fireskarr · 1 year
Asura Appreciation Week - Day 3
DAY THREE - AUGUST 22nd Does your OC have a krewe? What do they specialize in? How do they get along with each other? @asura-appreciation-corner
A bit late with this one because y'know, new expansion launch and all. And I'm dumb and didn't prepare any of these posts in advance
The story of Tenakk's little band of misfits is going to be a bit of a long post.
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So I'll start with the first three:
Tenakk Aside from the krewes he was a part of during college, Tenakk never really had a krewe of his own for a while. He was content to work alone most of the time, which was part of the reason he ended up joining the Durmand Priory later on. Aside from his research into destroyers, he was also a really talented artificer, which he used to earn a little extra income.
Milo Milo was raised by humans, and so his mannerisms and world view is quite different from the average asura. His first visit to Rata Sum didn't go so well, and he struggled to understand and fit into asuran society. This is where he met Tenakk for the first time, and they became good friends. What Milo lacks in fighting ability, he more than makes up for it with his talents in healing magic and crafting medicines. He is very sociable, and has many contacts from the medical work he carried out around Divinity's Reach. If Tenakk ever needs a particular item or information, Milo probably knows someone who can provide it.
Sparxxi A typical Dynamics student; she likes tinkering with machines, and creating gadgets to tinker with more machines. She used to be part of a krewe in Lion's Arch, creating festival decorations and organising fireworks displays. When Scarlet's attack on the city destroyed everything she knew, she was left sitting around in one of the refugee camps with no home or friends. She noticed Milo and Tenakk helping out some of the refugees, and she pretty much latched onto them, refusing to go until they gave her a job. Tenakk eventually relented and offered her a job as an assistant.
For a short time, the three of them worked together in Tenakk's workshop/makeshift lab. They didn't consider themselves an official krewe at the time, it was pretty much 'Tenakk and Friends' doing odd jobs and projects.
And then Sparxxi heard about the Pact forces mustering in the Silverwastes, preparing to go to war against an Elder Dragon. She really wanted to get a closer look at the airships, and ended up sneaking aboard one of them. Just before the fleet set off into Maguuma to fight Mordremoth. Oops.
About two years later, Tenakk recieved a letter from her which essentially read: "Hey I found these awesome Mists researchers, you should come join us! Also, I'm alive!"
Which leads us on to the next three:
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Tenkatt One of Tenakk's best kept secrets is his failed experiment with the Infinity Ball; a device intended to show a glimpse of a possible future. But unbeknownst to him it did kind of work, and an alternate future version of himself materialised. But unlike the in-game story character of 'Grand High Sovereign', this alternate Tenakk has no desire to conquer the world, he just wants it to not fall into Void as a result of killing Elder Dragons. So it's safe to say he's not a fan of the Commander.
He stayed out of sight for a while, and joined up with the Aetherblades to poke around with their Mist portal technology. He had no interest in working for Scarlet, so when the 'Blades ended up trapped in the Mists after Scarlet's death, he took the first opportunity he could to steal one of their airships and escape the Mists long before the others figured out how to do it (he's done this before). Problem is, the portal he opened up just happened to lead right into the middle of the battle between Pact forces and the Mouth of Mordremoth in the jungle.
Here he crossed paths with Sparxxi, and her reaction was basically: "Wow, Tenakk has a twin brother!" She offered to fix up his airship and persuaded him not to go after the Commander. Many of the events he had witnessed were different from the ones he knew from his alternate reality, so he decided to stick around to see how things play out.
He and Tenakk often bicker about the best course of action, and he still doesn't agree they should be helping the Commander. The one thing they seem to agree on is that cats are great. And if anyone asks: they really are brothers.
Trellia Not actually an asura, but an inquisitive Mist creature that Tenkatt encountered while stuck in the Mists (if you're a GW1 fan, basically like Razah). Technically genderless, but has chosen to take the form of a female asura in an attempt to blend in. Trellia is a skilled Chronomancer, and also seems to have the ability to detect and manipulate some Mists-related anomalies without the need for technology.
Mellu (The hat isn't canon, it's just the best screenshot I have right now) Mellu is a seasoned Mist Warrior who seems to have lost all memory of her life outside the Mists. She often ventures out into the Mist War and returns with a variety of resources ranging from useful materials to odd/bizarre trinkets.
Special mention: Fluffy
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Fluffy was adopted as an adorable griffon chick under threat by Icebrood monsters in the Shiverpeaks. He allows the krewe to go places where an airship would draw too much attention (or can't reach). He likes griffon races, fish, and Aurene.
**---The Moebius Krewe---**
(sometimes I call them the Infinity Krewe because I still can't decide)
Officially formed in 1331AE to track and deal with the rifts left by Kralkatorrik's rampage through the Mists, although they had been tracking other anomalies prior to that event. They often collaborate with the Commander to collect data and send help to citizens affected by creatures which have escaped from the Mists. I guess you could call them a first response & rescue team specialising in Mists-related events and disasters, though they often take on side-projects in general Mists research.
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odaclan · 1 year
If the Sengoku folks had smartphones
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NHK had this comedy mini-series where it’s “The Sengoku, but everyone has smartphones”. It’s from the “perspective” of Nobunaga(’s phone), and you only vaguely see the surrounding (they’re always blurred). The main narrative is told through audio dialogues (Nobunaga talking to someone or making comments), chat messages, “Nobunaga” browsing through Gunstagram and Tenkatter, and the occasional Gungi (”Google Meet”) sessions. 
It’s the usual classic Nobunaga story and tropes, for example his mother is always being so mean to him (tsk). It’s just combined with the typical tech-related hijinks of the modern day, like teen-Nobunaga throwing a tantrum about not being given a phone, or someone accidentally being muted and was flailing soundlessly on the live meet. 
Just to make things extra funny, Nobunaga’s voice is performed by Shimazaki Nobunaga. Why not, eh? 
The videos are sadly not embed-able because they do not allow viewing on other platforms. You will have to go to Youtube to watch them.
The full playlist can be seen here:
They’re split into shorter bits, but I believe that actually covers the whole thing. It’s a very short “series” of 8 episodes that’s only 5 minutes long each. 
They previously had a “Mitsuhide’s phone” series (playlist here), and they’re currently running a “Hideyoshi’s phone” one. 
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fireskarr · 6 years
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GW2 Character Roster #7 - Tenkatt
Ah this guy :)
So, way back when I only had two characters (Skarr and Tenakk) I was playing through the early asura personal story. And discovered the Infinity Ball storyline. Now I love sci-fi stuff that deals with time travel/alternate realities, so when this game threw an alternate future version of Tenakk at me, you can bet I made my own version of him and gave him a backstory.
Tenkatt is what Tenakk may have become if he had travelled down the path to become the Pact Commander. Except Tenkatt is not your friend. Sure he may have an airship and a small krewe investigating the strange anomalies, rifts, and Mists related wierdness in the world, but that doesn’t mean he sides with the good guys. Tenkatt does things his own way, answers to no-one, thinks he knows better than anyone else, has a very low opinion of Commander Osprey (and pretty much any other non-asura), and is very, very tired of finding fluffy griffon feathers in his equipment.
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fireskarr · 7 years
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Path of Fire elite specialisations completed! 
I’m not sure how many of the new specs i’ll actually use, i’m happy with the HoT builds i’m using at the moment. When I get a bit more spare time (and gold) I might look into some of the PoF builds i’ve seen online.
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fireskarr · 7 years
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Fluffy joins the krewe!
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fireskarr · 7 years
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Tenkatt and krewe visit the desert! (I probably could have done this better)
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fireskarr · 7 years
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Character evolution post: Tenkatt
I haven’t done one of these posts in so long, and I figured i could try to do a few more of them.
So here’s Tenkatt, alternate/future Tenakk from the Infinity Ball incident. This guy isn’t interested in taking over the world however, he’s happy enough cruising around in his airship, getting into fights, and letting everyone know how great he is.
As mentioned back in my Tenakk post, the first version of him was simply Tenakk wearing an alternate armour set because i didn’t have an extra character slot at the time. When I eventually got one, I initially made a warrior just to check it out. But after thinking for a while about which profession Tenakk would be most likely to switch to, I decided on Thief. Ranger was also an option, but I think Thief just fit his personality more; he’s much more likely to stab you in the back than to go communing with nature.
And the name Tenkatt was my friend’s unintentional idea. He often referred to Tenakk as Tenkatt (i’m not entirely sure where he got that idea from), so when I made the character I just went with that. :)
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fireskarr · 8 years
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GW2 Fashion Week: Day 5
So I kinda love the combination of Aetherblade Jerkin and shoulder scarf. I use the same combo on my asura Engineer too, even though I usually try to use different skins for each of my characters. I don’t recall which one came first so I made a little headcanon that my Engie likes to copy the styles of people she thinks are badass ;) This guy is the doppelganger of my elementalist Tenakk, from a potential future created by an Infinity Ball. He chose the name Tenkatt to avoid awkward questions and distance himself from his “idiot other self”, and can usually be found chilling in the Mists on his stolen airship.
Head: Panscopic Monocle/Aviator Sunglasses Shoulders: Shoulder Scarf Chest: Aetherblade Medium Jerkin Hands: Inquest Bracers Legs: Aetherblade Medium Leggings Feet: Inquest Boots
Weapons: Bo, Inquest Dagger, Dark Asuran Pistol
Dyes: Black Cherry, Ebony, Stone
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fireskarr · 8 years
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I haven’t drawn anything for a while, so here’s my asura collection :)
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fireskarr · 6 years
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GW2 Character Roster #8 - Trellia
Mysterious asura of mystery, Trellia is a member of Tenkatt’s krewe, helping to track down and stabilise the magical anomolies and rifts that have been appearing in the world. Apparently originating from the Mists, no-one seems to know who Trellia really is, and she seems to have no prior memories of living on Tyria.
At least two people have been able to see past her illusions, and deduce that she may not actually be an asura at all. But regardless of who or what she may be, Trellia is resolute in her mission to use her strange abilities to help restore the magical balance of the world.
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fireskarr · 9 years
Character headcanons for Wintersday!
Since my last post was about Milo and what he would likely do to help during Wintersday, I’ve decided to write little bits for some of my other characters and what they would get up to during the holidays!
(This is probably gonna be a looooong post!)
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Tenakk doesn’t have any strong feelings about Wintersday. The new year is just a year like many others. While he does enjoy the seasonal food and drink, he doesn’t have many friends or family to exchange gifts with, and prefers to stay away from the noise and crowds in the main cities. Tenakk is not very sociable or charitable, however he does consider Milo to be a close friend, and would likely help out the younger elementalist to wrap up some gifts for the orphans.
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The other Tenakk has better things to do with his time.
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Sparxxi loves the Wintersday celebrations, and especially the copious amounts of candy and spiced apple cider on offer. She is likely to be putting her new Scrapper skills to good use, by attaching sprigs of mistletoe to her mobile drones and setting them loose around Divinity’s Reach!
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Wintersday for Liana is usually very traditional, spending time with the extended family, exchanging gifts, and a hearty meal. Though her faith in the six gods is not as strong as her parents’, she will often accompany them to the shrine where they give thanks for the blessings of the past year.
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Being stuck in the jungle hasn’t stopped Skarr from joining in the festive fun. She is fascinated by the festivals and customs of the other races, and she enjoys making small hand-carved sculptures to pass out as gifts.
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Garak can’t resist any opportunity to test his cooking skills, and Wintersday is no exception. The jungle has presented an interesting challenge in his plan to create some festive meals for the stranded Pact soldiers.
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A new year is just a change in the calendar, and as a result, Reiga doesn’t really care about any human-based holidays or celebrations. She doesn’t outright hate them however, she would be a formidable opponent in any snowball fight!
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Malkkir doesn’t participate in the Wintersday festivities at all, however a few members of his krewe are rather fond of the seasonal celebrations. He understands the potential of such events to provide a huge boost to morale, so he gives his krewe the opportunity to take a short break from work to do what they wish.
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Before her death, Katla was rather fond of Wintersday, though she often hid her love for the season from her fellow Inquest colleagues.
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Though she know much about them, Trellia does not have much real-world experience of  festivals such as Wintersday. She would probably approach the celebrations with a mixture of curiosity and caution as she attempts to figure out what is going on.
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The snowy regions of Tyria are Cassinia’s favourite places to travel through, so a festival during the winter months certainly tops the list of things she likes to experience. She enjoys and appreciates the beauty of the season; the delicate patterns of snowflakes, the gentle chimes of bells, and the inviting aroma of freshly brewed hot chocolate.
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Kaynii and Glavv have always participated in Wintersday in some way as they have grown up, but they have met only recently. This Wintersday would likely involve exchanging expensive gifts and spending some time together in Divinity’s Reach, taking a break from their respective businesses.
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Vlagg is just here for the booze. And the kissing under the mistletoe ;)
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fireskarr · 9 years
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More asura scribbles/expression practice, I guess.
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