asiriyep · 1 year
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Team Minato Week 2023.
Day 2: Different Village(s)
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maireyart · 1 year
Sakumo and Obito's Parents* Live AU (7 artworks + drabble)
Team Minato Week Day 3: Any AU. It's not one of the suggested ones, but something I've been thinking about too much :3 @teamminatoweek
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Kakashi and Obito prevent the terrible thing (they've noticed something has been really wrong with Sakumo). Sakumo, having seen Kakashi's horrified face, gets horrified himself at what he was about to do — not to himself — but to his son, and feels remorse about having almost abandoned his son.
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2. After the Kannabi mission, Minato writes one of the most difficult reports in his career. He has to face the parents: Obito's dad and Sakumo. Imagine the moment team Minato returns to the village, but without Obito. Obito's parents, as well as Sakumo, meet them and realize that their son has not returned. Kakashi looks them in the eye and stretches a trembling hand with the goggles in it; they take them, shocked, and feel the sudden dark urge to throw them into something. Or at somebody. The panic. They feel like they're on the edge of a precipice, but a tiny hope that Obito might still be alive — just... lost... just... still breathing — is still there. But then it gets crushed by a detailed report from the team. The eye. Obito's eye. Their son's eye is looking at them from Kakashi's eyesocket, and they don't know what to think. Sakumo doesn't, either. They aren't allowed to look for the body immediately because of secret military operations still going on in the area. They grieve and wait. Soon they get the permission to start their search; grimly, they crush a rock after a rock to get to the bottom, and find… the blood… ninja weapons… pieces of his clothing... Obito's headband… But! NO BODY. And again Obito's parents feel shattered. Did the enemy ninja steal his body? Plucked out the remaining eye? Dissected him? What did they do to the corpse of their poor boy? Obito's parents are too late! Too late… And more weeks of grief and pain ensue. Until Kakashi starts seeing something with his eye. Some cave… After it��s happened a few times, he tells Rin, and she persuades him to talk to Obito's parents.
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3. Thanks to Rin, Kakashi approaches Obito's mom and asks her a few questions about the Sharingan. He has to retell her everything again, but in more detail. Kakashi says that he's been seeing something from time to time, but doesn't know what it is... Obito's mom is puzzled, but suddenly a new tiny flicker of hope springs up in the darkness they've been living in for the past few months.
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4. Eventually, Obito's parents, Sakumo, and Kakashi find Obito in barely-alive Madara's lair. Black Zetsu escapes, but there is somebody who can capture him and seal him off: Kushina.
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5. Kushina loves her secret mission.
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6. Jounin Obito, with his parents. Way later :3 *** And if you've read till this point, I have a little drabble for you for dessert about kid Obito getting to know Sakumo. Big thank you to @professor-of-naruto for fixing my mistakes & all the amazing support!!! 💕 💕 💕 
On warm days like this, Obito loved wandering around in the village and enjoying the lulling buzz of life. Quite often, these walks resulted in curious encounters and even adventures, and today seemed to be the case too. On the hill near the edge of Konoha park sat a man, staring somewhat sadly at the erratic mess of Konoha rooftops and low afternoon clouds, speckled with gold and pink. It was a man Obito had seen from a distance multiple times, but had never had the guts to approach.
Hatake Sakumo had somehow always looked both rugged and elven at the same time. He was tall and wiry, face sun-tanned, vigor emanating from his broad shoulders and spiky silver ponytail, but his eyes were jaded and thoughtful – too many shadows hiding there. There was a certain sternness about the lines on either side of his mouth, but the most gentle and peaceful smile Obito had ever seen offset the rough look of his face. And now, this very smile and a small nod of acknowledgement worked like a magnetic pull on the boy. Enchanted, he came up to the man and sat down nearby.
Kakashi’s father returned to silent contemplation, and Obito bent his eyes to the ground. That man wasn’t a talkative one, pretty much like his son, but did Obito want to know more about him! Sakumo was probably the only person in the whole world who could elicit a huge, brilliant smile from Kakashi. Not that Obito had actually seen that smile (damn mask!), only the crinkled eyes, but more than once, he’d heard their jolly voices and laughter when the pair of them were chatting about the events of the day.
“Hatake-san, nice to meet you. I’m Uchiha Obito,” he began formally, heart pounding in his chest.
Having pulled himself out of his thoughts, Sakumo cocked his head and gave him another serene and endearing smile. “Obito-kun, huh? You’re Kakashi’s friend, right? I’ve seen you playing together.”
“Um... More like a classmate, I guess?” A classmate who wanted to be his friend. Deep down. Probably.
“I’ve heard a lot about you from my son.”
“You have?” Obito’s eyes grew wide, radiating shock and wonder. Of all the things Kakashi and Sakumo could be discussing... Him? Oh, wait. Kakashi had probably been describing to his dad all those stupid situations that involved Obito, or something... They could be funny. In hindsight. Mortified, he hung his head, digging his fingers into the soft grass. So he knows... knows I’m a disaster... knows that I’m nothing like Kakashi…
“He often grumbles about a certain obstinate Uchiha boy who won’t ever leave him in peace. But I can also see how excited he is, looking forward to the fun that every day with you brings.” Suddenly Sakumo laughed, voice deep and resonant. “But around you my little hedgehog is a little standoffish, isn’t he?” (Obito’s ears perked up: A diminutive? For Kakashi? Outlandish). “I can be your friend instead.”
“Is it... Is it okay?” Obito mumbled, still feeling awkward.
“Of course.”
“Hatake-san… Why is Kakashi such a ‘hedgehog’?”
“Sometimes people treat trivial things seriously, and brush serious things off...” he said distantly. “I wish he saw that someday...”
“What are the serious things?” Obito was puzzled. “Just so that I won’t brush them off.”
“I have a feeling you already know,” he said with a playful twinkle in his eyes and ruffled Obito’s hair. “Maybe one day you’ll teach Kakashi a thing or two. If I fail.”
“What do you mean if you fail?!” Obito almost choked. “He listens to no one but you, Hatake-san! And I – I feel like I’m just always getting in the way. He doesn’t care about whatever I say!”
“I don’t think so, Obito-kun.”
“How do you know?”
“If he doesn’t care, then why is he watching us right now and listening to our conversation?”
“What?” Obito looked around nervously. He might have spied on Kakashi… but the other way around? What?!
“Sorry, Kakashi, but you have to come out,” Sakumo called. “I know you’re there.”
And indeed, Kakashi jumped off one of the trees, looking grumpy. “I have to make it clear that I am not a hedgehog,” was all he managed in his red-eared embarrassment. ***
@cool-thymus and I have more Sakumo and the kids art content (Hedgehog Special) 🦔
And if you're STILL here, feast your eyes on the wacky spin-off of the grimdark Kannabi report art (@poetrywise, you absolutely killed me with the description xD):
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DJ Minato's psychedelic tunes 😁 *Obito's parents are referenced from the sole photo Obito had on his board both in the manga and anime.
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*Obidad's earring is @quintilli0n's headcanon that I genuinely love with all my heart 😁
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cool-thymus · 1 year
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Team Minato Week 2023: Day 3: any AU
In this AU Obito suffers from severe hearing loss (after the kannabi mission). Kakashi and Rin learn sign language together with him. The image is heavily inspired by a beautiful one-shot "Signing" (by Kikuneesama). Go read it if you haven't 💛
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(I used ASL instead of JSL simply because I know nothing about Japanese T_T and was afraid I'd make a mistake).
I'm sorry I'm late with my contribution 😶‍🌫️ @teamminatoweek
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flawlessstriker · 1 year
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Team Minato Week 2023 - Day 4 : realization / Couple Costume / Matching Clothings @teamminatoweek
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teamminatoweek · 1 year
Wrap up 2023
Thank you all for participating in this years Team Minato Week! It was once again a BLAST! Remember: late entries are always possible and here are the prompts and rules for 2023. So if you want to add anything to the fun at any point later: Feel free to do so! Please use the #TeamMinatoWeek2023 hashtag for your contribution and since we won’t keep track of it forever we recommend tagging this blog.
And thank you so much to @starweiser5993. Your help is very much appreciated <3
Day 1
Akatsuki / Post War by @professor-of-naruto
Post War by @asiriyep
Post War by @weirdowithaquill
Day 2
Different Village(s) by asiriyep
Fool for Love by professor-of-naruto (prompts: platonic soulmate, different villages)
Platonic Soulmates by weirdowithaquill
Day 3
any au by @scoobydoo-pushpops
any au by @maireyart
any au by @cool-thymus
crossover by asiriyep
any au by weirdowithaquill
any au by @damien-wolfram-art (other prompts: day 5: found family, alternative prompt)
Day 4
Matching Clothings by flawlessstriker
Realization by scoobydoo-pushpops​
Matching Clothings by weirdowithaquill
Day 5
The bell test rings differently by @maiikawriter (prompt: found family)
Found Family by weirdowithaquill
Found Family by flawlessstriker
Day 6
Time Travel by weirdowithaquill
Day 7
Baybsitting by weirdowithaquill
Inappropriate Use of Jutsu / Babysitting by cool-thymus and maireyart
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damien-wolfram-art · 1 year
Part of a collaboration with @flawlessstriker
Here it is!
Minato leaned on the second-floor railing that overlooked the living room of his small cabin home and sighed.
“Someone’s looking content,” cooed the warm and familiar voice of Sakumo Hatake, his third love. He joined Minato at the railing to see just what had made him so happy. Below, Minato’s son, Naruto, was laughing away. He was being tickled on the lower bunk of his bed by a larger boy from the Uchiha clan, Obito. The couple had adopted Obito into the family after a long series of unfortunate events. The boy was troubled, but with some help from his son, Kakashi, Sakumo had come to see the good in Obito.
“Content? Haha I guess so,” Minato agreed, remembering that it hadn’t been easy for him to reach this peaceful moment either. He had lost his first love, Kushina, during Naruto’s birth. This was something Sakumo understood all too well and although Kakashi hadn’t a Tailed Beast sealed within him, he was spending some time in prison with his own demons to attend to.
Minato tried to start anew after leaving Naruto under the care of the Senju, though perhaps it was too fast; it was a bad habit of his to rush into things after all. His second attempt at love came and went, but when he stumbled across Sakumo, it felt like life could finally start slowing down for him. He rekindled with Naruto who was much older now–thirteen years older in fact and by some cosmic coincidence, he had inherited the kind, forgiving nature of his mother. Minato swore to protect him and Sakumo promised to be by their side.
Now, Minato spent his days with his little found family in their cabin, farming or finding ways to make work just a little easier for the older man who had made the house a home. He had never really stopped to think about it, but Sakumo was right. He was content.
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvv Two more entries under the cut vvvvvvvvvvvvvv
Unexpected Visitors
It was a beautiful spring day in The Hatake Territory. The birds were singing and the air was crisp after a few showers earlier in the week. Minato took the pleasant weather as a sign that he and his son should spend some quality time outside together. The two were working on the completion of a jutsu that Naruto had picked up from a “frog” somewhere during his travels. As ridiculous as this sounded, Minato never questioned Naruto for he had also met “The Frog”.
The two were just beginning to make progress when Minato felt every hair on his body stand on end. There was an oppressive chakra approaching. It rivaled Naruto’s and that of the beast inside of him as well. “Obito,” Minato called over to the young man resting at the base of a tree who had been watching them train. “Take Naruto to Sakumo.”
“What? Aw c’mon! We were just gettin’ somewhere!” Naruto protested.
“It’s just a quick break Naruto. Besides, Sakumo should have lemonade,” Minato bribed the boys.
Obito stood up quickly. Sakumo’s lemonade was almost always a bit too sweet and Obito had a sweet tooth. The bribe worked on him. “Well, Naruto, you heard Pops. Gramps made lemonade. It’s break time,” his raspy voice ceded and he dragged Naruto inside–kicking and screaming.
Minato turned toward the source of the disturbance and clutched tightly to one of his custom three-pronged kunai. There was a rustle and then, he was gone. Only the kunai remained.
In an instant, Minato transported himself to another kunai near the source of the rustle. He had his kunai scattered all over the territory just for this purpose. From his new vantage point, he saw one of the intruders, Tobirama Senju.
By now, he knew what the intruder was looking for. It had been a few years since Naruto had escaped Senju containment. He had been on the run ever since. Since they had settled down, it was a simple task to find him. Minato wouldn't allow it though. He had to throw his idol off of the track somehow, but when he blinked, the man was gone! “Crap! Where did he-”
“Go?” Asked the deep self-righteous voice of Tobirama from behind him. He had already marked the tree where Minato’s suspicious kunai was with a seal of his own and used it to flank him.
Minato felt the man move to slash at him and so he was forced to transport away again. This continued for a few minutes until Minato found one of his kunai that Tobirama hadn’t. From there, he rushed home.
Upon arrival, he was relieved to see that everyone was alright, but there was something that just didn’t sit right with him. Tobirama was in the forest, but what was that chakra? It wasn’t Tobirama’s. It was a chakra he had never experienced before; it was similar in strength to Hashirama’s. Though it was much more ominous. He had only begun to explain himself when there was a knock on the door. His brief explanation was more than enough to spur Obito into action though. With his own transportation dojutsu, he took himself and Naruto to a place only he could access normally.
Then, Minato answered the door. Nothing would have prepared him for what he would see outside of his home. A masked man with white side-swept spiky hair wearing a bland prisoner’s uniform gave him a curt wave and a pleasant, “Yo~”
“Kakashi?” Minato greeted him with disbelief. “Aren’t you supposed to be in prison?”
Before Kakashi could answer, a heavy shadow loomed behind him. Minato was suddenly struck by the imposing chakra he felt before at full force. Two red eyes pierced the silhouette. Three tomoe resided in each, framing the pupils. A full head of hip length teased midnight blue hair made it very apparent who Minato was dealing with. “M-Madara Uchiha,” he croaked.
The formidable beast of a man stepped forward, gently pushing Kakashi aside. “So, you recognize me? How fortunate for you. That makes things a bit easier.” There was an air of casual confidence when he spoke, but this did nothing to diminish his intimidation factor. “I’ll make this quick then: I’ve brought you Kakashi Hatake; I want The Nine-Tails.”
“Death comes to all. But life comes first. Cherish it. Death is the destination. But the journey, that is life. That is what matters.”
Brandon Sanderson - The Way of Kings
Madara Uchiha was at his door, demanding his son. Using Kakashi as leverage, he cornered Minato and gave him a choice, but deciding was impossible. When his mind was taken over by a genjutsu, Sakumo stepped in. The White Light Blade struck true. Madara was bleeding.
“Take Kakashi and go,” Sakumo ordered.
Minato’s mind flashed to the night he met him. He was searching for Naruto and just happened across a campsite. The fire was crackling away in the lonely night. There he found many crumpled notes which shook him to his very core. “My name is Sakumo Hatake,” one read. 
“Those who seek my bounty know me as “The White Fang”. I have grown tired of this chase; I feel the weight of my sins and can run from them no longer. To the one who finds me: please take my bounty and leave my son, Kakashi, unharmed. The legacy of “The White Fang” shall die here with me.”
Sakumo was both furious and embarrassed to find that Minato read his drafts, but Minato begged him to reconsider. First, he listened to the broken man’s story. The two of them had both been separated from their boys. Though he sympathized with Sakumo, he argued for Kakashi’s sake, “The way you talk is like you’ve given up on something precious to you. Your boy, Kakashi, he’s precious to you, but that’s not it is it? You’ve lost something else: the strength to go on. It’s true that we all will eventually move on from these lives, but will dying here now truly satisfy you? Kakashi needs you! Don’t you want to protect him? As his father, your will to protect is strong. Are you really going to throw all that away and give up?”
Sakumo had been deeply moved by Minato’s words, but Minato wanted to make sure he remembered them. When he found the noose, he cut it down and etched the three words “Never Give Up” into the trees surrounding the area. He left one of his Kunai in the center tree. He was not sure what he expected, but he never expected Sakumo to eventually hand deliver it back to him.
Now the older man was between him and Madara Uchiha. Minato tried to protest, but Sakumo wouldn’t allow it. He had changed. “Take Kakashi and go. This is my home. I will protect it. It is precious to me!”
“Cute,” uttered Madara. And then there were flames.
Minato panted heavily. There was a lingering warmth on his face from the flames he had narrowly escaped. In his arms he clutched Kakashi’s injured form protectively. When he looked up to see where he was, he saw Obito and Naruto staring back at him.
“Pops?” Greeted Obito. “Where’s Gramps?”
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maiikawriter · 1 year
For @teamminatoweek Day 5: Found Family
The Bell Test Rings Differently
Relationships: Kakashi & Obito & Rin, Kakashi & Team 7, KakaRin
Summary: In a world where Team Minato grew up together, the bell test Kakashi administers to Team 7 plays out a bit differently—yet yields similar results.
Words: 1142
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weirdowithaquill · 1 year
Team Minato Week Done!
So, I spent a week focusing on doing drabbles for TeamMinatoWeek2023, and they are now all complete and available on Ao3 - you can find them here.
I will warn people that some of the drabbles are just a tad on the darker side, but that's just me covering my bases.
I had a lot of fun with this one, might even return next year! It was nice to utilise prompts and think outside my usual style. In the meantime, regularly scheduled fics will probably start to appear again soonish. But I make no promises.
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elenyafinwe · 2 years
@ the person suggesting a Sannin week: Feel free make your own, because I’m not really interested in them.
@ anyone else: I have a form asking for dates for my @hashimitoweek, @minakushiweek and @teamminatoweek events, also shared on the respective blogs. Feel free to share it further and to vote for whatever interests you. The question is, if we move the dates to new ones (as in character birthdays) or keep the dates from last year.
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asiriyep · 1 year
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Team Minato Week 2023.
Day 3: Crossovers.
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cool-thymus · 1 year
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Team Minato Week 2023: Day 7: Inappropriate Use Of Ninja Techniques / Babysitting
I'm offering you a tiny story that fits both prompts for Day 7 (kinda :D) The illustration is done by my dear @maireyart <3 (thank you again!) The editing and missed-commas-recovery by @professor-of-naruto (i appreciate it sm)
Obito raised his head from the book. He glanced at the window first. No, nothing there.
The scratchy noises were coming from the hall. “He taught them to knock, huh? Clever,” he thought, remembering the last time Kakashi’s ninken appeared in their apartment unannounced; the havoc, the awkwardness. Grinning, he carefully got up from his chair and tiptoed out of the room, making sure that his teammate was still fast asleep. The dogs made him uncomfortable. He always expected some snarky comments or criticism, even though he personally didn’t wrong them in any way. When he slid the bedroom door back behind him, three ninja dogs were standing in the dark hall with Pakkun, who had a scroll attached to his back.
“Is Boss inside?” asked Pakkun. “Oh. Hey… you guys!” Obito whispered with a smile trying to be friendly. “Could you be quiet? He’s sleeping and…”
“We have a message for him. Let us in, Bito!” said the little grey one with a smirk.
“It’s Obito, Shiba,” rumbled the biggest of the pack.
“I know that! But I bet Bito here can’t even remember our …” 
Obito didn’t let him finish. “Shhhhh! Guys, please, keep it down! He was released from the hospital, like, yesterday. He needs rest.” The dogs stopped bickering and lowered their heads. With a little more confidence Obito addressed Pakkun: 
“What’s the message?” The pug let him take the scroll while glancing at the bedroom door, worried. Obito briefly studied the insides of the scroll and then exhaled with relief “Oh, that. We booked this mission a while ago, for extra cash, y’know. It’s a piece of cake, I can go alone.”
To that the dogs rolled their eyes and made it look like Obito said something ridiculous.
“Oh, great, genius! Go alone!” growled Urushi, turning to leave.
“Yeah, thanks for ruining our day off, Bito!” joined Shiba. “Whose turn is it this time?”
“I say Bull should go. He’s never on Bito-sitting duty, that oversized softy!” replied Urushi as the three ninken headed outside.
“I don’t mind. Obito is nice.”
Obito had expected mockery, but their reaction confused him completely. “Huh? What are you guys saying?” But the ninken had all already left the hall except for Pakkun, who was standing behind Obito with his paw softly pressed against the bedroom door. He took a moment to think things over.
“Come on, kid,” he said in a reassuring tone. “Never have you ever gone on a solo mission alone; since your very first one. But you didn’t hear it from me.” He winked at Obito and followed his pack outside.
Dumbstruck, Obito was left alone with the open scroll in his hands. It didn’t take him long to puzzle things out. The realization hurt his pride at first (what kind of shinobi was he, if he’d never noticed the dogs tailing him!) But quickly the hurt was replaced by a very tender feeling growing in his chest and spreading warmth up to his cheeks. He cracked the bedroom door open and looked at the figure on the bed. Kakashi was sleeping peacefully wrapped in blankets with his nose tucked between the pillows. A couple of moments passed before Obito finally slid the door close, a warm smile never leaving his face.
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flawlessstriker · 1 year
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Team Minato Week 2023 - Day 5 : Found Family / Enemies To Lovers / Enemies AND Lovers
A scene from @damien-wolfram-art 's piece for @teamminatoweek Day 5.
Link to his work here!
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teamminatoweek · 1 year
Prompts & Rules 2023
Hello, dear fellow fans of Team Minato<3 The event goes into the second round! Here are now the prompts and rules for the event in 2023. If any questions occure, please don’t hesitate to contact me!
The event runs from July 24 to July 30. You can submit your work on ao3 to the Team Minato Week 2023 collection, if you like.
Please also wellcome our new mod @starweiser5993, who will help me, Elenyafinwe, with the orga this year. Thank you <3
The main prompt list
Day 1: Akatsuki / Post War Day 2: (platonic) Soulmates / different village(s) Day 3: any AU* / any swap (generation, body, role ect.) / Crossovers Day 4: realization / Couple Costume / Matching Clothings Day 5: Found Family / Enemies To Lovers / Enemies AND Lovers Day 6: Mermaid / Time Travel Day 7: Inappropriate Use Of Ninja Techniques / Babysitting
*suggested AUs: Royal, ABO, No Powers, Modern Setting, Modern Ninja, Steampunk, 60s/70s/80s/90s, Hanahaki, Kushina is the Hokage AU
Alternative prompts and rules under the cut.
Alternative Prompts
I choose violence
Cersei Lannister (Game of Thrones)
I've got so much to hide But reflections never lie I see you trying to go And show your face again You're my first and last mistake Every promise that I break Just when the game is through I can count on you To make sure I never win 
You Never Let Me Down - Vertical Horizon
Death comes, they wipsered. Death comes to all. But lifes comes first. Cherish it. Death is the destination. But the journey, that is life. That is what matters.
Brandon Sanderson - The Way of Kings
Mods are @elenyafinwe​ & @starweiser5993
The event takes place from July 24 to July 30.
You can participate in any form you like. Write Fanfics, draw something awesome, post headcanons, make edits. Whatever you like. Your work doesn’t have to be in English, I trust you to follow the rules ^^
Only new works please. If you have a yet unpublished WIP, that’s fine tho!  
Post your work wherever you want, but if you want it to be featured here, please make a Tumblr post with the work and/or the link to your work, tag this blog and use the hashtag for the event #TeamMinatoWeek2023.
You can, of course, use the hashtag on other social media, too, but keep in mind, that I’m only on twitter and will only check it there as well (and retweet it with my priv acc, you can tag me there as @/Aucraptor).
In the post put in all the necessary tags that apply to your work and add warnings accordingly. Please also add the prompt you choose.  
NSFW is allowed (just don’t post it fully on Tumblr), as well as any Dead Dove. Just tag it properly. Generally speaking: Any content is allowed that’s also allowed on ao3. It simply has to be tagged. However, any form of harrasment of other content creators over their content for the event is not allowed and will be banned from the event.
The main focus of your work has to be on the members of Team Minato. All pairings are allowed.
You can do all prompts, some prompts or no prompts at all … or even more than one prompt per day, if you can manage that. If you don’t like the main prompt list, you can use the alternative prompts and/or mix both lists together. Whatever you like.
You can interpret the prompts as freely as you wish.
The main event takes place in the above mentioned week. But let’s be honest: If you find this blog after this and want to add something to the party feel free to do so! Late submissions will be accepted any time after the official end. However, I will not check the Hashtag forever, so better tag this blog.
No pressure, just have fun.
@faneventshub @fandomweeks @narutoandborutoevents
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asiriyep · 1 year
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Team Minato Week 2023.
Day 1: Post War.
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teamminatoweek · 1 year
Here is now the promised prompt suggestion for this year’s Team Minato Week! Give me all your prompt suggestions and please share so we get a wide variety of prompts and the word out for the event <3 The form stays open for two weeks until April 30 and the prompts follow a day later.
This year I’m also looking for a bit of help, so if you want to help me co-modding the event and/or create some graphics, fill out the form ^^
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teamminatoweek · 1 year
Only a few more days! How is it going for everyone? Arw you all excited?
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