carboniila · 1 year
Hello! For your animal variety, if you fancy some bunnies, here are my friend's 😊
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(three different rabbits overall, two agoutis and one thüringen)
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felinefractious · 6 months
This is our cat, Pan. Extremely boopable.
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...i'm not actually sure what should i request lol. Let's say Transylvanian, if that's not too rare 😸 Or Turkish Van!
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Boop! Here’s your Turkish Van.
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Hello! I sent you some cats with the form (for the hungarian words), but i realized i probably sent at least one wrong link. So sorry for bothering you again, but here are our past and present cats, use the pics as you like ❤️
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don't worry about bothering me haha :):), they are so cute!!! i'll fix their links when i get out of school dw
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🥪 - Who didn't you know before it all started but now you root for them in every poll?
Also some own questions (answer as much as you like and leave the rest):
Is there any story you like very much but for whatever reason you couldn't include?
Did the preliminaries went as you imagined and/or hoped?
What was the most surprising thing so far in the tournament? Either regarding the submissions or the polls?
Thanks for the questions omg!
there have been quite a few stories ive fallen in love with through this tournament! Where Oaken Hearts Do Gather was one of my favorites, as well as A Guide For Working Breeds (rip). For upcoming stories, I like --And He Built A Crooked House--.
a few submissions were just too long for me to include, especially as i tried to be stricter about length at the start of submissions - The Ugly Little Boy by Isaac Asimov almost made me cry but it was just too long. also someone submitted 17776 and thats a kinda very long story but also... i should reread it, its great.
oh my god. preliminaries. the entire time i kept calling them pre-brackets. and the word preliminaries was right there. i was a fool. hehe omg. uuuh they went pretty much as i imagined! it was interesting to see people in my notes who were familiar with these works in ways im not (i actually havent read many Classics). maybe someone should run a tournament for every sherlock holmes story...
the need for preliminaries at all! i'll be honest i messed up a lot during the submissions period - i kinda assumed no one would be interested in this so i never limited submissions per person or author or decided on a word limit or capped the number of stories, and then i had to make do with the wild submissions ive gotten (though i'm happy with how it turned out). also - im surprised scandal in bohemia beat the end poem that handily, i wouldve thought the minecraft fandom would have posed a stronger threat. maybe if i'd called it the Minecraft End Poem instead of just the End Poem? oh, im also amazed at Man Door Hand Hook Car Door sweeping. its up against Cask of Amontillado next round, which is going to be insane. one last thing - its been fun to see the same people cropping up in my notes! feels like we've got a nice little community of bookworms here :3 i appreciate you all <3
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Best cat coat? @amber-tortoiseshell finds the prettiest of these kitties’ gene patterns.
Run by @teknoctarkamacska.
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Welcome everybody to the CAT COLOR TOURNAMENT!
Here's is the first poll with two very unusual colors (both are in experimental status with very few breeders working with them): green tabby, and non-sex-linked solid orange (also called pyrite) bicolor.
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Green tabby
Genotype: A_ bgbg C_ __ E_ ii __ oo/o- __ __ ww
Submitted as: green
Submitter: anonymus
Orange bicolor
Genotype: unknown (experimental color)
Submitted as: that orange and white cat from the tumblr post
Submitter: @teknoctarkamacska
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And now: the Paris Sewers
@teknoctarkamacska writes
#poot jonathan the sewers are terrifying
@paulgadzikowski writes
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@c-schroed writes
#paris sewers sound marvellous! #perhaps a trip to the catacombes while we're there? #pretty please?
and @see-arcane writes
#he's in the sewers trying to dodge the Opera Ghost's music lessons #unfortunately - because he's him - he somehow ends up in the Catacombs #and he's now being pursued by literal ghosts #as well as Entities and Creatures and whatnot
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The list (in order of submitter urls)!
If you submitted your OC, then you should probably be able to find yourselves here!
@2bu - Mason Spectrespeaker
@acromafireair - Lara and Rio Coddsworth (kinda shared entity situation so they're together)
@bookoramaenderteeth - Mavis
@bramblestar334 - Bramble
@candlewitch-cryptic - Slash
@cat-skull - Paxel
@collabwithmyself (submitted with permission by @much-the-millers-kid) -Biohazard
@cure-icy-writes - Tabby (Test Batch 11, Designation Null)
@cure-icy-writes - Elle Chihiro
@dragontoonss - Jade
@element-kitten-klaws - Frozen Teeth
@element-kitten-klaws - Comet Whiskers
@element-kitten-klaws - Exoskeleton (Exo)
@esmaelj - Kitty Heels
@esmaelj - Ginger
@featherfrond - Gull
@flishthedragon - Zoe
@horizontalnobelcat - Apotheosis (Theo)
@hyephyep - Lane (Helane)
@hyephyep - Cherry Lipstick
@j-fashion-wearer-otd - Ren
@kdm13 - Pawtree Purrety
@kjmellow - Kitty the Kitten
@kjmellow - Caitrionia
@kjmellow - Taika Namur
@kratt09 (side @torchflame) - Torchflame
@laceghost (@noct-oracle) - Kat
@lydiahosek - Luna
@malaky-nightm4r3 - Chai
@much-the-millers-kid - Murphy Laud
@mxbrightsky - Clause (rhymes with "claws" :3)
@plaguedbutch - Leafcloud
@plaguedbutch - Briarfang
@rainewintersnow - Mr. Catman
@rainewintersnow - Vivi
@rat-soup64 - Honeycloud
@ratherchaseamouse - Saberattle
@ravenmoodle - Jett Wild
@ravenmoodle - Silver
@ravenmoodle - Grey Wild
@sillysorcerer - Ni'iri
@spacedragonstar - Darkfur
@spacedragonstar - Mina
@spirits-of-kin - Spirit
@sugarsprinkles - Caro
@sugarsprinkles - Tumbledown
@teknoctarkamacska - Jinna
@teknoctarkamacska - Teasel
@teknoctarkamacska - Greenriver
@thunderwhenhepurrs - Bobsyfella
@wickedcityy - Finch
@wickedcityy - Miami
@yosuke-fields-forever - Nico (Nicholas)
@yosuke-fields-forever - Narciso
If you'd like to make changes to your entries (change submitted pictures or add something to descriptions, etc), have your entry removed or replaced, have me not @ you or anything else (which includes me messing smth up) - feel free to contact me via asks or DMs which seem to be functioning again!
The brackets will be out as soon as I figure out the best way to go about them!
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fuckingshitupjacket · 5 months
So, a little explanation, after using it so much today.
The "anna ne nézz ide" tag on some of my posts are meant for my sister (@teknoctarkamacska) for shows i watched/books i read, that she didn't yet, so that she can block the tag alltogether and avoid spoilers (without having to block a different tag every few weeks). Yeag, so don't mind it, or blacklist it, if you want to avoid dead boy detectives spoilers, for that is what i'll be using for in the near future.
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Black sunshine silver tabby
Genotype: A_ B_ C_ D_ __ E_ I_ kk __ Oo __ __ ww wbSIBwbSIB wb'wb'
Synonym submission: bimetal
Submitter: @teknoctarkamacska
they're called bimetal because they're silver and golden at the same time so coool
Black mackerel tabby with white
Genotype: A_ B_ C_ D_ __ E_ ii kk Mc_ oo/o- spsp titi wsw
Synonym submissions: brown (any domestic longhair tabby fits, especially if they have white paws), green, black tabby with white
Submitter: @kjmellow, @philtrashnumber666
submitting this for my childhood cat
includes the green variety (from this post):
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Black tortoiseshell silver blotched tabby bicolor
Genotype: A_ B_ C_ D_ __ E_ I_ kk mcmc Oo spsp titi wsw or wsws Wb_ wb'wb'
Synonym submissions: black silver calico
Submitter: @sweetcreatortimetravel
Black tortoiseshell bicolor
Genotype: aa B_ C_ D_ __ E_ ii kk __ Oo __ __ wsw or wsws __ __
Submitter: @teknoctarkamacska, @fuckingshitupjacket
my bestest girl i cant imagine a more beautiful thing (with pics)
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Clawing out of hiatus (uhhh hopefully!) to bring you...
Well, sort of. We are not fitting into a bracket system really. So it's just who goes up against whom in round 1, and I'm currently not planning to change the order for the following rounds but we'll have to see how it all plays out format-wise!
Tabby (@cure-icy-writes) vs Murphy Laud (@much-the-millers-kid) (link)
Elle Chihiro (@cure-icy-writes) vs Clause (@mxbrightsky) (link)
Mavis (@bookoramaenderteeth) vs Ni'iri (@sillysorcerer) (link)
Luna (@lydiahosek) vs Spirit (@spirits-of-kin) (link)
Jett Wild (@ravenmoodle) vs Gull (@featherfrond) (link)
Grey Wild (@ravenmoodle) vs Paxel (@cat-skull) (link)
Kitty Heels (@esmaelj) vs Silver (@ravenmoodle) (link)
Ginger (@esmaelj) vs Taika Namur (@kjmellow) (link)
Jade (@dragontoonss) vs Kitty the Kitten (@kjmellow) (link)
Caitrionia (@kjmellow) vs Lara and Rio Coddsworth (@acromafireair) (link)
Slash (@candlewitch-cryptic) vs Vivi (@rainewintersnow) (link)
Mr.Catman (@rainewintersnow) vs Nico (@crownne-prince) (link)
Narciso (@crownne-prince) vs Finch (@wickedcityy) (link)
Miami (@wickedcityy) vs Kat (@laceghost / @noct-oracle) (link)
Honeycloud (@rat-soup64) vs Briarfang (@plaguedbutch) (link)
Leafcloud (@plaguedbutch) vs Greenriver (@teknoctarkamacska) (link)
Bobsyfella (@thunderwhenhepurrs) vs Teasel (@teknoctarkamacska) (link)
Jinna (@teknoctarkamacska) vs Ren (@j-fashion-wearer-otd) (link)
Torchflame (@kratt09 / @torchflame) vs Tumbledown (@sugarsprinkles) (link)
Caro (@sugarsprinkles) vs Comet Whiskers (@element-kitten-klaws) (link)
Frozen Teeth (@element-kitten-klaws) vs Chai (@malaky-nightm4r3) (link)
Mason Spectrespeaker (@2bu) vs Exoskeleton (@element-kitten-klaws) (link)
Mina (@spacedragonstar) vs Zoe (@flishthedragon) (link)
Darkfur (@spacedragonstar) vs Cherry Lipstick (@hyephyep) (link)
Bramble (@bramblestar334) vs Lane (@hyephyep) (link)
Saberattle (@ratherchaseamouse) vs Pawtree Purrety (@kdm13) (link)
Apotheosis (@horizontalnobelcat) moves on to round 2 due to the withdrawal of Biohazard (@collabwithmyself) (check them out tho)
Thank you for the patience 💗
The polls will come out... Some time, hopefully soon, and I hope I didn't mess anything up here (names, @ etc), but if I did, do tell me! And feel free to send propaganda, I'm saving it to post with the polls! Also, pictures, if you haven't already or want to change smth etc etc!
(the list of submissions)
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Ladies, gentleladies and cats of assorted genders! After all the propaganda, the struggles, the drama, the classic ties, almost-ties and oh lawd we're one vote apart near-ties!
Behold! Round 1 results!!
(winners in pink, losers scratched out)
Tabby (@cure-icy-writes) vs Murphy Laud (@much-the-millers-kid)
Elle Chihiro (@cure-icy-writes) vs Clause (@mxbrightsky)
Mavis (@bookoramaenderteeth) vs Ni'iri (@sillysorcerer)
Luna (@lydiahosek) vs Spirit (@spirits-of-kin)
Jett Wild (@ravenmoodle) vs Gull (@featherfrond)
Grey Wild (@ravenmoodle) vs Paxel (@cat-skull)
Kitty Heels (@esmaelj) vs Silver (@ravenmoodle)
Ginger (@esmaelj) vs Taika Namur (@kjmellow)
Jade (@dragontoonss) vs Kitty the Kitten (@kjmellow)
Caitrionia (@kjmellow) vs Lara and Rio Coddsworth (@acromafireair)
Slash (@candlewitch-cryptic) vs Vivi (@rainewintersnow)
Mr.Catman (@rainewintersnow) vs Nico (@crownne-prince)
Narciso (@crownne-prince) vs Finch (@wickedcityy)
Miami (@wickedcityy) vs Kat (@laceghost / @laceghost-art)
Honeycloud (@rat-soup64) vs Briarfang (@plaguedbutch)
Leafcloud (@plaguedbutch) vs Greenriver (@teknoctarkamacska)
Bobsyfella (@thunderwhenhepurrs) vs Teasel (@teknoctarkamacska)
Jinna (@teknoctarkamacska) vs Ren (@j-fashion-wearer-otd)
Torchflame (@kratt09 / @torchflame) vs Tumbledown (@sugarsprinkles)
Caro (@sugarsprinkles) vs Comet Whiskers (@element-kitten-klaws)
Frozen Teeth (@element-kitten-klaws) vs Chai (@malaky-nightm4r3)
Mason Spectrespeaker (@2bu) vs Exoskeleton (@element-kitten-klaws)
Mina (@spacedragonstar) vs Zoe (@flishthedragon)
Darkfur (@spacedragonstar) vs Cherry Lipstick (@hyephyep)
Bramble (@bramblestar334) vs Lane (@hyephyep)
Saberattle (@ratherchaseamouse) vs Pawtree Purrety (@kdm13)
And, of course, let's not forget our automatic round 2 entry, Apotheosis (@horizontalnobelcat), whom you shall meet in due time.
Round 2 bracket shall be announced shortly, it will mostly adhere to the current order except I'll have to decide where to put the extra competitor and how to move apart the tied ones so we don't have to go against each other again of the off chance we both make it to round 3 :D
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Black tortoiseshell bicolor
Genotype: aa B_ C_ D_ __ E_ ii kk __ Oo __ __ wsw or wsws __ __
Synonym submissions: i won't leave out dear Trapiti that's for sure
Submitter: @teknoctarkamacska
#trapiti <3
Black tortoiseshell blotched tabby harlequin
Genotype: A_ B_ C_ D_ __ E_ ii kk mcmc Oo spsp titi wsws (occasionally wsw) Wb_ wb'wb'
Synonym submission: Calico
Submitter: @geeselouise
Our Calico is the most friendly cat in the whole world- she greets all our neighbours in the apartment complex at the gate and walks them to their flats. She checks in on our elderly neighbour at night to make sure she's okay, and she makes best friends with all the local children who call her name and she will wake up from a nap to come play with them. She is a rescue and an absolute darling delight who has made the whole neighborhood more friendly to one another. Nellie for president!
this post 💕
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Black sunshine silver tabby
Genotype: A_ B_ C_ D_ __ E_ I_ kk __ oo/o- __ __ ww wbSIBwbSIB wb'wb'
Synonym submission: bimetal
Submitter: @teknoctarkamacska
they're called bimetal because they're silver and golden at the same time so coool
Black tortoiseshell
Genotype: aa B_ C_ D_ __ E_ ii kk __ Oo __ __ ww Wb_ wb'wb'
Synonym submission: tortoiseshell, solid black tortoiseshell
Submitter: @ergontropy, @herald-of-the-end, @rodentcompetition
torties and calicos have really cool coloration because of how cat X chromosomes handle fur coloration and also they tend to be smarter (we support smart girls and the occasional boy in this household).
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Black point with white
Genotype: aa B_ cscs D_ __ E_ ii kk __ oo/o- __ __ wsw __ __
Synonym submission: Seal point on White
Submitter: @theceaselesswatchers
Black tortoiseshell bicolor
Genotype: aa B_ C_ D_ __ E_ ii kk __ Oo __ __ wsw or wsws __ __
Synonym submissions: i won't leave out dear Trapiti that's for sure
Submitter: @teknoctarkamacska
Trapiti my love
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