#our version is a bit jazz like
monstrouscrew · 8 months
the reason, irrelevant
the colours, bright.
it's a hug for the merryman.
will you freeze or fight?
because the reason's irrelevant,
and the colours are deep,
just a hug for the merryman
to get them to sleep.
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(ID in the alt text)
as tmblr likes to eat quality, some crops, w/o IDs, below the cut.
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labs · 6 months
Communities closed beta is here
Hello again! We’re back with an update on Communities, a big idea we had last year that we’ve been working on steadily since then. We’re abnormally jazzed to announce that we’re beginning a “closed beta” phase of this new feature, which means many of you will get to play with it soon!
We want to build this whole thing together, with as much input from all of you as possible. We’ve read and re-read the feedback from our previous post, and we’ve been surveying and interviewing people about this idea for a few months now. But it’s time to open this up even more for hands-on testing.
We’ve already begun reaching out to most of you who interacted with our previous post, as promised, with a survey asking whether you’d be interested in helping (check your email!). Over the next couple of weeks, we’ll be using the results of that survey to narrow down who we’d like to help test Communities in these initial batches.
The process is looking a bit like this:
If you received a Communities survey email to your registered Tumblr email address, fill it out! If you’re interested in helping us in this beta test period, that’s your way of potentially getting early access. If you did not receive an email with the Communities survey, don’t fret! Communities will be rolling out to more people as we expand our testing. 
We’ll go through the results and choose a diverse range of community ideas to gather a wide array of feedback.
Selected testers will receive a second survey with more detailed questions about their proposed community. Very practical stuff, like the name, title, and description, whether it should be public or private, the About page contents, its own community guidelines, and more.
We will create the new Tumblr community on your behalf using the information supplied. We’re building the tools that will let people create and edit communities themselves, so eventually you’ll be able to change them without needing our help. But for now, we’re creating and editing them for you, as needed.
After we’ve created the community, you’ll be made its first admin. Everything from here on out is up to you – Tumblr staff won’t be in your community (unless you invite us, of course). You’ll be able to invite anyone on Tumblr to your community. However, your community will have a population cap to start, limiting how many people can be in it and invited, as a way of keeping this beta test somewhat contained and manageable for us. We’ll be able to raise that population cap for communities that are growing and if we want to test further in that direction.
And throughout, we’ll be asking for feedback, both in some special communities for everyone in the closed beta, and via more surveys and the Support tickets we receive.
This closed beta version of Communities is far from finished, and that’s part of the reason we want to start opening it up to more of you for feedback. There are a lot of rough edges and known issues, but we think it’s far enough along that it’s usable enough for testing. We need feedback in order to feel like we’re building the right thing.
The very first public community is called “Communities Feedback” for this reason! We want everyone helping us test out communities to tell us about it, so people in this closed beta will be in there by default. We want to use that space to be more public and real-time about new pieces we’re building, bugs we’re fixing, things we know are broken, and answers to common questions. There is an additional, private community for community admins, to help shape how administrating and moderating these spaces will work. And if you don’t want to use those spaces, you can always use the “Feedback” category in our Support form.
Stay tuned for more, and keep an eye on that Communities Feedback space if you’d like to see how things are changing over time.
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impyssadobsessions · 2 months
WWT Mer Edition Doodles !
Here's my Collection of doodles from Haunting Heroes Discord event Who Wrote That? Mer Edition. I drew doodles of everyone's fics >w< Probably will break these down in separate posts. But I will go back and add links to this post <3 there was like 22 fics XD Also slight spoilers ahead. Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
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This one has batfamily entirely different types of mers. So many descriptions in a fun fluffy way.
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I love the description of Danny in this one >w< And the cute flirting between Kaldur and Danny <3
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This one was so bittersweet- I love it ;w; Two creatures of sky and ocean and neither can really be with each other except on the shore <3
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This one is so interesting! Changing Amity to shore/island like city. Ghosts being sirens instead- just such a good switch up. Its refreshing! Love all the detection work.
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I love the interactions in this one XD Danny's disbelief that crying is not him just dying. Kind of wished I done a more detailed doodle ;w; but still <3 And it has a happy ending ;w; Demon twins back together even if Danny still works for Vlad XD just very nice <3
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This one is short and funny- though also like Noooo don't flush the baby mans!!! XD
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This one is so cute. Danny/Tim >w< Tim just enamored <3 Its sweet, just a tale of them growing closer despite Danny being stuck in a tank and Tim being a biologist. <3
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This was so sweet at the end. Jason in fight mode the whole time and then gets family he needs >w< <3 Also the mers are tiny in this one.
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The only fic where Jazz was not doing so hot! Jazz became human and then ill- So Danny doing whatever he can to help her. ;w; Its a bit ambiguous as her fate- but I still enjoyed the oh shit realization XD <3
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Cujo is a shark pup in this one >w< He found Danny's twin. This was so cute- don't be too put off by the uwu language- the second chapter is the same story just not with the uwu language XD I had to read that version. Dialogue still in uwu <3
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scenteddelusion5 · 7 months
Could you write a Vox x Alastor’s Child? Wherein reader views their fights as a “bonding activity” because it relieves stress for the both of them because they’re not willing to kill each other due to not wanting to hurt reader and they’ll be civil when they need to be. A large chunk of their rivalry being due to Alastor seeing Vox as trying to steal his child from him (making them his partner both romantically & business wise, them becoming an actor) and Vox seeing it the same way with Alastor trying to drag them on random outings when they’re supposed to film or have time together. - @am-i-interrupting
"Two households, both unalike in dignity, In our unsightly hell, where we lay our scene," PART 1
Vox x gn reader (Alastor's child)
Note: At first I wasn't sure if I wanted to do this one, especially because i had already written a daughter character, already have a daughter oc myself and then would have this child. But then I had this Romeo and Juliet inspo in mind and now I wanted to do it.
So I really liked the idea of this Vox and Alastor dynamic but I can't write short stories so instead I'm doing a 2 or 3 parter about how they got into this dynamic. So they aren't like how you requested yet.
Word count: 3436
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5
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"Two households, both unalike in dignity, In our unsightly hell, where we lay our scene, From ancient grudge break to new mutiny, Where denizen blood makes denizen teeth unclean, From forth the innovation of these two foes, A pair of star-crossed lovers arise,"
Y/n sat on the balcony of their father's mansion. Nothing but trees, or at least hell's version of trees, could be seen from there. The bustling city was ways away from the territory most denizens were too afraid of to enter. The book they were reading was written a small auteur in hell, it was obvious that he had taken great inspiration from a much more famous work. An old-fashioned, cannibal and a modern man, with more savoury tastes, falling in love, their families hate each other yada yada yada. Nothing they hadn't read before.
The demon, whom resembled a deer, put their book down and started messing with the knobs on their older radio. It sprung alive with the voice of their father; Alastor the Radio Demon, feared all throughout hell. On his broadcast played a catchy jazz song that, every once in a while, got interrupted by agonizing screams.
"That was an amazing number." The Radio glowed green as he spoke. "It brings me all the way back to the nights I spend in the speakeasies. Let's continue on-"
Everyday Alastor would broadcast the news and gossip of the week at exactly 10 a.m. and Y/n would always tune in.
"- Oh, and make sure to stay clear of the Carmine mansion this evening. The overlords are having a little get-together. So if you don't want to be served for dinner, I recommend you go home early tonight."
Right, Camilla Carmine was holding a party to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Carmine industries. Y/n was so excited. Normally their father wouldn't let them go to parties, but considering he would be there, he allowed them to go this time.
"Lastly I have a personal message to my favourite fan. I couldn't have wished for a better fawn. I hope you liked the breakfast I cooked especially for you, that demon was a struggle to catch. Hahaha," he laughed, "see you after the broadcast. Let's put on (song), it's not really my style but considering it's your favourite, I can make an exception." Their song slowly came on while Alastor's voice faded.
Y/n hadn't made friends outside of cannibal town. They had to admit they were a bit nervous...
The day went by faster and faster as the night grew closer. Y/n had put on their green gown/suit. It was beautiful; adorned with black lace, a pattern of turns and roses sewn into it.
"What do you think?" Y/n asked while turning around.
Alastor, whose suit didn't look all THAT different from his usual one, studied them up and down. "You look delightful, fawn. Every single demon in that building will see green from jealousy."
"Thanks dad."
Despite the fact that cars were already owned by most citizens in the time Alastor was alive, he preferred to walk, even to such an important event as this. So, when the two off them arrived, they stepped in through a side door instead of the big red carpet where the limousines dropped off guests.
"Remember Y/n, don't talk to people you don't know and if something goes wrong, find me or Rosie." Alastor's antlers started to grow and static filled the air. "I'll destroy however dares to hurt you."
"Don't worry, dad. I'm an adult, I can take care of myself." They laughed off their dad's threatening stature. "But if something happens I can't handle, I'll go to you."
The ballroom was decorated with black gold and white. All kinds of denizens were roaming around, from high standing overlords to imp servants. There were no familiar faces. The only other overlord Y/n had ever met besides Alastor was Rosie. Even so they had immediately split up from Alastor in favour of exploring the buffet table.
After picking up a plate, they started picking the tastiest little snacks. There was even a few dishes with demon in them provided for the cannibals.
Vox had spent four hours making himself presentable in a fancy blue suit and a new screen protector. the other Vees had matched his style. So when the three stepped out of their high-tech car and got bombarded with paparazzi, it was clear that the three belonged together.
It isn't often that they had the chance to converse with other demons of their status. It was the perfect chance to make new connections.
Vox had gotten the chance with a few other demons before it happened. His eyes landed on the most beautiful person Vox had ever seen. Their looks hypnotized the tv-demon... Which was supposed to be HIS power.
"Hey Voxie, you never guess who I saw~... Voxie? Vox... VOX!" No matter how hard Valentino tried, he wasn't able to capture Vox's attention. "What are you looking at?..." Following his colleague's line of sight, Val's eyes landed on them too. "Oooohhh, I see~ Should I go talk to them for you, maybe I can convince them to stay the night in our bed."
Vox slightly buffered. "What! NO! I'm going myself, yeah, I can handle this myself."
Y/n was enjoying a lovely tea sandwich with raw, demon heart on it, when a person they didn't recognize came up to them.
"It's a pleasure to meet you." The man with a tv for a head grabbed their hand and placed a kiss on their hand. "I'm Vox, and you are?"
"Y/n, and it's a pleasure to meet you too," they introduced themselves before shoving another tea sandwich in their mouth.
"You must really like those sandwiches."
Y/n aggressively nodded her head. "YES! Here try one!" they shoved one of them in Vox's face who reluctantly eat it.
"Wow, that's... an unique flavour."
"Yeah, heart does taste very peculiar but I like it."
It put Vox off that the demon had spoken so casually about cannibalism, however, he was even more put off that he was just fed ACTUAL DEMON. So, when they weren't looking, he drank an entire glass of champagne in one go, hoping to wash off the taste.
"Anyway... I was hoping to dance with you." Vox offered out his hand but pulled it away again when he saw the dissapointment in their face.
"I would love too but I don't think my father would be happy to see me dancing with anyone. I'm sorry."
He thought about it for a few seconds. "Y'know I'm quite familiar with this place, there is a smaller ballroom a few doors down. If you want to, you could take me up on the offer there." The overlord suggested.
Normally, Y/n would've never said yes. Going to an empty room with a stranger who must have quite a lot of power. Only an idiot would follow him... Maybe they were a bit of an idiot but Y/n was intrigued by the man, so much so that they decided to go.
Hours went by while the two of them danced, talked and drank in the empty ballroom. Y/n felt themself falling deeper and deeper in love with the handsome stranger. The confident way he spoke, the way he buffered and glitched whenever he got flustered, the way he would get angry when they hurt his pride by laughing at his attempts to woo them. He was perfect.
"Now, tell me Vox. Who exactly are you? Like, I know you your name but you must have been invited for a reason, so...??" Y/n asked.
"You mean you really don't recognize me?" Vox asked flabbergasted. "I'm the CEO of VoxTech." The other demon still looked confused. "The biggest tech company of hell? We release new products almost every single day."
"I'm not big on modern technology, I died during the 1920's," Y/n explained, "I tried using a computer once and it didn't go well."
"Well, that's really no good. As a demon of high society, you should keep up with modern invention, if you ever want the help I don't mind teaching you how to use it." Vox stared at them lovingly. "You know what, I'll even give you a phone. Give your address and I'll send you on-"
"HEY! Vox!" A girl with pink and purple hair walked in. She wore a poofy pink dress and her face was covered in make-up. Her bloodshot red eyes landed on the person standing next to her friend. "Oooeeehhh, and who are you?"
"Velvette, Y/n. Y/n, Velvette." Vox introduced them to each other. "They have been great company tonight, right love?" He caressed the side of their face."
Y/n got redder and redder as the conversation went on. "Yeah, it was great."
"Well, sorry that I gotta burst your bubble." Velvette interrupted the sweet moment between the two. "But the Carmines are about to have their speech and you know how pissy those old fuckers get about shit like this."
Y/n looked at the clock hanging on the wall and realised they had been gone from the party for hours. "Yeah, I should really be going back too. My father is provably worried about me."
The three swiftly made their way back to the main ballroom, Velvette joking about the two lovebirds the whole time.
Once there, they gathered by the crowd standing around a podium. Carmilla was standing there, already holding her speech about the start of her company, the amazing growth and the future. Although a very basic speech, demons were at the fact that the Carmine had mentioned future dealings and couldn't wait for the opportunity to become a part of them. One of them seemed to be the handsome TV Demon that Y/n had hopelessly fallen in love with over the course of the evening.
"Excited I see," Y/n said while pointing to the electricity coming off of Vox, "I'm not sure that a deal with Carmilla is going to happen if you electrocuted her."
"Hey! I'm a great negotiator. Thank you very much!" The man joked.
Alastor had kept his child in his sight the whole evening.... Until he didn’t. They were right over by the buffet table just a second ago. Y/n couldn’t have gone far. So, he went on a search, but after an hour, he found nothing. He even asked Rosie for help but no luck. He had stayed looking until Carmilla started her speech and even then Alastor still kept an eye open for her.
What he never expected to see, was his child, his lovely, well-behaved, miracle of a child, to be joking around with his nemesis. And were they.... Blushing?
Static filled the air around him, symbols floated around his head. The terrifying shadow of his ever-growing antlers made every demon and demoness run out of his way.
Once he got really close he could hear their conversation.
"You're such a dork!" His child laughed.
Alastor could only see their back, but he knew what their smile looked like right now. Unlike his plastered smile that hid his emotions, Y/n's was genuine.
"I'm the dork? Have you se-" Vox's eyes drifted to the strange red symbols, when he noticed Alastor standing there. A small x on his forehead, eyes like dials and his smile wide.
Normally, during their fights Alastor would be somewhat lenient with him. He still roasted Vox to the living world and back but he never outright tried to murder him. This meant that he had never experienced the true wrath of the Radio Demon. But right in that moment, Vox felt like his days were numbered.
"Holy shit," Velvette muttered.
Noticing the two Vees were looking behind them, Y/n turned around and as soon as they did, Alastor switched back to normal like clockwork.
"Oh, hey dad!" Y/n greeted him sweetly. "What are you doing?"
"Oh nothing, little fawn," the Radio Demon spoke, distain clear in his tone of voice, "now tell me, why are you wasting your time conversing with such vermin? Especially, a styleless one like that insecure, copycat, picture box."
Vox was still staring between the two of them. Y/n was Alastor's child! The one the Radio host always talks about, the only thing that freak actually seems to care about. Why did it have to be them the overlord had fallen in love with at that ball?
"You are the Radio Demons child!" The man freaked out.
"I didn't think you would care about that..." Y/n's face turned into a frown, unlike their father’s whose grin only grew wider.
"I-I" The tv started buffering. " I don't..."
"Come one Y/n, let's find someone with more class." Alastor turned around, his child in toe.
"Wow, can't believe you got the hots for that man's child." Velvette quickly snapped a picture of Vox's stunned face and send it to Valentino. You'll never guess what happened. She typed under it.
Y/n looked down at their shoes, not wanting to see their father's victorious grin. "I can't believe you just did that."
"Whatever do you mean, little fawn?"
"You know what," they replied sounding angry this time, "why did you scare away the first real people I made friends with here in hell?!"
Y/n had never had an attitude before, never talked back, never even sounded annoyed. It scared Alastor for a few seconds. "That... Vox isn't the type of person you should make friends with'."
"Isn't that for me to decide?" Tears filled their eyes and their voice was strained. "I want to go home."
Once home, Y/n attempted to rush up the stairs but was stopped by Alastor’s shadow grabbing them by the arm. They were struggling to get away when Alastor cupped their face with his hands and looked suspiciously in their eyes. He was searching for something.
"Let go of me!" Their eyes glowed as they screamed.
When Y/n tried to pull away again, Alastor's grip tightened. "You've never acted like this before. He must have hypnotised you, so be a doll and let me find his spell!"
But no matter how much he searched for even a sign of demonic manipulation. Did Vox not hypnotize them? Then why were they.... Because of Alastor's second of confusion, Y/n could quickly pull away. They rushed up to their room and locked the door.
Alastor just stood there, stunned until a knock came from the door. He straightened his suit before opening it.
"Hi Alastor, I saw you two... Leave and thought you might need a listening-ear." Rosie stepped inside and made her way to the dining room. "Besides I could really use a cup of thee after such a long night."
"You know me too well, Rosie. I'll get some snacks too."
"They've never even raised their voice at me before but one hour with that noisy rectangle and Y/n is acting like a rebelious teen." Alastor took a bite from the index finger snack. "I tried to look for a sign of hypnosis but there was nothing. What did he do to them?"
"Ever thought about it that Vox didn't do anything?" Rosie suggested.
Alastor's pupils turned into dials. "Hmm? What did you just say?"
"Ya have to think about this differently." Rosie took a sip from her tea. "A demon always buried in their books with little to no interaction with the outside world goes out for the first time in years and meets a charming man who's interested in them. It's just like one those romance tropes they always reads about."
The other overlord considered it. "Then what do you suggest we do about it. How can I show them that they deserve much better?"
"First of all, have a conversation with them. A genuine one."
"And then?"
Rosie's smile showed her sharp teeth. "Then-"
Vox was still buffering from that crazy night. He fell in love with ALASTOR'S CHILD, for god's sake. He was connected to his advanced computer, rebooting his systems. Images of Y/n, memories he saved in his files, flashed over the many monitors in his room. The doors to his office opened revealing the other two Vees.
"Damn, Voxie. You've never had to reboot after we've 'hang out' before." Valentino leaned over his colleague's shoulder. "You aren't going to demote me from being your favourite, right?"
"I wouldn't sound so confident Val. Vox was pretty hooked last night, you should've seen him." Velvette pulled up the picture she took. "This photo doesn't do his obsession justice."
"Stop it, Velvette." The TV Demon unplugged himself from the computer set-up. "It's never going to work out anyway. And it's all that shitty, old demon's fault!"
"You really think that?" Velvette asked. "I mean, they looked pretty interested to me... You could always go over to them and explain yourself. Oh and while you're there, try to find a snoop that'll make my drama Sinstagram go viral."
"Voxie doesn't need them. Just stay with me and I'll make you forget them in just five minutes." The moth demon's cigarette smoke formed a heart.
The screen buffered once more. "Get out! The both of you."
"I'll wait in my room." The two Vees made their way out.
Once he was sure they were gone, Vox pulled up another file. Y/n's beautiful face showed on the screen and their addicting laugh filled the room.
Y/n sat against their door, crying. They could see the moon through the balcony window. It's red light filled the room. They couldn't believe their father had reacted like that. And they couldn't get the face Vox made when he released their connection to the Radio Demon out of their head. It plagued their mind since the moment it happened.
Their room seemed so small, so empty, so cold. Nothing had physically changed but mentally, emotionally, everything was different. They got a taste of that beautiful romance and it was taking away from them in the blink of an eye.
Y/n was so deep in their self-pity that they didn't notice the moonlight was blocked by something. They were jolted out of their own thoughts by a knock on the window.
Looking up they saw none other than Vox standing there. His suit was covered in dirt and branches that he got certainly caught in on his way there.
They quickly walked over to open the door, stumbling on their way.
"Y/n, I- uhm, you must find it weird that I show up on you balcony like this." Vox's screen got slightly red. "I wanted to apologize for this evening. I don't care who your father is, I- uhm I care about you."
"Vox, I need you to be honest with me. Did you hypnotize me?"
Y/n's sad look broke his heart. Who got into their head that he hypnotized them?
"Y/n, I didn't and I will never do it." He put his hand on their cheek. "I promise."
Blush decorated their face. "Then can you tell me what's going on between you and my dad?"
"Of course."
The two sat on their bed, cuddling. Vox had told them about everything. The start of their feud, his constant fighting with Alastor but also the fact that he fell in love with them at first sight. It was a lovely, domestic moment.
"One time I got so angry at your dad that I made a complete smear campaign against him. it didn't work out, he completely cut off all my broadcasts, all seventy channels."
"I think he once told me about that," Y/n laughed, "you get more under his skin then you think. Even before he saw he two of us together."
"If you say so..."
Their banter went on for hours. The two did their best to keep sounds to a minimum so Alastor wouldn't find out.
"Oh, before I leave, here." Vox handed them a white box. "it's a phone. I made sure to remove all spying devices and I programmed you a special assistant. It should help you figuring out how it works."
"You put spying devices in people's phones?"
"Don't worry, I get it. It's hell. There is no need to explain yourself."
"Right." Vox tried to laugh it off like Y/n was doing. "It's getting late, I should go. Wouldn't want the Radio Demon to know I'm meeting up with his daughter without a chaperone."
This time when Y/n was separated from Vox, they felt fine. Because they knew that he loved them. They were still longing for him, but not in a sad way. It was pure, romantic love.
Part 2
Masterlist/request guidelines
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hobisstar · 1 year
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blue | y!taehyung x fem!reader
summary: breaking up over difficult reasons was always tuff to handle. Everyone had their different ways with dealing with them. But, Taehyung wasn’t everyone, and he be damned if the love of his life thought it was okay to say such a thing.
warning: nothing too bad! light cursing, a little bit of angst, Taehyung is a little bit of a manipulator in this, tae is a painter in this. possessiveness.
tag list: none!
a/n: Hello! i’ve been on a role but this one will be short! just wanted to get an idea out before i go to bed! if you like this short one, let me know if i should make a longer version of it! enjoy!
disclaimer: as always, i do not intend to say that anyone i write open are actually like this. this is purely fiction and i would like to only keep it that way.
the color that y/n thought explained her relationship deeply. it was the color that she picked out in each apartment she shared with her lover, Taehyung.
She loved him… at the start. she really did. But once his career started to take off, he changed and for the worst. he constantly was coming home late after hang out with some painters, constantly smelling like someone else’s perfume, constantly sleeping in on days that the both of them planned to go out and see the world, see the blue.
this time, it was the last straw. taehyung had come back at 3 am with some girl and a guy that was carrying him inside. she promised herself that in the morning she would leave and never return. tired of living the life of a famous man’s forgotten girlfriend.
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morning comes and y/n was awaken by the smell of coffee and breakfast but also by the sound of smooth jazz playing. She assumed Tae was in one of his many paintings moods. When he was hungover, coffee and painting was his remedy. Always came up with a beautiful painting that he described as “ lady” who he said always was made in the thoughts of Y/N.
as she got up, took a shower and did her daily morning routine, she remembered her promise. This ends today, now, right now. Yes, she loves him or loved him. But she couldn’t continue to live like this anymore.
She walked to the closet and grabbed the nearest duffel bag and packed most off her clothes shoes and under garments. Lucky for her, her best friend lived not too far from here and always offered her home to her.
Once everything was packed she was heading down the huge staircase and realized that Tae must of been in the kitchen painting this time. She put everything of hers in her car and walked back in ready to end this, no matter what he said, Y/N was completely leaving.
She walked into the kitchen hearing the sweet deep hums of her now mentally but not physically ex boyfriend. His back facing her, she cleared her voice.
“ Tae, do you remember anything about last night?” she asked sitting at the island. “ No, All i remember is that Jimin and Amy carried me home last night. Im sorry, Mi amor, for coming in so late..” he said smiling lightly. he was truly sorry even if it didn’t show. That was Taehyung.
his answers seemed cold, heartless even, but mistaken his love for Y/N. He loves her with his life.
“ Taehyung i can’t do this anymore.” y/n blurted. While still painting Taehyung answered “ Hmm? Do what my dear?” he softly put the paint brush against the canvas. He was painting an image of what their intimacy looked like in art form. Though he had plenty of these paintings, it’s the only thing he would paint after being drunk.
“ Us. Im tired of the drinking, the partying, the coming home at whatever time of night, the ditching me, the canceling dates for the faulty friends of yours. Im tired of sitting in this colorless home when our love is supposed to make it colorful. Im done, Tae. I want to break up.” You stated and took a breath that you didn’t realize you held in. Being this honest felt so refreshing. “ I don’t need your answer, i already packed my things and i’m going to stay with my family for now until i find me a place permanently.” she cut in.
nothing. Taehyung said nothing. but oh he was thinking it. his mind just running on thoughts. he wanted to be okay and accept her choice like a normal human, but he damn sure wasn’t normal. he’s always had the thoughts of locking Y/N up when the day of her maybe wanting to leave came about. he didn’t know it be that fast.
why does she want to leave him so bad? when did y/n have all these issues with his lifestyle? why is it just now coming up? why doesn’t want to talk about it? all of these of examples of what is running through his head. instead of actually letting out a answer, he lets a huff out as he puts his paintbrushes down.
“ Why are you trying to leave?” he asked lowly, “ why is my lifestyle all of a sudden a problem for you?” he just wanted answers. Though he was really trying to add time so he could think about ways to keep her locked her.
He always has bodyguards at their house in the entrance, he could have them bring her bags in and get her car towed. Have them get their food, send out his newest works while he stayed in the house with her. Yeah, he thinks he’ll do exactly that.
“ Trying? oh no Kim, i’m leaving. All of sudden? i’ve mentioned your drinking and party habits plenty of times but you thought i was just nagging you so you ‘mi amor’ d your way out of it,” Y/N stood up and walked out the kitchen to the living room. Taehyung took this time to text his body guards to grab her things out her car, bring them to the back, take her car somewhere far, sell it and put the house on lock down.
He smirked and walked out of the kitchen and stood at the door way between the living room and kitchen, watching her walk to the front door but only to freeze.
Y/N saw the blue light on security system, the light means that the house was on lock down, no way in and no way out, unless you have the code which Taehyung changes every month. He just so happened to had change it earlier this morning. Good choice he was thinking.
“ Taehyung, take off the lock down.” Y/N stated while standing by the door, waiting. He smiled and walked close to her and leaned against the wall.
“ Y/N~, Mi amor~, i find it absolutely entertaining that he had any hope in assuming i was going to let you out this house. You don’t make the choices for us, baby. I do. I decided when you can walk away. And i decided you can’t-“ - “ you can’t force me to stay in here,” “ Cut me off again and i’ll lock you up without any food or water for the next two days until you learn your lesson.” He walked away and sat on the couch organizing the table in front of it.
Y/N was trying to figure out the code. she tried her birthday, nothing, his birthday, nothing, their anniversary, surprise, nothing. “ There is no use, princess.” he turned to look at her. “ It’s not Yeon’s birthday either or the day we got him. You should be a good girl. maybe i’ll let you out early.” he smiled, the smile you used to love.
y/n didn’t expect this. she never thought Tae would do something like this. locking her and hisself in the house for god knows how long? maybe months, maybe years…
“ Let’s go paint something, baby. And don’t be so blue, i won’t hurt you…” he mumbled the last part while staring at her.
the color y/n now understands why she thought it was their color. Taehyung always had a way of making her feel stuck. Defeated. Lost with no where to go. he made her feel…
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wolfjackle-creates · 1 year
Ghost!Robin Part 13
THE DINNER ENDS!!!!!! Dear god, I need to write something that has less than seven characters present in the currently-being-written scene. This segment will be a bit longer than most previous ones simply because I was so close to the end.
Story Summary: Danny was invited to dinner at Wayne Manor to meet Jazz's boyfriend and his family for the first time. He worked hard to make sure no ghost business would interrupt the evening. But when he arrived, all he could focus on was the ghost of the dead Robin that seemed to haunt Jason. Looks like he was breaking his promise.
First, Previous
Word Count: 1.9k
“Look, I’ve faced both an evil future version of me and have had to deal with mind control.” He looked to Bruce and, serious now, said, “As soon as the Anti-Ecto Acts are repealed and the Guys in White disbanded, I will help you write those plans myself.”
Bruce gave a single nod. “Do you know what caused you to turn evil in the alternate time stream?”
Danny sighed and nodded. “Believe it or not, I cheated on a standardized exam.”
“Okay, what?” asked Tim, incredulous. “What sort of 2000s PSA life do you live? How did that lead you down the path to evil?”
Danny frowned. “I got caught, my teacher met with Jazz, my partners, and my parents at a local restaurant to discuss it. There was an explosion and the entire place blew up killing every single person I was close to. I was then sent to live with Vlad where things got worse.”
Duke let out a low whistle. “Damn. I think I’d go evil, too, under that pressure.”
Robin flew over to him and draped himself over Danny’s back, hugging him as tightly as he could. Jazz reached over and gripped his hand. He gave her a smile and squeezed back.
Bruce nodded. “But it sounds like a future that is unlikely to happen again.”
“Grandpa says the same thing. And since he’s the Ghost of Time, I try to believe him.”
Tim made a noise of agreement. “Be glad you have that assurance. I’ve an evil future self as well. He’s such an asshole.”
Danny forced a laugh, recognizing the attempt at levity. “I’m sure. How’d you get yours to go away?”
He shrugged. “The obvious way. Threatened to kill myself so I could never grow up into him.”
Dick spluttered from his spot next to Damian. “I’m sorry, you did what? Tim! How could you?”
Tim shrugged. “Better than having an evil, gun-using Batman running around.”
Bruce was now sitting with his head in his hands. The rest of the table also started yelling at Tim, the references and names making no sense to Danny who looked over to Jazz. She just shrugged at him.
Leaning over, he whispered in her ear, “At least your in-laws won’t be too freaked out when weird things happen around you.”
She laughed. “Yeah. Honestly, I’m glad this is how the evening ended. It means no more secrets between Jason and me.”
“Guys, enough!” shouted Tim. “Look, I’m fine. This happened ages ago. But I promise I’ll update my incident report so you can all snoop on it later. Now, if you’ve all forgotten, we have guests. And ones who can help us with our League troubles. Danny, you had questions about the Lazarus pits?”
“Yeah, uh, you said it can be used to heal people? How does that work?” To Jason, he added, “And how did you interact with it?”
“I was dunked in it,” said Jason with a shrug. “After I’d been revived. I wasn’t in my right mind and Damian’s mom thought it might help.”
Robin nodded and signed something.
Dick translated for the ghost. “Baby Jason says the pit tied him and Big Jason together, but also prevented them from actually combining into one person again.”
Danny looked between them. “You were submerged in a pool of bubbling ectoplasm? How the hell did that not kill you? That shouldn’t be possible for a human. I doubt it’d be good for a ghost!” No wonder his future brother-in-law was split in two. That was probably the best that could be expected.
Danny hadn’t even realized how hard he was projecting concern until Robin trilled back at him to calm him down. Danny took a deep breath and pulled in his aura. “Sorry, Robin. I do think I’d like to get you both in to see my doctor as soon as possible, though.”
Jazz cleared her throat. “We can discuss that at home.”
Bruce stared at him. “Do you think they can help Jason?”
Danny shrugged. “He knows the most about ghost-human hybrids of anyone. If anything can be done, he’ll know.”
“I will go with you,” Bruce said.
Danny immediately shook his head. “Nope. I won’t bring anyone from Earth into the Realms until the Anti-Ecto acts are repealed. And only Jason can invite people to his private medical check up.”
Steph pouted. “But Jason is from Earth. Sure, he’s got some weird thing going on, but why does he get to go exploring other dimensions?”
“Cause he’s dead. He belongs to the Infinite Realms just as much as he belongs to Earth. I’m not gonna block someone from accessing their home.”
“I’m not dead!” yelled Jason. “I’m alive.”
Danny winced. He’d have to talk to Jazz about that. Death wasn’t really a thing that could be recovered from. Not fully. But it wasn’t his place to tell Jason he was still dead if he wasn’t ready to hear that. Jazz or Frostbite could have that conversation. “Of course you’re alive. And Earth is your home, too. But you’ve got one in the Realms if you ever need or want it. Think of it like dual citizenship.”
“I don’t want it.”
Danny sighed. “Look, then the part of you that is manifesting as Robin has a place there and you two can’t be separated so you’re allowed to follow him. It’s the only way I’ll be able to get you in to see the best doctor to help you out.”
“Jason,” Jazz spoke gently and rested her hand on his forearm, “you’re still alive. Nothing about your situation has changed. You just have some more information and more help. Which is a good thing.”
Jason frowned and didn’t answer, choosing instead to glare at his dinner plate.
No one else spoke up until Alfred cleared his throat. “Well, I believe that we should wrap the conversation up here. We’ve all received quite a lot of information and will need some time to review it and consider our next steps.”
Danny nodded. “Yeah, I think— Wait, um, before we end this, would you have a sample of the Lazarus Water I could take to Frostbite?” At the confused looks he was given, he added, “The doctor I mentioned. I think it’d help him figure out how best to help Jason and Robin.”
Bruce exchanged looks Danny couldn’t interpret with Damian and Tim before speaking. “We’ll have to discuss it. Would we be able to give you our answer in two days? At the very least, we’d like to have the report from your friend first.”
Danny shrugged. “Sure. The sooner the better, though. I’ll call Tucker on the way to Jazz and Jason’s. We’ll put something together for you tonight. I’m not sure exactly how long it’ll take, though. Depends on how much sleep Tuck’s running on.”
Bruce merely nodded.
Dick laughed and got to his feet. “Well, it’s been an absolute pleasure getting to know you. Welcome to the craziness of the Wayne family. It sounds like Jazz and you will fit right in. Let me walk you out.”
His words seemed to be a signal to the rest of the family. Most of whom also rushed over to try and insist on walking them out.
Until Jason shouted, “Enough! We don’t need a crowd to follow us to Jazz’s car. You can say goodbye from here just as easily.”
Dick pouted but acquiesced. Only after pulling Jason into a hug, though. Jason forced Dick to let him go only for Robin to rush in and take his place to Dick’s delight. After separating, they signed something to each other that had Jason blushing and scowling.
And then Dick moved on to hug Jazz, then Danny. “Come back anytime,” he told Danny. “Whether or not those two are with you. B meant it when he said you would have a room here.”
But then Steph was pushing Dick to the side to give Danny a hug as well. “What’s your phone number? I so want whatever blackmail you get on Jason. And I’ll share some of what I have.”
Danny laughed, but did agree to exchange numbers before the Duke was in front of him.
“Dude, you have to come by more often. It’s so annoying being the only meta around here.”
“I’ll see what I can do,” Danny promised.
When Tim came over, he insisted on adding both Danny and Jazz to some of the family group chats. “If you give me your sister’s number, I’ll add her in, too.”
Jazz shook her head. “We’ll have to confirm she wants to be added in first. And ask her if she’d like an introduction to Superboy.”
“His name’s Kon. Kon-El. I’ll message him tonight, too. I’m sure he’d love to meet her.”
“Dani will say yes,” said Danny, “but she doesn’t always reply right away. We’ll let you know as soon as we hear from her.”
Then Tim was being pushed aside by Barbara who wanted to make sure he knew how to send them the information about ghosts and the Realms. And Cass was waving goodbye.
Bruce was the last of the group to approach them. “Remember, if you ever need a place to stay or want to lay low, you can come here any time. Even if you just want a warm meal. Your sister as well.”
“Thanks, Bruce,” said Jazz. “We do really appreciate that. You don’t have to offer it.”
“But I want to. Jason…” he trailed off before trying again. “I would like it if you kept me informed with any updates to your condition.”
Jason rolled his eyes. “Right, because you want to know how much of a liability I am.”
If anything, Bruce’s face became more closed off at those words. “That’s not… Hn.”
Robin rolled his eyes, somehow visible despite his mask, and flew over to hug Bruce around the waist. Danny couldn’t make sense of the expression Bruce wore as he looked down at the ghost and though his arms twitched, he didn’t return the hug.
Alfred smoothly stepped forward before anyone could say anything. “Well, now that the goodbyes have all been said, I will walk you four out.”
Jason shook his head. “You don’t have to, Alfie. I know the way.”
“Of course you do, Master Jason. But I insist. We’ll stop by the kitchens and I’ll send you home with leftovers.”
Danny tried to hide his smile as Jason merely turned and walked in the direction of the kitchens. It seemed no one argued against Alfred. Once in the kitchens, they were given so much food to take home it required all three to carry it, then Alfred was leading them out a side door which brought them to the drive where Jazz’s car was parked.
Jazz nudged him and nodded her head towards the car. Danny nodded and followed her in while Jason, Alfred, and Robin remained outside to talk for a minute.
Danny took the back seat and met Jazz’s eyes in the rear-view mirror.
She gave him a wry smile and said, “What a night, huh?”
Danny snickered before bursting out into full-on laughter, Jazz joining a breath behind him.
Tim totally spilled the beans about Gun Batman to get people distracted from Danny. He's just being a good new friend.
I'm thinking I'll put this on a temporary hiatus as I work through how I want arc two to go. I know the story beats, but the pacing will absolutely have to change. Not gonna spend 16k words on a single evening again! (Did you guys realize it was that long? I certainly did. XP) In the meantime, I'll keep working on Bring Me Home and rewriting the Wrong Number AU.
Bonus points to anyone who can guess my favorite line from this segment!
And sorry for not replying to comments on the post from two weeks ago. I got caught up in irl stuff and wasn't able to get around to it.
Tag List Part 1
@addie-lover-of-stories, @justwannabecat, @gin2212, @amercurio, @regonold, @overtherose, @readerzj, @sjrose1216, @echoednonny, @deeterzz, @blu-lilac, @number-one-jew, @rowanaway-fromthisbs, @vythika96, @tired-yet-awaken, @themirrorghost, @emeraldcorpral, @all-mights-asscheeks, @darkhinauniverse, @blep-23, @phandomhyperfixationblog, @larkcoe1, @thegatorsgoose, @job-ross-the-second, @britcision, @lenacraft, @bubblemixer, @androgynouslordofescapism, @purefrickingspite, @leftmiraclechaos, @lizisipancardo, @starlight-sparks, @miraculousandmore, @gildedphoenix, @sometimesthingsfallapart, @letmesayfuxk, @phoenixcatch7, @skulld3mort-1fan, @abaowo, @dhampir-princess, @idkmrpianoman, @sarina-elais, @ballzfrog-blog, @undead-essence, @spookytragedyshark, @flyingpansaurus, @akintoabitch, @marivictal, @8-29pm, @justreadingthefanfics, @happybear135, @kisatamao, @spoopyspoony, @adorablechaos, @sara0055, @screamingtofillthevoid
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teaboot · 6 months
Now I want to know which transformers generation is your favourite. And your favourite transformer. Please tell me about your blorbo.
Starscream: The Transformers (1986-1987): This whole show was SUPER corny tbh but I really loved Starscream's personality and character arc. I feel like a lot of the newer series just make him shriller and whinier, which is fine I suppose, but I always kinda felt like he had the potential for more depth than that. He's still a huge bitch but he's the huge bitch I love
Jazz and Prowl. Just in general. I'm BIG on that "straight laced lawful good and his subtly scarier chaotic neutral friend" and when I was in middle school and deeply into the bayverse I was super upset they left Prowl out and didn't show them interact. Prowl is a bit of a Ross here and there and unfortunately is a literal police car but idk
Drift: Transformers: DRIFT Comics version. Because giant robots, swords, and underdog 'bad guy' redemption stories all kick like fuck. Michael Bay can once again kiss my lily white ass about it
Ratchet: All Versions. Ratchet is my grandpa. The Leonard McCoy of this enterprise. If you don't like him you're objectively wrong. I cried real tears when I saw what they did to him in the live action run. Repeat: Michael Bay, my ass, etcetera.
Sideswipe: Bayverse. No real reason, just that teenaged Teaboot thought giant robot with knife arms was hot and adult Teaboot agrees. Would have been interesting to see Sunstreaker too, I love those big stupid jerks.
But you know at the end of the day beyond lovable characters I think this part may have had the strongest impact
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Obviously this was a cover-your-butt moment for not having enough female characters and explaining why robots have ""genders"" but explicitly saying "gender isn't real, it's a human construct, and our bodies don't reflect our reality" was not the worst way they could have gone with it. (Talking in transmasc)
Thanks for the ask!!!!
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rallamajoop · 6 months
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Did Ethan play the piano?
There are a bunch of little hints scattered through these games about Ethan's character. He seems to have a love for the retro ‒ at least, his drawer is full of jazz CDs and he drives a 1971 Dodge Challenger. As Rose notes, he's clearly a wine drinker. And he may have played he piano.
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I don't want to overstate the hints RE7&8 give us on that last part. Resident Evil is, after all, a universe where apparently being able to bang out a full sonata at a moment's notice is just a basic life skill for anyone who might want to infiltrate a suspicious facility (though just jamming a few bars of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star may also do in a pinch).
There's a piano in the Winters' home, but then, maybe Mia's the one who plays, or maybe the BSAA set them up in an already-furnished house ‒ who knows? You can't actually interact with it as Ethan, nor does Rose comment on it. But Rose does wonder out loud if her Dad played any instruments (after he jokes about whether baby Rose banging her spoon to the Miss D. record suggests she's going to grow up to be a musician) ‒ and that at least primes you to notice that piano, if you hadn't already.
There are also two different pianos you can interact with in the Baker property ‒ one in the guest room, which will slam shut if Ethan reaches for the keys, and a second in Lucas' room that merely prompts the message 'it's broken'.
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It's not until Dimitrescu's castle that Ethan himself finally gets to make like all those other Resi heros, and bash out a quick solo to open a mini door in the piano, in which you'll find a key that will open another door... look, you've heard this one before.
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There's an argument to be had whether any of the puzzle solutions in a video game like RE should be taken as truly diegetic. But if nothing else, this does at least suggest Ethan can read sheet music. Here's the asset for the sheet, by the way (and again with the bit you actually play highlighted). You can hear someone play the full song ("Sogno" ‒ which means 'Dream' in Italian ‒ by Francesco Paolo Tosti) here.
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There's even a version with lyrics, though I doubt they necessarily meant much to whoever picked this piece for the game: more likely it was chosen for being a song with a very simple treble clef (so the player doesn't have to do too much work to solve the 'puzzle') but a much more complicated bass (so it still sounds sophisticated when played). Regardless, you can hear it sung here.
There's also one other little clue that might suggest that someone in the Winters' household has some real musical leanings: one of the CDs you can find in that drawer is titled 'Jazz Standard Theory'. Which sounds a lot more like an instructional CD than easy listening (though they're certainly not winning any prizes for those other titles).
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Actually, while we're talking Ethan's CD collection, here's the asset for that Miss D & the Pallboys CD too! Surprisingly, it has a back as well, suggesting that at some point you might have been able to pick it up and examine it. The text is all pretty illegible, however.
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(I've talked before about the theory that 'Miss D' is actually Lady Dimitrescu, but if you want the short version ‒ given that she's not from the village and is 'descended from a fallen noble', this one's surprisingly plausible!)
Hilariously, a love for jazz might just be one thing Ethan has in common with the Bakers, given you can find some records lying around the rec room upstairs.
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Mind you, even RE2R managed to work a jazz festival flyer into this one puzzle solution...
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Does someone in the team at Capcom have a thing for Jazz? Evidence is starting to stack up...
But getting back to our original topic, does Ethan play the piano? You can make a case either way, as the game never tells us explicitly. But there's enough here to point that way that I'd like to think he does, anyhow.
Which only makes the implications of this so much more tragic.
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some-beans · 1 year
Hi! I wanted to request dormleaders with a reader like Millie from helluva boss?
yes 100% yes but god i'm bad at answering these fast 🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️
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✎...pairing: twst dorm leaders x millie!reader ✎...themes: hints to murder, mentions of blood, reader is fem with she/her in mind ✎...enjoy !!
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ngl a little freaked out
given your horns and tail, and the vague/slightly tad bits of what your line of work is, it's safe to say riddle was very weary of you
but, i suppose that lessens up when he sees you respecting the queen of hearts' rules
lowkey loves that fact you fit in with the red aesthetic tho
also loves when you easily whip Ace and Deuce into shape
riddle feels surprisingly comfortable with you after the overblot incident due to the fact you simply held onto him and allowed him to cry, and get it out of his system
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he laps up ALL the love and affection you give him
such a smug bastard [ affectionate ]
also kind of "he asked for pickles" but it's more that he's just lazy
definitely respects the shit out of tho
girlboss over here
is so impressed when he witnessed you take down, like, 15 of his housemates like it was riding a bike
did i mention cuddles??
cuz you are now his fav pillow
yeah nah, you're not moving until he's awake
well, i mean, you can cuz not gonna stop you, but ready to then deal with a grumpy lion later on
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flustered yet intrigued
you said you did some bodyguard work and know how to deal with problematic customers??
. . . do you need a job??
but in all seriousness, very much becomes your malewife
man legit folds at any and all affection you give him, big and small
very surprised when you help him get more contracts for him and he swoons lowkey
something to do with the fact you're from hell or something
he didn't really pay attention cuz azul's brain had crashed from the smile you sent him
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oh our sweet sunshine baby
you honestly end up taking over jamil's job at this point
jamil cried tears of joy over this
you can easily calm kalim down and divert his attention back on track
and easily dispose of any hitmen *ahem*
he definitely buys jewellery to decorate your horns
you casually mentioned your, uh, job once, and let's say kalim is grateful that he's on your good side
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you're like a slightly more violent cheerier version of rook in a sense
but also somehow less intense too??
ugh whatever
your bright red skin does intrigue him
and your makeup is quite impressive
. . .
what do you mean you have naturally smooth skin?? had no acne too??
vil may kind of reprehend you for your country accent, but quickly shuts the fuck up from the wicked glare you give him
epel snickered to himself when say that happen
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you are intense
but in a good way??
you have successfully bamboozled idia shroud
it confuses
he has heard of imps before bc duh ofc he has
he's watched too many manga and shit to not know what those are
you two very much give "he asked for pickles" and "girlboss + malewife" vibes
gets spooked when you don't bat an eye to the gore when watching horror series with him
may have prayed once or twice
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at first, he mistook you for another dragon fae cuz of ya horns and got really fuckin excited
tho lowkey sad once you explained you're actually an imp from hell
still jazzed about the horns and tail tho
loves to share stories and whatnot
. . . kinda concerned when you mentioned a job that left your leg in a bear trap
malleus may have almost asked to . . . talk to your boss
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ghostadjacentfae · 2 years
Okay so I’ve got a bit of a kinda sorta really specific af idea that I am 90% I’ll never get to despite loving to bits so imma throw it to the wild and maybe some of you will like parts of it too. Okay? Okay. 
Basic version: DP x DC prompt where Danny’s gotten deaged as part of another bid for the power of Ghost King. The title that Danny now is heir to. Jazz takes the now like 4-to-8 year old Danny, who barely remembers anything besides Jazz Good and Vlad Bad, and flees to Gotham to find help from somebody that Vlad won’t expect them to seek out help from. To leave Danny with while she goes into the Ghost Zone herself to look for help/a solution.
Longer one where I’ve gone a little very insane: 
DP x DC prompt where Vlad’s deaged Danny as part of another bid for the power of Ghost King. The title that Danny now has/is heir to. Either reveal gone wrong when trying to explain because how do they hide this or no reveal at all, just Jazz grabbing her even-littler-than-usual brother and booking it because there’s no time to explain if they’re to keep Danny way from Vlad. Couldn't go into the zone bc for as many allies as Danny has there, there's also so many enemies that could intercept them before they could reach those allies to inform that help is needed (and who knows, maybe the parent's Fenton removed access to their portal from their kiddos for some reason). Danny is still halfa obvs but he doesn’t remember any details about anything. Jazz is Home. Creepy vampire man Bad. Furries in black with masks Do Good (and Jazzy tells him to trust them so he will). Clowns Very Bad. 
 In Gotham, Jazz doesn't try the keeping low thing. Well she does; not using anything besides cash and fake names, ancients what she wouldn’t do for a shower but places want credit cards goddamnit, to not bring attention on them from Vlad. Maybe she’s got a burner to get updates from Sam and Tucker on, about the status of Amity or if they’ve gotten anywhere on their end of the search for a solution, but they all know Vlad is watching them so they don’t know where she and Danny are or what she’s doing. Which is that she goes out at night looking for the bats and birds on purpose to get help for her brother, making waves in the rumour mill but staying hidden during the day. It takes a while; longer than they have time for really and she gets more stupidly desperate. Danny’s with her for every stupid stunt, usually hidden for safety but never so far that she can’t get to him if in seconds if it turns out they’ve gotten tracked down. She won’t run the risk of leaving him in their safe house of the day without her to come back and find him gone.
She decided on Bats rather than Supers or others bc an overshadowed superhero??? Bad. The bats and birds are either Entities not unlike she and Danny are (liminal!jazz agenda my beloved (honestly most of amity park but that’s not quite relevant here)) and thus immune, or they're very trained regular people. Those can still pack a punch but it's not something she can't fight against if they can’t actually be trusted. Not something she hasn't already fought against in the months she’s been in Team Phantom. Not something she hasn’t already fought against while making her escape with Danny.
Leaving Danny with them is going to take every ounce of trust she can muster.
She finds Red Robin or Nightwing first I think and gives the most bare bones of an explanation. Doesn't mention deaged, simply at-risk heir to The Throne Of Infinity and there's a bid for the crown right now by a man that’ll be another tyrant, and "by the ancients, you need to protect him. I'm the best he's got right now but I can't keep him safe and find our allies". That they aren’t metas but there’s too much to explain. "Maybe Danny will explain if he can but just. It'd be so much simpler if we had super powers. Wouldn't have to worry about enemies overshadowing anyone to get them to shoot us if we were all just metas." 
She’s got a bag of Tech, just whatever she and Danny could grab and Go. And a third of it lost when Jazz dropped half of hers in order to pick up Danny to run faster. Think nearly finished schematics, a blaster or two, one Specter Deflector, what may or may not just be a toaster, and crammed into his bug-bag. Or school backpack. A corner of the bag is green with dried ectoplasm from a broken vial that got shattered in the mad dash. 
(I’m a little attached to it being Tim she leaves Danny with. Maybe he tries to pawn him off on one of his brothers, but Danny's already like, imprinted on him. Very "YOU promised Jazz to keep me safe. Jazz left me with YOU >:C" y’know? Or cuz she stressed so very much that he cannot be left without someone guarding him, and bats don't exactly want identity reveal he can't really be left in the cave under the watch of Agent A since Alfred needs to do other things, he gets handed around a little bit between them as heroes only and it's just Timmy's bad luck that he really likes this clever snarky little bean 's the one stuck with Danny on the occasion that plot happens. I just like Tim & Danny time.)
I'm thinking plot tool of Jazz with one of Wulf's claws? As a thing that lets her get into the Zone without portal access or the speeder after finding a Bat to leave Danny with. But no control of where she'll show up, hence not using it when their parents portal wouldn’t work. It Works Like That™ because I Say So™, tho if you have a less mystery McGuffin reliant idea this is by no means obligatory. Just an excuse on a silver platter.
Also tiny Danny, barely awake, trying to grab Jazz and saying not to go cuz it's dangerous/he needs her, only for his hand to go intangible through her. Did I mention yet that he doesn’t have control of his powers?
And of course, Vlad tracks Danny down. 
And he’s big bad.
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little-pondhead · 2 years
Fenton Family on Vacation (part 1)
Original Post⬅️
"You know, when you revealed yourself as Phantom, I thought it would be much harder to adjust." Madeline Fenton, ghost-hunting extraordinaire and mother of two, stared at the swirling green portal in her basement. Despite building the darn thing herself, with its glowing wires and simple design, Maddie felt like she was seeing the whole thing for the first time.
It was late afternoon on a Saturday. At least, Maddie assumed so. She hadn't stepped foot outside their lab for a while now. Too busy modifying all their ghost-hunting equipment. The blinking red numbers of the digital clock on their desk said it was almost six in the evening. Then again, it has been six in the evening for the past several months. The clock was very much broken, and no one had bothered to fix it. 
It was summer, so the time spent in the Fenton lab drastically increased. And with the reveal of their son Danny, Maddie practically breathed ectoplasm with the amount of time she was spending in the basement. Danny said it was no big deal, but both Fenton parents were determined to re-evaluate their research and inventions completely. Basically, starting from scratch. 
So imagine her surprise when, two days ago, both Jazz and Danny sat them down to propose a memorable family vacation. 
And for some reason, she couldn't say no. Was it her guilt? They were prepared to shell out the money for any dream destination the kids proposed. But no, Danny had invited them to a different dimension via the Ghost Zone. This was tremendous progress, not just in her relationship with her kids but also for their new research. (Let's not mention the headache she got from learning parallel dimensions exist.)
Apparently, the kids had been planning this for a while because now everyone was packed and armed to the teeth, two days later. Jazz had taken care of the logistics-when to leave, how to get there, what to bring. Danny was the one to choose the location since he was the most familiar with the Ghost Zone. Maddie learned much later that he had just thrown a dart at a lineup of names on a corkboard.  
"Are you sure it's okay for us to enter?" Maddie looked concerned.
"Yeah! It'll be fun, mom!" Danny reassured. "It's just a week off-I've always wanted to show you the cool parts of the Ghost Zone without the immediate threat of horrible death." Maddie gave her son the stink eye. He was grinning a bit too innocently for her liking.
"Well, I think it'll be a great bonding experience!" Jack announced, winking at Danny. Badly. "Someone was being a little paranoid about the mall trip yesterday; I hardly got a chance to spoil our new little princess."
Ah, yes, their new granddaughter. Danielle. Maddie had been furious to discover how horrible Vlad had been to her family. Attempting to murder her husband, trying to recruit Danny as a weird evil son/apprentice, outright disrespecting and dismissing Jazz's existence, and wanting to marry her?? "Furious" was putting it lightly. The man slept with a doll version of herself, for heaven's sake! And then Danny just offendedly mentions that Vlad had cloned him. Several times. Only one clone survived; a little girl with no identity of her own. And here was her son sheepishly asking if they might consider letting the clone stay? Even for a little? She was traveling around right now but didn't really have a place to call home-
Maddie and Jack immediately offered to adopt the girl into the family as their youngest. 
(Jazz giggled. "Danny already beat you to it. They tried being cousins at first, but he acts like a total dad around her—the fastest case of ghost adoption that I've ever seen. Instead of a new child, Elle's more like a new grandchild.")
Danny blushed, hunching his shoulders in. "I don't know if Elle wants to be a grandkid-we haven't talked about it, really."
The trio startled and turned, watching the last two of the Fenton family work their way down the stairs into the lab. Jazz was gripping her backpack in one hand and Elle's arm in the other, using her superhuman strength to keep Elle in line. Probably so Elle wouldn't run down the stairs and permanently kill herself. Jack quietly chuckled at the sight of Elle's ghost-themed backpack, so painstakingly picked out the day before. It was a tad too big and looked just adorable on her. A few tiny blob ghosts floating around her head whizzed in excitement, sometimes using the backpack as a place to hide. Maddie, personally, loved the pink light-up sneakers that Elle showed off as much as possible. Her husband had done well shopping by himself. 
It was evident Elle was excited about the trip. Despite all her travels abroad, satisfying her wanderlust, she'd never been to another dimension. When they had reached the bottom, Elle phased out of Jazz's grip, bolting to collide with Jack in a hug. "Yesterday was loads of fun." She exclaimed. "I loved shopping around for new stuff. And if being Danny's kid means I get two new grandparents in the deal, then I'm taking it."
Danny made a face. "But isn't it weird to have a dad so close in age to you? What if people look at you weird?"
Jazz snorted at her brother's words, picking her way around the lab mess. "Danny, you'd be the one they would look at funny. A fifteen-year-old-"
"I'm almost sixteen!"
"A fifteen-year-old who has a physically thirteen-year-old daughter? People will be ready to call CPS."
"And besides!" Elle detangled herself from Jack's grip and stomped over to Maddie with a shit-eating grin as she looked at her dad. "Technically, I'm only a year old. You're not going to leave your poor, unstable clone daughter alone in the world to fend for herself, right?" Danny just grumbled. Something about not even being old enough to drive. 
Maddie cooed a bit and enjoyed the hug from her new granddaughter. It was cold but in a good way. Elle's response was a low hum that vibrated through her body. It reminded Maddie of a cat's purr.
"I've been meaning to ask," Maddie said. Elle clung tighter as she adjusted her grip. "What is ghost adoption?? You mentioned that before when explaining your relationship with Elle."
Their son shuffled his feet a little. "Uh, it basically means my core has connected to hers in a parental way, I guess." He was obviously nervous. "When we first met, even before I knew Elle was a clone, my core recognized her as a "baby ghost," so to speak. There was enough of a connection that I kind of adopted her subconsciously."
"But it doesn't happen with between all ghosts." Jazz cut in. It felt like their eldest was giving them a lecture on this and that every week. "Frostbite explained it a while ago, something about similar cores and ambient ectoplasm. Kind of like pack bonding?"
Maddie nodded, barely following. "And Frostbite...you said we were visiting this person?"
Danny perked up, actually floating a few feet off the ground in excitement. "Frostbite is the best! He's the leader of the Far Frozen and looks like a giant yeti. He helped me figure a bunch of things out and makes the best cocoa."
"Well, I'm excited to meet him."
And they were. Going through the portal was an experience and a half. It wasn't the first time they'd done this, but it was still memorable. Danny and Elle had gone ghost and chased each other around the Specter Speeder while Jazz piloted, hunched over the steering wheel. The Ghost Zone was a wonderful mix of greens and purples; Jack lamented his lack of a camera.
("We don't want to give Technus something to use." Tucker explained. Danny's friends had come by to help them all pack properly. "The Fenton Cameras haven't been ghost-proofed all the way, and Technus is an insufferable b-uh, idiot when he manages to get his hands on new tech. I'll never hear the end of it.")
It was just so much colder than they expected. The "Far Frozen" certainly lived up to its name. So did Frostbite and his legendary cocoa. The giant yeti (did he count as a ghost??) also took the opportunity to give each Fenton a checkup (ghosts have doctors???) to make sure everyone was healthy enough for inter-dimensional travel. They were, and Frostbite even handed over a few extra vials of pure ectoplasm to tide the kids over in case they didn't land near a natural source in the new dimension. Jack and Maddie took a few vials each, one for each of their ghost kids, and Jazz just tucked hers away in her luggage with a little pat.
Then they were off sightseeing. Understandably, most of Danny's allies were a bit wary around the (mostly former) ghost hunters but did their best to hide it. Jack and Maddie got to meet Princess Dorathea, who could turn into a freaking dragon how cool was that, Jack-
There was Pandora, a towering woman with blue skin and four arms. She took a liking to Maddie and gifted her an engraved xiphos. "To match her fighting spirit." The woman explained. She did not tell anyone what the engraving meant. At some point, they saw a towering castle in the distance. It was hard to see, but the towers looked like spiraling ice. Jack asked about it.
"Oh, that's nothing special." Danny waved them off. "Don't worry about it. We DO need to worry about Walker's prison, so duck down for a bit. He doesn't like it when the living are in his territory." Maddie didn't bother pushing the subject, so they moved on.
Then there was Wulf, a werewolf who could make portals and was the kids' teacher on that subject. Jazz was especially excited, greeting Wulf with a bear hug. (Maddie vaguely remembered something about her daughter being a werewolf now, but she very rarely changed while in the living world. Maddie had almost forgotten.) Jack was pleasantly surprised to learn Wulf spoke Esperanto. In fact, that was the only thing he could speak. It turns out Esperanto was something Jack had learned during their college days. The two hit it off, and Jack had to be dragged away from whatever conversation they were having.
Time moved a bit sluggishly, but eventually, they got around to "the least annoying ones." Elle had a blast messing with someone named Fright Knight, who just kept calling her 'my lady' for some reason. Danny got a few potshots in when one of his rouges (was that a robot?) got too close to the Speeder. They met Ghost Writer, Amorpho, Lunch Lady, Nocturne, Technus, Ember, Cujo, and a few others. Their final stop was Clockwork's.
The flight there was exceptionally long. It felt like forever, yet the clock in the Speeder only moved forward five minutes. Jazz explained that this was Clockwork's influence. He was the Master of Time, and the closer they got to his lair, the weirder time was. Eventually, the Fenton family arrived. Clockwork's lair was, well, a clock tower.
("Really, I don't know what we expected, Maddie.")
It was dark and green, sitting on a tiny island they could barely land on. Ectoplasm was thick in the air; Maddie was sure that if she weren't already ecto-contaminated, it would have been increasingly difficult to breathe. Multiple ticking sounds filled the air as if the tower was filled with nothing but clocks. Maddie took a wild guess and thought it probably was. A glowing green sticky note drew their attention as they approached the door.
Danny scowled as he read the note. "Daniel, something has come up with the Observants. I would appreciate it if you wouldn't make the Watchtower your new haunt. A natural portal will open next to the Speeder. Enjoy your vacation, Clockwork. Drat, I was hoping he'd be home. I really wanted you to meet him."
Maddie pats his shoulder. "It's okay. I'm sure we'll find time later." Elle giggled at the pun.
"I know." He sighed. "It's just, he can be so cryptic. Why would I make a watchtower my new haunt? I've never even been to a real watchtower! But the note says a natural portal will spawn next to the Speeder so that we can wait for that."
"You mean this portal?"
Jazz was closely examining a small tear in reality that had popped into existence next to her foot. It was small and low to the ground. Small enough that the Specter Speeder definitely couldn't get through. Maddie doubted they'd be going in all at once.
Elle peered over her shoulder. "That's it! Come on, old man, I'll race you!" She dove in without waiting for a reply.
"DANIELLE MADELINE FENTON!" Danny immediately chased after, disappearing into a swirl of green.
"Oh yeah, she's definitely related." Jazz said. "Come on. I'll follow behind once you two go through." Maddie looked at Jack, and Jack looked at Maddie. Fine with them.
Jack went first, knuckles tight from gripping his bag straps, doing his best to suck in his gut before dropping out of existence. Maddie went next, standing on tiptoes and still having Jazz bend down to press a kiss to her cheek before she left. "Make sure to lock up the Speeder."
Jazz smiled, her eyes glowing with the barest hint of green. She had a hand on the Fenton thermos clipped to her belt and if Maddie squinted, she could see the barest outline of a crown on her head. "See you on the other side, mom."
Maddie stepped into the portal, feeling nothing but open air, and fell through.
(the fix was kind of rushed but there is an extra line or two now that actually mentions it)
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thydungeongal · 2 months
am I misremembering or did you once say that Rolemaster originally existed as a third party supplement to D&D? My group wants to move away from 5e for all the obvious reasons, but after finishing our current long-running campaign (it's near the end and we're attached, it started long before any of us knew much about TTRPGs). In the meantime, is it possible to inject rolemaster tables into that thang to jazz it up a bit?
Rolemaster was, in fact, originally released as a set of supplements for fantasy role-playing games that were supposed to be system neutral! The first two versions of Arms Law at the very least contain conversion notes for applying the tables in other systems and so on.
I think the simplest way to inject some of those tables into 5e would be to use a clone of the game that converts the tables into a d20 system. Like Lightmaster! It's a pay what you want clone of Rolemaster 2e that converts it into terms that should be familiar to most D&D players. The tables are available separately and are also pay what you want!
The truth is that I've never actually tried using Rolemaster tables in D&D but I think it should be theoretically possible! So like, go for it, but be willing to adjust the numbers a bit.
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Jazz’s Bedroom🌼🛌
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    Made a bedroom for my version Jazz🌼. Normally OG Jazz’s room doesn’t have all the ember stuff excpet sometimes the guitar but it shows her room the most. It's pretty much your typical teenage girl room with mainly various pinks and some orange details. Usually having some stationery, books and pictures like flowers and I believe a Japanese Temple:
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I wanted to show more of Jazz’s character in her room. I wanted to push the academia aesthatic more since she loves things like school, research and reading so I gave our fav bookworm A LOT of books as well as a well organized desk with a bunch of specials awards like Spelling bees and Chess and stuff she probably got at school since she seems highly regarded at School with a Yale flag. Yales often mentioned about her being interested in. The DMS-5-TR and "Thinking in Pictures" book by Temple Grandin she has in her shelf was a suggestion from @spoopylockerghost724​ since for my Jazz she’s especially interested in psychology and therapy. It's also why I added a Rorschach test by her window seat.
I also added other things aside from books like the yoga ball, knitting basket, chess, arts and crafts, puzzles, etc to show the other kind of stuff she’s into, not just books.
Her desk was actually based a bit on the one I own myself.
For her room I was looking A LOT at IKEA especially for her windowseat/bookshelf
I also wanted to show her as a girl who tries to promote a positive and zen energy and enviroment and follows feng shui tips but not strictly (she loves doing her work in her room), like light colors and being careful of arrangement. Feng shui says you shouldn't have ur bed face the mirror unless covered and her mirror can etheir be flipped over or covered when she goes to bed. She also has things like calming seashells, mental health and esteem posters, a chakra tree, etc. 
I also wanted to show she’s a bit of a theater kid by having some mini broadway music posters along with the other stuff🎭
I also changed her Bearbert Einstein plush to a  Bearik Bearikson. Here's info explaining it in more detail. I added a lot of bear stuff I'm making them her fav animal🐻🐻🐻
I also wanted a mix of mature but also teenage girl by havign things like that teddy bear piggy bank I found pictures of online and stuffed animals. Show while she does her best to be mature, she’s still a kid and enjoys youthful things and uses her room as a way to just let herself be a kid and not worry about others seeing her as childish.
I changed her primarly pink bedroom to having more aqua colors as it's her motif color, soothing especially for a bedroom, and I made the pink stuff into warmer peach like pastels. Also for an ocean aesthatic🌊🐚
What do u think? What kind of stuff do you think could be in Jazz's bedroom? Id love to know💖
I also made a bedroom for Sam & Tucker
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apomaro-mellow · 1 year
Wingman Nancy 5
hey @an-entity-i-think how does it feel being a psychic?
“If it matters at all, I hate this”, Nancy said.
“Noted”, Eddie replied.
“I don’t know if I’m on board with our mediator”, Robin said. “Was Argyle not available? Or...Will? Or Lucas?”
“I gotta say, I didn’t intend to spend my day like this either”, Hopper blew a puff of smoke as he stood on the porch of his cabin. “You said this was an emergency”, he pointed the statement to Eddie.
The four teens stood outside Hopper’s cabin, waiting to be let in.
“It is”, Steve said.
“I fail to see how teen relationship drama is any of my business.”
“Because relationship dynamics effect the group as a whole”, Eddie explained. “And if Nancy Wheeler falls apart because her heart is broken then your whole squadron of monster hunters is severely crippled!”
Hopper didn’t look impressed. Or convinced. “You’re not gonna get off my porch until I let you in, huh?”
Very reluctantly, Hopper allowed them inside. Everyone else was out and about on this lovely Saturday morning, leaving him alone. Well, alone until the Hormone Brigade invaded.
“So what exactly is the issue? And before you start, are you absolutely sure you don’t want Murray to weigh in?”
“No!”, Steve and Nancy yelled at once.
Hopper held his hands up and sat down in the well-used chair in his living room. Nancy took the other chair, Steve and Robin took the loveseat, Eddie sat on an ottoman.
It was silent for about thirty seconds as Hopper looked at each of them.
“You know I actually can’t help until I know what the problem is.”
Eddie looked to Nancy expectantly and she just glared at him. Steve bit his lip as he spoke up.
“It’s kind of...complicated.”
Hopper’s brow furrowed. “Complicated how?” He then looked to Nancy, then Robin. “Please tell me you didn’t let one of these duds knock you up?”
Eddie cackled so hard he fell backward off the ottoman and the others allowed themselves to smile. Somehow that issue seemed simpler than the real one. Robin let out a breath, feeling some tension already released.
“So um, you remember how Will uh, you remember how he told everyone that he’s...he’s into guys?”
Hopper nodded slowly.
“Well...surprise!”, Robin said weakly with the most pathetic jazz hands.
“Oh, oh okay then”, Hopper replied. “But what’s the got to do with....”, he trailed off when he looked at Nancy, who’s eyes were flitting from ceiling to floor to wall. “Ah, okay, well, now what do you-” He was about to ask Steve, only to follow Steve’s gaze to Eddie, who was looking right back at him like they were the only ones in the room.
Hopper let out a long breath and slouched in his chair a bit. “Right, that does make things a little...complicated.”
“That’s not really the issue here”, Nancy said. “Since we’re all...you know. It’s not a compatibility issue it’s just...baggage.”
“A lot of baggage”, Robin agreed.
“Can I get the short version?”, Hopper asked.
So Steve started the story with him and Nancy. He told Hopper how they had been dating, he thought they were happy, but then had a nasty breakup. Robin wanted to date Nancy but was having second thoughts because of how things ended between her and Steve. When the bare bones were explained, Hopper turned to Eddie.
“And what exactly is your horse in this race?”
“Me? I just wanna jump on Steve’s horse, sir.”
Steve tossed a throw pillow at Eddie so hard he fell back onto the floor again. “Eddie and I aren’t really, involved. But this is happening to our friends. We want to help. I just want Robin to know that I’m okay and I’m not against her dating Nancy.”
“You guys talked about it?”, Nancy asked.
“Yeah. Didn’t you talk to someone about me?”, Robin asked.
“I-we-”, Nancy glanced at Eddie. “That’s different. We had to make a plan.”
“Wait, you guys planned this?”, Steve looked to Eddie.
“Nancy thought she couldn’t make any moves on Robs while you were still single. And I happened to be available and very, very willing~”
“So you were thinking of Steve’s feelings”, Robin pressed. “I mean, this time you were.”
“I...”, Nancy turned her eyes to Steve. “I wasn’t thinking of how you would’ve felt, when I hooked up with Jonathan. I convinced myself you wouldn’t care, that you’d just go on to the next girl like you always did. I thought what we had wasn’t real because how could it be? Everything you said and I, I was sure you did it for other girls.”
“You were a serial dater, Steve”, Eddie added.
“Well Steve? What do you have to say about that?”, Hopper asked. The Harrington reputation got around.
“I meant everything I did with you Nancy. Yeah, a lot of it was just the usual boyfriend stuff and yeah I did things for other girls like, got ‘em flowers, or drove them around in my car, but isn’t a boyfriend supposed to do that?”
“A boyfriend is also supposed to know when his girlfriend is grieving.” Nancy’s eyes hardened.
“I knew that, that’s why I was trying to keep your mind off it.”
“I didn’t want to keep my mind off it! I wanted to think about it, wanted to do something about it. You just wanted to push everything down!”
“Nancy, it was over! If I had known that it was-that it was something that could come back, maybe I would’ve wanted to talk about it but it was supposed to be in the past!”
“But it wasn’t in the past for me. Especially when they were lying about Barb, I couldn’t let them get away with it. Steve, think about our friends now. If Max had died fighting Vecna and the government covered it up, would you have let them? Would you have just forgot about it?”
“Nancy....I didn’t understand back then what you were going through with Barb. And I’m sorry.”
Robin put a hand on Steve’s shoulder. He put his hand on top of hers and shared a smile with her. 
“You have to promise me”, he said to Nancy, “That whatever you’re doing with my Robin is serious. You’re not just going for her because you’re experimenting, or trying to break out of a cookie-cutter life, or anything like that.”
“Steve, I never meant to hurt you-”
“But you did. You just came back after that tunnel shit and you and Jonathan were a thing. And I had to act like I was okay with it. Do you know what it’s like, watching someone you love with someone else?”
“Yeah”, Eddie, Robin, and Hopper said.
Nancy’s eyes were glistening a little. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry for disappearing on you like that, for not ending things cleanly, and...and for calling you bullshit. I feel like I see better now. Maybe it wouldn’t have worked out for us in the end, but you would’ve given it your all, wouldn’t you?”
“If you had let me, yeah”, Steve smiled.
Nancy gave a light laugh as she looked down at her lap, shaking her head. “Six kids and a winnebago.”
“I’m sorry, what?”, Robin’s eyes got wide.
“The hell does that mean?”, Eddie asked while Steve put his face in his hands.
“Please don’t tell them. I’ll never live it down.”
Hopper cleared his throat. “Seems like we’re close to finishing so let’s wrap this up. Steve and Nancy both apologized, so Robin? Anymore hang-ups?”
Robin held Steve’s hand, intertwining their fingers. “If he can forgive you after all that...well let’s just say his title ‘King of Second Chances’ is pulling a lot of weight here. If this reformed, prom king jock asshole says you’re worth the heartbreak, then yeah. No more hang-ups.”
“There was a compliment somewhere in there, I’m sure of it”, Steve said.
“So, I get a second chance?”, Nancy asked.
“Tuesday is discount movie day”, Robin beamed. “We could get a double feature.”
“And while the girls are away, the boys can play”, Eddie rubbed his hands together while looking at Steve.
“Oh I’m so glad this ended happily ever after. Now get out of my house”, Hopper pointed to the door.
l0st-strawberry explicitly said they were being a good boy so you guys get steddie’s date night
Steve checked the time. Robin was being picked up by Nancy right about now and Eddie was due to arrive any moment. He looked himself over in the mirror, hoping he didn’t come off as too ‘date-ready’. This was supposed to be a casual hangout between two buddies.
Except Steve was 60% sure Eddie was into him. Either that, or he was trying to learn his ‘jock language’ as Robin had called it. Helping him practice with Lucas, going out on jogs, flattering him about his muscles, it was totally out of character for Eddie.
But if he was trying to get on Steve’s good side....and if he was doing that because he liked him then...
There were the little touches too, small things he did that could just be friendly but....well Steve really hoped there was a ‘but’.
He heard the doorbell ring and checked himself over again. He was wearing a green polo and some jeans. 
“Very simple, very casual”, he said to himself in the mirror. “You’ve got this Harrington.”
The bell rang again and he tore himself from the mirror to answer the door. He let Eddie in and they went right to the TV.
“Alright, on three, whip ‘em out”, Eddie said when they sat down on the couch.
Steve rolled his eyes at the wording, but on 3, pulled a movie from behind his back. They had agreed on an exchange, both picked a movie they wanted to share with the other.
“Question, why does it not have a cover?”, Steve asked. It was just a title.
“Because what I have here is an extremely rare bootleg. And I see you’ve picked a classic yourself.”
“Rock paper scissors for which we watch first?”
Steve ended up losing, so they were going to watch Eddie’s movie first.
“You go ahead and put it in, I’ll get the popcorn and drinks”, Steve said.
Since he was walking away, Eddie let himself stare at his very valuable assets before going to put the movie in and get it started. He could do this. He could be smooth and flirtatious and totally get Steve Harrington to fall in love with him.
Steve knew when someone’s eyes were on him and couldn’t help but smile to himself for his choice in jeans. “Beer or coke?”, he half-shouted from the kitchen.
“Coke!”, Eddie answered back.
Steve returned with a bowl of popcorn and two cokes. When he sat down, there was about a foot of space between him and Eddie. Eddie closed the space a little by putting his arm across the back of the couch. Every time, Steve took a sip and put his can back on the coffee table, he moved just the teensiest bit closer to Eddie.
“So this is a bootleg?”, Steve asked.
“Yeah. Got it off a guy when me and the boys were doin’ a gig one night. You can’t find this anywhere.”
“You like stuff like that? Rarities?”
“I wouldn’t call myself a collector by any means. But if I find something good and I think I’ll never see it again, I can’t help myself.”
Steve bit his lip. He wanted to be that for Eddie. Something he just couldn’t help himself around.
“You know, I’m kinda like that. When I see something good, I go for it.” Steve turned a little towards him.
“Oh yeah?”, Eddie grinned, any feigned interest in the movie completely gone now. “Do tell.”
“You know, sometimes I want a pair of shoes, I got for it. Or if I really want a position on a team, I go for it.”
“Got any relatable examples?”, Eddie asked, turning his own body towards Steve.
“Every time I’ve liked a girl, I asked her out. There was only one time I didn’t.”
Eddie swallowed. “What stopped you, Steve the Hair Harrington, from asking out a girl?”
“.....It wasn’t a girl.”
Eddie gulped again. “Shit.”
Steve met his eyes, trying to assess if that was a good ‘shit’ or a bad ‘shit’. Eddie could see he was trying to read him and smiled.
“Still not hearing a reason why you wouldn’t ask.”
Steve let out a breath and ran a hand through his hair like he had really been sweating Eddie’s reaction. Like Eddie would run out this house just because he liked guys.
“Well, even if I asked, I’m not sure he’d say yes. See, I still can’t tell which part of me he likes.”
“I mean, if he’s into guys, typically they’re into one specific part”, Eddie’s eyes drifted to Steve’s crotch before rocketing back to his face.
“Okay you perv, I mean my personality. Like, would he be into King Steve? Or is he more into the Steve I am now?”
“Are you still King Steve?”, Eddie asked.
“Not...entirely. But I still do things I did from back then. I work out and Robin calls me a meathead. I hang out with nerds but I can’t for the life of me get interested in Dungeons, no offense.”
“None taken”, Eddie shrugged. “We can’t all have taste.”
Steve rolled his eyes. “I’m saying, sometimes it feels like I haven’t changed. So how can I ask this guy out? What if he still thinks I’m that guy? What if he wants that guy?”
Eddie wanted to kiss the sadness right off his face. “Steve?”
“I want you. All of you.”
Steve felt his heart quicken. His arm rested against the back of the couch. “Even the me that goes for jogs at 6 in the morning?”
“I will be up at 9 to have breakfast with you.”
“And if I never, ever, ever get into that game with you guys?”
“I could think”, Eddie started while letting his fingers walk up Steve’s arm, “of some other games I’d like to play with you.”
Their knees were touching now and Eddie had walked his fingers up to Steve’s bicep. Eddie bit his lip. Then made his fingers tap dance on Steve’s skin while he scatted.
Steve giggle-snorted and then leaned into Eddie’s space. “You’re such a dork.”
“Hmm, but a cute dork, perhaps?”
“Cute, some might even say hot.”
“Now who would say that?”, Eddie grinned with a shake of his head.
“Kiss me.”
Eddie closed the very short distance between them and kissed Steve, finally. The next thing he felt was Steve’s very strong hands on his waist.
“Damn”, he breathed out.
“Sorry”, Steve pulled back a little. “Too much? I’ve never-mmf.”
Eddie nipped any second guesses with a kiss. “Stevie baby, this is just the tip of the iceberg of what I wanna do to you.” He felt him give a little shiver and Eddie licked his lips. “You like when I call you baby?”
Yes, Steve liked it but he wasn’t gonna say that out loud so he just kissed him again. He also liked Eddie’s little promise. He wanted the whole iceberg, whatever that meant. Eddie pressed more into him and Steve let himself be pushed down onto the couch. Steve had been under girls a few times but typically he was the one on top. And even when they were, usually they were smaller than him. He’d never been under someone like Eddie, someone who was nearly the same size.
His weight, combined with Eddie’s hair falling over like a curtain and the kisses that never let up and Steve felt like he was drowning in the man and he never wanted to come up for air. Eddie’s knee came up a little between his legs and Steve couldn’t stop the way his hips jumped to meet Eddie’s, who let out a hiss of pleasure just as the phone began to ring.
“It’s just telemarketers. Ignore it”, Eddie said.
“At this hour? I doubt it. I should-”
“Stay here and be kissed by me?” Eddie gave his lips a peck. “Wait, I think I missed a spot.” He kissed him again and got a little bold, starting to kiss his jawline.
Steve let out a gasp and was halfway to letting Eddie’s lips find their way wherever they wanted when all the worst what-ifs came to mind. With a sigh, he pushed Eddie away and got up, jogging over to the phone before whoever it was hung up. 
He picked up and heard Robin’s voice.
“Please tell me I just interrupted you and Eddie running a marathon.”
Steve took a moment to catch his breath.  “You knew what might be happening when you called. By the way why are you calling? Your date with Nancy finished already?” He checked the time. The movie was sure to be done by now but would they have ended the date right after?
“Oh we’re finished alright.”
Steve frowned. “That doesn’t sound good. What happened?” 
“Are you sure it’s more important than Eddie’s blue balls right now?”
He had the decency to blush. “Robin you’re way more important than Eddie’s balls.”
“Hey!”, Eddie looked up from the couch. “I heard that Harrington!”
With a broad smile, he turned to look at Eddie.  “She’s more important than your dick too!”
“Steve, you have no idea how much that means to me.”
Robin didn’t sound right. Something really bad must’ve happened during her date.  He turned his back on Eddie as he spoke again. 
“I mean it. If you wanna talk I can send Eddie home and you can come. Or I’ll go to you.” He’d drop anything for Robin and hopefully Eddie would understand that.
“Your courting suitor won’t mind being booted?”
Once again, Steve turned around and saw Eddie, watching him with a dopey smile on his face.
“No, I don’t think he’ll mind “, he twirled the cord around his finger. “I’m like….85% sure he’s super into me and will let me get away with anything.”
“We can talk tomorrow. You know, when he’s not humping your leg.”
“First thing in the morning”, Steve promised. “Good night.”
“Night, Steve.”
Steve hung up and was able to give his full attention to Eddie, who was still staring at him.
“85% sure, huh?”
���Give or take a few percents”, Steve sat back down on the couch.
“So, what’re we gonna do now?”
“Well, your movie finished. Let’s start mine.”
It was all a cover, for what neither knew because as soon as it started playing, they were making out again. Then the movie ended and before Eddie could even suggested heading home, Steve was pulling him upstairs.
“It’s late. And I bet you’re tired, right?”
“Yeah, tired, yeah”, Eddie said as he found himself in Steve’s room. He then found himself in Steve’s bed, wearing Steve’s clothes, kissing Steve again. Kissing his beautiful, spotted neck again and pulling out sounds he only dreamed of.
Steve was a delicious combination of nervous but eager which paired great with Eddie’s eager but nervous energy. What started as not-so-innocent kissing lead to definitely-not-innocent handjobs and Eddie was pretty sure he died and went to heaven.
When morning came, the heaven thing still made more sense because where else would he wake up with his face buried in Steve’s hairy chest?
Steve took heaven away when he got up and had to go to Robin. But Eddie sucked it up and decided to seek out Nancy. If not to make sure she and Robin were fine, then to assure his and Steve’s alone time didn’t get interrupted again.
Part 7 (END)
I chose Hopper because he literally could not give a shit in any way or form. Everybody else they know would have an opinion or a bias.
Tag Team
@goodolefashionedloverboi @rainydays35 @desert-fern @alienace @homohomohoe @savory-babby @gothwifehotchner @gregre369 @estrellami-1 @l0st-strawberry @dreamlandforever @justforthedead89 @hallucinatedjosten
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wolfjackle-creates · 1 year
Ghost!Robin Part 10
Here's another WIP Wednesday! Hope you enjoy.
Story Summary: Danny was invited to dinner at Wayne Manor to meet Jazz's boyfriend and his family for the first time. He worked hard to make sure no ghost business would interrupt the evening. But when he arrived, all he could focus on was the ghost of the dead Robin that seemed to haunt Jason. Looks like he was breaking his promise.
First, Previous
Word Count: 1.4k
Alfred let out a put-upon sigh. “You, and you alone”—he gave a look to everyone at the table—“may ask Mr. Danny a single question. All other questions must wait until Mr. Danny has finished his dessert and informs you he is willing to answer more of them.”
“What the fuck does Jazz mean when she says ‘spoilers’?”
Danny sighed and leaned his chair back as he looked up to the ceiling. “Yeah, okay. That’s fair. You deserve an answer to that, dead boyfriend number two.”
“Stop calling me that!”
“I’m finally not the only dead one in the family. Sorry, but I’m gonna revel in that a bit longer.” Danny grinned at him and set his chair back on the ground. “So, spoilers. Well. My grandpa is kinda the Ghost of Time. Responsible for maintaining the time stream to bring about the future that has the best outcome for the most amount of beings. We met a few years back when he was ordered to kill me but became my mentor instead. Since he’s the ghost of time, he sees all futures and doesn’t really exist in the present. Sometimes he refers to things that haven’t happened yet as if they have or brings up events from centuries or millenia ago as if they happened yesterday. Bit headache inducing if I’m honest, but I’ve gotten used to it. Jazz doesn’t like it when I share details about what Gramps has let slip about her future.”
“No I do not. I’d rather live my life as if I have some degree of free will!”
The silence from the Waynes was only disrupted by the increased typing from Tim and Barbara.
“You know what,” said Jason after a beat, “I don’t even know why I’m surprised. Jazz, your brother’s life is insane and I say that as a zombie from a family of vigilantes.”
Danny shook his head and swallowed a bite of ice cream. “You aren’t a zombie. Zombies don’t retain any memories of their lives and they can’t think. Not sure what you are, to be honest. You’re ghostly in some way as evidenced by Robin and his ability to use and eat ectoplasm. Which you also recognized, if by a different name. Though, I will reiterate, ectoplasm shouldn’t bubble or collect in pits in the living realms.”
Jason stared at him for a moment before stabbing his spoon into his own pie. He muttered something under his breath and projected, restraint, hold it in.
Danny sighed. He really shouldn’t drag this out any longer. His remaining desert was gone in a few bites.
“Fine. I’m done. How do we want to do this?”
Jazz cleared her throat, “If I may, I have a suggestion.”
Bruce nodded and gestured for her to continue.
“Look, if we take the time to answer every single question about the Infinite Realms and ghost culture, history, biology, and psychology, we will be here for years. Now, Danny’s partner Tucker is our tech guy. We can have him send over a document tomorrow with much of the information we think would be necessary for you to have. You can review it on your own time line and verify it with Justice League Dark or whomever. And you can formulate a list of questions you need further clarification on. Sound fair?”
Jazz was the best. Danny sent her a wave of love you, thanks, you’re amazing and she squeezed his knee under the table.
Bruce hummed. “And what do you wish to talk of tonight?”
Jazz leaned back slightly and looked at Danny. “Danny? I think this is all you.”
Danny nodded. To the table he said, “Over half of you are in danger from the Guys in White. I suppose I should start with showing you how.” The ecto-trackers he had pulled out earlier still sat ignored on the table. He grabbed his own version and took a position kneeling between Bruce and Barbara. Tim got up to stand behind him. Everyone else also got to their feet and started moving closer.
Danny clicked his tongue. “The screen is too small for all of you to see. Jason, stay seated over there. It’ll be easier to show what’s going on with you if you and Robin aren’t right next to each other. Damian and Cass, you are the next most affected so come over. Everyone else, I’ll show you the exact same things just after.”
Cass gave him a single nod and slid out of her seat. Damian didn’t say anything, but pushed his chair out and stalked over. He stood as far from Tim as he could while still being able to look over Danny’s head at the small screen. Cass took her place between the two.
Whatever, their family drama was not his problem. He turned on the machine. “So this device tracks ectoplasm. My design is the most sophisticated on Earth. Green is free ectoplasm—ectoplasm that isn’t part of a ghost or sentient being. Purple indicates a liminal human. Blue is an unknown ghost. Red is a known, unfriendly ghost. Yellow is a known, friendly ghost. Orange is a halfa like me. The intensity of the color indicates the strength of the being.”
“What is a liminal human?” asked Bruce. “You’ve mentioned them before.”
“I didn’t go over that?” asked Danny as colored shapes began to appear on the screen. A bright orange blob appeared in the middle, himself. He was surrounded by three purple blobs, Cass and Damian were the brightest, Steph the dimmest at the other end of the table. But what really drew his eye was Robin. He was mostly blue, but a wave of blue-organge-purple connected him to Jason who was mostly purple. Both of their main beings had some of all three colors mixed in. Danny had never seen anything like it.
But he couldn’t focus on the strange display right now. Saving the image, he decided to ask Jason later if he could show Frostbite and Tucker to get their insight. “Liminals are humans who have been exposed to ectoplasm in some way. Either through death or long-term, low-level exposure. Overtime, it makes you death-touched and that changes a person. Everyone is different. Jazz has a degree of super strength, a ghostly obsession, and true empathy. Tucker has some technopathy; Sam a green thumb like you wouldn’t believe.” Though, this was Gotham, home to Poison Ivy. “Or, well, maybe you would, living in Gotham.” Danny pointed to the purple blob that represented Bruce. “This indicates you have quite a high level of liminality. Jazz”—he pointed to where she was, her color clearly brighter than any of the Waynes—“is currently the third most liminal person I know of on Earth.” He then pointed to Stephanie, a much dimmer purple haze. “And Steph is only lightly touched.”
Bruce hummed. “So this Ghost Investigation Ward will use a device like this to track any of us who have any sort of ectoplasm in us.”
“Yeah. Only theirs isn’t nearly as good.” Danny looked to his sister. “Jazz, mind passing the GIW device down?”
“Of course.” The GIW ectoplasmic radiation sensor had their signature sleek, white design. It was passed down the line from Jazz until Bruce was able to hand it to Danny.
“Thanks.” Danny took it and turned it on. “So the GIW design looks good, but can’t differentiate between different types of ectoplasm. As of now, they aren’t even aware of liminals.”
This device, when it turned on, showed a black screen with a white bar that went up and down at a steady pace. A loading bar was visible on the bottom labeled “Scanning.”
“As you can see, theirs takes a lot longer to get readings.” It finished loading. “Here we go.” Danny was a large green shape labeled “Phantom.”
Robin was also a green shape, though he was distorted with a tail leading towards Jason. He had no label. The others, excluding Stephanie who wasn’t displayed at all, showed up as a green haze.
“Thanks to my parents, they have good readings on me which is why my name shows up. They aren’t usually too focused on identifying ghosts, though, which is why Jason-Robin doesn’t have a label. I’m a special case. The rest of you are safe from a distance, but that haze means they’d take you in for questioning at the very least.”
“Hn. What is the range on these devices?” asked Bruce.
Danny shrugged. “My stuff? From anywhere. I track through the Infinite Realms, not by Earth. GIW? Jason-Robin, they’ll be able to detect something from probably ten miles out of city limits, but they’d need to be within half a mile to get an accurate location. The Fentons? Mile or so. They get an exact location or nothing.”
I don't really think I have much to say about this segment. The info dump has started! Thank you Jazz for keeping people on track. Alfred will help her if he feels people start pushing too much.
Tag List Part 1
@addie-lover-of-stories, @justwannabecat, @gin2212, @amercurio, @regonold, @overtherose, @readerzj, @sjrose1216, @echoednonny, @deeterzz, @blu-lilac, @number-one-jew, @rowanaway-fromthisbs, @vythika96, @tired-yet-awaken, @themirrorghost, @emeraldcorpral, @all-mights-asscheeks, @darkhinauniverse, @blep-23, @phandomhyperfixationblog, @larkcoe1, @thegatorsgoose, @job-ross-the-second, @britcision, @lenacraft, @bubblemixer, @androgynouslordofescapism, @purefrickingspite, @leftmiraclechaos, @lizisipancardo, @starlight-sparks, @miraculousandmore, @gildedphoenix, @sometimesthingsfallapart, @letmesayfuxk, @phoenixcatch7, @skulld3mort-1fan, @abaowo, @dhampir-princess, @idkmrpianoman, @sarina-elais, @ballzfrog-blog, @undead-essence, @spookytragedyshark, @flyingpansaurus, @akintoabitch, @marivictal, @8-29pm, @justreadingthefanfics, @happybear135, @kisatamao, @spoopyspoony, @adorablechaos, @sara0055, @screamingtofillthevoid
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augment-techs · 1 month
prompts based on lines from fanfics that hit different after the tenth read
Slayer, Slayer, Monster Killer//Into the den//A blazing Inferno//Defender of the Innocent
Cauterize the wound.
Blood quickly began to fill the water.
Blue tint surrounding the lips.
He'd take jazz over a symphony, rock over jazz, and a crazy buscar in the tube station creating something insane with a violin, a beat box, and a pedal drum over rock.
I also wrote a gay version, if anyone wants it.
The thinness of the shoulder bothered him.
The curse was simple but badly done; convoluted and too mixed up with his own energies to be easily removed.
"Your parents are fucked up. I'm serious, that's Fucked Up."
With a coat like blood. Like cherries. Like candy.
"...Correction...I might be bleeding."
It was the best protection he could give.
"I can't believe you just called your own behavior petty harassment."
Cleaner than he'd been in eight months.
"Go curse somebody else. He doesn't belong to you--you can't have him."
Never had to initiate a virgin before.
The thought was idle.
Imagine if you will...
"The game is over. Do you understand?"
He was pissing blood.
"You asked for respect, I'm giving it to you."
Too tired and weak to fight properly.
"I haven't felt any strong emotions since I was a kid."
"What color is the sky right now?"
"So they will be the same age. So they can have adventures."
"I'm done keeping secrets for you."
"Sure. Why not take away the last thing I have left."
'Pretend.' It rattles in his brain.
No wonder people talked.
"Although this totally explains why you were in love with me like once a year for three years in a row."
"No, I do not have a scrunchie."
He'd never been brave enough.
"It's basically a game of sexual preferences."
It wasn't the personality serum, but it was some form of mind control.
It had been so goddamn long since they had heard any sort of tune at all.
"It's one of my grounding techniques."
"Please. Never say anything like that again."
He was also good at being randomly, devastatingly kind.
"I bet I could pick you up. Wanna see if I can?"
"I will not elaborate."
Carefully lit gym thirst traps.
He bit his fist, dried his eyes, and didn't make a sound.
"Because I am through with you. You aren't worth the effort."
Sees them glimpsed in mirrors and reflective surfaces; and the newest ones most often.
"Thanks for letting me feel alright for a bit."
It was homemade, and heavy, and hurt.
"You're not afraid?"
It was just as well.
"If I planted something on him there's a chance it could get lost."
"You're too good for me."
"Please. I don't want you to disappear again."
With an awkward, coltish sort of grace that makes her look decades younger than she is.
'Strange' is a family trait.
"Just want to rest with you. This is good."
"I shot my dad when I was fifteen."
Refreshing. Invigorating--where the fuck are these words coming from?
"Go find a nice ditch to crawl into and die there, not on our floor."
"I'm used to the cold, darling. Don't worry. There are worse things to endure."
"They gave us twenty dollars for nothing."
"Amazing, for once, your remarkable ability to repulse and horrify women saves the day."
"...Okay, okay, don't look at me like that; I'm a huge asshole. But not in that way."
"Like organizing your pornography collection."
"I just need some time. Right now, I don't know what I'm feeling."
They started it out like the leads in a bad B Movie.
"I said that about Jaws. That movie was terrible by the way."
"You're still my first choice."
Three years in the womb.
To be honest, they'd expected to die.
Looking back on it now he felt like the biggest idiot for not realizing what a huge Red Flag that had been.
"You want to come with us?"
"Back then I didn't even know about consent."
"If my dad ever comes back from his 'business trip' you kill him and we're even."
They have no idea what their Tragic Backstory is, so they make up a new one every time someone asks.
Don't want to train today? Too bad, you either fight the giant centipede or DIE.
"They ain't that bad compared to some of the shit I've eaten."
"I hate being brainwashed. And mind controlled. And sold, and handled without asking, and...being a thing for people to have."
"The research I took to find the gag I was thinking of was very uncomfortable. No, Google, I don't want BDSM gags, please stop giving me that option."
"I have a room and extra blankets. You'd probably fit into a few of my shirts, too."
"You're not trying to burn my apartment down?"
'Oh. Oh, it's going to kill me.'
"You refuse to take a shot at Adolf Hitler because you are not a murderer."
"Because she totally didn't punch that guy to defend your honor, and you totally didn't swoon."
It's a perfectly common ingredient in a lot of cultures! There's blood pudding, blood soup, blood tofu--that's a real thing and it's delicious.
"Did you just make them tell us about their sexual awakening?"
It's red berry jam. It's not really blood at all. They just call it that to make their kids think they're tough blood-eating warriors.
"Now stop having a crisis about being an eldritch abomination."
And that's exactly why broken bones are a testament to their mercy.
"I've been gone a long time, haven't I?"
Seems like a normal breakfast, right?
They are not friends. And yet.
"They're innocent. They never asked for any of this."
"I thought you loved me, but you're just like everyone else."
The candies are always gone within a day.
Backpacking across the end of the world.
"I should be worth, like, at least two goats. Or even one of those cute mini pigs, maybe."
"Apparently I'm from the past and you're from the future."
"Well, I drove an ice cream truck and didn't die."
The common areas became populated with candles, dishes of salt near the doorways, little piles of pennies in crevices.
The small bruise they expected to see is not small at all. It's huge and almost black and it's spread against the entirety of the left side of the stomach.
"You mean because you beat the shit outta me? Nah. I've got a pretty high tolerance for getting beat up. Seems like I just end up friends with them, even when I lose my S/O to them."
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