#teen to middle age
bumblingbabooshka · 1 month
Vulcan teen on Vulcan [tiktok] saying "I have just lost track of my father in the grocery store." The camera turns to show the viewers the grocery store in which almost every single older middle-aged man has a bowlcut and long robes. Camera turns back to show the teen's face which is expressionless and yet communicates all it needs to.
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jheyjette · 3 months
Chilchuck is such a fascinating character, because every time you learn something new about him, it’s like you’re being punched in the gut. Like, the first time you see him, you’re all “Aww, look at this lil’ guy. Isn’t he cute? Aw, he hates being treated like a kid. He’s probably already in his late teens or early twenties or something. One of those Older Than They Look type characters right?”
And then you find out that he’s almost thirty. He’s older than Laios. And you’re like, okaaaaay, that’s a little older than I expected, but that definitely explains why he hates being treated like a kid so much.
And then much, much later you find out that he has a wife and kids. And you’re just sitting there like, huh, okay. Okaaaaay. Well, this really, really, really explains why he doesn’t like being treated like a kid. He’s a dad. He’s experienced the ups and downs of parenthood. He’s the only character in the group that’s canonically had sex. Okay. Yeah. Wowza.
And then shortly after you find out that he’s his race’s equivalent of a middle-aged man, and it’s like, okaaaaay. That recontextualizes a lot of things. He’s a middle-aged man trapped in a twelve-year-old’s body. Okay. Yeah. Wowee. Gee willickers.
And you think that’s it. You think that nothing else could top that. And then the bicorn chapter comes rolling in with a steel chair and you find out that his wife left him and all three (count that, three) of his daughters are fully grown adults. And as you’re reeling back from all of this new information, they deliver one last final slap to your face.
Chilchuck was a teen parent.
But what makes this all so funny, so fascinating, is that Chilchuck arguably has the most normal backstory out of anyone in the group. And if he was literally any other race, tallman, elf, dwarf, whatever, this information would still be surprising, sure, but it wouldn’t hit the same way it does when he’s a half-foot. Ryoko Kui really said, You know what would be funny? If I made the party’s token grumpy middle-aged man, father of three, look like this:
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And she's right. It's very funny.
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lilzumbi · 2 months
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₊˚ʚ 🪦 ₊˚ . 25 days of agere moodboards .ᐟ
day three / based off fav childhood book: any of the goosebumps books! 🎪 ⋆ ˚ ꩜ 。 ⋆୨୧˚
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tinyowlet · 1 month
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tiny-merkitty · 4 months
Hello! I would love to request a tomboy-girl themed middlespace board, with an American summer camp theme.
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hihi!! i hope this works :> i miss summer camps. siigghh
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kathaynesart · 3 months
Hey so I'm not trying to be rude are anything, I'm just curious, how old are you??? Again I mean this just out of curiosity. BTW LOVE your work
Thank you so much! Hahah all good it doesn’t bother me and I understand the importance of transparency especially online. I’m 40 years old, which I guess in the grand scheme isn’t OLD-old, but it kind of is in comparison to the vast majority within the Rise community. Though I have pleasantly met a lot of fellow old school creatives, many more than I would have anticipated. The rest tend to consider me a cool auntie. It’s why I like to make my sona look like a little ol’ cat lady!
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cocacolacoast · 22 days
can I request a tweencore board, but for boys? When I search online I usually only find middlere/middle school/nostagia stuff that's for girls, with makeup and glitter and feminine clothes, I wish there was a male version
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tween boy board!
i wasn’t sure if you wanted a moodboard or an outfit board so i did a moodboard, if you’d prefer an outfit board please do let me know :,)
i hope you like it anon!
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agere-activities · 9 months
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new years activity sheets! ✨🎉🍬
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littletism · 4 months
being a preteen/teen regressor is literally so fun. i wish it was brought up more often. i love listening to britney spears, painting my nails, watching teen drama movies, and wishing i was on one of those three-way phone calls.
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sammy8d257 · 2 months
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oifaaa · 1 year
In your au where Jason is dead for like 20 years does he come back the same age he died or is he also a grownup now because I think it would be really funny if he was the youngest physically. Imagine Damian being like “ah yes I can relate I also tried to kill bruce when I was your age” and Jason having to explain why it’s different and cooler when it’s Jason doing it
Yeah he's coming back the same age that he died bc you know can't really grow if your died so he'd be 15 when he wakes up in his grave still and about 16 when he's thrown in the pit kinda tempted to have him just go straight to gotham as a 16 year old just to make the age gap even more prevalent bc yeah damian would be 26
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lilzumbi · 2 months
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🩷 lisa frankenstein stimboard .ᐟ
🪩 | 👛 | 🪩 | 👛 | 🪩 | 👛 | 🪩
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anonymouscheeses · 3 months
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Thanks... mate 😈 (IVE ACHEIVE MY DREAM OF BEING CALLED MATE I CAN DIE HAPPILY NOW! /J) BUT SRSLY THANK YOU SO MUCH! if your still here after being in the inbox for months 😔
Anyway since your so kind here's my full body design + somewhat updated designs of chaggie!
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I THINK VAGGIE LOOKS SO PRETTY??? IS THAT JST ME? I think I kinda ate 😎 but yeah she's your average person (depressed. Edgy. Angsty.) And she wear jordans cuz she's just cool like that 😍 she listens to hard-core rock music and Tyler, the creator for sure. Idk she also gives off Mitski vibes (no... it's not because I'm listening to Mitski right now wdym.....). Her dad(Husk) couldn't afford a prosthetic eye so she opted for the eyepatch(she would wear it anyways she's a freak like that 😭)
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Charlie design! Her horns stay out because she's not sure how to conceal them yet. When they grew out it became hard to hide them. She's a bit insecure about her demon features. Doesn't help her parents think of her as a failure and disappointment. Yeah, she's got some family problems 😔 my poor baby. Oh yeah and also she kills people for Valerie! It's apart of their deal, due to Valerie's gang stuff, she summoned a demon to protect her. And kill for her. Who knew she'd fall in love with that same demon and let alone become friends with her?
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Human form! Her pupils are still goat like, plus her fingers look like claws to differ herself from other humans. Buttt... she still fits in as one so she's totally fine! She's kinda giving Sheldonnand I'm scared. She's annoying asf to everyone in the school she goes to with Valerie. People try to fuck her up but she doesn't want to risk getting caught as a demon so when that happens, Valerie is the one that protects her! So ykno, a good ol' switcheroo! Not one sided protecting here!! 😈
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baby--charchar · 6 months
Social-Emotional Checklist for Age Regressors
This checklist can help you figure out a specific age that you, an OC, or your little one regress to, based on how they communicate, express emotions, interact with their caregivers, and socialize with other littles.
To complete it, highlight or check off any of the descriptions that apply to you or your little one. If you highlight ALL or the vast majority of the traits in one category, then your little is OLDER than that and is past that phase. If you highlight about HALF of the descriptions, then that is exactly where your little one is at when regressed. If nothing in that category applies to your little one, they are younger than that given age. Some littles may have a mix of multiple developmental ages, especially if they're neurodivergent, and that's okay!
I'm gonna do this for my age-regressing OC Rhea, and feel free to copy/paste this wherever you'd like, or just use it for your own reference! [original source]
You'll see that for Rhea, I could check off almost everything in the infant category. She has her favorite caregiver, she's anxious around strangers, and she's aware of other people's emotions and tries to respond!
Once I got to the toddler category however, things got a little more shaky. She throws tantrums and has some complexity to her emotions, however she's not playing with peers at all and doesn't care for pretend play. Once I reached the gradeschool level, nothing really applied to her so I stopped there.
This tells me that Rhea is about 2 years old, although this can shift a bit because age regression has its own natural ebbs and flows. Try it out with yourself or your little one, and see if it helps you understand them or help them out a little bit better!
Infants and babies
By 2 months
• Cry to get needs met ✅️
• Occasionally self-soothe by sucking on hands and fingers ✅️
• Start to smile and look directly at you ✅️
By 4 months
• Cry in different ways to show hunger, pain, or being tired ✅️
• Smile in response to caregiver’s smile ✅️
• Play with toys by shaking them✅️
By 6 months
• Are more aware of which people are familiar and which are strangers ✅️
• Can respond to other people’s emotions by crying, smiling, or laughing✅️
• Enjoy looking at themselves in the mirror❌️
By 9 months
• Start to show stranger anxiety✅️
• May cry when familiar faces aren’t around✅️
• Start to prefer some toys over others✅️
By 12 months
• Play favorites with familiar people✅️
• Are more interactive (like handing over a toy or a book, or making a specific noise to get a caregiver’s attention)✅️
• Enjoy simple interactive games, like patty-cake and peekaboo❌️
Toddlers and preschoolers
Ages 18 months–2 years
• Have more temper tantrums and become more defiant as they try to communicate and be independent✅️
• Start simple pretend play, like imitating what adults or other kids are doing❌️
• Become interested in having other kids around, but are more likely to play alongside them (parallel play) than with them (cooperative play)❌️
Ages 3–4 years
• Start to show and verbalize a wider range of emotion ✅️
• Are interested in pretend play, but may confuse real and “make believe”❌️
• Are spontaneously kind and caring❌️
• Start playing with other kids and separate from caregivers more easily❌️
• May still have tantrums because of changes in routine or not getting what they want✅️
Ages 5–6 years
• Enjoy playing with other kids and are more conversational and independent
• Test boundaries but are still eager to please and help out
• Begin to understand what it means to feel embarrassed
Ages 7–8 years
• Are more aware of others’ perceptions
• May complain about friendships and other kids’ reactions
• Want to behave well, but aren’t as attentive to directions
• Try to express feelings with words, but may resort to aggression when upset
Ages 9–10 years
• Share secrets and jokes with friends
• May start to develop own identity by withdrawing from family activities and conversations
• Are affectionate, silly, and curious, but can also be selfish, rude, and argumentative
Middle-schoolers and high-schoolers
Ages 11–15 years
• Start thinking more logically
• Are introspective and moody and need privacy
• Value friends’ and others’ opinions more and more
• May test out new ideas, clothing styles, and mannerisms while figuring out where/how to fit in
Ages 16–18 years
• Strive to be independent and may start emotionally distancing from caregivers
• Start trying to discover strengths and weaknesses, at times seeming self-centered, impulsive, or moody
• Show pride in successes
• Spend a lot of time with friends and may be interested in dating
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tiny-merkitty · 6 months
25 days of moodboards: sleepover🍿
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ok so !! the prompt was originally 'perfect agere day', but i wasn't sure what to do for that, so i decided to change it to sleepover :3 (thank you roseyposie-agere for the suggestion !!!!)
this one is very very middle regression centric, def like 10-13 year old slumber party (this is super late its like 12am)
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nicollekidman · 8 months
god the thing with books is that there is room for literally everyone in every age group with every taste from every walk of life and every preference!!!!! it's literature!!!! a foundational part of humanity!! but publishing trends are squeezing kids/teens out of genres and markets created specifically for them to chase the childadult contingent, while at the same time, romance/erotica (which is healthy, fun, has always existed) is being marketed aesthetically similarly and to the same audience of what used to be YA. so now there's a very weird collapse that is simultaneously putting adult romance in front of children, squashing teen stories, and sanitizing actual erotica. it is VERY weird but it is not an issue with authors suddenly being bad or women suddenly being stupid perverts, it's a direct result of the publishing industry and how books are being sold/published/marketed
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