techycatartist · 3 months
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Happy 50th Anniversary, Great Adventure! No matter how many parks I’ll visit in the future, it will always hold a special place in my heart.
Great Adventure opened its gates on July 1st, 1974. But as detailed by Great Adventure History, the western-themed section of the park (known today as “Frontier Adventures”) and the Safari weren’t ready to make their debut— July 4th would be the first day that visitors could experience everything the park had to offer. This included Runaway Mine Train, which stands as one of the last remaining “opening day” attractions.
I was inspired by the “Lion Sign”, which greeted cars as they drove into the park during Great Adventure’s first few seasons. Given that it’s her coaster’s birthday too, I figured that RMT would be the most fitting to hoist up the banner. She and the rest of my Great Adventure personifications embody my attachment to and love for this park. Here’s to 50– and on to the next!
Special thanks to Great Adventure History for curating such a wonderfully-presented and highly informative website. In addition to having several photos of the Lion Sign that I referenced for this piece, it has taught me so much about this park— everything about their roller coasters…and more!
Even if you’ve never been to the park, I implore you to visit their website;
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techycatartist · 3 months
For her birthday, Runaway Mine Train’s cake is a replica of “The Fort”, the building that houses her coaster and the Skyway. She cries tears of joy upon seeing it, even hesitating to cut a slice. Of course, RMT makes sure it’s photographed from several angles— so that she can add them to her ever-expanding photo album.
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techycatartist · 4 months
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Coastermaynia 2024 Day 31– Your Choice! (Lightnin’ Loops at Six Flags Great Adventure)
My third and final entry for this year’s Coastermaynia. The 31st has always been a “free space” for artists, allowing them to choose any coaster they want. In this case, I chose two! The original “interlocking loops” coaster(s), Lightinin’ Loops was Great Adventure’s first launch coaster. Though they would eventually be seperated and sent to other parks, the Lower “Blue” Loop still runs today as “Diamond Back” at Frontier City. Personality-wise, “Blue” was excitable and curious while “Red” was more level-headed and easygoing. They were known for throwing after-hour dance parties— ones where the spirit of Disco was kept alive.
There’s a short story that goes with this peice; click down here to view it!
Today marks your re-birth day, and unfortunately one where we must spend it apart. It simply wasn’t in the cards for me. I will be sure to visit Frontier City in the coming weeks— I am not too familiar with it, but I appreciate the western charms it displays. It may take a while, but I believe you will find a home there.
It would be remiss of me to not inform you about your sister. Red was relocated to Wild World in Maryland and is going into her second season there. She goes by “Python” now and is dressed in blues. A lovely coincidence to see you two share a theme. I know you’ll find your way back to each other soon.
A year after your closures, a new-age “inverted” coaster was built. Cars hang under the track, but are fixed unlike XLR-8. It is themed to Batman, as the park is now owned by a movie studio. This year, they have opened a simulator ride. They are dead-set on making Great Adventure a “cinematic” experience, and it appears to be working. Though I miss you dearly, I am relieved to know that you and your sister remain operational. Don’t hesitate to visit when you have the chance.
In all the gifts I could’ve sent to you, I think nothing would be more meaningful than this. Keep it close, and cherish it forever.
Distance may separate us, but you will always be my daughter.
-Runaway Mine Train
(Oh, and for some context; RMT and the LL twins are not biologically related, but she views them as her daughters regardless)
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techycatartist · 8 months
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We’re back with some art! I was in the mood to draw some chibis. Of course, you’re all familiar with my El Toro personification, but I wanted to shine the spotlight on Runaway Mine Train. While I’ve featured her in some stories, she hasn’t received any art beyond her character profile— until now!
As much as RMT cares for her fellow parkmates, she has a tendency to approach their concerns with the same overbearing technique. Though it works in some situations, it can cause friction between her and whomever she’s concerned with— something that’s compounded by Toro’s stubborn nature. But in most cases, the resulting friction goes away with time.
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techycatartist · 1 year
“…Medusa was closed for a bit, but they re-opened a few days ago. Other than that, we’re holding up well”.
“Huh. How unusual; B&Ms doesn’t usually have that level of downtime”.
“True, but it seems that this park has been struggling to keep all of our coasters up at once”.
“I do wonder why that is, but those humans are keeping that knowledge away from us Coasterdroids…”.
“So, how have things been for you and your parkmates”?
“Oh, the usual; a park like ours doesn’t see much change. But I hear that there’s a new coaster going to Great Adventure?”
“Well, we don’t know for sure— though it’s what we’re hoping for”.
Runaway Mine Train flipped through a photo album, which had slowly accumulated into a dense block of memories.
“It’s the 50th, right? If I were the park president, a new coaster would be the first thing I’d search for. Humans love celebrating anniversaries— and you guys would have someone new to form a bond with”.
“Yes, and I would be more than happy to help them navigate those first few weeks of life. No matter how long you stay at Great Adventure, you are always part of our family”.
Runaway Mine Train found what she was looking for; photos taken during 1984.
“I’ll be sure to visit the park next season— I might’ve been living here since 1994, but could never leave my original park behind. Even if most of it is quite unrecognizable…”
“But you never really forget what was there”.
She pulls a photo from within one of the translucent “pockets” of the page.
“Are you reading something, RMT?”
“Hm? Oh, no. I’m looking through my photo album”.
“Ah, the famous album. How heavy is it?”
“A bit too much. It may be time to split this into volumes one and two”.
“Have I caught you reminiscing again?”
“In a way, yes…”
There was a saddness to RMT’s words.
“Diamond Back…you’re aware of the news, right?”
“Yes. I can’t say that it wasn’t expected, unfortunately”.
Contained within the photo was Sarajevo Bobsleds, a fews days after their coaster opened; they had eagerly flashed a grin at the camera.
“Their coaster was closed so often that the park would preemptively list it as “closed for the day” to avoid disappointing their guests, even if it did manage to open that day. Their physical health has been on the decline for years at this point. At least we were given a month’s notice; better than some of the others…”
“I was thinking we stay with them for their last week, but I want to know if you can make it then”.
“I should be able to”.
“Good to hear”.
Runaway Mine Train skipped past a large portion of the album, now examing photos from the past few years.
RMT was standing behind Alpine Bobsled, who was leaning on her for support. Their smile carried a subtle sense of pain.
She pulled the photo out, placing it beside the first one.
RMT sighed.
“Thirty-nine years is a long time, especially for a steel coaster. Heck, I still can’t believe that my coaster’s turning 50 next year. Though I will say…I have been feeling “50” for a while. There’s a reason why Arrow Dynamics went out of buisness all those years ago…”
RMT placed the photos into one of the many unsold photo frames she had collected over the years; it was a temporary home for what would be another addition to her “memorial”.
“But the hardest thing a mother can do is watch her child die, no matter when it happens”.
There’s a pause.
“I’m greatful to have lived this long, to make it to the park’s 50th anniversary. To see how Great Adventure has persisted through numerous harships makes me optimistic about our future— even if I it’s likely I won’t be around for the next 50 years”.
“Still, longevity has its costs”.
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techycatartist · 1 year
Medusa glanced at her coaster, still sitting idly. Runaway Mine Train stood beside them.
“Two weeks until this area of the park re-opens… at least, that’s what we’ve been told will happen”.
“I’m sure the park will have found enough staff by then. Memorial Day weekend has always been a big time for us, and all those students and international workers would’ve been ready to work”.
“And Opening Day isn’t?”
“No, but the humans should know to not expect everything to be open”.
“Yeah, but that’s to things like food stands and park entertainment. Not what amounts to basically half the coaster line-up. What was different this year? This park has been through economic resessions, tourism crashes, parent company bankruptcy, managerial shifts, and a global pandemic. Out of the 49 seasons Great Adventure has been open…why is this the first time the park has done something like this?”
Medusa was hurt by the park’s decision not to open her coaster in time for opening day. To tout her coaster around one season as a “new experience” only to push its opening back because it was seemingly “unimportant” felt like betrayal.
“Never once has this park felt so incompetent”.
“But we’re getting better as the season goes on. Is that not a sign of things to come?”
Medusa looks at Runaway Mine Train.
“Sure, if you believe it”.
“Then maybe you should start believing in our future. Our 50th anniversary is next year, and I hope that this park will continue to operate for another half-century”.
Medusa thinks about RMT’s advice.
“I guess if the park bothered to refurbish my coaster in the first place, they still think I have some merit. That goes for all of us, since everyone’s still here after the off-season. But I guess it could be a lot worse, for all of us. I’m glad to have stuck around— and for everyone to have stuck around with me”.
Toro’s coaster sits ildly.
“…And despite all my grievances, I’m not in the least-favorable situation around here”.
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techycatartist · 1 year
“Let’s go to a quieter space, okay?”
Lil’ Devil Coaster followed RMT as the two walked past the entrance for Frontier Adventures, an area of the park which had only recently opened for the 2023 season— a first for the park, but a worrying sign for a possible new trend.
While lack of staffing is what kept RMT’s coaster from opening for nearly two months, no explanation was given for why Lil’ Devil Coaster fell into the category of “Coasters not ready in time for Opening Day”. While most coasters who were included in said category were open by this point, Lil’ Devil Coaster continued to lay dormant. The only recent change was an added photo op that depicted the ride’s mascot waving a white flag while crying— those whom ride the coaster for the first time have “beaten” it.
Perhaps as a result of this unplanned extended closure (or just as a mere coincidence), Lil’ Devil Coaster has been under the weather for a few days by this point. In wanting to present him with a different environment, RMT offered to take him to different part of the park.
On their way, RMT passed the wooden “fort” that housed her coaster’s station— and one of two stations for the Skyway, which unfortunately missed it’s intial re-opening date. The colorful cars that once carried dozens of visitors at a time had vanished without explanation— and the ride was no longer listed on the park’s website.
“Please tell me this is only temporary”, she thought.
RMT pushed open the door of the building, a sudden woosh of air conditioning reminding her of the hot temperatures to come as the season goes on. “You won’t have to worry about the heat in here, dear”. Lil’ Devil Coaster looks up at her.
While mostly nonverbal, Lil’ Devil Coaster was most comfortable speaking to RMT— while considering herself as the “mother” of all the Coasterdroids of Great Adventure, it was especially true for Lil’ Devil Coaster, who was most often seen at her side.
Lil’ Devil Coaster looked away from her, taking a good look at his surroundings. He then stuck his hand out and pointed at a statue situated in the middle of the room.
“Best of the West!”
Lil’ Devil Coaster looked back at RMT.
“It’s Best of the West!”
RMT gave a look conveying her understanding of his naïveté, yet conveyed her sense of sadness.
“Yes dear…this was Best of the West”.
RMT watched as Lil’ Devil Coaster went over to lie on a chair, taking in the park’s “new” lounge area.
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techycatartist · 1 year
(NOTE: This story follows-up on some events from “Red-Tagged”. I suggest you head over to my Toyhouse & read that first, as it provides more context).
Toro sat motionless at the foot of the structure. By this point, dense vegetation had obscured most of it. It was only a matter of time before the park cleared what was left.
Still, there were other remnants. A maintenance shed— now used to store Ka’s, RMT’s, and Toro’s trains during the off-season. Queue railings— repurposed for El Diablo, only for that ride to be shipped off to another park after just four years. Footers— chipped down to ground level. A wooden structure— standing over a fence, trying to beckon visitors to step through the entrance.
It had no idea that the ride it was made for had closed years ago.
The forecasts had predicted thunderstorms in the area today, but Great Adventure was at the point of the season where they were past daily operations— the park wouldn’t open until six.
Toro focused on his breathing, even as the wind picked up around him.
A clap of thunder reverberated in his ears.
Looking up at the sky, he felt the cold touch of raindrops on his face.
“I can hear you”.
The rain picked up. Though Toro normally hated when his hair was exposed to the elements— he had an intensive morning routine for a reason— it didn’t matter right now.
Today was the 10th anniversary of Rolling Thunder’s death— and it had been almost six months since he had moved on.
Rolling Thunder was truly gone.
“I’m doing well”.
Another clap of thunder echoed through the area.
“Seems like you’re doing well, too”.
Lightning flashed in the distance.
Toro didn’t say much after that, letting the weather carry on the rest of the conversation.
Gradually, the thunder became quieter, the rain lighter.
“It’s been nice talking with you, Thunder”.
Eventually, the rain stopped.
“See you next year”.
RMT sat across from Toro, holding a framed photo.
“They had one last request from us. They wanted to be buried with that Bobcat plushie”.
“The one from the teasers…”
“Alpine was so exicted to learn about Bobcat, even if they wouldn’t get the chance to meet them. Holding that plush in their hands…it was to leave this world knowing that someone would carry on their legacy. Maybe not in the traditional sense, but Bobcat will entertain the humans all the same”.
Toro mused about that last part.
There was a pause.
“You know something, RMT?”
Toro took a deep breath.
“Today makes it ten years since Rolling Thunder died. In the months following, I didn’t want to believe he was gone— and then I found his spirit. It was like he had never left. But…I knew it couldn’t last. Even if I didn’t want to admit it”.
“There was also the fact that, even with that drop tower and super-loop, Great Adventure didn’t really replace RT. I was angry at first— “They killed my brother, and for what?!” The fact that so little of his coaster’s plot of land was used for that queue line…they knew exactly what they were doing”.
“As years passed and that plot of land continued to lay vacant, I began to feel…possessive. I don’t want anything to replace Thunder,” I thought. “That spot belongs to HIM, and him alone. It’s a memorial. His home. It’s….what I had left”.
“But now, he’s gone. He has been”.
There’s a pause.
“I don’t know when Great Adventure will do something with that land. Given that Flash is on their way, it’ll be at least a couple of years before we get another coaster”.
“…but you’re ready for someone to carry on Rolling Thunder’s legacy?”
Toro smiled at RMT.
“Yeah. I’m ready for someone to carry on his legacy”.
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