#teeth and nails hate that
julpernulper · 1 month
the question isn’t why is trent reznor moaning in this faggoty ass song of his. it’s why isn’t trent reznor moaning in every faggoty ass song of his
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axurephantoms · 5 months
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momhorror · 6 months
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Down In It, Pretty Hate Machine (1989)
Only, With Teeth (2005)
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rawwithlove · 11 months
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tea-time-terrier · 11 months
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movedtodykedvonte · 1 year
Wizards tend to have sharp/sharper teeth in Adventure Time along with anyone that gains magic from the crown.
It’s just very noticeably when their teeth are drawn in detail when wearing the crown Winter King, Farm Finn, Ice Queen and Ice King all have like super sharp pointed teeth. And claws seeing as their hands and feet are uniquely drawn as pointed. Other wizards also include the Sage of Life but that’s debatable cause he’s not like, a human, so he could just be like that.
This is just an observation cause it’s pretty darn consistent.
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trentreznorsmeshshirt · 8 months
I’m just a face in the crowd
Nothing to worry about
Not even trying to stand out
I’m getting smaller and smaller and smaller
And I got nothing to say
It’s all been taken away
I just behave and obey
I’m afraid I am starting to fade away
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thedevilsoftruth · 2 months
The collection is growing....
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All I need is Year Zero, Not The Actual Events, Add Violence, ( which are my favorite nin records. Yeah, I said it, fight me. Hesitation marks is also my second favorite. ) and The Slip and then my collection is complete ( kinda )
I also want Year Zeros remixed album, Things Falling Apart, and the Ghost albums. But those are later investments.
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I haven’t bothered to look into how to fix it, but bc eyrie’s face is asym now their old fangs don’t work
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ruinedholograms · 1 year
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coffincoitus · 13 days
I'm reaching that moment of compulsive thoughts/behaviors where I really really really really really need to trim my nails but I don't have any clippers bc I couldn't bring any on the plane so I'll just sit here with flames in my brain
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reneesremains · 1 year
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me when i’m trent reznor (literally)
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llatimeria · 10 months
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mannyblacque · 2 months
Nine Inch Nails references in movies and TV.
via nine.inch.nails (fan account)
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crocheting-cupio · 11 months
"Quickly" Reviewing Four Nine Inch Nails Albums
A few months ago Germs by Weird Al and Closer were stuck in my head for several days. On a gut intuition I said "Well, I obviously like this music, why not check out more Nine Inch Nails?"
Currently I am attempting to steal Trent Reznor's gender and haven't listened to much non-NIN music last few months. So I'd say I might be a big fan. Possibly.
I'd like to thank my new friend Gray for giving a very helpful recommendations on what albums to start with. <3
For this I'll start with the few negatives, then move on to the many positives. Because I like ending on a positive note. :) We'll also be going in the order I listened to them as opposed to order of release.
Pretty Hate Machine: 8/10
Negative: I find because nearly all the instruments are fairly simple synths and MIDI soundfonts, the sound can get kind of monotonous when you listen to the entire album in one sitting. A lot of it sounds like video game music from 1990-1995 to me, which is oddly distracting. On first listen I kept asking "Why does this sound like DOOM music?" To be honest, I found Down In It the weakest track. Rap is just not Trent's thing and I'm glad he didn't pursue it.
Positive: Despite the limitations, these are really well put together tracks! I think this a very solid album, especially considering at the time no one was using synths this way. The melodies also feel very unique and are usually why these songs get stuck in my head. I found myself liking the lyrics way more than I anticipated. Even though they are dripping with teenage or young adult angst, which I typically don't like. The emotions on display are so raw and pure it's hard to not feel empathetic. It's hard to choose, but I'd say Terrible Lie and Sin are the strongest tracks to me. Just generally really good tracks that are addicting to listen to.
The Downward Spiral: 10/10
Negative: It's not an album I can listen to just anytime. I kinda have to be in a bit of a bad mood. Sometimes I find myself skipping songs that are very emotionally intense, like Big Man With A Gun and Hurt, because I'm so worn out and just want to enjoy some music. This album does not have a weakest track in my opinion. Any "lazy" writing lyrically or musically feels very intentional.
Positive: The positives on this one are really endless for me. Good lyric after good lyric. Amazing melodies and harmonies one after the other. Auditory assaults and walls of noise that are fun to listen to. Sound design that makes it feel like a soundscape of the mind. And I love that there's a story on top of all that. I could make a whole post about each individual track. This album takes you on a roller coaster that only goes down. Strongest track is extremely hard to choose, but I always come back to The Becoming. The odd time signatures, long verses, the increasing intensity of the vocals, and the theme of becoming something cold, emotionless, robotic, and other is a perfect combination to me.
With Teeth: 9.5/10
Negative: Not a lot of negatives here. Kinda has a similar problem to Pretty Hate Machine with the instruments sounding similar, although not nearly so much so. Sometimes I wish there were more songs that lead into each other. Weakest track is very hard to choose, they're all very good. But I'll go with Beside You In Time for no reason other than the throbbing synths legitimately give me a headache. Wish I could enjoy this song. </3
Positive: I really love the prominence of piano in this album, as well as the vocal layering and distortion effects. I also like the usage of guitars across this album, often I can almost feel the air vibrating with the strings. The sparing usage of swear words also means I can play nearly the whole album at work without issue. Generally I like this album a lot. It feels like something simultaneously from the future and the past. Strongest track for me boils down to personal preference. So I'll go with either All The Love In The World or The Line Begins To Blur, in my opinion two of Trent's most beautiful songs. They need to be put in a museum of some sort forever.
The Fragile: 20/10
Negative: Not much to speak of here. Sometimes the intense layering of sound plus high volume makes it feel like my ear drums are going to explode, but that is to be expected with NIN so I'm used to it. Can't name a weakest track. I look forward to all of them. It's 20/10 for a reason.
Positive: This may be one of the best albums I've listened to in my entire life. Every track has something memorable and creative. All feel meticulously designed to convey not an emotion, but Trent's exact state of mind at that moment. The lyrics are sparser than usual, but oh so much more impactful when they do arrive. It feels painfully real and deeply personal. It's not just a story of what-ifs anymore, it's reality. This album is a lengthy, beautiful mess of ideas and emotions and I wouldn't have it any other way. It is the most human a piece of art can be. Strongest track I think is almost forced to be La Mer. It impacted me emotionally so greatly I wrote a whole post about it before writing this section. Realistically I could make a post about each track if I wanted to, there's so much to talk about for each one.
Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
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trentreznorsmeshshirt · 2 months
Ranked the NIN albums I’m most familiar with. Tell me your opinion, destroy me in the comments lmfao (can u tell I’m a music major with all the instrumental tracks I put above lyrical tracks (especially in the fragile))
NIN albums ranked
Pretty Hate Machine
Terrible Lie
Head like a hole
The Only Time
Down in it
Kinda I want to
Get down make love
Something I can never have
That’s what I get
Happiness in Slavery
Physical (You’re so)
Gave up
Help me I am in hell
The Downward Spiral
March of the pigs
The becoming
Mr self destruct
The downward spiral
A warm place
Big Man with a gun
I do not want this
The Fragile
Even Deeper
La Mer
Just Like you imagined
The Great Below
Into the void
The Big Come Down
The day the whole world went away Pilgrimage
The Wretched
We’re in this together
Starfuckers inc
Somewhat damaged
Where is everybody
The frail
The mark has been made
Ripe (With Decay)
Underneath it All
I’m looking forward to joining you, Finally
The way out is through
With Teeth
Beside you in time
The line begins to blur
Love is not enough
Getting smaller
All the love in the world
Every day is exactly the same
Right where it belongs
You know what you are?
The hand that feeds
With teeth
Year Zero
Meet your master
God given
The beginning of the end
The warning
Me I’m not
The great destroyer
Capital G
The good solider
My violent heart
The greater good
Zero sum
In this twilight
Another version of the truth
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