fireskarr · 11 months
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Tenakk is ten!
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bosherjin · 6 years
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Skarr’s Tenakk reading with Furball =)
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ratasum-renegade · 7 years
Special (belated) shoutout –
Thanks a ton to Boshy and Tenakk for helping [WvW] get our new Guild Hall.  ♡~
Sorry, I don't know your Tumblr pages off the top of my head, but if some mutuals could reblog this...
Feel free to enjoy all the shinies the guild has to offer. And feel free to chatter in guild chat.
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fireskarr · 1 year
Asura Appreciation Week - Day 3
DAY THREE - AUGUST 22nd Does your OC have a krewe? What do they specialize in? How do they get along with each other? @asura-appreciation-corner
A bit late with this one because y'know, new expansion launch and all. And I'm dumb and didn't prepare any of these posts in advance
The story of Tenakk's little band of misfits is going to be a bit of a long post.
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So I'll start with the first three:
Tenakk Aside from the krewes he was a part of during college, Tenakk never really had a krewe of his own for a while. He was content to work alone most of the time, which was part of the reason he ended up joining the Durmand Priory later on. Aside from his research into destroyers, he was also a really talented artificer, which he used to earn a little extra income.
Milo Milo was raised by humans, and so his mannerisms and world view is quite different from the average asura. His first visit to Rata Sum didn't go so well, and he struggled to understand and fit into asuran society. This is where he met Tenakk for the first time, and they became good friends. What Milo lacks in fighting ability, he more than makes up for it with his talents in healing magic and crafting medicines. He is very sociable, and has many contacts from the medical work he carried out around Divinity's Reach. If Tenakk ever needs a particular item or information, Milo probably knows someone who can provide it.
Sparxxi A typical Dynamics student; she likes tinkering with machines, and creating gadgets to tinker with more machines. She used to be part of a krewe in Lion's Arch, creating festival decorations and organising fireworks displays. When Scarlet's attack on the city destroyed everything she knew, she was left sitting around in one of the refugee camps with no home or friends. She noticed Milo and Tenakk helping out some of the refugees, and she pretty much latched onto them, refusing to go until they gave her a job. Tenakk eventually relented and offered her a job as an assistant.
For a short time, the three of them worked together in Tenakk's workshop/makeshift lab. They didn't consider themselves an official krewe at the time, it was pretty much 'Tenakk and Friends' doing odd jobs and projects.
And then Sparxxi heard about the Pact forces mustering in the Silverwastes, preparing to go to war against an Elder Dragon. She really wanted to get a closer look at the airships, and ended up sneaking aboard one of them. Just before the fleet set off into Maguuma to fight Mordremoth. Oops.
About two years later, Tenakk recieved a letter from her which essentially read: "Hey I found these awesome Mists researchers, you should come join us! Also, I'm alive!"
Which leads us on to the next three:
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Tenkatt One of Tenakk's best kept secrets is his failed experiment with the Infinity Ball; a device intended to show a glimpse of a possible future. But unbeknownst to him it did kind of work, and an alternate future version of himself materialised. But unlike the in-game story character of 'Grand High Sovereign', this alternate Tenakk has no desire to conquer the world, he just wants it to not fall into Void as a result of killing Elder Dragons. So it's safe to say he's not a fan of the Commander.
He stayed out of sight for a while, and joined up with the Aetherblades to poke around with their Mist portal technology. He had no interest in working for Scarlet, so when the 'Blades ended up trapped in the Mists after Scarlet's death, he took the first opportunity he could to steal one of their airships and escape the Mists long before the others figured out how to do it (he's done this before). Problem is, the portal he opened up just happened to lead right into the middle of the battle between Pact forces and the Mouth of Mordremoth in the jungle.
Here he crossed paths with Sparxxi, and her reaction was basically: "Wow, Tenakk has a twin brother!" She offered to fix up his airship and persuaded him not to go after the Commander. Many of the events he had witnessed were different from the ones he knew from his alternate reality, so he decided to stick around to see how things play out.
He and Tenakk often bicker about the best course of action, and he still doesn't agree they should be helping the Commander. The one thing they seem to agree on is that cats are great. And if anyone asks: they really are brothers.
Trellia Not actually an asura, but an inquisitive Mist creature that Tenkatt encountered while stuck in the Mists (if you're a GW1 fan, basically like Razah). Technically genderless, but has chosen to take the form of a female asura in an attempt to blend in. Trellia is a skilled Chronomancer, and also seems to have the ability to detect and manipulate some Mists-related anomalies without the need for technology.
Mellu (The hat isn't canon, it's just the best screenshot I have right now) Mellu is a seasoned Mist Warrior who seems to have lost all memory of her life outside the Mists. She often ventures out into the Mist War and returns with a variety of resources ranging from useful materials to odd/bizarre trinkets.
Special mention: Fluffy
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Fluffy was adopted as an adorable griffon chick under threat by Icebrood monsters in the Shiverpeaks. He allows the krewe to go places where an airship would draw too much attention (or can't reach). He likes griffon races, fish, and Aurene.
**---The Moebius Krewe---**
(sometimes I call them the Infinity Krewe because I still can't decide)
Officially formed in 1331AE to track and deal with the rifts left by Kralkatorrik's rampage through the Mists, although they had been tracking other anomalies prior to that event. They often collaborate with the Commander to collect data and send help to citizens affected by creatures which have escaped from the Mists. I guess you could call them a first response & rescue team specialising in Mists-related events and disasters, though they often take on side-projects in general Mists research.
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fireskarr · 1 year
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Tenakk, fire rat
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fireskarr · 1 year
Asura Appreciation Week Day 1
DAY ONE - AUGUST 20th Talk about one of your asura OCs! Who are they? What's their Deal™? @asura-appreciation-corner
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I have so many asura, so I guess I'll just go with my first one?
This is Tenakk. Grumpy fire rat who likes cats, books, and silently judging people. He may seem cold and aloof at times, but he's very protective of the people he cares about.
His parents were Inquest, and he probably would have been too if it hadn't been for the lab accident which killed his mother while he was still very young. He was adopted by a kind couple in Soren Draa, and ended up with the College of Synergetics.
As far as the whole Elder Dragon war was concerned, Tenakk managed to stay out of trouble for the most of it. But a lot of his research did involve Destroyers, which he would later share with the Durmand Priory. And while he wouldn't consider himself a friend of the Commander, they have crossed paths more than a few times.
His decision to join the Durmand Priory came after the Pact's battle with Mordremoth in the jungle. He didn't like the uniform (blue really isn't his colour), but he got to sit in a library full of cats, which was his favourite part of the job.
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His more recent adventures involve the krewe he joined a few years later, which is probably a story for Day 3 :)
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fireskarr · 2 years
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It’s been a while since I made one of these dumb comics. 
Sparxxi embarks on a new mission to acquire an unhealthy amount of candy, because her candy dragon project probably exploded
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fireskarr · 1 year
Asura Appreciation Week Day 2
DAY TWO - AUGUST 21st Do you have an Inquest OC? How did they end up in the Inquest? (If you don't, what college did your OC attend?) @asura-appreciation-corner
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I just have the two. Tenakk's parents: Malkirr and Katla
Katla doesn't have much of a backstory. She was a fire elementalist/ pyromaniac, and thought nothing of playing around with dangerous fire magics such as those used by the Flame Legion. She was trying to combine some particularly potent Flame Legion magic with one of her golems when the resulting explosion took her life. Her spirit can sometimes be seen lingering around her former lab.
Malkirr on the other hand, has a little bit more of a story. I made a post about him a few months back, but I'm just going to drop that text in here:
He's old and cranky, but surprisingly patient, and treats his underlings fairly (about half of them are undead minions anyway, they need constant maintenance). He definitely prefers using magic over tech, and he'll happily complain about kids these days being too reliant on flimsy, newfangled inventions. He was a Statics student in college, so he's big into building things that last. In some ways, he's still stuck in the past. If the old ways still work, so why change them?
During the portal invasions in Season 4, his lab and krewe were decimated in a surprise attack by an Awakened hoard that had poured out of a portal in Metrica Province. He followed the undead back through the portal and ended up in Istan, crossing paths with Dragon's Watch along the way.
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But he had no interest in getting in the way of heroes doing hero things, he was more interested in liberating Inquest assets from Joko's forces. And as a necromancer, he was VERY interested in the Awakened and how they seemed to have retained their sentience and memories.
Unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately) he never got the chance to study Joko's methods before the lich became a dragon snack, but he did stick around in Elona to clean up some of the mess left behind in Rata Primus. His new team includes some of the survivors of the base's destruction, plus a few Awakened Inquest who had nowhere else to go.
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During his time in the desert, he has learned the ways of the Scourge, and with his new abilities to manipulate sand he created his own jackal mount.
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fireskarr · 2 years
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Furball recieves an unexpected promotion to full-time lab assistant.
He’s not happy about this.
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fireskarr · 3 years
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Reason why i’ve been so quiet lately: I’m working on making a set of heavy Legendary armor through WvW. And it turns out that maxing out your WvW skirmish tickets every week is a great way of eating up ALL of your spare time. But the Legendary Armory coming soon! I'll be able to stop swapping my few heavy ascended armor bits between characters :D
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fireskarr · 4 years
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Well last year could certainly have gone better, but we’re still here. Sorry for basically disappearing for most of the year, but looking after your own irl health and wellbeing takes priority over random internet stuff.
I still have plenty of ideas for things, plus a small backlog of last years stuff to post. Not going to make any promises, but I’ll try to be more regular with uploads. Maybe every weekend?
Whether or not this year will be better than the last, take care of yourselves.
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fireskarr · 5 years
Bookah or human?
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fireskarr · 5 years
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Finally got myself a legendary backpiece! And just in time for “War Eternal” :)
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fireskarr · 6 years
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GW2 Character Roster #2 - Tenakk
My second main character, and the first in what would become a small army of asura. Tenakk was created more than a year after Skarr, yet I have nearly twice as many play hours on him. He was the first character I completed the core story on, and is my go-to character for daily achievements, gathering, and jumping puzzles.
Tenakk is a scholar in the Durmand Priory, currently studying the Weaver specialisation. His recent adventures in the desert involved a lot of sand, setting fire to undead, and tolerating his father’s presence. He hated everything about it. Except maybe his trip to the Astralarium...which was mostly ruined by the aforementioned sand, undead, and his father’s presence.
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fireskarr · 6 years
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Happy 6th Anniversary Guild Wars 2!
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fireskarr · 6 years
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Jahai Bluffs is easily my favourite map of Season 4 so far, there’s so much going on! Shifting weather patterns, spatial and temporal anomolies, space mushrooms, and familiar landmarks from GW1.
And I love getting a boost up from the tornado and flying around the map with the griffon :)
I’ve finished most of the achievements, which were pretty fun, and I spent a lot of time farming Mistonium for the new Elegy/Requiem armor skins and title. I haven’t decided on which characters to use the new skins on, but I definitely want to use them somewhere.
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