#technically lol.... bloodborne au
puppetmaster13u · 5 months
I am pondering cryptid batfam but like. Eldritch. Starts out human but Gotham (or something Else) slowly changes them over the years as they search for an learn unspeakable information, as their minds expand more than a mere human could.
Pretty much becomes not exactly city spirits but Aspects of sorts if I am making any sense. And usually people can tell something is... sort of off, but it's easily dismissible, like a cold spot in a room that you can ignore if you aren't standing in it.
I honestly might draw the ideas for designs I have but idk.
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"Yharnam is the home of blood ministration. We need only unravel its mystery."
Technically it's a Bloodborne inspired AU (because BB is my everything and I can't help but think of AUs in that universe lol). Think Byrgenwerth Scholar Darling and Father Zane of the Healing Church collaborating on not so holy research. Or you could think alchemist Darling and priest Zane collaborating in eldritch matters if you have no idea what Bloodborne is lol. Zane's outfit is inspired by the Black Church attire and Darling's is inspired by the Choir set in the game.
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feral-piano-rat · 2 years
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Just a soft lil sketch to balance out some of my recent Bloodborne etc stuff 😅
Plus never drawn Lauriam with LONG hair before.
(technically still in crutches au lol, crutches not in frame but he does still have a knee stabilizer on)
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nny11writes · 3 years
what stories are you working on right now?
Sorry Anon, I was off Tumblr for a hot minute there!
For the most part I'm jumping between so many stories it's not even funny anymore and writing a little here and editing a little there, without any clear main story in the lead.
Like, honestly? What am I NOT working on these days? (road trip AU, not approved by the RMCSA, LTTA Short Stories, the sequel to The Apprenticeship, Legacy, Violence is the Question: Yes is the Answer, Hawkdora Fake Dating AU- this was a bad hypothetical question, such a bad hypothetical question!)
Things I am technically working on right now below the cut because good fricking god wtf there's a lot????? And I don't know why I'm surprised about this???????????????????????
How to Quit You is one I'm in and out of frequently right now (Glimmer is pitching a fit and I am struggling to keep expanding on all the things I didn't know we were going to show lol). Ch 20 is more than halfway there, and when it's done glitra will be back together and in the next chapter or two they'll be married and then they can live happily ever after and we are all dying because I can't move forward. Glimmer wants to take things slow and more realistically instead of dipping Catra in a kiss at sunset, and it's quickly becoming a me problem lol.
The Bloodborne AU is probably the next most frequent as I'm able to hop all over the timeline. It's somewhat stalled out as I had to completely re-write the outline and worldbuilding elements for the third time T-T Plus side, each time I am forced to do this the story is stronger! Down side is the whole Micah and Angella section is now showing it's weaknesses 0.0
It's All Fun and Games has paused spectacularly because the "Prank Chapter" accidentally went full angst instead of comedy crack and I don't want that gosh darn it that's the FUN fic and I will DIE ON THIS HILL!!!! And I don't have any prompts past the prank so I can't even skip ahead to get the funny ha ha's back (yes I am begging people to prompt me on that fic again).
Balance to the Force has been opened a lot, can't say I got much done after I went in a few weeks back and realized how big Catra's chapter is lol. Like, I ended up already writing twice as much as I thought I would then realized I really need to split it into the "more funny ha ha Inquisitorium" and the "Catra actually becomes a Sith apprentice and that is not fun nor funny". Plus I think I need to rework the story, I don't know if I want it to be catradora anymore and also I have a lot of big [SOMETHING SOMETHING PLOT AND NOW THEY'RE HERE] holes to fill.
I keep thinking of stuff for the Assassin Collection AU, but then when I open it up my mind goes completely blank and I just re-read what I already have and go, "Hell yeah I love this thing" then close the doc again. :)
In dead last is Colony and Princess & The Thief, both of which keep jumping me with feels and a desperate desire to read them. Not so much with writing but that deep longing for someone else to magically finish what I started :p
Beyond that I've had some very nice comment recently on Declarations and Close But No Cigar, which was lovely after a long stint of people who didn't like where I took the stories lol. So I've also had a lot of Ahsoka feels recently but each time I open Twice Bitten, Once Removed that whole world just spirals out in front of me and I feel a little of my soul leave my body before I close the doc again. It's a weird the motivation is there but the drive is not situation.
And then all the random new idea WiPs keep smacking me in the face too (Guardian Angel (Angella is basically a ghost that only Catra can see), Tears (exploring the way Catra and Adora react to different things in a modern AU where they are both somewhere on the infinity spectrum), Hordak and/or Catra Time Travel (2 ideas for the price of one because I can't choose but don't want to write both so either: Young Hordak ends up in the future and Catra has to confront how young, naive, and traumatized he was compared to the grumpy asshole she kind likes these days OR Catra ends up in roughly S2 her's body and instantly everything gets fucked up because she keeps having appropriate coping skills and emotional maturity), Each Time We Give A Little Bit: It Comes Back to Haunt Us (Scorpia and Entrapta help ghosts and spirits who are trapped possessing items to try and finish their unfinished business or at least be brought somewhere nicer, Catra is possessing her old ring and wants to go home to Adora, it's been somewhere around 40-60 years since she died though), Post Military Life Thing (exploring the way Adora and Catra are living their lives after being discharged, it has not apparent point to it besides to show how similar but different they are so I keep editing it and trying to figure out what it wants from me), Missing Person Catra Weaver (Catra runs away after threatening to kill herself, for 10 years everyone assumes the worst and then she moves back to town totally unaware of the "Catra Come Home" project, I've got so many feels for this and have even written a little more but mostly it's just me wishing someone else would write it), Dad!Micah and Catra Bonding (same universe as "We Will Raise You in Safety and Peace", Micah and Catra do some awkward bonding and Two Step thinks they're father and daughter causing some more awkwardness but also some feels), Com-MOM-der and Clawdeen (I have another chapter for this featuring the SPT and their daughter showing everyone up at the next Princess Prom and also a chapter about how Clawdeen and Adora end up bonding despite the tension between her and Clawdeen's three moms), and There Was Only ONE Bed (By Design) (The one where Glimmer lies about her pull out couch being a regular love seat to force Catra to sleep in her bed while visiting, strangely everything works out until they're already basically married and then Catra learns about the couch and is more shocked this worked than anything))
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cicaklah · 3 years
Fic writer meme
Nicked from @alienfuckeronmain
1) How many works do you have on AO3? 83 as of touched by the feasting tendrils of the night, my first mainline oxventure fic (which no one but me cares about)
2) What's your total AO3 word count?
372k (as of 10th August 2021)
3) How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
27 though there's a couple of multitags in there. 22 without.
4) What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
look what you made me do - So I'm good at writing fast and being new to fandoms. This paid off for me. I wrote this very quickly and it includes a lot of taylor swift references, including some very oblique ones that I'm pretty proud of. Also its got a great sex scene and some good OCs and the phrase goatus interruptus.
feel you from the inside - my first viral fic! AKA when do you guys do rec? Turns out Stormtroopers have orgies like workouts and superstitions about wanking and Poor Poe Dameron. Never saw it coming. Jas Queen - the sequel to lwymmd. There's so much in this story that I really love, I think the sex scene is one of my best, its symbolic, its funny, it has songs and puppetry and crossdressing! Catch me when I'm falling for you. - again, early to the fandom, reaps the reward. The perfect girlfriend is better, but this was me on a post-ghostbusters high writing science girlfriends
vestis virum facit - this is a reverse striptease/clothing porn/cockblocking geralt for fun and kudoes fic.
5) Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Probably 99% of them. Only really don't answer ones that are "thanks for sharing" on very old stories.
6) What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
Lolololol consent to be wrecked. I genuinely thought I'd write a sequel after the last Jedi came out so I purposely didn't give them a happy ending. Absolute lols. I also thought I'd be a bnf off the back of it. the amount of humble pie I ate in the aftermath of that story would give me diabetes if it was real. I needed it though, the experience.
However, if there is love at the end of everything is a twilight zone style story, it has the most "bad ending" of all my fics.
7) What's the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
The schmoopiest ending is definitely the rose of terok nor, I kind of almost hate it but it is the point that they have a romance novel ending. Honourable mention to go let the stars watch let them stare...the happy ending is a single line but fuck did I work so hard for it.
8) Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you've written?
I've written and published two crossovers but I don't think either are crazy really. I wrote never noticed the rain, an X men/Hannibal fusion, and a dS/bsg fusion/crossover called the poets let a generation down that I think everyone in latter-day dS fandom has to write. I wrote a lot of weird ones in my nsfw Fridays days, and I wrote two raffles/star wars crossovers interesting basically just me and one other person. Oh and I have an outline for a Hitman/Bloodborne fic I will never write even though I really, really want to.
9) Have you ever received hate on a fic?
I was the target of dsanon like everyone in latter day ds fandom, and once a peer in swtfa fandom said that one of my stories was rapey (it was not ctbw) and I'm STILL furious about it. Also back in my ff.net trigun days someone said I was "waisting my talent" and I was sad for ages.
10) Do you write smut? If so what kind?
lolololol. I used to exclusively write slash smut, then I moved to femslash smut, now I write 75% het smut. honestly I wonder what happened to me.
11) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
12) Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! Mostly femslash stories into Chinese, Russian and Thai.
13) Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No. I don't even have a beta. I've discussed it a couple of times but honestly it feels too much like work.
14) What's your all time favourite ship?
Raffles and Bunny, probably. Obviously 47 and Diana are my current otp, (we will always have Mendoza and the launch trailer even if we don't have the lust dlc) and I have other fandoms and I'll always love most of the pairings I've written (sit down johnlock). That said, I think only Raffles and Bunny still give me the fluttery feeling in my chest with how hard I ship them, 12 years since I first read the first pages of the ides of march and lost my mind.
15) What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
Pioneer au. The last Jedi killed off everything good about star wars, but this was going to be SO iddy and SO brilliant and I'm still SO keen to write it. I might file the serial numbers off it and make it an original story...but its such a star wars story, its such a classic fic, I think it'd just feel like a fic with the names changed. plus, the twist won't work...god fucking damn it Kyle Ron. I'll never get over the loss of that fandom.
16) What are your writing strengths?
Character studies, smut, character studies through smut. Cadence and rhythm of prose. Dumb sex farces.
17) What are your writing weaknesses? Dialogue, pacing, plot, OCs. They're improving though.
18) What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?   I think there's only one fic where there's another language that's a plot point, which is in blow a kiss fire a gun, which no one has ever told me was wrong, unlike every single time I try and use Latin for fic titles. I once got Latin so wrong I got so immediately called out for it I ended up using the translation in the gibberish of chapter three of consent to be wrecked.
19) What was the first fandom you wrote for?  Trigun. Well, technically the X files, but I never posted it. Trigun was my first fandom, I was 13, I wrote smut. It is still floating around on the internet and I'm not linking it. You're welcome.
20) What's your favourite fic you've written?
I have a list on my ao3 profile of my faves but it needs updating, but number one probably has to be even steak don't cry. Second place is the rose of terok nor...2019 was a good year for my fic writing. Shout out also to the currently unpublished final part of watch me (its coming!) which I have reread and redrafted so many times and love so much.
I'd love to read other people's, so if you want to, give it a gooooo.
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