#teall and zatte
ratasum · 2 years
I am thinking about Teall and Zatte right now and god they are just so damn bad for each other. They only started working together because they both wanted Vezz dead and then it became an enemy of my enemy situation and then it was antagonistic coworkers with benefits.
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ratasum · 2 years
I'd have put Zatte and Teall on the ship list but they are fucking TERRIBLE for each other.
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ratasum · 1 year
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ratasum · 1 year
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Qirri Tinkerfirst | Keeper Vezz | Overseer Zatte
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Liquidator Korrix | Peacemaker Teall | Explorer Kaill
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Lady Makko | Xeonna the Lost | Naqai
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Ympp | Laxzzi | Pheazza
A compilation of all of my current sharkrats. The first step to solving a problem is admitting you have one I guess lmao.
I have ideas for more rats but these guys are good for now.
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ratasum · 2 years
Should You Fight My Characters, ASURA Edition
Qirri Tinkerfirst
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She's 2'8" tall, like 50 lbs soaking wet, and chronically ill. Do not think this will cause her to give you any mercy. She goes for the kneecaps first, and if the kneecaps don't work, she has a rifle and her hand designed jade mech JUICE.
That being said, she doesn't really like to fight all that much. She prefers to be sitting and inventing, eating some steamed pillbugs or crunchy spider legs.
You COULD fight her, if you really want. But you might feel bad about it later. Or get eaten by a charr.
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Do so at your own peril. She grew up in Lion's Arch, trained with a former Lionguard, and is a skilled tracker. She probably would've killed for her daughter if she'd found Theta-9 before Vezz killed everyone and busted her out, and she'd still do it.
Sure, she spends a lot of time taking care of her daughter and her pets, but make no mistake, Pheazza can and will fight the fuck out of you.
0/10, do not recommend.
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He's depressed with severe PTSD and stepped down from the role of commander after Joko because his wife got pregnant and he also was just at the end of his rope with his mental health. He probably won't fight you unless he's got a really good reason.
And let's be real he's moisturized, he's thriving, he's staying in his lane, he's actually getting therapy, he's got a wife, a ward, and two beautiful children...
You would definitely feel bad for fighting him. Do so at your own risk.
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She's hard to hit and very manipulative but she definitely deserves to be fought. Hasn't even burned her brother's body and has left his lab untouched after finding his mummified body there (weird??). Presently looking to murder someone in Misfits Inc to get revenge.
Gonna gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss her way into vengeance. Has terrible taste in men. She is with the Inquest still, so she's still got that there.
She could probably do to get fought a little bit.
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Do it. I'll give you 20 copper.
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ratasum · 2 years
So yeah Teall.
Vezz's little brother, they have the same mother - Cautti - but different fathers. Cautti is a brilliant woman, but thus far she's just had awful luck with contracts because she ended both prematurely. Vilarr because he was an asshole and with Larrs because he treated Vezz like shit.
Teall spent a lot more time with Larrs than Vezz did with Vilarr, however. And he internalized a lot of his own father's opinions towards the son Cautti's first contract produced.
And when they got much older and Vezz joined the Inquest? Well, his bitterness just increased a thousand fold.
His ending up in a relationship(?) with Zatte is interesting, since he loathes the Inquest. But Zatte put out an important piece of information: they both have a common goal, regardless of his feelings on her.
They both want Vezz dead.
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ratasum · 2 years
Some Voices
In lieu of a video since I don't have editing software, some voices that aren't Vezz and Qirri:
Agaue - Heather Headley
Makko - Carrie Ann Moss
Oaklinna - Minnie Driver
Deshauna - Toks Olagundoye
Kaill - Zach Barack
Rhoslinn - Aimee Atkinson
Liath Slaughterclaw - Rachel House
Laxzzi - Michaela Jaé Rodriguez (I'll add a clip when I can find a good one)
Teall - Jensen Ackles (I don't even like the man he just has a great Cop Voice)
Danica - Lianne Marie Dobbs
Zatte - Deanna McGovern
I'll make another list when I think of more but these are the ones I've got so far.
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ratasum · 2 years
I'm sleepy so have a fun meme.
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(In order going left to right in each row:
Makko, Ympp, Oaklinna Pheazza, Qirri, Liath Teall, Kaill, Zatte Macen, Deshauna, Vezz Umbra, Rhoslinn, Agaue)
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ratasum · 2 years
Trying to do my work and thinking about how Teall's effective Cain Complex and the fact that he feels like Cautti cares more about her older son than she does about him (untrue; Cautti loves Vezz and Teall equally but Teall's a little shit and sees Cautti's attempts to reconcile her sons as her forgiving Vezz's past sins/ignoring his own progress instead of trying to be understanding of what led him to the Inquest in the first place and helping her younger son see that too as well as worrying about his interest in the Arcane Eye).
A lot of that is what eventually leads him to bedding with the Inquest himself, despite his disgust for them. He wants revenge on Vezz for being the "favored son," and Zatte wants revenge on Vezz for "killing her brother in cold blood."
It's a whole thirty slots of mess in a ten slot bag.
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ratasum · 2 years
The more I work on Teall the more I realize he's becoming a dirty cop.
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ratasum · 2 years
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Hello, I'm Jay (they/them)! I've played GW2 for about ten years now, and while I am very bad at it, I do still have a lot of fun. I can be found on Tarnished Coast (NA) as cinnabuntastic.3416.
I follow back from @cinnabuntastic since this is just a sideblog. My characters are heavily involved with @wall-legion's, so you'll often see her characters mentioned here!
Curious about the Inquest Ethics Committee? You can find information on it at this link.
You can look up my toons here!
#bunny art - this is where you can find my art!
#bunny writing - my writing is under this tag
Below the cut are the #s for my toons. I haven't talked about everyone yet, but if there's info, it'll be here:
Misfits Incorporated [OOPS]
#qirri tinkerfirst
#keeper vezz
#agaue whiptail
#avitus softbow
#liath slaughterclaw
#deshauna tahir
#danica helkin
Outside the Guild
#lady makko
#windcaller macen
#agent teall
#liquidator korrix
#overseer zatte
#signe robbasdottir
The Randos
#rosie marriner
#umbra shadowshot
#xeonna the lost
#technomancer rhenn
#explorer kippa
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ratasum · 2 years
me: I'm gonna draw something really cool with Teall and Zatte
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ratasum · 1 year
Does Vezz know about Teall's vendetta against him? Do they interact at all during his time as commander?
Vezz knew Teall didn't like him; he's known that for a long time. And they did run across one another a few times. The vitriol was pretty obvious, but he never realized just how bad it was.
It wasn't until after he'd stepped down as commander that things really started to go off the rails. Rumors started reaching him from Cautti, he and Teall's mother, that he'd gotten involved with something that worried her, but he wouldn't tell her.
A little investigation, and a little of Pheazza's "I know a guy who knows a guy" energy, uncovered that he was working with Zaige's little sister Zatte.
Things really started to escalate after that, up to Zatte and Teall kidnapping Zanthe and Teall eventually getting kicked out of the Peacemakers for his increasingly unhinged behavior towards the former commander, his friends, and their families.
Teall has gone on record as threatening to hurt Qirri and Taimi to draw out Vezz, at least once.
I honestly think that continued failures just enraged him to the point that he could no longer see how unhinged he was really getting, to the point that he found himself in the exact place his older brother had found himself in after making some bad decisions, all while recognizing none of the irony.
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ratasum · 1 year
6 and 21 for world's shittiest brother
OC Interview Questions
Teall's shitty reputation precedes him.
6. What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever had to do?
"Toss-up, but I think the hardest thing I've had to do was the work I put in to join the Peacemakers. It's a miserable grind- they want the best, and I was going to show them the best.
When I was working on joining, certain parties were still making trouble for my family with their allegiances, so I had to work twice as hard as anyone else to show I was a loyal, dependable officer. And it paid off. I've climbed the ranks pretty fast."
21. Describe your ideal partner.
"Someone who's submissive. I'm the one in charge in the relationship, end of story. I'm not gonna force someone, obviously; I don't want someone who's not into it.
But they also need to be able to hold their own. Regardless of her... inclinations, I think that's why I still get on... well enough with Zatte. She's smart, good in a fight, and she knows that when it comes to matters outside our shared goals, I'm the one in control."
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ratasum · 1 year
Mmmmmh thinking hard about if I want to change Teall's gear because of his leaving the Peacemakers eventually and fully throwing his lot in with Zatte...
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ratasum · 2 years
5, 8, and 11 for whoever you'd like!
GW2 Ask Meme 3: back and worse-er than ever
You know what? Let's talk about Teall! Everyone say acab and let's begin.
5. What would they look like as the side character in someone else's story?
Outside of being an antagonist for Misfits Inc, if he was a side character to someone else, he'd almost assuredly be the rival. Be it the "friendly" rival or the jerkass rival, he'd most certainly be "that" character.
I could see him, in a personal story, being a member of the same krewe as the PC but jealous of them in some way, thus causing the conflict in the story itself.
8. How willing are they to bend/break the rules for their cause (be it selfless or otherwise)?
He's so weird in this regard. He's fairly consistently a "bully with a badge" type, and he's very strict in his interpretation of the laws and rules surrounding asuran society. And he will do everything he can to enforce those rules.
But when it comes to things like Vezz and his having been prat of the Inquest, he is entirely willing to break the rules to see that he is punished for the perceived slights.
It's what leads him to form his initial alliance with Zatte. Breaking his own morals to see his brother dead.
11. How accurate is their reputation/image compared to how they really are?
His reputation and his actual image are pretty close. While he's very well liked in the Peacemakers, where he's praised for his efficiency and his tenacity. He's not well liked by most of the general public, since he's known as adhering to things so closely to the letter that even minor infractions are treated as full on offenses.
And with his aim being to join the Arcane Eye at some point, his brutality has put him in the sights of some very powerful figures. And while he did get tossed off the Peacemakers later for making an attempt on Vezz's life?
It's hard telling if that will actually last.
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