kindrajoe023 · 1 year
Black Velvet Apricot Tellicherry Jam
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fatehbaz · 8 months
Endangered Indian sandalwood. British war to control the forests. Tallying every single tree in the kingdom. European companies claim the ecosystem. Spices and fragrances. Failure of the plantation. Until the twentieth century, the Empire couldn't figure out how to cultivate sandalwood because they didn't understand that the plant is actually a partial root parasite. French perfumes and the creation of "the Sandalwood City".
Selling at about $147,000 per metric ton, the aromatic heartwood of Indian sandalwood (S. album) is arguably [among] the most expensive wood in the world. Globally, 90 per cent of the world’s S. album comes from India [...]. And within India, around 70 per cent of S. album comes from the state of Karnataka [...] [and] the erstwhile Kingdom of Mysore. [...] [T]he species came to the brink of extinction. [...] [O]verexploitation led to the sandal tree's critical endangerment in 1974. [...]
Francis Buchanan’s 1807 A Journey from Madras through the Countries of Mysore, Canara and Malabar is one of the few European sources to offer insight into pre-colonial forest utilisation in the region. [...] Buchanan records [...] [the] tradition of only harvesting sandalwood once every dozen years may have been an effective local pre-colonial conservation measure. [...] Starting in 1786, Tipu Sultan [ruler of Mysore] stopped trading pepper, sandalwood and cardamom with the British. As a result, trade prospects for the company [East India Company] were looking so bleak that by November 1788, Lord Cornwallis suggested abandoning Tellicherry on the Malabar Coast and reducing Bombay’s status from a presidency to a factory. [...] One way to understand these wars is [...] [that] [t]hey were about economic conquest as much as any other kind of expansion, and sandalwood was one of Mysore’s most prized commodities. In 1799, at the Battle of Srirangapatna, Tipu Sultan was defeated. The kingdom of Mysore became a princely state within British India [...]. [T]he East India Company also immediately started paying the [new rulers] for the right to trade sandalwood.
British control over South Asia’s natural resources was reaching its peak and a sophisticated new imperial forest administration was being developed that sought to solidify state control of the sandalwood trade. In 1864, the extraction and disposal of sandalwood came under the jurisdiction of the Forest Department. [...] Colonial anxiety to maximise profits from sandalwood meant that a government agency was established specifically to oversee the sandalwood trade [...] and so began the government sandalwood depot or koti system. [...]
From the 1860s the [British] government briefly experimented with a survey tallying every sandal tree standing in Mysore [...].
Instead, an intricate system of classification was developed in an effort to maximise profits. By 1898, an 18-tiered sandalwood classification system was instituted, up from a 10-tier system a decade earlier; it seems this led to much confusion and was eventually reduced back to 12 tiers [...].
Meanwhile, private European companies also made significant inroads into Mysore territory at this time. By convincing the government to classify forests as ‘wastelands’, and arguing that Europeans would improves these tracts from their ‘semi-savage state’, starting in the 1860s vast areas were taken from local inhabitants and converted into private plantations for the ‘production of cardamom, pepper, coffee and sandalwood’.
Yet attempts to cultivate sandalwood on both forest department and privately owned plantations proved to be a dismal failure. There were [...] major problems facing sandalwood supply in the period before the twentieth century besides overexploitation and European monopoly. [...] Before the first quarter of the twentieth century European foresters simply could not figure out how to grow sandalwood trees effectively.
The main reason for this is that sandal is what is now known as a semi-parasite or root parasite; besides a main taproot that absorbs nutrients from the earth, the sandal tree grows parasitical roots (or haustoria) that derive sustenance from neighbouring brush and trees. [...] Dietrich Brandis, the man often regaled as the father of Indian forestry, reported being unaware of the [sole significant English-language scientific paper on sandalwood root parasitism] when he worked at Kew Gardens in London on South Asian ‘forest flora’ in 1872–73. Thus it was not until 1902 that the issue started to receive attention in the scientific community, when C.A. Barber, a government botanist in Madras [...] himself pointed out, 'no one seems to be at all sure whether the sandalwood is or is not a true parasite'.
Well into the early decades of twentieth century, silviculture of sandal proved a complete failure. The problem was the typical monoculture approach of tree farming in which all other species were removed and so the tree could not survive. [...]
The long wait time until maturity of the tree must also be considered. Only sandal heartwood and roots develop fragrance, and trees only begin developing fragrance in significant quantities after about thirty years. Not only did traders, who were typically just sailing through, not have the botanical know-how to replant the tree, but they almost certainly would not be there to see a return on their investments if they did. [...]
The main problem facing the sustainable harvest and continued survival of sandalwood in India [...] came from the advent of the sandalwood oil industry at the beginning of the twentieth century. During World War I, vast amounts of sandal were stockpiled in Mysore because perfumeries in France had stopped production and it had become illegal to export to German perfumeries. In 1915, a Government Sandalwood Oil Factory was built in Mysore. In 1917, it began distilling. [...] [S]andalwood production now ramped up immensely. It was at this time that Mysore came to be known as ‘the Sandalwood City’.
Text above by: Ezra Rashkow. "Perfumed the axe that laid it low: The endangerment of sandalwood in southern India." Indian Economic and Social History Review 51, no. 1, pages 41-70. March 2014. [Bold emphasis and some paragraph breaks/contractions added by me. Italicized first paragraph/heading in this post added by me. Presented here for commentary, teaching, criticism purposes.]
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ciaomarie · 5 months
Neighbor Series: Ch. 4 Part 1
A Delicate Ecosystem
Carmy and Syd are moving along like a couple of precious baby sloths. However, people are beginning to talk. Will it destroy the vibes between them or with the restaurant crew? Here's part 1.
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"Carmen…is that tellicherry pepper?"
Sydney closed her eyes savoring the egg muffin stuffed with prosciutto, aged parmesan, basil and delicately seasoned with sea salt and ground tellicherry pepper. She was in foodie paradise and had paused on the sidewalk to fully enjoy this treat.
"Oh, you like that, huh?" Carm answered having his own special moment watching her enjoy his food. Ever since they started their planned, instead of "coincidental" walks to work he sometimes made a handheld breakfast.
He took a bite of one his muffins and yes, it was something.
They resumed walking and just before entering The Bear, Carmy offered Sydney the last one.
She greedily eyed the muffin, but shook her head.
"No, you've had like one and I had three!"
"Hey, Sydney, I'll take it!"
Fak came bouncing towards them, his hand outstretched.
"No, I made it for HER, Fak. Besides, I can smell peanut butter from here. You've eaten."
Sydney laughed and went inside stuffing the last muffin in her mouth.
"Carm, this isn't a nice side of you. This is totally Stranger Things season 1. Don't forget your old friends!"
"Sydney is Eleven, you're Mike (on the show, not your brother), and I'm Lucas, who've you tossed aside for girl!"
Carmen who only watched cooking shows and for whom this stupid conversation was far too early, rubbed his eyes.
"Fak, why are you here so early?"
"Natalie asked me to come in to fix the to-go window. The rubber casing is coming off."
"Well go do that."
"Okay, but you're totally Mike."
For lunch it was Tina's turn to prepare family service and it was incredible. She made her family recipe, monfongo with shrimp.
A golden silence fell on the crowded break room as everyone ate gratefully. Everyone except Carmy and Sydney. They had taken their monfongo to a booth in the front to discuss an offer to be featured on a popular food tour's fine dining route. It would be a financial loss upfront because they'd have to open an hour early on tour dates to accommodate the groups. Also, they would have to serve them small versions of signature dishes at a price that would at best break even. However, food tours were excellent marketing. Often culinary enthusiasts and tourists look up food tour guides to plan their dining experiences and skip the tour part altogether. Normally, Natalie would have joined them, but she was working remote 3 days a week to be at home with her baby.
In the break room Richie primly wiped his mouth, checked his sharply pressed dress pants for crumbs and washed his hands. Ever since he staged at Ever he'd become fastidious with his clothing, hygiene, and helped Natalie with HR concerns...in his own way. The crew jokingly called him Mr. Richard now. Then he went to look for Carmen. Uncle Cicero had messaged him with a request they cater his cousin's daughter's engagement party next month and complained that Carm hadn't replied to his texts all morning.
He found them unnecessarily close in a booth that could easily fit 4 people. Sydney sat facing forward explaining something on one of the many papers spread out before them. Carm was nearly in her lap, sitting at 90 degree angle towards her, his left arm on the table boxing her in, looking intently at her profile instead of the paper. He must of said something funny because Sydney looked up at him and began laughing. Then to top off this gorgeous scene he pointed to an invisible speck of food on her chin and gently brushed it off with his thumb.
For a whole minute Richie stood there wondering when they would see him. This situation was getting rapidly getting out of hand. He had long since clocked that Carmen had a crush on Sydney. It had somewhat faded during the Claire era, but it reemerged stronger than ever afterwards. As one of the few real adults in charge, he knew that he would have to reign things in. The one time Sydney quit Carmy had almost let The Beef burn down. If this puppy love imploded…Richie didn't even want to think about it.
He walked right up to the booth and they finally noticed him.
"Hey Rich, what's up" Carmy asked.
"Uncle Cicero has been texting you and asked if you could call him. Now preferably."
"Alright. Sydney, we'll finish this later?"
Sydney nodded and said she needed to check with Marcus about the featured dessert special tonight. Carmy took their plates and went to the back to call Uncle Cicero. As she started to get up Richie beckoned her to sit down. He was silent for a moment. A long moment. Sydney leaned back and folded her arms. The new Richie was far more competent and tolerable to work with, but their personalities still clashed on occasion. It was fun sometimes. She wondered what lecture he had prepared for her today.
"Got something on your mind Richie?"
Richie smiled benevolently.
"Sydney, you are invaluable to the team. You put in the time, you know almost as much as Carmen about culinary stuff and you've got passion. Too much sometimes, but nobody's perfect."
"Uh…I appreciate that I guess".
'Here it comes" Sydney said grinning.
"We have a delicate ecosystem here and the key player in this ecosystem is Carmy. If anything or anyone is a big enough distraction the whole thing could be wiped out."
Sydney rolled her eyes.
"What are you talking about?"
"Look, you're a smart girl. It's obvious that Carmy has thing for you and it looks like it might be mutual. If you start screwing him and things fall apart, how do think he's going handle it? It we stay on track we might be able to pay off Cicero early. If NOT, then we could all be screwed and not in the good way. Would you keep the shop closed at least until then?"
Sydney folded her hands on the table and considered how to respond. She could curse him out for being a misogynistic, tactless moron or she could ignore him. She decided on the latter. There was no reason to taint an otherwise great day.
"Well, Richie I've thought seriously about what you said and if you ever come to me with this again you might get a matching scar on your other butt cheek."
With her most serene smile she stood up gathering her papers and glided through the kitchen doors.
Richie shook his head. Well, he tried to warn her.
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aniseandspearmint · 9 months
Yoooo!!! Penzeys is offering 50USD gift cards for 35USD!!! Last day!!! (December 30th 2024)
LINK (penzeys.com)
There's also a great deal for 2USD half a cup jars of tellicherry pepper blend, and FREE 1/4th of a cup jars of smoked paprika (they have some of the BEST) running right now!
There will also be at least one free sample bag in your purchase!
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0-kuki-0 · 2 years
@loztearsofthementallyill Spice obsessed Kaveh is what keeps me alive so here is a few headcanons.
• Cried the first time he tried Liyuean Cuisine because it was actually up to his standards.
• Whenever Al Haitham cooks dinner he surrounds the guy with random spice containers to hunt to him to PUT SPICE IN THE FOOD FOR ONCE YOU UNCULTURED SWINE OF A MAN but he never does and it pains him.
• Carries a tiny bag with him, and all it holds is just a bunch of glass vials consisting of Aji Amarillo Chile powder, Vadouvan Powder, Paprika, Thai ginger salt, and Tellicherry Peppercorns, specifically the black ones.
• this assortment changes every other day.
• If he doesn’t like you the only kind of spice he will put in your food is salt, with a hint of grinded up arsenic for murder purposes.
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infantisimo · 1 year
100 baat ki ek baat:
"A section of the state’s Christian leaders, especially those affiliated with the Oriental Catholic Church segment of the broader Syro-Malabar Church, do not seem averse to establishing closer ties with the Sangh Parivar, both for economic and ideological reasons.
A better price for rubber would benefit the plantation owners of central Kerala who are largely Catholics (largely rich, massive land owners), and then there are those in the community — both in the priesthood and among the laity — who share the Sangh Parivar’s Islamophobia and are in agreement with it on discredited ideas such as “Love Jihad”.
That is cheap bargaining politics (The Archbishop of Tellicherry, Mar Joseph Pamplany, promised to back the BJP in the Lok Sabha polls in 2024 if it increased the minimum support price (MSP) of natural rubber to ₹300). He has lost his senses. I have known him for a long time; earlier, he was logical. Now he is making illogical statements on everything ranging from “Love Jihad” to rubber prices. Who is he to decide the political preference of Christian farmers? I, too, had been involved in many farmers’ agitations.
Everybody knows how the Union government’s Exim policies have caused the price of natural rubber to fall. Instead of protesting those policies, these Church leaders are trying to allow a foothold to hate politics in the state.
In Manipur and other states, Christians are getting targeted by the Sangh Parivar. Their faith is at stake. Their life and properties are under constant threat. Here in Kerala, the leadership is forgetting everything. They are spreading fear and invoking the tool of discipline to silence dissent. We have to break our silence. It’s a historic duty."
st. thomas would be fucking ashamed of you lot. not just for this but for every slimy fucking thing you do to consolidate your supposed 'purity' of faith. you have nothing but my scorn. you get by unnoticed, but i know the scum you are.
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milletonagro · 4 months
Where can you buy the best quality black pepper in Vietnam?
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In the arena of spices, few preserve as prestigious a feature as black pepper. Its fragrant and stinky taste has been tantalizing flavor buds for hundreds of years, making it a staple in cuisines worldwide. When it includes sourcing the exceptional extremely good black pepper, Vietnam sticks out as a leading producer. Renowned for its robust taste and advanced fine, Vietnamese black pepper has earned a coveted spot in kitchens around the sector. But in which exactly can you discover the first-rate brilliant black pepper in Vietnam? Join us as we embark on a adventure to uncover the secrets and techniques of this culinary gem.
Exploring the Origins of Vietnamese Black Pepper
Before delving into wherein to find the satisfactory black pepper in Vietnam, permit's take a 2d to understand its origins. Vietnam boasts a wealthy agricultural landscape, with favorable climatic situations ideal for cultivating black peppercorn. The southern areas, together with Dak Lak, Dong Nai, and Ba Ria-Vung Tau, are renowned for their pepper plantations. Here, the aggregate of enough daylight, fertile soil, and consistent rainfall creates the correct surroundings for black pepper to thrive.
Understanding the Varieties of Black Pepper
Before making a purchase, it's essential to apprehend the one-of-a-kind forms of black pepper price available. In Vietnam, two fundamental sorts dominate the market: Tellicherry and Malabar. Tellicherry pepper, prized for its massive size and ambitious taste, is harvested from absolutely ripened berries, ensuing in a complex and aromatic profile. On the other hand, Malabar pepper is known for its milder taste and is harvested from slightly much less mature berries. Both types have their precise traits, catering to numerous culinary choices.
Where to Buy the Best Quality Black Pepper in Vietnam
Now, let's address the vital query: in which country can you discover the best first-rate black pepper in Vietnam? Amidst the substantial array of alternatives, one name constantly stands out: Milleton Agro Pvt. Ltd. With over 25 years of experience in exporting agro merchandise, they have hooked up themselves as a trusted purveyor of top rate spices, which includes black pepper.
They take satisfaction in sourcing black peppercorn from the best farms and plantations in Vietnam. Through rigorous exceptional control measures and adherence to sustainable farming practices, they make certain that simplest the very best great peppercorns make it to your table. Whether you're looking for whole peppercorns or finely ground powder, they give a diverse variety of options to fit your culinary needs.
Why Choose Milleton Agro?
When it comes to buying black pepper powder, best is paramount. Here's why they must be your go-to destination:
Commitment to Quality: They are devoted to handing over products of the maximum great. Their stringent pleasant manage approaches assure that each batch of black pepper  powder meets the very best standards of excellence.
Wide Range of Options: Whether you pick whole peppercorns or finely ground powder, they give a various selection to cater to each preference.
Sustainable Sourcing: They prioritize sustainability in all elements of their operations. By partnering with farmers who exercise sustainable agriculture, they make certain the long-term viability of the surroundings.
Customer Satisfaction: With a focal point on purchaser pleasure, they are going above and beyond to ensure a continuing buying pleasure. Their dedicated team is constantly ready to assist you with any inquiries or unique requests.
Final Thoughts
In conclusion, whilst it comes to purchasing the fine excellent black pepper in Vietnam, look no further than them. With their huge revel in, commitment to excellent, and sustainable sourcing practices, they stand out as a beacon of excellence in the world of spices. Whether you're an expert chef or a newbie home cook, they present the appropriate answer for all of your black pepper needs. Contact them nowadays to experience the exceptional flavor and aroma of Vietnamese black pepper.
For greater details and to place your order, visit Milleton Agro Pvt. Ltd
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jayaprakash123 · 6 months
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The Indian Onomast (Nambudri House Name Documentalist) Jayaprakash Mallay at his Study in Tellicherry in the year 1974.
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livesanskrit · 8 months
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Send from Sansgreet Android App. Sanskrit greetings app from team @livesanskrit .
It's the first Android app for sending @sanskrit greetings. Download app from https://livesanskrit.com/sansgreet
Janaki Ammal.
Janaki Ammal Edavalath Kakkat (4 November 1897 – 7 February 1984) was an Anglo-Indian botanist who worked on plant breeding, cytogenetics and phytogeography. Her most notable work involved studies on sugarcane and the eggplant (brinjal). She also worked on the cytogenetics of a range of plants and co-authored the Chromosome Atlas of Cultivated Plants (1945) with C.D. Darlington. She took an interest in ethnobotany and in plants of medicinal and economic value from the rain forests of Kerala, India. She was awarded a Padma Shri by the Indian government in 1977.
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luckystorein22 · 9 months
Why is Tellicherry Black pepper considered to be the best type of black pepper?
Tellicherry black pepper is often considered one of the finest and highest quality varieties of black pepper. Here are several reasons why it is regarded as superior by many:
Size: Tellicherry peppercorns are larger than those from other regions. The larger size is often associated with a more developed flavor profile and a greater depth of aroma.
Flavor Complexity: Tellicherry pepper is known for its complex flavor profile. It is described as having a robust, bold, and fruity taste with hints of citrus. The pepper flavor is believed to be more nuanced compared to other types.
Maturity at Harvest: Tellicherry peppercorns are harvested later in the season, allowing them to fully ripen on the vine. This extended ripening period contributes to the development of more intense and sophisticated flavors.
Growing Conditions: Tellicherry pepper comes from the Malabar Coast of India, particularly from the region of Tellicherry (Thalassery) in Kerala. The combination of the region's climate, soil, and other environmental factors is said to contribute to the unique characteristics of Tellicherry black pepper.
Harvesting Practices: The careful and selective harvesting of the largest peppercorns from the spikes is a traditional practice associated with Tellicherry pepper. This attention to detail is believed to contribute to the overall quality of the pepper.
It's important to note that taste preferences can be subjective, and what is considered the "best" pepper may vary from person to person. While Tellicherry black pepper is highly regarded, there are many other excellent varieties of black pepper with their distinctive characteristics. The choice of pepper often depends on individual taste preferences and the specific culinary application.
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fandbtrends · 9 months
Global Black Pepper Market Strategy And Industry Demand Analysis 2020 To 2027
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The Global Black Pepper Market was valued at US$ 4.24 Bn in 2022, estimated to reach US$ 7.37 Bn by 2030, with a CAGR of 6.36% from 2023-2030.
Black pepper is a popular spice that comes from the dried berries of the Piper Nigrum plant. It is commonly used as a seasoning and flavoring agent in cooking and can be found in a wide range of cuisines around the world. Black pepper has a pungent and slightly spicy taste and aroma and is often paired with salt to create a classic seasoning blend.
It is also known for its health benefits, including aiding digestion, promoting weight loss, and providing antioxidants. Black pepper is available in many forms, including whole peppercorns, ground pepper, and pepper extracts.
Market Drivers
The global black pepper market is being driven by its widespread use in various cuisines and as a seasoning agent, its medicinal properties, and the increasing demand for natural and organic products. Black pepper is a popular spice and has been used in cooking for centuries. Its use is increasing as the global population grows.
Additionally, black pepper is believed to have several health benefits, such as improving digestion, boosting metabolism, and providing relief from respiratory disorders. The growth of the food and beverage industry, particularly in the Asia Pacific region, is also contributing to the growth of the black pepper market, as the demand for spices and seasonings is increasing in this industry.
Market Restraints
The growth of the global black pepper market can be hindered by the unpredictable nature of weather patterns, which can affect the yield of black pepper crops. Climate change and extreme weather events can affect the growth and production of black pepper.
Additionally, the fluctuation of prices due to the volatility of the commodity market can affect the profitability of black pepper farmers and traders. Moreover, competition from alternative spices and seasonings such as cumin, paprika, and ginger can also pose a challenge to the growth of the black pepper market.
Market Segmentation
The scope of the global black pepper market covers segmentation based on product type, form, application, and region.
Based on the product type, the market is segmented into Tellicherry, Malabar, Vietnamese, Lampung, Sarawak, and Talamanca. Based on form, the market is segmented into whole and ground
Further, the market is segmented into applications, such as food & beverages, pharmaceuticals, personal care, and others.
Regional Analysis
The global black pepper market is segmented into 5 main regions, namely, North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Middle East & Africa.
The global black pepper market is dominated by Asia-Pacific, specifically India, and Vietnam, which are the largest producers and exporters of black pepper in the world. Other major producing countries include Indonesia and Malaysia. This trend will continue during the forecast period.
The region's dominance can be attributed to the favorable climate for growing black pepper and the presence of a large number of small farmers engaged in black pepper cultivation. Additionally, the growing demand for black pepper in various cuisines, as well as its use in traditional medicine, has led to a rise in the production and export of black pepper from the region.
Key Players
Catch Foods
Everest Spices
Vietnam Spice Company
British Pepper and Spice,
 Baria Pepper,
 Olam International,
 McCormick & Company
Silk Road Spices
Pacific Production
Synthite Industries
Akar Indo, etc.
Request A Free Sample: https://qualiketresearch.com/request-sample/Black-Pepper-Market/request-sample
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travelbuddysindia · 11 months
9 Historical Places In Kerala, India
Located within the Malabar coast, Kerala stretches approximately 373 miles (600 kilometres) along the Arabian Sea coastline. Explore the lush beauty of Kerala with our top-rated Best kerala tour packages from Delhi, featuring serene backwaters, exotic wildlife, and vibrant culture.
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 This kingdom in India sits on a median region of 150,000 rectangular miles (38,863 square kilometres). This area is known for having a number of the oldest forts consisting of the Fort Kochi, Bekal Fort, Palakkad Fort, and lots of more. Moreover, points of interest including museums, eating places, enjoyment parks, boutiques, and shopping shops also are available. Other activities to indulge in encompass boating, trekking, camping, fishing, sightseeing, and lots of different brilliant stuff. Read on for extra facts approximately the first-class historical locations in Kerala, India, for an thrilling vacation revel in.
1. Tellicherry Fort
Located in a beautiful location in Kerala, Thalassery Fort turned into among one of the maximum dominant European buying and selling centres throughout the 18th century. The monument is nestled zero.5 miles simply (zero.9 kilometres) from the railway station and 60 miles (ninety six kilometres) from Calicut International Airport. The citadel has a relaxed ecosystem with underground hiding locations, caves, and waterways. The vicinity additionally has a nicely-maintained garden and ancient gear utilized by the British colonialists. This great traveler vacation spot is good for a own family excursion, buddies trip, and romantic couples holiday.
2. Fort Kochi
Fort Kochi is a place sitting adjacent to the Arabia sea inside the fascinating Kerala area. This region in the metropolis of Kochi become to begin with a fishing village in the course of the pre-colonial era and in a while taken into consideration as a trading centre. Many exceptional systems with Portuguese, Dutch, and British structure can be visible round this vicinity. Foodstuff and spices inclusive of cinnamon, cloves, pepper had been cultivated and outsourced by using Chinese and Arab traders to areas in Europe and the Middle East. This location is effortlessly available via water or road and it's far an ideal visitor destination for unwinding.
3. Bekal Fort
The Bekal Fort turned into constructed throughout the 17th century by means of an impressive leader of Keladi. This citadel is the largest within the place and sits on a massive piece of land near the Arabian sea. The view of the ocean and the lovely beach from the citadel is scenic. The castle is smooth and well maintained and surrounded by means of a huge perimeter. The castle has a past records of effective achievements and superb structure. The status quo is situated approximately 40 miles (65 kilometres) to Mangalore.
4. Palakkad Fort
Situated inside the southernmost a part of India in a town known as Kerala, is the historic Palakkad Fort. The fort was initially constructed inside the eighteenth century as extraordinary troops tried to take over and rule the buying and selling routes. This ancient visitor destination has a scenic surroundings with a properly-maintained lawn, waterways, and historical tools utilized by the occupants of the castle. The monument additionally has a shrine and a unique cell wherein inmates have been stored. This region also has a youngsters’s park, a cricket stadium, and an open-air auditorium. Welcome.
5. Dutch Palace
The Dutch Palace also known as Mattancherry Palace was first built within the sixteenth century by the Portuguese and became afterward renovated by using the Dutch. This monument became blanketed inside the listing of heritage web sites by UNESCO for its contribution to the history of this vicinity. The palace has scenic work of art depicting Hindu’s tradition, faith, and panorama. Ancient objects along with cash, umbrellas, garments, and ivory are a number of the matters located in this location. The establishment is positioned close to Paradesi Synagogue, Pazhayannur Bhagavathy Temple, and antique shops in beautiful Kerala vicinity.
6. Thripunithura Hill Palace Museum
Thripunithura Hill Palace Museum is a historic museum positioned at Kochi in Kerala, India. Constructed within the nineteenth century, the museum is made of forty nine conventional Kerala architectural systems sitting on a zero.08 rectangular miles (0.22 rectangular kilometres) piece of land. The indoors carries various historical sculptures, cash, weapons, inscriptions, and artwork of the Cochin royal family. The lawn is nicely maintained and also a cemented pavement main to the entrance of the exceptional buildings inside the area. This established order is nestled 6.2 miles ( 10 kilometres) from the city centre and may be without problems accessed by way of rail or road.
7. Edakkal Caves
Edakkal Caves is a scenic area nestled about 16 miles (25 kilometres) from Kalpetta area in Kerala, India. This prehistoric web page become utilized by the early man as protection against the climate and wild animals. This vicinity turned into extensively utilized as a buying and selling path among Malabar ports and the high mountains of Mysore. The stone writings on the wall depict to have existed within the seventh century for the duration of the Neolithic guy duration. Other tools and objects utilized by the early guy additionally advocate of the prehistoric presence. Visit this popular traveller appeal with a circle of relatives or pals for a memorable excursion. Experience the enchanting charm of Kerala on Tour packages from Delhi to Kerala, embracing its pristine beaches, emerald tea gardens, and rich heritage.
8. Anchuthengu Fort
Anchuthengu Fort become constructed in the 17th century by using the British colonialist to function a signalling station for ships. The citadel become a main put up for the British within the Malabar coast location. The established order is full of diverse guns used by the British together with weapons, bastions, and a garrison with a holding capability of 400 troops. The fort was also used as a storing facility for ammunition at some stage in the Anglo-Mysore struggle of the 18th century. Come with family and buddies and research greater about the rich records of this stunning monument.
9. Thrikkakudi Rock Cut Cave Temple
A rare Shiva temple from the 8th century, near Thiruvalla, is a fascinating revel in. Such an ancient temple highlights the brilliance of architecture and establishes its archaeological significance. The whole temple has been carved out of a huge piece of rock. The architectural style is just like that of Pallavas. The spectacular stone engravings are what attracts the thousands and thousands of site visitors to this rock-cut temple.
Visit Kerala
This best traveller destination is packed with masses of fun activities, scenic landscapes, and exciting sights. Visitors flock to this vicinity annually to loosen up and unwind and take within the beauty of the foliage and ancient structure.
Suggest Read:
How to Plan Your Kerala Honeymoon
Why You Should Definitely Visit Kerala?
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indizombie · 1 year
During his US visit, Modi said that there was no discrimination in India.We all want that to be true. However, if that statement of his is honest, he should make the Christians in Manipur believe that. He should say to their faces that there is no discrimination. If he can make them believe that, then only would his statement be seen as honest and sincere by the people of India.
Bishop Mar Joseph Pamplany, Metropolitan Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Tellicherry
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spicezen · 1 year
Black Pepper: The Rising Star in Culinary Trends
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In this blog post, we will explore the rising popularity of black pepper as a culinary trend and delve into the diverse ways in which it is revolutionizing modern cuisine. Black pepper has long held a cherished place in the spice racks of kitchens around the world. Renowned for its ability to add depth and flavor to dishes, it has been a staple seasoning for generations. However, in recent times, this humble spice has experienced a resurgence in the culinary world.
A Flavor Revolution: The Versatility of Black Pepper
Black pepper's appeal lies not only in its familiar spicy and warm flavor but also in its remarkable versatility. Traditionally known as a seasoning for savory dishes, black pepper is now being embraced in various culinary contexts. From mild and floral notes to bold and robust flavors, it caters to a wide range of palates and cuisines.
Home cooks and chefs alike are discovering the spice's transformative power in recipes that extend far beyond the traditional uses. Its ability to enhance the taste of both simple and complex dishes makes it a go-to seasoning in kitchens worldwide.
From Basics to Extravagance: Black Pepper in Everyday Cooking
Black pepper's presence in everyday cooking has seen a resurgence as more people appreciate its culinary potential. Simple dishes like soups, salads, and roasted vegetables are elevated with a dash of freshly ground black pepper, giving them a delightful twist.
Recipes that once relied on routine spices have been rejuvenated by black pepper, adding a layer of complexity that enhances the overall dining experience. The spice's ability to work harmoniously with an array of ingredients allows it to shine in dishes that would otherwise be considered commonplace.
Reinventing Classics: Black Pepper in Modern Fusion Cuisine
The culinary world is evolving, embracing fusion cuisine that seamlessly blends diverse flavors and cultures. Black pepper, with its dynamic taste profile, has found its way into this creative realm. From exotic black pepper-infused cocktails to daring dessert creations like black pepper ice cream, it's evident that this spice has stepped out of its traditional boundaries.
Chefs are experimenting with black pepper, incorporating it into dishes from various culinary traditions. The result is a unique fusion of tastes that challenges conventional notions of flavor combinations.
Health Benefits and Culinary Appeal: Why Chefs and Home Cooks Are Embracing Black Pepper
In addition to its culinary appeal, black pepper offers potential health benefits. Piperine, the active compound in black pepper, possesses antioxidant properties, which play a role in combating harmful free radicals in the body. Furthermore, it may aid digestion by stimulating the secretion of digestive enzymes.
Chefs and home cooks are increasingly drawn to the idea of enhancing their dishes with ingredients that contribute to overall well-being. By incorporating black pepper, they can not only elevate the taste of their creations but also provide additional health benefits to their diners.
Exploring Black Pepper Varieties: Beyond the Ordinary
To fully appreciate black pepper's versatility, one must explore the diverse varieties available. Tellicherry, Malabar, and Sarawak are some of the popular black pepper varieties, each offering unique characteristics that cater to specific preferences.
Tellicherry black pepper is known for its large, robust berries and complex flavor profile. Malabar black pepper, on the other hand, is milder and fruitier, making it an excellent choice for delicate dishes. Sarawak black pepper boasts a rich, full-bodied taste with subtle earthy undertones, making it a favorite among chefs seeking bolder flavors.
Understanding these differences empowers cooks to select the ideal black pepper variety for each culinary creation.
The Art of Pairing: Black Pepper with Other Spices and Ingredients
The art of culinary pairing involves finding complementary flavors that harmonize beautifully on the palate. Black pepper's versatility makes it an ideal candidate for such culinary alchemy.
Whether used in traditional or experimental pairings, black pepper proves to be an exceptional team player in the kitchen. Its ability to enhance the flavors of various ingredients, without overpowering them, makes it an invaluable asset in crafting balanced and delectable dishes.
Chefs and home cooks can explore a world of exciting possibilities, combining black pepper with a vast array of herbs, spices, meats, and vegetables to create unforgettable taste experiences.
Tips for Choosing and Using Black Pepper
To fully appreciate the wonders of black pepper, selecting the right quality is crucial. Whole peppercorns retain their flavor and potency longer than pre-ground options, and freshly crushed pepper delivers the most vibrant taste.
Storing black pepper in an airtight container away from heat and light ensures that it retains its aroma and flavor. Additionally, experimenting with different grinds of black pepper can offer diverse sensory experiences, from a fine dusting to coarse bursts of flavor.
Black pepper's journey from a kitchen staple to a rising star in culinary trends showcases its versatility and adaptability. As chefs and home cooks continue to experiment with this remarkable spice, the boundaries of flavor combinations are pushed further, elevating the art of cooking to new heights.
Embracing black pepper in both traditional and innovative ways empowers individuals to create exceptional dishes that captivate the senses and bring joy to every dining experience. So, whether you're a seasoned chef or an aspiring home cook, it's time to embrace black pepper's renaissance and let your culinary creativity shine.
Through its distinct flavor and potential health benefits, black pepper has proven that it deserves a place not only in our hearts but also on our plates. As culinary trends continue to evolve, this spice's position as a rising star is sure to shine even brighter in the culinary world.
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keycrops · 1 year
Different Types of Black Pepper: List & Uses
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Black pepper is one of the most popular and widely used spices in the world. It is known for its strong and pungent flavor that adds a distinctive kick to a wide range of dishes. While most people are familiar with the common black pepper found in every household, different types of black pepper offer unique flavors and aromas. In this article, we will explore some of the various types of black pepper and their uses.
Tellicherry Pepper 
Tellicherry pepper is considered to be one of the finest types of black pepper available. It is named after the region of Tellicherry in Kerala, India, where it is primarily grown. Tellicherry peppercorns are large and have a rich, bold flavor with a subtle sweetness. They are often used in gourmet cooking, marinades, and as a finishing spice.
Malabar Pepper
Like Tellicherry pepper, Malabar pepper also comes from the Malabar coast of Kerala, India. It is known for its fruity and aromatic flavor. Malabar peppercorns are smaller in size compared to Tellicherry pepper, but they pack a punch in terms of taste. They are commonly used in traditional Indian dishes, curries, and pickles.
Lampong Pepper
Lampong pepper originates from the island of Sumatra in Indonesia. It is named after the region of Lampung, where it is cultivated. Lampong peppercorns are dark in color and have a strong, earthy flavor with hints of citrus. They are often used in Indonesian cuisine, stir-fries, and spice rubs for meat.
Sarawak Pepper
Sarawak pepper is native to the Malaysian state of Sarawak on the island of Borneo. It is known for its mild and delicate flavor with a hint of floral notes. Sarawak peppercorns are larger and have a slightly grayish hue. They are versatile and can be used in a wide range of dishes, including seafood, salads, and soups.
Muntok White Pepper
While black pepper is derived from fully matured berries, white pepper is made from ripe berries that have been soaked in water and their outer skins removed. Muntok white pepper comes from the island of Bangka in Indonesia and is known for its mild and creamy flavor. It is commonly used in light-colored dishes, such as white sauces, mashed potatoes, and creamy soups.
Kampot Pepper 
Kampot pepper hails from the Kampot region in Cambodia. It is renowned for its exceptional quality and unique flavor profile. Kampot peppercorns come in red, black, and white varieties, each offering a distinct taste. The black Kampot pepper has a strong and aromatic flavor, while the red and white varieties are milder and fruitier. Kampot pepper is highly sought after by chefs around the world and is used in a variety of gourmet dishes.
These are just a few examples of the different types of black pepper available. Each type has its distinct characteristics and flavors, making them suitable for various culinary creations. When using black pepper in your dishes, it's important to consider the specific flavor profile of the pepper you choose to enhance and complement your recipe.
Whether you prefer the robustness of Tellicherry pepper, the fruity notes of Malabar pepper, or the exotic flavors of Lampong or Sarawak pepper, experimenting with different types of black pepper can elevate your cooking to new heights. So, the next time you reach for the pepper grinder, consider trying a different variety to experience the diverse world of black pepper.
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