thebestdamnthing · 2 years
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The Best Damn Thing: Booklet - 2007
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jusagi91 · 6 months
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I keep moving forward… 😤
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sugarpsalms · 11 days
since I'm not gonna have my laptop or anything for like 6 days (like I'll have my phone but um,,, writing long form on that is crazy) I'm probably gonna use the opportunity to bang out a BUNCH of little shit in my notebook...looking at YOU, For Whom The Skee Ball Rolls 👀
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communicom · 5 months
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Yall l e.otiinal o er iegotsotxls full of too many vices amd sin
Marriage I'd a poor man. And poor girls best chamce at stability and wealth building
Yall onssedd woth gold diggers and sugar daddy's. It .issomg the point
When aab and wanare married thee enoht mk eybfor hluesenscsre a s nice Thugs andits. Kt somdidifficlt to come.up if yi data tomgete. E work
One youndivorce , you split that made tis hard tj make it as a single titu or eperosk it expensive andndofficont
Wjat lying otbseig at the hollyweird divirrcd wher level have millions amd it doesn't msytr
Tjat not you fool do kt take theor advice moron
Your poor amd gomamfoe poor unless you master marriage and sharing and hepomg eachnotheb
Aikt nkbdy tklig yall that YouTube yicanhace thsi massive Hollywood egu lie repair lofe us liek thta
And suffer alone, poor and dusgfnt. Cuss yi won't listen to me
You keep lsitnr ot the werfoisband faghots in t.v
A bad habit , if you amd uorn anus day husks ksaytd tighter a d had weak jsi by kcydbsutll have more the q single person!!
The fact hit toomsifnu , evktictacl , biced out is a problem al atondn Yonex ti lesdntonsacrufee and get out hir own way
Yor ntngkna get .iol I ve fmausb
.do not follow then losing to God th8s yirbbest. Chae ak.relanlifd ar a better life
You hear marriage dhoror stores form crazy loe
But thee mote marriage success sotoesnyi never se or gear
E the success tstjore
Yialleay he's the bad sidd
Let's hear and see the upside
You.lse a lot bjt may if y7 didn't gave. Kthf til you were masrid a d won't get. Tkg until yirbmarried
You'll rhe dwvilspirt creep k amd tell al those lies among negative teosr
Yo are nk a celencrty
Yodot. Got it lek that !! Yonee tkbe apoor man and woman stoo best dkaoshy and retired wh. Y8dot gt jlle that amdntygg worh regular stuff I. Rela lofd
Humber ye s and gehatentobe married and have chalets have a yhmg
You ado t have a family or anything. , yip die already a d poor and wve. Ebe. Tykg allmegoticnloenthe world owes yu soemt. .the yir broke aloen and crazy cuse yicsn the parctc abit .ktjg. or a nyrh into world
Dtign ankle ansncrasy ful I'd sinamd vices thta mt the way.
Yludiddmf. Gjd. UT xsnt eve reach HD tdbt f aloe
Yi some e soub.oar all the tien
Split g soembrke man orbwka iw 100 kofd
Don trifling g crazy shkt gir whpe fan life with mrnbf ti show !!
And jsut can't get out ydr
Megan, ectopic, rbmk yur torosexy wooteor
Amd nkduy out eh eked even huna rmwwbwr you,a!!
That al a b illusion. , family eyd ebd the at a happy real lofe !!
Dtop.bekg gay a d retarded fidnthe ie yicsn help each kthrt act
Quit begging sinful, addicted icdd out, only crazy amd wait. Yir tiek in gossip amdmsin you're siken rehbyur .isr. wkth .kskey o yt plate all day
CrZy need timgow upofe is fir friwn upd ktnchipdrrnomega worh hdi tk eb a. Agape adult
Staying heeled and be a.modwbra e chod yir whole life
Yke.to.grow up
0 notes
aforestofworlds · 1 year
Hi, I’m Forest, a book lover who’s been writing since I could hold a pencil. My motivation to write dropped off in the last few years, but I’ve really been missing it lately so I’m hoping to rekindle the spark!
My main wip at the moment is a space fantasy straddling the line between YA and adult, inspired in parts by Star Wars and eldritch horror. It features fierce girls finding their strength, world-weary boys searching for peace, the complicated bonds between siblings, and the terrifying prospect of trusting another person with your heart. Its tentative working title is The Dark Beyond the Stars - posts related to it will be tagged TDBTS.
I also write fanfic - as of right now I don’t have any made public, but I’m in the process of digging into my archives and polishing up some old favorites to publish. When I do so, I’ll link my AO3 here as well. You can find a list of fandoms I’m involved in at my main blog, @lavenderlemonrose, which is also the blog I’ll be following from.
A note: My writing, both original and fanfic, contains mature themes and explicit (nsfw) scenes. All such content will be tagged properly, but for my own comfort, I respectfully ask minors under 16 DNI. I was reading smutty fanfic at your age too, there’s nothing wrong with it - I’d just rather not talk to you about it by accident. 
That’s all the housekeeping for now - welcome! 
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slycecaik · 3 years
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can we bring back those faces from the flipnote era
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doc-pickles · 4 years
i saw mommy kissin’ santa claus
Hello! And welcome to “Festive Fridays with Two Dumb Bitches So Dumb They Can’t Stick to the Schedule They Make for Themselves” featuring me and @odd-birds-and-booksellers We wanted to find a day of the week for December to post our Christmas fics on and decided on Thursdays (this was originally titled ‘Two Dumb Bitches Thursday’ but we are both terrible procrastinators so now we have that fancy new title up there)
Will you get posts on Thursdays? Fridays? Who knows! But we’ve both committed to posting once a week every week of December with a fun festive fic! (Please don’t come to our inboxes and hound us about them, we yell at each other enough as it is and Lay is mean.....)
Anyways this is my first fluffy fic entry of the month and it’s definitely not inspired by real life events. Hope you enjoy! :) 
(also this is not my best work because i’m sleep deprived and also my pregnancy brain is not letting me write how i normally do soooo cut me some slack please and thanks)
Both Jo and Alex turned at the sound of Bailey’s voice behind them, the woman looking expectantly at Alex. Now that he wasn’t a young resident, Bailey rarely evoked a feeling of fear in him but today her stern voice had him racking his brain for anything he’d done wrong recently.
“What can I do for you, Chief?”
“Doctor Peterson retired earlier this year,” Bailey waited for either Jo or Alex to make a connection from her words, but both stared blankly at her instead. “Doctor Peterson used to dress up as Santa every year for the Peds Ward Christmas party. Since he’s no longer available, I need a replacement.” 
Jo’s eyes lit up in delight as she turned to Alex who wore an unamused expression, “Absolutely not, I am not putting on that ridiculous costume.”
“Oh c’mon! It’s for sick kids Alex,” Jo settled a hand onto her husband's arm as she batted her eyelashes at him. “It’ll be fun! You should do it!”
Alex looked between his wife and his boss, Jo smiling excitedly at him while Bailey fixed him with a glare. A groan left him as he realized he didn’t have a say in the matter, “Fine I'll do it. But I’m not happy about it.” 
Jo let out an excited squeal as Bailey thanked him, walking away with a satisfied smirk. Turning to his giddy wife, Alex wrapped his arm around her waist and leaned down to whisper in her ear, “You better make this worth my damn while.”
“What, do you want me to come and sit on Santa’s lap and tell him what I want for Christmas,” Jo rolled her eyes, but Alex kept his gaze fixed on her. “You’re serious? You really are a pervy old man sometimes I swear.” Alex swatted at Jo’s ass playfully as she walked away from him. If she hadn’t happened to be standing next to him when Bailey asked he wouldn’t have caved so easily. His eyes narrowed at the thought, knowing that at least one of the women had planned that out. 
“Stupid freakin’ Santa costume…” 
There was a reason that he’d avoided the Christmas party for the Peds ward all these years and he finally realized why. Alex was surrounded by dozens of sugar high children who hadn’t seen outside of the hospital walls in weeks. He loved his job and working with kids, but he rarely had to deal with them when they were running around and screaming at the top of their lungs.
“Well you look like you’re having a great time,” Meredith sidled up to Alex, chuckling as she pulled on his fake beard. “The white doesn’t look so bad on you, maybe by next Christmas you won’t even need the fake beard.” “Oh shut up, I’m only here because Jo made me come. And she hasn’t even bothered to show up and make things around here more enjoyable,” Alex grumbled as he swatted away Meredith’s hand. He’d been sitting with kids on his lap for almost an hour and a half now, asking them what they wanted for Christmas and listening to their lists. “I’ve got fifteen minutes left before I can go home and drink beer and I can’t wait.”
“I’ve gotta go find my kids in this madness, but it looks like you have another visitor,” Meredith gestured to the little girl patiently waiting to meet Santa, bright blue eyes staring up at Alex in awe. “Have fun Santa!”
As soon as she was gone, the little girl bounded up to Alex and settled herself onto his lap, a gap toothed grin appearing on her face. Alex recognized her as one of his own patients, five year old Lauren who had a gastrointestinal problem that kept her in the hospital for weeks at a time, “Hi Santa!”
“Hi Lauren,” Alex almost chuckled at Lauren’s wide eyed expression when she realized that ‘Santa’ knew her name. “What do you want for Christmas?”
“I want a Barbie dream house and a pink glitter ballerina Barbie too,” Lauren was full of giggles as she relayed her wish list to Alex. Her expression softened however and she leaned in close to him, whispering her next words. “And I want my tummy to feel all better so I can go home and have a real Christmas. Christmas in the hospital is no fun.” Alex’s heart broke at the little girls words, realizing just how much of a toll being here was taking on such a young girl, “You know what, I think your doctors will do their very best to get you home for Christmas so you can play with all your new Barbies. How does that sound?” Lauren’s face lit up at Alex’s words, her arms wrapping around his neck as she giggled in delight. A string of thank yous left her as she hopped off Alex’s lap and reunited with her mother, who sent an appreciative wave in his direction. 
“Well aren’t you the best Santa in the world,” Alex turned at the sound of Jo’s voice, holding back an eye roll as she lifted her camera to snap a photo of him. “See, I told you it wouldn’t be that bad! Your mom is going to love that photo, I hope she puts it on the mantle.” “Did you come here for any reason besides to mock me,” Alex grumbled. “I’m almost done with this and then I’m never doing it again no matter how much you beg.” Alex couldn’t help but smirk at Jo’s amused expression. She looked so happy that he was doing this, like it had made her whole year. If nothing else, Jo’s excitement made the stupid gig worth it.
“Well I came here to tell Santa what I want for Christmas but if he’s too grumpy…,” Alex reached for Jo’s hand, pulling her into his lap as she laughed at his antics. 
“Now what do you want for Christmas,” Alex pressed his face into Jo’s neck, more laughter coming from her at the feel of the fake beard against her skin. “I’m sure Santa would be more than happy to oblige.”
“You realize you’re trying to talk dirty to me at a children’s party right,” Alex pinched Jo’s leg at her remark, a squeal leaving her as she jumped. “Okay okay, what I want for Christmas is… a baby.”
“A baby?”
“Yes a baby,” Jo grinned widely, leaning in close to Alex with a twinkle in her eyes. “I want you to knock me up. Preferably not wearing the Santa costume.” 
Alex stared dumbly up at his wife for a moment, her grin never fading as she watched him process what she’d said. A baby… Jo wanted to have kids. Kids with him.
“You know there’s easier ways to say that you want to try for a baby,” Alex chuckled as he leaned up to kiss Jo, his fake beard getting in the way of his attempt. “C’mon let’s go home, I finished my duty for the day. Maybe if you’ve make it on the nice list I’ll put in a good word for you with Santa.” A string of giggles left Jo as she watched Alex try and sneak out of the room, instead getting ambushed by almost all of the kids that were running around. After a quick goodbye and a promise to work hard on their wishes, the pair finally made it out of the room, Alex turning to Jo with a grin, “You want one of those? You sure?”
“More than anything. Now kiss me,” Jo pointed upwards to the doorway where a sprig of mistletoe hung. “It’s tradition.”
“I can’t believe you volunteered to do this this year,” Meredith stared dumbfoundedly at Alex, who sat in his chair with a smirk peeking through his fake beard. “Seriously, are you feeling okay? You couldn’t stop complaining last year.” “Would you pipe down, it’s different this year,” Alex shrugged, waving at one of the kids that ran by. “I wanted to spread some Christmas cheer to sick kids, is that so wrong?” “Don’t listen to him, he didn’t want some ‘germy mall Santa’ to hold Peyton for photos,” Meredith turned at the sound of Jo’s voice, a grin lighting up her face as she took in the sight of the small baby cradled in the baby sling across Jo’s chest. “Although the peds ward of a hospital can’t be much better.”
“Stop whining and come over here,” Alex held his arms out, expecting Jo to hand the baby to him but instead having her sit across his lap. “Really? You’re gonna sit on my lap again?”
Jo shrugged, pressing a kiss against his cheek as Alex reached up to uncover the baby’s face, “I figured my Christmas wish came true last year, might as well go again.” “Listen I love you but this one barely sleeps through the night as it is,” Alex gestured to Meredith, who was smiling at the happy family with her phone in hand. “Now would you smile so we can have a semi decent first Christmas photo for our daughter.” Jo and Alex both wore bright smiles as they looked at Meredith, the two month old between them not even batting an eyelash as she slept soundly on her mom’s chest. The warm feeling in Jo’s chest almost made her tear up, thinking to just the year before when her husband had begrudgingly put on a Santa costume to please her. This year he had eagerly gone through the motions, excited to create memories with their daughter without a care about all of the patients that came with the deal.
“What’s on your mind? You have that blissed out look on your face,” Alex’s fingers on her cheek snapped Jo out of her daze, her lips coming down to press against his briefly.
“Nothing, just thinking about how lucky I am and how much I love you.” “I love you too, but you can’t just kiss me like that,” Jo’s brows furrowed as she took in Alex’s serious expression. “The kids are watching! What are they gonna think when they see you kissing Santa like that? I’ll get a bunch of angry letters.” “You’re the worst, Karev.”
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yoonminist · 6 years
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vanderdeer · 8 years
flipnote hatena faces:
tdBt (to show trickery, for “teh lols”)
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oFTo (generic smile. to show friendliness) 
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e3e (annoyance or suspicion) 
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owo (to show joy, pleasant and friendly)
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TT-TT (sadness, crying)
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;=; (???)
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pharmaphorumuk · 6 years
Orchard raises $150m to develop gene therapies
Biotech Orchard Therapeutics has raised $150m to further develop its three most advanced rare disease gene therapies.
Earlier this year GlaxoSmithKline handed over its rare disease gene therapy pipeline to Orchard, along with the already approved Strimvelis, for adenosine deaminase severe combined immunodeficiency (ADA-SCID) – the immune disorder known as “bubble boy syndrome”.
GSK also took a 20% stake in the company and Orchard is looking to progress development of its three most promising pipeline drugs – gene therapies OTL-101 for ADA-SCID, OTL-200 for metachromatic leukodystrophy (MLD) and OTL-103 for Wiskott Aldrich syndrome.
Funding will also support clinical and preclinical development of other rare disease drugs in Orchard’s pipeline.
Orchard also has a drug for X-linked chronic granulomatous disease (X-CGD) and transfusion dependent beta-thalassemia (TDBT) in the clinic.
Deerfield Management led the Series C financing, with significant cash from new investors including RA Capital Management, Perceptive Advisors,  and Ghost Tree Capital Group.
Existing investors also participated including Temasek, Baillie Gifford, RTW Investments, LP, Cowen Healthcare Investments and Agent Capital.
Mark Rothera
Mark Rothera, president and CEO of Orchard, said: “We are thrilled to have such strong support from both new and existing investors in this financing round.”
“The quality of this investor syndicate is a testament to the confidence we have built among our stakeholders, based on the substantial progress of Orchard’s clinical and preclinical programs since our Series B round last year.”
Elise Wang, Principal at Deerfield Management, said: “Orchard has made an impressive transition from a start-up company to an emerging leader in gene therapy for rare diseases by building a comprehensive, industry-leading portfolio of ex vivo gene therapies and assembling a highly experienced team.  We are pleased to have led this round of financing. We believe the company has generated compelling clinical data on products which have the potential to become breakthrough treatments for patients.”
The post Orchard raises $150m to develop gene therapies appeared first on Pharmaphorum.
from Pharmaphorum https://pharmaphorum.com/news/orchard-raises-150m-to-develop-gene-therapies/
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jculture-ja · 5 years
旭有機材工業 ボールバルブ21型エア式TA型 <A21AGUVF5> 【型式 ...
#歌舞伎 #中山百蔵 [MentePost]瀬戸酒造は2018年3月に復活した、新進気鋭の蔵です。40年ほど自主醸造ができずにいました … 無料(一部地域除く)】 【10日限定☆カード利用でP14倍】トラスコ中山 アルミパレット片面二方差型 1100X1100X140 TDBT-1111 [A130803] 2輪 カヤバ/KYB …
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kabukiinfo · 5 years
旭有機材工業 ボールバルブ21型エア式TA型 <A21AGUVF5> 【型式 ...
#歌舞伎 #中山百蔵 [MentePost]瀬戸酒造は2018年3月に復活した、新進気鋭の蔵です。40年ほど自主醸造ができずにいました ... 無料(一部地域除く)】 【10日限定☆カード利用でP14倍】トラスコ中山 アルミパレット片面二方差型 1100X1100X140 TDBT-1111 [A130803] 2輪 カヤバ/KYB ...
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moneylifeposts-blog · 6 years
1 :マネロビ! 2018/04/02(月) 05:29:10 aIpDaE5D0 引用元:http://hawk.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/livejupiter/1522614550/ 2 :マネロビ! 2018/04/02(月) 05:30:38 Tdbt/rL80 気持ち悪すぎる これ絶対オリンピックで世界中に晒されるからな 国辱以外の何物でもない 120 :マネロビ! 2018/04/02(月) 06:07:03 V7brkc570 >>2 オリンピックって本を晒すイベントなん? 4 :マネロビ! 2018/04/02(月) 05:31:16 Mtmod3dl0 イマドキ本屋利用する層にはこれが人気なん? 5 :マネロビ! 2018/04/02(月) 05:31:18 dLljg+zJ0 まともじゃないんじゃなくて売れるから置いてるだけ バカ向け 6…
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◆2/21(火) ノーライド。
自転車ウエアの考察、そしてNWkitのお話し。 以前ジェイが言っていたように、ジャージはおしゃれの一つなので、人と一緒は俺も嫌なのです。なので、高い送料を自分一人で払ってまで、ひっそりとジャージを海外から買ったりするのです。
今回作成しても俺は着なそう・・・でもそれも嫌なのよね。 なので、普段から着たくなるデザイン、仕様で作りたい。 今回は全員買うわけじゃなさそうだから、チームジャージというけど、そこまでじゃないというか。。。何というか。
ジェイは色々ジャージ仕込んでる(TDBTとかSVとか色々、きっと・・・)し、ノブテーさんも色々持ってるし。 それなのにNWジャージ着るか? それでも着たいって思わせるものをデザインしたい。 羽山は、ちょろっと売ったりしてもいいかもですねーでもやっぱ違うかー
なんて言ってました。 今回は羽山が欲しいって自分から言い始めたんですよ。彼はほとんどチームジャージしか着てないし。スキンスーツデザインでジャージバージョンもいいっすね。なんてことも言ってた。でもそれだとデザイン的にピロ君はつまんないですよねwって。うん、つまんないw
すっげーシンプルなのを今考えてます。 黒ビブに白ジャージ。 でも、チョー派手なのも考えてる。
0 notes
doc-pickles · 4 years
i’ll be home for christmas
Oh look, I remembered to post! Welcome to another week of “tis the season for two dumb bitches” starring me and @odd-birds-and-booksellers​ I decided to write for Hesitate this week. It’s short (I wanted to add more but my brain hurts and I am tired) but fluffy! Enjoy :)
    “I know I’ve come the past few years, but since everything with Izzie happened my life has kind of… imploded. I will do my best to be there, mom. I know, I love you too. Bye.”
  Alex let out a groan as he pushed open the door to the house he shared with Jo and Harper. He’d already had a long day and his mother calling and badgering him about his Christmas plans was not something that helped his growing frustration. As he walked into the living room he noted that the house was much quieter than usual, Jo and Harper were usually already making a fair amount of noise around the house by now. He knew they were home, Jo’s car was parked in the driveway and the lights around the house were on. 
  “Jo? Harper? Where are you guys,” Alex called out but didn’t get a response, his heart rate quickening when he didn’t see either his wife or daughter downstairs. He took the stairs two at a time, checking Harper’s room and finally sighing in relief as he walked into the master bedroom. 
  Laid out across their bed, Jo and Harper were both sleeping soundly. Harper was curled around Jo’s growing baby bump, her dark curls splayed out around her as quiet snores left her mouth. Alex took his shoes off and set them in the closet before sitting next to Jo, her eyes cracking open to look up at him. 
  “She wouldn’t nap unless I laid down with her,” Jo ran her fingers through Harper’s hair as Alex leaned down to press a kiss against her cheek. “How was your day?” “Shitty. Work sucked and then my mom called asking if I was coming out for Christmas,” Alex let one hand drop to Jo’s belly, waiting only a few seconds before a kick met his hand. “I told her I’d think about it, I haven’t exactly explained to her what happened since I moved back home. I don’t wanna overwhelm her…” 
  Turning to face Alex, Jo raised her eyebrows at her husband, “So you haven’t told her about Harper and I?”
  “You make it sound like I’m hiding you guys,” Alex smirked, bringing his hand up to run through Jo’s hair. “I haven’t told her anything and I’d love to go visit, but this will be my first Christmas with Harper and I don’t want to miss that. I’ve missed enough already.”
  Jo reached one hand up to press against Alex’s cheek, a smile spreading on her face, “You aren’t going to miss anything else, Why don’t we just go with you?” “That’ll blow over great,” Alex chuckled, rolling his eyes as he settled back against the headboard. “‘Hey mom, I know it’s been a minute since we talked but I’m here with my ex wife who I remarried and my kid I didn’t know about for two years. Oh by the way we have another one on the way, Merry Christmas!’” +
  “You know sometimes I really think you’ve lost it,” Alex grumbled as he drove past another row of cornfields. “This would be one of those times.” Jo had somehow convinced him to fly to Iowa for Christmas with her and Harper in tow. He hadn’t told his mom anything yet, wanting a chance to explain things in person rather than over the phone. The thought made him anxious, hoping that Helen would be elated over more grandchildren rather than upset that he hadn’t mentioned anything to her. They’d grown closer over the past few years, Alex always calling at least once a week to check in with his mom. The fact that he’d kept Harper and Jo from her for almost seven months was a miracle.
  “Stop worrying, everything will be fine. Besides your mom loves me,” Jo settled one hand onto her belly, pressing down at the tiny foot that was kicking up at her. “You need to calm down in there missy, you’ve been nothing but trouble since we stepped off the plane.”
  Alex eyed the towering blue house as they pulled onto his moms street. He’d only visited a handful of times, but the Christmas lights and the large wreath on the door made the home look inviting. He recognized Amber’s mini van parked out front, groaning as he realized that both his mother and sister would accost him with a multitude of questions as soon as he walked through the door. 
  “And that’s a foot to the bladder,” Jo groaned, Alex eyeing her as he parked the rental car. “Sorry to say that you can’t stall out here for long because I have to pee. You can blame your daughter for that.”
  Heaving a sigh, Alex grabbed a sleeping Harper from the backseat, her head resting on his shoulder as he made his way up the steps of his mom's porch. Jo was standing right next to him, one hand resting on his back comfortingly as he rang the doorbell. The few seconds he waited for his mother to appear were nerve wracking, Alex’s mind playing out worst case scenarios as he nervously tapped his foot. 
  “Alex! I wasn’t sure if you’d show up, what a lovely surprise,” Helen Karev looked as joyful as ever as she greeted Alex, eyes scanning Harper and Jo quickly before ushering all three inside. “Come in, it’s cold out there.”
  Jo and Alex shuffled inside, Alex watching silently as his wife shed her heavy winter coat. His mom didn’t miss the movement either, her eyes immediately taking in the sight of Jo’s almost 30 week baby bump. 
  “I’d love to catch up but I really need to pee first,” Jo grinned at Helen, who directed her down the hallway. As soon as she was out of sight, Alex felt a sharp smack against the back of his head. 
  “Ow! What the hell,” Alex glared at his mother, who was now taking in Harper’s sleeping form. “Geez, that’s a nice warm welcome. I missed you too mom.”
  “I knew you were hiding something from me, I just didn’t think it was a wife and two kids,” Helen began to walk down the hallway towards the living room, Alex following dutifully. “Amber, your brother is here with his new family.”
  A grin took over Alex’s face as his sister came into view, Amber rushing over to pull him into a tight hug. He hadn’t seen her last Christmas because of her work schedule, so the reunion was all the more exciting, “You’ve been holding out on us! I thought you got rid of those twins and the blonde devil, who’s this on your shoulder?”
  Alex rolled his eyes as he settled onto the couch next to Amber, Harper snuggling further into his chest, “I did, thank god. This is Harper, my actual daughter.”
  Amber’s eyebrows rose in shock, Alex holding back his laughter as he realized he had seen the expression on Harper countless times. He was always amazed by just how much of a Karev his daughter was, both in looks and attitude, “Damn you’ve been busy. You hiding a new wife and a van full of kids outside too?”
  “I swear she knows we’re traveling, she has been on top of my bladder all day,” both Amber and Alex’s gazes flicked up to Jo, who now stood behind the couch as she adjusted the sweater she wore. “Amber! It’s so good to see you, it’s been so long!”
  “Jesus Christ Alex, you could call us every once in a while! What’s wrong with you,” Amber jumped up to pull Jo into a hug, “Okay now you have to tell me everything my brother has left out because clearly he’s terrible at communicating with us.”
  Alex eyed the scene playing out in the living room with a grin, the sight warming his heart. Harper was playing with Amber’s two daughters, the older girls ecstatic to have a playmate that would do anything that they asked. Jo and Amber sat on the couch with her husband Matt talking about something he couldn’t quite hear from his position in the kitchen. Both his sister and his wife looked happy though, probably happier than he’d seen either of them in a long while.
  “I’m glad you came out, Jo and Harper both seem to be getting on well with everyone,” Alex snapped out of his daze as his mom came to stand next to him. “I know this year has been rough on you, you deserve to be happy though and anyone with eyes can tell that those girls over there do more than an excellent job of that. Maybe next time don’t wait half a year to tell me though.”
  A smirk spanning his cheeks, Alex wrapped an arm around his mom, “You’re gonna hold that over me for the rest of my life aren’t you?”
  Helen shrugged, leaning into Alex’s embrace as they surveyed their family laughing in the other room. For all that had gone wrong this year, Alex was happy that things had ended well for him. He didn’t think he’d ever get a chance to right the wrongs of his relationship with Jo but he’d been granted that opportunity which he was thankful for more than he could say. Leaving Kansas he truly never thought he’d get the chance to truly be a father, but glancing out at Harper giggling excitedly and Jo’s hands cradling her growing bump he knew that someone was looking out for him. 
  “I would be willing to not bring it up if you keep bringing my grandkids and that pretty wife of yours back home every once in a while,” Alex laughed at his mother’s statement. Of course she’d care more about Jo and the girls than him. 
  “I’m sure I can make that happen mom.”
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The day before tomorrow. Goodnight ❤. @tdbtomorrow @tomorrowland @stephanieschippers @lesko13 #tdbt #tdbtomorrow #brasschaat #Boom #Belgium (bij Kasteel van Brasschaet)
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