#te choices
shapelytimber · 10 months
Look at this absolute nerd
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Hermaeus Mora knows about lightbulbs (this drawing is lore friendly and immersive)
Process below ! vvv
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The dragon was too big to fit in the frame fofklfof so you get Herma mora (less cute but more eyeballs !)
PS : Omfg the colors took so long aaaaaaaaaaa
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creeperthescamp · 1 year
what (or who) convinced y'all to get into tes?
i think when I was about 15 a family friend showed me skyrim since i was already into fallout, and she was showing me her dunmer assassin with her little house and her wife and I was like 'yea that looks pretty cool, i might try it out sometime'
however as soon as she mentioned there were cat people I immediately went 'OH FUCK I need this game RIGHT NOW' lmao I don't even remember if I knew anything else about the game! the existence of the khajiit was all I needed to know (and that you could be gay)
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argonianfeather · 5 months
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Been seeing people make Daedra OC and wanted to join but I didn't want to do any of the typical humanoid ones, so, Here's Scryer!
(OC Lore-Dump Under Read-More!)
Originally an aspiring elven mage (though in the millenniums past, they have forgotten which type of mer they were, having partial amnesia on much of their mortal life) they were appointed as one of Miraak's personal Seekers back in the Merethic Era and
Fucking hated it.
While mildly above average in terms of combat prowess, they much prefer their study and research to fighting. Now thanks to the LDB soul sucking dragon man to death, they took the chance to bail from Apocrypha and now live deep in a secluded cave on Solstheim, were they can be a cranky old book-demon reading there esoteric tomes in peace.
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zuutiomi · 7 months
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Proving Ancano that he had a better option than stupid eye of magnus 🙄
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babyblueetbaemonster · 5 months
Oh? New OCs? 👀
Yeah haha. I play ESO now
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Fal, my supposed to be edgy lord persona who share a same brain cell with me, so uh- cringe fail?
Rave is better at killing than healing.
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Sent by anonymous
‘I know PB’s already stated they won’t do any ATV, It Lives and The Elementalists sequels, but deep down my broken heart I still dream of the day they’ll change their minds and make them happen. 🥲’
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abirdie · 4 months
🎬 Y tu mamá también + 🎵 Si No Te Hubieras Ido
Si no te hubieras ido, sería tan feliz
No hay nada más difícil que vivir sin ti
Sufriendo en la espera de verte llegar
El frío de mi cuerpo pregunta por ti
Y no sé dónde estás
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(May 16, 2022) - First concept doodle of Battlespire apprentice, Velesandriel. She exhibits certified knife cat™ energy, which if you've ever played Battlespire, that's just how the dialogue options are lol
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(May-July 2022) - Some doodles based on some in-game dialogue.
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tidesfate · 27 days
Verse starter call- send me a symbol or comment / inbox the name of the verse from the list. This will likely become a permanent starter call that I will reblog and change as verses muse changes or more are added. YOU ARE ALLOWED TO SEND MULTIPLE. Those with plotting preferred I will likely hop into your dms unless I can come up with an idea without such.
👁 MAIN VERSE- low to mid muse, plotting heavily preferred (been rping mora so long I feel like I recycle stuff in its main verse too much without discussion)
👤 VESSELED VERSE- mid muse, plotting encouraged
🦀 VERUM LEVIATHAN AU- mid to high muse, plotting heavily preferred
🪼 DIVINE AU- heavy desire to test this au. Plotting heavily preferred
🔮THE OLD ONE VERSE- mid to high muse, plotting may occur if ideas come to mind but otherwise not required
🦑 FALSE ULITHARID AU- high muse, plotting not required but welcomed
🐙 OUTER GOD OF KNOWLEDGE VERSE- high muse, plotting not required but welcomed
🖥 MODERN VERSE- high muse, plotting not required but welcomed
📖 GRAVITY FALLS AU- high muse, plotting not required but welcomed
🌊 THE SHIFTING TIDE "VERSE"- very high desire for, plotting heavily preferred
ALTERNATIVELY, you can send ❓️ or like this if you are unsure and I'll come into your dms for plotting
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storyofmychoices · 8 months
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Tuneless Wonders
[Beckett Harrington x Emma Carlyle Masterlist] 
Pairing: Beckett Harrington x Emma Carlyle (F!MC) Book: The Elementalists Word Count: >600 Rating/Warnings: general, no warnings, all the fluff Prompts: @choicesjanuary2024 aurora (borealis); @choicesficwriterscreations
Synopsis: Emma shows Beckett that the tuneless world has magic of its own.
It has been FAR too long since I've commissioned art of these two. So I am very excited to have been able to commission this piece by the ever talented ArtByAinna (IG) to kick off our TE @choicesbookclub
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The vibrant hues of the aurora borealis painted the sky in a mesmerizing dance of celestial colors. Beckett and Emma found themselves at a secluded spot, away from the prying eyes of their friends. The ethereal lights shimmered overhead, casting a magical glow upon the landscape.
“Didn’t I tell you?” Emma teased, lacing her fingers with his as she rested her head on his shoulder. “The tuneless world has its own magic.”
Beckett couldn’t help but be captivated by the enchanting display painting the sky. “Wow,” the only word he could manage slipped quietly from his lips, his gaze fixed on the celestial wonder above.
Emma’s eyes sparkled with a blend of awe and admiration. “Nature's magic is unparalleled. Earth has her own set of spells that she blesses us with."
A surge of appreciation for a magic he had never considered before washed over him. Beckett had read of this natural event in books, of course, but he never imagined them quite like this. In his readings, it was simple. It was science, just a bit of chemistry—an interaction of particles, solar wind, and the Earth’s magnetic field—nothing special. Yet, the reality of what he thought nothing of, now, left him breathless.
Emma’s words continued to resonate with him as he stood entranced. He couldn’t deny the magnificent enchantment surrounding them. He slowly breathed in the cold air, letting it fill his lungs, the moment overwhelming him in the best way. As he exhaled, Beckett attempted to let go of the complexities of magical academia he had spent his life mastering, allowing room for this new appreciation for the tuneless wonders he never would have understood without her.
“It’s breathtaking,” he whispered, his words of reverence drifting from his lips in wisps of warmth against the cold air.
Emma’s gaze met his cool, grey eyes, which shimmered with the colors of the heavens. “Perhaps nature’s magic is the truest form. No spells, no textbooks—just the raw, untamed beauty of the world. Maybe that’s where it all started. Maybe this and other examples of Earth’s magic is the origin of all other magick we know.”
“Thank you.” His fingers brushed tenderly across her cheek as he cradled her face.
“For what?” She smiled softly.
“For sharing this with me—” he began, his gaze drifting once more to the beautiful dance above them. "—for convincing me that there are wonders and magic I still don't understand—" His words were quieter now, “—and... for being smarter than me.”
“What was that?” Emma’s brow quirked with mischief. "I couldn’t quite hear you—"
“You heard me well enough.”
She considered it for a moment. “I think I heard you say I was smarter than you—the one and only, Beckett Harrington. Are you sure you’re feeling alright?” She rested the back of her hand against his forehead.
He shook his head. “You’re enjoying this too much.”
“Well, if you want me to stop, you know what you have to do.” She grabbed the lapel of his navy peacoat, pulling him closer, their noses brushing together.
His freckled cheeks flushed at her gesture. “You’re impossible.” Beckett’s words were lost as he closed the gap between them. As their lips met, the warmth of her kiss seeped deep into him, a radiant glow that warmed him inside and out, like the gentle embrace of the soothing sun on a cold winters day.
The celestial lights above bore witness to their kiss, a moment of pure magic that rivaled the magic of this world and the magick of their studies.
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I haven't written Beckett in... I honestly don't know how long 2, maybe 3??? years!?! I hope that our Book Club replay of TE will inspire some more Beckett and Emma stories. So far, I really only ever wrote them in my Detention Series.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy this!
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Winner will be the highest % at 1am EST
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starfurification · 10 months
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ratanslily · 7 months
i love te, but sometimes I wish it was a classic witch/mage story, with brooms and stuff 🔮🪄
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Sent by @manlyviking
‘I love how in the Elementalists how that the element your second attunement in the first book determines your personality in the rest of the book and same with BOLAS and what race you you are i know its probably hard but I hope we can see something like that again’
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asheepinthenight · 4 months
I was reading back through answers and say this when talking about how Hawk and their feelings work. "but only specific, major choices will ever lock an MC out of a relationship with either RO. (Those choices will be pretty obvious and will probably even get OOC notes in the text to point them out!)" Honesty authors making a clear indicator system is a god send for me. I'm emotionally illiterate sometimes. Sometimes some options just don't read the way the author wants to get across to me.
Since TE is focused on relationships as the core of the story, I definitely don't want to lock anyone out without warning just for misinterpreting a choice several thousand words back! The theme of unforeseen consequences is a cool idea to explore in games, but it's not really something I'm going for in TE. I want people to feel like they can be true to their MC's character (even if it doesn't feel "optimal"), knowing that true "points of no return" will be marked.
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kilvalir · 4 months
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The second of the makeovers! It's the TE MC of @lover-also-fighter-also as a mermaid... It's mermay, so I had to turn at least one character into a mermaid! I tried to put a sun on her necklace since I saw the headcanon about how Anitha strung her mother's pendant onto a necklace, and I thought that was neat, so I tried to make one! I leaned into a sunny colour scheme, as well. I hope you like it!
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