#teddy jin x reader
gojocp · 8 months
may I submit a request for Y/n x Teddy where they meet while it's raining and bond over Co.
"I owe you, Co."
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wc: 631 featuring: teddy jin
a/n: hello!! tysm for the request! sorry it took a while, i got really busy :( anways, lmk how this is! (did ya notice i used a cat header teehee teehee)
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School has ended for the day. You carry your umbrella over your head as you walk down an alleyway to get home. The rain is pouring and before you are able to turn the corner, you hear a faint sound.
You turn around at the sound and see a light grey cat with blue eyes. You stare at it for a bit, admiring it as it stares right back. “Hi, kitty! What are you doing?”
“Oh yeah, I so get that,” you reply, giggling as you crouch down, reaching your hand to pet the cat. Before it makes contact, you hear footsteps as someone makes their way to the alleyway. It’s Teddy Jin. You see him holding a bottle of milk, for the cat, you assume. A faint blush coats his cheeks as he realizes you’ve spotted him. He snaps, “What are you doing?”
“Uhm, I’m petting… the cat?” you reply, slowly.
Now, Teddy is just embarrassed that you caught him buying milk for a cat. He’s known for being a ruthless bully, after all. So, like any embarrassed teenage boy, he’s rude. “Can’t you see it backing away from you?” he raises his voice, “Obviously, it doesn’t like you. Stop bothering it and get lost.”
You flinch a bit when you hear his rough tone and take a look at the kitten. Surely enough, it’s cowered away from you, backing up into its cardboard box. “Oh..” With that, you get up and walk away, shoulders slouched and looking at your feet, your smile wiped away in an instant.
‘Why the fuck did I say that? What is wrong with me?!’ Teddy thinks, beating himself up over the conversation. Sighing, he crouches down to feed the cat some milk. To his surprise, the cat has a disapproving look on its face (as far as he could tell), and refuses to drink the milk from him. Teddy pours the milk into a bowl nearby and tries to pet the cat. It hisses at him and in defeat, he walks back home.
After that encounter, you purposefully avoid going through that alleyway, in fear of encountering Teddy Jin again. However, you know that Teddy’s class has cleaning duty today. Whether he actually stays back to clean or not is unbeknownst to you however, you want to take the chance to see the cat again. Teddy Jin doesn’t seem like the kind to care for stray kittens, so what if he hurts it?
You near the cardboard box the kitten is in and crouch down.
“Hey, cat…” you begin. “Sorry for scaring you the other day.. I didn’t know you didn’t want to be touched. I’m sorry..”
“Do you forgive me?” You reach a hand out for the kitten to rub its head against.
You hear a voice behind you,
“It says yes.”
You turn your head to find Teddy Jin standing there again, a slight blush coating his cheeks.
“Oh- uhm.. I didn’t.. I was just-” you stutter, unable to form a sentence. How do you explain to some bully from your school that you were apologizing to a cat?
“It likes you. I named it Co..”
“Co?… like ‘Coke’, the drink?” He nods his head and crouches down next to you, feeding the cat. “I’m gonna adopt it. If you want, I could send you pictures from time to time?”
“Uhm, here.” You exchange phone numbers, “Well, I better head home. Let me know when you adopt her.” You wave to Teddy and walk off.
From then on, Teddy always sends you a picture of Co when he arrives home. “You know, it’s only because of you I got to talk to her.” The cat purrs as he rubs her head.
“I guess I owe ya, Co.”
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wolf-na · 5 months
wolf keum – eye twitch
summary : “can’t you believe what you see?” you’re best friends with wolf but your feelings for him are a burden to carry all by yourself. what happens when you actually confess?
genre : fluff – angst (i mean… wolf)
warnings : best friends to lovers, angst, fighting, blood, injuries, bad communication, harsh words, jealousy, wolf’s a bit ooc, stalking because wolf’s actually obsessed?!?!
author’s note : 1st time writing for weak hero and it had to be for wolf!¡! if you like this pairing i’m considering writing drabbles for them so throw a comment if you’d like to read that!
The hand of the clock moved so slowly you could have ripped your own head off in boredom way too many times to count. You never liked Fridays, probably your second least favorite day of the week after Monday.
Your teacher was speaking, probably explaining a mathematical theory you never once cared about, but it sounded more like gibberish.
To your left, Wolf’s empty seat. He did offer you to skip the last classes of the day —not that he actually attended a single class the last two days, but you refused. Your parents were on your back ever since finding out you failed two tests this month.
You drop your head on your desk and text Wolf that you could just kill yourself at this point. You can almost hear his typical snicker in his reply.
You had been friends with Wolf for years at this point, bonding over a bizarre hobby you both shared. Fighting. Well, it wasn’t bizarre for the two of you, more so a daily activity. But you agreed it was uncommon for most people.
Unlike Wolf, you never tried to pick fights over nothing. But you would always retaliate when someone would challenge you. Sometimes you would fight over a simple snarky comment but, hey, they were asking for it.
And when Wolf joined the Union, people immediately assumed you did too. Donald did offer you a position, always open with the idea of creating a branch for women. You knew it was purely strategic, fully aware of the advantages women could bring to the table, especially for business.
You throw a pretty woman with a tight dress in a room full of old and rich business men and you can be sure that they sign any contract if the woman flirts with them, even just a little.
But you had politely declined the offer, not firmly, knowing that you had to let the window open just a little bit to make sure Wolf could be on Donald’s good side. Instead, you had promised Donald to think about it long and hard but that joining the Union was not part of your plan at the moment.
So, you were not directly part of the Union, but being friends, with one of its most important members, you knew you were kind of affiliated with them.
You’re the first on your feet when the bell rings. School is over and your favorite part of the week just started. The weekend. You pack your bag, say bye to your friends and sprint down the halls, ready to meet with Wolf for your usual Friday evening plans.
Your happiness fizzles out when you don’t spot Wolf’s purple hair amongst the buzzing crowd, nor do you see his bike.
Where the hell is that punk? you think as you pull out your phone.
He texted you ten minutes ago and your face falls at the message :
🐺 😈
last min meeting with donald
i’ll text you when i’m done
Well, it looks like your weekend is off to a rookie start. You just hope Wolf isn’t in trouble. You know he isn’t the best at keeping a low profile —even when Donald demands it, so, even if you know that Wolf wasn’t involved in any big confrontation recently, you can’t help but worry a little.
. . .
You were never a bad student. It doesn’t mean you’ve ever been a great student. You would more so say… good on average. You never planned on going to a prestigious college and your parents never tried that hard to make sure you were amongst the best students. So having them check your test scores every time after failing two exams was more than upsetting.
You grunt in front of the paper sitting on your desk, awaiting an essay that isn’t even interesting. Absentmindedly, your eyes land on your phone. No texts from Wolf. It’s ten at night. You’re about to grab the device, ready to call him when a slight knock on your window makes you drop the phone and jump up in surprise.
Wolf’s on the other side of the glass, a cigarette hanging between his lips as he waves with a tiny smile.
The daggers you send his way for scaring you are soon replaced by a heavy sigh. No bruises or blood on his face, his knuckles are untouched. Nothing bad happened during the meeting, Wolf is fine. You open the window and steal the stick from his mouth, taking a long drag before blowing the smoke directly on his face.
"Are your parents home?"
You chuckle, "Please, why do you keep asking."
Wolf shrugs and he blinks, taking a good look at you. When he comes over —most of the time without warning, it’s usually early in the morning or in the evening to take you out on a night stroll. Wolf has seen you in your pajamas often. But it’s definitely the first time he’s seen that one.
He raises an eyebrow, "Didn’t take you for a princess kind of girl."
Wolf doesn’t think before latching a finger around the strap of your silk nightdress, "Princesses wear dresses like that to bed."
Your heart jumps in your chest at the contact. You two can be close physically, usually when no one you know is around, but this one feels different. You can feel your cheeks warming up and you step back, forcing Wolf to let go of his hold.
"How do you know what princesses wear?" you ask. "Do you watch romcoms in secret?"
Again, he simply shrugs, his eyes lingering on your figure as you open the drawer on your nightstand to pull out an ashtray and sit on your bed, still smoking his cigarette.
"Princesses don’t smoke," he says as he climbs into your bedroom. "Or fight."
"Good thing I’m not a princess then."
Shoes forgotten near the window, bag opened to reveal a few beers and some snacks, Wolf picks a CD and starts a track, jumping on your bed. He is lying down, face by the foot of your bed, occasionally sitting up to drink his beer.
He is quiet and you take that time to observe him, eyes wandering by his features. He has his usual bandages, one on his jaw, another one following his neck line. His face is relaxed, eyes gazing at the ceiling, as if his often clouded brain is now peaceful.
"You’re staring."
You blink, almost choking on your sip, and nudge him with your foot. You absolutely hate when Wolf does that. You don’t know if those glasses give him superpowers but it’s like he always knows when you look at him. Sometimes, you happen to stumble upon one of his fights and it only takes him a second to turn around and spot you.
When he sees you and he is busy fighting random guys on the streets, he often winks, "My supporter’s finally here."
Other times, he lets you finish the fight for him. It only happens when he knows you are strong enough to defeat them and because he never once hid the fact he goes feral when watching you fight. He just loves to see when boys go from confident —they always assume they are stronger than women, to utterly terrified and ashamed when you throw them to the ground. What’s even more exciting is that these boys usually don’t even have enough time to try and touch you that they’re lying on the ground in a puddle of blood.
You sigh, putting your beer can on the nightstand, "How was the meeting?"
And that is when something weird happens. Gaze still locked on the ceiling, you notice how he stiffens, eyes darkening at your question.
"S’alright," Wolf replies.
S’alright? you repeat in your head. Well, that’s a first. Usually, Wolf hardly keeps secrets from you. Of course, if things were sensitively confidential, you knew Wolf would never mention them. But you had already been invited to meetings in the past. Mainly in the beginning, when Donald was trying to recruit you.
Your stomach twists at the way Wolf’s attitude changed in a second. You don’t know what happened but you don’t like what you’re seeing. Wolf is usually so… careless. Even when it comes to the Union. He does the job but he never looks worried.
You can tell something is bothering him. And you hate seeing this. It makes you feel like something really bad could potentially be happening sooner than planned. You sit up, ready to change his mind, "Wanna go out?"
You have this bar you both love to go to, mainly because the owners love you. For an obscure reason, you never dared to ask, too scared to lose that privilege, since you’re not eighteen yet. Well, in a few months but, legally, you’re not allowed in.
You miss the way an almost unseen expression flashes in Wolf’s eyes for less than a second and he shakes his head, "No, I’m good here."
Well, that’s even weirder. Wolf’s always up for a drink at the bar. Actually, he is always up for multiple drinks and you often end on the dance floor after one or two drinks, always begging for Wolf to come with you. You’re not persuasive enough since he’s always sitting on a stool, keeping an eye on you.
And, again, you take a look at him. His eyes are closed now, his breathing is steady and his arms are crossed behind his head. You bite your lower lip at the sight and mentally curse.
It was an eternal battle with yourself to face your feelings for Wolf. Because they settled in your heart insidiously, like a secret your own brain was unaware of. At first, you only thought it was because he looked pretty. Because he did. Amongst the girls in high school, it was always « If only he wasn’t such a psycho, I could fall for him ». Except you knew more than the psycho about Wolf.
He likes to read, alone or with you, and you still perfectly remember the shock on your face the day Wolf mentioned wanting to go to the library with you. You were astounded. Even more when he actually did go, breezing through the library’s alleys and reading back cover after back cover until he settled on a book.
He likes to go eat with you, always okay with whatever place you pick and he is always down to try the weirdest looking dish on the menu.
He remembers everything you tell him. From the strange dreams you’ve had the night before, the next tatoo you plan on getting, your favorite snack and the names of the people who ever messed with you.
And, even if you know he doesn’t talk much, he is always there. You know you can always count on him for anything.
You drop your head back, feeling conflicted. You will have to confess. The feelings are eating you alive, burning and choking you when you barely start to think about them. But you know you might lose him when you do confess.
Wolf doesn’t seem interested in dating. Hell, even flirting seems to bore him out of his mind. You’ve noticed how women try to engage a conversation whenever you go out to the bar. Every time, his eyes leave you to land on the stranger. Every time, he blinks, says something you can never hear because you are too far, the woman blushes in embarrassment and walks away. Then, he sips his drink and looks back at you.
Sometimes, the delusional part of yourself thinks it’s because of you. He likes to tease you about how much you look at him. But he does the same. You may not be as good to spot his eyes on you every time but you catch him often.
Somewhere in your mind, the hope that Wolf may feel things for you exists. And as exciting as it is, it’s just as dangerous. You know Wolf isn’t one to sit on things he wants to say or do. If he does like you, a part of you knows it would be completely out of character for him to stay silent. Wolf is not a passive person, quite the opposite.
That is also why you need to confess. Because you’d rather rip the bandage quickly and be rejected than to keep living in the fantasy that blossoms more and more each day.
It is probably going to hurt. Your heart already aches at the possibility of Wolf turning on his heels and erasing you from his life altogether. But unrequited love always hurts harder in the long run if kept quiet.
You have to confess. But not tonight. No, tonight you want to enjoy his presence a little longer.
. . .
You’ve spent every night with Wolf this past week. Which is strange because Wolf usually likes his alone time.
And, every night, you told yourself you would confess. Only to chicken out. You would start talking, look up to see Wolf’s eyes already on you and a wave of regret would choke the words down your throat.
The breeze blows stronger now that you are on the highest hill of the park. The heavy clouds rapidly moving into the night sky forced the few people already there to pack their stuff and leave.
It’s going to rain, you can feel it.
Something electric lingers in the air, you have to confess now. After spending a whole week with Wolf —he even attended more classes, you can’t stand what’s happening inside of you anymore. The way your stomach twists and your heart races, it just hurts.
Wolf is leaning against the railing, back facing you, as he smokes a cigarette.
You take a deep breath, "Wolf."
"Ah, are you finally gonna say what’s been on your mind all week?"
Touché. You know Wolf is smart and never bought your excuses every time you pretended what you wanted to say wasn’t important. Or that it slipped your mind.
Wolf turns around, eyes boring into yours and it feels like there is no distance between you both. But there is. You would have to take a good five steps to be standing in front of him. So why does it feel like he is right there, so close that your breathing picks up and that you feel your throat tightening.
You can’t back down anymore. Not this time. You tried to make the feelings go away, persuading yourself you were making things up. To no avail. You like him.
Fuck what happens next, you’re prepared for the worst.
"I like you."
A heavier breeze hits your face when the words leave your mouth, carrying the echoes of your confession into the sky.
That’s it, you said it. It’s too late to back out now.
Wolf’s eyes twitch for a second before he blinks once. No, twice. A silence that lasts for longing seconds fills the distance. You watch him, noticing how he seems to be struggling with something. His lips tremble, as if wanting to say something, and a veil cover his eyes.
Suddenly, you wonder. Did he really understand what you just said? Saying you like someone doesn’t necessarily mean in a romantic way. You like all of your friends and are never scared to tell them.
You scratch your throat, "I—I meant, hm, not just as a… friend—"
"Yeah, I got that."
Wolf’s voice is as sharp as ice when he interrupts you. It’s as harsh as your mother’s hand colliding against your cheek.
That is a good thing you prepared yourself for the worst case scenario. Because it looks like it’s becoming real.
The veil that was covering his eyes vanishes and his gaze darkens. It is the first time Wolf has ever looked at you this way, your blood turns cold at the sight.
The next minute is probably the worst in your life, as Wolf spits terrifying words at your face.
"You think I didn’t know before?"
You can’t stop the blush warming up your face. You didn’t think it was so easy to read you.
"I thought you were smarter than this, honestly," he says with a snicker. "I don’t need friends, even less a girlfriend."
Okay, you weren’t expecting such harsh words. What does he mean he doesn’t need friends? Was your friendship with Wolf a product of your imagination? It couldn’t be. You never forced him to hang out with you, he was actually the one to approach you first, years ago, after seeing you defeating three boys at once.
"I hang out with you because Donald wants you in the Union," he reveals. "Not because I want to."
A part of you knows Wolf is blatantly lying to you. You were friends before he joined the Union. You were also certain that Wolf was glad the day you refused to join the Union. He never said anything out loud but being a part of the Union meant risking your life every day because the stakes were higher than random fights at school or in the streets of Seoul.
And yet, Wolf said what he said. That he was never your friend and was obeying Donald’s orders. What if it was all true, in the end? Because Wolf had proven to be manipulative when it could benefit him or the Union.
Your world came crashing down with the first light rain drops falling on the ground. Even if Wolf’s words were lies —you could still hope all of this was just a nightmare, they hurt. Next to this, a few punches in the face would feel nice and comforting.
Wolf didn’t like you back and chose to spit hatred at your face instead.
A feeling of rage melted with the pain and sorrow. Tears were threatening to fill your eyes but you couldn’t cry now. Not in front of him.
You glare at him, "There was no need to talk to me like that."
Wolf’s eyes twitch again. He has seen you glaring at people in the past. He has seen you seething harsh words at people. But never at him. You were always nice, a bit playful, mostly attentive and caring, even in the smallest of actions.
Now, you’re looking at him like he is an enemy.
"You could’ve just said you didn’t like me back."
But he can hear the way your voice slightly breaks, he can see your eyes glistening.
You turn around, not waiting to see if he wants to reply, and walk away. He’s said enough, ripping your heart in half. He won the fight and you choose to process the defeat far away from him.
. . .
You think the warning of rain in the sky was actually a warning for rain in your heart. Because the clouds are shyly dropping cold beads of water on the pavement but not enough to need an umbrella.
No, the real rain comes from your heart and flows through your eyes. No matter how hard you try to stop the tears, they just keep coming, over and over again.
You feel so weak, so stupid to have ever thought confessing to Wolf was a great idea. You were expecting a rejection. But this one was harsh. So harsh that your friendship with him was thrown in the flames, burning into ashes spread around by the wind.
Until nothing was left anymore.
You replay your friendship with him as you walk down the streets. All those nights he came to your place, climbing into your bedroom with drinks and snacks, lying down on your bed with a book in his hands. The nights you would patch him up after a fight, cleaning his wounds and cursing him for fighting endlessly. The times you would open your bag in school to find a new book in it with a note inside, Wolf would buy those he thought you’d like.
Was it always fake on his part? Was it just part of Donald’s plan to get you in the Union? What if Donald had promised a huge load of money to Wolf if he ever got you to join? After all, those small actions just meant he knew you well, understood what you liked and what you needed to be trustful.
Maybe it was always fake, you think as a whimper inevitably escapes your lips.
"Hey, pretty, why’re you crying?"
You stop at the masculine voice. Who dares speak to you when you are literally going through a heartbreak? You really don’t have the strength to snap at anyone right now.
"Come here, baby," the man says again. "I promise you’ll be the happiest girl when I take care of you."
You don’t even look at the man, ignoring the alarming sirens that boom in your head when you hear the laughters of two other men.
Nothing will happen to you if you just keep walking. These men just like to mess with girls because they need a distraction. Also because they are incredibly stupid. Who thinks hitting on a woman in the street is going to get them anywhere?
You start walking again but the man calls out for you again, "Hey, hey!" Next thing you know, he is standing in front of you.
He is tall, extremely tall, very muscular and carries a disturbingly large smile on his face. Your heart slightly drops in your chest. You know you’re a great fighter but he appears way too strong.
His two friends pop up behind him, sporting equally disturbing smiles as they eye you up and down.
"We’re going to a club, you should come," the first man says. "I promise you won’t be crying no more if you hang out with us."
Rage bubbles in your chest again. Does it look like you want to go to a club with a bunch of strangers? You just want to cry in peace.
"Leave me alone."
The three men share an intrigued glance and the tallest one claps his hands, "Feisty, I like it."
Oh god, they aren’t giving up, you think. You just want to go home, you don’t know what else you have to do to show them you aren’t interested by them.
"I want you even more now," he says, his fingers wiping the dried tears on your cheek.
The physical contact is so sudden, so unexpected, that you freeze on the ground. Did he just touch you? Did he really just do that?
Your fighting style has always been completely different than Wolf’s. Wolf goes straight into it, punching and kicking with all his will, definitely not scared of what his opponent might strike him with.
You, on the other hand, like to think things through. You rarely hit first because it is often the weakest strategy. Instead, you like to let your opponent throw the first punches, dodging them so it gives you enough time to analyze their fighting style.
But that man just touched you. He laid his fingers on your face, stroking your skin as if you belonged to him. He may look stronger but you are enraged, mind clouded with tears and pain.
Fuck strategies, you don’t even think before pushing his hand away and slapping him across the face with all your strength.
The blow is so strong the man stumbles on his own feet and the sizzling sound of your palm colliding with his cheek bounces against the walls.
You can leave now. They learned their lesson.
Or maybe not.
You’re thrown into a dark alley a few seconds later.
For ten minutes, you try to fight back as much as you can. But your first observation was the right one, they are stronger than you. And your mind is too out of it. You didn’t want to fight tonight, that wasn’t your plan.
You just wanted to confess to your best friend, when you still hoped he would confess as well.
Now, you’re scarred, face and knuckles seeping with blood, slightly limping and latching your fingers on the ripped hem of your top.
You don’t notice Jake, Dean and Timothy drinking in front of a convenience store when you walk past them.
They see you, though. And they are quick to understand that the three boys who walked away a few minutes earlier, spitting insults about a girl as they grunted in pain —one of them holding onto his arm as he had a visibly dislocated shoulder, were talking about you.
"Damn, she can really fight," Dean says as they watch you disappear around the corner.
"She isn’t first in the girls’ Shuttle Patch for nothing," Timothy notes.
. . .
You didn’t go to school for three days after that incident. Your parents saw the state you were in and didn’t even try to fight you. They didn’t know what to do with you anyways.
Your body was aching but it was nothing compared to the pain in your chest. Your mind was playing games with you, constantly flashing images of Wolf, reminding you of his last words and the disdain in his eyes.
How long will it take for you to move on? It is impossible to tell. But, with each awake second, the pain is growing, choking you with tears.
Wolf didn’t listen to a word Donald said during the meeting. He didn’t see you for three days, nor did anyone see you at school.
He recalled what happened almost two weeks ago.
Wolf was perched on the roof of Ganghak, waiting for Hwangmo. Looking down, he saw you walking out of the school as your eyes scanned your surroundings. He noticed the way you shoulders lowered when you checked your phone.
You didn’t need to know what he was doing.
When Hwangmo finally showed up on the roof, Wolf didn’t waste a second and pulled out his phone.
"See this number?" Wolf gestured for the unknown contact. "I want you to find who they are."
Hwangmo nodded, typing down the contact on his phone. But he was unsettled. Why did Wolf need help for that? If he had issues with someone, Wolf never hesitated to go give them a beating. What was different this time?
"What’s with them?"
Wolf let out a sigh, locking his phone before his eyes could look at the texts sent by that unknown number.
"They’re threatening (Y/N)."
And that is why he rejected you that night. He didn’t think before the worst words escaped his mouth. Because he knew exactly what to say to make sure you would turn around and not look back.
He considered telling you what was going on. Multiple times. After all, you worked as a pair. But he didn’t because they were trying to get to him. Warning you would have only caused a bigger issue. He knew you could fight back, he just didn’t know what these people were capable of.
If they had been threatening him, Wolf wouldn’t have cared one bit. You, it was different. So he pushed you away, thinking it could be the solution to make sure nothing would happen to you.
"Hey, do you know who these guys were?"
Wolf blinks, pulled out of his thoughts by Jake’s voice. He grimaces at him, "What’re you talking about?"
"Those who attacked (Y/N)."
The world spins when Wolf understands why you didn’t come to school for three days. Were you attacked… No, Wolf couldn’t think it had happened right after the last time he saw you.
Jake awkwardly scratches the back of his head, "Is there trouble in paradise between you two? She… didn’t tell you?"
Wolf doesn’t say anything about Jake’s innuendo. Most of the people in the Union —or who knows you and Wolf, think you have been dating for a while now. Wolf never minded and even less tried to correct anyone. He liked to know nobody would try to flirt with you. It took him some time to understand why he liked that people stayed away from you.
No, Wolf is fuming when his eyes land on Jake, "When and where? How many were they?"
. . .
You’re a great fighter and you’re used to the bruises and cuts but you can’t help the grunt out of your throat when you have to lift the heavy trash bag to throw it into the container of your building.
Dragging your feet onto the pavement, you just want to go back into your house and lock yourself in your bedroom. You’ve been binge watching animes for the last four days and you don’t plan on stopping anytime soon.
You stop dead in your tracks when you spot Wolf outside of your house, leaning against your bedroom window. For how long has he been here? You walked out just two minutes ago to take out the trash. You should have heard his bike.
But, then, you notice his appearance. His hair is messier than usual, his eyes glazed and skin covered in blood, lower lip busted, scratch on his cheek and knuckles. He just got out of a fight, you think.
If he wants you to take care of him, he can go fuck himself. What the hell is he doing here in the first place, has he lost his mind? Did he forget what he told you last time?
Whatever, I just have to walk past him, you tell yourself.
Wolf, on the other hand, is taking in your appearance. You’re wearing your « lazy » pajamas, as you like to call them. An oversized tshirt and shorts. He’s seen you in those a lot. Big bags under your eyes, Wolf knows it means you didn’t sleep much these past few days.
And then he sees the bruises. All over your arms, some on your legs, but the worst one is around your neck. These bastards choked you, Wolf knows.
Your eyes gaze past him and you start walking with your heart thudding in your chest. Just a few steps and you will be inside your house. Just a few steps and you can pretend he was never there in the first place.
Wolf stands up and blocks the way, standing in front of you.
Wolf doesn’t budge, instead pointing a finger at you, "What’s this?"
"Makeup," you snark, finally letting your eyes connect with his. "I’m considering a career in special effects."
His jaw clenches at your sarcastic tone, that is something he’s always liked. Not now, though.
"Now, if you’ll excuse me," you say as you step aside to walk past him, "I have stuff to do."
Wolf pulls you back by the wrist and you hiss in pain, terror flashing in your eyes when you notice Wolf’s cold gaze on you, "You thought I wouldn’t find out?"
You yank your wrist away, "What the fuck do you want, Wolf?"
Silence settles between you both. You see the same expression on Wolf’s face, the one he carried when you confessed. The one you didn’t understand. But, honestly, you’re done with him. What brings him here?
"Can’t you just let me be?" you rage. "Didn’t you do enough last time? Wanna go at it again?"
"You’re so fucking dumb sometimes, Y/N."
That’s when you lose it. For the second time this week, you attack first. How dare he call you dumb when you’re just… sad and confused?
Wolf, who’s good at predicting when and where people will hit, is struck by lightning when your palm comes in contact with his cheek. He had never experienced your strength. Now he knows why you’re so good at fighting.
In the blink of an eye, you’re pressed against a wall with Wolf’s hands on your shoulders.
"How dare you call me dumb?" you growl, desperately trying to push him away. But he is too strong. "Why are you here? What’s your fucking problem!"
Wolf doesn’t express feelings often. Besides anger. That he knows how to express. It’s easy, all he has to do is count to three. You, on the other hand, bring other feelings into action. Feelings he doesn’t understand himself.
But seeing how determined you are to get out of his grasp, you who’s always so keen to be gentle to him, is enraging.
He snaps, "I didn’t fucking mean what I said last time!"
Your heart stops at his words but isn’t it too late now? You relax against his hands but a snicker fills the silence, "Right, of fucking course."
Wolf blinks in confusion, you’re smirking and rolling your eyes at him. You’re… making fun of him.
The surprise causes him to relax his grasp and you slightly push him away, "You can go fuck yourself, Wolf."
He won’t let you go away so easily. No, instead, he pushes you back against the wall and you barely have time to understand what’s happening that you feel one of his arms wrapping around your waist and one of his hands resting against your cheek.
Your heart jumps to your throat and you gasp when he crashes his lips on yours.
His lips are chapped and you can taste the blood on the tip of your tongue but you can’t help but melt into his embrace. You hum against him, using one hand to pull him even closer by the collar of his shirt as you let your other hand grab his hair.
He groans into your mouth, kissing you more feverishly, tightening his grasp on your waist. You know you’ll have a bruise shaped like his fingers tomorrow morning.
It feels so good, you don’t want this moment to ever stop. There is a clear fight for dominance as your lips clash and you bite his lower lip, pulling on the flesh. He kisses you harder after that.
Wolf is kissing you, you’re kissing him. It feels so good but, then, his words echoe in your brain.
"I hang out with you because Donald wants you in the Union. Not because I want to."
Wolf breathes into your neck, biting the skin under your ear before licking his mark.
"I don’t need friends, even less a girlfriend."
He is kissing your collarbone, you shiver and your heart flips in your chest. It feels so good to have him like that, you wrapped around him as he touches you in places you’ve fantasized about for way too long.
But you push him away.
He looks at you in confusion and you don’t linger on his lips, they’re swollen and you don’t want the memory to ever be engraved in your mind.
"I… You can’t be doing that," you pant with trembling lips. "Maybe you didn’t mean what you said but I can’t fucking forget those words."
You walk back into your house before Wolf even has time to understand what just happened.
. . .
For the next two weeks, you barely cross paths with Wolf.
Well, you try not to but it’s like he is everywhere you are.
First, he attends more classes. You wouldn’t go as far as to say he is here every day of the week. But you notice the surprise on your teachers faces when they spot his purple hair in the classroom more and more over the past two weeks.
He tends to go more to the cafeteria as well, followed by Hwangmo and Hayden.
Next thing you know, the whole school whispers about you two in the hallways. Because you are seen in the same place but never together. The rumors of a potential breakup —wait did they really think we were dating?, keep everyone on the edge of their seat but you pretend not to hear a thing.
And when you are out with friends, you know he is somewhere amongst the crowd. You never try to look for him but it’s like your eyes can’t help but fall on him.
Because a part of you misses him. Those past two weeks stretched to feel like an eternity. The memories of Wolf definitely hold a sour taste now —mixed with the pain inflicted, but your heart still flutters at the simple thought of him.
You can’t erase his arm around your waist, his lips on yours, kissing you like you provided him with oxygen, unlocking a new addiction.
You check your reflection in the mirror one last time, fixing the strap of your dress and you leave your house. You planned to go out for drinks with your girl friends, knowing just the bar that would let you all in.
The owner greets you warmly when you walk in and your nostrils flare at the smell of alcohol mixed with sweat and strong cologne.
You lean towards the bar and fist bumps the owner as she speaks, pointing a finger to her left, "Wolf’s already there!"
A dragged sigh escapes your lips when you see Wolf sitting on a stool, carelessly toying with his drink. Your friends grimace at your sudden blank face and they shake their heads when you sprint towards the purple haired boy.
Wolf turns around when someone taps his shoulder. He bats his eyelashes a little faster, eyeing you up and down.
"Can you stop being everywhere I go?"
His eyes linger where your dress stops, mid thigh, and he gulps. He still carries his usual smug, though, and you’re too annoyed to notice the effect you have on him.
He licks his lips as he makes eye contact with you, "Princess dress again, uh?"
He doesn’t have the right to give that type of look. That’s the type of thing that only happens in movies, the type of scene that would have you screaming in your pillow before you’d start internally complaining that this never happens in real life.
You want to punch that smirk off his face, "This isn’t funny, Wolf. You can’t erase everything by acting like a stalker."
What you don’t know, though, is that Wolf keeps an eye on you because the three boys who attacked you last time were not those who threatened to come after you.
He made the mistake to let you be by yourself once, he isn’t about to make the same mistake twice.
Wolf’s smirk vanishes and he blinks, "You’re pretty."
Suddenly, you don’t know how to breathe anymore. His voice had been soft, such a contrast compared to the last times you exchanged words with him. You want to believe him so bad. So bad.
Because you know Wolf can manipulate others but would he go that far? It was clear you wouldn’t join the Union anytime soon. Especially not after what had recently happened. And Wolf was smart enough to know that fixing your relationship wouldn’t change your mind on that.
Wolf can tell your mind is racing, he knows because you always do this thing with your eyebrows when you’re deep in thought. He wants to know what you think, hell, he wants you to stop thinking and start believing him.
He hates how you avoid him because you’ve always been such a safe person for him. Even he needs a break here and there. You were always there to provide that for him, even when he was fighting.
He tries to reach for your hand but you turn around and walk away, somewhere between anger and on the verge of tears.
"Let’s go," you deadpan, "I don’t wanna be here anymore."
"What?! No, come on, Y/N," Minji pouts.
"Please… I don’t feel good."
Yujin raises an eyebrow, "Hey, we don’t know what happened between you and Wolf. You don’t have to say a thing about it if you don’t want to."
No, you don’t want to. Everything in your head is twisting and nothing makes sense anymore. How did things end up so terribly, anyway? If only you had kept your damn mouth shut, you wouldn’t be in this situation.
"There’s nothing to say, I just don’t know if anything with him was ever fucking real."
"Yo, stop acting like such a pick-me," Minji warned. "We hate those, remember?"
"Yeah, I don’t get why you think it wasn’t real?" Yujin says with a chuckle. "Wolf’s been obsessed with you forever."
"Preach!" Minji wooed, giving Yujin a high five. "I think you’ve been blind too long cause boy only ever had eyes for you." She looks away for a second before shivering, "It was a bit creepy at times, if I can be honest."
Yujin pushes you to the side, "Just go talk to him. Like talk for real."
The two girls push you even further and you know you’ll have no other choice but to confront him. But what is there to say? Can you two fix things?
Deep down, you’re terrified to forgive him but hold a tiny piece of grudge on the inside. Because that’s what could cause your relationship to break in the long run. Wouldn’t it be best to end things right now?
Your heart aches at the thought. Because you want things to get fixed. Hell, you’d rather go back to just being friends with him if it meant moving on from what had happened.
You take small steps, unsure of how to approach him now. Knowing Wolf, he could just laugh at your face for breaking so easily.
A woman is sitting next to him, leaning forward with the most flirtatious smile you have ever seen. The way your heartbeats speed is unmatched and you can feel yourself glaring at her from where you’re standing.
Wolf’s eyes flicker to you and you don’t waste a second, latching a hand around his wrist and tugging him away from there.
This time, you’re walking with a purpose and you roll your eyes when you hear Wolf snickering behind you. He can judge you all he wants, you’re walking out of this place with him.
You squint your eyes when the cold breeze hits your face but you don’t halt your footsteps, the streets are too crowded, you need to be alone with Wolf.
"Ah, where’s the princess taking me?"
"Shut up."
Wolf laughs a little louder, "Bossy, even with me."
Finally, you find the perfect place. An empty kids’ playground. Wolf raises his eyebrows when you drag him there. You release the grip you have on his wrist and point a finger at a swing, "Sit there."
Again, that is the first time Wolf experiences this side of you. He knows you have a tendency to dominate and that you like to feel in control of everything. The funny thing is, Wolf is like that too, but none of you ever tried to be in control of the friendship. As if you both naturally balanced each other out.
Usually, Wolf hates being told what to do. He doesn’t know why it does something different to him when it’s coming from you.
And it does something to you when Wolf sits down without batting an eye. Your mind wanders at the sight of him, oh how easy would it be to take just a few steps and lock your arms around his shoulders. He would lift his chin up to make eye contact and you would only have to lean in a little to feel his lips on yours again.
Oh god, just focus, you think. You cross your arms over your chest, "Explain yourself."
The smugness stretching his features is replaced by something more serious. His eyes leave yours and land on something random behind you as his breathing picks up. Just a little but it’s enough for you to notice.
You know it’s best for you to wait, Wolf isn’t one to talk much and you know you’re asking for a lot. But your mind runs wild with the possibilities.
"There’s nothing to explain."
Oh yeah, you should have expected that. Typical Wolf. You’re glaring, the words coming out sharply out of your mouth, "Why did you lie?"
Another beat of silence and you’re growing more fed up by the minute, "Did you even fucking lie?"
"You don’t need to know."
"Are you serious right now?!" you scoff and you groan when Wolf’s blank expression doesn’t budge. "I can’t fucking believe you, do I have to… beg you?"
"Don’t bother," he deadpans, before a smirk tugs his lips. "As tempting as it sounds."
You ignore his last words, "Then why are you following me around?!" you ask in frustration. "Do you… do you actually want us to be friends again?"
Wolf gives you an unimpressed look, "No."
You’re completely out of words, what is wrong with him. Is he serious right now?
"Y/N, I can’t kiss my friends."
You throw daggers at him with your eyes, "Stop, this isn’t funny."
"I’m not joking."
"I don’t believe you," you reply in a heartbeat. "One day you say you were never friends with me, now you say you want to kiss me. What am I supposed to believe, uh?"
Wolf is so done with you at this point. It was funny seeing you act stubborn for a few minutes, now he wants you to look at him. He leans forward, grabbing your wrist and pulling you towards him forcefully.
You gasp in surprise, forced to press your arms against in chest to avoid falling face first into him.
"Can’t you just believe what you see?" Wolf asks in a whisper.
Time stills when you finally look down and focus on him. Your heart skips a beat when his arms lock around your waist, securing your body against his. You could die for his eyes, the way they’re traveling between your eyes and your lips, twitching behind his glasses.
And you recall all those times you caught his eyes on you.
One day, you were stretching after PE class and Wolf was waiting for you on the bleachers because you had planned to ditch maths class afterwards. When you made eye contact, you barely noticed how his eyes twitched before he blinked.
Another day, you were reading in a park, enjoying the sunlight, when your attention was drawn to a couple walking their dog. Honestly, the dog was the cutest thing you’d seen all day and you were literally fawning over the little fur ball. You felt Wolf’s eyes on you and looked at him with the biggest smile on your face. Again, his eyes twitched.
One time, Wolf was at your house, sitting on your desk chair with a towel wrapped around his shoulders. You were reading the instructions on the box of hair dye. It was the first time you were doing this and your heart was hammering in your chest with fear. You really didn’t want to mess this up. You knew you were just touching up his roots but it still felt like an incredibly important task. When you looked at the mirror, Wolf’s eyes were already on you.
Maybe you’ve been blind all these years. Because it feels like you just put together all the pieces of the puzzle. You always wondered how Wolf was able to feel your eyes on him. Could it be because his own eyes were always settled on you?
Your friends words resonate, the rumors at school, the way strangers always looked at you both, how boys never dared to approach you.
Wolf is holding you so close it feels like your bodies could actually melt together. Your heart is racing and you can feel your stomach twisting and flipping around.
You have to kiss him now. If you don’t, you feel like you’ll run out of oxygen. So you do.
You press your lips against his and you fold when you feel Wolf kissing you back instantly. His hands tighten around your waist, grabbing you so strongly you wonder if his fingers didn’t just go through the fabric of your dress to burn your flesh.
Your lips move slowly, much slower than the first time you kissed, and you let the tip of your tongue touch his bottom lip. Wolf’s mouth slightly opens and a low grunts echoes into your mouth when you start playing with his hair.
This sound of his becomes your favorite, causing you to kiss him harder. Wolf picks up your pace, chasing your lips like a thirsty man.
His hand slowly travels down your body, sending shivers down your spine when his fingers brush against your ass before grabbing the back of your thigh.
You pull away from his lips with a gasp, eyes opened wide. You can already feel yourself blushing, his hand latched around your naked skin like that was where it always belonged.
Wolf’s eyes are half opened but you’re ready to lose all self control when he quite literally bites his lower lip at the sight of your swollen lips, "I really like that dress."
You’re full-on red at this point and you drop your head in the crook of his neck with a chuckle and you can feel him smiling.
You teasingly bump your nose against his when you finally look at him, heart jumping in your throat when Wolf leans forward, brushing your lips with the clear desire to kiss you again.
Fuck, he wants me that bad? you think before you give in, pressing your lips together for a few seconds.
A choked moan is swallowed by Wolf’s throat when you feel his thumb stroking your thigh and you pull away for good before it all becomes too much. You’re outside and he is touching like there is no tomorrow.
You scratch your throat and step back, missing the way Wolf is looking at you. You’re too busy fixing the strap of your dress and soothing the beating of your heart to see Wolf’s stunned eyes and partially opened mouth.
But you do see the way his eyes twitch when you finally make eye contact.
"Wanna go eat?" you offer with a tiny smile dangling on your lips.
He nods before he can even think to breathe.
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whchenlvr · 7 months
Hello! I was wondering if you could write for Teddy who has an S/O that decides to straddle him out of nowhere, and maybe if you can include Gerard as well and some of the other Eunjang boys?
straddling him ;
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teddy jin x gn!reader
➤ you were feeling devious. teddy could tell just by the way your gaze would slide over to him every now and again
➤ since a few of his friends were on their way to visit for some light shopping, teddy shot a few warning looks your way
➤ “y/n, don’t even think about it.” “ohh, i’m thinking about it.”
➤ unfortunately for teddy, your random impulsive thoughts got the best of you, and when the two of you decided to sit and wait, you plopped yourself into your boyfriend’s lap
➤ tomato teddy incoming
➤ he’d totally stutter in surprise, which surprises you considering this isn’t some new thing
➤ you’re all about physical touch and love intertwining your arms with teddy’s or giving him hugs, so straddling him is nothing out of the ordinary for you
➤ in public though? okay, that was a but new
➤ also unfortunately for teddy, you’re laughing at how red his face is, still straddling him, when the other boys arrive
➤ “uhhhhhhh” they’d say, and you sit up with the biggest grin and wave like this is the most normal thing in the world. “hi guys!”
➤ needless to say, the boys teased teddy about patience while you skipped around giddily the rest of the day
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reanbowful · 2 years
“something on my face?”
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if you catch them staring at you
(donald, ben, jake, gerard, wolf, teddy, jimmy)
donald na / na baekjin
“Donald Na.”
Winning an award was more or less nothing short of an average Tuesday for Donald.
He walked over to the podium but almost stopped in his tracks when another name was called out.
“This year, we have two gold medalist due to both participants achieving the same perfect score.”
You walked over to the podium with confident steps, a bright smile plastered on your face.
Donald hadn’t realized that he had actually stopped in his tracks when you glanced back at him from the top of the podium.
Exchanging glances with the teacher in front of you, you gestured for him to come up.
One awkward moment later, the two of you received your awards. Donald not taking his eyes off of you for longer than he has to bow.
You turned towards him, clutching the award tight in your hand.
“Next time, only one of us will receive the award.”
“Well, if it’s not me it’s you right?”
As you left the school grounds, Donald smiled to himself. He might just found a new playmate.
ben park / park humin
Now we all know that Ben ain’t slick.
It will be at a school festival at your school that promotes free food if you can finish them in under 60 seconds.
Ben who saw the ad while walking back home was safe to say intrigued.
He would take Alex or Gerard to accompany him there.
He finished the entire pizza in one bite, 20 seconds no problem. Impressing everyone in the booth, including you.
“That was amazing! Did you like the pizza?”
Now here’s where he gets.. distracted. He just kind of gasped when you came up to him and loses his train of thoughts for a second.
“Pretty.. GOOD! P-pretty good! I like the pizza pretty good. Yea.. it was- uh it was good.”
Alex and Gerard are probably teasing him all the way back from your school. But it doesn’t matter though, since he gets to have your number (you were the person in charge of that booth).
jake ji / ji hakho
You guys are reading manga together in the empty school library after school.
Well you guys promised to do your homework but Jake got distracted while going through the racks of journals he should have been looking at. Instead he checked out the manga racks that just got stocked up.
So that’s how you ended up ditching your school works.
While you were getting to the interesting bit of the chapter you were reading, you let out a small giggle of excitement. Tucking a strand of your hair behind your ears to see the words more clearly.
Through the corner of his eyes, Jake’s eyes darted towards you. Not forgetting to cover half of his face with the manga tho.
He never noticed that you looked so.. cute?
He failed to notice that he has been staring at you, when you finally looked up at him, still chuckling from the passage you read.
“Huh? Why are you looking at me?”
I feel like he would probably dodge the question and make a joke out of the whole situation.
“Ah? Oh. I was just wondering what was so funny! HAHA!”
That was what he said.
Inside he’s probably like: dammitdammitdammitdammit
gerard jin / jin gayool
He’s probably my favorite out of this whole entire prompt.
You guys are hanging out at his house, him playing a guitar lazily while you play with your phone on his bed.
Throughout your relationship you guys have developed a comfort in just being in each other’s presence. Sharing the silence when no words are needed.
As he plays a tune, you bobbed your head along. He watched you with a bit of an amusement, matching your tapping feet to his guitar strum.
Eventually, he let out a small chuckle which makes you shift your gaze from your phone towards him.
You gave him a suspicious narrowed eyes which made both him and you chuckle even more.
“What are you scheming?”
Gerard is one of the most chill dude out there. He will probably be quite suave about it.
“Nothing- Sorry babe, I’m usually good at that.”
wolf keum / keum seongje
Ngl I’m sticking to my Wolf x second year reader agenda xixi
Anyways, the two of you are in your classroom where he agreed to meet you after class to talk about some school organisational stuff Wolf could hardly care about.
Why should he give a single shit towards whether or not Ganghak gets a better promotion? He could care less if the entire building went down in flames overnight.
So just know that he’s doing this for you. And that you’re SO damn lucky he likes you.
“I was thinking maybe we could do a two days bazaar. Since three is way too long. And for the stands I have a list of venues we can contact-“
See, he honestly isn’t even paying any attention to what you were saying. No, no he was staring at your lips.
Wolf might not be weak, but you really surprise him with how low he could go sometimes.
“-lf. Wolf.”
Your voice brought his attention back to your eyes where your brows had scrunched a bit and you were leaning more towards the table, exposing a bit of skin.
“Sorry, noona. I was just thinking about something.”
Well let’s just say it’s better you don’t know the image that’s playing in his head.
teddy jin / jin taeoh
Ah yes, the certified tsundere.
While walking home from school, you, Teddy and, Rowan came across a stray cat on top of a chair.
The thing is, it was sitting on the chair—like a human. (this is something I have seen with my own two eyes)
You found that interesting as hell so you took out your phone and started to snap a few pics.
The cat seems to take an interest in you and leaned it’s body forward. Pawing at your hand.
“Aww. Look at you, you’re so adorable!”
Entranced by the cat’s cute antics, Rowan would try to pet the feline without prior knowledge whatsoever on handling one.
Dude literally would smack his hand on the poor thing’s face.
Teddy grimaced. While you immediately take the cat into your arms before Rowan could seriously injure it.
“Why the hell are you so rough with him?! Are you a kid? Hmm it was uncomfortable wasn’t it, kitten? Yes it is? Bad Rowan bad!”
Giggling as you pretend to let the kitten hit Rowan, you scratched the bottom of the cat’s chin.
Teddy watched the way you handled the small kitten with such gentleness. Boy was whipped instantly.
I bet his type is definitely someone who cares a lot about animals.
Noticing his gaze on you, you turned. Scheming for a way to tease him. (he seems fun to tease ngl)
“Hm? Kitty, look at Teddy-oppa. He’s staring at youu~”
Man choked on his spit :)
“O-oppa?! Where did you even- Ugh. Forget it. And for your information I wasn’t staring at you! I was just spacing out goddammit!”
“But Teddy, she never said you were staring at her.”
RIP Rowan.
jimmy bae / bae jihoon
Jimmy is a very prideful individual, so don’t expect much from him. (or can you?)
To be honest you can kind of see this coming.
Jimmy had to service his broken phone’s lcd, Jack needed to pick up some toiletries, and you wanted to check out your favourite bakery’s new release menus.
It was mutual interest that got all three of you going to the same mall. So you went there together after school.
The three of you had an argument on where to go first as you all think that your stuff is the most important.
You argued that the bakery usually has a long line and you don’t want to miss out after coming so far for it.
Jack was cool with everything, but Jimmy is Jimmy.
Eventually, you decided to part ways after deciding that it’s pointless to waste your breath arguing with the personification of pride.
And just as you thought, there was a long long line in front of the bakery already. There’s just no way you’re gonna get those cakes now.
Begrudgingly you went back to find the boys when Jimmy showed up in front of you with a white paper bag.
“Didn’t I tell you to stop worrying already? Just follow my instructions and shit will work out for you.”
It was the bakery’s newest menus. Each and every single one of their newest flavours.
“You- You.. where did you get these..?”
He preordered those cakes for you babe. (bet you didn’t expect that!)
“Look, do you want it or not?”
Taking the paper bag from his hand, you hugged them to your chest as you squealed happily.
And Jimmy, he tried his best to suppress the smile that’s curling on his lips at the thought that he was the one making you that happy. (well it was the cakes but whatever he was the one that got them)
Well, once you face him back, that smile is gone. Replaced with a scowl instead.
“Alright shut your yapping. Let’s go find Jack.”
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yoonisweakforthishero · 11 months
masterlist!! request open
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イ weak hero!
them having a beautiful partner that keeps getting hit on ☾ gray, ben, gerard, alex, donald, jake, wolf
eunjang gang reaction to gray's twin sister
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valeriele3 · 10 months
Weak Hero
Donald Na
Wolf Keum
Gray Yeon
Alex Go
Ben Park
Teddy Jin
Eugene Gale
Gerard Jin
Phillip Kim
Jake Ji
Jimmy Bae
Sam (Grape) Lee
<- Go back?
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Requests are always open !!
a/n: Ik you guys are starved here on tumblr... uh. Might be the reason why I decided to even do this bcs me too :''
indulgent headcanon's [1]
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7ndipity · 8 months
Bts As Subs
Sub!Ot7 x Dom!Reader
Summary: Headcanons about how the members would be as Subs
Warnings: +18 mdni, smut. Swearing. Mentions of dom/sub dynamics, bdsm, oral(f. and m. receiving), handjobs, edging, overstimulation, degradation, thigh riding, pegging, petplay, dacryphilia, marking, slapping, scratching, aftercare. Not proofread.
A/N: Thanks to the lovely anon who requested this! Working on this actually helped a lot with my writers block and gave me waay too many ideas for fics👀 But I hope you like ‘em!
Is either the sweetest, best behaved baby boy or an absolute brat, depending on his mood.
Loves to run his mouth just to get a rise out of you, whining and complaining about your teasing, but turns into absolutely mush once you get him under you.
Likes when you tie him to the headboard and jerk him off while sitting on his lap, close enough to still kiss him but not letting him touch yet, letting him cry into your neck when he finally cums all over your hand.
He’s so loud and whiny, it almost sounds like he’s singing until his voice cracks.
Someone mentioned this on his nsfw list, and I had to mention it here, he has a slight oral fixation and needs access to your chest while you ride him, sucking and biting hard enough to leave marks(which he says he’s sorry for, but you know he isn’t really)
Lowkey masochistic and enjoys punishments, loving when you mark and scratch him up, or edge him till he cries.
But what he really loves when you just ride him soft and slow, moving just fast enough to make him needy, but not letting him cum, edging you both till he’s desperate and pleading to cum.
Turns into the sweetest, vulnerable little kitten. You can always tell when he’s feeling subby from the way he buries his face in your chest or your neck, in both sexual and nonsexual situations. He's just so soft and just wants to be taken care of(pls protect him🥺)
So fucking whiny, but he tries to muffle them, biting his lip and scrunching his face up so hard, he almost looks in pain(until you bite/suck the sweet spot on his neck and he just starts wailing).
Prefers things to be half kinky, half vanilla(the vanilla stuff is always what makes him cum tho)
Like, he enjoys when you’re mean and tease him, but he really can’t handle much degradation, so it needs to be combined with a lot of sweet words and kisses.
Cries so prettily when you peg/breed him.
Is slightly embarrassed at how quickly he cums from thigh riding, hiding his face in your neck as his hips stutter against you.
Needs a fair bit of aftercare to ground him and help him come back down, mainly just sitting and holding each other.
Ooh the range of this boy😍, he's always so bright and eager, and tries so hard to be a good boy it’s almost painful, how could you not reward him?🥺
Loves it when you’re rough with him, wanting you to slap, scratch, mark, and degrade him, etc. He’ll take it all with a smile.
Tie him up and and tease him by making him watch while you touch yourself, his poor cock twitching and leaking with every noise you make(he may have broken a chair from pulling so hard on his restraints)
Absolutely melts tho when you’re soft with him, holding his hands while you ride him, caressing his arms and chest while leaving kisses all over his face.
Loves it when you edge and overstimulate him.
Needs lots of cuddles and praise afterwards, usually falls asleep on your chest.
He's just so cute and needy, literally everything you do turns him on. You’re cuddling? He’s hard. Dancing around the kitchen? Hard. Folding laundry? Hard.
Loves when you do extra little things to take care him or buy him lil gifts, it makes him feel special and appreciated!
Honestly, it takes so much work for him to let go and fall into a sub headspace, but once he does, he turns into such a clingy baby.
Like normally he looks kinda intimidating, but deep down he’s just a giant teddy bear.
You’re gonna need the cuffs for this one, for multiple reasons.
He gets so impatient sometimes and almost involuntarily tries to take over, bucking up into you or gripping your hands/hips to guide your movements.
He literally has to have his hands on you at all times, whether that grasping at your waist hips, groping your chest, or just holding your hands(not letting him touch you in one the biggest punishments for him)
Will actually beg to taste you or for you to ride his face, like he needs to be between your thighs, however brief it may be, or he’ll sulk.
As vocal as he is when he doms, he goes almost non-verbal when he’s really in sub-space, only letting out little whimpers and whines of your name.
Actually prefers looking after you during aftercare to help him come down, needs a fair bit of reassurance afterwards. “Did I do good?”(of course you did, you djehfksjdkwjf)
The best behaved boy. Choke him, cuff him, blindfold him, he’ll take whatever you give him and say thank you🥺
Not exactly a brat, but he can’t resist making sassy little comments to rile you up sometimes when he wants to be punished.
On the flip side, he’s very much a people pleaser and has a massive praise kink, so he needs to hear that he’s doing good and making you happy.(could probably cum untouched from just you petting and praising him)
Lets out the prettiest whines and moans when you ride or peg him
Loves dressing up for you, whether in pretty little lingerie pieces, or a shirt/outfit in your favorite color for date night.
Lowkey sugarbaby vibes. He gets so blushy and smiley when you buy him lil gifts like jewelry or accessories and always makes sure to wear them for you cause he’s your pretty little baby.
Has a slight oral fixation and tends to fall asleep while sucking on your chest, fingers, or even your neck.
Puppy. Just an absolute puppy, like actually call him that pls, he will dissolve.
He is slightly into petplay, but nothing too extreme, mainly just a pretty collar for you to pull him around by or to hold onto while he rides your strap-on.
Definitely has his bratty moments every now and then, but he really can’t handle a lot of punishment, so he’s always super apologetic.
Lowkey voyeuristic, loves the idea of someone seeing or overhearing the two of you together and just how much of a mess you make him.
Dresses up for you, whether that’s lingerie or just a sweater you really like on him(tho he will come to you wearing nothing but that, like a reverse of the ‘wearing their shirt’ thing)
He's surprisingly good at keeping edged and overstimulated, so he can handle and actually really likes long, drawn out handjobs.
Really likes non-sexual shows of dominance from you. Like when you treat him to meals/drinks, or hold onto him to guide him around, it makes him feel cared for.😊
Right on the line between good boy and brat. He likes to run his mouth and challenge you, but once you start doling out punishments, he turns into the softest baby. “I’m sorry Jagi, I’ll be good, I promise. Please still let me cum!”🥺
Super unsubtle and touchy when he’s in a subby mood(tho, he’s not exactly subtle the rest of the time either, so), kneading your hips as he grinds against you, pleading softly for you to please come help take care of his ‘problem’.
So fucking squirmy, he can’t keep still even if he tried, hips bucking and twitching involuntarily with every little touch.
He’s just soo sensitive and cums super fast whenever he subs.
He’s very middle ground on kinks and everything. He likes a lot of the harder stuff like bondage and degradation, but he needs some softer treatment mixed in and a lot of aftercare to balance out or else he’ll feel bad.
He actually really loves it tho when you make him cry from teasing and overstimulation.
Lowkey loves when you look after him in non sexual ways, making sure he’s alright and letting your protective side show through.
Taglist: @sopebubbles-replies @btsw1fe @this-must-be-my-tardis @whitefoxgirl @bethanysnow @coffeedepressionsoup @main-bangtansmauyeondan @feminympho @a-gayish-unicorn @captainorangegoose @k4ngelz
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cheeseceli · 2 months
Helping you recover from a surgery
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Pairing: ot7 BTS × Gn!reader (individually)
Genre: fluff, reactions
Request: BTS x s/o who had to have surgery and is trying to recover with their help
Warnings: mentions of food on Jin, Jimin and Taehyung's; body insecurities on Taehyung's; non sexual nudity on Jin's (barely there though)
A/n: low-key can be read as "they take care of their sick s/o" as well | daily click
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‌You're literally not allowed to move a single finger
‌This man is ready to do everything and anything for you
‌Even the nurses feel a little bit useless when they see him because bro is really doing everything already😭
‌And with that I mean he's helping you move from a room to another if you need, he's giving you food, he's helping you shower and so much more
‌Really just wants you to rest for now
‌And he's so light-hearted while doing that
‌You'd never feel like a burden during this time because he never shows he's tired or stressed with the situation
‌He does everything with a smile and poor jokes, and you just know he's glad to be able to be there for you
‌The best one when it comes to making you distracted
‌Even if you can't do anything besides laying down on bed, you'll barely feel bored with him there
‌Always has the most out of pocket topic to talk about
‌You truly don't know how his mind works but you're most definitely not complaining
‌Also watches all the dramas you wanted to watch with him before but had no time back then
‌Will do his best to not be bothered by work things as he wants to be focused on you
‌Would even block his manager's contact if that helped💀
‌But if he truly needs to work (and with that I mean TRULY needs), he will do it when you're sleeping
‌If he's working on new songs, might even write a song for you during this time
‌Bro was stressing when you were in the surgery😭
‌Talking with every doctor he could find and pacing around the hospital all the time
‌But when the time comes to talk to you after the whole process he just puts the biggest smile on his face
‌ He's honestly relieved to see you well
‌The good thing is that meanwhile he was panicking outside, he was also studying about what he should do once the surgery ended
‌He is almost an especialist now
‌The doctors are trying to give him advice and then he's like "oh yeah I know that, but you didn't mention this"
‌He's lecturing the doctors now
‌Summing up, you are in very good hands, don't you worry
‌He is kinda scared of messing up tbh
‌I see it as in a scenario where you haven't even got sick on the relationship yet, so a surgery is a big change
‌Of course, he wants to take care of you
‌And he will do his absolute best to help you
‌But he's kinda scared of making you feel useless as you really need to rest
‌And he'd hate to end up patronising you a bit or something like this
‌So he ends up helping you mostly in subtle ways
‌Where things are still done for you but not too noticeable, so you wouldn't feel like you're burdening him or something
‌And he would also take a break from work
‌No matter if the company is knocking on his door, he has his priorities set straight
‌You were still under the effect of anesthesia when you woke up, so you were a little confused as to why your room was full of things
‌Turns out Jimin got a little bit too excited when buying you gifts
‌So now you had a lot of your favourite sweets, a lot of different flowers, some teddy bears and God knows what more
‌He got a little embarrassed later but at least you liked it lmao
‌And he'll be sure that your favourite family members/friends got to visit you at least once
‌He'd be threatening your family so they would visit you lmao
‌If your relationship is public, he'd even show Armys comments wishing you a healthy and fast recovery
‌He's doing everything in his power to make you feel as loved as possible
‌Basically moves into the hospital
‌He's happily sleeping on the couch like that's where he lived his entire life
‌And when it's time to go back home, he's still with you
‌If you guys didn't live together back then, now you guys do
‌Either it's on his house or yours, he doesn't care, he is going to be glued to your hip
‌And although he doesn't like the fact that you are kinda ill because of the surgery, he loves to take care of you
‌He will cook for you, help you change clothes, will make your bed as cozy as possible, he's basically trying to make you feel like you're on a cloud all the time
‌After you're healed, if you are insecure of your new scars, he will most definitely reassure you of them
‌He still thinks you are beautiful, maybe even prettier now
‌The type to kiss your scars😔
‌Panics a little part 2
‌Like, he panicked once you told him you'd need to go through surgery
‌But after it I think he'd be alright
‌There was probably enough time for him to plan what he needed to do and to let the information sink in
‌He would try to make it as "playful" as possible
‌Doesn't want you to think of this as a problem, just something that happened
‌But the moment you complain about pain or something he's dialing his doctor
‌And he will do EVERYTHING for you and to you
‌Almost the same to Jin when it comes to wanting you to rest
‌Overall he is a bit lost but determined to make you feel as good as possible
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Masterlist | you'll probably like: when you struggle to eat (read with caution)
Thank you for reading <3
Taglist (open!): @yuyubeans @butnotmontana @lelewright1234
Dividers by @saradika-graphics | images 1 2 3
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sweetlyskz · 11 months
Emerald Gem||Chapter 3
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Chapter one|Chapter two|Chapter three|Chapter four|Chapter five|Chapter six|Chapter seven|Chapter eight|Chapter nine|Chapter ten(finale!)|
Pairing: Hybrid!OT7 x fem!reader
Overview: Living away from society has its perks. All natural food from your thoroughly cultivated farm, no nosy neighbors, and peace and security with your animals. But sometimes you did get lonely, having no one the talk to but the pigs. However, when 7 extremely wanted hybrids stable upon your deserted farm, everything changes.
Genre: Hybrid Au, Strangers to lovers, slow burn, smut, fluff
Warnings: Suggestive themes, language, mentions of abuse and trauma
Word count: 1.5k
He was avoiding you. You could tell. He made it very obvious. Each morning you woke up, he was going to sleep. And every night you went to sleep, he was just waking up, but he didn't dare leave the room, for fear that he would run into you.
Joon was still being Joon, and the Situation with Jimin made it worse. You weren't sure if he knew what happened between you and Jimin, but you didn't ask to find out either. However, he was eating more and more. At least he can trust you enough to eat your cooking. That's progress, right?
Before you knew it, the boys had been with you for two weeks. Some of them had become pretty comfortable. Taking the advice Taehyung gave you, you bought some cat scratchers for Yoongi. All of the wolf hybrids in the pack would go in the backyard to let all their energy out, except Joon. He just watched over them, scolding them whenever they would chase the chickens.
Jungkook was your new best friend. He stuck by your side like glue, your big buff teddy bear. Yoongi was quiet, reserved. He spoke to you often, but he tried not to talk for longer than a couple minutes. Jin and Taehyung were the best of help. He always cook meals, and when it's time to farm, he never lets you do anything yourself. Hoseok was still timid and flighty, but he was loyal. This group of dangerous hybrids was slowing becoming a loving family... very slowly.
"Seriously Tae, get your own!" Jungkook and Taehyung were fighting over the new snacks you had gotten them. One thing you learned about about kook was that he was very territorial over his belongings. That's why you had a specific drawer of snacks with his name on it.
Unfortunately, that wasn't enough to stop Taehyung.
"Just one bite, please!" They were playing tug of war with the bag of chips. Jungkook was winning. "You have a whole box of them! I can't have just one?"
"No! You can't", he protested. While trying to tear the chips from Tae's grasp, the bag rips, chips flying in the air and landing all over the kitchen.
"Look at what you did!" Tae accused, bending down to pick everything up. A broom would've been more efficient but he wasn't sure where you kept it. "Hurry up and help me clean before Y/n sees it!"
Swiftly, Jungkook helps pick up the salty potato chips. Before exiting the kitchen, they look around one more time to make sure there wasn't even a single crumb on the floor.
And with that, the argument over the chips was over, never brought up again...
You noticed that Jimin loved hanging out in your greenhouse, admiring all of your colorful flowers. You wanted to give him some space, but while watching him walk around the greenhouse you had the urge to join him.
"Those are vincas, by the way", you whispered loud enough for him to hear you, fiddling with your fingers.
He appeared to be startled by your presence- rightfully so. His mouth hung open, looking as if he wanted to say something. You stoped him before he could get the chance.
"Before you say anything. Let me just apologize first-"
He shook his head. "Don't. There's no need to apologize. You did nothing wrong... I should be the one apologizing. I know that hybrids and humans aren't allowed to interact i-in that way- very selfish of me."
"What are you talking about?" You may have done a lot of research on hybrids, but you never did any on their relationship with people. Maybe you should've...
"In the lab they always told us..", Jimins mind went back to the days he wished to never remember.
The lab was cold, ice cold. Stuffed in cages, the wolves shivered, huddled together for warmth. One by one, the men in lab coats sedated the wolves, fearing being bit by them.
"This one is feisty!" The researcher laughed, holding the hybrid by the spikey collar as the medicine kicked in. The others in the cage kicked and pulled on the metal bars.
"Please! He's tired, he can't take anymore!" The pack leader begged. "Take me! Take me instead, I'll do anything."
The researcher came up to the cage with a cane, banging it on the bars. "Listen here, mutt", he hissed. "Each of us have a part to play. Your is to be obedient to your superiors, understood?"
The other men laughed and applauded him for putting Joon in his place. "That's right! Show him what happens when mutts defy humans..."
Everyone in the lab agreed, shouting as if the lab had become the coliseum. A fox hybrid ran up to the bars, getting down on his knees, head pointed to the floor.
"Please excuse him, sir. We know are place is and will always be behind these bars. Please have mercy", he pleaded.
The researcher smirked. "Always remember your place. You will never have what we have. No human will ever want you, not even as a pet- definitely not as a lover. Remember this- your barely human, and will never be treated as such..."
Jimin was heavily drugged up, laid out on the surgery table. However, what the researcher said, his words- Jimin remembered every last bit of it. It still rang in his ears. You will never be treated as human...
And so, if I'm not going to be treated as one, why try and act like one? Why not let my wolf counterpart take over? These thoughts dangled over Jimin's head. And with those thoughts, he used every last bit of his strength to stab one of the researchers with a knife- the same knife they were gonna use to rip him open.
Namjoon grabbed the other man through the metal bars, choking him until his eyes rolled backwards. Jimin rolled off of the table, and the rest is a blur.
Next thing they knew, the men in lab coats were dead, and all of the hybrids in the lab were freed by Jimin's hands. With how weak he was, it truly was a miracle. He saved the lives of over a hundred hybrids.
The next few months after, these hybrids hid in the woods, using their primal instincts to survive. Maybe those men were right. Maybe they were never human to begin with.
That's what they thought, but those thoughts went away when they met you. The person who was kind enough to let them in their home, give the somewhere to rest their head. It was you. You were their person.
But sadly, you couldn't erase the damage that had been done. You couldn't get rid of the bad memories, the mistreatment. And that moment you showed a bit of affection for Jimin, he was elated, but the voices started speaking to him.
And then men in the lab coats came to him saying, this won't last forever...
"Why didn't you tell me? I don't ever want to make you uncomfortable in any way!"
Jimin told you his story, his deep-rooted fears. You both laid in a field of daisies as he confided in you. It's difficult for you to explain the emotions you were feeling as he told his past. Sympathy? Rage? Both?
"Because... A part of me- actually all of me wanted to. I want to be yours. But the thoughts- they're stuck in my brain and resurface every time I get even a little bit of hope." Jimin's head hung low, picking the flowers from the fresh soiling and plucking each petal one by one.
She loves me...she loves me not... she might love me?
You grabbed his hands gently, holding them between yours. "Look at me", you asked him softly. He obeyed, of course.
"You are half wolf, that part is true. But Park Jimin, you are human! You more human than any human I've ever encountered! You're kind, charismatic, and the most thoughtful person I have ever met.
Your words brought tears to his eyes, and seeing him cry made you eyes swell, too. You enveloped him, hugged him tightly- but not too tight. Just enough to show how much you mean it. Then you placed a loving kiss on his forehead.
"You deserve this, Minnie." The new nickname perked his ears. You could tell he liked it. "You deserve life. An amazing fucking life."
"T-thank you", he whispered. "I- I can't thank you enough."
"Don't thank me. Just get better. Seeing you hurt makes me hurt. And seeing you scared makes me scared. I swear on everything I love that you will never go back there, or anywhere."
"But, once Joon is ready, we'll be gone", Jimin confessed. "I don't want to leave, but he also has his own story to tell."
You pondered, never daring to remove Jimin from your grasp. Maybe you can convince him to stay permanently? Maybe there is something you can do to ease the pain...
"Don't worry your pretty little head, just rest." You gave his hair a fluff, earning a cheesy smile from him. And just like that, you both napped in the field of daisy, his arms wrapped around your waist and your hands holding his head close to your chest.
You have to make things right...
~Taglist! (closing soon!!)
@yoongicatcat @wifflepuff1344 @unwillingly-oblivious @shycreationdreamland @emer-syn @rinkud @amimami1991 @singukieee @nikkiordonez12 @xicanacorpse @cestlabellemort @whipwhoops @spider-thot0115 @ddaeng-angmoh @silscintilla @readerofallthingss @welcometomyworld13 @danielle143 @kookiesbunny @yoongiigolden @woozixo@anaspectoflife @blackrockshooter780 @famousdelusionobservation @jewishmommy @talyaaas-blog @eashmo @jaiele @kaceypdf @reallysparklychaos
~Permanent taglist!
@famousdelusionobservation @marblemoonstones @stupendousliteraturewritingoaf @fearnotfimmie @v-love @tired7o7
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livewithyura · 8 months
you may have just written the perfect smut….. So you have inspired me: Dating Tekken 6/blood vangance Jin Sfw and Nsfw headcanons
Tekken 6 Jin x Fem Reader! Headcanon ! ✦( sfw/nsfw )
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Pairing : Tekken 6 Jin/Fem reader .
Warning : MINOR DNI , NSFW.
Answer : OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH! I was embarrassed by myself while writing smut , thank you for that words! That's a hard request since Tekken 6 Jin is a TOTAL JERK! But I also think he has that 'twisted' kindness in him since he's born to be a Kazama child! Hope you enjoy anon , I'm not that expert in writing and I tried so hard to keep him in character. I hope I done your request nicely .
Information about request : Sorry! I will try to do it faster! I have a history exam in next week so just put it in my inbox I will make sure to make it. But don't worry I will try to do one or 2 in a day . I just organize my time for my writing so you guys can still request! Btw all of the request are so good! probably will make it!
Jin's love language's totally 'act of service' . He's not good at paraphrasing his own words . He also believes that actions speak louder than words . You always find yourself receiving a bouquet of flower and Your comfort food at your own table . He will also write 'it reminded me of you' on a sticky notes .
He's a frickin CEO of a big military company , he must be rich asf but he never admit it . He always hands you his black card as casually as if he were giving you a piece of paper. He also will spoil you too much . He will bring you to a lavish restaurant and shopping trip just to spoils you .
You receive a gifts almost everyday . Expensive jewelry , a big ass teddy bear , flowers .
Yes, at one point, you mentioned your love for reading books, and he went ahead and bought the book café just for you.. "You know the book café from street 191?" "Yes...wait...DON'T TELL ME YOU JUST--" "It's yours now" "EH WHY?" "Princess , I tell you It's yours now . Don't let me repeat myself"
You can order a coffee or other beverages for free and read a latest popular book in there .
He will also act like he's busy with work . But thinking the fact you will go alone is much WORSE .
"Jin...I thought you have a business call?" "the meeting wrapped up early , I kinda bored so I'm here to be with you . Please appreciate my effort as I willingly to join your stupid shopping spree" Meanwhile his inner monologue : [I hurried over as soon as possible because I care about you, damn it.
"Stupid shopping spree..? If you don't want to be here then it's okay? I don't ask you to be here , you can rest" "For you [Y/N], I would rather be bored 'here' than being alone without you"
More textual evidence that shows he's actually care for you Whenever you're leaving his side while choosing clothes, he goes into a frenzy trying to find you. "Please search for [Y/N]," he immediately instructs his bodyguard to locate you.
"I'm right here dude" "god dammit [Y/N]" after that , you will make fun of him .
Yes , you're his pet . But whenever you're mad or hurt he will switch up and be your pet . "Do you want anything princess?" "Are you sick? You don't eat the dessert that I bought for you , tell me what's wrong?" He will positioned himself below you whenever you're sick or mad at him .
This man would prefer to endure an awkward conversation with you than be separated from you.
He always invite you to his office whenever you're free . "So..Jin..what do you want?" "Just stay"
He rent a penthouse just for you two to hangout , the penthouse symbolize the sense of comfort in himself . He becomes incredibly open about himself when he's in that penthouse with you.
He will have a shower with you , sitting in the bath up and caresses your body/hair/face "Even when you're being incredibly annoying....I still love...I will always come back to you.." He said that while stroking your wet hair .
He will put you into bed , "Can we just spend the entire night..with you on top of me...princess?"
Also , he will picks you up with his motorcycle . "Hop on , princess. I will take you far away from here...if you don't mind?" He will leave a slight smirk while looking at you . "So evil" That's the words that entertain him .
He's dominant , he want to be on top of you , bullying your sweet little cunt with his huge cock . He always remind you , your place when he's in charge . "Who do you belong to , princess?" "You"
He enjoys public sex but not too much , he still want a privacy . He loves the fact that you try to not make noise while his cock bury in your tight little cunt . He loves to fuck you in his office and um his HELICOPTER . [ whenever he's alone , he ask Nina to leave him with you in his helicopter ]
He also don't care when he's on the phone , He will fuck your pussy anyways . "This is Jin" He picks up the phone while his dick's still inside of you continue to fuck while he discussing his business with Nina or Eddy .
"Where's your panties , sweet little thing? My sweet princess really want to cum in my private helicopter hm?" He said that while circling your clits while his hand firmly grasps your chin.
He loves to see you playing with yourself , he bought a toy just for you to play with it . Watching you fucking yourself with his toy that he bought for you just send him into paradise . "Yes princess , cum for me" he said that while his eyes ogling your body .
Whenever you're not with him , he will make you wear a vibrator . You think it's hot so you just agree with it until you clit is swollen and wet because of it . Finally you face him in his office "Lift up your skirt , princess " He will remove it if you're not comfortable with it . He will apologize seeing your pussy being wet because of the vibrator . "Sorry princess , how was your day?"
He loves to place you on his lap , make you riding his lap while he bounce you on his leg . "Say the magic words princess"
Then he will make you hop on his cock .
Oh this man love spanking you but only when you're disobeying him . "Count for me princess" then he start to spank your ass while your entire body on his lap . "I don't know this spanking session can make your cunt this wet , princess"
He don't like to breed you or cum inside you .
Instead , he will cum on your face . "Ah...Such a messy princess"
★ Written by @livewithyura Why you want to copy this crap? I also take inspiration from my fav romance novel . You can reblog and share !
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ratherbefangirling · 1 month
Come back to me
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Prologue : Let me love you
Pairing: Idol Jimin x closeted fan reader
Genre: Yandere, slowburn(Like way too much back story), Romance, Idol AU.
Note: I've used some actual incidents told by the group and twisted them for storytelling. Please remember this is fiction.
I've tried using a bit of red text here for impact I think 😅
Warning ⚠️: Yandere content. Mentions of extreme dieting. And somewhat body shaming.
Before you know anything else there is something you must know first.
Ever since he was little, Jimin has been a sweet sweet boy .
With Saccharine smiles and honeyed eyes.
So sweet that it might end up choking you.
A lovely lovely angel.
Always taking good care of all that is precious to him.
Holding on to his things forever.
That one Teddy his parents gifted him when he was young, Jimin still has it. Even if he had to break his younger brothers nose to keep it. But that's alright young brothers do fight very often. And Jimin did cry a lot later because he was so sorry.
You should also know that Jimin likes being praised. He was so perfect afterall.
A perfect son, a perfect brother, a perfect student, a perfect friend. So why should not he be revered. Why should he not be worshipped?
Therefore the natural course of showing his worth was becoming an idol.
Unreachable. Untouchable. Perfect.
His parents had reservations but seeing his determination they couldn't help but agree. Convincing his parents was a piece of cake they were wrapped around his little fingers and his adorable eye smiles and they couldn't bear to make him sad or heaven forbid angry. Who could resist him. Until you ofcourse.
Joining Bighit could have been a rude awakening, but Jimin only saw it as one thing. A road to perfection and greatness. Every hero needed tradegy besides it was a perfect playground, even when he had to starve and lay sleepless it didn't bother him at all. It was a means to a greater goal. Because once Jimin decided something, he had to have it. No matter what.
Then the boys, his members. Sweet fools all of them, but never mind their naivety he adored them for it afterall. The more kind the more foolish the easier to control.
That doesn't mean it was easy.
Among the members Jin seemed to have adopted Jungkook so Jimin approached Jungkook and got into a little group with them. Taehyung was a baby who wanted to be looked after ( ignored by his parents raised by his grandmother so vulnerable so sweet) so that was easy. He loved spoiling Taehyung too. Him and Hobi were also joined by the hip these days while initially Hobi seemed to be just outwardly friendly, acting cute around him was the way to go, harmless but talented, eager to learn eager to please..
Rapmoster rarely had the time to interact with them, he was the star Jimin could tell but he too wanted to belong Jimin could tell. So he let himself be the person Namjoon could come to. Who felt close to him by teasing Jimin and that was fine by him. Suga was a tough nut to crack but really, it was just a matter of time that outer facade to crack and him getting attached with the group. One could argue that after Jungkook the one who dreaded the group breaking apart most was Yoongi.
As if it were all planned his struggles only helped him. The boys recognised his hardwork and no one felt threatened by him because ofcourse he was so innocent and so very helpful and if that made him their choice to hang out with then Jimin found no reason to complain. And Jimin loved them all equally like a dragon loves his hoard, always believed the more the merrier.
All in all, Jimin could not complain.
Then Hobi hyung wanted to leave. Jimin heard Hoseok talking to the staff. For a moment he was shocked. Then he rushed off to Namjoon. Jungkook and Namjoon had been together when he confessed to them.
Rap Monster had rushed to talk to the staff and Jungkook had latched onto Hoseok to make him stop. And when Hoseok had come back he was ready with open arms.
Something ugly had reared his head in Jimin that day.
He had decided then. BTS would stay together forever.
Ofcourse it wasn't an easy feat.
Jimin had a tendency to breakdown whenever he felt they could leave. And they would learn but no one would dare say it loud because who would risk hurting Jimin.
Despite this work ultimately interfered and caused Jimin and V to have one of the largest fights when he left for his drama. That was probably the longest the two had gone without talking to each other.
Then he had went on an extended diet not eating for ten days and ended up in a hospital and then everything was fine again.
Now Taehyung always made sure Jimin ate even before eating himself.. what did army call it soulmate behaviour. And Army even liked the sunken cheeks.
Traitors. The recesses of his brain whispered. They used to call my chubby cheeks cute.
It was fine as long as they loved him. Right?
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The city at night glimmers, its busy. In a different way from the morning rush which is cold,alien. The city at night is lovers embracing, Friends getting drunk in huge hoards, it felt even more rough on you that particular night.
You walked lifeless, lost in your head. You thought you heard someone scream at you for walking carelessly. But wouldn't it be easy to get hit. But no that would be inconvenient. You had no one who could/ would care for you.
You enter a coffee shop. You hadn't eaten anything today. Maybe some fresh bread might soothe your stomach and the bitterness of coffee bring you to your senses. The music plays but it's simply background noise. Until you find yourself listening. It's better than what's inside your head. You take a bite of your sandwich. And you chew slowly focusing back on the music. It's better to listen than to look at the people.
🎵That’s right, fuck, I live because I can’t die/But I don’t have anything I want to do/I’m in so much pain and loneliness but people around me/Keep telling me to regain my consciousness/I try to vent my anger but I only got myself/So what’s the point of venting my anger/I’m scared to open my eyes everyday and start breathing🎵
You tear up. For the first time in a long time. You feel something that is not desolation. You quickly search up the song.
So far away by Agust D. The search displays. And you pick up a random Spotify playist. And that changes everything.
The first few days pass. You look up for the band he was part of. You Google their names. You arbitrarily click on 'min yoongi being the most reliable idol' and down the rabbit hole you go.
The next morning you are sleep derived but in a very good mood. You go to class. And maybe it's fate but you see the very idols you discovered as someone's phone wallpaper. You decide to talk to her later.
And you would have. If your teacher hadn't given out answer sheets to a mock test. And decides to publicly shame the lowest scorers.
He too spots the wallpaper. And gives a lecture you shudder to remember. So from that day you decide you'll never let anyone know.
You still go to her. Kim Jieum.
"Sir was unnecessarily harsh." You tell her. "I came across them recently they're good."
"You did. Who's your bias?"
"My bias?"
You can see sparkle in her eyes. Then starts your orientation into fangirling. Really you feel like Hannah Montana. A normal girl by day and a fangirl the other times.
Your days are spent in work, chores and anything you need to do. With a bts playlist Jieum made specially for you. Then it's your time. It's spent on fanfiction, old and new content and voting and fan edits.
You find a good balance but guilt continues. Your feelings start getting out of hand. You start spending days day dreaming unlikely scenarios. Every other day you go to the place where they sell merch and albums and you loiter around.
You're sure the shop owner thinks you have no money but that's not entirely true. You're just not sure you'll be able to stop once you start.
Still sometimes people hand you freebies and you really can't make yourself throw them away so you keep on hiding them inside a shoe box under your bed. And perhaps you would have continuities this double life of yours if that fateful encounter didn't happen.
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Permanent taglist : @exfolitae ; @cryingpages ; @outrobtsnd
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wolf-na · 2 months
wolf keum — heart bloom
summary : you’re one of the best students at ganghak and you live your life following a perfectly planned routine. but what happens when the scary, charismatic and notoriously famous delinquent, wolf keum starts gravitating around you?
genre : acquaintances to lovers, fluff, angst, oc is insecure, wolf is down baaaaad, the fic’s VERY long (oops)
It’s not your style to be late to school. You’re never behind on assignments and always get exceptionally good grades. You’re not loud in the hallways or at the cafeteria.
You exist in peaceful silence, only making yourself known when you need to. So you can’t help the eye roll and rush of anger when the classroom door is being yanked open in the middle of your presentation.
Wolf Keum barges inside the room, bag pack loosely hanging over his shoulder and a helmet in his hand. He doesn’t say a word, barely acknowledges the glare coming from your teacher and takes his seat at the back.
"Wolf, what an honor having you in today!" your teacher says sarcastically.
Why is he even here anyway? You don’t recall seeing Wolf coming to school that early in the morning, not that you pay attention to him ever for that matter. You just so happen to have attended the same institutions since preschool and you remember him being an adept for cutting classes almost your whole life.
Wolf doesn’t reply to your teacher and you gulp. What were you saying? Ah, that stupid boy interrupted you and now all your focus is gone. You’re not worried about your grade, you could stop speaking right now and still get an A. No, you’re worried because now you can feel the eyes of all your classmates on you.
Before any presentation in front of a full classroom, you feel like you’re going to die. You don’t know why you feel this way but you can’t seem to control the nerves, the way your stomach twists and your racing heartbeats.
You live your life in silence, surrounded by your small friend group and absolutely hate having to stand in front of a whole group to talk. You’re aware that most of them don’t even listen to you, too busy scrolling endlessly on their phones, but it still freaks you out.
"Y/N, please continue."
Now’s not the time to panick. You did manage to hold yourself together for ten minutes and forget the presence of the students in the room, you can do it again.
Eyes landing on your best friend, Myung, you relax when she gives you a playful wink.
But you miss the way Wolf’s attention lands on you when he hears the teacher speaking your name.
/\ /\ /\
\/ \/ \/
The sun is long gone when your shift at the coffee shop finally ends. From where you are, behind the counter, you can see the wind blowing, shaking the tree branches strongly.
With a tired sigh, you put on your sweater and grab your bag, ready to go home and work for a few hours before calling it a day.
"See you tomorrow, Y/N !" your manager says with a smile.
"Bye Subin !"
You wonder how someone can be so energetic after working for over ten hours. Actually, you don’t remember ever seeing your manager yawning or complaining at work. Is this what it’s like to be passionate about something?
No, Subin must’ve had some bad days. You probably just weren’t there to witness it. Still, you ponder over the possibility of loving something so much that your life feels like a peaceful adventure.
The more you think about it, the more you realize your own life feels peaceful. You follow the same routine every day —not planned by the minute but almost.
But something inside of you yearns for more. Everything feels bland and monotonous.
Your heart drops in your chest when you spot a large group of men leaning against a wall on your left. It’s the same thing every time you go home after a closing shift. You follow the same route and always pray that the street you take will be filled with other people so you can walk unseen.
Before you can walk past them, a figure pops in front of you, forcing you to halt your steps.
"Hey there."
You’re screwed, you know it. The man standing in front of you is tall and scars cover his bulky arms. You can spot a few tattoos on his fingers and one on his neck, he has to be part of a group of delinquents.
Myung is obsessed with some sort of ranking, you don’t remember the name of it, but you know Wolf is in it.
However you’ve never seen the boy in front of you so you know he doesn’t go to your school. If he isn’t some dropout, of course. Not that you would judge someone for dropping out, you just don’t see the appeal in fighting and spreading fear all over the city.
"Where are you going this late?"
Wait, is he seriously trying to have a conversation? Most of the time, the men whistle, say hello and go back to their business.
Whatever, you can just pretend you didn’t hear him and walk past him. What else can you do anyway?
You step aside and start walking but the man is quick to catch up and stands in front of you, again. Your heart is racing faster than ever at this point.
"Which school do you go to?" he asks with an awkward smile.
You frown at the contrast between his stance and his looks. He looks genuinely flustered, scratching the back of his head with a tiny smile on his face.
Nonetheless, you’re not interested and don’t plan on having a chat with him.
"Please, stop bothering me."
Your voice came out softly, almost pleading and you mentally curse for appearing so weak. You would give anything to be assertive and threatening when necessary.
Voices echoing from a nearby street and coming closer cause you to look over your shoulder.
"Yeah, no, it doesn’t matter how we get the files, I need them by the end of the week."
Wolf and Hwangmo walk towards you, both of them holding a beer can as Wolf lights a cigarette. Your presence in this street, so late at night, seems to spark their interest as they stop walking and eye you suspiciously.
Wolf’s attention lands on the man blocking your way before he looks back at you. Why are you here? He’s seen you walking this way a few times in the past, he knows you work in a coffee shop but you never stay in this area.
"I go to Yoosun."
Okay, now this man doesn’t know when to drop the ball apparently. Weren’t you clear enough earlier when you asked him to leave you alone? Maybe your voice was weak but your word choices were not.
That is when knowing how to fight could be a good asset because this man deserves a good beating for disturbing your schedule and messing up with your heart rate. Except, you don’t know how to fight. What a shocker.
The way Wolf called out your name sends chills down your spine and your entire body shudders when you look back at the most feared delinquent from your school.
He is blowing some smoke, carelessly giving his beer can to Hwangmo as his eyes are locked on you, "Is he bothering you?"
That is when the man realizes who is standing a few feet away from him. Suddenly, his face turns white and his eyes drop to the floor, "Uh, no, n—no."
Really? All it takes for a man to leave you alone is for another man to show up? You know Wolf is feared amongst the crowd, it isn’t that surprising considering the way he ruthlessly fights, but what would’ve happened if Wolf and Hwangmo didn’t show up?
The man steps aside in a second and this becomes your last straw, "Wait, is this a joke?"
The three men perk up at your voice and Wolf smirks as he watches you stepping closer to the man with a finger pointed towards him, "I told you to leave me be and you didn’t want to!" You point your finger towards Wolf, "Now he shows up and you obey like a little puppy?"
You can feel the way the heat has reached your cheeks and how your fingers tremble from the anger and rush of adrenaline. Suddenly, it hits you. You’re screaming at a man you don’t know, in the middle of the street, at night.
What are you doing? This isn’t you, doing things like this doesn’t feel right. What if this man decides to follow you and make you pay for the humiliation? You wouldn’t be able to defend yourself.
You come to your senses and drop your hand down. Fixing the strap of your bag on your shoulder, you scratch your throat, "Whatever, just leave me alone."
Before the man can even breathe, you’re walking away, heart pounding in your chest and unaware that Wolf’s eyes followed you until your figure disappeared around the corner.
And Wolf gladly beat this guy to a pulp afterwards.
/\ /\ /\
\/ \/ \/
The shriek coming out of Myung’s lips painfully rings in your ears and you hiss, shaking your hand to shush her down.
"Oh my god, you gotta be kidding me!" Myung exclaims, gesturing for your other friend Bongcha, "Girl, come here right now!"
You love Myung, you do. But you don’t understand why she’s freaking out like this. You were expecting her to look anxious when telling her what happened to you the night before. Instead, you spot a glimmer in her eyes and she carries that expression on her face, the one she has when she reads a good book or when her crush winks at her in the hallways.
When Bongcha stops in front of you two, Myung grabs her arm and leans forward, "Y/N’s the main character now."
Bongcha seems unimpressed and you shake your head in despair.
"We can change Wolf’s name and call him knight in shining armor."
You cringe at Myung’s words, "Please, don’t. He didn’t even do anything."
Myung shoves her phone in your face, showing you a webpage. It looks like a forum and the title says « Wolf Keum VS Yoosun prick ».
"So? He got into a fight, what a surprise."
Myung sighs, "With the guy who was harassing you last night."
Bongcha jumps in, "I don’t think he needs a reason to get into a fight."
"Thank you," you say, looking back at Myung, "You have to stop thinking everything is the beginning of a rom com."
"But I can see Wolf falling for a perfect student," Myung replies. "And you’ve known each other your whole lives!"
Myung’s face falls when neither you or Bongcha react. "Oh come on, you can’t say he doesn’t look hot too! All the girls have a crush on him!"
"Go after him if you think he is so hot."
Myung grimaces, "No, he is too popular. I wouldn’t like the lifestyle of being a leader’s girlfriend, I need my man to be a more discreet delinquent."
You chuckle at that and focus back on your notebook only for Myung to crouch down in front of you, "Y/N, don’t deny Wolf’s hot. I’m not asking you to go after him."
Now, it would be a lie to say Wolf isn’t attractive. Actually, you always thought he was rather cute and maybe, maybe, you’ve had a crush on him for a few years. But your crush dwindled with each of his fights until, eventually, he just became the personification of violence and chaos.
Your eyes meet with Myung’s, "I never said he wasn’t."
Myung squeals in excitement, saying something you can’t quite hear. But you know your best friend, you just need to let her imagine things until she starts obsessing over something else.
The rest of your day goes by smoothly until something rather strange happens during your shift at the coffee shop.
You have one hour left. No, actually, fifty eight minutes until you can finally go home, do some homework and crash in your bed.
Customers are rare at such an hour, the few that come around are here for a sweet treat after a long day at work or a shot of expresso before the beginning of their night shifts. There is a hospital right around the corner and nurses and doctors are amongst the coffee shop’s most loyal regulars after 7pm.
Today’s shift was rather calm, allowing you to work on an essay that you’d been postponing for a week.
The bell taped over the door chirps, signaling a new customer. You quickly place your notebook under the front desk and tug at the hem of your apron. Inside of your brain, you pray you don’t forget the sentence you were just about to write down for your essay.
"Hello— Oh!" Your voice cracks and the smile on your face vanishes when your eyes land on the customer.
He is standing right there, in front of you, still wearing his school uniform as his hands are clasped over a file holder tucked under his arm.
"Hello," he says, his eyes burning holes into your skin under his glasses.
You’ve been working in this café for two years, it is the very first time you’ve seen Wolf in there. Is he even a coffee person? You’ve always assumed he was more of an alcohol person. Well, it didn’t help to stumble upon him and his group of friends walking in and out of bars and clubs during the weekends.
You realize you’ve been frozen in your spot way too long when his mouth stretches into a tiny smirk and you cough awkwardly, "Hm, what can I get for you?"
Wolf hums, looking up to check the menu hanging on the wall behind you. His eyes linger for a few seconds before finding yours again, "Whatever you’d like."
Wait, what? Is this some sort of joke? What does he mean by that? The awkwardness clinging onto your skin morphs into distress and you blink, your eyes unable to part from Wolf’s.
His eyes are very pretty, you think. You don’t recall ever seeing him so close before. Well, actually there was one time. But you push the memory away. His glasses have slipped over the bridge of his nose and a tiny part of you really wants to reach forward and fix them for him.
Your heart jumps to your throat, what the hell is wrong with you? Oh, you will make Myung pay for planting a seed into your brain and talking you into admitting Wolf is good looking.
Wolf is a delinquent, part of a gang who fights and bullies people for money or whatever they do. You want nothing to do with him.
"It doesn’t help," you reply coldly. "A coffee, a tea, matcha?"
Wolf searches for your eyes but they’re focused on the large screen perched up on the counter separating you both. That is because, in the midst of your inner turmoil, you recalled something Myung told you once.
She was blabbering about her forum where all the delinquents were ranked and you were only half listening. Not that you didn’t care but she had been yapping for an hour at this point and you were done.
But she said one thing that stuck with you :
"Wolf has a three second rule."
"What’s that?"
"If someone keeps eye contact with him for three seconds or more, he fights them."
You’re pretty sure you almost broke the rule the moment you noticed how pretty his eyes looked. Damn, why would he come into the coffee shop? It’s not like he even knows what he wants to drink.
"Just make me your favorite drink," Wolf finally speaks.
Theory confirmed, he doesn’t know what he wants. You’re tempted to tell him that the only customers who ask to have your favorite drink are those who come back after asking for your number but you keep your mouth shut. You really don’t want to upset the man standing in front of you.
You pick your favorite drink on the screen and look up, "Wanna eat something with it?"
Wolf blinks, lips parting slightly at your question. You spot his eyes lowering on your face for a split second before he looks back at your eyes, "No, thanks."
"Here or to go?"
Here? What the hell, you really don’t picture Wolf staying inside a café with a drink he didn’t even pick himself. Maybe you’re in the middle of a weird dream?
"Okay, I’ll bring your drink in a few," you say. "Come back to pay only if you liked it."
Wolf smirks wider this time and you internally curse. He is just going to pretend he hated the drink and you’ll have to pay for it. What a great news, you being forced to pay for a drink you won’t even get to enjoy.
You’re such a shrunken mess when you start preparing your favorite drink —a dirty chai latte, that you barely pretend to like your job when a few other customers come in to buy something on the go. You should have just made Wolf pay like you would do with every other customer hitting you with the very famous and unoriginal “make me your favorite drink”.
You barely glance at Wolf when you place the fuming cup in front of him, "There."
Some papers are splattered all over the table but you avert your attention quickly, definitely not interested in whatever Wolf does in his free time.
Instead, you go back behind the counter and pull out your notebook. You have an essay to write and it is definitely more important than to watch Wolf’s reaction to the drink.
Your essay is definitely more important. Then, why do you find yourself glancing at the purple haired boy sitting near a window as he slowly raises the cup towards his lips, leaning forward to smell.
You can sense hesitation in his demeanor, the way he waits a few seconds before taking the first sip. Damn it, why is your heart beating a little faster? Who cares if he doesn’t like the drink, you’ll pay for it and call it a day. You don’t even like the guy, actually, he is everything you hate.
You notice the way he blinks, his lips barely parting as if he just needed to take a larger breath. Fuck, why are you still looking at him? Might as well just put the money in the cash holder right now so you don’t forget before the end of your shift.
Wolf takes a bigger sip and releases a long breath before closing his eyes. That is when you tear your gaze away and try your best to focus on your essay. But you have to admit you completely forgot the sentence you wanted to write before Wolf walked in.
You’re minutes away from calling it a day and going home when Wolf pops up in front of you. He slides a bill on the counter, "For the drink."
Wait, he liked it? No, wait, he liked it and actually paid for it? You know that if you did that with someone else —anyone, they would jump on the opportunity to get a free drink. Even you would be tempted.
You blink and tear your gaze away from his eyes. You can’t forget the three second rule. But you wonder, would he fight a woman? He must’ve had pretty girls staring and throwing themselves at him, right?
Pretty girls… you almost laugh at yourself for putting yourself in this category. You don’t consider yourself bad looking but you don’t really see yourself shining amongst the crowd.
Oh god, can you just stop overthinking? What is wrong with you today? What if Wolf has girls throwing themselves at him day and night? He is a bad person and your crush on him was wiped off years ago, he can do whatever he wants.
"Thank you," you simply say.
You jump up in surprise when Subin walks out of his office, "Thank you for today, Y/N! Get home safe, I’ll see you next week!"
You can only nod, the words stuck in your throat as you were so focused on your thoughts you didn’t notice your manager’s presence until the last second.
These past two days were definitely too much for your heart to handle. You wonder if you forced these little unexpected things to happen when you thought about how bland your life could be sometimes.
Home. You have to get home. You have to stop thinking about Wolf, about Myung’s words, about everything that happened recently. There is no time for that on your agenda.
But you walk out of the coffee shop to see Wolf leaning against the wall with a cigarette hanging between his lips. What is he waiting for?
Whatever, this is none of your business.
Except Wolf starts walking a few feet behind you. Your heart is racing and your mind is running wild. Shit, maybe you broke the three second rule and he is waiting for the perfect opportunity to throw you in a dark alley and beat the hell out of you.
Should you just run? No, you already know he is faster than you. Definitely because you aren’t very athletic. Maybe you should call Myung? Yeah, to tell her what? That Wolf came to your workplace, asked for your favorite drink and actually paid for it even though he was offered the opportunity to get it for free on a silver plater? Definitely not. You can already hear her yelling at you to turn around and ask him “what are we”.
You love your best friend but her obsession with romance can really blur her thinking abilities.
Before you know it, you reached the place where the Yoosun kid bothered you last night. And the said person is actually there, leaning against a wall with a very bruised face. You open your eyes wide at his injuries, did Wolf really beat him that hard?
Because last time you checked, Wolf had his usual bandages on his face but his skin remained perfectly untouched.
Another boy is standing next to the injured boy. Now, you’ve seen him before. He doesn’t go to your school but you’re sure Myung showed you a picture of him because he is definitely her type.
"Wolf," the boy states as he gets off of the wall.
Jimmy? Yeah, you definitely heard that name before. Oh damn, Myung is going to kill you if she finds out you were in the middle of another fight between two delinquents.
"You beat one of my boys."
Okay, so Jimmy goes to Yoosun. Maybe it’s time for you to pay more attention to the things Myung talks about.
You hear a snicker coming out of Wolf’s throat, "He didn’t tell you what he did last night?" He stops for a few seconds, "What? Are you gonna stay quiet, you little shit?"
Wolf definitely didn’t fight this guy because he was harassing you last night. Something else must’ve happened after you left.
The words coming out of Wolf’s mouth make you stop dead in your tracks, "Harassing her."
You shouldn’t turn around. It’s best for you to ignore what you just heard. Wolf used that as an excuse when you know he just wanted to get into a fight. This has absolutely nothing to do with you.
"Wait, is she your girlfriend?" Jimmy asks with curiosity.
Now, you’re forced to spin on your heels to face the boy who just called you his girlfriend. Wolf’s eyes are already set on you, boring into yours as if to assess your reaction. But you’re just frozen on the ground, unable to process what just happened.
Fuck the three second rule, your eyes are locked on each other for much longer and he can come find you afterwards to fight you, you’ll find a way to hit him harder than any of his other opponents. What the hell is wrong with him?
The last interaction you’ve had with Wolf must’ve happened last year when he accidentally knocked you over when he was too busy chasing someone down the school halls. He did send you an apologetic look that day and it had been enough for you to move on with your day.
Today, even an apology wouldn’t be enough.
Jimmy grunts and lightly slaps the injured boy next to him, "Dude, not the girlfriends, you fucking idiot!"
Not the girlfriends? So, it’s okay to harass single women? You want to throw up at this point, men are such a lost cause.
"Apologize and we’re even," Wolf orders.
This is definitely a dream. You’re going to wake up in a few seconds and blame your brain for coming up with such an awful scenario, like seriously, couldn’t you just have a regular dream?
But the bruised boy sheepishly comes forward, stopping in front of you with his hands tied behind his back and his head dropped in shame, "I’m sorry."
You can’t help the grimace on your face, missing the way Wolf gloats watching the scene.
But what happens next is even worse. Wolf takes a few steps forward, closing the gap between you both and fixes the strap of your bag on your shoulder, "I have some stuff to deal with Jimmy, I’ll see you tomorrow."
Is your heart beating so fast you can feel it pulsing all over your body? Is this the beginning of a cardiac arrest? Because you find it hard to breathe, to think, to move. Why aren’t you repulsed by Wolf’s presence right next to you? Why did his fingers grazing over your shoulder feel so… warm?
No, you can’t let your imagination take over. You won’t let your brain fall into the realm of potential attraction and romantic possibilities. Wolf is a bad person, only using you as an excuse to explain his cruel ways.
If you recall correctly, Wolf is part of the largest gang in the city. And you’re pretty sure Yoosun students are a part of it as well. He only used you as an excuse to stay on good terms with Jimmy. For all you know, Jimmy is Yoosun’s top delinquent.
You’ll have to ask Myung tomorrow.
But Wolf’s eyes are still on you and, suddenly, you feel infinitely small. The heat that reached your body is burning your skin and tightening your throat.
You barely take a step back, nodding before you’re turning around and walking away with white dots covering your eyes.
/\ /\ /\
\/ \/ \/
You didn’t find it within yourself to tell Myung what happened with Wolf. It was almost two weeks ago and, ever since, Wolf came in the coffee shop three more times.
Always one hour before the end of your shift, always ordering a dirty chai latte, always drinking it sitting at the same table, always waiting outside with a cigarette between his lips, always walking a few feet behind you until you would reach this one street —the one where you were bothered by the Yoosun kid, only then he would stop following you.
Tonight is no exception.
Wolf is right there, smoking a cigarette as you get out of the coffee shop and start your walk home.
You really want to tell him that he is acting like a creep, no, an actual psychopath. You don’t understand how his brain works to make it seem acceptable to follow someone around without ever opening his mouth.
He only speaks to you when he orders his drink, what’s the point of sticking around afterwards? It’s not like men bother you at every corner, you don’t need protection. Even though, you know Wolf doesn’t care about that.
You’re about to reach the street where he usually stops following you when you finally turn around, forcing Wolf to stop walking. His eyebrows raise in surprise and you cross your arms over your chest, "What’s wrong with you? Uh?"
A silence lingers between you both, broken by honks and the laughter of people passing by.
"Why’re you following me around?" you ask strongly.
Wolf shrugs, "I’m not. We just have the same route."
"Lies," you spit. "What do you want?"
The amused smile on Wolf’s features grows as he watches you fuming in annoyance. He thinks the frown on your face is pretty adorable, just like he likes the way you rapidly stomp your left foot on the ground.
But he is the one frowning now when he notices you never look at his eyes for longer than a couple of seconds, "Do I scare you?"
You grimace, responding too quickly for your own liking, "No!"
"Then, why do you look everywhere but in my direction?" Wolf asks, genuinely curious. "Mmh, or maybe I’m not good looking enough for you."
What is wrong with this guy? You never asked to have him following you around like a stalker. You can’t seem to understand what brings him into your workplace when he skips classes almost every day. Wouldn’t it be more interesting for him to go to the bar with his friends?
Wolf doesn’t know why he started counting. The way your eyes bore into his does something to him he isn’t familiar with. One, but he wants more. Two, it’s not like you’re unpleasant to look at. Quite the opposite, actually.
Before he can count to three, your eyes leave his face. And the realization hits him like a truck. A light chuckle escapes his lips, "The three seconds don’t apply to you."
You huff in annoyance, glaring at him once more, "Oh yeah? And why’s that? Because the fight would be too boring?"
You don’t even know why you just said that. What did he mean? Is he messing with you? Well, yes, of course, you can’t think of any logical reason to explain his behavior towards you.
"You’re too pretty to fight with."
Your heart clenches in your chest and your stomach twists so hard you wonder if you’re not just about to be sick. No, you shouldn’t let his words win you over, he is definitely messing with you. There is absolutely no way Wolf thinks you’re… pretty.
Fuck, why did such a delinquent have to look so pretty that you can feel your heart drumming in your ears and a blush warming your cheeks. No, no, no, just turn around and go home. He can look as handsome as humanly possible, he is still dangerous.
"Nice one, I wonder how many girls fell for it," you seethe.
Next thing you know, you’re walking away without looking back.
/\ /\ /\
\/ \/ \/
"Please, Y/N! Please, please, please," Myung whines. "I am begging you! Just this once, I swear!"
Myung is quite literally begging you, on her knees with her hands clasped together abover her head. Apparently, she befriended a girl from Yoosun during her ceramics class and now she wants you and Bongcha to go to this party.
And you were right about Jimmy being Myung’s type because you perfectly recall the stars in her eyes when she mentioned he would be there. She shrugged it off like it was just a detail but she can’t fool you.
"Why do you need me there?" you grunt. "Bongcha said she’d go."
"I don’t need you, I want you to come," Myung corrects. "You need to let loose, you’re always studying or working."
It’s not that you hate parties, they’re okay. Sometimes. You just feel uncomfortable going to a party where you don’t know anyone. Well, besides your friends. And a part of you fears you’d stumble into Jimmy and that he would recognize you. What if he says something? Myung would definitely kill you.
You sigh, knowing Myung isn’t actually giving you a chance to refuse. You have to come clean and tell her everything. You don’t even know how you kept all of this to yourself for so long.
"Okay—" you barely said the word that Myung is jumping up and down with a loud shriek. You grab her arm, "Stop, stop. Please sit down and listen to me."
Myung complies, sitting on the edge of your bed with the biggest smile you’ve ever seen. You give her two minutes before her smile disappears and turns into a glare with what you’re about to tell her.
"Okay so I have some things to tell you," you start. "Please, don’t interrupt me and… don’t kill me."
When you live your house to go to the party, Myung is still yapping about what you told her. Luckily for you, she didn’t get mad. You think it’s because you provided her with the most unexpected rom com scenario but you’re not so sure about it.
"He is so into you!" Myung squeals, "This is even better than in the movies!"
"No, he is not, he’s just messing with me because he thinks it’s funny."
Myung and Bongcha share a knowing look, "You’re definitely not people smart, Y/N."
"Wait, do you really think someone like Wolf would be into me? You sound ridiculous."
"Actually, I have to agree with Myung right now," Bongcha joins in. "Just take a second to think about it. First, he gets into a fight with the Yoosun guy after he caught him messing with you."
"You agreed with me when we said he didn’t need any excuse to get into fights!" you fume.
Bongcha nods, "Yeah, but that was before he started coming into the coffee shop and calling you his girlfriend!"
Bongcha has a point but you don’t recall Wolf ever being into a relationship before. Well, you assume it’s happened because of all the girls who have a crush on him. But you don’t see why he would be into you. You out of all people.
You’re… normal. Definitely above average when it comes to school but you know that’s not something boys are interested in. They want the prettiest girl. And you don’t see Wolf being into someone like you. Because he is definitely out of your league.
Myung lets out a loud shriek and Bongcha’s lips crack into a playful smile.
Shit, did you just say that out loud? What the hell is wrong with you? Okay, Wolf might be very nice to look at but this quality can’t erase all his flaws. He is bad news and you don’t need that type of energy around you.
"I knew you had a crush!" Myung cheers, joyfully jumping up and down on the curb. "I remember how you freaked out when you were paired with him on that science project, I knew it, I knew it!"
You groan, "That was years ago, can you just drop it."
"Never!" Myung retorts, "How could I ever when I know you have a crush!"
You feel like you could dig a hole in the ground and bury yourself in it. Why are you so weak that just a few interactions with Wolf were enough to throw you back in time and revive the crush you had on him years ago? Are you really that weak? That desperate for any romantic trope?
Maybe you just need to look at another guy, any guy (as long as he’s not a delinquent), and your supposedly crush on Wolf will vanish quicker than it ever reappeared.
A light slap to the back of your head brings you out of your thoughts with a bang, "Ow! What was that for?!"
Bongcha doesn’t look sorry for the hit, "For saying he’s out of your league."
"Yeah!" Myung growls. "You’re gorgeous!"
You hum half-heartedly, deciding it’s best for you to stop fighting them. They’re your best friends, of course they will cheer you up and praise you. But does it really matter when you know Wolf is only messing with you because he must find it fun for the time being?
It’s only a matter of time before Wolf grows bored of this little game and goes back to ignoring your existence altogether.
The house is packed when you walk in with Bongcha and Myung. Music is loudly blasting and you’re quite sure you can see the walls vibrating because of the volume. People are screaming, singing and dancing in every corner, you can already feel your incoming migraine.
Why did you agree to come in the first place? Oh yeah, because your best friend can’t take no for an answer.
You don’t even ask Myung the content of the plastic cup she forcefully puts in your hands. One sip and you know it’s beer. You’re not really a fan but it’s better than the spiked punch sitting in a giant bowl in the kitchen.
Minutes pass by and you’ve already hit your socializing quota. You aren’t one for partying endlessly, even less for making small talk with people you won’t ever see again.
Myung is too busy looking for a certain orange haired boy and Bongcha is nailing a beer pong game as you feel your phone buzzing in your hand.
It’s an instagram notification.
You can feel all the color draining out of your face when you open the app.
KSJ liked your post.
You know that account. Wolf’s. It’s no secret that Wolf follows you on your socials. He’s been following you for a few years now.
But you never thought much of it since it was originally to keep in touch when you were paired together for school work. News flash, you always did all the work.
Now, you don’t post often on instagram and barely pay attention to the people who like your content. Last time you posted something was three days ago, how come he only likes it now?
You don’t want to let your brain imagine it’s because he stalked your account. First, because that’s just weird. Second, because he doesn’t have a crush on you. Plain and simple.
The only logical explanation is that he didn’t use instagram for three days and only saw your last post now. Still, it feels weird that he would go and like it. But before you can go deeper in your thoughts, a loud cheer makes you look up.
Jimmy is standing a few feet away, a finger pointed at you, "Hey! That’s Wolf’s girl!"
Wolf’s girl… You never expected to be called like that in your life. But you can’t ignore the way your heart skips a beat, well, you can only admit the defeat against yourself. Maybe your crush for Wolf never really left.
Fuck, you can’t let it settle in your heart. Double fuck, people you don’t even know think you two are dating.
You force a tiny smile, "Hi."
"That fucker couldn’t even come around by himself, he had to send his girlfriend," Jimmy chortles, causing a few of his friends to laugh. "I can’t fucking believe him."
He couldn’t come around by himself? What the hell is he talking about?
Jimmy pulls out his phone, quickly typing on his screen before his eyes flicker toward you, "You know I could take your boyfriend down any day, uh?"
The confusion turns into a frown. What does that have to do with you? And why should you care? Also, does Jimmy really think it’s impressive to flaunt his fighting skills? It makes him look ridiculous.
Jimmy’s phone is on speakers and you can hear a ringtone. Is he calling Wolf? And where are Myung and Bongcha when you need them? Coming here was a bad idea, you’ll make sure to remind Myung next time she tries to drag you to a random party.
Wait, wait. Did Jimmy say he could take Wolf down? Okay, you have to confess now. Maybe, maybe, you checked Myung’s forum one night when you couldn’t sleep.
Wolf’s voice echoes through the speaker right when you remember an information that invalidates Jimmy’s certitude, "What the fuck do you want, Jimmy?"
"Last time I checked, Wolf was ranked higher in the Shuttle Patch," you say calmly before you shrug. "Well, except if the ranking changed overnight."
Jimmy’s friends gasp, some of them laughing so hard they fold in half.
Jimmy, on the other hand, sends you a death glare. Chills run down your spine but what can you say? The informations you read seemed accurate and it looks like this guy needs to be put in his place. You can’t fight him with your fists but a few facts can definitely do the job.
Jimmy’s lips tremble before he focuses his attention on his phone, "Your girl’s pissing me off. I don’t know what you’re trying to do man but you better fix your shit before I send her back to you with a broken leg."
Well, you’re screwed. Oh how fun is it to be involved with gang members. You really want to kill Myung for dragging you here but you want to kill Wolf even more for pretending you’re dating. What was he thinking? If you ever wondered if he was smart before, you definitely have your answer.
He has to be the most stupid person on this planet and you’re pretty sure he doesn’t care one bit that Jimmy wants to see you get out of this house with a crushed bone. And why did you even open your mouth? Couldn’t you just do what you always did, stay quiet? No, you had to provoke him as if you didn’t stand on an enemy’s land.
Well, technically, Yoosun and Ganghak work together but you know they aren’t exactly friends.
"Got more things to say, smart mouth?" Jimmy taunts as he puts his phone back in his pocket.
Fuck, you are so screwed. There is no way you’ll talk your way out of this. You’re facing Jimmy and all of his friends, your own friends completely out of reach. Where the hell are they?
"Oh my god, girl, I love your dress," a familiar voice cooes. "Ugh, where did you get it? I’m obsessed!"
Myung grabs your arm, eyeing you up and down as if she didn’t help you pick your outfit two hours ago. But you quickly connect the dots. She is literally saving you from the situation you’re in. Did she hear everything Jimmy just said?
Myung turns to look at the boys and bats her lashes, "Sorry boys, gotta steal her for a bit. Girl talk!"
Before Jimmy can say anything, Myung drags you down the hall and locks you both in the bathroom. She turns around with a shocked look, "What the fuck was that?"
You’re a shivering mess, "I don’t fucking know! Fuck, he said he wanted to break—"
"Your leg! I know I heard!" Myung interrupts, "What a fucking asshole!"
"I need to get out of here!"
You really don’t want a party to turn into a visit to the hospital. Oh, you’ll make Myung and Wolf pay for this so hard. But that’s not your priority right now.
Myung stops pacing and turns to look at you, "The window."
Myung opens the bathroom window, "Get out through the window."
"Are you serious right now?"
"Dead serious," Myung says. "Get out, I’ll distract them."
Do you even have another option right now? Because walking out of the bathroom means risking another encounter with Jimmy. Still, climbing out of a house through a window? Isn’t this thing only happening in badly written movies?
Is there even a movie where characters escape a place through a window?
"Holy shit!" Myung sputters, shaking her phone in front of your face. "Wolf is here!"
It’s a text from Bongcha asking where you both are, that Wolf just showed up and is looking pissed.
Wolf is here? What is going on? The dream is lasting too long for your own liking. Who’s even in charge of the script because you need to have a little chat with them.
Myung yelps and your heart drops as soon as you recognize Wolf’s voice loudly echoing in the house. Can someone actually scream that loud?
Myung forcefully shoves you towards the door, expression torn between fear and excitement. You know she lives for the plot and you’re definitely providing her with a great show, "He’s so into you, girl! Ugh, just go!"
Your fingers slightly shake when they wrap around the doorknob. Wolf is standing in the middle of the living room, a hand latched on Jimmy’s shirt, eyes scanning the whole place. When they land on you, you feel smaller than ever before.
Wolf eyes you up and down, his gaze lingering on your bare legs a little longer than usual before he looks back at Jimmy, "Touch her and I kill you."
That’s the perfect opportunity to leave this place. So you take it. Walking past the crowd, you easily escape the house with your heart drumming in your ears and the cold wind clinging to your skin.
"Hey, Y/N!" Wolf yells as he runs out of the house right after you.
He actually showed up after Jimmy threatened you. Why? Do you really want to know?
"No thank you?" Wolf laughs.
You turn around with a glare, "No, I’m not thanking you! You created this, it’s your fault."
"Oh yeah? But I’m not the one who decided to go to a Yoosun party, am I?"
You want to rip that smirk off his face, take his glasses off and break them in half. You’d even dare kicking him between the legs.
"Should I remind you you’re the one who said we were dating?" you spit back. "It’s not funny messing with people like that! Maybe you’re bored with your life but find someone else to do that with, okay?"
Wolf’s smile vanishes, "I don’t plan on finding someone else."
"Why?!" you grunt annoyingly, "Any girl would gladly pretend to be your girlfriend. Seriously, Wolf."
"But I’m into you."
You feel like you’ve been hit by a truck. Wolf just said this so casually, as if he was talking about the weather. His gaze is unwavering, stuck on your face and he barely blinks.
He huffs at your lack of reaction, "Come on now, don’t act so shocked. It’s pretty old news."
"Old news?" you repeat with a grimace. "You’re unbelievable, what the fuck’s wrong with you."
Wolf shrugs, "You can ask around, I’ve liked you for a while. Whatever, you can reject me, it won’t change a thing."
Wolf likes you. Is this real life? Absolutely not. You don’t even understand why Wolf would like you out of all people. You were never even friends? How can you like someone you don’t even know?
"This isn’t funny, Wolf," you mutter.
"Oat milk latte is your second favorite drink, you like french poetry and did competitive fencing up until last year," Wolf spills out. "I know because I attended one of your competitions and you beat one of my old friends. We were still kids at the time."
What the actual hell? How can he know all of that?
"You should get back into it, you were really good," Wolf points out. "You want to open an animal shelter when you’re older and become a therapist."
Holy shit, what is happening? There is actually no way Wolf just made this up and was right on absolutely everything. How could he have found out all of this about you anyways? It’s not like you spill your life on social media, rather the opposite.
"What the fuck?" you blurt.
"Believe me now?" Wolf asks calmly as he walks towards his bike. He lights a cigarette, throwing you a look. "Need a ride home, I guess?"
You can’t process what’s happening. Wolf likes you. Wolf has liked you for a long time. How long? Were there signs? Are you actually dreaming?
If this is a dream, you don’t know if you want to wake up yet. Because going back to your regular, bland life will be painful. You don’t know if you’ll ever get used to the butterflies in your stomach and your heart racing in your chest.
Wolf chuckles, stretching his arm to give you a helmet, "You’re cute."
You don’t even think before putting the helmet on your head and sitting behind Wolf on his bike.
Little do you know Wolf’s heart is racing incredibly fast when you place your hands on his waist, he can’t fucking believe he just confessed after picking you up at a Yoosun party. It definitely wasn’t part of his original plan to win you over.
When Wolf drops you off in front of your apartment complex, the migraine that was threatening to settle in your skull because of the party vanished to be replaced by a plethora of questions.
Wolf slides forward on his seat, allowing you to get off the bike. He can’t ignore the way his heart skips a beat when he notices your flushed cheeks and disheveled hair when you give him his helmet.
"For how long?" you ask without thinking.
He cocks his head to the side in confusion, "What?"
You cough awkwardly, "For how long did you… like me?"
Wolf smiles, letting out a tiny laugh. You’ve never heard him laugh like this before. It sounds too nice in your ears.
"That’s a question for another time," Wolf replies as he puts the helmet on his head. "Good night, Y/N."
/\ /\ /\
\/ \/ \/
Something weird is going on inside the halls of Ganghak. You literally just set one foot inside the school that everybody stopped what they were doing to look at you.
Whispers echo and travel around you, sizzling in your ears. Girls stare at you with daggers in their eyes and the boys look away in shame whenever you make eye contact with them.
Your phones buzzes in your hand. It’s a text from Myung.
myung 👑
girlllll everybody knows what happened this weekend at the party!!!!
they all think you and wolf are dating 🥹😍🧎🏻‍♀️
also wolf dropped something on your desk im fucking SCREAMING
It’s going to get cold? What is she talking about? You ignore the insisting stares as you walk further into the school, now understanding better why you suddenly seem to have become the school’s main character.
But, once again, the whole classroom turns around when you walk inside the room.
You have to contain an eye roll when you spot Myung’s ecstatic expression plastered on her face as she points a finger at your desk.
There is a cup on your desk with Wolf’s name scribbled on it. You don’t need more clues to figure out he must have stopped by a coffee shop and ordered you a coffee. Your heart can’t take it anymore. You’re not made to handle so many things happening, especially when they aren’t part of your usual routine.
Everything feels confusing as you sit down, removing the lid of the cup to take a look at the beverage. The smell hits you instantly. A dirty chai latte.
You wonder if your heartbeats will ever slow down at some point or if you’ll be stuck in this half-panicked, half-overwhelmed state for the rest of your life. Were you feeling all of these emotions the last time you crushed on someone?
Wait, who was your last real crush? Oh yeah, a transfer student who ended up being a total dickhead.
But you know by the way your heart races and your stomach twists that this crush on Wolf feels stronger. You know you’re screwed. He didn’t even need to try so hard for you to fall right back in the trap.
And you know he is bad news. He constantly skips school (but always manages to get good grades), ruthlessly fights with whoever dares to provoke him and takes part in illegal activities.
But all it takes is for him to confess he likes you and buys you your favorite drink and now you’re head over heels for him? Honestly, you’re cringing at yourself. It’s like, in the blink of an eye, you became the very unlikeable main character of a romantic movie who’s so blinded by her own feelings she ignores all the red flags.
Also, another part of you still has a hard time believing everything that’s happening. You’re aware this isn’t a dream, you’ve made peace that your life just took a strange turn in just a few days. But is Wolf really serious? Sometimes, you wonder if he’ll just look at you one day and laugh until his sides hurt, tears start spilling from his eyes before confessing all of this was just a prank.
Still, with everything he told you last time, you feel like he wouldn’t put so much effort into a prank. But is Wolf capable of loving someone else? He seems so full of… anger and pain. And do you want to let someone like him into your life? Is it really worth it?
All your questions melt into a puddle when you spot Wolf on his bike when you make it to the coffee shop after school.
He isn’t wearing the school uniform, instead a pair of loose black slacks and a black tee shirt. The outfit is simple but it looks way too good on him.
"Hi," you breathe out, readjusting the strap of your bag on your shoulder.
"Hi," he replies. "I’m taking you out for a bite after your shift. I’ll pick you up."
As in a date? Tonight? You’re about to burst on the curb, your heart can’t keep up with everything that’s happening.
"Uh… yeah, okay."
If anyone else would have offered you a date on the spot on a school night, you would’ve said no in a heartbeat. Wolf didn’t offer, more so imposed it and you agreed in the blink of an eye. Did he cast a spell for you to be so weak?
Wolf flashes you a quick smile and turns on the engine on his bike, "Okay, wait for me here!"
You are so starstruck you barely remember your shift. You just know Myung and Bongcha want a detailed story time once you’re home and that Subin asked if the purple haired boy was your boyfriend.
The idea of dating Wolf still seems very strange to you. You can’t deny the crush you have but you know nothing about him.
All you know is that he loves to skip school, loves to fight (and is apparently very good at it) and is part of a gang called the Union. But everybody knows that.
What can you even ask him? You feel like the real things you’re interested in are going to be touchy subjects. What if he storms off or loses control? What if you have nothing to talk about and the silence is awkward?
When you walk out of the coffee shop, you’re a nervous mess with a racing heart and sweaty palms. Wolf had asked you to wait for him but he is already there, smoking a cigarette that he throws on the ground the moment his eyes land on you. He wipes his hands on his thighs and quickly grabs his helmet, handing it to you.
"I hope your shift wasn’t too boring without me around," he says playfully.
You raise an eyebrow, "Don’t get too cocky, Wolf."
"I know you like having me there."
"All you do is sit down and drink in silence," you retort as you put on the helmet. "For all I know you come over just to force me to make a drink I can’t have when you know it’s my favorite."
Wolf’s grin gets bigger on his face, "Wasn’t the one I brought you this morning good enough for you?"
Touché. It was a really good drink, even more so because it was unexpected and… free of charge. You have the habit of making yourself a drink during your shifts but knowing someone else paid it for you gave it an even better taste.
And your heart tingles at the simple thought of Wolf going into a coffee shop to buy you your favorite drink and dropping it by your desk before leaving the school altogether.
No, you have to stay focused. You glare at the boy sitting on the bike, "You’re not winning me over with free drinks."
"Wait, Y/N, please remind me," Wolf pretends to think, scratching his head. "Who agreed to go on a date with me?"
He knows what he’s doing. Oh, he knows. Because your heart speeds (yes, again) and you can feel your cheeks warming up.
You slap his arm, making him chuckle, and you step back, "I could go home right now."
Wolf reacts quickly, leaning forward to grab a hold of your wrist. His hand feels soft on your skin, "No, no."
But you know you aren’t going home. Your heart is skipping beat after beat with the way you can bicker together so playfully when, a month ago, you would make it your mission to ignore his presence at school.
Does it mean Wolf’s attention was on you all this time and you never once noticed?
The restaurant he picked is on the fancier end. Not extra fancy but it’s not a place you would consider if you wanted to go out for a bite with your friends. Or maybe to celebrate a birthday.
You look up at Wolf with wide eyes after checking the prices on the menu, "Wait, but you’re like rich rich!"
Wolf notices the slight embarrassment on your face and, even if he knew you were a perfect match for him a long time ago (he just needs you to realize it), it makes him like you even more.
Wolf isn’t a fan of dating. He dabbled into it a little bit and was always, always, turned off by the girls who easily assumed he would pay for the fanciest dates. He doesn’t mind spending money on him and others. He does it all the time. He knows he won’t take cash with him in the grave.
But he doesn’t want to date someone who only dreams of a luxurious lifestyle.
You let out a sigh as you check the prices once more, "Fuck, but I can’t pay for that."
Only you were meant to hear that. But your muffled whisper still reached Wolf’s ears, "You’re not paying. I am."
"I can’t let you pay for everything!" you let out in a high pitched voice.
"I asked you out, I pay."
You tilt your head to the side, "That’s very old school mentality."
Wolf shrugs, "I don’t care."
"Whatever, next time, I’m the one paying," you say confidently. But your confidence dwindles immediately and you gulp, "But I can’t afford to come to this type of place."
Wolf is smirking now, gaze locked on you, unwavering as he keeps his mouth shut. Fuck, why is he looking at you like that? What can you say, you work part time in a coffee shop, of course you can’t compete with a boy who’s involved in illegal activities.
"So, there’s gonna be a next time, uh?"
You roll your eyes, covering your face with both hands, "Shut up."
He chuckles, "I’m very okay with the idea."
To your surprise, dinner went by so smoothly you both talked endlessly, never giving enough time for silence to settle in. And when you would both savor your food, the dreaded silence was actually… very pleasant.
You caught Wolf’s eyes on you way too many times to count and when you thought he would tear his gaze away in embarrassment, he would just stare at you with the ghost of a smile growing on his lips the more the blush would spread on your cheeks.
Now you’re both standing outside the restaurant, Wolf leaning against his bike as you eye him with a smile you can no longer contain.
"Thank you, Wolf," you say. "I had a great time."
He lets out a relaxed breath when he hears your voice, a smile creeping up on his face, "Me too."
Your attention lands on the couple standing a few feet away, as a child is looking at you with wide eyes. When you look at the little boy, he breaks into a big smile. You can’t help but smile back, waving your hand at him, "Hi there!"
The little boy shakes his hand before covering his face with the other one, smiling even wider. You could just melt right there and then.
The mother seems to notice and looks at you with an apologetic expression, "Oh, I’m sorry, he does that with some girls." She crouches down and rubs his hair, "Okay, honey, let’s go home!"
But the child can’t tear his gaze away from you, waving his hands and shooting you warm smiles. Wolf looks at him and shakes his head knowingly, "Ah, she’s pretty, uh?"
The boy shyly nods, both intimidated and hypnotized by Wolf’s purple hair and deep gaze. Wolf laughs at the child, "I know, I know. But I can’t let you steal her away from me."
You, on the other hand, are on the verge of fainting. This simple interaction between Wolf and a little boy is enough to throw all dignity to the ground and kiss your date right there and then.
But you simply sit down behind him on his bike and try your hardest to slow your heart down when he drives you home.
And, even if a part of you wishes you would have kissed Wolf tonight, you appreciate even more that Wolf didn’t try to kiss you when you parted ways in front of your apartment complex.
You have just enough time to take a shower and slip under your bedsheets that you receive a notification on your phone.
KSJ dmed you.
You open the app with butterflies in your chest and trembling fingertips.
so you said you were paying next time
when and where?
Does he like you so much that he barely gets home from the first date and immediately wants to plan the second one?
Isn’t all of this just a very long dream? You can’t even hate yourself anymore for wanting all of this to be your reality. You can’t hate yourself for falling right back into your old crush.
eager much?
next friday i’ll send you the place
Wolf answers almost instantly.
don’t forget to forget your wallet
The laughter that escapes your throat is loud and your hand flies to your mouth, praying you didn’t awake your parents.
The instant fear is immediately forgotten, replaced by a stupid grin on your face.
Honestly, you’re pretty sure you fell asleep smiling like an idiot.
/\ /\ /\
\/ \/ \/
You’ve been smiling like an idiot during the whole week, actually. It’s like you’ve been transported above the clouds and get to experience the most amazing dream in your real life.
It’s like you can almost touch the stars with your feet still planted on the ground.
You’ve been texting Wolf almost every day this week, talking about anything and everything. Some mornings, he even stopped by your place to drive you to school.
If people weren’t whispering loud enough in the hallways, now that was all you could hear.
tried this coffee place this morning
* picture attached *
never go there
You catch yourself letting out a slight giggle inside the school’s bathroom stall. Something inside of you yearns for casual messages like these. You never thought Wolf could be like this. And if you weren’t hooked before, you definitely are now.
rookie mistake
lamest place in seoul
i hope you threatened the boss for a refund
ayyyy y/n!
so you want me to fight?
didn’t know you liked that about me
pls dont fight over a coffee
okay princess
btw can we say 8.30 tonight?
i have something to do before and idk if i’ll be out on time to be there at 8
You ignore the way your heart jumps in your throat at the nickname. Wolf will be the death of you.
yeah 8.30 is all good
perfect !
see you tonight
You’ll never say this to anyone (or maybe Myung if she really insists) but you’ve planned your outfit for tonight… three days ago. With each passing day, you realize you’re really living the life of the main character in any romantic comedy.
You fall asleep thinking about Wolf, sometimes he pops up in your dreams and you wake up just before you two can share a kiss, you wake up all giddy and excited for the day even if you don’t see him. You feel more energetic at school and work, yet, you don’t remember anything except the texts exchanged with Wolf and the butterflies in your stomach when he visits you at work or drops a cup of coffee on your school desk.
Tonight can’t come soon enough but your happiness takes a sour taste in your mouth when you hear the voices of some girls in the school’s bathroom.
"I’m sure Wolf’s just messing with Y/N," a first girl says firmly.
A few girls giggle before a new voice speaks, "Right?! Like, she’s so plain."
"Not even the prettiest girl in the school."
"You meant in her class, uh?"
The laughters that fill the room come piercing through your heart like a knife. You know they are just being extremely jealous. You know you aren’t the prettiest girl in the school, not even in your class. You know that.
But you just started believing that Wolf really likes you for more than your looks. You wanted to trust you could be more than all of that.
"It has to be for a bet or something," another girl speaks. "He’ll throw her away when he’s bored."
"Yeah, next week!"
Finally, the girls exit the bathroom in a choir of laughter and you release the pained breath you’ve been holding in for a few minutes.
You can’t let them get into your head. They’re jealous, they’re jealous, they’re jealous. Wolf likes you. He said it multiple times. He texts you. Not them. He thinks you’re pretty. Tonight, he is going on a date with you. He showed up to a Yoosun party for you. Not them.
You spend the whole day reminding yourself of all the things Wolf did and said, pushing away all the negative thoughts.
At the end of the day, right before 8.30, as you’re about to push the door of the little jazz club, you listen to the voice message Myung sent you.
– okay babe, tonight’s the night. it’s the night where you make us proud. us, the lovers of love, us, the bad boy and top student trope lovers. and ugh, that DRESS, he’s gonna walk in and pass out! i love you, have fun and please, please, please kiss him! it’s been going on way too long, i’m begging you!
You like the message and reply with a few heart emojis before you finally walk in the bar. Immediately, you’re hit with the sweet notes of wood and musc —probably the scent of the place, and the pleasant music of the live band playing on the small stage.
Taking a seat at the bar, you politely greet the bartender, signaling that you are waiting for someone before ordering.
A few people are gathered in booths, sitting in front of each other or softly dancing near the stage. Dimmed lights, old paintings scattered on the walls, burgundy leather booths and green carpets create a very cozy atmosphere. You like that there is music but just enough that you don’t need to yell if you want to speak with someone.
The first few minutes, your eyes stay near the bar’s front door, expecting Wolf to walk in at any moment. You did expect him to show up a little after the said time, he did have something to do before.
But when fifteen minutes go by and he isn’t here, you pull out your phone and open instagram.
i’m seated at the bar btw
You keep the conversation open for a few seconds but he doesn’t open the message. No big deal, he is probably on his bike and can’t check his phone.
Another fifteen minutes go by.
is everything okay?
Your heart jumps up when you notice Wolf just opened your message. Suddenly, the three dots appear, meaning he is currently typing. He must’ve been held up, probably something to do with the Union.
The three dots disappear.
You start counting. One, did he delete his message? Two, you can feel your throat tightening in apprehension. Three, the dots didn’t pop up again, Wolf must’ve closed the conversation.
And you wait and wait and wait, forced to order a random drink not to be the customer who walks in and doesn’t get anything even though she knows she’s probably being stood up by her date.
The voices of the girls in the bathroom earlier that day inevitably invade your mind. Oh, you didn’t want to believe them this morning, instead choosing to blame their jealousy, but they would be laughing at you if they were here. Even you want to laugh at yourself.
You don’t know what’s going on with Wolf. Maybe something very serious is going on. But how come he can check his phone then? You really want to believe there is an explanation but you can no longer stop the intrusive thoughts.
It’s 9.30 when you leave the bar with the feeling of the bartender’s eyes trailing behind you. There was a hint of pity in his gaze.
Maybe Wolf stumbled upon the most beautiful girl he’s ever seen on his way to the date. Maybe she was so beautiful he wiped you off his head in an instant. Maybe he realized you weren’t so special in the end and that he didn’t want to waste more time with you. Or maybe you were just a joke, a distraction.
Your walk home is as dull as one can be after falling off your perched position above the clouds.
You wish you would’ve listened to yourself in the first place. Wolf is a delinquent. Unreliable. Everything you’re not and everything you don’t want. You should’ve never confronted him weeks ago when he started randomly following you after work.
You were just a prey, a toy to satisfy his desire for action.
And you hate yourself for allowing the tears on your cheeks to melt with the hot water streaming on your body when you take your shower after making it home. Why does it feel so painful to be deceived by someone you never actually dated? And why can’t you just go back to how you felt before?
You don’t need love in your life, it’s not a goal for you. You have your friends and that’s enough. Any girl can have Wolf if they want to, you don’t want him. He was messing with you, he was messing with you, he was messing with you.
The prospect of binge watching your favorite tv show under your bedsheets is barely comforting but you’ll take anything to stop your thoughts.
Your heart clenches when you check your phone.
my meeting took longer than planned
we’ve had big issues to deal with
i tried texting but i couldn’t
i dont see you at the bar
did you leave already?
three missed calls
im in front of your place
i’ll wait for you
The butterflies in your stomach at the sight of all these messages are soon crushed by something else. Wolf was in a meeting. With the Union, certainly. Now, you aren’t surprised that what he had to do before your (canceled) date was related to that. But there is something you immediately notice.
He doesn’t apologize in his texts.
Isn’t that the first thing someone should do in a situation like this? You know for a fact you would be begging the other person to forgive you if you ever pulled something like that.
And you know Wolf has a big ego. He literally fights anyone who looks at him for over three seconds. Can you be with someone who doesn’t know how to say sorry?
Your answer is clear. No, you can’t.
Wolf tries to call you a few more times but you never pick up. He can find someone who’s more compliant, this person isn’t you.
/\ /\ /\
\/ \/ \/
The dreaded meeting with Wolf happens the following Monday morning, when you arrive in front of the school.
You ignored his texts during the whole weekend, endlessly fighting against yourself not to get out of your apartment whenever he mentioned he was downstairs and wanted to talk to you.
You’ve been petty, you know that. But maybe it’s for the best if you just stop giving him the time of day. You two are way too different. You don’t think you have it in you to constantly wait for him to be done with his job with the Union, only to clean his scars and exchange a few words before you have to part ways for the night.
And what can he really offer you if he can’t keep his word nor can he apologize? He can definitely find someone better for the job, someone who will thrive with the fast paced and dangerous life of a delinquent.
Wolf stands up from his laidback position against his bike when he sees you walking in his direction.
Myung and Bongcha give you an encouraging look as Myung grabs your wrist, "I know you have all the reasons to ignore him but… at least listen to what he has to say."
You nod, aware that you can’t just walk past him when he is right there, eyes stuck on you. You notice he lets out a long breath.
"And communicate," Bongcha joins in. "He can’t guess what goes on in your head."
Your heart is drumming like crazy in your chest when you finally reach him. If only he wasn’t so nice to look at, if only you could slow your heartbeats knowing he tried to reach out to you all weekend, knowing he is there on a Monday morning.
You notice the bloodied scars on his knuckles and another one on his brow. It’s easy to guess what delayed him on Friday night must’ve been a fight with another gang.
"Hi," you say.
"You’re alive," Wolf tries to say playfully but his voice holds something calmer. Like he doesn’t know how to speak to you right now.
You only nod, biting your lower lip in expectation, gaze tearing away to focus on the swamp of students walking inside Ganghak.
"Let me make it up to you," Wolf offers, growing frustrated that your eyes seem to ignore his presence. "I’m picking you up after school."
Still no apology.
"I can’t," you reply in a heartbeat.
Wolf isn’t stupid. He knows he messed up. He knows you can’t be bought with coffees, a fancy dinner and flowers. And he knows you’re saying no because you don’t want to. Not because you can’t.
"I really didn’t think the meeting would take that long," Wolf explains calmly but his mind is running wild. "Then a fight happened and I couldn’t back down."
You sigh, "It’s not about that, honestly."
Wolf frowns at your words. He doesn’t understand what could make you ignore him if it isn’t related to what happened on Friday night.
"I get that you have your thing with the Union, it’s your life and I can only imagine it can get very hectic," you speak. "But… you never apologized, Wolf."
Wolf remains silent, feeling like he was hit by a truck. Wolf isn’t one to apologize. He never does because he is never wrong. Well, never until right now.
"I waited an hour for you," you continue. "The least you could do is say sorry."
Wolf doesn’t apologize. Usually, he accepts the defeat in silence and looks at his opponent with a newly found form of respect.
But you’re not an opponent, you’re the girl he’s been pining over for years. Like a lame and weak man unable to stop the growing feelings. And, funnily enough, he was never once ashamed.
It took him some time to understand why he was feeling so… weird around you. When it hit him, he knew he couldn’t just pretend what he was feeling could be ignored. He just needed to plan the way he would get closer to you.
When Wolf doesn’t budge, lips parted and stunned expression plastered on his face, you let out a sigh and take a step back, "I have to go. Bye, Wolf."
Wolf is forced to watch you leave, disappearing inside the Ganghak’s facility.
/\ /\ /\
\/ \/ \/
Wolf vanishes from your life after that.
You don’t see him at school, you don’t see him at the coffee shop, you don’t see him and his group of friends gathered on the terrace of a bar at night.
It’s been a week and Wolf just disappeared.
But your heart and mind can’t seem to follow along, instead replaying the moments you shared with him over and over again.
And for what? It’s not like you two ever dated. But you know it’s because your old crush was brought back to flames overnight. Because Wolf likes you (if he ever did, you were never sure) and because you thought, maybe, something could’ve happened between you two.
You’re brought back to reality with Myung’s hands squishing your cheeks, "Earth to Y/N!"
"Sorry, what did you say?"
"Wolf is here!"
Your heart skips a beat at the mention of the boy who never seems to leave your mind. Why are you freaking out? And when will it all end?
It’s like the universe decided to take your bland life and turn it into a movie.
It’s Friday night, Myung and Bongcha decided to drag you to a party hosted by Soohee, a girl from your class, as if they both forgot what almost happened last time you all went out.
You shouldn’t look. Really, it’s only going to hurt you even more. You’re lucky enough the guy you have feelings for always ditches school, you shouldn’t ruin all your efforts right now.
You shouldn’t look. But Myung’s next words make it even harder, "He’s looking at you. Didn’t stop ever since he saw you."
You’re screwed, too late, you can’t help it. Your brain is screaming not to but it’s all your heart wants. Slowly, you turn around and your eyes land on him. He’s so easy to spot, because of his purple hair probably, but you want to believe it’s like your eyes are made to find each other through the crowd.
A breath is stuck in your throat at the sight of him. He is wearing an oversized pleated black shirt, baggy jeans and a red bandana around his neck. You’re sure this entire outfit cost more than all the money you ever made working at the coffee shop.
You can feel his burning gaze on you, eyeing you up and down, not once feeling embarrassed that you’re seeing him. He fixes his glasses and gulps but never looks away.
Hwangmo flickers his eyes in your direction, wondering why Wolf doesn’t listen to him anymore. He chuckles knowingly and steps away, finding someone else to talk with. He can’t distract Wolf, he knows exactly why he decided to come to this party tonight.
You, on the other hand, can’t handle this anymore. It’s not like you asked him for something so difficult. If he was brave enough to apologize, maybe things would be different tonight.
You spin on your heels and make your way into the open kitchen. You aren’t a big drinker but maybe a beer will help you ignore him.
An entire hour goes by and, even if you can still feel Wolf’s eyes on you, you do a good job focusing your attention on your discussion with Bongcha. Something about a boy she met at cram school and that you would get along with him. You sense Bongcha could have a little crush but she shushes you before you can really start teasing her.
But the atmosphere seems to change when a boy pops up next to you near the kitchen island and starts a conversation.
You’ve never seen him before and find out he is Soohee’s cousin. He’s visiting for a week.
"Got any place to recommend in the city?" he asks, "I rarely have the chance to come."
You shrug, "I don’t know, it depends what you like."
Choi slightly leans forward and you try your best not to grimace because of his liquored breath, "Don’t know, what do you like?"
Oh god no, you really don’t want him to flirt with you. Wait, has he been flirting with you this whole time? You just thought he was being friendly. Why the hell would he flirt with someone when he doesn’t even live in the city?
Realization hits you. He is just a man after all.
Choi doesn’t falter in front of your awkward silence. Instead, he seems to notice something else. He frowns, "This dude’s been staring at me non stop. The fuck does he want?"
You twist your neck so fast you almost see stars. You know exactly who could be staring for so long. And you’re right. It’s Wolf.
Eyes flickering between Choi, who’s leaning against the kitchen island, and Wolf, who’s leaning against a wall in the living room, you immediately notice they’re staring at each other.
Fuck no, Choi doesn’t know about Wolf’s rule. One, Wolf’s doesn’t blink. Two, your heart speeds up at what you know is going to happen next. Three, Wolf smirks and pushes himself off the wall.
"What the fuck’s your problem, dude?" Choi rages.
You have to stop what’s about to happen. What does Wolf think he is doing? Isn’t he fighting enough being part of the Union?
Wolf slowly walks into the kitchen, letting out a small laugh, "My problem’s you’re talking to her."
Wolf points a finger in your direction and he sends you a quick look, losing his smirk for a second. When he looks back at Choi, he is closing his fists and twisting his wrists.
Choi is just really confused at this point. He looks back and forth between you and Wolf and notices you’re more focused on Wolf than on him. He seems to understand something, "Dude, I didn’t know she was taken or something! How could I fucking know if she doesn’t say shit!"
Wolf loses his smirk instantly. Blaming the girl he likes appears to be the worst thing Choi could’ve done and Wolf is ready to push you aside when you beat him to it.
Your hand latches around Wolf’s wrist and he blinks, immediately pulled out of his enraged state. He looks at you with his eyes open wider.
"Don’t fucking do it," you warn and, next thing you know, you’re pulling him out of the kitchen and into the hallway.
Your heart is racing. Wolf was a second away from knocking Choi down. You’ve seen the look in his eyes. The look that caused you to throw your crush for him into the flames, years ago.
You walk inside the first room down the hall, forcefully closing the door behind you both and pushing Wolf against it. Wolf’s back smashes against the wooden door, the sound bouncing against the walls.
You don’t care. He fights all the time, you know it didn’t hurt him.
Wolf’s heart is racing like crazy as he watches your annoyed state. You’re known for being calm and collected. He likes that about you. But he can’t deny it does something to him seeing you so fed up you threw him against a door with no second thought.
"What the fuck, Wolf?!" you seethe, pacing back and forth in front of him.
"I was doing you a favor," he says. "You were clearly uncomfortable."
"Oh, please, keep your favors," you roll your eyes. "You’re so fucking annoying, I really wanna slap you right now."
"Do it," Wolf dares seriously.
You’re too stunned to speak. Of course you’re not going to slap him. He deserves a good hit but you’ll never do it.
"If that’s what it takes for you to talk to me again, just do it."
He’s going to piss you off even more. He knows what it takes. A slap isn’t going to fix things.
"You know what it takes," you sigh angrily. "But you have an ego the size of a fucking mountain!"
"And you don’t?"
You gasp in disbelief, "No, actually, I don’t! Don’t turn the tables around here, you know you fucked up." You run a hand over your face, what’s the point of talking with him. "It doesn’t fucking matter, you don’t get it. It’s not that important anyway, it’s not like—"
"I’m sorry!" Wolf lets out loudly. "Fucking hell, Y/N. After the meeting, I fucking rushed to the bar. I looked for you everywhere."
There is a knot in your throat. Wolf just apologized.
"I know I fucked up. And I’m sorry," Wolf confesses, again. His voice is calmer this time.
What are you supposed to do now? You assumed he would never apologize and that you would have to let the time heal you of something that could’ve been and never was.
Wolf can tell you’re unsettled. You’re breathing a little faster and so is he. He’s never apologized before. Never like that. Never for anyone. He was always sure but it’s another confirmation that he’s got you under his skin. Like you cast a spell on him.
"Three years," Wolf breaks the silence.
You frown and look up, finding his eyes, "What?"
"You’ve asked me for how long I’ve liked you," Wolf says with a long sigh. "Three years."
Three years? But, what could’ve happened three years ago for Wolf to like you for that long?
Wolf can tell you’re trying to remember, "We were paired for a science project. I already thought you were the prettiest girl in the school. But we met up to work and it happened after my first big fight."
That science project? The one Myung was talking about on your way to the Yoosun party? At the time your crush on Wolf was stronger than ever? It can’t be real. You can’t believe it.
But you can now recall the moment perfectly.
You were nervous to the core. You were meeting with Wolf at the library, still praying he would work a little. At the time, he already had a reputation for ditching classes and letting others work for him.
Your face fell when he walked into the library and made his way to your table.
He was bleeding from everywhere. The nose, the lips, the knuckles, the eyebrows.
You were too shocked to reply when he greeted you and sat down next to you. Your eyes were glued to the big gash on the right side of his face, under his lips on his jawline. You winced, wondering how he could maintain such composure.
Your hands flew to grab your backpack. With fencing, slight injuries were bound to occur so you always had stuff to take care of bruises and cuts.
Too focused on gathering the materials, you didn’t notice Wolf’s frown as he wondered what you were doing. Honestly, he didn’t even know why he even bothered showing up to work on a school homework he didn’t even care for.
You two weren’t close. He had known you almost his whole life but you never became friends. So why did he come? He couldn’t tell.
With a hand gesture, you’ve asked him to turn his head to the side so you could apply some disinfectant, "It has to be cleaned right away."
Wolf was unsettled to say the least. Were you offering to clean his cuts? In the middle of the library? Were you… prioritizing him over school work?
Wolf didn’t wince when you sprayed the disinfectant on his bleeding skin. But he gulped at the proximity, watching the way you were leaning forward with the cotton pad, gently dabbing it on the injury.
One, his heart clenched in his chest.
You carefully unwrapped a bandage and gave him a soft smile, "You’ll have to change it two or three times a day."
Two, his eyes twitched and he couldn’t stop the sharp intake of breath as your fingers came closer and closer.
You placed the bandage over his injury, biting your lower lip in concentration. When you leaned back, something weird was happening in Wolf’s heart.
You were quick to put your stuff back in your bag, "Let’s work on the science project another time."
Three, Wolf’s heart skipped a beat.
So Wolf started liking you the day you cleaned his big injury? On the day you went home with a weight in your chest, knowing it was best to throw your crush on him in the garbage?
Something else hits you. The bandage on his face. Always at the same place. Exactly where you placed it on his face three years ago. You know the injury was rather serious, meaning he must have a scar there.
But a scar doesn’t mean there needs to be a bandage.
You don’t want to believe these two things are linked. You don’t want to but you can’t help it.
Wolf nervously bites his lower lip. His eyes never leave your face, observing the slight changes in your behavior as you remember the moment that caused his endless infatuation.
He barely blinks that you’ve taken three steps in his direction. Your eyes travel from his left eye to the right. Your breath gets caught in your throat when your eyes flicker to his lips.
Wolf didn’t even count to three that your hands find his body, one behind his neck and the other over his chest. Wolf immediately melts when your lips meet with his own.
His hands find your waist, gripping you so tight you know there is no space between your bodies.
The kiss is intense. Wolf’s lips are so much softer than anything you could’ve imagined. It’s soft but you’re pressing your lips harder, letting out a small gasp when Wolf bites your lower lip. You smile against his lips at the groan he lets out when you slightly pull his hair.
The kiss becomes sloppy, your heart leaps and your stomach twists as Wolf’s lips fasten against yours. He tastes like cigarettes and sweet liquor, you want more. The hands on your waist move around your back, tightening the grip even more and you can feel Wolf’s fingers lingering on the hem of your top.
Fuck, you can’t breathe anymore. Fuck, Wolf wouldn’t even have to ask for you let him slip his hand under your shirt. Fuck, you’re down bad.
You have to pull apart to take a breath. You really don’t want to stop kissing him but you need to breathe.
Your heart is bouncing in your chest and you can’t maintain eye contact with the way Wolf is looking at you. Has he ever looked at someone like that before? You can feel your knees buckling and your cheeks warming up when one of Wolf’s hands force your chin up.
There’s a twinkle in his eyes and he is breathing faster. Flushed cheeks and swollen lips, you would give everything to take a picture right now.
His voice is barely a whisper, "You don’t know how long I’ve waited for this."
You yelp when he swiftly switches positions, pushing you against the door and kissing you again with no warning.
The fingers on your chin tilt your head to the side before finding the back of your neck, his thumb rubbing the skin behind your ear. Wolf kisses you softly, responding to the way you move your lips against his.
When you kiss with urge, Wolf licks your bottom lip before biting your flesh and slightly finding your tongue with his when you open your mouth in surprise.
When you kiss slowly, doing anything to feel every inch of his plump lips, Wolf kisses you even slower as if he is trying to remember every piece of you.
And when he pulls back, he barely does. Far enough for you to breathe, close enough for his nose to rub against yours and his lips to constantly be brushing against yours.
Your brain doesn’t work properly anymore. You kissed Wolf. You initiated it. Not him. You.
You’ve never done this before. You’ve always let the other come forward first. Probably because you can never believe that someone can be into you like that.
Your brain doesn’t work properly anymore so you don’t care, you close the gap between your lips again. He feels so sweet on you, you want to kiss him until you can’t feel your lips anymore.
You melt when Wolf kisses you back as if it’s all he wants too.
Wolf is the first to pull away, aware that things are going to go too far if he doesn’t slow down now. He is very close from the edge at this point, dizzy and shaken to the core.
He isn’t going to say it but he didn’t think he could get more addicted to you. Then you kissed him. Wolf is screwed, he can’t deny the hold you have on him.
A breath gets stuck in Wolf’s throat when you gently play with the hair falling on his forehead, "Should we get out of here?"
Wolf doesn’t trust his voice, he only nods firmly, wasting no time to wrap a hand around yours and pulling you out of the room.
The music bouncing on the walls of the entire house doesn’t reach your ears. The faint smell of alcohol and cigarettes don’t reach your nose. The surprised looks of people when you’re seen breezing through the crowd with Wolf don’t reach your eyes.
You don’t even notice how Myung freaks out, barely containing a shriek as she holds onto a proudly smirking Bongcha for support.
Nothing matters anymore. You just want to get out of this house with Wolf.
The frisky wind feels like a gentle shock against your flushed and warm body as you stop in front of Wolf’s bike. You’ve offered him to leave this place but to go where? Truth is you don’t care.
When Wolf releases your hand to grab a helmet, you latch onto him, swiftly wrapping one arm around his chest.
Wolf feels like he is going to explode. He turns around to take a look at you. To make sure he isn’t dreaming this moment. If only he had known that you would touch him like this, your arm now around his back, that you would kiss him like this, that you would look at him like this.
If only he had known you would make his heart race insanely fast like this, he would have found a way to approach you sooner. Way sooner.
Wolf cups your cheeks with both hands and closes the gap, giving a kiss that has you almost moaning in his mouth.
Wolf is biting his lower lip when he pulls away, almost ready to just kiss you to no end. But it’s too soon, he’s just fixed things with you and he wants to take his time.
Wolf groans and is forced to break the eye contact at your flushed cheeks, swollen lips and big doe eyes, "Fuck, you’re driving me crazy."
The chuckle that comes out of your lips is the cutest thing he’s ever heard. He is really going insane at this point, he doesn’t even remember what he was supposed to do.
He blinks a few times and sees the bike. Quickly, he grabs a helmet and places it over your head. Now, he can’t just forget things and randomly kiss you, he’s keeping that for later.
"Let’s make that second date happen, yeah?" Wolf offers with a grin.
You nod quickly, sitting on the bike as you wait for him to do the same.
Wolf is about to turn on the engine, trying as hard as he can not to focus on your arm wrapped around his torso and the other over his shoulder, when you gasp. Wolf straightens, putting a hand on your thigh as a reflex, "What?"
"I said I’d pay for the second date but I forgot my wallet!"
Wolf’s body relaxes and you can feel his laugh against your chest, "That’s my girl."
AUTHOR’S NOTE. omg this was such a wild ride, i hope you enjoyed it (and that wolf wasn’t too ooc), anyways, i’m planning to write more for them so if you have ideas for some drabbles, please leave a comment or a private message !!!
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whchenlvr · 2 years
Okay idk if you’ve done this already but I’ve been thinking about what pet names the Eungang boys and/or Union boys would use? Like babe, doll, baby girl, love, etc? Feel free to ignore if you don’t like it obviously lol, no worries!
Love your posts btw, thanks for all you do!! 💖
i’ve been wanting to do smth like this! thank you for the request 💞
pet names ;
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weak hero x gn!reader
gray yeon
➤ sweethearttttt
➤ something about grey calling you sweetheart just gives me butterflies because i feel like it’d only happen on rare/special occasions
➤ "are you okay, sweetheart?" "you did great, sweetheart i'm really proud of you."
donald na
➤ straight off the bat, donald is 100% the guy to call you darling
➤ i’ve used this pet name before in previous headcanons bc MMMH
➤ "where do you think you're going, darling?" "evening, darling. miss me?"
ben park
➤ babe!!!! there is no doubt he IS a babe boy
➤ i know i use babe for ben all the time but !!!!! you can't tell me he wouldn't call his s/o babe. it's such a term of endearment for him like he just loves calling you babe
➤ "need anything from me, babe?" "babe! it's so boring here without you :(" "babe, you look so beautiful."
jake ji
➤ my love/lovely. it’s cute! and jake is certainly cute
➤ yk i feel like this would be a joke at first. he’d call you his love to tease or annoy you, but over time, it becomes natural
➤ "my love! you're home!" "how was school, lovely?" "love, love! new comic out tomorrow!"
wolf keum
➤ i don’t think he’d use pet names often, but one he’s grown quite fond of is doll
➤ it’d slip out when you’re most intimate with each other, like when he runs his fingers through your hair or when you’re just laying in bed together
➤ “tell me who did this, doll.” “thanks, doll. i owe you one.” “if you ever need anything, don’t hesitate to call me, doll.”
gerard jin
➤ no cause gerard calls you honey and it’s the cutest thing
➤ gerard is such a dork okay he’s adorable and honey or hun just becomes such a soft part of your relationship
➤ “you’re the best, honey.” “listen, hun, before you get mad, it was teddy’s idea—“
dean kwon
➤ i think he’d stick with a classic and call you baby
➤ idk dean seems like a classy dude like yes he can be playful about it but babyyy babyyyyyyy
➤ "hey, baby." “can you help me with something real quick, baby?” “baby, when someone threatens you with a knife, you’re supposed to run the other way!”
teddy jin
➤ rat. jk… jk :)
➤ i’m actually not sure. i think teddy would tease you with something like kitten, but in actuality i like to think he’d use something like sunshine <3
➤ “hey kitte—ow!” “can you pass me an ice pack, sunshine?” “i swear, sunshine, if they make you cry again..”
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reanbowful · 2 years
hi Rei !! i hope you’re doing great <3 i wanted to ask if u could write something about alex, gray, ben, teddy, jake (and whoever u want !!) with an airhead girlfriend, like she’s just kind and dumb lol
thank you !!
Hello! I’m doing great thanks!! And thank you for requesting 🤍
“you serious?”
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if you catch on to stuff a lot slower than other people
(alex, gray, ben, teddy, jake)
alex go / go hyuntak
I find this so funny because Alex seems like the type of guy who would dump everything out when telling a story and HATES to be interrupted. While YOU, don’t get a single shit that he’s saying but is afraid to ask questions so you just nod your head awkwardly.
So then he just explains stuff begrudgingly before you even finish your questions.
Alex knew that you’re a little slow into catching onto things because you often space out and lose some words.
This is just normal occurrence for him.
He was telling a story about how he was caught by the principal trying to leave school back when he was in middle school.
And he can already tell, with your slow nods and wandering eyes, that your mind is not really there.
“So then, I was walking through the door.”
“What door?”
Alex pursed his lips.
“The back door by the school yard.”
“Ah ok ok.”
He did not look convinced when you made a face of confusion but whatever.
“But then he saw me and yelled ‘ALEX’ like really loud.”
“How did he-“
“Through the window.”
gray yeon / yeon sieun
You’re not dumb. Gray won’t agree with it.
Your brain just lags a little. But you’re not dumb.
“Okay, babe listen. So, here’s this.”
You have a math quiz tomorrow, and Gray was kind enough to come over and try to break each formula down for you to use tomorrow.
Well, even if you told him that it’s really no need cause you’re not going to pass anyway.
Gray accepts the challenge though.
“I don’t get it.”
He drew the diagram again. You’ve been going at this chapter for almost 2 hours now. And this specific problem for like 45 minutes already.
“See here. You can’t have an empty variable, nor can you have more than one in each.”
Gray watched as you stare at him uneasily. Eyes yelling, “Head empty, no thoughts.”
He was about to pick the pen up and move the paper again when you stop him with a clap.
“Ah! So, you can’t be single and cheat. Got it.”
“Well, I guess that’s one analogy you can follow.”
ben park / park humin
Honestly, I picture Ben to be a similar kind of person.
So congratulations you have someone to be equally confused with!
You were at the cafe you work in, together with the other Eunjang boys.
The cafe is quite slow, so you gave yourself the liberty to just join in on their conversation as they wait out for your shift to end.
Alex and Teddy were debating about something serious but you couldn’t quite catch on when you were messing around with Ben, giggling behind the counter.
“Alright, let’s settle this once and for all. Y/N, which ride do you prefer?”
Alex’s voice brought you back to reality.
Oh shit. What do you say?
“Huh? Uhm.. the subway?”
They all look at you. Absolutely confused.
“Oh, um. We’re not talking about that...”
“We’re not?”
“No, Ben. We’re not.”
Alex took a deep breath, calming himself.
“Okay. Atlantis or French Revolution.” (rides in Lotte World)
“Atlantis.” “Atlantis!”
Both you and Ben look at each other, beaming when you let out the same answer.
Alex (lovingly) rolled his eyes.
“You really are a match made in heaven.”
teddy jin / jin taeoh
I feel like Teddy would get frustrated if you constantly cannot understand what he’s trying to say.
Like especially if he’s talking about something serious, he would prefer that you just listen to him until he’s finished rather than asking him every single questions. Because he could actually get mad.
HOWEVER, when he does get mad, he wouldn’t like go crazy on you. Like he wouldn’t yell or anything. He would just sigh and leave until he’s sure enough he won’t lash out on you.
But if it’s just an everyday joke, he will just brush it off with an ‘are you serious?’ look on his face.
“AC causes global warming.”
“Yeah, what’s new?”
“The stuff they use to make the room cooler is depleting our ozone. I forgot the name, ask Gray or the internet or something.”
You nodded. Scratching your chin.
“But, why is it a problem?”
Teddy lowers his phone to look at you incredulously, only to be met with your serious face.
“We need the ozone to breathe.”
“But, can’t we just evolve? Into a no breather creature?”
Nodding, Teddy would just dial Gray’s number and shove it to you on speaker.
jake ji / ji hakho
Jake would laugh. Like he would just laugh completely amused with the situation.
When you first start to get to know each other, Jake really couldn’t tell if you were joking or if you’re being actually serious.
So, he would just laugh awkwardly. But then he saw you being like “Huh?”, and he would just be like, “Oh. You’re actually serious.”
You’ll both end up laughing together.
In a way, you both have a similar reaction when asked about something you cannot answer.
“So, have you thought of a name for your booth?”
You and Jake are outside, painting the cardboard you will be using for your school festival.
You wiped your forehead, getting paint there.
“We decided to go on theme with the chess thingy, Queen’s Gambit! Cool, right~?”
“Huh. What does Queen’s Gambit mean, Jake?”
The two of you froze. Jake cleared his throat.
“You don’t know the meaning of Queen’s Gambit? HAHAHHAA! Ah.. babe you have paint here.”
Dean narrowed his eyes, seeing Jake wipe your forehead, only smearing the paint further. Laughing nervously.
This mf doesn’t know what the fuck he’s talking about, does he?
“What does it mean? I actually wanna know. Maybe y/n knows, perhaps?”
You turn your head, cursing inside. Then you turn to Jake, who looks just as flustered as you.
“AHAHHAHA! How could he not know, right, babe? So funny, Dean!”
Honestly, Dean would be the one embarrassed for the two of you.
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faeble-drabbles · 2 months
•Fandoms I Will Write•
So I want to keep this a blog where I write things for fandoms that don't get much love or characters/pairings that need more love.
Under each I highlight things id love to write but don't be discouraged to ask if it's not listed under the fandom you want to request!
PLEASE READ MY OTHER POST FIRST! It says everything I'm okay and not okay with.
•°• Dragon Ball Z / Super •°•
+ I NEED more poly Vegeta x Reader x Bulma in my life. Same with Goku and Chi Chi
+ I also need more sub Frieza. Specifically a scenario of a God of destruction reader making him a sub 👀
+ Raditz my sweet baby needs more love too. AU where he gets a second chance like Vegeta.
•°• Hunter x Hunter •°•
+ NGL Mostly gonna write about the Spiders / Phantom Troupe 👀
+ I will love you FOREVER if you request Franklin x Reader.
+ I will only accept Feitan x Reader if the reader is just as unhinged as he is
+ Nobunaga, my sweet palm tree needs love too
+ Non-Spider wise, love me some daddy Morel
+ Uvo is a big teddy bear and is fun to write
•°• Yu Yu Hakusho •°•
+ My childhood and it needs more love
+ Who else needs love? My Irish wind goblin, Jin
+ All of the boys and girls need love Especially Yusuke needs a new s/o
•°• Pokemon •°•
+ No Pokephillia here and leave the kids out
+ Most of my favorites are from Sword and Shield. My trio Leon, Piers and Raihan. Want poly with those? Abso-fucking-lutely
+ I also simp hard for Guzma and Nanu
•°• Gorillaz •°•
+ Ace was only a temp member, but I will LOVE request involving him
+ All of them need some good lovin
+ Even stinky Murdoc
•°• Gravity Falls •°•
+ My guilty pleasure
+ Stan and Ford are absolute GILFs
+ Probably won't write for any other characters
+ I have ideas and you will see them
**List will probably be updated as I go**
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