#technically isnt he trans if hes genderfluid?
wolfcamellias · 2 years
I am new to your tumblr. Is your Wukong transgender? Was he born male and represents as female? or vice versa? Sorry I just want to know what is right to think.
He’s genderfluid and sexless
So he alternates between he/she/they and shapeshifts to whatever he feels like being that day.
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jax-yacks · 6 days
Trans masc John would make more sense than June but that is just a headcanon. Nonbinary Roxy actually makes sense to me. Maybe they could have made Roxy genderfluid, I think that would have worked better than trans guy Roxy. It just doesn't make sense when she lived as a girl while not living around any other humans throughout all of her adolescence. She could have done anything she wanted with no pressure.
You posted: June does not appear anywhere in any piece of Homestuck related media made by an official team member for official purposes as of the writing of this post, and has only truly appeared in a single tweet.
June isn't even in Beyond Canon yet. I feel like I can already judge how June will be written. I already don't like what I've seen. How John was written in the epilogue was someone who was out of touch with reality because he recognized he was a fictional character and nothing is real. He seemed depressed, nearly suicidal, upset with his role of being a father. I don't think it is a good representation of anyone trans. John's story makes being trans look delusional. Reads more like a dig on being trans than anything else to me.
This is an outside looking in take. But from what I've seen there's not really an effort from the homestuck team to portray those themes well. Doesn't make sense that the entire fandom should even accept a headcanon if it's not even written yet. It makes more sense for us to reject it. And I will.
You posted: I won't go into my full breakdown of everything. It requires too much nuance to not be misconstrued more than this post could be, and I just need to remake some posts from my old blog.
I think you should go into it more. You obviously have a nuance take. I'd like to hear it. I think it's a good thing we all have different views here. I'm not trying to be disrespectful with any of what I am saying here, but know that many of the homestuck fans are tired of the June disk horse. I am so sick of June. I'm sick of it because it feels more like moral grandstanding than an actual attempt at representing a trans person's life. It's bad rep if it's trying to even be rep and not brownie points.
Clickable link for the referenced post
Re: trans hcs: I think I just like the tragedy of trans fem Roxy in regards to her infatuation with Dirk, but outside of that I honestly don't have a lot of gender thoughts for Roxy tbh. I love trans masc John especially in regards to all the notes Dad would leave around for him. It's very cute
Re: how transfem John will be handled: I honestly don't care a whole lot about whether it's a good look for a trans person to have gone through what John did as much as there were so many opportunities to work that gender shit into what John dealt with in the Epilogues especially having that conversation with Roxy in Candy about gender. Then again, from what I know about HS2, they didn't exactly follow through with several things they set up in the Epilogues and added things that should have had at least some amount of set up but didn't. Also, I would be more worried if the original writers were part of it still. But no there should never have been an expectation to accept June as canon at all much less before her appearance in Beyond Canon, but technically it was never WP pushing it. Just bnfs, especially one in particular, that they hired while apparently having no policy on how WP staff/contractors/partners should engage with the fanbase.
Re: Going into it more: I moreso didn't go into it in that post and am not going into it in depth here because outside of answering specific questions or responding to specific things, I want to take the time to create a whole huge post about it. I have the one in the Medium post I linked (here it is if you didn't see it), and on one of my old blogs, I had a further breakdown of that post, but I would also like to tackle it in a more organized manner.
Because the thing about June is it was never just about June. June was implicitly a reaction to trans masc Roxy. "They took one of ours so we'll take one of theirs." The creation and popularization of June cannot be separated by transandrophobia and radical feminist ideology present in that particular Homestuck fandom space. Also, as old followers are well aware, I was personally traumatized by that fandom space and primarily by that reaction to June in a few major ways. For realsies. Got a therapist I talk to about it and everything lol Thus, since I have my own potential personal bias wrapped in it more than your average observer, I do want to make sure I am able to talk about what happened with that in mind, especially since what happened to me is one of the things that people should be able to point to as one of the many fucked up parts of how June was being handled by the fandom. Also also, transandrophobia and radical feminist ideology is still alive and well here in queer communities including the Homestuck community, and also I don't want to phrase things poorly and accidentally hurt any trans fems who might read it, but considering we're talking about a trans fem hc that was popularized primarily by a trans fem bnf and their circle of friends that included a few other trans fem bnfs... It can be a touchy subject that I want to handle with care while not shying away from the realities of the situation.
It's all a lot of interconnected stuff and I am but a simple ADHD-haver who enjoys going off on various tangents, so it's hard for me to stick to Just June as a topic if I'm told to sit down and write about how she appeared and was treated in that fandom space. Sometimes even if I am given specific questions to focus on lol Even now I'm thinking about clarifications I should have added and how it wasn't clear that x or y was also a problem etc etc etc
But to address the rest of that final paragraph, it's bittersweet to hear people are tired of June. It's a good reminder for me that things are not as they were, but it also sucks that people are this tired of an inherently neutral headcanon, much less one that's going to inevitably be added to the ongoing official work. And it's not trying to be rep or brownie points imo -- it's just Hussie, seeing his friends share a neat hc that one of said friends (either friends at the time or soon to be friends) helped popularize or even came up with, while being willfully ignorant of the state of the fandom, around June and in general, liking that hc, and deciding it would be cool to make "canon," and then being terrible at communicating with the fandom per usual, and leaving us with no official confirmation she will appear ever at all until a few months ago.
June was a meteor set to blast off in space with Beyond Canon as the ultimate destination, carried on in these past several years by nothing more than the inevitable force of troll Isaac Newton.
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bitter-syscourse · 2 years
somewhar related to your post about alters & race, i know a system who is bodily transmasc but has an alter who is transfem, which has always seemed a little strange to me when they talk about it since they don't actually experience transmisogyny or really have any transfem experiences because they aren't transitioning that way. i don't know everything about systems so maybe im our of line but am i some kind of insensitive dickhead for thinking this is strange? /gen
nope, it is strange. i think youre allowed to be upset here. lot more text under cut, i broke it up as best as i could to not kill my own brain
ill also be tagging this as syscourse since i do believe that this is also an important thing to talk about!
there cannot be a transfem alter in an afab body, that alter is just.. cisfem. the reason that is, is because that alter will never know transphobia against transfem people. the same goes for transmasc alters in amab bodies. that alter is just cismasc, and will never understand transphobia against transmasc people.
an afab but transmasc body can and will have cisfem alters, cismasc alters, and transmasc alters. but that body will never had transfem alters. that body and brain will never understand transphobia against transfem people, therefore, it will not ever have an alter that is transfem. again, same goes for amab but transfem bodies.
somewhat on topic, more so a comment. cisgender bodies will never understand transphobia, PERIOD. a cis body cannot and will not ever have a trans alter, no matter how much they shout “but- but- hes trans i swear!!” cis people do not know what transphobia feels like. that alter is amab but appears feminine, that alter is not afab and transmasc. implying a cisgender body has trans alters is literal transphobia, end of story there
the ONLY exceptions i can see are if the body is genderfluid, or nb, or really any other identity minus trans and cis. but even then, that is pushing a fine line. i dont know where that line lies, but i guess you could refer to the second paragraph for that one.
here, ill use myself and my system as an example. take me, an afab genderfluid host, i have heavy [gender] influence over my system because i have been a long term host for several years. i identify as neutral most of the time, but i do have alters that identify as transmasc. the main reason for this is because i do still deal with a LOT of transphobia, like transmasc people do, especially on days where i feel more masculine. i do not have any transfem alters, because i dont know the transphobia that transfem people go through, even if i am feeling more feminine some days. because i am afab, and if i have a feminine day, i am just... technically cis, to put it bluntly. this same thing applies to every other gender identity that isnt trans or cis, and this applies to amab bodies as well.
i know it seems incredibly complicated, and it definitely can be, and i know it might not make sense some times, but i swear it gets a LOT easier to understand when you write it down on paper.
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remade-c18r0 · 2 years
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my pewersonal mahoyakkie hcs atm pt 1
wizards are canonically nonbinary which i think is dope! so ofc all trans in various ways if i dont specify that doesnt mean anything. theyre already nonbinary. also theyre all lesbians even if the flag isnt there cuz this is only for specifics. aaand technically all use all pronouns ill just list the ones i usually default to
oz - pure genderless moon lesbian (he/they)
arthur - transfem femme lesbian (she/her)
riquet - transfem nonbinary lesbian (they/them)
cain - trans butch lesbian (she/he)(owen stole her they/them pronouns)
snow & white - genderless in the sense of being drowned victorian orphan boys. haunted doll lesbians (he/him)
mithra - transfem genderfluid dykegoth lesbian (ask for pronoun updates or you might get killed)(i use she/her mostly tho)
owen - genderless (in the sense that  i dont think she knows any more than i do) lesbian (she/it/they)(sir knights’ pronouns.. >:) )
bradley - punk butch lesbian (she/he)
1 (U R here)  /  2  / 3
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gho2ty · 4 years
im late as fuck to the party but even if it was in a snippet about the eridan shrek universe (thanks fandom. specifically thanks ahabs, you ol shit, the legacy continues) .......anyways trans sollux hell yeah 
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galpalaven · 6 years
@courier-zer0 replied to your post: love interests for my game are currently: lesbian...
Tell us more about this mermaid alien and her brother pls
!!! I have no pictures yet and someday I will be making Official Posts about the characters I imagine with commissioned art and all that good stuff but I’ll share a few things now if you want!!!
under the cut for lENGTH
Captain Akasha
one of 3 love interests
age: 27~
she’s 6′3″
she’s very weak to sarcasm it’s her favorite
Jerk with a Heart of Gold trope was what i was going for
not technically a pirate in this version--she was a pirate when i was writing this as a book and i still call her that because i,, like to
some info from my character sheet in my notes below:
The Captain is a member of the Anyala, a race of extraterrestrials that showed up quite suddenly about 20 years prior to the events of canon. The Anyala served as humanity’s first contact with extraterrestrial life when a warp jump dumped them and the battered remains of their civilization at the edge of the solar system. Around 10 million Anyalans remain after something happened on their homeworld that drove them away, and while nothing has happened yet, there are rumors that whatever they ran from may one day follow them here.
they’re based on a variety of deep sea fish because i was obsessed with them when i was a child and every time an alien species in a movie has bioluminescence that isnt used like real animals use it it is a shAME
glowing eyes, glowing spots in decorative patterns up their scalp and across their cheeks, they are dark blue for the most part, fins on either side of their faces that they like to pierce like humans pierce their ears
their eyes and spots change color with their mood, flashing patterns that serve as an extra layer of communication with their people
their species is entirely genderfluid, because fish can do that, and their language is built to allow people to present as they please as easily as possible
“females” are typically larger and stronger physically than “males” but its really not a good indicator of a stranger’s gender to look at their size because of how little gender matters in their society (Akasha, despite this, has identified with she/her pronouns her whole life)
no Boobs because,, they are not mammals and do not nurse their young
their frames are generally built like swimmers with broad shoulders and slender hips for the most part, though there are obviously different body shapes as far as weight and height go
Akasha is rough around the edges, closed off and desperate for answers. For change. She doesn’t particularly like humans, or trust them, and she definitely doesn’t like the way some humans treat her like something beneath them. Something to be controlled and corralled. Not a person. She is quick to snap about the anthropocentrism of the human species, of the way so many of them think they have all the answers just because of their technology, or perhaps because of the powers some of them possess. Befriending her is almost impossible, but only almost. 
extra fun fact: there Are mermaids in this world also so that’s fun. they’re pretty important too but i can’t say more than that because ~spoilers~
Akasha’s baby brother
age: 22~
he’s a bit of a punk--he’s got some glowing tattoos, piercings, a chunk has been taken out of one of his fins on his face
much more laid back than his sister
he’s about 6′0″~
that does indeed mean that he’s a trans guy, as Anyalans that were born “male” tend to only reach heights of about 5′6″ at most
he’s gone by Ash (the missing suffix being the gender indicator there) for almost his whole life. Sometimes he goes by Ashan, which is the gender neutral variation of his name, but he hasn’t for a while
he’s got a very good relationship with his big sister, even though they dont agree on everything
he was a baby when their homeworld was destroyed so he doesn’t remember anything about it
he’s training to get his pilot’s license to be able to fly the fighter class ship his sister owns outside of colony boundaries/without her supervision
knows her ship inside and out--could probably take it apart down to the last screw and put it back together
i love him and i don’t know where i’ll be able to fit him in if i want to fit him into the romance lineup but--he’s a new fave
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pandorabutler · 3 years
It always baffles me when fandom peeps are either so for or so against something to the point that they make it their personality or become so against whatever it is their against that they forget a middle ground exists. Like “I hate [insert something here] so fucking much 😡 don’t [watch/read] this thing because I hate it!” and it’s all they talk about instead of like...what they actually enjoy? There is always gonna be some random shit out there that grinds your gears and if something has problems...and everything will in some way or another...it’s impossible to make everything perfect. I started writing this because of the weird pro/anti-ship thing that’s been happening but it applies to everything really. There are ships that aren’t problematic but even if someone ships them they’re technically “proship” — that’s a middle grey area the world ain’t black and white. And anti-shippers have you ever thought about the entire romance genre? With love triangles? Whatever ISNT canon IS a ship. Wanting MC to be with one person in the triangle over the other person IS A SHIP and if it doesn’t happen then what? You were a shipper. Anyways I also started writing this because of Moriarty the Patriot and Irene Adler/James Bond and those phrases that are like “If you [insert something fandom related here] then don’t interact” I really don’t want to see the YuuMori fandom become as crazy as the Black Butler one because that would really sadden me (but I realize most Black Butler fans are totally going to like YuuMori so...it is inevitable). The shows have similar themes. Anyways Adler/Bond’s entire existence is a grey area and if you prefer Adler over Bond that’s just your opinion. If you’re writing Bond tho, you should use he/him pronouns. Adler/Bond is the closest thing to a canon trans character (and specifically asks to be treated as a man) however the primadonna opera singer version does still exist. You don’t /have/ to use he/him for every aspect of this character even tho some people will tell you that you do. Adler/Bond, in my personal headcanon, is genderfluid and while this character was Irene, she was and wanted to be a woman, so if you’re writing pre-Bond then she/her is acceptable. Adler/Bond is not another Grell Sutcliff okay. We don’t have to get all pro and anti for this character like everyone did with Grell. Grell is ambiguous and can be either an effeminate gay man or a passionate trans woman the manga doesn’t dictate what you think because Grell’s presentation is never perceived as entirely genuine, just very dramatic. Bond’s “treat me like a man” has nothing to do with the eccentric personality, he says it with the upmost seriousness not allowing for other interpretations. That’s why I say it’s the closest thing to canon...any more canon and they’d have to outright say “he a trans man” which is impossible for the Victorian Era since words like that did not exist.
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boys--love--boys · 7 years
1, 2, 5, 7, 12-16, 20
1. What is your sexuality? What is your romantic orientation? Im bisexual/queer!! (also biromantic haha)2. What is your gender identity?i am a man of many gender identities but the easiest explanation is bigender (demiboy/demigirl) but i also ID as genderqueer, genderfluid, trans masc, and ?????5. Who was the first LGBTQ person that you met?uh fuck im not exactly sure? does my sister count lmao7. Do you have any tips for coming out?honestly no bc i havent really like Come Out™ or like... i technically did but it was back when i thougt i was a lesbian and i regretted it immediately bc ny mom got Mad12. Who is your favorite LGBTQ book character? i dont know many LGBT+ books characters rip but probably Petra West from Beauty Queens :') shes amazing i love that book so much (she's a trans girl idk what he sexuality is i dont think they specified but shes prob either bi or straight cause she ended up w a guy but they didnt say exactly i dont think)13. Who is your favorite LGBTQ+ movie character?Okay not a movie but... Darryl Whitefeather from Crazy Ex Girlfriend... like please google "Getting Bi" from Crazy Ex Girlfriend and you will understand why14. Who is your favorite LGBTQ+ musician? THIS IS SO HARD AHH i mean obviously Laura Jane Grace is super high on my list but i also love Angel Haze, Troye Sivan, Mary Lambert, & Billie Joe Armstrong (qlso more but i prob shouldnt list every LGBT+ artist haha)15. Who is your favorite LGBTQ+ actor?hm i dont rlly know? i havent been as focused on actors in general recently but wait isnt the actress who plays Rosa Diaz bi?? i think she is but shes great (im forgetting her name tho rip)16. What advice do you have for those who are not be in a safe place to come out?Im in the same boat as yall and i promise we can get through this it might be fuckin shit but we can do it20. Are you proud of your identity?I am !!! i love being queer & bisexual & nonbinary and it can be very tough but i still love my communities and identities 💗💜💙-mod Casper
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demiboypercyjackson · 7 years
I love your trans headcanons and I'd love to know if you have anything about godly parents interacting with their trans kids or finding out they're trans?? I just need parental positivity, esp. from the dads if that is okay
yes!!!!! yes my favorite, and… i feel you 😧 tbh thinking about it is often how i cope with being closeted :0c
MR D: okay so the obvious contender for this is dionysus who can be read in myth to be trans and is widely accepted as a patron god of trans and gender nonconforming people in general. i actually headcanon that all of his kids are trans, whether it be traditional trans, or under the umbrella like genderfluid or nonbinary or bigender. he’s the one to go to at camp if you have any need for Trans Products tm and even if he’s not always the most patient, he will be willing to help you if you’re questioning your gender. he’s a genuinely sweet and caring father (and is technically the cool uncle of most of the other campers now that i think about it)
HADES: hades seems like a Bad Dad but hes extremely loving towards his kids, even if he’s not always good at showing it. he’s not a huggy guy, but hes a bit more lenient than other godly parents might be and beyond that, his absentee father thing is a thing of great guilt to him. throughout all the ages, he’s tried to be there for his kids the best he can, even if its under the radar. he accepts his kids 100%, and, as a god of wealth, always tries to keep his kids afloat. being trans, even if you dont physically transition, and ESPECIALLY if you physically transition, can get expensive, and if children of hades get a sudden boost in their wallet with the hades equivalent of a “love, dad” alongside it, they dont question it.
ARES: due to canon, this can be a little bit harder, because of how he treats clarisse, but i always thought that that was odd to see him do that. why would area treat her that way when what he respects is a good fight? clarisse is a lady (a trans lady in my headcanon) and being a girl in and of itself is a war against many thing. being a trans girl is even more difficult. i headcanon that ares (or mars, who seems more levelheaded) would be biased towards his trans children, seeing them as “natural born warriors”. hes the aggressively proud dad, who smiles with all teeth and roars out “power and pride!!!” like its his own war cry.
POSEIDON: he’s kind of awkward about it, but dont think for a moment he isnt accepting. hes just embarrassed thinking of his ex bf, who he kidnapped thinking he was a lady. what was his name, poseidon wonders. caenos? caenus? he gave the man a “traditionally male” body using godly magic and offers to his trans children the same. some take him up on his offer, some dont. others ask if they dont like it, will he change them back? he laughs with kind eyes and nods, absolutely, ill even let you keep the strong-as-steel skin. they joke that being transgender has already given them that, has made them strong. he wonders how he could have so much to learn, even after all this time. but he’s always been stubborn - raging like the sea, unmoving yet always moving. the tides are changing, and he knows its time. for his kids. he has to.
APOLLO: everyone sees apollo as the embarrassing young dad whos so full of himself that his own light blinds him which is…. granted, true, but he also strikes me as someone who, for all the love in his heart, just kind of gets carried away very easily. he loses track of time, he is a busy guy, and doesnt always find the time to be there. he keeps an eye on his kids though, from his chariot pulling the sun across the sky. he’s the silently supportive father, who blinds bullies, who strikes down transphobes with chicken pox and strep throat. when he wakes up in the infirmary, he sees will there, who’s eyes widen at the use of his chosen name. neither question it, and apollo doesnt notice will’s emotional response. he knows who his kids are, and thanks to being a god of divination, often knows little things like career paths and chosen names. even though he isnt around to tell them so, they know he supports them.
:0c if you’d like more, drop another ask! i love doing these!! and i hope theyre alright! ☆ - mod will
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