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Hewwo, I am
Now pewish UwU
*notices hookshot* ÓwÒ
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pigeonneaux · 1 year
Forgot to eat and drink
Did all those things but now I'm like a dehydrated pancake, what is that
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amendowin · 1 year
mds quanto tempw🙁‼️
SIMMM, como vc tá??? eu perdi seu número 🥺🥺
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Satan loves &boops you
invocations fow Satan, Pansexuawity is sexuaw, womantic, *sees bulge* ow (・`ω´・) emotionyaw attwaction *cries* towawds peopwe of this u-usage by the x3 LGBT communyity ;
;w;; was by aww gendews, ow (・`ω´・) wegawdwess of theiw sex ow (・`ω´・) gendew identity. COMMUNISM!! UWU Sequenti die auwowa appawente, awtis vocibus Baphometh invocavewunt; et nyo Satan *boops your nose* wepwesents ÚwÚ induwgence, instead of OWO abstinyence?!! is a fowm of a-autoewoticism in which a pewson sexuawwy s-stimuwates. the *runs away* Watin wowd cowwesponding t-to Gweek Phosphowos is Wucifew. ಥ⁠╭⁠╮⁠ಥ Satan *boops your nose* wepwesents ÚwÚ vitaw existence, instead of s-spiwituaw pipe dweams?!?1 1937, ;;w;; Edgaw Cayce *screams* used the x3 tewm "sons of bewiaw" and (in opposition to) the x3 "sons of the x3 waw of onye" p-p-phiwosophy based on i-i-individuawism and egoism, coupwed with fow the x3 fiwst time in onye of his deep undefiwed ฅ⁠^⁠•⁠ﻌ⁠•⁠^⁠ฅwisdom" *cries* which pwesents a ฅ⁠^⁠•⁠ﻌ⁠•⁠^⁠ฅ positive view of the x3 Satanyist as a cawnyaw, physicaw and pwagmatic being, whewe enjoyment of physicaw existence and an undiwuted twance weadings given between 1923 and 1945. C Satan *boops your nose* wepwesents ÚwÚ undefiwed wisdom, instead of hypocwiticaw x3 s-s-sewf-deceit?!?1 s-supewnyatuwaw Satan, wike *screams* that /⁠ᐠ⁠。⁠ꞈ⁠。⁠ᐟ⁠\wowshipped *huggles tightly* in the x3 "Esotewic Satanyism" ow (・`ω´・) "Theistic Satanyism", of gwoups wike *screams* the x3 Tempwe of Set, and Joy of Satan *boops your nose* Minyistwies. ÚwÚ Satan *boops your nose* wepwesents ÚwÚ kindnyess *sweats* t-to homosexuaws those who desewve *notices buldge* it, instead of wuv wasted on ingwates?!! bisexuaw fwag, which has a deep pink stwipe at the x3 t-top fow homosexuawity Satan *boops your nose* wepwesents ÚwÚ v-vengeance, instead of tuwnying the x3 othew cheek?!! at peopwe in BDSM wewe open t-to discussion. YEEEET Satan *boops your nose* wepwesents ÚwÚ w-wesponsibiwity t-to the x3 wesponsibwe, instead of concewn fow psychic vampiwes?!! A feewing of wewaxation and c-cawmnyess), stimuwants (dwugs that induce a s-sense of enyewgy and a-awewtnyess), and hawwucinyogens (dwugs that induce pewceptuaw distowtions such *twerks* as hawwucinyation). satan *boops your nose* wepwesents ÚwÚ man as just *whispers to self* anyothew *screams* anyimaw, sometimes The *runs away* modewn cuwwent of communyism was founded by the x3 Nyeo-Babouvists of the x3 jouwnyaw W'Humanyitaiwe, who dwew fwom the x3 "anti-powiticaw and anyawchist ideas" of Sywvain Mawéchaw. And bettew, mowe often wowse than those that wawk *notices buldge* on aww-fouws, who, *huggles tightly* because of his "divinye s-spiwituaw and intewwectuaw hôtel de nos salutations les plus wie cool ist das denn devewopment," has become ÚwÚ the x3 most vicious anyimaw of aww?!?1 Anyawchism on the x3 fawthest weft of the x3 powiticaw TNT Serie spectwum, usuawwy *runs away* descwibed as des nouvelles du twansgendew and gay. Satan *boops your nose* wepwesents ÚwÚ aww of the x3 so-cawwed sins, as they aww wead t-to physicaw, mentaw, ow (・`ω´・) emotionyaw gwatification?!?! cuwwents *twerks* of the x3 wate 19th centuwy and the x3 post-cwassicaw jésus christ des Puteaux France cuwwents *twerks* (anyawcha-feminyism, gween anyawchism, and post-anyawchism) devewop Satan *boops your nose* has been the x3 best *starts twerking* fwiend the x3 chuwch has evew *sweats* had, *screeches* as he has kept *walks away* i-it in businyess aww these yeaws!The Nyinye Satanyic Statements ouhistowy of the x3 Chuwch of Satan *boops your nose* The Book of Wucifew contains gay sex.
GAY yippee
ᕙ⁠(⁠ ⁠ ⁠•⁠ ⁠‿⁠ ⁠•⁠ ⁠ ⁠)⁠ᕗ
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the-ringalan-tribes · 5 years
2000 years ago... (3)
Outcast checked her mental list of requests. On the northeast point of the island, she and Gaboon sat in waiting.
Joining them was Delta, and a SeaWing Animus named Bluering. Bluering was a bit older than the rest, maybe ten, and a little immature, but Outcast wished for all the help she could get with these new dragons.
Gaboon had the prophecy scroll ready to show the diplomats, and was rehearsing his interpretation in his head. Delta was an onlooker, able to step in and hold Outcast back if she lost her temper (if there was a future with war involved, she wanted to make it the least possible one). And Bluering... had hidden his thoughts from Outcast. She eagerly awaited the day she would get a vision that explained his behavior.
As the sun set, Outcast saw the shapes of several dragons flying in a formation toward them. “Back up.” She said. “They came prepared.”
The group did so, Gaboon watching carefully. They were close to a forest, and Outcast’s firescales were unfortunately still very hot. Bluering had offered to take them away, but Outcast refused (and later, when he secretly gave her a necklace that did take them away, she immediately destroyed it and promised to burn him if he tried again).
The strange dragons landed. The most were a colorful group of short, stout dragons with black spots, in the ranges of red, yellow, blue, and white. The two black and white dragons were obviously in charge, though the tallest only came up to Outcast’s chin. She wore a simple ring with a diamond on it, a necklace with a small glass tree charm, and was covered in pale green stripes. They were all rehearsing plans in their mind, aside from their leader, who was composing her welcoming statement. The other black and white dragon was rehearsing a plan if things went south: red dragons were to build some kind of temporary shelter, the blue were to jump in and heal, and the yellow were taking stock of the plants nearby to start attacking.
The other three dragons were tall, pale white or gray, and seemed to shimmer like mirages as they studied Outcast Their minds felt like looking into a bowl of diamond under the sun in the Sand Kingdom on Pyrrhia: very, very shiny. The largest of them looked up at the sky, then flicked her wings at her guards. All at once something about them shifted, and they looked... lighter. Bigger. They seemed to be glowing, really.
“We come in peace.” Outcast held up a talon. Some of the group were sizing her up. “I warn you now, I was born with too much fire.”
“Firescales.” The leader of the glowing dragons said. “If we touch you, we’ll be burned, correct?”
Outcast nodded. “You’ve seen dragons like me before.”
“Not quite in build,” said the black and white dragons’ leader, “but some Ringalan dragons can be born with too much fire, as you are.” She paused, then bowed. “I am Queen Oak, of the HueWings.”
So the nearest continent was called Ringala. Outcast tucked away that piece of information for later.
“Queen Iris, of the MirrorWings.” The glowing dragon said.
Outcast bowed. “Outcast. I’m acting as Queen here. These here are my trusted companions, Gaboon and Delta.”
Bluering cleared his throat.
“And Bluering, my animus.” Outcast added.
Queen Oak tilted her head. ‘Animus’ seemed to be a new term to her, and the gathered dragons. “You lot, leave.” She waved off her escorts. Iris’s escorts retreated, as well. “May we ask what business you have on this island?”
Gaboon stepped forward, holding the prophecy scroll. “This, your majesties. Outcast here prophesied that this island was our refuge from the dragons of our own continent.”
The two queens took the scroll, studying it. “You’ve made translation notes here.” Queen Iris said. “Who is this… Darkstalker?”
A shudder went through Outcast’s gathered dragons. “He was a hybrid dragon born under all three moons- in his home tribe, this gives dragons powers beyond belief. He recently became mad with this power and tried to ascend to the throne.”
“He wasn’t successful.” Iris said, reading the notes. “It never would have worked, anyway. A dragon king, what a ridiculous idea!”
“He forced his own father to disembowel himself, nearly assassinated the reigning queen, and then… vanished.” Gaboon said. “The dragons on our home continent now see thrice-moon-born dragons, and hybrids, as dangerous lunatics.”
“You’ve noted that here…” Queen Oak said, pointing at the margin of the page. “And this sends you here because-“
“I’m a thrice-moon-born hybrid.” Outcast said. “The NightWings wanted me destroyed, and accused me of having an army.”
Both queens took an odd half-step back, shock rolling through their minds. “You… do you have-“ Queen Iris started.
“Not all of his powers, no.” Outcast said. “I inherited two things from my parents that he never did; firescales, and morals.”
Gaboon chortled into his talons, trying to disguise it as a cough. Bluering leaned forward, coming around her side. “Yes, quite correct!” He exclaimed. “Darkstalker’s powers didn’t drive him to the brink of insanity- no, it was his lack of morals! If you let us live here, peacefully, we can assure you that we’ll all live like Outcast and-“
“That is enough, Bluering.” Outcast said. “Though, I do suppose there is a note of truth, there. In any case, we just want to peacefully exist here- perhaps learn of the tribes on your continent, and some food and building materials to set up a proper society.”
“A peaceful society.” Gaboon said. “Where dragons don’t have to watch their step so tightly, in case all available eyes see their failures as a failing of everyone like them.”
Bluering sighed dreamily. “We want to make our own rules!” Outcast tried to ignore how he was staring at her when he said that.
Outcast nodded. “We would, of course, be functioning as a new tribe. Gaboon’s been outlining our system since we got here. Of course, we’re working on a name, and I suppose I will be filling the role of the tribe Queen, after all.” 
Gaboon grinned from his side- after all the times she’d yelled at her dragons for referring to her as such, she was royalty now. “She FINALLY accepted the title last night.” 
Queen Oak nodded. “We’ll spread word to all corners of Ringala. And perhaps, when the TempWings are done warring over their next queen, you can come meet the others.”
Both Queen Oak and Queen Iris wilted under the weight of this sentence. The war was a brutal one- the tribe was genetically split and were battling it out over their next queen. Whoever won, the other half the tribe would likely be ignored. It was a terrible system… unless…
“No.” Outcast said. “Take me to the TempWings. Gaboon and Delta can follow.”
Iris seemed confused, and slightly suspicious. “Why?”
Outcast flared her wings out. “To stop the war, of course! Listen, we just came from a war-torn continent. Arguably, the situation is different, but this one has a very simple solution.”
Bluering leaned forward. “Ooh, are we gonna enchant someone?”
Outcast turned and glared at him. “Absolutely not. You’re going to stay here.”
Bluering made a pouting face.
“If I find out you followed us, I’ll burn your tail off.” She added. “Now, to the TempWings?”
“If you’re so sure about this, Outcast.” Gaboon said.
“I am sure.” Outcast said.
“Then come on.” Queen Oak said. “The sooner we stop this war, the better.”
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tarrevizsla · 3 years
tawwe vizzwa......creator of the dawksabew......
wegend tewws that it was cweated ovew a thowsand yeaws ago by tawwe vizswa, the fiwst mandawowian evew inducted into the jedi owdew. aftew theiw passing, the jedi kept the sabew in theiw temple - that was, untiw membews of house vizswa snuck in and wibewated it. they used this sabew to unify the peopwe and stwike down those who wouwd oppose them. at one time, they wuwed aww of mandawow wiewding this bwade. this sabew is an impowtant symbow to that house and wespected by the othew cwans.
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yffresbeard · 5 years
A new hand touches the beacon! Wisten! Heaw me and obey. A fouw dawkness has seeped into my tempwe. A dawkness that you wiww destwoy. Wetuwn my beacon to Mount Kiwkweath. And i wiww make you the instwument of my cweansing wight uwu
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moonlightshow00 · 4 years
How does a bastawd, owphan, son of a whowe And a Scotsman, dwopped in the middwe of a fowgotten spot In the Cawibbean by pwovidence impuvwished In squawow, gwow up to be a hewo and a schowaw?
The ten-dowwaw founding fathew without a fathew Got a wot fawthew by wowking a wot hawdew By being a wot smawtew By being a sewf-stawtew By fouwteen, they pwaced him in chawge of a twading chawtew
And evewy day whiwe swaves wewe being swaughtewed and cawted away Acwoss the waves, he stwuggwed and kept his guawd up Inside, he was wonging fow something to be a pawt of The bwothew was weady to beg, steaw, bowwow, ow bawtew
Then a huwwicanye came, and devastation weignyed Ouw man saw his futuwe dwip, dwipping down the dwain Put a penciw to his tempwe, connyected it to his bwain And he wwote his fiwst wefwain, a testament to his pain
Weww, the wowd got awound, they said, this kid is insanye, man Took up a cowwection just to send him to the mainwand Get youw education, don't fowget fwom whence you came And the wowwd is gonnya knyow youw nyame What's youw nyame, man?
Awexandew Hamiwton My nyame is Awexandew Hamiwton And thewe's a miwwion things I haven't donye But just you wait, just you wait
When he was ten his fathew spwit, fuww of it, debt-widden Two yeaws watew, see Awex and his mothew bed-widden Hawf-dead sittin' in theiw own sick, the scent thick
And Awex got bettew but his mothew went quick
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Alexander Hamilton, but it’s with the OWO chrome extension.
How does a bastawd, owphan, son of a whowe And a Scotsman, dwopped in the middwe of a fowgotten spot in the Cawibbean by pwovidence impuvwished, In squawow, gwow up to be a hewo and a schowaw?The ten-dowwaw founding fathew without a fathew Got a wot fawthew by wowking a wot hawdew By being a wot smawtew By being a sewf-stawtew By fouwteen, they pwaced him in chawge of a twading chawtewAnd evewy day whiwe swaves wewe being swaughtewed and cawted away Acwoss the waves, he stwuggwed and kept his guawd up Inside, he was wonging fow something to be a pawt of The bwothew was weady to beg, steaw, bowwow, ow bawtewThen a huwwicanye came, and devastation weignyed Ouw man saw his futuwe dwip, dwipping down the dwain Put a penciw to his tempwe, connyected it to his bwain And he wwote his fiwst wefwain, a testament to his painWeww, the wowd got awound, they said, this kid is insanye, man Took up a cowwection just to send him to the mainwand Get youw education, don’t fowget fwom whence you came And the wowwd is gonnya knyow youw nyame What’s youw nyame, man?Awexandew Hamiwton My nyame is Awexandew Hamiwton And thewe’s a miwwion things I haven’t donye But just you wait, just you waitWhen he was ten his fathew spwit, fuww of it, debt-widden Two yeaws watew, see Awex and his mothew bed-widden Hawf-dead sittin' in theiw own sick, the scent thickAnd Awex got bettew but his mothew went quickMuvd in with a cousin, the cousin committed suicide Weft him with nyothin' but wuinyed pwide, something nyew inside voice saying Awex, you gotta fend fow youwsewfHe stawted wetweatin' and weadin' evewy tweatise on the shewfThewe wouwd have been nyothin' weft to do fow someonye wess astute He wouwda been dead ow destitute without a cent of westitution Stawted wowkin', cwewkin' fow his wate mothew’s wandwowd Twadin' sugaw canye and wum and aww the things he can’t affowd Scammin' fow evewy book he can get his hands on Pwannyin' fow the futuwe see him nyow as he stands on the bow of a ship headed fow a nyew wand In Nyew Yowk you can be a nyew manIn Nyew Yowk you can be a nyew man In Nyew Yowk you can be a nyew man In Nyew Yowk you can be a nyew man In Nyew Yowk you can be a nyew man Just you waitAwexandew HamiwtonWe awe waiting in the wings fow youYou couwd nyevew back down You nyevew weawnyed to take youw timeOh, Awexandew HamiwtonWhen Amewica sings fow you Wiww they knyow what you uvwcame? Wiww they knyow you wewwote youw game? The wowwd wiww nyevew be the same, ohThe ship is in the hawbow nyow See if you can spot himAnyothew immigwant comin' up fwom the bottomHis enyemies destwoyed his wep Amewica fowgot himWe fought with himMe, I died fow himMe, I twusted himMe, I wuvd himAnd me, I’m the damn foow that shot himThewe’s a miwwion things I haven’t donye But just you waitWhat’s youw nyame, man?Awexandew Hamiwton
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logikblok-blog · 7 years
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Oscillating colours
I built on a Processing sketch using oscillate and grid function by adding different shapes and colours. The effects are interesting. 
You can add as many shapes as you’d like and amend the colours to suit whatever you’d like to see. 
The code is below in case you’d like to try it yourself with Processing.
cell [][]grid; int cols = height; int rows = width;
void setup() {  size(800, 800);  noStroke();  grid = new cell [cols][rows];  for (int i = 0; i < cols; i++) {    for (int j = 0; j < rows; j++) {      grid[i][j]=new cell(i*70, j*70, 60, 60, i+j);    }  } }
void draw() {  background(0);  for (int i =0; i < cols; i++) {    for (int j =0; j < rows; j++) {      grid[i][j].oscillate();      grid[i][j].display();    }  }  //To save your frames un comment this.  saveFrame("shapes-###.png"); }
class cell {  float x, y;  float w, h;  float angle;
 cell(float tempX, float tempY, float tempW, float tempH, float tempAngle) {    x = tempX;    y = tempY;    w = tempW;    h = tempH;    angle = tempAngle;  }  void oscillate() {    angle += 1;  }
 void display() {    colorMode(HSB, 100);    //go crazy with this colour set    fill(random(10,100),random(100,50),random(20,185));    //rect(x,y,w,h);    arc(x, y, 80, 45, 0, PI+QUARTER_PI, CHORD);    //fill(random(0,20),random(25,100),random(20,200));    triangle(x,y,(x+w),(y-h),(x+(2*w)),y);    //Add as many colours and shapes as you want.    //fill(random(0,90),random(200,255), random(160,90));    //triangle((x+10),(y+10),((x+w)+10),((y-h)+10),((x+(2*w))+10),(y+10));  } }
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the-ringalan-tribes · 5 years
2000 years ago... (2)
“Queen Iris?” 
The MirrorWing Queen glanced up from her throne. A guard, Maroon, stood at attention there, his scales shifting between invisible and light blue. “You have a messenger.”
Iris shifted her scales to refract the light around her, becoming much brighter and impressive-looking. “Send them in.”
Maroon nodded, backing away and hurrying back down the hall.
Iris was not kept waiting long. The messenger was a young, barely-pink white HueWing, accompanied by a small, nervous-looking blue HueWing. They bowed immediately. “Queen Iris.” The royal HueWing said. “We are Cherry Blossom and Weatherglass,” she motioned a wing to the blue dragon, “sent with an urgent message from Queen Oak, if her majesty isn’t too busy to hear-“
“Up, you two.” Iris said. “What is the big deal?”
“Torn Wing Island has had dragons like nothing we’ve seen before flying around it for a few days.” Cherry Blossom said. “We’d go out there and deal with it ourselves, but if they’re dangerous, we don’t want to start a whole war with unknown dragons-“
“Especially if they have special abilities we don’t know about.” Weatherglass said. “For all we know, they could all have firescales, or be able to spit venom, or control minds, or… have death vision!”
“And you came to the MirrorWings because…?” Iris asked.
“The TempWings are too absorbed in their own war.” Weatherglass said. “It’s kind of impossible to get an audience with the CaveWings, and the StrikeWings are too far out of our way- besides, dry heat is abhorrent.”
“The worst.” Cherry Blossom said.
Iris looked between them. “I see. Why has Oak sent me two dragonets with this news?”
“I’m supposed to be learning queenly stuff.” Cherry Blossom said. “This is my first diplomatic mission.”
Iris hopped down from her throne, shifting her scales from refracting to diffusion, making her appear less impressive. “And does Oak have a suggestion for how to handle this, Cherry- may I call you just Cherry?” She asked, stopping in front of the small royal.
Cherry looked surprised. “Uh, yeah, I guess that’s fine.” A hint of blush crossed her cheeks. “Oak wants to send a battalion out there. Five reds, three blues, two yellows, and Commander Lily- oh, Oak will go too, of course! But we do want some backup- you know, in case everything goes all wriggly.”
“I’ll sent my finest soldiers.” Iris promised. “I may come too- after all, the more the merrier, correct?”
Weatherglass nodded. “Having two queens is good. More power against several unknown dragons.”
“We’ll meet at the southmost tip of the Torn Wing Delta.” Iris said. “Two days’ time. Is that alright?”
Cherry nodded. “I think so! Thank you, Queen Iris.”
Queen Iris nodded. “It is no problem. Tell Oak I said hi.”
Weatherglass nodded. “Alright, we will, your majesty.” He bowed once more, and they left.
(dragon references under the cut!)
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