waste.
It’s chocolate, just the right combination of sweet and rich that tempts even Crowley to take a bite at Aziraphale’s insistence. I’m not going to be able to finish it all by myself, my dear.
Next comes the stationery samples. Little cards in shades of eggshell and pearl that make Crowley’s eyes roll when Aziraphale explains the difference in texture. The shop that sent them are adamant they have the right address and it isn’t until they confirm the names—Aziraphale and Crowley—that Aziraphale thinks to hang up and consider the implications.
He’s still considering when Crowley bursts into the shop, all hips and sneer as he says, “Who the bloody hell hired us a wedding planner?”
“Ah,” Aziraphale says. “Yes. I see now.”
“You see,” Crowley says, throwing himself into a sprawl on Aziraphale’s battered sofa. “Care to fill the class in, Angel?”
“Well.” Aziraphale pauses as he considers how to approach a topic such as this. “Do you remember when Adam started reading Harry Potter?”
Crowley snorts. “Do I. The Bentley still struggles to keep its damn wheels on the ground.”
Aziraphale hums. “Well, I think with dear Anathema and Newton’s nuptials just passed-”
Crowley groans with his whole body, head lolling back on the couch like a maiden with the vapours. “The boy thinks we should get bloody married.”
Crowley sighs, and miracles them up a bottle of red. “You gonna be the one to break the news then?”
Aziraphale waits to take the proffered glass—fingers brushing Crowley’s familiarly—before he answers. “Well . . .”
“Well, it was rather good cake,” Aziraphale says and Crowley bursts out laughing.
“You don’t want to tell him we’re already married because there might be more sweets in it for you?”
Aziraphale takes a sip from his glass and purses his lips. “You’re right, it’s frightfully deceitful.”
“It’s perfect,” Crowley says, getting off the couch to steal a wine-flavoured kiss. “Let’s see how long it takes them to figure it out.”
The answer, it turns out, is seventy-two days and sixteen hours. The cake is very, very good.
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copperbadge · 5 years
tcfkag replied to your post “just had to step around your mess of an addition to a post to reblog...”
I just went to your page like "I'll figure out which one" but you add stuff to a surprising number of your own posts, lol. Always excellent additions of course.
Aw, thank you :D I think lately I HAVE reblogged a lot of my own, usually to reply to someone...
drgaellon replied to your post “just had to step around your mess of an addition to a post to reblog...”
I presume this was regarding Pumpkin Spice Evans? Poor little anon, not even brave enough to spew his hate with pride. Sad.
scifigrl47 replied to your post “just had to step around your mess of an addition to a post to reblog...”
Nope, I'm betting it was the Good Omens smore post. Because this is some 'newbie in new fandom' nonsense.
I have no real idea which one it was, I was just sort of enjoying fucking with them should they ever return :D I’m willing to bet it was an older post, probably one where I made a joke they didn’t find funny. Though the whole “I had to go to ALL THE TROUBLE of NOT REBLOGGING YOUR  VERSION” does smack of Anon being new to tumblr.  
tyrannosaurus-trainwreck replied to your post “just had to step around your mess of an addition to a post to reblog...”
I guess you *could* describe the OP's own additions to a post as unoriginal, if you really wanted...? O_o #siriwhyarepeople
I will say I didn’t find “You suck” to be the height of Wildean wit, but we can’t all practice what we preach, I suppose. 
looshahontas replied to your photo “Farewell Ren Faire!”
Which one? I go to the one in Wisconsin
That’s the one! Bristol, unless there’s more than one, which is entirely possible. 
quaidpoppinjack replied to your photo “Farewell Ren Faire!”
My friend owns the flower shop at Bristol! I haven’t been there in ages since I moved west of Rockford, but these pics are making me nostalgic.
Oh, we sat outside the flower shop for a bit! 
the-grey-hunt replied to your photo “Farewell Ren Faire!”
did you enjoy the joust? that's always my favorite part of the day
YES! I bought a flag to wave. SUCH fun. 
i-ddpej replied to your photo “SAM’S FIRST REN FAIRE!”
ahhh, have fun!! I blue-screened for a few seconds at "first", but I forget sometimes that the average person did not grow up right down the road from a giant Ren.Fest, lol.
I think mainly the issue is that they’re almost always pretty far outside of town or held at a fairground, and tough to get to without a car, so I’ve never really had any way to get to them, or known people who would be interested in going, before. 
aubergeen replied to your photo “SAM’S FIRST REN FAIRE!”
this photoset makes it look like you caught whatever's floating in the air in image one on a plate and just tucked in. i was like, why was there a chicken breast flying in the air is that part of the fair or something
LOL! “We arrived at the faire and a chicken breast just came hurtling at me!”
The thing floating in the air is actually a scratch on my camera lens. I named it Bertie. :D 
guineapigwithaflamethrower replied to your photo “SAM’S FIRST REN FAIRE!”
I'm sorry, what kind of Ren Faire is this where the food comes on PLATES?!
It was on a stick on a plate, at least! 
3fluffies replied to your photo “SAM’S FIRST REN FAIRE!”
Is that Maryland?! Fantastic faire!
It’s Bristol in Wisconsin, BUT I’m told that the Maryland fair is especially good since jousting is the state sport! 
waititsyu replied to your post “Hi Copperbadge! Are you still making cat food for your babies? If so,...”
just a... friendly reminder that people really shouldn't change their animals diet to homemade without consulting with a vet, and preferably one specialized in it. Cats do need a very specific makeup in their diet (as compared with dogs, that are much more forgiving in that sense), and there are individual variations, etc, that can make the diet that is fine for one, not so fine for another. Not to mention that food transition should always be handled super carefully.
This is a very good point! Before I put them on the homecooked diet I talked with my vet, and others should too. The vet said to me that it was fine as long as they kept putting on weight, and double-checked the vitamin I planned to add to make sure it had taurine in it. But yes, always talk to your vet and make sure you transition the kitties carefully! 
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cwnerd12 · 5 years
replied to your
The Chernobyl tag is pretty much just fandom...
Okay. I know shippers gonna ship and usually I just smile indulgently when they are particularly absurdist about it. But CHERNOBYL? Did we watch the same show?? Because I was WAY TOO DISTRACTED by the disgusting after-effects of nuclear fallout and stuff to think “oh these people should have banged”. Gross.
luckily it’s a really really really small group of people, not like a Stucky-level juggernaut, but still. Horny people will ship anything. 
And I loved the platonic relationship going on there. Really a fantastic one, that shows how deep bonds can form in two very different people out of tragic circumstances. Like what a great relationship out of two people who otherwise wouldn’t like each other. making it romantic cheapens it.
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morganalefays · 6 years
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Valid!! I think that many of the French players are very cute actually haha
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mnemehoshiko · 7 years
glamaphonic replied to your post “gizkasparadise replied to your post: .  ...”
I FELT REALLY BAD FOR YOU TO BE HONEST?? BECAUSE I’M LIKE  you’re taking the potential for more content away from my friends who create and consume??? LIKE??
ignitesthestars replied to your post “. ”
lmao i multiship but you better believe this shit puts a damper on me wanting to create more [redacted] content
I’ve written like one or two [redacted] drabbles but I’m 99% i didn’t get reblogged because they looked at my blog and went ewwww reylo cooties and after awhile i was like WELP 
replied to your post
“. ”
As a dedicated multi-shipper, I find this so mysterious. Like, it's all *imaginary* LITERALLY.
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spectralarchers · 7 years
tcfkag replied to your post “Damn, tumblr, back at it again, recommending my own posts back to me.”
Maybe your posts are just that good. And today on a post about infinity war I officially got excited about in a post about how we're getting Ronin!Hawkeye (or Hawkey!Ronin) for the first time because we're clearly getting it. (It was the post that's going around about how we all want like 80 things from Infinity War but basically none of them involve Thanos, the villain Marvel has been building towards for basically a decade at this point.)
Ronin!Clint is the best thing that could possibly come out of Infinity War, for me, and I am beyond excited to see how they do it.
(And we are getting Ronin, some setpics from earlier this this fall showed Renner walking on the set wearing Ronin shins, so definitely doing that!)
But about Thanos... Blegh, I never really got into the whole Outer Space storylines (Guardians and whatnot), so I don’t really care. Give me human villains, with human flaws and human issues any day instead, haha.
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foxy-voxy · 7 years
tcfkag replied to your link “Shutthefucupcake Coffee Mug”
Seriously? YAY! I haven’t ever ordered from Society6, so if you wouldn’t mind letting me know what the printing looks like when you get it, quality etc, I would be thankful! 
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tcfkag · 1 year
The worst part of being a grown-up
Is that when you're going through something really hard in your family (so that everyone else in your family is also going through it), it is really hard to reach out to the people in your life who might have at one point been your support system. Because they have their own lives, their own kids, their own jobs, their own bandwidth - so instead you are left trying to get through it on your own. Even as one thing piles on another. This isn't even a cry for people to reach out, it is just a statement of fact. Adulthood can be so f*cking lonely. Especially during your late-30s. I miss...having friends. I mean, I still have friends, but I miss SEEING my friends. I miss being able to call them just whenever. I miss being able to coordinate a time to meet up without it being a minor military operation. And most of all, I miss just feeling happy. And I wish I could react to all of this stuff in my life like a normal person, but instead of being sad, I'm just MAD. But...I can't be mad at everyone around me, so instead I'm numb. But, I have a two-year-old, you can't just be numb with a two-year-old. So instead I pretend to be happy while secretly judging myself because I can't REALLY get excited when she does something new or reaches some new milestone.
But mostly, I just feel so alone even though I'm almost never alone.
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highwaytohell-a · 7 years
@tcfkag replied to your post “I got accepted to the MA program and will be moving to Germany. :)”
That is SO COOL! I'm super jealous, that's going to be amazing. Where in Germany?
Thank you! it is within Bavaria. :)
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copperbadge · 7 years
kevin-sto-helit replied to your post “Trader Joe's is doing caramel and cheddar popcorn now. They're not...”
Just FYI: there's another place in Chicago that my mom swears is better than Garrett's. It's called Mother Butters and it's way southwest of you, but I think they also ship.
*googles* Yes, I would hesitate to call that “in” Chicago, it’s definitely a bit far out. But if I’m ever in Oak Lawn for some reason I will totally hit it up! :D 
tcfkag replied to your post “megsamforever replied to your post “Oh man after looking up that “how...”
I have not seen the rest of these posts so I don't know what's going on but if I ran into a bunch of ultralight campers EACH armed with their very own handgun I would nope out of their so fast hopefully none of them would see me. For a kid who grew up in the inner city I am ridiculously uncomfortable with guns/people with guns.
He got weirdly aggressive about it in the video too, like super defensive about caliber size when literally nobody was there to question it. I suspect the gun was more because Guns Make You Cool than for any practical reason. The guy came off as a total dipstick in other ways too, so it’s unsurprising he’s the kind of person who thinks taking a Glock on a camping trip makes him cool. 
memprime replied to your post “Trader Joe's is doing caramel and cheddar popcorn now. They're not...”
Am I the only one that almost got kicked out of a Garrett's?
I mean, probably not in the history of Chicago, but I would imagine it’s relatively rare...they’re so small to begin with....
ameliahcrowley replied to your post “megsamforever replied to your post “Oh man after looking up that “how...”
I would *adore* a series of hiking themed detective novels that were all secretly pastiches/tributes of the Wimsey novels. Would one of them contain an entire letter written in Kilgnon/backslang/binary on which the whole plot hinged but for which no translation was given? (I was a horribly smug French and Latin scholar on first reading those books).
I’m not recalling that one, which one was it? There are a few of what I call her Agatha Christie Tries where I haven’t read them more than once (Five Red Herrings, Nine Tailors, etc) but I feel like I would recall having to google an untranslated letter. 
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alaric-greyson · 5 years
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artielu · 4 years
Tagged by @jadeddiva who I miss so very much and fail to spend enough time with because full time jobs and small people and covid/shelter in place means we are both so very stretched. We need to schedule a zoom because I'm never going to talk to her otherwise.
Three ships: I'm heavy into Dramione this year (I tried it out for the first time after TROS). There is so much great fic!!! I love a good Reylo but TROS really hurt me (hence dramione). That movie made no damn sense. I used to be big into Captain Swan, which is how I met @jadeddiva, but the show fucked up that ship too. I need to join JD in Enterprise. It would be nice to have av canon ship that is treated with respect.
Last song: setting aside kid songs, March March by The Chicks. https://youtu.be/xwBjF_VVFvE
Last movie: not a kids movie? I literally can't remember. It's been at least six months. I want to watch Knives Out. Oh wait, I watched Eurovision Fire Saga in Netflix. Dan Stevens is so attractive.
Currently reading: my world is revolving around updates of @lovesbitca8 The Auction https://archiveofourown.org/works/19101535.
and Bring Him to His Knees by @willhavetheirtrinkets https://archiveofourown.org/works/24481312
I'm also following Heather Cox Richardson's daily news updates. She distills all the horror if the past 24 hours in an amazingly succinct way, connecting to history as appropriate. Americans all should be reading her work. https://m.facebook.com/pg/heathercoxrichardson/posts/
Currently watching: only kids shows. I haven't seen a TV show for me in months. I do strongly recommend Bluey on Disney+. It's truly hilarious.
Currently craving: real alone time, time that isn't illicit or stolen. People to all wear their fucking masks and wash their fucking hands and stay the fuck home as much as possible and socially distance as much as possible so we can stop the spread of this fucking virus and my kid can actually go to school. Which she can't because idiots and assholes can't follow basic instructions to wear a fucking mask and stay the fuck home. Fuck.
Tagging @this-too-too-sullied-flesh , @voicedimplosives , @slipgoingunder , @tcfkag , and @raven-maiden .
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madamskywalker · 7 years
tcfkag replied to your post: Trying not to have a panic attack out of literally...
Ugh that happened to me this afternoon. I took my anxiety meds and took a nap. Still feel off though.
Anxiety is 100% terrible 100% of the time.
Luckily I feel decent now. Not great, but decent.
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ahp-discourse · 6 years
Biphobia on Tumblr, Pt. 2
On today’s edition of “How biphobic can this hellsite get?”, I give you the following:
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(sent to @my-name-is-not-lovegood)
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(sent to @tcfkag on July 17, 2018)
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(sent to @daxdraggon)
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(PS: @franeur having to hide away a part of ourselves is not a fucking privilege)
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