#team up: joshua garcia and julia barretto
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I LOVE YOU HATER is like a burst of sunshine on a gloomy day, and a rain shower that cleanses the heart which allows for clarity. it is a story about truth - an individual’s sense of truth, relationship to the truth, how this truth is shaped, and how this truth is upheld or manipulated, according to one’s needs. this is also the journey to love, through one’s journey to authenticity. this is one of those movies that, if I missed, I didn’t think would matter. I am glad I gave it a chance and it would be a shame if this wouldn’t be given a chance.
to understand the genius of this movie is to have an idea of the audience reaction inside the cinema: people were laughing out loud line after line, the audience of mostly seniors were surprisingly kilig when they were supposed to be, and the crying, the sniffling, the heaving were all preciously audible. this, to me is the funniest romcom when it was a romcom, and one of the most deeply touching family dramas, when it became such, that I have seen yet.
joshua garcia pretending to be beki is enough of a comic selling point for me. frankly him in anything is enough for me, but the subtlety with which he played his straight man pretending to be gay, the guilt and everything that comes with it, is still surprising. I understand why he said this was the hardest character for him to play, the nuances are no joke, but he still played it so effortlessly.
this is julia barretto her most liberated. ever since she began I have been waiting for something from her, I couldn’t quite figure out what it is. this is it. she was fearless and vulnerable, and brave. and my heart was filled with joy for her.
I was so ready to call this a joshlia movie with Kris as a trigger, granted no one else could play sasha like she does, but there was one moment she owned, and it changed my mind.
kudos also go to markki stroem and mark neumann for the equally subtle portrayals of gay guys in a relationship.
when it was announced that this movie was going to be direk Giselle’s, I did not know what to make of it, only because LIT wasn’t enough for me to recognize her perspective. the magic of this movie is in the details, and the details are what direk giselle is a genius at - the direction (hello, ‘straight guy in the eyes, while being beki everywhere else), the camera angles, the shots, the editing. it’s all so seamless. see this movie has a very simple premise, that could do away with very simple cinematic treatment, but direk giselle respected every moment of the film, that she made an extraordinary experience out of simple moments. 
now, my favorite moments of the movie (this is hard, because every moment is memorable) the airport scene, gosh that hurt, beki josh, julia’s grand entrance, her energy, the manila pictorial, julia and her moment with al tantay (simple, quiet, but got to me badly). paete, takahan, (my laguna roots thank you for that), josh and ronaldo valdez, kris and ronaldo valdez, basically anything ronaldo valdez is in. i lost it. the confrontation between julia’s and josh’s characters - julia shocked me into intimidation. who i saw was an actress i always wanted her to be, an actress i always believed she could be. she wears her legacy well, but dare i say she could grow to be better than that legacy. i am so happy for her in this movie. and joshua, that boy continues to amaze me - from the boy that confused me to the boy i am actually personally proud of. 
the plot works because all the characters are mirrors of, and are necessary for each other. this is generally speaking, but the perfect illustration of this is when joko and zoe met up with john's character: in that silent moment when josh was looking at john while he was speaking, we knew john's character was speaking for josh's character's sentiments, that both characters are on parallel journeys. it's also clear that joko needed zoe to learn the value of the truth, and zoe needed joko to understand the sense of family. and sasha needed  and gave something to the youngsters: she gave zoe her wisdom through experience and she needed joko's connection with his own dad to get through her dad. I can here ms van's voice. in order for the story to be effective, a character must need something that the other character has. not verbatim. as a writer, you usually ask yourself what do your characters need from each other?
a few notes: i’d read a critique on the movie about its plot, being questionable, kulang(?) now, it would have mattered if this was a plot driven movie, but this is a character driven movie. it’s about a set of people who will choose to carry on, despite the incompleteness, the open-endedness of their circumstances. how to say this without spoilers? i wanted zoe to stick it to one character. i selfishly needed that confrontation. this movie, you see is as much about forgiveness, and i personally think forgiveness is impossible without ownership. and to own an experience, a feeling, a history, we must find words for it, and the people who are responsible for that history, or whatever pain they have caused, ought to hear about it. i am not looking for a fight, just a moment to speak, and be heard, but ms van’s post reminded me that the heart of this movie is forgiveness as self liberation, and the ability to love in spite of it all. through this lens that that open ending is perfect. this movie made me so happy, so hopeful, and by hearing certain lines, healed too. at a time when i am constantly wondering where my heart has gone, at a time when i have to hide my heart on purpose, and silence my voice, sometimes, this movie reminded me that i do have both - a heart and a voice. congratulations @v_r_v (this movie has got me wondering, what a joshlia movie penned entirely by you, much like eily was for lizquen, would look like. :) ), the entire team, (i don’t know their ig handles, sorry), and everyone at @starcinema. my heart has nothing but love and gratitude for you and all that you do.❤ @micodelrosario1
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markleebee · 3 years
okAY im done with activities and school JWJDNWKWJ IM FINALLY FREEE
The song I wanted to share with you is a song by Moira Dela Torre.
Its called "Paubaya", I'm not sure if there's an exact word for this in english. Basically it means "to entrust" or "to leave it to someone". But in the context of the song it means "to entrust someone you loved/love to another person".
here is the link^ there's also eng subs but if ever they did speak english please listen carefully cos i think some of it wasn't picked up by the cc
Imma send another ask explaining the mv
-art s
I'm gonna put a read more bc this is quite long, but y'all should watch the video it's really good
Okay so, the mv.
The people in the mv acting are Julia Barretto and Joshua Garcia they are vv famous celebrities here in the PH. (Also i just wanna add that Julia is full blood filo HAHAHA becos some people think she's half of smth else. Its mostly the spanish descent if that makes sense HAHAH)
So basically they are actually a real celebrity couple that broke up because of some reason, I'm not really sure.
So i heard that moira chose Julia and Joshua as the actors for this mv because she wanted them to have a proper closure. (Paubaya is a breakup song if you didn't notice).
The scene where they were both apologizing, its absolutely fucking real. Like the actor who played the priest said that when they were filming this particular scene, everyone was asked to get out of the room so it was just the 2, the cameramen, the director, and moira(maybe with her husband who is also a producer but im not sure).
They were instructed to just say what they wanted to each other for that scene. This was their proper closure. They were basically broadcasting their own life in the music video.
Everything else was acting except the apology scene and the "memory clips" like the ones with the old camera filter over them?? those were real memories from when they were a couple.
I cried when this first came out
For reals because it was so raw and real, its still making me tear up right now as im lile watching it and explaining
i can't remember if i have anything else to say lmao
but i will add if i remember HAHAHAH
I think i should say this??? For like additional context ab like celebrity couples here in the PH.
But here there's a thing called "loveteam/love team"
Its basically like a male and female celebrity who are co-stars in a movie that made them famous i guess??
Its a ship basically
So people support love teams and the movies do really well if the love team are the main characters?? And they end up together
Its redundant but welp csnt do anything ab it lmao
And actually some if not most love teams end up together in real life
And some dont obviously
But a Joshua and Julia is an example of a love team that ended up together in real life but broke up.
im not sure if h have anything more to say HAHAHAHA again I'll just send another one of these if i remember HAHAHA
okay first of all, those old memory clips BROKE ME bro and the apology scene was just so raw. I don't think I would have the courage to do that with an ex (if I had one). Watching that video just shows how love is such a powerful and scary thing. Like the fact that you can mean everything to someone one day and mean nothing the next terrifies me, but I'm glad that they got the closure they needed. And I think it's nice how Joshua and Julia are still really good friends and have a lot of respect for each other. Like damn this boy I didn't even date lowkey (highkey) broke my heart and it's been over 2 years now and I still can't look at him without wanting to punch him in the face,,
I was also watching the behind the scenes for the mv and I really liked how rather than being a purely sad song, it talked more about appreciating a relationship and everything that came out of it. I guess that's something we don't see that often so that was nice. Also, it was a female director, so of course the video was gonna be good 🤩
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adamwatchesmovies · 4 years
Block Z (2020)
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Strictly speaking “unremarkable” doesn’t mean bad; only “not particularly interesting or surprising”. I wasn’t bored while watching Block Z but only because I kept thinking it would take advantage of the opportunities presented to it. Instead, it simply repeats the same things we’ve seen before.
Medical students PJ (Julia Barretto), Erika (Maris Racal), Myles (McCoy de Leon), and Block Z basketball team captain Lucas (Joshua Garcia) find themselves in the middle of a rapidly-spreading viral epidemic. The virus turns people into raging monsters and spreads through bites. When the military quarantines the university, the friends’ only chance of escape comes from the school's president, Gelo (Yves Flores) - the son of a politician. A helicopter is coming for him on a rooftop across campus. Meanwhile, PJ’s father, Mario (Ian Veneracion), a security guard (Dimples Romana), and a young girl whose mother succumbed to the virus (Miel Espinoza) also navigate the dangerous corridors.
Released in the Philippines in January, the film was produced before the pandemic, which means it never had the chance to capture some of the real-world fears it easily could’ve. You can’t blame it for this, but amusingly, it almost accidentally does have something to say about politicians not being trustworthy and doctors/nurses being our salvation from a global threat - almost. There isn’t any kind of deeper meaning to any of this plot. Block Z doesn’t have any kind of Philippino flair either. There’s a message about family, teamwork, and sticking together but that’s not unique. The zombies aren't given any kind of novel spin. None of the country's customs or beliefs are incorporated into the plot.
It’s just a generic zombie movie. The group gets gradually whittled away as time passes and they move from one building to the next (8 hours to get across campus, really?). You know the drill. Someone gets bitten. Tears are shed as they realize what's coming. There's a heroic sacrifice. Despite everything, someone struggles to grasp that their loved one is a lost cause, etc. The gore and violence are fine but no kills stand out as unique. You might jump a few times. Mostly, you can tell as soon as the characters walk into a room if this is a safe spot where they can discuss their feelings or if more monsters will appear. When put in peril, the survivors handle themselves reasonably. Not so stupid that you grow frustrated (except in one instance) but never clever enough to make you perk up in excitement.
Director Mikhail Red compares his film to 28 Days Later but he’s done nothing to innovate - as if the genre has learned nothing since 2002. I can’t speak Tagalog so I can’t attest to the performances but they seemed fine for what they were. The material the performers are working off of is workman-like. You could do far worse in terms of stories about flesh-eating ghouls but no one will remember Block Z down the line. (Original Tagalog with English subtitles, October 25, 2020)
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theoreticallyours · 7 years
of love and Filipino films
For a lot of people, nothing beats watching an entertaining love story after having a bad day. There’s The Notebook, Titanic, Legally Blonde, and Sleepless in Seattle, not to mention the Before Sunrise trilogy and Mean Girls. 
But it’s not just the Hollywood films that do the trick. There are a lot of Filipino films that will quench your thirst for that tiny bit of on-screen romance and kilig and, at the same time, fulfill that higher purpose of art, which is to serve as a medium to convey important and relevant life lessons to keep you going.
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Here are some of the best ones that you should definitely watch!
1) SAVING SALLY (2016)
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Saving Sally is a live-action romantic comedy film starring Rhian Ramos and Enzo Marcos. Sally (Ramos) is a quirky teenager with strict and abusive parents who finds a loyal companion in Marty (Marcos), who secretly likes her. Although the plot is formulaic, the characters and unique animation and cinematography are a breath of fresh air. 
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Ang Kwento Nating Dalawa directed by Nestor Abrogena will hit you in all the right feels. The story between Sam (Nicco Manalo) and Isa (Emmanuelle Vera) portrays another side of love which is often overshadowed by the dramatic kissing-in-the-rain and chasing-at-the-airports. The conversations between the characters are filled with raw emotion and are true to life, making this a must-watch movie, most especially for those who want to taste a slice of life. 
3) VINCE & KATH & JAMES (2016)
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The 2016 rom-com is a good watch. Although it portrays the usual love triangle, the background of the different characters make it interesting watch, not to mention to sizzling chemistry between Julia Barretto and Joshua Garcia. Their love-to-hate relationship, partnered by their own character’s maturity and background make Vince & Kath & James a lot deeper than the usual box office film made to appeal to the fans of love teams. 
4) BAKA BUKAS (2016)
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Samantha Lee’s independent film stars Jasmine Curtis-Smith and Louise delos Reyes who portray the struggles of being a lesbian in the modern Filipino society. Baka Bukas, along with 2 Cool 2 Be 4gotten were both entries in the 2016 Cinema One Originals Film Festival. More than the beautiful cinematography and realistic characters, the films’ initiative to portray the LGBTQ community makes it a one of a kind. 
5) I’M DRUNK, I LOVE YOU (2017)
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In JP Habac’s film, Maja Salvador and Paulo Avelino portray the story of two best friends. Carson (Salvador) has been in love with Dio (Avelino) for seven years, and she can’t bring herself to admit it to him. With their college graduation just around the corner, they find themselves going on a road trip to La Union to attend a music festival, which is bound to change to change the course of their lives. The dialogue over drinks and superb acting coming from the cast, coupled with amazing soundtrack from local artists, will walk you through the highs and lows of growing up. 
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Dear Other Self was shown last May. It centers around Rebecca who is torn between traveling and upholding her responsibilities to her family. The film revolves around two alternate timelines, presenting the different possibilities of her choice. The cast led by Jodi Sta. Maria did a great job in portraying the struggles of a millennial, showing the dynamics of a Filipino family and the struggles when it comes to career and finding love.
These six films are just some of the wonderful collection of FIlipino films that need our support. After all, we can only continue producing quality films if the people are active audiences and supporters of their development.
May it be a good day or a bad day, it’s time to buy that DVD (or wait for it to be released) and watch it with your barkada!
disclaimer: marcela rodolfo made all the gifs out of respective film trailers, which were produced by the respective production teams.
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ericjohnsalut · 6 years
Get together with Kapamilya love teams Joshlia, Loinie, Marnigo, and Mayward at the much-awaited “Just Love Araw-Araw Fan Meet” happening on May 19 and 20 (Saturday and Sunday) at the ABS-CBN Vertis Tent. An exclusive gathering organized by ABS-CBN Events, the Fan Meet features Loisa Andalio and Ronnie Alonte on May 19 (Saturday) at 3pm. The evening show, meanwhile, will have the team up of Maymay Entrata and Edward Barber at 7pm. Fans will get to see Maris Racal and Inigo Pascual on May 20 (Sunday) at 3pm, while Joshlia fans will get to interact with Julia Barretto and Joshua Garcia at 7pm. The exciting event will have games, challenges, and other fun activities, plus live performances from today’s hottest love teams. Tickets to the “Just Love Araw-Araw Fan Meet” are now available at ktx.abs-cbn.com and at the ABS-CBN Store in ELJ Communications Center. Call ABS-CBN Events at 4131222 or 09150369464, and KTX at 4152272 for inquiries. For more updates, follow @abscbnevents and @abscbnnetwork on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
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pacificast · 7 years
Joshua at Julia, banta sa ibang loveteam
MALAKI ang potential na magiging successful ang team-up nina Julia Barretto at Joshua Garcia. In time, they may even give the current popular loveteam a run for their money. No need to mention who they are, Ian F. “I’m glad Josh (Julia’s pet name for Joshua) came into my life.… http://dlvr.it/NlX8St | #PacificastNewsfeed
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OFFICIAL TRAILER | 'Love You To The Stars And Back' | Joshua Garcia & Ju...
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THE MAKING | 'Love You To The Stars And Back' | Joshua Garcia and Julia ...
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Ngayon At Kailanman Full Trailer: This August 20 on ABS-CBN!
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