marketinghup · 11 months
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conceptproperties · 1 year
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dougielombax · 8 months
Just leaving this here.
Feel free to reblog.
Fuck Erdogan and his cronies for this shit!
Feel free to reblog.
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sparatus · 2 months
Kicks down door
Any ship, you know my faves of yours. #20. Pls
kiss prompts
well. you did go insane for absolution. so here we go
20. on a scar - Garrus/Citadel DLC Turian, no-Reapers AU
>>[Read on AO3]<<
He's dreaming, he thinks, when he wakes up to blurry emptiness. No gunfire, no engines, no screaming. No Sidonis. Just peaceful silence. The world around him is shades of white, blobs of mass he can't fully process. He sees the shadows more than he sees whatever's making them. It's warm, but not too warm, and he's lying on something firm but soft.
His face hurts. Everything hurts, but especially his face, and his neck, and his cowl. His nerves can't even tell him what's wrong, there's so much pain. Shattered and set on fire and pulled apart, all at once. It can't be a dream, not if he hurts this much. A pitiful, guttural groan crawls out of the raw wound where his throat used to be and punctures the silence.
Immediately, the shadows move, a blur of white and green rushing to his side. "Shh, shh," a familiar voice soothes, but she's muffled, far away, and he just groans again. "Shh, Garrus, I'm here, I'm with you, you're safe."
Glittering gold laces down through the white as the blur kneels down. Curried telal and flowers just barely masking days of unwashed stress and fear tickle his nose, the first clear sensation he's gotten, and he sucks in a greedy breath, drinking her in like her scent alone will wash everything away. He can only taste her on one side of his tongue.
A shaking hand touches his crest, close to where his head lies on the pillow, not daring to approach the burning field. "Spirits, Blue, you had me scared shitless," she breathes.
Her subvocals are wobbly, like she'd lost the ability to weep days ago but still has emotion left to shed. She still sounds underwater. He whimpers and tugs on the stiff, angry muscles under his jaw, but the skin erupts in pain again, and he can only gasp. She trills alarm, and her other hand finds his, twines their fingers and squeezes tight. "Hey, hey, shh, don't- Here, just a moment..."
More shadows, something beeped, and cooling water flowed through his veins to wash over the wounds. "There, Blue, morphine." The murmur laps against him, but he can barely feel it. All is quiet. There's gold ribbons in front of him again. His breath leaves his lungs in a wheezy sigh, and she leans in until he can see the sapphires between the gold. "Shh, baby, it's alright. I'm here." Another squeeze on his hand. "I'm here."
His heart aches in his chest, and his lungs crackle as he inhales. "Where..?"
"Citadel." The hand on his crest keeps stroking, keeps smoothing away the nightmares he's been drowning in. "Nihlus brought you and his mom to Dren'kewen for emergency treatment. Dr. Samaritus doesn't think you'd've survived otherwise."
She's quiet, so quiet. His eyes strain to focus, but the image won't turn clear. Sapphires hang in loops of beautiful gold. "Shepard..?"
The sapphires vanish, and the blur shakes back and forth slowly. "Still out in Terminus. It's classified beyond that." Her thumb-claw delicately traces a crack in his brow plate. "Don't worry about them. You need to focus on healing."
His chest is heavy, and his heart just sinks deeper into it. How can he just not worry about them, when he's the reason they were in danger at all? "What about..?"
"Shhh." She leans in again, and he closes his eyes. Maybe when he opens them again, he'll be able to see again. "You're lucky you still have a skull, Blue." Tentative fingers brush over the tender flesh that used to be on fire. When he doesn't flinch, they're replaced by mouth plates, just barely there, not daring to kiss him too hard in case he shatters again. "Nihlus will explain once you're a little more conscious. Go back to sleep."
His heart climbs into his throat again, but her hand still holding his keeps it from rising any further. "I'm right here."
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oathofkaslana · 2 months
finally got to lament of the fallen
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quickboot · 10 months
I didn't know I had Axiom Verge for Switch (husband bought it) so I'm able to try out the randomizer. It's interesting. I've beaten Xedur and Telal. I only have three weapons, but I already found the red coat, and I got the address bomb really early. But I haven't found the thing that makes you jump high yet.
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444namesplus · 7 months
Ba Bahihl Balt Ban Bava Be Behl Bemehl Bemord Ben Berd Bi Biga Biger Bimor Bin Binir Bir Bisuhl Bitha Bo Boha Boso Bu Bufi Buga Buhehl Buhl Bukyils Bumehl Bur Da Dar Darirk Datihl De Degihl Dehl Deli Demeld Den Denahl Di Diba Dife Digohl Disark Disihl Dityor Dofun Doko Dono Du Duban Dubu Dult Dumu Dunuhl Dur Duro Duthu Duve Dyape Dye Dyifar Dyome Dyopi Dyubo Dyun Dyuvan Fa Falin Fate Fe Fefi Fehu Femin Fer Fera Fi Fidi Fifar Fir Fison Fisyuhl Fivu Folork Fose Fulir Fur Ga Gakyar Ganirs Gars Ge Gefurs Gehl Gelehl Gemon Gi Gilu Gitehl Godark Gofi Gope Goro Gothahl Gu Gudan Guferk Guhl Gulihl Guse Gusen Gutin Ha Haha Hameld Hamult Hart He Hefo Hegar Hekyuhl Hene Henir Hevehl Hevun Hi Hiferd Himo Hin Hirs Hivo Ho Hofuld Hon Hosu Hothohl Hoto Hu Hugohl Hukyur Kaders Kadolk Kalols Kana Kapihl Kar Ke Keba Kelur Ki Kifor Kirun Kisalk Kityahl Ko Kobo Kogi Kovi Ku Kude Kun Kuvor Kya Kyapu Kyede Kyemo Kyi Kyifo Kyivers Kyoka Kyonon Kyor Kyore Kyupu La Lalo Lamu Lar Le Lebor Lefehl Lege Lehl Len Lepi Ler Lethalt Li Libirs Lima Limur Lin Lir Lirs Lisir Lisye Lo Lodu Lofin Lohahl Lothahl Lu Ludo Luhahl Lupolk Lur Lurd Lure Lurehl Lurk Lurt Lutirk Lutu Ma Mahl Make Man Mareld Mebo Men Meno Mer Mera Mesa Methon Mi Midihl Mikyu Milk Min Mir Mise Mohl Mon Mosi Moson Muber Mukun Muper Mur Murk Na Nadalk Nagen Nalalk Nan Nar Nator Nava Navor Ne Nedo Nedyi Nela Nele Ner Nere Netihl Nihen Nir Nird No Nofu Nohl Nolurk Noma Nomin Nomu Noren Nork Nors Nu Nufa Nukyar Nulk Nurt Nuvalt Pafahl Pafo Pakin Pan Par Pe Pefer Pegerk Pehl Per Pi Pipihl Pirs Po Pofir Pohu Pon Por Pothehl Pova Pu Pube Pukihl Pulen Pun Pusa Puthar Ra Rahl Raso Re Rekuhl Relan Rerer Ri Ribi Rihl Rilk Rilo Rils Rimork Ritha Ro Rodu Ron Ror Rork Rota Ru Rubehl Ruda Rufo Rukyur Same San Sark Savork Se Sedyu Sehl Sen Senird Sevils Si Sihl Silo Sima Site Sofohl Sotye Su Suku Sulk Suruld Susu Syebu Syehon Syir Syiri Syon Syubahl Syuni Ta Talk Tapi Tard Tave Te Tedyo Tehl Telals Tema Tepald Teper Ter Teta Tha Thabird Thadi Thaha Thar Thart The Theden Thekahl Theld Thepo Therk Thi Thihert Thikir Thild Thilk Thimor Thin Thine Thir Thisor Thofen Thonon Thopilk Thork Thoser Thota Thu Thun Thutor Thuvo Ti Tibur Tifen Tihi Tikalk Tikirk Tili Tir Tisu To Togo Tomur Tudu Tuli Tun Tupin Tuta Tya Tyafe Tyakye Tyalo Tyikard Tyilk Tyimin Tyin Tyofe Tyu Va Valo Van Vatan Vegi Vehl Veke Ver Vetihl Vi Vikyur Vimuhl Vinu Vipehl Vonult Vor Voru Voto Vu Vukye Vurehl
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angisfunland · 10 months
What's the best weapon the Axiom Verge randomizer has started you off with? My husband's randomizer run started him with Shards. Which we both thought was awesome, until he got no other weapons with long range, and he had to fight Telal. And Telal kept hanging out in the far right side of the room-- way out of the Shards' range. It took him so long to beat Telal that the music track stopped and restarted. (Might be worth mentioning that he isn't a very experienced player; he's only played the vanilla game once or twice, years ago, before trying the randomizer)
My personal favorites to start off with are any long-range weapon that goes through walls, personal bests being Scissor beam, Fat Beam, and my all-time favorite, Flamethrower.
Shards are pretty mid-tier for me. Yeah, the range is good and you can stack a lot of hits with it, but it doesn't go through walls, making it a bit of a drawback.
And if I can suggest something, if you can get behind Telal, either through going into the boss arena from the other door or damage-boosting through him, that'd make the fight MUCH easier.
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aqar-land-property · 17 hours
كمبوند تلال ايست التجمع الخامس
كمبوند تلال ايست التجمع الخامس Compound Telal East New Cairo
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ur-fav-writer · 1 day
سلطة الكابوريا اليابانية بزيت سمسم تلال
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diarnaegy · 22 days
استكشف مزايا تلال شورز العين السخنة - Telal Shores Ain Sokhna
تلال شورز العين السخنة (Telal Shores Ain Sokhna) تمثل المرحلة الأخيرة من مشروع قرية تلال السخنة الذي تطوره شركة رؤية للتطوير العقاري (Roya Developments). يُعتبر هذا المشروع الجديد خيارًا استثماريًا مميزًا بفضل موقعه الاستراتيجي الرائع وتصميمه الفاخر. يقع تلال شورز في قلب العين السخنة، قريبًا من العاصمة الإدارية الجديدة، ويمثل موقعًا مثاليًا للراغبين في الاستمتاع بالهدوء والراحة مع الحفاظ على قربهم من المراكز الحيوية مثل القاهرة.
تُقدم شركة رؤية للتطوير العقاري، وهي إحدى الشركات الرائدة في مجال التطوير العقاري بمصر، مشروع تلال شورز العين السخنة بمساحات خضراء واسعة وخدمات متكاملة تشمل حمامات السباحة، فنادق خمس نجوم، ومنطقة تجارية. تبدأ أسعار الوحدات من 3,700,000 جنيه مصري، مع خيارات متنوعة تلبي جميع الميزانيات. بفضل هذه المزايا، يُعد تلال شورز العين السخنة الخيار المثالي للمستثمرين والمشترين الباحثين عن فرصة استثمارية ناجحة ومتميزة في العين السخنة.
للحجز والاستعلام عن قرية تلال شورز العين السخنة Telal Shores Ain Sokhna يرجي الاتصال علي الارقام التالية:
مباشر مع إدارة المبيعات 01283809999
او خلال الخط الساخن 19839
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fabioperes · 1 month
Aleppo (Syria), sunset walk, 4k | حلب, جولة مسائية a walk in the streets of the city of Aleppo (Syria), starting from Simeon Stylites Street (Cocktail Street) in Sulaymaniyah neighborhood and ending at the entrance to Telal Market in the Bab Al-Faraj District, on the evening of Saturday, December 31, 2022.. Simeon Stylites street (شارع سمعان العامودي) 00:00 Aujat Al-Jub (عوجة الجب) 03:25 Holy Bible Street (الكتاب المقدس) 05:40 Pennsylvania Street (شارع بنسلفانيا) 08:30 Aziziyah neighborhood (حي العزيزية) 09:45 Faris Khoury Street(شارع فارس خوري) 13:50 Georges Lahdou Square (ساحة جورج لحدو) 15:40 Telal market (سوق التلل) 19:00 Bab Al-Faraj (باب الفرج) 26:19 جولة مسائية في شوارع مدينة حلب ( سوريا ) تبدأ من شارع سمعان العامودي (شارع الكوكتيل) في حي السليمانية وتنتهي عند مدخل سوق التلل في منطقة باب الفرج ، مساء السبت 31 كانون الأول 2022. via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MVy-P2Pg2Pg
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sparatus · 1 year
hewwo pls may I request scared little leni for the wip game please 🥺
make me write
the babychild yes :puddl: memory ch4, i've started titling files based on what's in them so i remember
It was different, somehow, dumping out a bag of telal nuggets for himself and his brother's brood than for himself and his idiot friends. Maybe it was something to do with how on the Axekonah, they would be dragging themselves upright and unceremoniously chucking the first thing they grabbed out of the freezer onto the counter after a mission kicked every last care they had out of them. Babysitting was significantly less of an exhausting, soul-crushing exercise. "Where are your brothers?" he asked Leni, shuffling the nuggets around to lie flat. “In their rooms.” Leni clicked her talons on the counter. “Lu has to do his homework before he can watch vids. Ion’t think he’s figured out yet nobody’ll know if he doesn’t.” Saren snorted, one mandible lifting in spite of himself. “He’s eight. The longer it takes for him to figure it out, the happier your parents will be.”
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gdonia85 · 1 month
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quickboot · 10 months
"Warrior" Athetos Variant Writes Telal Memoir
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