#tears of a jester
sweetpeauserboxes · 2 years
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[id: a white userbox with a pink border and pink text that reads “this user is a silly little jester .” on the left is an image of the jester from tears of a jester. /end id]
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doomed-prophetess · 1 year
I read a spoiler about Tears of a Jester and now I'm unbelievably sad.
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ghostyyells · 2 years
Hello everyone!
This is ghosty here to be the silly little jester that they are! :D
Ghosty speaks in third person and they love to call themself a jester! :D
here are some user boxes that fit ghosty! (Credit to @sweetpeauserboxes ! Go follow them, they’re really cool! :D)
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What ghosty does here is just post things they make! Weather it be headcanons, drawings, edits, memes, etc
If you have any questions just ask!
Love you guys!! :D <33
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starryyskies · 5 months
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shes,,,,,so cute,,,
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elisenel · 11 months
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"Now I've got one thing left to say!"
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jxsterr · 11 months
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the craziest thing about this quote i find is, again, not only is this Not touched upon in the game in the slightest, but how totk actively goes against this. i find it genuinely odd how going back in time to see her ancestors is “what changed her mind”
because if we think about this. right. with the fall of the kingdom after the calamity and the destruction of the castle and the castle town, zelda choses to put her people first and channel all of her energy into rebuilding the World rather than rebuilding the Monarchy. she chooses to rule amongst her people rather than Above in a fancy castle, something which the npcs in totk illustrate works so much better because of how much they love and adore her. zelda has so much more influence over her people and can help and do so much more as a princess on the Ground without any royal escorts breathing down her neck telling her what is and isnt a good idea. which directly shows that hyrule as a kingdom is stronger and much more united without an official monarchy. because people come together at the disappearance of link and zelda to find them, they build lookout landing specifically for it and work together to keep each other safe through the motivation of finding their heros because they’ve actually been given the chance to know them rather than a figurehead of them. in botw nobody really knows how to protect themselves, only a few travellers brave it in the wild and the majority stay comfortable in their towns until monsters start trying to intrude, but then in totk, after zelda’s Direct influence, they band together to protect one another AS WELL AS link and zelda. the people want to protect them because of how personal zelda’s help is
she has more power as a wandering princess than stationed in a castle!!!!!
pre calamity we know that realistically most people wouldnt have even known what she looked like, nor what she wanted for the kingdom or even her character since it was constantly getting smeared by gossipers around the castle, which would inevitably spread around. she was hidden behind doors in the castle as True Royalty and thus struggled to have any real impact on the world like she so desperately did. she tore herself to shreds trying to awaken her power just so she could help her people because there was nothing more she was allowed to do to help. and you’re telling me she would willingly choose to rebuild the monarchy and the kingdom as it was beforehand knowing that she can do so much more to help without the constraints of royalty??? doesn’t that just disregard all of her character development?????????
god knows if any of this makes sense
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smolljester · 3 months
decided to start a new game in TotK just to re-explore everything (and not have duplicate armour sets) and realised something. Zelda, having a Secret Stone and time powers makes her the Sage of Time. you can only learn Recall after making the vow with her. Zelda is the first Sage Link makes a vow with.
i've had this game since launch and only just realised that. i'm so slow.
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dotoil · 5 months
*Spawns with a puzzling ask*
What could possibly happen if a nutcracker found either an AK-47 or an actual mini gun. Would both the monsters and players stare in utter horror with how much power the silly oversized christmas decoration has now?
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monstrouscrew · 8 months
the reason, irrelevant
the colours, bright.
it's a hug for the merryman.
will you freeze or fight?
because the reason's irrelevant,
and the colours are deep,
just a hug for the merryman
to get them to sleep.
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(ID in the alt text)
as tmblr likes to eat quality, some crops, w/o IDs, below the cut.
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grahamcore · 2 years
not to be delusional on main but i truly believe that tomgreg has the potential to go canon. greg’s dad is gay and if there’s one thing this show loves it’s generational similarities (and why bother having that be a plot point if not for later use). tom’s open marriage and hesitancy to cheat but easy intimacy with greg. the eventual crumbling of said marriage and tom’s subsequent closeness with greg as a blatant replacement for shiv. the ‘would you kiss me’ line, the ‘you’re mine’ water bottle pelting scene, the forehead kiss. not to fucking mention nero and sporus. tom has killed his wife, pushed her down the metaphorical stairs, and all that’s left now is for him to dress greg in her clothes and kiss him on the lips. all i’m saying is that i think the writers of succession are too smart to lay all this foundation and not follow through. it’s too good a show for that.
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incaseofart · 19 days
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I love Tear and Footman, silliest siblings ever
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sweetpeauserboxes · 2 years
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[id: a light orange border with a pastel orange border and pastel orange text that reads “this user loves tears of a jester.” on the left is an image of jester from  tears of a jester. /end id]
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doomed-prophetess · 1 year
Why the jester being the secret son of King Klaus would have been a good twist: a compilation of circumstancial evidence
the king is said to be haunted by the ghosts of the dead. His first wife. His second wife. His brother. He cannot let go of the past and keeps tormenting himself by projecting the dead onto the living.
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2. blue eyes are seen as an indicator that someone is royal. Clear blue eyes like the sea. The king has them. The first princess Varona has them, the second princess Lux has them, the rumored bastard prince Fanton has them. And who else has them? The only character with blue eyes who is not part of the royal family? That's right. The court jester. (I also find the paneling very interesting as it focuses on the jesters reaction when the message about a prince who has been secretly living on the palace grounds is being read aloud.) - chapter 51
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It is implied that Fanton might be a pretender to the throne. Wouldn't it have been hilarious if there had been indeed a secret heir and this boy has been living right under the princess' nose enjoying her protection and affections? That princess Varona has been agonizing over the wrong person the entire time when the real threat has been by her side all along?
3. the Jester, princess Varona and the late king Klaus look alot like each other
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do I even need to elaborate. Other readers have said that the princess and the jester look alot like siblings.
4. The king's hallucination. In chapter 19 the king had locked himself up in his room and has been smoking bokhwa seeds (a foreign drug). The consumption of the drug caused him to experience nightmares and auditory hallucinations. He asks the jester if he can hear the screams of soldiers dying. What was the king hearing? Could it possibly have been a memory of the night when he staged the coup d'etat to dispose of King Klaus?
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The jester asks him if he had an unpleasant dream and worries about his health since the King had been using drugs. To this the king answers: "You sound just like him." The jester assumes the king was talking about the prime minister but what if he wasn't? Couldn't this scene have felt familiar to him? - chapter 19
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5. the scene where the King runs away from Lux because he sees his dead wife in her and then turns around the corner, almost running into the jester and he has a look of pure horror on his face. - chapter 22
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6. we know nothing about his parents. the protagonist himself confesses that he was never curious about them since his mind was preoccupied with finding ways to survive in the harsh environment of the orphanage he was raised in.
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what we do know is that a nobleman took a shine to him and acted as a father figure. ("as for a father I suppose I had some of sorts"). It is highly unlikely that an aristocrat would take in a dirty orphan boy without having any ulterior motives. If the nobleman knew about mc's identity as the King's trueborn son it would serve as a logical explanation why someone like him took in a homeless child. He either did this to protect him following the King's orders or to use him once has grown up. - chapter 47
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but something must have went wrong. The aristocrat died and mc became the court jester.
7. The protagonist is said to be the court jester that the king adores so much, yet the king calls him to his side and makes him perform tricks for him for hours. He doesn't care if the jester gets hurt, with a cruel smile on his lips he demands the jester to continue juggling knives while he is bleeding. Granted the king is occasionally cruel to servants (throwing objects at them when he is in a terrible mood but he seems to have been the cruelest to the jester.) - chapter 2
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Presuming that the protagonist had been the previous king's son this would certainly explain the abuse and humilation. Making the surviving son of king Klaus a jester could have also been a petty form of revenge.
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ghostyyells · 2 years
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dent-de-leon · 1 month
Thinking again about Lucien’s whole childhood and trauma, the child abuse and loss of autonomy. His own parents selling him out to a hag--forcing him to lead other victims to her when he was just a child, afraid and all alone in the cursed Savalirwood. Memories of how he treated his older brother's wounds after their father hurt him. His own parents later digging up that same brother's grave and handing him over to the hag, letting her turn him into an undead puppet--a lifeless, empty husk, a haunting mockery of the loved one he lost.
The fire he set to stop his parents from ever hurting him, his siblings, or anyone else ever again. How he still wakes up screaming to nightmares of smoke and screams--
Living on his own in the streets of Shadycreek Run by the age of 12, sending his little sister off to Rexxentrum with some traveling merchants because he was desperate to do anything to get her out of that town, to get her away from people like the Jagentoths--the family that killed their other sibling over their parents' debts.
Lucien saying goodbye to his sister and not seeing her again for years because he felt like it was his only chance to get her out of the Run, to give her a better life while he still struggled and fought every day to survive. Lucien throwing his lot in with the Claret Orders and sacrificing his own blood to fight deadly monsters--believing it was a way to prove himself "worthy," to slay other horrors like the witch who tried to make him into an empty puppet. A way to finally make enough money to support his sister and give her the life he always wished he could. A chance to finally have enough power so no one could ever manipulate or hurt him again.
Lucien looking up the Solstryce Academy in awe, yet knowing that a child like him would have never been given a chance there, feeling the ache of his blood hunter scars and believing that he would never truly belong. Lucien who knew from the beginning that he would be an outsider, that people in Shadycreek would only ever see his infernal blood and hate him for it. The heartbreaking realization that blood hunters are ostracized and feared and hunted down just the same, that his own sister looks at the scars he got trying to build a life for her and she's so disgusted and terrified, she turns him away.
Mage after mage using their magic to try and control Lucien and bend him to their will time and time again. The hag who always hoped to add him to her collection one day, hollow him out into another empty puppet. Vess manipulating him at every turn, using him and throwing him away again and again. The Somnovem all branding Lucien against his will, whispering in his dreams, tormenting him through countless visions. Enslaving him just like all the other fate touched souls that mages of Aeor tortured so long ago.
Lucien being betrayed and hurt by the world again and again, losing any semblance of family or home, always knowing he would never be accepted. Blood and debts and fate and all the misfortune entirely beyond his control, a deck stacked against him from the very beginning.
Lucien looking at Mollymauk and breaking a bit when he realizes that this other part of him was so loved, was able to find his own family and home and happiness. Molly carrying the same scars but none of Lucien's painful past or memories, free of every nightmare Lucien's ever been running from for so long. The way Mollymauk Tealeaf is living the happy dream and fantasy that Lucien always ached for, but never believed could be. How the two of them shake hands and join together again at the very end--
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moldypoff · 2 days
It’s kinda weird how I think these are doodles when I’ve already gone through the sketching, inking, and coloring process. Anyways,
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I usually start with the full drawing but this piece is really messy, so I’m starting with the close-ups! (I MISS MY MUTUALS) @motherarts @stinging-metal
[I really would have sent you guys these through discord first but all of my files are too powerful! I think it’s the paper (PAPER??? PAPER STARZ?????) texture or maybe I just gotta upgrade to nitro or smthn :,V]
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I have several choice words to give to Sebastion but I’ll rant about him later in the tags lmao
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That feeling of sharp bitterness before acceptance and appreciation UnU
Full image under the cut!
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#anxiety wizard#sona#my art#MIEN MUTUALS#Sebastion Solace#before I rant abt Seb I WANT TO TALK ABT MY TAKE ON MY MUTUALS (the sonas)#I really try to stick to the proportions and key feature when interpreting someone’s sona into my art but I do take creative liberties!#Metal I took two drawings you did of your owl boi and smashed it into one while making up colors for it cuz the pic I used didn’t have all#of the elements from the traditional art reference :OO#ALSO I GAVE YOUR PLUMAGE/HAIR THE PRETTY COLORFUL SHEEN THAT CROWS HAVE#idk I thought it was nice :3#I know you’re based off of a barn owl (and lynx?) but I thoguht it was cool! it really adds to your cryptid mystique :3333#Donny your sona was really fun to draw! I liked having to do different proportions and stuff while keeping your cartoony silliness :3#Everyone loves that cetain shade of bubblegum pink!#Me you and moonie (referring to my old jester sona and PB’s PAPER HEARTZ sona :D)#It’s not *exactly* the same#but it’s really similar!#I love my mutuals :’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’V#I love them sm#Okay I got work to do#I completely forgot about seb#I see men that are asshole concentrate become my mutuals hyperfixation WHICH IS FINE#I’m no better#But I know that the fictional men are#realistically#Tearing them to shreds or scorning their existence which I do NOT like#Or maybe they’re just disrespectful but still! The meer thought is uncomfy :(#Solution?#Kill them in my hed but draw them being sweet because I love treating my mutuals :3#People love to have asshole comfort characters!
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