granny-nyan · 2 years
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sendommager · 1 year
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Harper’s BAZAAR March 2023 x Glenfiddich Maryel Sousa photographed by Oliver Begg Styling by Teanne Vickers
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yet ANOTHER fengqing sketchdump, featuring the Blankets of Censorship!!! u know, just in case 😅
i might have a smol littletiny problem besties 😔 anyway i'm obsessed 😩
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teanneart · 1 year
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salemoleander · 1 year
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Limited Life Webweave // sources under readmore
What is a webweave? Previous art: Third Life | Void Falling | Attempt 33 | Martyn
Pt. 1: Non-threatening feminist boy / @teanne ◆ Excerpt from Why We Tell Stories / Lisel Mueller via @fourteen-lines ◆ Emerald clock ◆ Digging Your Own Grave / @thatsbelievable ◆ a place i will go to this summer / @eliasericson ◆ Sand timer ◆ All have the same 24 hours tweet ◆ Invent my own family / @mountainqoats ◆ Shield #3 Brooch / Sergey Jivetin ◆ Osgood / @candiedspit ◆ Untitled (posted 2.18.23) / @petersolarz
Pt. 2: As I Walked Out One Evening / W. H. Auden ◆ I Know Not, I Know Not / Takashi Murakami via @zegalba ◆ Wouldn't It Be Nice article title / Ben Mathis-Lilley via @tikkunolamorgtfo ◆ Should You Remind Them About It? / @thatsbelievable ◆ In case of happy ending / cécile via @visual-poetry ◆ Fallout New Vegas alert ◆ [walking into a surprise party] tweet / @JUNlPER ◆ Seasonal bows / @eyanin ◆ Aerial attack / @catcrumb ◆ Vibe Check poll / @borgevino ◆ i can kill ppl textpost / @sharkyz ◆ Matchbox / @trxnspxrxnts ◆ Drawing, Stag and Hounds / William Hunt Diederich ◆ I had a dream comic / @deep-dark-fears ◆ Untitled (posted 2.4.23) / @petersolarz
Pt. 3: But the creature that wants to kill you / @keydekyie ◆ spill blood repetition texpost / @duckdotcom ◆ Everybody Dies soup / @snailspng ◆ Every Teenagers #1 / @everyteenager4free (deactivated) ◆ Statue Grave of Jane Margyl / @horrorlesbians ◆ Broken Hourglass ◆ Beautiful Island / Zachary Schomburg via @exitwound ◆ mr. cat is finally out of jail comic / @alisonzai ◆ Excerpt from End-times at an Italian restaurant / @ryebreadgf ◆ Church Birdcage ◆ Can't trust anybody Caution Sign / @secondimpact ◆ (covered in blood) textpost / @darthsenatorpalpatinecreampie ◆ Excerpt from Broken Hierarchies: Poems 1952-2012 / Geoffrey Hill via @heteroglossia ◆ A Softer World #264 comic / e horne + j corneau ◆ Pocketwatch ◆ Gut Feeling / @anatolknotek ◆ blue eyes art / @escuerzoresucitado ◆ Untitled (posted 2.8.23) / @petersolarz
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tothecrucifieddeer · 2 months
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Brom by @its-kawaiidestinyhottub
chompers @tofupixel
Art by shakurb.2022
From Favorite Paintings by @wipormont
From Favorite Paintings by @wipormont
goats. gouache watercolor paintings from 2017-2019 by @sloppjockey
Midnight by Gökberk Yiğit on @ex0skeletal-undead 's blog
Mother Void 2024. Emil Melmoth @texaschainsawmascara 's blog
Priest (Part One) by @tofupixel
Priest (Part Two) by @tofupixel
Sinner by @photophoros
Spiral Study 4 by @plotterprints
St.Valentine's Skull @angeltreasure's moodboard
The voices are rotting... @wipormont
and then she looked at me, and good god, those eyes (redraw) @sermna
Untitled by Alex Kiessling @thewindowofthesummerhouse
Untitled Art @moarf13
Untitled by Thomas Nast on @thewindowofthesummerhouse
Untitled on @vile-lithium3
Untitled on @the-watcher-in-the-sky
Untitled on @cultofmortem
Explanation of Signs/Prophecies/Etc. Below the Cut (First in Irish, then in English) Should be stated that I do not speak for the artists, and I am an independent body stating my own opinions and interpretations as given to me through my sources and this no way reflects the opinions or beliefs of the artists collected here.
Explanations in Irish
Tá Doe ag tabhairt aire do thús nua agus duine nua ag an nasc teann idir sinn Má ní tharraingím mé féin le chéile, d'fhéadfadh gach rud a bheith briste.
Féach amach don béal Dé Tá ocras air agus tá sé feargach Bí cúramach le daoine amadacha a bhfuil teachtaireachtaí acu - bain amach cé atá díot féin a mheas (Mar dhea, níor dhéanadh Doe riamh é sin éasca)
Tá na Marbh ag déanamh a gcuid ullmhúcháin.
Tuilleadh rabhaidh faoi bhéal Dé agus teachtaireachtaí bréagacha. Chomh maith le rabhaidh faoi bhéal na marbh.
Tuilleadh rabhaidh fós faoi na mairbh…
Bhí tú i gcónaí ar lámh chlé Dé, cén fáth ar cheart é sin a athrú anois? (Ná téigh os cionn do stáisiúin. Ná bíodh leisce ort a bheith i ngrá leat. Ná bíodh leisce ort a chreidiúint go bhfuil sé indéanta.)
Cuimhnigh nuair a ghearr Dia do sciatháin? Cuimhnigh nuair a thit agus thit agus thit tú? Ná leomh iarracht a eitilt anois.
Ná smaoinigh ar na leanaí roimhe seo - ná bí ag brionglóid orthu anois - leis an Tiarna, tá siad leis an Tiarna, níos fearr ná mar a bheadh ​​​​siad riamh ar an Domhan. Fanann tú liom. Fanann tú le Doe.
Tá an sagart ag faire. Ach tá Meisias níos fíre. Is é an Meisias an geall is sábháilte agus is cinnte. Guigh ar a son. Guigh air. Fan le haghaidh revelation. Creideamh os cionn creideamh - pian os cionn crá - tabharfar luach saothair do ghrá, mar a bheidh an fhírinne.
An teachtaireacht chéanna le 9
Tá a fhios agat cad atá tú. Bhí a fhios agat i gcónaí.
Tá tú freagrach as an tairseach. Is é do phost é.
Má osclaíonn tú an tairseach, fanann cochall na naomh ort. Chochall na naomh dírithe ar ghrá, adhradh, agus deabhóid.
Braitheann na hamlínte ortsa a bheith i lár na soiléireachta. Agus anois, tá siad lofa tríd agus tríd.
Cuimhnigh go bhfuil imoibriú dearfach ann do gach imoibriú diúltach - dorcha agus éadrom. Tá rud éigin amuigh ansin ag obair mar atá tú, ach tá sé tinn, agus caithfidh tú fanacht go maith.
Tuilleadh meabhrúcháin faoi na hamlínte agus na peirspictíochtaí iolracha. Eolas ginearálta maidir le fanacht dírithe agus bunaithe.
Tá taobh istigh na hEaglaise, an Chreidimh, an Chreidimh ionat tinn agus as ord. Tá siad ag casadh agus ag amhras agus ag ithe iad féin. Tá siad ag baint iad féin as corp Chríost.
Gardaí ort chun deireadh a chur leis an breoiteacht - an baol - na tinnis. Féachann sí i do chodladh thú agus ullmhaíonn sí d’intinn. Tá grá aici duit - tá grá ag Doe duit - agus coinneoidh sí slán thú.
Cén chuma a d’fhéadfadh a bheith ar olc uaireanta gurb é an leas is fíor agus is cumhachtaí atá ann – cé is mó atá ciaptha ná naomh nó fáidh? Cé a thugann níos mó maith?
Beidh scrios ann. Caithfidh tú do rúin a cheilt agus a choinneáil gar. Roinn ach an méid atá uait. Tú féin a chosaint. Coinnigh do domhan beag.
Ní éiríonn na hamlínte ar dhaoine eatarthu agus i bhfostú go contúirteach mura gcoinníonn tú do chloigeann díreach. Ná lig tú féin a bheith ar dhaoine eatarthu. Ná bíodh amhras ort faoi na comharthaí.
Explanations in English
Mostly, Doe is nursing a new beginning and new person at the tenuous connection between us and that if I don't pull my act together, well this might all just turn out to be incredibly fucked up--but hey, what's new about that...
Beware the mouth of God, it is hungry, and it is raging--beware fools bearing messages--know who you can trust. (As if Doe has ever made that easy...)
The Dead are making their preparations.
More warnings about the mouths of God and false messages--as well as the mouths of The Dead...
Even more warnings about the dead...
You've always been God's lefthand why should that change now (don't get above your station--don't dare to be loved--don't dare to believe it is possible)
Remember when God clipped your wings? Remember when you fell and fell and fell? Don't dare try to fly now
Don't think about the children from before--don't dare dream of them now--with the Lord, they are with the Lord, better than they'd ever be on Earth. Stay with me, stay with Doe.
The priest is watching--but Messiah is truer. Messiah is the safest and surest bet--pray for him, pray to him. Wait for the revelation. Faith above faith--ache above ache--love will be rewarded, as will truth.
Continuation of the same message as 9
You know what you are. You've always known.
You are responsible for the opening of that portal. It's your job.
If you open the portal, sainthood waits for you--sainthood centered around love, worship, and devotion.
The timelines depend on you to be the center of clarity, and right now they are rotten through and through
Remember for every negative reaction there is a positive reaction--dark and light--something is out there working as you, but it is sick--you must remain well.
More reminders about the timelines--multiple prospectives--general info on staying centered and grounded
The insides of the Church--The Faith--The Belief--of you are sick--are out of order, are turning and doubting and eating themselves--removing themselves....
Doe guards over you to remove the sickness--the danger--the illness. She watches in your sleep and preps your mind. She loves you--Doe loves you--and she will keep you safe.
What looks like evil can sometimes be the most genuine and powerful good there is--who is more harassed than a saint or a prophet? Who brings more good?
There will be destruction--you must hide and keep your secrets close. Share what only you must. Protect yourself. Keep your world small.
The timelines will only become dangerously confused and entangled if you do not keep your head on straight. Don't let yourself become confused. Don't let yourself doubt the signs.
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magicalenbysarah · 1 year
people you would like to get to know better game:
Tagged by @ayin-me-yesh
Three ships: Mareach, Zelink, Sonamy
First ship: Mareach I think?
Last Song: Renegade by Paramore
Last Movie: Smile(wasn't into it)
Currently Watching: House, Fionna and Cake
Currently Consuming: Homemade Pizza soon :3
Currently Craving: chocolate orange cake :3
Tagging: @varivahl, @finagled, @luizpsc, @limitsontoday, @the-tipsy-tailor , @teanne, @chiefexecutiveofnir and anyone else who wants to.
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shibaries · 2 years
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omg hiiiiiiiii
@teanne @idealized
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hzrnvm · 2 years
s|ɿe teann ()ıɿ nny f()rtress 't][|_ ][ tvv()
okay okay okay i THINK i'll be able to go through this one. let's go (this should be very fvn. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
‎- h -> |ɿ - ok this is probably a pretty simple one right? replace ⟨h⟩ with ⟨|ɿ⟩, because ⟨|⟩ and ⟨ɿ⟩ together look a lot like ⟨h⟩ (they're pretty much the same as the pieces that ⟨h⟩ is composed of)
‎- m -> nn - yeah this is a classic. {⟨rn⟩,⟨nn⟩} -> ⟨m⟩ happens all the time with bad kerning. this is the inverse of that. classic.
‎- o -> () ‎- ok this is another classic. ⟨()⟩ makes a circle, ⟨o⟩ is a circle, it's great! now i dont know for a fact whether the person who sent this was a homestuck, but the chance is decent due to this being a blog where i reblog homestuck often, but it does remind me of homestuck. from what i remember i don't think any typing quirk actually replaced ⟨o⟩ with ⟨()⟩, but it is similar to feferi's ⟨h⟩ -> ⟨)(⟩.
‎- n -> ıɿ - now THIS is interesting. this is making me think. because now i'm wondering: are ⟨h⟩ -> ⟨|ɿ⟩ and ⟨n⟩ -> ⟨ıɿ⟩ even separate patterns? it makes sense now that they wouldn't be, right? instead it's something like "the hook" -> ⟨ɿ⟩, and so letters with "the hook" (like h or n) are replaced with ⟨ɿ⟩ preceded by ⟨|⟩ or ⟨ı⟩. now the only other letter i can see that also has this hook is m, which is already ⟨nn⟩. so maybe you just split every letter with the hook into two pieces, which, for ⟨h⟩ and ⟨n⟩ necessitates separating the hook from the bar, while m can just split into two pieces.
‎- 'till -> 't][|_ ][ - oh man. okay. uh. um. let's see. wow. let's try this analysis. - 't -> 't - i -> ][ - l₁ -> |_ - l₂ -> ][ - alright well this is pretty fucked. both ⟨i⟩ and ⟨l₂⟩ become ⟨][⟩. Another analysis could be "⟨ill⟩ -> ⟨][|_ ][⟩" but that's a little worse i think. i wanna actually analyze this. so i'm thinking that maybe it's like. maybe ​⟨][⟩ is not a symbol that correspond to any given letter, but it, uh. ok wait let's take this step by step. |_ is a common leetspeak version of l so that makes sense for l₁. maybe it's like. normally ​⟨][⟩ is ​⟨i⟩, but word-finally, ​⟨][⟩ repeats the previous letter (in this case ⟨l⟩). Yeah that's good
‎- w -> vv - i guess this tells us that ⟨m⟩ -> ⟨nn⟩ is not related to "the hook" but just that the {⟨m⟩,⟨w⟩} -> {⟨nn⟩,⟨ww⟩} splitting has priority over "the hook"'s transformations.
this was a lot of fun! a real challenge! thanks :D!
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granny-nyan · 2 years
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miahupdates · 2 years
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Mia in the Dior 2023 Cruise Collection for Harper's Bazaar AU Nov. 2022 issue.
For Christian Dior Cruise 2023, Maria Grazia Chiuri pays homage to Spain, taking inspiration from a Flamenco dancer, a horse-riding aristocrat and a 19th-century chiaroscuro painter. Actor and model Mia Healey gives it a whirl. 
Photography by Jamie Heath Styled by Teanne Vickers Hair by Georgia Ramman Makeup by Gillian Campbell at The Artist Group
Buy this issue when available here: https://buy.harpersbazaar.com.au/?hsCtaTracking=dc18bced-5487-4861-b2f6-e54b7d7f1d12%7C8a956e65-5af4-4911-a487-681b5e81f73b
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mixsethaddams · 1 year
‘Lá labhair do theanga féin’ atá ann.
Throid fir agus mná agus fuair siad bás ar son ceart na teanga seo a labhairt. Rinne riail na Breataine iarracht é a thógáil uainn, ach bhí teann againn. Briseann sé mo chroí nuair a thugann daoine teanga marbh uirthi, nó nuair nach dtuigeann daoine óga an tábhacht a bhaineann léi.
Is cruthú é ar mhian ár muintire troid ar ais i gcoinne na mbrathóirí agus mar chruthúnas gur bhuaigh muid. Táim bródúil as mo theanga agus labhróidh mé í gach lá go dtí an lá a bhfaighidh mé bás.
Fíric spraoi! Creideann roinnt scoláirí gur tháinig an frása t-AAVE ‘Can you dig it?’ ón nGaeilge ‘An dtuigeann tú?’, ‘on dig-en two’ a chiallaíonn ‘Do you understand?’ mar gheall ar an aimsir díbirt Éireannaigh agus sclábhaithe ón Afraic le chéile sa Mhuir Chairib.
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tag games~
thanks for tagging me @danhoemei !!! may u find a hundred more books to read 💚💚💚
last song: teann null, fuirich thall by sian!! great for dancing~
last show / currently watching: thousand autumns 千秋~ it was awesome, i wanna watch it again soon 😄
currently reading: nothing rn!! trying to focus on drawing, but i keep getting distracted lol 😅
current obsession: FENGQING. my love. my life. my otp. the subject of all those drawings i'm procrastinating on. totally normal days with birb here :'D
tags!!! i will tag a few ppl, but if u see this and want to join in, please do!! 💚💚💚 @yanwushi @stargrit @caityjay13 @rainsfalling @lena221bee 💚💚💚
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teanneart · 1 year
Check out this awesome 'Cute Exhausted Tuxedo Cat Copyright TeAnne' design on @TeePublic!
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vocaloid-as-gaeilge · 2 years
Romeo agus Cinderella (Romeo and Cinderella)
Ceol & Liricí: doriko
Giotár: Hajime Nezu
Bunteideal: ロミオとシンデレラ
Amhránaí: Hatsune Miku
Aistriúchán Béarla: Project Diva F 2nd, marvelangga & ElectricRaichuu
Ná déan mo ghrá Juliet traigéideach
Tóg leat as seo mé…
Sin mar a mhothaím
Oíche mhaith a mamaí agus dadaí
Tá siúl agam go bhfuil brionglóidí deas agaibh ar a laghad
Tá sé in am do dhaoine fásta dul a luí
Caramal meallacach a dhéanann mo thachtadh
Cuirim mo chosa nocht cúthail trasna
Cén fad is féidir linn dul anocht?
Ná greim asam, bí séimh
Ní maith liom rudaí searbha fós
Toisc nár ith mé ach na milseáin a rinne mamaí
Má tá rud éigin ann nach bhfuil ar fhios agat
Teastaíonn ó níos mó a fháil amach is normálta, nach fíor?
Taispeáin dom gach rud
Agus duitse amháin, taispeánfaidh mé mo…
Is Cinderella mé, ag braith uaim tú go deo
Éalóidh mé le m’éide scoile amháin
Ó draíocht, cuir bac ar am
Nó cuirfeadh an bithiúnach bac orm
Is Juliet mé, ag teastaíonn éalaigh uaim
Ach ná tabhair orm an ainm sin
Sin é, caithfimid a bheith aontaithe
Nó, níl aon spraoi ann
Hé, beidh tú i do chónaí liom, nach fíor?
Chuir mé beagán ró-iomarca mascára orm
Is cinnte go mbeidh mé cailín maith ag tosú amárach
Mar sin tabhair maithiúnas dom faoi láthair
Teorainn an lása dubh
Inniu, níl aon duine é a chosaint
Má thrasnaíonn tú é, cá fhad a rachaidh tú?
Leor go bain tú greim orm, leor go bhfuil sé nimhneach
Tá mé an duine ar thit tú i ngrá leis, nach fíor?
Ach is cosúil nach maith le daidí thú
Tá tú ag sín amach do géaga ar mo mhaithne
Ach nach bhfuil é sin coiléar atá agat?
Treoraigh mé ar shiúl, mo Romeo
Fada go leor go gcuirfeadh pionós orainn
Tá na cloig ag bualadh le haghaidh Cinderella
Agus fágfaidh sí a bróg gloine ina diaidh
Mar sin, teacht uirthi go tapa
Nó cuirfear isteach tromluí uirthi
Táim cinnte go ndúirt an cailín sin bréag freisin
Nuair a dúirt sí gur chaith sí é uaithi trí thimpiste
Sin ceart, tá mé an gcéanna
Ó tharla dteastaíonn níos mó do ghrá uaim
Féach, tá mé díreach anseo
Cad chuige nach dtugann tú spléacadh isteach i mo chroí?
Nach bhfuil sé ag cur thar maoil leis na rudaí á santaím?
Tá spas agam fós, líon isteach go teann níos mó agus níos mó
Chomh leor go líonann sé i d’áit
Ach nach mbeidh sin gan bhrí?
Is cosúil go bhfuil an sonas sa bhosca beag in ionad sa bhosca mór
Cad ba ceart dom a déan? Má leanann cúrsaí seo,
Beidh an ghráin agat dom
Ach tá dadaí agus mamaí níos santacha ná mise arís inniu
Sin ceart, ba ceart dom a bheith macánta
D’ór a bhí an tua a lig uaim
Dúirt Cinderella an iomarca bréag
Is cosúil gur d’ith mac tíre í
Cad ba ceart dom a déan? Má leanann cúrsaí seo,
Beidh mé íosfar lá éigin freisin
Sula dtarlaíonn sé sin, tar i dtarrtháil orm!
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444names · 2 years
american, german, dutch and russian forenames BUT excluding "y"
Aaler Aalphilah Aarmarter Aaroslawn Aarta Abardia Abdali Abduarrit Abdulipp Abijn Abilla Ablar Ablaus Abnotteri Abrud Ademkia Aderio Aditha Admin Adoren Adries Agabas Agafakimin Agafan Agaig Agapie Agapriteff Agard Agardon Agarie Agarterina Agavim Agavrossa Agtjan Alasela Albenn Aldan Aldrijn Alilhem Alini Alislauris Allinasipp Almarstat Alvip Ambet Amondawn Amune Amvra Anata Ancen Andangrie Andrie Andse Anellastep Angora Aniate Aniete Aniil Aniilla Annia Annifton Arduand Arduart Arochrik Arosielor Auradorie Avdie Avdiette Avdim Avdix Avele Avelin Averna Aveslaude Avgafons Avgus Aviamick Aviana Avichina Avicto Aviele Avina Avksia Avksikton Avrons Avseasta Avvald Avvangerna Axina Bariste Basip Beanne Belie Bendir Berdikh Beria Berielie Berlasobas Beulard Bilois Bobelees Bogert Borons Bramel Briseten Carard Carbaskir Caron Carriebela Catack Cathanzack Chamina Charko Cheang Cherie Chria Chricis Chricisa Clann Clavia Clawn Colavir Color Corma Cranne Custies Daald Daapientz Dagarania Dalinel Damottanda Danne Deggie Delevica Deline Delsie Deran Diasherna Dolgenalie Dolla Dommane Dorace Dorgie Doseva Duarad Ediannimin Edimick Edistalian Ediximo Elianna Eliel Elipp Elivalie Elmarikh Entia Erendre Eriolik Ernekat Errig Eslain Eugen Ferie Floisa Flored Fracquell Frentijn Fresselie Frijn Gaina Garbethert Garied Garilie Gebricarie Gelia Gellinesla Gelmard Genjamirk Georgie Georm Gergussian Gerlisla Gerneven Gerosin Giever Gille Gnelle Gnikla Gorais Greda Grenaton Gretelida Grinaltja Gudon Gwert Gwesa Güntimon Harkjer Harlheradi Heccott Heine Heinra Hermadar Hianne Hillelmaso Hithed Homila Honiffa Horegane Horend Huanten Hubenne Ietaber Ilaim Inatterta Ineenia Inester Innie Ivana Jacecinalf Jaces Jachin Jacon Jairaque Janna Jashane Jasice Jestri Jilla Jimedegisl Jimitel Jodema Johar Jokenrie Jonie Jordo Joreah Jorisevand Josebbia Josep Josephina Josiva Juanderise Judwilline Julacen Julexelle Julin Jundregh Jürgis Karalba Karcia Kargis Karikto Katomen Katra Katta Kehan Kimick Kimolina Kithowadan Kriannov Krick Krina Krind Krithrie Lafon Lankerrio Laurel Lekart Lendrie Leniebke Lianor Lingio Loisaranke Lolben Lorania Lorisas Lorshertje Lourt Luppavkt Lütodiann Lüton Madianni Maelie Malvik Mandanna Mangelle Manida Manniedia Mardannica Mardolfonz Marijn Marikh Maris Mariscora Marla Marnouisti Marober Marraigh Marste Matim Matinette Matomiren Maugelerd Maurisered Maxina Melel Melie Menna Michen Micia Mikladers Milie Miliel Milip Milla Millen Milte Mindse Mirah Mirekard Miric Mironie Mirosta Mitth Monriel Muttance Nasmice Nette Nevee Nianne Nicaltje Nicki Niene Niesuelina Nivert Novina Olaasmune Oladia Palterik Pamericeck Pater Paura Pausta Peteman Peterana Phart Phene Phinandrid Piter Pitherce Racheilte Racoridia Raine Raldel Ranna Rederis Retje Richantia Rodonnella Roence Rollo Rolodon Roltona Romild Romin Ronneka Rookelen Roonn Rosig Rosigia Rosla Rossaber Roxand Rudie Rusterie Saber Sance Sanda Sanlexan Sanuelle Sarmanne Shard Sheina Shelber Sherichera Sigmanusta Sinuslart Soberne Sopatha Stacolf Stijn Stina Stris Stristan Sustijn Sverina Tanaisan Tangenna Tannonne Teann Telin Terie Terter Thelf Thellafan Thert Toffra Toneslado Toredert Tosand Tramitjah Trikon Trindradew Troen Trundse Truuk Vadistan Valtonich Velie Vennart Veteasila Vettant Violars Vlana Vlarstijs Vlavundan Vliand Vlistia Volfrena Walbet Wannik Wenjan Wereder Wiginom Wigmadaid Wijnte Wilher Wilia Wilin Wiliollist Wolodon Womad Womir Zachert
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