#teacher nico
boredcoldandhungry · 6 months
If there was one thing Nico was grateful for, it was his planning period. Everyday between teaching second period AP US history and fourth period art history he could reply to angry emails, indulge into his candy stash, grade, write angry emails, refill his water, and go to the bathroom.
He had somehow ended up with the same exact schedule from one term to the next. He followed his second period out to run some arrends around the school and was scared shitless when his room was occupied with about 10 freshman. Two things were frightening about this, A: he didn't have a class third period, B: he didn't teach freshman at all this term (he could tell they were freshman, they had the scared look in their eyes).
"Woah you guys can't be in here, get to class!" He urged, slamming his stack of copies onto his desk.
"Uhm, this is our class," one of the braver ones said, " aren't you Mr. -" she knit her eyebrows together and glared at her schedule, "Di Angelo-Solace?"
Nico took a deep breath. "What class do you guys think you're in?"
The same girl, they're leader apparently, responded. "Honors English 9?"
It took all Nico had in him to not point at the various historical posters on his walls and the whiteboard dedicated to Italian verbs. He in no way taught English.
He took a deep breath (again). "There are two Mr. Di Angelo-Solaces in this school. I teach history and Italian, the other one teaches english. Go upstairs to room 302. I'll call him and let you know you're all coming."
The leader of the bunch seemed confused, but not confused enough to ask questions. She quickly gathered her things and walked out the door, causing everyone else to follow her.
Nico sighed and sat down at his desk. He knew Will had his cell off during work hours so he reached to the hardly used landline on his desk and dialed Will's classroom.
"Hel-lo" a sing-songy voice responded.
Nico smiled at the voice, "Hi love, it's me, sorry to bother I know it's syllabus day."
"It's no prob, what's up?"
"Missing half your class?"
"Yup. Got em?"
"Yup I just sent them up. Throw them a solid and don't mark them tarty. My fault I wasn't in the room when they first came in. I think I also generally scared them."
"Okay, will do, love you."
''Love you too, hun."
Nico put the phone back in it's holder and gave a soft sigh, turning to his desktop and opening his email.
next part
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angremlin · 10 months
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I think Chapter 33 of Amber Skies in its entirety out of context might be one of the best pitches I could make for @cryptotheism's Amber Skies
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hazellevessque · 5 months
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oksurethisismyname · 8 months
There’s a lot of One Piece student/ high school Aus but I suggest One Piece teacher AU
Note: these descriptions are based on my experience as a teacher in southern USA. Where I’m at, you have to be certified to teach in public schools and it is a well known fact that coaches are almost always history teachers (don’t ask why)
Luffy is one of those coaches that is also a history teacher, but every student knows he only got his history license so he could be a coach. He’s taking girls volleyball to state this year, they are absolutely destroying their opponents. He teaches World History and is known for being vocally anti government / capitalist, but also super optimistic.
Sanji is a French teacher who is also certified in Home Ec. He is known by students to be a bit of a hard ass but he always brings food from whatever francophone country their learning about and students low key love him for always having snacks ready for kids who might not have enough lunch money or have breakfast at home.
Zoro is a coach as well, and he got certified in Japanese so he teaches one section and then uses the rest of his time coaching. Him and Sanji are both on the World Languages department and when the state language competition rolls around, they go HARD. Somehow he got roped into teaching health this year but is really hoping the teaching intern will get hired and take that over next year.
Nami is a certified geography and economics teacher, which is unfortunately apart of the history department so she’s stuck in stupid department meetings with Luffy. Shes in charge of detention and has students do stuff for her class as “punishment”, but really it’s a fun time with music playing and her classroom is always spotless after.
Robin is obviously also a history teacher. She’s AP certified so she does AP World, AP US, and AP Euro. Her students love her but are also kind of afraid of her. She’s currently advocating for the inclusion of AP African American Studies at their school.
Franky is part of the vocational program at the school, doing mechanic and wood working stuff with students. Alternatively, Franky could be the maintenance guy at the school. He’s always around fixing something.
Usopp is the drama teacher. He is the most chosen elective because he’s super funny and also has a habit of getting off topic and just not giving tests. He and Franky work together on set design and lighting for the school shows.
Brook is the choir and orchestra director. He’s super old so students think it’ll be boring but day 1 he is acting a total fool and kids love this crazy old man.
Chopper is a student teacher doing his internship as a biology teacher. He’s got major baby face and a sweet voice which is funny considering his teaching mentor is Dr. Trafalgar Law, who has resting bitch face and a tired annoyed voice. His AP bio and AP anatomy classes are some of the hardest classes at the school, but chopper offers tutoring and students are doing better now that they see Dr. Law being kind to Chopper .
Jimbei is the guidance counselor. He’s always got his door open for students to talk to him and he never judges them. He’s kind and patient and students trust him.
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bqstqnbruin · 1 month
Nico Hischier Teacher AU
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Hello here's another one (I am so bored waiting for my school year to start and I still have a week and a half send me suggestions if you have them)
Teacher AU Series
Warnings: swearing
WC: 808
“Ugh, fuck me.”
“Last night wasn’t enough?.”
Blake playfully smacks Nico on the chest, pulling a laugh from him. They rub their face, letting out a groan that matched the pitch of Nico’s alarm that had woken them both up from the sleep they finally got. It felt way too early to be waking up, but that was more due to the fact that they and Nico had been awake until at least three am the night before. “Thank god it’s a dress down day.”
Nico rolls out of bed, Blake following suit. Fridays had so much potential to be a teacher's favorite and least favorite days of the week; it was almost the weekend, but the students were more insane than other days, they could dress down thanks to enough teachers annoying admin about it, but it made dressing back up for the next Monday even worse.
“What are you wearing today?” Nico asks, wrapping his arms around Blake’s waist. 
“One of the school sweatshirts, probably,” they say, trying to break free to get ready despite Nico’s kisses trailing down their neck. “We have to get ready if I want to head back to my place and grab my stuff before school.”
Nico pouts, stepping back from them. “We could just drive in together.” 
“We both know that the students will never shut up if they find out we’re dating.”
“Mmmm,” he hums, his arms back around them like they never left. “The math teacher and the English teacher dating, how scandalous.” 
“Stop it,” they tease, grabbing the sweatshirt with their school logo on it and throwing it over their head. “I’ll see you at school.”
Nico pulls them in for a kiss, whining when they pull away and practically run out the door with their bag. 
Getting to school was a fight, trying to get through traffic of multiple other campuses before reaching the one they taught at. It was Friday, they just had to get through Friday. 
First period went by without issue. The students were being a little weird while Blake was texting, but that was nothing unusual for a Friday. It was the pre-weekend anticipation that they were feeling. 
The students acted weird all day, Blake sending a text to Nico only to have him confirm it was more than just the Weekend Weirdness. Last period finally came, the longest day seeming even longer because of the students.
“Teacher Garner?” one of their students pipes up right before the last bell was supposed to ring. 
Blake looks up from their computer, Piper, one of the quieter students in the class standing in front of their desk, the rest of the class silent behind her. “What’s up?”
“Are you and Mr. H dating?” 
Blake could feel the color draining from their face. They had discussed at length together that they were not going to tell anyone at work that they were together, that they had been together, for nearly a year and a half now. Part of it was because they didn’t want the students to pry in their personal lives, the other part because they simply didn’t think it was anyone’s business. They weren’t breaking any rules, they just didn’t want people prying. “Why would you ask that?”
“You’re wearing his sweatshirt,” Piper says, pointing to Blake’s arm, where Nico’s last name was stitched into the bicep.
“Oh, we must have switched ours when we took them off at the faculty meeting the other day. You know how hot the library can get,” they try to pass it off, the bell ringing before Piper can say anything else. The students behind her were quietly laughing, filing out of the room as Blake told them to have a good weekend. 
They hid out in their room, hoping they could leave as soon as the pick up lines were out. 
“Hey,” Blake hears their classroom door open, Nico poking his head in. “Are you ok?”
Blake makes a face, trying to figure out what they were feeling. “You heard?”
“As soon as first period ended, I had students in my room asking me about you.” 
Blake felt their heart race, thinking back to them texting Nico earlier in the day and him not mentioning that. “And what did you say?”
“We must have switched sweatshirts at the faculty meeting.”
Blake let out a sigh of relief, both of them unknowing saying the same thing to their students. “We spend too much time together.”
Nico smiles, looking behind his shoulder to make sure the door was closed before reaching for Blake’s hand. “I don’t think we spend enough time together.”
“And how do you propose we fix that problem?” 
“I think we should finally move in together.” 
“Imagine what the students will say when they see us driving in together.”
“Let them talk all they want.”
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marspumpkin · 2 years
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I wonder if will looking ahead and nico looking back is symbolic of anything. Hmmmm
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I want a hilarious fic where Nico accidentally calls Vergil some variation of “Dad” but like, it the way some kids accidentally call their teacher “mom”.
Like, she doesn’t actually see him as a father, but she Does see Nero as a brother. With him occasionally pulling the “c’mon dad” line out to get Vergil to do something, she’s picked up mentally referring to him as “dad” sometimes too.
I just think I would be funny (and literally Anyone would be a better dad for her than Agnus. Fuck that jackass. She deserves better)
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tagthescullion · 2 months
Between Nico being from the 30/40s and dyslexia not really being diagnosed/treated then, moving to a new country with a new language right around the time he would've been learning to read and write, getting dunked in the Lethe, having like a year of formal schooling at most and not being in school at all since he was ten, it wouldn't surprise me if Nico (possibly Hazel and Bianca as well) was much much worse at reading and writing English than most other demigods.
how well or not nico and bianca read depends so much on your headcanons about them and their family. if you think they were rich aristocratic children, then at 10 and 12 they would've had the best specialists having helped them read and write in venetian, italian, french, hell maybe even latin.. they could have issues bc dyslexia wasn't considered much afaik, but they would've had chances to learn. hazel would've depended on the nuns, so that I don't expect was a happy experience
as for nico and bianca writing in english:
i. english is one fucking shite of a language to learn to write bc unlike all the beautiful latin languages the di angelos would speak (except french, french is the weird cousin), which are very phonetic, english is just.. random. and sure, there might be rules but the fact that cheese and chemistry both have different che sounds, and that wednesday is an actual word despite being pronounced wensday....... god above, it brings back ugly primary school memories, anon. point was, writing english is hard without dyslexia, with dyslexia, it's probably ten times more annoying and frustrating. this ofc would apply to any demigod who isn't a native english speaker, not just nico and bianca
ii. specifically in the di angelos case, I'm not entirely sure how pro-learning-english fascist italy was, maybe both kids went to the US without a clue of what the hell was going on? this is not very likely, tho, bc by TTC they speak perfectly, and in.. 8 months --give or take? the lotus notwithstanding-- you don't learn english that well, writing least of all. if they already knew some english, then I doubt the lethe did anything, memory erasing in fiction tends to be selective, and language didn't appear to be a big issue for them in TTC
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midnightshadows16 · 3 months
In camp Half Blood, when Percy is teaching sword fighting to some kids, I think some times Nico Stays in the Arena, Mabe next to the weapons and just watches.
But then the little kids would see Nico And start cheering for him and Percy to Battle and even though Nico would just shake his head no, Percy would laugh and just strike Nico With riptide so he has no choice but to fight back.
And then the 2 would start an epic battle with water from the lake swirling around Percys form while Nico would be shrouded in the shadows, and for every strike that Nico can't block, he would dissappear through the shadows and reappear behind percy to attack him again (The kids thought that made Nico look cool).
Both the demigods would be laughing and throughly enjoying the fight and almost all the other demigods would now be settled in the arena to watch the fight between 2 of the most powerful demigods, 2 children of the Big 3.
And Will would just be in the seats worriedly while Annabeth would be next to him and even though she does look concerned, she's still grinning throughly enjoying the 2 idiots prancing around.
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mike-milkyway · 9 months
Frobin in a modern au where they both went to highschool together.
Franky hyped himself up for weeks and, despite already knowing he would ask her to go to prom, Robin waited for him. Franky went to her house and drove her to the dance and was anxious the whole drive until Robin helped him to calm down.
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saltyfishdream · 4 months
Pov your exams are in pride month as you live in Hong Kong
No. This listening paper is Nico sports trainer AU food for me.
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boredcoldandhungry · 6 months
Teacher AU pt 3
Prev part
Nico didn't know how he and Will ended up chaperoning prom each year, but Will ended up talking him into it every year.
"What's this one? Our 30th prom?" Will asked him giddily while helping Nico tie his tie.
"Oh God we're not that old," Nico wined, "Well there were three in highschool-"
"And that semi formal in college," Will interrupted.
"That doesn't count. It wasn't a prom it was a fancy frat party. Anyway three in high school we've been teaching here for... 9? Years?"
"Yes?" Will said hesitantly, scrunching his eyebrows while trying to do the math.
"So 12 proms and counting," Nico said decisively.
"Be my prom date for the next 12 too?"
Nico smiled softly at his husband. "As long as no one better asks me out."
"Ouch," Will said in a mock hurt.
next part
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imperatorrrrr · 1 year
My Highlights from the Q&A: (I paraphrased some of the questions/answers, but most of it is direct quotes)
Q: Out of all the different jerseys that you wear, which one is your favorite? A: The Jersey Jersey
Q: What's the most fun/exciting part of the game when you're playing hockey? A: OT Win, especially at Home
Q: What is your favorite meal to eat here in New Jersey? A: The Italian spots here. I love Italian food, I grew up next to Italy
Q: Why do you wear number thirteen? A: I wear it because of my brother, my big brother always wore 13 and kind of also a little bit because both of us had the same favorite hockey player back in the day, Pavel Datsyuk.
Q: Besides the Rock, what NHL arena do you like playing in the most? A: Vegas, T-Mobile Arena -- its a vibe there, definitely fun
Q: Favorite and memorable goal you've ever scored? A: First NHL Goal in Ottawa
Q: Top Three Moments as a New Jersey Devil? A: My first NHL game, at the Rock versus Colorado, we won 4-2. Second one is first ever playoff game at the Rock versus Tampa, and, so far, the most memorable thing would be the Game 7 win against the Rangers. Gotta go with that one.
Q: Where do you still wanna go in the NJ/NY area? A: I've been to Asbury Park and I kind of want to see some more stuff from the Shore.
Q: What do you like to do to unwind and relax in the off season? A: I love the water, so lakes, rivers, ocean, I just try to be outside when its sunny. Don't like to be at home when its sun out.
Q: What is your favorite genre of music/band/artist? A: I do like Tom Petty
Q: Besides, Nico, what other nicknames do your teammates have for you? A: Hisch, HischSHAO, HischSHAO Jr
Q: What are you personally looking forward in the leadership position on and off the ice, going into this season as the Captain? A: Just to help the team as much as I can on and off the ice. I think obviously on the ice its clear, but also off the ice, just being as good of a person I can be for guys that need me in anything and I think thats the reason why I got Captain too, so thats what's I'm trying to do.
Q: What's your favorite ice cream flavor? A: Strawberry Vanilla
Q: Do you eat bagels and what is your favorite type of bagel to eat? A: Here in Jersey there are great bagels, I like the salmon cream cheese bagel, everything bagel.
Q: What's your favorite family tradition? A: Probably sit together dinners where we eat fondue or raclette where the dinner takes a little bit longer but you have enough time to speak with your family and friends, so thats always a good time. I feel like I always try to do it with them once I come back during summer.
Q: What's your favorite place in Switzerland? A: Bern
Q: Besides anyone on the Devils, who is your favorite current player in the NHL? A: McDavid
Q: Whats been your favorite year? A: I would say last year was pretty fun
Q: Who's your best friend on the Devils? A: Those are ALL of my friends. We got a really good group of guys, so I'm doing well with everyone, but I would probably say I'll do the most together with Jonas 'cause I've known him the longest. I've been playing with him in the Swiss National Team when we were younger so I would say that's kind of the guy I'd go with dinner and stuff but obviously I like ALL of them.
Q: Hardest team to play against? A: Carolina.
Q: What's your favorite Girl Scout Cookie flavor? Do you know what those are? A: (He did not know what those were and so he said) No cookies for me.
Q: (I didn't hear the question that well, but I think it was something like this) Who on the team would you want your daughter to date? A: I would say everyone because they know if they're not nice to my daughter they'd be in trouble.
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catinasink · 5 months
me when I rarely got compliments as a child so whenever anybody does it I think they're lying
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averykellyfan · 11 months
Pale Moment #2
Do you guys remember how at the start of Pale we had zero practitioners other than the girls and arguably Charles and Matthew for like 3 or 4 arcs and then Wildbow was like, "alright gang, time to introduce 57 named practitioner students in a single extra materials chapter for this really cool summer school training arc" And like more than half of them became REALLY relevant by the end of the story?
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The One Piece bulletin board I made for my students' standardized testing this week.
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