#technically a new sona? maybe??
yuriyuruandyuraart · 1 year
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i present to you, lumi! for those of you who wanted to see more ocs >;)c
you know those simplistic designs you doodle whenever you have a spare piece of paper? yeah she's pretty much a character i got too attached to now hhh xD
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alloru · 8 months
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what do you think of a possible new profile picture?
I've had the current one for over a year now, so I figured it getting a makeover could spice it up a little! it doesn't really reflect my art style at the moment, since I've improved so much from when I originally made it!
I made this one mainly because I wanted to get some shading done before inktober hits, since I probably won't be able to do any for a whole month! might keep or remove the feathers, I dunno yet :p
I've heard (and experienced) that some people don't recognize their mutuals after pfp changes, so I wanted to ask for your opinion first! what do you think? :D
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chipjrwibignaturals · 11 months
anyway. I’m at the eye doctor (fucking FINALLY god my script is so out of date) but when i get back i think im gonna add my furbies to my character list. assuming artfight isn’t like. drowning still.
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skyrem · 1 year
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hmmm 🤔 booba
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blinkpen · 11 days
For some reason my minds eye image of you is like. Zoetrope or maybe some tamagotchi like box
(prefacing with a tone of playful facetiousness, because i appreciate that this ask grounded me enough to doodle something new) Wow I can't believe you just called me Zoetrope-coded this site's hatemail game is insane (I'm being super sarcastic for giggles to me no worries asgvfsd love the tamagotchi comparison tbh)
I actually do have a sona, they even have a chibified little Fun Size mode (it's in my icon), and beyond that, even these are just alternate bodies that get puppeted around for what the sona actually is (bodyhopping alien ghost brain)
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I've even drawn the sona interacting directly with Zoetrope which makes this even funnier.
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As for my human self behind the screen and somehow looking like any of my own characters, I'll be honest, I basically look more or less like what you'd get if Demersa and Jaren had a baby who had terrible eyesight and ate healthier. I can clean up very nicely when I try but i really never have or feel a reason to do so.
I actually did used to do the hair over one eye thing but it does, in fact, affect your depth perception and I kept bonking into tree branches specifically.
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This real human self has technically interacted with Zoetrope behind the screen also, given a certain definition of such. It was funny too I think.
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dsaf-confessions · 2 months
Okay, new pinned post to disclose stuff!
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Welcome to dsaf confessions, the only mod here is modred hi hello I use she/he pronouns but that’s not important!!
This is a dsaf confessions blog but honestly since we unleashed the character anons it’s more like a hub, and the anons have sonas and stuff.
Here’s a list of all the taken anons, which I’ll update when more get added:
Davetrap anon
Jack Kennedy anon
Dave Miller anon
Flipside Dave anon
Steven Stevenson anon
Peter Kennedy anon
Caroline anon
Dee Kennedy Anon
Jake’s receiver anon
Stanley anon
Walt anon
Oscar Lewinsky anon (the first anon, btw!)
Dee’s scarf anon
Harry Fitzgerald anon
Matt Virginia anon
Giant scuttler anon
Steven’s boyfriend anon
Pencil Sharpener anon
Roger’s rotary phone anon
Dave’s dress anon
Hands lover anon
Jack’s badge anon
Hooker foxy anon
Blackjack anon
The real Fredbear anon
Jacktrap anon
Nuke anon (formerly kiwi anon)
Booper anon
Peter’s retconned son anon
Confused anon
Rogerzport anon
The RAT anon
Davesport anon
Rogersport anon
Harrysport anon
Pink anon
Wattpad anon
Puppet’s mask anon
Walt’s suit anon
Dave’s toenail anon
Henry no.2 fan anon
Little creature anon
And if I’ve forgotten anyone, feel free to bully me for it. There’s a lot of you it was not intentional
No confessing to proshipping
No ragebait confessions
No confessions meant to stir up drama (technically ragebait, but the difference is ragebait is obvious. If I think ur just trying to start shit or maybe it WILL start shit then I won’t post your confession)
No NSFW (I am a minor and can guarantee a lot of other people here r as well)
If you’re going to have lots of coloured text in your post, you need to provide an uncoloured version in the same confession or I won’t post it
I think that’s it. No limits to how many confessions you can post, go wild.
To look through actual confessions (because the tagging system on this blog has changed over time) you’re better off looking through the dayshift at freddy’s or dsaf tags on this blog specifically. the original tag I used for that (dsaf confessions) has sort of been repurposed to encompass all posts on here, confessions or not.
Anyway, I think that’s it. Have a good day all
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I've been thinking a lot about splatsonas recently. I technically have one, but it's less trying to represent me in the context of the world of splatoon as much as it's just my in-game character but a bit more customized. I think an actual splatsona for me would be something else, but I don't know what. Maybe a crab, or a moray eel, or a shark but I already have on 'sona who is a shark (or shark-adjacent at least) so it feels like I should do something new. There's certainly a lot of good options.
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jackie-gremlin-ghost · 3 months
Here’s a short oneshot involving my Thundermans Sona!
I was a bit inspired by @candyheartedchy to write this!
It’s nights like this that Jack really wishes she had stayed in her room.
It was Family Game Night at the Thundermans. And while she technically wasn’t family, Hank and Barb were kind enough to offer to let her join in on the fun. She graciously opted out, though, and decided to stand in as a referee.
A fat load of good that did, because things were getting… heated. Hank and Barb were stressing out, Nora was acting weird, and the twins were at each other’s throats.
All over a new car.
It hadn’t taken long for Jack to figure out that the house’s self-proclaimed “future supervillain”, and the actual supervillain that was his roommate, had rigged the family’s prize wheel to land on the most rare prize of all this time, and she was even less surprised when the two of them had planned to team up that night.
But things soon got complicated.
Much to everyone’s surprise, Max invited his girlfriend Allison to join in at the last minute. Turns out she’s a whiz at “Who Arted?”.
Jack couldn’t help but feel her heart go out for Colosso. The rabbit looked and sounded so upset, and she couldn’t blame him. If there wasn’t a civilian in the house, she would’ve immediately offered to partner up with him.
As Game Night continued, she swears that one could cut the tension in the air with a chainsaw. Allison was a talented artist, which quickly put her and Max in the lead. Billy and Nora on the other hand were a disaster. Nora would keep throwing out nonsensical guesses before Billy’s marker even touched the drawing pad. And Phoebe…
Phoebe was desperate.
Her frantic scribbles only confused little Chloe, who quickly became bored and headed up to her room, leaving Phoebe without a partner and all but disqualified from the game. But she wasn’t gonna let Max win.
“Please, Jack,” she pleaded. “You’re the only one here I can partner with!”
“I’m sorry, but I can’t,” Jack said. “I already agreed to be referee. And besides…” She then lowered her voice to a whisper so Allison wouldn’t hear. “The last thing we need is me getting stressed out, swarming the house with living shadows, and blowing mine and your family’s secrets!”
“…Good point,” Phoebe mused, then turned to glare at her brother. “Nice try, Max. I’m gonna find another partner. You’re not getting rid of me that easy.”
“Hey, it’s not my fault Chloe ditched you,” Max said, before turning to Allison with a sweet smile. “I’d never do that.”
“Hypocrite!” Jack exclaimed behind a round of coughs as Phoebe scoffed. “Sorry, I have a really dry throat all of a sudden. I’m gonna go get some water.” And with that, Jack excused herself to the kitchen.
As she grabbed a water bottle from the fridge, she could hear Phoebe’s voice protesting to her brother, but couldn’t make out what she was saying. When she came back into the living room, Phoebe was gone. A few minutes later, however, she came back with a smile.
“Where’d you run off to?” Jack asked.
“Just had to make a phone call,” Phoebe explained. “I found a new partner. He’ll be here soon.”
“Huh. That was fast.”
About 10 minutes later, the doorbell rang.
“Oh! I’ll get it,” Phoebe said as she headed towards the door. “That’s my new teammate.” She opened it, and in walked a man Jack hadn’t seen before. He looked to be around Hank’s age, if not a little younger. Maybe a relative of his she hadn’t met yet?
He was also on the taller side, maybe around six feet or so (if her mental comparison to her own height of a little over 5-foot-1 was correct). His height wasn’t the only thing that made him stand out, though. Aside from his grey hat and khaki pants, he wore a bright magenta suit jacket with a pink silk handkerchief in the front pocket, over a pastel pink plaid shirt, and a… monocle? A little fancy for a family get together, but she wasn’t one to judge.
His eyes felt familiar to her, though. They were a warm brown that she could have sworn shined with a bit of mischief, but still felt safe.
As she wracked her brain over where she’d seen eyes like that before, she took a drink from her water bottle. This turned out to be bad timing on her part, as it was then that the man spoke.
“Hello, family!” He greeted as he took off his hat, showing his salt-and-pepper hair.
That voice. She knew that voice.
The instant she heard it, Jack immediately spit out her water in shock… all over Hank. It took everything for the man in front of them not to laugh at the sight. He cleared his throat to regain his composure.
“Uncle Colosso’s here for Game Night!”
Jack wiped her mouth with an apologetic look and glanced around the room to see everyone else’s feelings on the matter. Hank and Barb were stunned, the fact that the former was now soaking wet not even seeming to register. Billy and Nora were just as surprised. Allison just looked confused.
And then there was Max.
Poor kid looked like he’d seen a ghost and had the consequences of his actions slap him in the face all at once. His expression only fell even more as Phoebe and the now human(?!) Colosso leaned down to him, both whispering smugly.
“You’re going down.”
Well, this just got interesting, Jack thought to herself, failing to hide her amused smile. It was nice knowing you, Max. As her eyes met those of her best friend, he shot her a wink and let out that familiar mischievous laugh.
It was moments like this where she was glad that she decided not to stay in her room.
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disgruntleddemon · 10 months
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i made myself a new sona! she's based on The Thing!
she mostly changes to her monster form with any strong emotion, but honestly just for fun too. i do want to emphasize, the monster form on her ref is not how she has to be drawn. she can have more patterns, different colors, more or less limbs, or eyes, or teeth, etc. really just go nuts. she can have a gaping maw for a head and it still works.
her wolfdog form does lose fur as she changes, but she can get an extra eye or 2, or maybe a leg, without much noticeable difference. wolfdog is technically her basic form, but i'll probably mostly draw her in her monster form.
she can also be drawn in the same kinda clothes as erosion, but i was too lazy to draw any. the clothes always inexplicably change with her. gaining extra sleves where she needs em, or changing sizes, that sorta thing.
really if you ever draw her i encourage going ham with the body horror! i think it's super fun! also, as a side note, you can call her Cretin for short lol. i might think of some other shorter name too. Creature Feature is a bit of a mouthful.
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superfruitland · 10 months
Yes baby, we love your art <3 It's so soft and clear, do you maybe have a Sona?
sobbing, thank you all so very much. yall gotta stop eating my shit tHO GUYS--
and i do, multiple technically, but i like this totally-not-just-me-sona, with a trait or two exaggurated to fit each situation best. mutuals know this loser pretty well lol.
under the cut there's some art of this dude!
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and of course, my new favourite drawing of my sona! made for an upcoming minecraft pvp event, hosted by lee jitsu 🤍
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i love my sona to death
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xchimeracandy · 10 months
Hi! I was going through your tags (your art i so cute and the colors so clean i wanna eat it up!!) and i love seeing your sonas/doll versions of yourself 💖 have you add anymore dolls to the list? I remember you mention a brown themed rainbow high and i was wondering if you had any concept sketches of it (and i can't believe mga hasnt actually thought of that before)
Hey, I really appreciate you going through my tags! It makes me so happy when someone enjoys my silly sona/doll stuff. My projects have been a bit slow lately as I'm trying to rediscover who I am. You know trying to mold myself into who I really wanna be. It's been really rough... Which is why I don't have any new concept art, but I am also surprised MGA hasn't made a brown doll. I flip flop between Brown and Neapolitan colors. I have a name pun for Neapolitan. Brown is a bit more difficult especially since RH has now used both my first and last names XD BUT! GOOD NEWS! I do have a list of toys I have obtained as bases for my Doll/Toy myself series! Those are: ⚪G3 Draculaura (Might switch, Abbey is technically more my body type, I got broader shoulders, but she is blue and my Monster High Sona is PINK...soo...eeehhh) ⚪Rainbow High Violet w/ Sunny Maddison Eyes (Will stick with this unless that new curvy body is curvier...We'll see) ⚪Bratz Cloe Selfie Snaps 2015 I believe (My sister had a random Bratz doll she didn't want after finding it in her old stuff, no real outfit or even feet but I'll figure that all out) ⚪LOL OMG Roller Chick ⚪Littlest Pet Shop (Various animals still haven't picked one) ⚪My Little Pony G4 Friends of Equestria Twilight & Minty (I also have an OG brushable G4 pony base too, pretty sure it was a Rarity, somewhere. I'd like to get a G1, G2, G3, G3.5, and G5 Pony base as well) ⚪1998 Furby The Giraffe pattern And suggestions are welcome! Dream Dolls to obtain for this project would be:
⚪Pinkie Cooper ⚪Novistars ⚪Maybe Cave Club? I have dolls but not the right skintone one So although things have been slow and might still be for awhile, and there may be some big changes coming if you would stick around with me I'd be very grateful! <3
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marcoklepsky · 2 years
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say hello to....Vesari! (they/it/xe)
they're my (technically not) new trollsona! If you know me elsewhere you might've seen them floating around recently
they're my little gold blooded weature...thing, i'll maybe drop some more info on them later
the art is by @hoodedjelly, who i'd highly recommend commissioning, these came out perfectly!
sprites are by me
oh also, kage isn't going anywhere, they're still my main sona, but vesari's gonna be seeing some use for a bit
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lavenoon · 1 year
💫what is your favorite kind of comment/feedback?,
🌿how does creating make you feel?,
🎀give yourself a compliment about your own writing
and 💞what's the most important part of a story for you? the plot, the characters, the worldbuilding, the technical stuff (grammar etc), the figurative language - @clxckwork-sun-n-moon
After a nap (or, well, many naps in a trenchcoat) here I am!
💫 what is your favorite kind of comment/feedback?
I think, maybe the very specific feral ones? Mentions of particular lines or scenes and actions surrounded by screaming tell me exactly which bits hit good, and I just melt when it's in the context of a live reading and there's so many of these "sub" comments! Honestly the most encouraging comments to get, they push away the imposter syndrome like no other!
🌿 how does creating make you feel?
Mhh, a whole mixed bag of things, I think! There's definitely the elation - I daydream a bunch, but it's different to have those lines on paper to reread again and again and again. It's fun, and it makes me giddy! Unfortunately, sometimes the imposter syndrome creeps up, and I hold my own writing to unreasonably high standards where I just feel like deleting everything and never looking at it again. And that's silly, because I know, and tell myself "this is literally only to have it on paper." It's to get it out, to have it there, not trapped inside my head where I'll forget them. It's so the details don't get lost! And I do that! So I try to focus on just the happy things, the fun it is, and try not to force myself to create on bad days that have unfortunately outweighed the good days for a while now. Wish it was only the fun, but alas, everything has a downside!
🎀 give yourself a compliment about your own writing
Ah, compliments. Shot myself in the foot again. Thinking about the dynamic swap though (uh, might or might not make it too tumblr, feeling still eehh about writing so had to keep it contained for now, sorry) I think I'm just, really open for a lot. Like, I don't hesitate to embrace new ideas and make them fit - that was what the swap was initially! I thought "there's no way Sun would be rude to his civilian landlord, as a civilian," and then it turned into a thought experiment how to make it work without getting out of character! It's a lot of fun so I see it as a good thing, and it also means I love seeing everyone else's sonas and interactions! I don't need to stick to one storyline, I love all of them! And I love those storylines whether they came from me or others! Which makes having a variable AU like this a lot more fun, hehe <3
💞 what's the most important part of a story for you? the plot, the characters, the worldbuilding, the technical stuff (grammar etc), the figurative language -
Got this one thrice, so I'm gonna split it a lil and ramble about a different factor for each because yeah like I could ever settle for just one fghdjs
For one, it's the characters. I tend to write character driven stuff first and foremost - even my one fic (the tloz one, currently on hiatus, again disclaimer no one needs to read that it's a very different style, anyways) that has a very nice defined plot is so character driven that it's now at 110+K and I'm in the middle of Arc 2. Of five. It's too important for me that the characters get along, and communicate, and have fun together and time to breathe, That's why so many AU drabbles are just that! The entire "plot" of the AU (except for the Glamrock teases) is just them getting closer! That's the point! So the characters are definitely something I pay very close attention to, and do my best to get right!
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quinloki · 8 months
Ramble ramble
Just 1000 words of a possible opener to a self-insert isekai Marco/sona story.
I might change the perspective, but I like the idea of an omnipotent 2nd person that’s just mostly focused on the OC’s point of view. (I also don’t want to start writing first person and screw up mid-work on all my reader inserts, so here we are xD )
Their name will be Quill, and their hair is white, because I like that look and so I’mma use it.
I didn’t edit a damn thing, this is just me distracting myself so read at your own peril. Fully safe for work (for now).
Your head hurts and your body’s sore, and none of it makes sense. You shouldn’t feel anything - you died.
You remember dying, spending the last few moments in a hospital bed, the steady beeping of the monitors slowing. Your body gave way to the march of time and that’s all there was to it.
It was a good life, a long one full of people and laughter and good times. Some of it hurt terribly, and some of it you could’ve done without, but against the odds you had lived.
Right up until you had died.
You had.
You were so sure of it.
Soundlessly you opened your eyes and looked around carefully. The room was bright with sunlight, wooden and smelling of disinfectant and salt. The subtle scent of oak or maple tickled the back of your brain and the design of what you could see looked uncomfortably familiar.
You were too disoriented to really hone in on what it was, but your entire thought process snapped to a halt when you realized that you had shifted.
Not because you moved, but because the room had.
The subtle sway took a long moment to happen again and with a terrible sinking feeling you realized you were on a ship.
The salty smell was ocean air.
The boat was wood, you imagined, since the room was, and you turned your head to get a better look.
Despite the crisp clean scent there was no electricity in this room. Aside from that it looked like a well stocked recovery room. Not a place you’d want to have open heart surgery in, but you’d be sure a broken bone could be set at least.
Wincing against the soreness in your limbs you sit up. Nothing hurt in an alarming way, and you weren’t dizzy. Groggy, maybe, you could probably still nap a little longer, but you’d thought your sleep was to be of the eternal variety and now your curiosity was stoked about your situation.
You were in a simple linen shirt and pants. You looked over your body and came to realize you weren’t in your body.
If this was your body, you didn’t have any memory of it. You were short, muscled, missing scars and other marks you knew you had. Your skin was tan, and your hair was almost shockingly white.
You ran the strands between your fingers, marveling at it a little. You were most certainly not in your body. Eighty plus years of life had left its marks deep in your skin and soul, but this body was new.
New bodies healed a lot faster, and you swung your legs off the side of the bed, or the exam table turned bed, and hopped down onto the floor.
You could feel the slow tilt of the ship more now that you were standing but it wasn’t making you queasy. That was a welcome sign. Whatever body you’d been dumped into you weren’t in some poor schmuck that got seasick.
You looked around the room, looking through drawers and opening cabinets. You didn’t move anything or take anything, it seemed wrong to just wander out of the room too, so you did your best to stay put.
Bandages, medicines, syringes, sutures, tools for doing wellness checks. It was a fairly typical setup. If not for the lack of electricity you’d almost think you were on a cruise ship.
You didn’t know, technically, who you were, or where you were. But your current body was intact and you weren’t restrained, nor were you surrounded by blood and bodies and bars, so you felt pretty relaxed. You were on edge a little, wondering when the door was going to open, but you had been left on your own long enough to sate your curiosity and climb back onto the exam bed table thing.
You decided to look out the window and realized you had a decent view of the deck, or the small bit of it that ran down the side of the ship. You couldn’t be more than a storey up from it.
You noticed someone approaching and felt the blood drain from your face. The man was massive, not just 7’ or something but eye level with your window vantage point. He had to be over twelve feet tall easily. It was an impossible height, and despite the obviously kind smile on his face as he noticed you, you fell back into the room and slammed the shutters closed, nearly falling off the makeshift bed in alarm.
Your mind reeled at the possibilities, but you weren’t left to your thoughts for long before there was a knock at the door. You tried to say “come in”, but no sound left your mouth.
The air passed your lips, but you couldn’t make a peep. Panic rose up in your throat, had you ever been able to talk? Was this body mute? Would you be able to communicate in this world? What if you couldn’t write? What if none of this was real and you were dreaming the last few moments before your brain died?
Were you still actually dead? You felt so full of life you didn’t want to die, not again, not yet! This wasn’t a dream it was too detailed, too coherent, it had to be real! It had to be and -.
The door opened and you collapse to the floor heaving in big gulps of air as the rising panic and fear over takes you entirely.
Someone kneels down near you, a calming tone, a soothing timber. You like the sound, something is familiar in it, but you can’t make out the words. He shouts for someone, turned away from you for a moment before you hear that even tone turned toward you again.
Large firm hands grip your shoulders and pull you up. You can’t believe what your eyes are seeing but the extra information is enough. You can’t take anymore and hurl onto one strappy sandaled foot before passing out.
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stormlobby · 11 months
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WHOOPS I WAS SO BUSY WITH ARTFIGHT (you can find me there with the link in this post) THAT I FORGOT TO POST STUFF HERE! So, here’s an updated design for my sona, a Kirby OC, and a Monster Hunter OC!
The Kirby OC is named Bella, and she’s a sheep from a planet called Winterstar! However, she’s got a lot of curiosity and a sense of adventure, she decided to leave home to explore the galaxy and maybe even meet a few new friends along the way!! Her best is a Waddle Dee from Popstar named Mechanic Waddle Dee (Mechi for short), though I’ve still gotta get around to designing him and my other two Kirby OCs whoops
As for my MonHun character, her name is Finn “Fish” Bayblood, and she’s my MH3U hunter! She’s a Human/Wyverian hybrid (which in my personal headcanons, are technically possible to naturally have, but because of how different their genetics are, they’re so rare to come across to the point where most people don’t know they exist and are unlikely to meet one in their lifetime, let alone one that’s healthy enough to make it to adulthood). Because of her mixed heritage, she never felt like she totally fit into most human nor Wyverian communities. However, after getting into trouble with the Guild after due to an incident caused by her trying to cover up for her dear friend, Holly, in order to keep her deep dark secret from getting out, she’s sent off to Moga Village, where she finally manages to find a sense of community and belonging there. She’s gotta a lot more backstory to her besides that, but that’s probably enough for now (though, if you wanna hear more, feel free to ask me more about her, or any of my characters for that matter)
Anyways, these three (and Holly as well) are all up on AF, so if you like their designs, feel free to go attack them. I try to revenge everyone to the best of my abilities, so I’ll try to make sure you get stuff in return too!
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indigo-villin · 10 months
Kin post
Been a while since I’ve started on this subject with a NEW post instead of a reblog, but regardless I’ve realized I kin a SONA of mine... that’s fun.
My main sona, of course, has become so attacked to my life, his life takes up much of my brain. Not because he needs development as a character, no he’s had enough of that for YEARS compared to my other sonas, no this is a nearly never ending thing. I don’t know officially if it’s an otherkin/fictionkin thing or some weird parallel life (if those are mutually exclusive) cause like our lives are similar, he was initially designed that way, to mimic my existence, but he exists on levels I could never. I have other sonas that directly relate to me like this too, I do this with a lot of my sonas, it’s how I make them me. but...he just... his life has become something more than it was supposed to do, and I’m using “he“ here, but I often think of him as me (again technically normal for a sona), like so close to me it’s like if I wasn’t in this body I’d be in his...
Maybe I’m finally going nuts, maybe I’m not understanding things again, or maybe this is just...what it’s like to kin an OC...
He’s still a sona, has always been, but he’s officially become closer to being me then any other sonas have, even with his story becoming farr bigger than me I can’t imagine him not being me. I’ve had sonas whose stories have grown bigger than me and left me leaving them where they developed, no longer sonas, but him? ...I can’t even fathom leaving him as his own being, he’s me and I’m him... It’s incredibly strange and I’m not even sure I’m using the correct terms here (kin specifically).
If any of you kin your OCs feel free to dm me, reply, or reblog with your thoughts on this. Am I nuts, am I mistaking terms, is this just word vomit at this point?
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