#tech institutes in philadelphia
pttedu · 7 days
Skilled trades jobs blend technical expertise and soft skills. Read further to learn some tips for a successful career in trades.
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pttiedu · 1 month
Inspiring Words: Donna Bullock’s Graduation Address at PTTI At PTTI, we were to listen to the powerful speech delivered by former PA State Representative Donna Bullock at the recent graduation ceremony. In her moving address, Ms. Bullock reflects on the incredible journey of PTTI, founded by Sherman McLeod and Donald Jackson after they acquired Berean Technical Institute in 2015. Discover the founders' visionary efforts in shaping PTTI and the profound community impact it has made, particularly in empowering the black community.
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eretzyisrael · 6 months
by Shiryn Ghermezian
The Philly Palestine Coalition on Monday began a petition that demanded the cancellation of the film festival, which is co-sponsored by Israel Bonds, the Consulate General of Israel, and the Jewish Federation of Greater Pennsylvania. The pro-Palestinian group falsely claimed that Israel Bonds “finances the Israeli government’s budget” and “directly contributes to the displacement of Palestinians, the expansion of unlawful settlements, and unchecked settler violence.” The petition also falsely accused the state of Israel of genocide, apartheid, and occupation in its treatment of Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip.
According to the Israel Bonds website, proceeds from the sale of bonds have contributed to Israel’s growth in high-tech, cleantech, and biotech. Capital from Israel bonds have also “helped strengthen every aspect of Israel’s economy, enabling national infrastructure development … [and] expanded transportation networks enabled by investments in Israel bonds help facilitate shipment of ‘Made in Israel’ technology around the world, enhancing national export growth.”
Soon after facing pressure from the Philly Palestine Coalition, the BMFI announced on Monday it pulled the screening of The Child Within Me — a day before the scheduled event.
“Bryn Mawr Film Institute is not a political organization. We don’t endorse or oppose any causes,” the BMFI said in a released statement. “In past years, we have not regarded hosting a screening from the Israeli Film Festival as a political partnership or taking a stance on any issues. This was our feeling when we arranged the 2024 screening many months ago. However, as the situation in Israel and Gaza has developed, it has become clear that our showing this movie is being widely taken among individuals and institutions in our community as an endorsement of Israel’s recent and ongoing actions. This is not a statement we intended or wish to make.”
“BMFI is a safe place for civil and nuanced conversations about diverse stories,” the film institute added. “For the well-being and safety of all patrons, BMFI will not be a location for anger and violence. For those who wish to partake in an IFF screening, there are upcoming screenings at other venues.”
The Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia and the Anti-Defamation League’s chapter in Philadelphia were outraged by the move. They urged the BMFI to immediately reverse its decision to cancel the screening.
“Although BMFI states that this decision was made in an attempt to avoid controversy, this action only serves to blacklist Israeli culture, playing into the hands of antisemites who try to deny the Jewish people their voice and existence,” the two Jewish organizations said in a joint statement on Tuesday. “The IFF intentionally offers a multifaceted view of Israeli society. Each season, carefully curated feature films and documentaries provide glimpses into the intricate tapestry of Israeli life, allowing audiences to form their own informed opinions … Let us celebrate cultural diversity, promote dialogue, and recognize the transformative power of film in connecting us all.”
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hug-your-face · 4 months
"If I'm Trump, I need you to not vote for Biden"
May 2024 Politico analysis: Polling of younger, Black, Hispanic voters in Philadelphia is currently favoring a Trump presidency by a hair:
“The goal for the Biden campaign is to try to keep that fragile coalition together. And it’s a much harder goal than it is for the Trump campaign, which is just to have people do nothing,” said Mustafa Rashed, a Philadelphia-based Democratic strategist. “If I’m Trump, I don’t need you to come out and vote for me, I need you to not go out and vote for that guy.”
If you WANT a second Trump administration, along with Project 2025's very real plan to give Trump supreme executive power, it's very easy for you: Simply DO NOT vote for Biden in November.
(And get some friends to not-vote for Biden too, while you're at it.)
It's really, really simple:
Vote 3rd party or don’t vote:
Trump presidency, again
Replace courts and justice system with dictator-style "justice"
(Which by the way pretty much eliminates any kind of free elections in the future)
Defund federal institutions that protect individual rights like the FCC (internet) and FTC (consumer rights)
Let's get dumber! No more Department of Education
More fossil fuels, more climate change faster!
Eliminate access to abortion
Normalize the use of the military against US citizens, and of course
Full support to Netanyahu to "finish the problem" and ensure Palestinians "burn forever in the eternal pit of hell."
Vote Biden and you get:
NOT all that stuff above. That's enough, right? Just avoiding all that is enough? No? Okay then how about:
Health care - including abortion access
Continued improvements in overall cost of living
Continued investment in green technologies and getting toward net-zero emissions
Continued reduction of the wage gap
More? Okay:
Support for Ukraine against Russia
Massive social spending for healthcare and against climate change like under the Inflation Reduction Act
Taxing the rich
Gun control
Improving infrastructure like roads, railways, the power grid, and internet access
Continued crackdowns on Big Tech and strengthening the FTC's antitrust powers
Increased pressure on Netanyahu and Israel
So, do you take the action or inaction that makes you, personally, feel better?
Or do you take the action that actually brings the greatest good to the greatest number of people - even if it makes you personally feel bad to do it?
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randomvarious · 10 months
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Today's mix:
Past Lessons / Future Theories by Slam 2000 Tech-House / Techno / House / Deep House
Oh, hell yes, folks. Today, we've got an exquisite turn-of-the-millennium double-disc mix, courtesy of Glasgow's greatest techno DJ pair to ever do it, Slam. Back in the early 90s, these guys were part of the group that was responsible for co-founding the terrific Soma Quality Recordings label—also based out of Glasgow—and these days they play sets all across the globe, have their very own festival, and host one of techno's most popular weekly podcasts too: Slam Radio. Needless to say, in a genre whose overall ephemerality tends to be so key, and with so many acts who debuted in the early 90s having naturally fallen by the wayside, the fact that these two have managed to become, and still remain, an institution in this space is such a commendably rare feat in and of itself 👏. And a mix like this serves as a stellar example as to why they've managed to stick around and stay in the top echelon of techno DJs for so long. Past Lessons / Future Theories certainly doesn't catch Slam in their earliest days, but it's still only the second mix of theirs to ever be released commercially, and the first since 1996's Psychotrance 4, on Moonshine Music. And while the first disc is the far chiller of the two and sees them tying to shy away from dropping the straight-up techno jams, it's the second disc where they decide to really channel their true, uninhibited inner selves, and get down to brass tacks 😤.
Now, while most mixes tend to have names that you really shouldn't read too much into, I think there's a meaning behind this one's in particular, and that it's really exemplified by a single track: Josh Wink and Lil' Louis' "How's Your Evening So Far?" Real house heads who know their history are already undoubtedly familiar with the name Lil' Louis, as he's the guy who made one of the biggest ever house tunes of the 1980s, with the warm and chuggingly sensual "French Kiss." But with this track from 2000 here, Philadelphia's Josh Wink manages to revive that classic while simultaneously cozily wrapping it in his own techno knowhow, yielding a total banger that, over 20 years later, still satisfies plentifully 😌. So, if Past Lessons / Future Theories means taking what you've already learned and then building something new and lasting directly on top of it, then Wink really knocked that whole concept out of the damn park with this song here.
And also, while this second disc largely seems to run a slightly dark, yet eclectic contemporary techno gamut of sorts, I still definitely gotta give it up especially for Mad Mike Banks' "String Mix" of The Aztec Mystic's "Jaguar." This is a tune that builds itself in anticipation to a boiling point with its very prominent, sharp, and dramatic orchestral string work, with those strings eventually transitioning into creakily seesawing Hitchcockian stabs when the drumbeat finally comes in at the end. Such a phenomenal track!
So, in all honesty, after listening to this album's first disc, I was starting to get ready to conclude that while Slam had been trusted veteran DJs for a good while by the year 2000, this release itself didn't actually have the transcendent 'wow' factor that you might expect. But evidently, these guys were just saving up all their magic for disc 2. Disc 1 isn't a total skipper by any means, but that second one really shows you what these Glasgow legends are capable of weaving together, and to that end, why they've managed to outlast almost all of their peers as well.
Listen to CD1 here. Listen to CD2 here.
E-Dancer - "Heavenly (Juan Atkins Remix)" Flunky - "Love Song (Dub)" Sueño Latino - Sueno Latino (Bushwacka! Tek Mix)" Mark Flash - "Timbales Calientes" Silicone Soul - "Right On, Right On"
Bushwacka! - "Healer (House Mix)" Hipp-E & Eric Davenport - "Jesus Loves 2000" Valentino Kanzyani - "Fever" Trevor Rockcliffe - "A Sound Called House" Samuel L. Session - "Tribe Cut" Death In Vegas - "Dirge (Slam Mix)" Josh Wink & Lil' Louis - "How's Your Evening So Far?" Black Odyssey - "The Stand" Gaetano Parisio - "1999" Slam - "Positive Education" The Aztec Mystic - "Jaguar (Mad Mike String Mix)"
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kp777 · 1 year
By Oliver Milman
The Guardian
July 5, 2023
Exclusive: new database shows 1,500 US lobbyists working for fossil-fuel firms while representing universities and green groups
More than 1,500 lobbyists in the US are working on behalf of fossil-fuel companies while at the same time representing hundreds of liberal-run cities, universities, technology companies and environmental groups that say they are tackling the climate crisis, the Guardian can reveal.
Lobbyists for oil, gas and coal interests are also employed by a vast sweep of institutions, ranging from the city governments of Los Angeles, Chicago and Philadelphia; tech giants such as Apple and Google; more than 150 universities; some of the country’s leading environmental groups – and even ski resorts seeing their snow melted by global heating.
The breadth of fossil fuel lobbyists’ work for other clients is captured in a new database of their lobbying interests which was published online on Wednesday.
It shows the reach of state-level fossil fuel lobbyists into almost every aspect of American life, spanning local governments, large corporations, cultural institutions such as museums and film festivals, and advocacy groups, grouping together clients with starkly contradictory aims.
For instance, State Farm, the insurance company that announced in May it would halt new homeowner policies in California due to the “catastrophic” risk of wildfires worsened by the climate crisis, employs lobbyists that also advocate for fossil fuel interests to lawmakers in 18 states.
Meanwhile, Baltimore, which is suing big oil firms for their role in causing climate-related damages, has shared a lobbyist with ExxonMobil, one of the named defendants in the case. Syracuse University, a pioneer in the fossil fuel divestment movement, has a lobbyist with 14 separate oil and gas clients.
“It’s incredible that this has gone under the radar for so long, as these lobbyists help the fossil fuel industry wield extraordinary power,” said James Browning, a former Common Cause lobbyist who put together the database for a new venture called F Minus. “Many of these cities and counties face severe costs from climate change and yet elected officials are selling their residents out. It’s extraordinary.
“The worst thing about hiring these lobbyists is that it legitimizes the fossil fuel industry,” Browning added. “They can cloak their radical agenda in respectability when their lobbyists also have clients in the arts, or city government, or with conservation groups. It normalizes something that is very dangerous.”
The searchable database, created by compiling the public disclosure records of lobbyists up to 2022 reveals:
Some of the most progressive-minded cities in the US employ fossil fuel lobbyists. Chicago shares a lobbyist with BP. Philadelphia’s lobbyist also works for the Koch Industries network. Los Angeles has a lobbyist contracted to the gas plant firm Tenaska. Even cities that are suing fossil fuel companies for climate damages, such as Baltimore, have fossil fuel-aligned lobbyists.
Environmental groups that push for action on climate change also, incongruously, use lobbyists employed by the fossil fuel industry. The Environmental Defense Fund shares lobbyists with ExxonMobil, Calpine and Duke Energy, all major gas producers. A lobbyist for the Natural Resources Defense Council Action Fund also works on behalf of the mining company BHP.
Large tech companies have repeatedly touted their climate credentials but many also use fossil fuel-aligned lobbyists. Amazon employs fossil fuel lobbyists in 27 states. Apple shares a lobbyist with the Koch network. Microsoft’s lobbyist also lobbies on behalf of Exxon. Google has a lobbyist who has seven different fossil fuel companies as clients.
More than 150 universities have ties to lobbyists who also push the interests of fossil fuel companies. These include colleges that have vowed to divest from fossil fuels under pressure from students concerned about the climate crisis, such as California State University, the University of Washington, Johns Hopkins University and Syracuse University. Scores of school districts, from Washington state to Florida, have lobbyists who also work for fossil fuel interests.
A constellation of cultural and recreational bodies also use fossil fuel lobbyists, despite in many cases calling for action on the climate crisis. The New Museum in New York City, the Los Angeles County Museum of Art and the Sundance Film Institute in Utah all share lobbyists with fossil fuel interests, as does the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra and the Florida Aquarium. Even top ski resorts such as Jackson Hole and Vail, which face the prospect of dwindling snow on slopes due to rising temperatures, use fossil fuel lobbyists.
Cities, companies, universities and green groups that use fossil fuel-linked lobbyists said this work didn’t conflict with their own climate goals and in some cases was even beneficial. “It is common for lobbyists to work for a variety of clients,” said a spokesperson for the University of Washington.
A spokesperson for the Los Angeles County Museum of Art said it had retained a lobbyist on the F Minus database “for a period during the pandemic … We are not currently working with the company.”
Read more.
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luckyswilliams · 2 years
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Full Name: Lucky Williams.
Nicknames: Lucky Luciano.
Pronouns and Gender: He/Him, Cis Male.
Birthday: November 3rd, 1997.
Birth place: Philadelphia.
How long have they been in town?: His whole life / on and off in recent years.
Sexuality: Bisexual.
Housing: Midtown Village.
Occupation: Software Developer.
Family: Two older brothers and a younger sister.
The first big scare Lucky Williams had given his parents was silence in the seconds that followed his birth. It wasn't just them who felt the terror of it, the doctor who had delivered him and the nurse present too also felt it -- until eventually a cry left his little body. It was then that he was jokingly nicknamed the quiet one in contrast to his older brothers, which he seemed to embody tenfold as he grew up. With both little interest and little skill in most sports, he only ever found himself partaking in them because his brothers or his friends were. He could kick a football, catch a basketball and swing for a baseball, but there was never a guarantee that it would advance his teammates in any of the games he was playing, which was why he never found himself playing for any sort of team. His mind had always been the muscle he liked to work the most, and he was drawn to anything with a screen from as early as he was allowed access one.
It had been Lucky that had inadvertently become live in tech support for his family, always eager and willing to take whatever device was malfunctioning and see if he could teach himself how to fix it. It was a skill that only flourished more in his teen years, and seemed to work in tandem with the subjects he excelled at it in school -- namely math and sciences.
It was clear to everyone around him that it was a thread he would follow into a career, which was how he found himself accepting an offer to study Computer Technology at the California Institute of Technology. Despite his joy at the offer and the assumption from all around him that it would be the path he would follow, there was still some apprehension on his part about what the next stage of his life was going to look like and if he was ready to navigate it alone. The move to Cali was a difficult but necessary one for him, and he missed his family dearly -- or at least he missed the idea of his family, the one that existed before a bitter divorce had changed the landscape of it.
That shift led to him surprising himself with his own spontaneity and opting to travel for two summers of his studies rather than return to Philly, with one stretch being two months spent backpacking around Europe and the second being the same but in Asia. It was these travels that showed him that he was at his best when in motion, and that realization would seep into his career choices after university with how he negated a traditional office job.
Once he had found a solid friend group in his new spot, Lucky flourished, so much so he considered a permanent move to California after his degree but by the time his qualification was in hand, he decided a return home to work for a year or two was best. He may have flown the nest successfully, but there was some part of him that was still a home bird.
+ self-sufficient, intelligent, thoughtful.
- introverted, melancholic, unsure.
lucky by britney spears is his go to karaoke jam.
he brings home a goofy or tacky trinket from every place he's ever travelled to. he has a whole collection of location specific ugly key rings that are his pride and joy.
is learning High Valyrian on Duolingo.
huge lara croft/tomb raider fan. is usually fighting in subreddits about it.
couch host / accidental roommate of @marley-callahan
connections wise he’s pretty much an open book right now, but some baseline ideas that can be springboarded off are:
a best friend / ride or dies / close friends / childhood friends / pseudo-siblings / friends / drunk friends / new friends / former roommate / people from cali he was close to.
flirtationship / friends with benefits / one time hook ups / tinder matches / unrequited crush (can be either way) / exes from high school / exes on good terms.
enemies / former (best) friends / exes on bad terms / frenemies / rivals / negative influence.
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mim-essay · 11 days
Top MBA Colleges in the USA
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Selecting the appropriate university for your Master of Business Administration (MBA) program can have a big influence on your professional path. Some of the most prominent business schools in the world are located in the US and offer state-of-the-art curricula that equip students for leadership positions in a range of industries. Here are some of the top MBA colleges in usa the United States for 2024, chosen for their strong academic reputation, accomplished alumni, and extensive career services.
1. First, Harvard Business School
In business education, Harvard Business School (HBS) is frequently regarded as the best. HBS, a two-year MBA program located in Boston, Massachusetts, is renowned for its case study approach, which promotes real-world problem-solving and decision-making abilities. Because of the school's wide network and stellar reputation around the world, its graduates are highly coveted by organizations throughout the globe.
2. Graduate School of Business, Stanford University
The Stanford MBA program is well-known for its emphasis on entrepreneurship and strong connections to Silicon Valley. Stanford is located in Stanford, California. The school places a strong emphasis on leadership and creativity, preparing students to succeed in fast-paced commercial settings. The small class sizes and individualized instruction at Stanford GSB provide a cozy learning environment.
3. The University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School
The Philadelphia, Pennsylvania-based Wharton School is well-known for its finance and analytics curricula. Unmatched chances in a variety of business industries are offered to students by Wharton thanks to its demanding curriculum and large alumni network. The school's reputation is further enhanced by its global programs and research institutes.
4. Sloan Management School at MIT
The Cambridge, Massachusetts-based MIT Sloan is renowned for its emphasis on innovation and technology. The curriculum offers a distinctive approach to business education by fusing state-of-the-art research with real-world experience. Students are prepared for leadership roles in tech-driven companies by Sloan's emphasis on data-driven decision-making.
5. Chicago University Business School at Booth
The Chicago, Illinois-based Booth School of Business is renowned for its flexible curriculum and rigorous analytical approach. Booth's methodology, which places a heavy emphasis on leadership development and quantitative analysis, enables students to customize their education to their career goals. The university is a strong pick for prospective business executives due to its extensive worldwide reach and research capabilities.
6. The Columbia School of Management
Columbia Business School, which is based in New York City, provides a vibrant MBA program with an emphasis on entrepreneurship and finance. The principal of the school location boosts students' networking and employment chances by giving them easy access to important commercial and financial centers.
7. The Northwestern University Kellogg School of Management, seventh
The Evanston, Illinois-based Kellogg School of Management is well-known for its collaborative culture and strong marketing and management programs. Students at Kellogg can explore a wide range of business disciplines and develop strong professional networks thanks to the school's team-oriented approach and varied electives.
Choosing the appropriate MBA program is a crucial choice that will impact your professional trajectory. Each of the top MBA programs in the United States for 2024—Harvard, Stanford, Wharton, MIT Sloan, Booth, Columbia, and Kellogg—offers special advantages and prospects. These universities offer top-notch instruction and resources, regardless of your interests in technology, finance, entrepreneurship, or a general business background to assist you in reaching your career objectives. Make sure the curriculum you select is in line with your success vision by doing extensive research and taking your career goals into consideration.
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gromyb · 19 days
Unlocking Success: Strategies to Expand Your Business in Key American Cities - San Francisco, Philadelphia, Seattle, and Houston
Every city is a source of different opportunities and challenges that can be used to increase chances for success. Some of the front runners for expansion to tighten up schedule would include San Francisco, Philadelphia and Seattle with Houston as well.
• San Francisco: The Tech Hub
The survey only covered half of the Festival's main data. Secure your spot now to get a special preview of part 1 and discover the career paths digital nomads take when they change jobs. City A MInteractives NEWS provides news analysis, highlighting the need for long-term solutions to temporary issues. Last week in City A... Tech heart is beating in San Francisco. Thanks to the city's ecosystem that allows many tech giants and leftovers, it is easy for startups. This magnet for innovation attracts top talent from across the globe so that there is a constant exchange of ideas, thereby making it grow into an intellectually vibrant place. Tips for Networking & Partnership Building with TecLocals Networking is key to succeed in San Francisco. Remember to attend local tech meetups, join groups in the industry and participate in hackathons.
Which Brings Us Back to Market Diversification... Including One Part of the Very Large Customer Base in Philadelphia. The diversity of the Philadelphia market is as expansive as its history. This makes the consumers of the city interesting; SA has a rich cultural heritage and different taste buds, which is ideal for businesses that intend to serve distinct needs. Utilizing Local Culture and History Tactics in Marketing Use historical landmarks and cultural components to the city of Philadelphia in marketing efforts. Being able to connect local buyers with the rich history that a city offers and vibrant culture can really give your brand some relatability. Health And Education Sector Jobs Philadelphia is home to celebrated hospitals and universities. Businesses can look at providing path-breaking solutions and partnering with local institutions for businesses in the space across various verticals.
• Seattle: The Innovation Capital
These Platforms Are Based In Seattle & Overview - The Virtual CTO
The Seattle-area is a tech/e-commerce juggernaut, with talismans [sic] like Amazon and Microsoft in its backyard. This huge market is the best breeding ground for startups that revolutionize and innovate technologies.
How to Utilize the Local Talent Pool and Workforce
If you are serious about hiring in Seattle, learn how to partner with local universities and tech companies. Attend job fairs, provide work placements and joint working on research studies to attract and retain highly skilled individuals.
The Significance of Sustainability and Green Business Practices
Sustainability is part of the DNA of Seattle. Adhere to green business practices like sourcing renewables, and minimizing waste - this will be in keeping with local values as well attract the environmentally conscious consumer.
• The Energy and Business Hub - Houston
Assessing Houston in the Energy and Beyond
Energy is the lifeblood of Houston, but its economic reach also extends to healthcare, aerospace and manufacturing. Unique and multifaceted business environments in cities mean that market entry can only be successful if the dynamics of a city are well understood
Engagements with Local Industry and the Business Groups
Join local business networks & associations in Houston and attend industry specific events. Establishing connections to the key players - will become networks that can open doors for partnerships and business deals.
Healthcare, Aerospace and Manufacturing Opportunities
Houston is home to many of the nation's top medical institutions and research centers; so it has become a hub for healthcare. Aerospace and manufacturing also look promising. This is the area where businesses can look for rich potential areas of growth.
• Market Research and Knowing Local Demographics
Why it is Important to do an Extensive Market Research in Every City
Research is Paramount to a Successful Expansion Local demographics and preferences, as well as economic conditions also allow for a more tailored approach to market business strategies.
Demographic Data Collection Applications
Use sources like census data, market research reports and business directories. This data can provide useful insights into population traits as well as procurement habits and industry climate.
Adapting Business Strategies to Local Markets
Tailor business strategies to fit local requirements and preferences. This methodology guarantees an effort-relevance and success-likelihood in every market being targeted.
• Establishing Your Local Brand with Marketing and Promotion
Tactics to Create a Compelling Brand Identity in New Markets
Based on your target market, shape your brand identity to local taste. A consistent message, visual appearance and belief system across platforms make for a more reliable brand.
Local SEO & Digital Marketing Techniques for Beginners
Local Search Optimization for a Better Online Visibility Keyword targeting with Google location ads, maintaining a strong presence on the map and using social media to connect those in your area.
Event and Community Engagement
Hold Community Events-including hosting some. Partner with Community-Based and Nonprofit Organizations This shows local consumer focus and builds great relationships in the community.
• Navigating The Local Regulatory Landscape
City by City: Untangling Business Regulation and Compliance
Every city has its own rules and compliances for small businesses. Knowing these sets of rules is necessary to avoid legal hurdles and proper working.
How to Interpret and Apply Global Laws Locally
Seek local attorneys, business consultants. Health Ministries will be well-equipped to provide guidance on necessary regulatory requirements as well reform business practices in accordance with local laws.
The Relevance of Legal Counsel and Local Expertise
Getting an attorney in place on the ground lets you know everything that's going to happen and what they'll need - a property is one thing, code-wise while another city would ask for different things. Legal service providers help you navigate the often complex and arcane local legal frameworks.
• Building Relationships Pages Networking & Collaboration
So, It's important to network with local business leaders and organizations
Get to know the local business movers and shakers. #Networking with other businesses is a great way of gaining insight into what education or employment opportunities may be available locally. Which nurtures further the relationships with your local business community and starts supporting one another
Meeting Industry Events and Conferences Strategy
Conferences and trade shows of your sector. Such meetings are a good time for networking, knowing about the trends emerging in market and getting connected to future partners or clients.
Partnering to Grow and Support Each Other
Local businesses and organizations can connect you to new customers. Such collaborations result in collective expansion, resource sharing and market positioning.
• Conclusion
The launch in San Francisco, Philadelphia, Seattle and Houston has significant growth potential. With the right strategy in place, i.e. networking, market research and localization among other measures to ensure that your business appeals not only abroad but at a domestic scale can be successful within these growing cities. Significant potential for businesses means they must act quickly to capitalize on these new and rapidly expanding markets.
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teamabdullah · 3 months
Top 10 Universities in the USA: A Comprehensive Guide
The United States is home to some of the world's most prestigious universities, renowned for their academic excellence, cutting-edge research, and vibrant campus life. Whether you’re a prospective student, a parent, or an education enthusiast, understanding what makes these institutions stand out can be incredibly insightful. Here, we explore the top 10 universities in the USA, delving into what sets each apart.
1. Harvard University
Location: Cambridge, Massachusetts Founded: 1636
Harvard University is synonymous with excellence. As the oldest higher education institution in the United States, Harvard has a rich history of academic achievements and notable alumni, including several U.S. presidents and Nobel laureates. Its vast library system, state-of-the-art research facilities, and extensive global network provide unparalleled opportunities for students.
2. Stanford University
Location: Stanford, California Founded: 1885
Nestled in the heart of Silicon Valley, Stanford University is a powerhouse of innovation and entrepreneurship. The university's proximity to leading tech companies and its strong emphasis on research in engineering, business, and the sciences make it a top choice for students aspiring to make significant impacts in their fields.
3. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Location: Cambridge, Massachusetts Founded: 1861
MIT is renowned for its rigorous science and technology programs. With a culture that encourages hands-on learning and problem-solving, MIT students often engage in groundbreaking research and innovative projects. The institute's collaborative environment fosters a unique blend of creativity and technical expertise.
4. California Institute of Technology (Caltech)
Location: Pasadena, California Founded: 1891
Caltech is a small yet highly influential institution, particularly in the fields of science and engineering. Its faculty and alumni have been awarded numerous Nobel Prizes, and its emphasis on research and discovery attracts some of the brightest minds from around the world.
5. University of Chicago
Location: Chicago, Illinois Founded: 1890
The University of Chicago is known for its strong emphasis on intellectual inquiry and critical thinking. With a diverse range of programs and a commitment to rigorous academics, the university encourages students to challenge conventional wisdom and explore new ideas.
6. Princeton University
Location: Princeton, New Jersey Founded: 1746
Princeton University boasts a picturesque campus and a strong focus on undergraduate education. Known for its exceptional faculty and small class sizes, Princeton offers a supportive environment where students can thrive academically and personally.
7. Columbia University
Location: New York, New York Founded: 1754
Located in the bustling metropolis of New York City, Columbia University provides students with a unique urban experience combined with rigorous academics. Its prestigious programs in journalism, business, and international affairs are particularly well-regarded.
8. Yale University
Location: New Haven, Connecticut Founded: 1701
Yale University is famous for its strong liberal arts curriculum and its influential professional schools, including law, medicine, and management. Yale's historic campus and vibrant student life make it a distinctive place to study and grow.
9. University of Pennsylvania (UPenn)
Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Founded: 1740
UPenn is a pioneer in interdisciplinary education and research. Its Wharton School is one of the top business schools globally, and the university’s commitment to civic engagement and practical learning provides students with ample opportunities to apply their knowledge in real-world settings.
10. Johns Hopkins University
Location: Baltimore, Maryland Founded: 1876
Johns Hopkins University is a leader in research and medical education. With a strong emphasis on public health, biomedical engineering, and international studies, Hopkins provides a robust platform for students aiming to address global challenges through research and innovation.
Choosing the right university is a pivotal decision that can shape your future. The top 10 universities in the USA each offer unique strengths, whether in academic rigor, research opportunities, or vibrant campus life. Prospective students should consider their individual goals and interests to find the best fit for their educational journey.
For more detailed information about each university, including admission requirements, campus culture, and specific programs, visit their official websites or reach out to their admissions offices. Whether you aspire to be a future tech innovator, a groundbreaking scientist, or a leader in the humanities, these institutions provide the resources and support to help you achieve your dreams.
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echemhub-chem · 6 months
Best Research and Development Center in New Jersey
Information About best research and development center in New Jersey -
Hub of Innovation: With over 20,000 tech companies based there, New Jersey boasts one of the country's most active innovation ecosystems.
Top-ranked Universities: New Jersey is home to several highly esteemed universities, including Stevens Institute of Technology, Princeton University, and Rutgers University. The state is also home to a large pool of academic talent and proficiency in a variety of R&D disciplines.
Strategic Location: New Jersey is ideally located for research and development activities since it is close to large metropolitan areas like New York City and Philadelphia and has unmatched access to people, resources, and markets.
Government Support: To encourage research and development efforts, the state of New Jersey has put in place a number of programmes and incentives. These include tax breaks, grants, and collaborations with business partners.
Q- Why is New Jersey a desirable location for centres of research and development?
Ans - With its advantageous location, highly regarded colleges, supportive government policies, and a thriving ecosystem of technology firms, New Jersey provides an optimal setting for innovation and cooperation.
Q- Exist prospects for cooperation between New Jersey's research and development centres and other establishments? Ans - Indeed, in order to promote scientific research and technological growth, a number of research and development centres in New Jersey actively work with educational institutions, governmental organisations, and business partners.
Modern laboratories and research spaces with the newest tools and technology are the foundation of this research and development centre. These state-of-the-art tools enable scientists and researchers to explore difficult scientific questions, carry out investigations, and stimulate creativity that results in concrete results and breakthroughs.
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pttedu · 9 days
8 Resume Writing Tips to Land Your Dream Job In Skilled Trades
Your resume is your digital handshake in the skilled Trades. Read further to learn how to craft an efficient resume to get a rewarding job in skilled trades.
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pttiedu · 6 months
Unlock Your Future: Career Week at Philadelphia Technician Training Institute
Take a trip down memory lane as we look back on the incredible Career Week at Philadelphia Technician Training Institute! From insightful workshops to engaging seminars, our past event was a whirlwind of opportunities for aspiring professionals. Participants delved into in-demand skills, connected with industry leaders, and charted their paths to success in diverse fields like engineering, healthcare, IT, and more. Relive the excitement and inspiration of Career Week - a pivotal moment where dreams took flight and futures were shaped!
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livelovedelaware · 7 months
Delaware: A Flourishing Hub for Career and Job Opportunities
Delaware, the First State of the United States, is known for its charming landscapes and tax-friendly environment. It is also emerging as a thriving hub for career and job opportunities. As professionals seek environments that offer a balanced lifestyle, Delaware stands out as a destination with numerous advantages. In this article, we explore the top reasons why individuals are increasingly choosing Delaware for their careers.
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Economic Stability and Diversity
Delaware boasts a robust and diverse economy supported by finance, healthcare, technology, and manufacturing industries. The state's strategic location along the Northeast Corridor has contributed to its economic stability, making it an attractive destination for professionals seeking a broad spectrum of job opportunities.
Proximity to Major Cities
Situated strategically between Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Washington, D.C., Delaware provides professionals easy access to major metropolitan areas. This proximity opens up various possibilities for networking, business engagements, and cultural experiences, enhancing one's overall career growth.
Tax Advantages
Delaware's tax-friendly environment is a significant draw for professionals. With no sales tax, lower income tax rates, and various incentives for businesses, individuals can enjoy more take-home pay and a higher standard of living. This financial advantage adds to the appeal of a career in the state.
Innovation and Technology Hub
Delaware has been making strides to become a technology and innovation hub. The presence of research institutions and a growing number of tech companies create opportunities for those in the STEM fields. The state's commitment to fostering innovation is evident in initiatives that support startups and technology-driven enterprises.
Quality of Life
Delaware offers a good quality of life with its picturesque landscapes, charming towns, and proximity to the Atlantic Ocean. The state's commitment to education, healthcare, and cultural amenities adds to the overall well-being of its residents. A positive work-life balance contributes to job satisfaction and career longevity.
Educational Opportunities
Delaware is home to reputable educational institutions, including the University of Delaware and Delaware State University. This creates a pipeline of skilled and educated professionals, making the state an appealing destination for employers seeking top talent. Additionally, ongoing professional development opportunities are readily available.
Growing Healthcare Sector
The healthcare sector in Delaware has experienced significant growth. Healthcare and life sciences professionals find ample career advancement opportunities with top-notch medical facilities and research centers. The state's commitment to healthcare also contributes to a healthier and more engaged workforce.
Networking Opportunities
Delaware's close-knit community and supportive business environment foster excellent networking opportunities. Whether through industry events, business associations, or community engagement, professionals have the chance to build meaningful connections that can enhance their careers.
Cultural and Recreational Attractions
Beyond the professional sphere, Delaware offers a rich tapestry of cultural and recreational attractions. From historical sites to vibrant arts and entertainment scenes, professionals can enjoy a well-rounded lifestyle outside work, contributing to a more fulfilling overall experience.
In conclusion, Delaware's allure as a destination for career and job opportunities is multifaceted, with Delaware-featured employers. Its economic stability, strategic location, tax advantages, and commitment to innovation make it a compelling choice for professionals seeking career growth and success. As the First State continues to evolve, so do the possibilities for those who build their careers within its borders.
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spacenutspod · 7 months
4 min readPreparations for Next Moonwalk Simulations Underway (and Underwater) This staged scene and illustration represents what you might see when NASA’s University Innovation project awards teams of students with funds to conduct real-world aeronautical research that will help the agency transform aviation for the 21st century. NASA /Lillian Gipson / Getty Images NASA has selected another five university teams to participate in real-world aviation research challenges that could help transform flight in the skies above our communities. Research topics range from safeguarding automated aircraft from cyberattacks to finding ways to help aircraft operations across the nation more quickly recover from delays due to major storms or technical problems. “The idea is to give students, faculty and their partners the chance to conduct research – both physical and digital – that helps us realize our vision for 21st century aviation that is sustainable and offers more diverse air travel options,” said Koushik Datta, University Innovation project manager for NASA’s Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate. The University Innovation project includes two efforts through which universities are invited to submit research proposals and from which teams are then selected: the University Leadership Initiative (ULI) and the University Student Research Challenge (USRC). A key ULI goal is for faculty-led student teams to gain experience by participating in aeronautics research on a multidisciplinary team made up of partners from other universities and industry, including faculty and student populations who are underrepresented or have not applied their skills to aviation problems. Meanwhile, in addition to conducting technical research, student-led USRC teams help them develop skills in entrepreneurship and public communication. Each team of students selected receives a USRC grant from NASA – and the additional challenge of raising funds from the public through student-led crowdfunding. ULI makes selections once a year, while USRC manages multiple selection cycles each year, with proposals for the next selection cycle due by 5 p.m. EDT on March 21. Visit the NASA Aeronautics Solicitations page for more information. For ULI, three teams were selected resulting in a total of $18 million in awards during the next three years. For each team, the proposing university will serve as lead. The new ULI selections are: University of California, Berkeley The team will test ideas for improving the ability of the National Airspace System to become more resilient to reduce the disruptive impact major storms, facility outages, and other technical issues can have on airline flight operations. Team members include University of Maryland, University of Michigan, Morgan State University, University of Pennsylvania, Elizabeth City State University, United Airlines, Patty Clark Aviation Advisors, ATAC Corporation, Mead and Hunt, American Airlines, Vaughan College of Aeronautics and Technology, The Federal Aviation Administration, Lansing Community College, Community College of Philadelphia, and City College of San Francisco. Ohio University The team will seek to solve technical challenges associated with the ability of large drones to safely taxi, take off, and land at airports using automated navigation systems. Team members include Illinois Institute of Technology, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Tufts University, Stanford University, Veth Research Associates LLC, Reliable Robotics Corporation, Boeing, and Virginia Tech Transportation Institute. The George Washington University The team will investigate measures that can be taken to safeguard autonomous aircraft flying in high-density urban airspace from cyberattacks that could disrupt safe operations. Team members include Vanderbilt University, Purdue University, Tennessee State University, University of California, Irvine, The University of Texas at Austin, Collins Aerospace, Northern Virginia Community College, Cyber Security and Privacy Research Institute at The George Washington University, Skygrid (a Boeing Company), and the Secure Resilient Systems and Technology Group at MIT Lincoln Laboratory. For USRC, NASA selected two new university student teams to participate in this cycle with a USRC grant that can be up to $80,000. The new USRC selections are: Cornell University The team’s project is titled “Learning Cooperative Policies for Adaptive Human-Drone Teaming in Shared Airspace” and will work to enable new coordination and communication models for smoother, more efficient and robust air traffic flow. The student team members are: Mehrnaz Sabet (lead), Aaron Babu, Marcus Lee, Joshua Park, Francis Pham, Owen Sorber, Roopak Srinivasan, and Austin Zhao. Faculty mentors are Sanjiban Choudhury and Susan Fussell. University of Washington, Seattle The team’s project is titled “Investigation on Cryogenic Fluid Chill-Down Time for Supersonic Transport Usage” and will investigate using vortex generators to reduce the  boil-off of cryogenic fluids in pipes. Student team members are Ryan Fidelis (lead), Alexander Ala, and Robert Breidenthal. The faculty mentor is Fiona Spencer. About the AuthorJim BankeManaging Editor/Senior WriterJim Banke is a veteran aviation and aerospace communicator with more than 35 years of experience as a writer, producer, consultant, and project manager based at Cape Canaveral, Florida. He is part of NASA Aeronautics' Strategic Communications Team and is Managing Editor for the Aeronautics topic on the NASA website. Facebook logo @NASA@NASAaero@NASA_es @NASA@NASAaero@NASA_es Instagram logo @NASA@NASAaero@NASA_es Linkedin logo @NASA Explore More 3 min read NASA Collaborates in an International Air Quality Study Article 1 week ago 2 min read NASA Releases STEM Toolkit for Advanced Air Mobility Article 3 weeks ago 4 min read NASA Autonomous Flight Software Successfully Used in Air Taxi Stand-Ins Article 4 weeks ago Keep Exploring Discover More Topics From NASA Aeronautics STEM Black History Month NASA History Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate Share Details Last Updated Feb 21, 2024 EditorJim BankeContactJim [email protected] Related TermsAeronauticsAeronautics Research Mission DirectorateFlight InnovationTransformative Aeronautics Concepts ProgramUniversity InnovationUniversity Leadership InitiativeUniversity Student Research Challenge
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foulapricotartisanduck · 10 months
😏City of negligence Philadelphia PA...
Yeah certified for those positions with the most high tech stuff in the world & authority they have they can't figure it out these guys have hundreds of murders under their belt millions in fraudulent lawsuit earnings and even walk free on murder and throughout this investigation none of these guys are suspicious if they ain't trying to avoid them off of prediction with that government s*** when those Authority see them on the street they look the other way like they some bullies like they some bullies but yet some guy is going about life if they ain't rolling up on him in a pack as if they are a gang they set it up for him to encounter them like those artists do thinking they are watering it down that they are eyeing him and he is one of (👉main suspects) when going about life and we believe as of Montgomery county officials one man one man from that county you come from Hustle and Flow came up under so much investigation you hear me so much investigation without one probable cause it's unbearable it's unbearable and it needs to come to an end.......
And one of the main things throughout this investigation that we found suspicious that them authorities don't think we know from that County he come from not one not one investigation done investigation done and when we 🧐look closer and when we 🧐look closer they are the ones behind it and we sit back and 👁stare who hired you how did y'all get that position and last but not least we wonder how many people doing time how many people ain't here because of their actions housing one of the highest level of government 😏FBI and it's not just us that say that in our heads those townships authorities say it over and over as they do they investigation on those institutions what is it doing out there they're not doing none of their jobs 🤭🤸‍♂️😆🎙yeah the FBI....📣📣
😏And we believe as of Montgomery County officials it is over his ethnic and that skill he has....📣
Housing one of the highest level of government over there, yeah FBI...
😏All premeditated with that government s***
We come clean over here in Montgomery county!!🤚
CW Daily Briefings!😁👍
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