#tdp earthblood elves
stuck-in-jelly · 2 months
The Dragon Prince Wedding Cermonies/ Engagement Accessories
Because of the game and new lore info I got curious about Elves and their traditional rituals when it came to marriage/courting. So I went through everything we know canonically and put it together.
Moonshaodow Elves
Engagement Horn Cuffs: Metal rings/cuffs that are adorn and decorated by the lovers to gift each other.
Heartweave Binding: a ritual of tying a heartweave band between the couple on their wedding day and dancing.
Hair Braiding: An intimate act reserved for family members or someone you’re affectionate with. (Courting at times I assume)
Sunfire Elves
Flame Ribbon Dance: Dancers wielding flame whips will do a performance before a proposal.
Engagement Necklaces: The couple on their wedding day will wear matching necklaces and during the ceremony will exchange them.
Blessing Of The Sun: A ritual where an officiant will call upon the Sun to bless the couple, the couple will then raise their hands above their hands and place their palms against each other then their foreheads.
Tidebound Elves
Sea-glass Pendant: When courting they will make a pendant crafted out of Sea-glass and other materials.
Kelp Loveknot: If the courting is accepted and marriage is close a loveknot made out of kelp will be tied around the pendant.
Skywing Elves
Earthblood Elves
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I Chose The Name Terrestrius
The others elves saw me as a doe, but I always knew that I was a buck.
That was a really powerful scene. My humble offering for @/lunecornio s #CollabTransDay, featuring Terry, the earthblood elf trans boy from The Dragon Prince.
[Reblogs are appreciated. Do not repost.]
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hercynianforest · 2 months
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blade-liger-4ever · 16 days
Dragon Prince - Blade's Freestyle
So, in my take, there are only four types of Elves: The Tidebound, the Sunfire, the Moonshadow, and the Skywing (I'm keeping that to give Tui T. Sutherland a piece of my mind.) The Startouch exist as the equivalent of the Greek pantheon, though they maintain an elf-ish look in order to seem both familiar and distant from the rest; therefore, they're nicknamed "the High Ones". The Earthblood are like the Ghillie Dhu of Scottish myth: towering, tree-like beings who go along to get along, and generally nonviolent. The dragons are at the head of this hierarchy, as appointed by the Startouch, and thus the Elves are second to them, with humanity at the lowest tier of this creation order. Additionally, the dragons can shapeshift into virtually any form, and possess the ability to use Celestial Magic, and any of the Four Seasonal Magics.
Regarding the sources of magic, there are only four, all derived from the four seasons and connected to something tied to that season. The Tidebound, for example, are intrinsically tied to the spring and the ocean, with their power being based around water, healing, cold, wind, floods, tsunamis, and VERY specific oaths/tithes. When you make an oath to do something, or agree to a tithe that carries on for generations, you'd better dang well adhere to it or your life is forfeit. That's how severe and serious this business is.
The Sunfire are tied to summer and the sun, giving them talents in blacksmithing, warfare, heat, fire, metal, plasma (a rare and dangerous technique), wind, and truth finding. The Sunfire detest lies and deceit, as it goes against the sun, which brings light to all that goes on in the shadows. Thus, not only are they powerful warriors and capable in war, but excellent lie detectors. Any of their kind who turn to deception are anathema to the Sunfire, which also means they have a rivalry of sorts with the Moonshadow.
Speaking of, the Moonshadow are tied to autumn and the moon, giving them access to bending light, traveling through shadows (allowing them real fast travel), poisons of any kind, life cycle awareness and occasional manipulation of it, wind, darkness, and Spirit Sense/Walk, where they walk in a parallel plane between the world of the living and the dead (also allowing them to see/interact with ghosts throughout the year, though especially on full moons and the peak of autumn). For this they are the perfect assassins, but despite this, the Moonshadow have a strict code of honor, and will only take the life of those who have done serious crime in the eyes of the magical community - hence why 1 they're great bodyguards for the Royal Dragon Clan, and 2 why they're so loyal to the dragons. They know serving the dragons is the right thing, and that if they have to take a life, they're better off doing said tasks from the dragons.
The Skywings are the most unusual - and powerful. They're tied to winter and the magnetic poles, and have abilities tied to ice, cold, wind, snow, temperature, magnetism, light, tornadoes, hurricanes, sound, rain, storms, lightning, and can form the nigh-unheard of life-force bonds. When Skywings want to marry, they perform some kind of magical binding rite that is deeply private, to the point no one outside of a Skywing knows how to perform it. This bond is unbreakable and can reach each person no matter the distance, and will give the lingering presence of the deceased spouse to the one still living, often providing comfort from beyond the grave. When a Skywing intermarries with a dragon, a different elf, or - more rarely - a human, they teach the future spouse this rite. They marry for life, with divorce or "separation" practically unheard of; should they encounter one of another race who is divorced/separated, the Skywing will express disappointment or disgust, depending on the situation.
Now we come to Dark Magic.
It's more of an offshoot of Moonshadow Magic, as it still relates to the darkness. However, it's not corruptive; rather, it's tied to the shadows, dark nights, storm clouds, fog, mists, swamplands, bogs, dead forests, and grants access to "grave visits" - you can see and interact with the dead. You cannot bring them back to life, but you can find them and learn things from them. As the Elves were intrinsically tied to the sources of magic, and the Dragons bound to Celestial Magic, humanity had no tie to any source but death and destruction. So when they discovered Dark Magic, it had the Dragons eyeing them nervously, as it was dangerous if you got too into the grave visits, which have the side effect of driving yourself to death if you went to see dead loved ones too much.
The real taboo is Blood Magic.
Blood magic requires the use of blood from still living creatures, siphoning it while the person lives and using it for vile rituals that raise the bodies of the dead, twist people into horrifying monsters, drain the life out of certain targets at will, turn you into a cannibal who cannot live without feasting on human/elven/dragon flesh or blood, and drive you to insanity as you fall further and further away from humanity. Somehow, a Mage Apprentice discovered this magic, and used it before terrorizing the village he dwelled in. Thus began the Great Exile, when the humans were banished by the Elves and Dragons a thousand years before Callum's time to the Western Lands, where fighting had once more begun to settle land disputes and out rose various human kingdoms. However, some Elves also fell from grace, selling themselves out as mercenaries for hire, assassins, or even allying with humans in war.
This brought upon the Mage Wars, which lasted until three centuries before Callum's birth. With the Orphan Queen of Katolis, Queen Aditi, and Avizandum's collaboration, the Mage Wars ended, though the peace was fragile, and skirmishes broke out frequently over the next few decades. For this, Avizandum guarded the Border, the thin patch of land that kept Xadia and the Western Lands divided, himself. However, ten years ago, King Harrow, Vizier Viren, and General Amaya, snuck past Avizandum and killed him in his sleep, his heart being carved out by an apprehensive Viren. However, the egg of Avizandum's son, the Dragon Prince, was left in pieces, leaving all to surmise that the Dragon Prince had been killed.
For this, the world is teetering on the razor's edge of war, though attempts by Viren and a slowly repenting Harrow have stalled the outbreak of war. Amaya has receded into the background, apparently conducting good relations with the neighboring kingdom of Neolandia, likely to bring the countries together in case war breaks out.
However, on the eve of the anniversary of the tenth year since Avizandum's death, a group of Moonshadow Elves have broken past the borders of Katolis on a secret mission....
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Vitiligo in the Dragon Prince
So, with season 6 we have now two characters with vitiligo in the dragon prince universe. I don't think I saw characters with vitiligo in media before so I think it's nice the dragon prince has two of them.
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queenofglassbeliever · 2 months
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wheretwofacesmeet · 11 months
Dragon Prince season 6/7 theories and ideas about what could feature:
-Terry going dark or trying to,in an attempt to win back Claudia
-When the final battle against Aaravos or of the next season goes down,it's kinda like when the Mystery Shack got upgraded. Villads steers his Giant Hermit Crab ship into battle...maybe against a full-sized colossal towering raging Aaravos?...with Team Zym/his crew/Berto and Nyx
-Callum tries to fly up to the stars on his mage wings. When he flies higher than the sky,he of course loses the wings. But it's on purpose? So that he gets as close to said stars as possible. He must connect to the Star Primal,he only has one chance,super-dramatic heartbeat-accelerating gasp-eliciting scene with probably some new beautiful music...aaand just when it looks like he's gonna fail and fall back...he does it. WHOOO YEAHHH GO BEST BOI CALLUM yells collective audience.
-Terry dies a dramatic sad death. Trying to save Claudia's life again,or fighting the heroes,or both. It breaks her shattered heart into even smaller pieces,and she goes on her redemption arc as a result .
-Aaravos is having a flashback or dream,and not an actual scene? Maybe trauma/grief over elf shown's death.
-We see baby and toddler and kid and young adult Aaravoses. Awwww !!
-The Celestial Elves somehow show Callum Aaravos's backstory,for some reason. OR,via unknown star magic-means,he finds it written in the stars. Callum sees it all...and,so do we. Awesome.
-Aaravos convinces a member/some members of Team Zym he's all repentant now,totally leaving his sins in the past. He just can't STAND this private hell he's been trapped in for hundreds of years!Please,he's paid for his crimes!Or he was just jailed wrongfully for helping humans! He just wants his freedom! Free him please!!
Master manipulator that he is,it works. Maybe it works,because like any good liar,he tells many truths mixed in with all those lies. I bet he's a fantastic actor when it suits him too. Helps if he's channeling his real emotions over his past experiences and current suffering into that performance. Certainly,he could move Ezran's heart.
Option Two of "Aaravos Pulls On Heartstrings With Emotional Plea "Theory:
Aaravos ain't lying. Just not telling everything. Sure,he's got a real tragic backstory,lots of sad stuff in there. Sure,he both does AND doesn't deserve to be where he is,depending on how you look at it. I know TDP writers write complicated situations like that,it's rarely black and white.
And sure,he just wants to be free...
(Plus,hasn't he suffered enough already?? If he IS their worst enemy,WOULD they wish this on him or not?)
...It's just that he's omitting one teeny little detail. Which is,what he's gonna do AFTER they free him. Possibly revenge. And maybe trying to knock down elves and dragons from their thrones,their pedestals,their high horses and hierarchical dominance,and usurp them with mankind +himself.
Those are all my ideas. Wonder if any of 'em are gonna be right?
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mariquitascadoodles · 4 months
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Taalin & Thalassa Loc - Children of Blight
Thalassa and Taalin are two earthblood elves who inhabit a xadian swap on the outskirts of a remote elven lake village .
In their youth the twins worked together as Apothecarist/ temple attendees in their village , however , thalassa contracted a mysterious illness , a form of elven blight that began to eat away at her .
Left little option following their former villagers retribution against the infected thalassa ,
They both fled to the outskirts of the lake , making the connecting swap their new home .
Taalin and his sister became hermits and in a way , crypids.
Taalin lives in a makeshift home from scraps, water loged wood and trees .
Thalassa herself lives with in those murky waters .
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greenmoons · 1 year
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This photo is from tales of xadia, it is mentioned here that the Moonshadow elves have a song about the Startouch elves. Now I'm not sure if it was mentioned in the series but I don't remember Rayla say anything about it and I wonder why. Rayla is a moonshadow elf, she was suppose to know this song, I know it's just random and not an actual information but it is something. You can interpret this song as something that talks about the mysteries of Startouch elves, they are the only ones here with their full name and not the primal source name, so there is a seperation between the startouch and rest of the elf races, it's still something about them. So why Rayla didn't say anything?
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I am in fact unfamiliar with the mushroom mage.
the tdp crew are so real for including that tune though
i choked on my dry cereal
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jedi-lothwolf · 1 year
Whumptober Day 3: "Make it Stop."
Fandom: The Dragon Prince
Summary: Runaan is sent to deal with an Earthblood Cartel.
Warning: Character Death
    Runaan moved swiftly around the tree line of the forest. He was near an Earthblood elf camp. He was there to kill the ring leader of a shroom cartel. The gang has been nothing but trouble, killing the people who displeased them.
    So Runaan was there to shut it all down. Unknown to him, he has a visitor. As he approached the camp, he pulled his bow over his shoulder and scouted the area.
    Then he turned around. It startled him, seeing Rayla. She had followed him. How the assassin didn't notice, he didn't know. Maybe he just taught her well?
    "Rayla" Runaan whispered harshly.
    "I came to help."
    "I'll be fine."
    "Why can't I help?"
    "You don't know what you're doing! You're too young."
    "I'm 12! I'm sure it's fine."
    "Stay here."
    "Fine." Rayla sat at the base of a nearby tree. She crossed her arms and sighed.
    Runaan sighed. "Stubborn child" he whispered. "Stay out of trouble."
    "I will."
    Runaan looked back then started towards the cartel. He was nervous but not for himself. Rayla was young and now she was alone. Too many thoughts crossed his mind. But for now, he would just have to focus on his mission.
    He reached the edge of the village and snuck in using the moon's shadow. It took longer than he expected to find the cartel but that should only be a minor setback.
    Sneaking into the building Runaan hid near some stairs. Pulling his bow apart, he nabbed the first elf quickly and slit their throat. Blood fell to the ground as Rannan placed the stranger behind the stairs.
    As he made his way further into the building he carefully killed the members he had been instructed to and left the others knowing that they would rather be too scared or wanted out to begin with.
    Then came the last few rooms. There was screaming from the last room. It has only just come into earshot. The victim sounded young. 
    It startled Runaan. He walked past the few other rooms he had left and stood outside the door. Inside a deep booming voice spoke, "tell me where they are!"
    A small voice answered. "I don't know!" A little girl. Runaan almost broke the door. Children were his weakness.
    The girl was around 12, and looked just like Rayla. Her hair was a little bit shorter, her eyes a bit lighter, and her skin a bit darker. She had multiple wounds all over her body.
    Runaan knew the girl. Not by name but he had seen her around the village. He pulled his knife as the leader of the cartel pulled the girl up by her hair.
    The assassin saw red. As he got ready to attack a man grabbed him from behind. One of the most important rules of being an assassin crossed Runaan's mind, never get distracted.
    The leader grabbed something from a table, "you little bitch! You brought this fucker here!" The shine of a blade could be seen as Runaan fought the bastard that held him.
    The knife slid into the child's side. Runaan finally got the man off of him and grabbed his knife that had fallen to the ground. He ran it though the leader's chest making the rest of the drug deals stop with fear.
    Runaan swiftly executed the rest of the Earthblood elves that surrounded him and the girl. He neglected his own body, doing anything to keep the child safe.
    The remainder of the cartel members fled once they decide that they cared more about their lives than their dead boss.
    Runaan moved to take care of the girl. She lay, bleeding out on the ground, sobbing uncontrollably. "It hurts!" Her voice cracked in a way that made the assassin's blood run cold.
    "I know." He tried to sooth her.
    "Make it stop! Please, make it stop!"
    "I" Ranaan paused. "it's okay." 
    "Make it stop!"
    "It's okay." He couldn't stop the pain. As badly as he wanted to there was nothing he could do to help her but hold the wound and pray he could get to a doctor in time.
    He wanted nothing more then to switch places with her. If he could take the pain, taking it from her and feel it all for her he would.
    It didn't take long for the screaming to turn to turn to just heavy breathing. Then nothing at all. It stopped. Her pain, her screaming, her heart, it all just stopped.
    Runaan picked her up gently and stumbled to his feet. Her pain may have stopped but his didn't. He didn't think it ever would. He walked out of the building and back into the woods. There he met Rayla who had fallen asleep against the tree.
    He sat the girl's body down out of view and kneeled to wake Rayla up. He shook her lightly and she began to stir.
    "Oh you're back" she spoke.
    Runaan didn't say anything instead he just grabbed her into a tight hug. It was the only time Rayla would ever see the man cry. He held her for a while before letting her go. "Let's, go home."
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ezraizgay · 1 year
Hc: Elves have heightened senses
Earthblood elves have heightened touch (so, idk how to explain but they sort of have heightened reactions to textures and stuff)
Skywing elves have a heightened sense of hearing
Sunfire elves have a heightened sense of smell
Startouch elves have a greater sense of taste
Moonshadow elves have a better sense of sight (so... are less likely to have bad eyesight and can naturally see things far away)
Tidebound elves have the best sense of thermoception (the ability to sense heat and cold, this just makes sense to me)
These make sense to me but please feel free to add your own thoughts/changes to this
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obi-wan-catobi · 18 days
Ok I have some questions
1 do earthblood elves that have antlers shed and regrow them like deers do?
And 2 are skywing elves that have wings born with their wings like newborn birds wings?
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raayllum · 2 years
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3x04 / 4x04
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So this post has immediately inspired me
Consider: Earthblood elves getting chronic hanahaki (chronahaki?) - if they refuse to deal with their feelings??
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Tales of Xadia characters-Hestia
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Name: Hestia Pronounce: She/her Race: Earthblood Elf Profession: Rune Mage Information: After spending years with piles of books to learn magic Hestia is eager for adventure. She is very smart and inventive but she is not used to social interactions making her awkward sometimes that's why she apologising a lot. Hestia has a chlormeleon (the blue animal on her shoulder) as companion. *She has vitiligo *She use crystals for her magic
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