#pacifist milo
fireskarr · 2 years
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It’s Wintersday!
And Milo is already hard at work farming orphans for karma spreading some holiday cheer!
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gr3y-plays-ttrpgs · 2 years
wait actually inspired by critical role and Ashton yelling at Percy a question for y'all:
which two of your DnD characters would hate each other the most and why?
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oneeyedsparrow · 2 months
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Arthur Finch
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Age: 18
Born: February 10th, Aquarius
Kamii University, Freshman
Department of Literature, Studying Japanese Literature
Gender: Male ♂
Species: Human
Size: 162.56 cm  58 kg
Blood-type: A+
Likes: Drawing, Reading, Intelligence, Martial Arts and Katsudon. Favorite Literature: Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
Sexuality: Gay ⚣
Hobbies: Arthur really enjoys reading or drawing in his free time. You’ll usually see him at a cafe with his favorite horror book or sketching in one of his many sketchbooks. 
Personality: Athletic, Clever, Friendly, Introverted, clingy (only to Mira and later to Hide and Kaneki once he gets to know them.) Secretive about his family ties to the CCG, Pacifist (he avoids causing harm to pretty much anyone.) He strongly believes that violence leads to more violence. While being a pacifist he still believes in self-defense. He rarely if ever holds grudges. He’s Impulsive to act when he thinks someone is in danger. He is a little bit cowardly when it comes to his own life. He’s a bit spoiled because of his rich upbringing but he doesn’t see himself above anyone. He’s also stubborn in his beliefs. Background: Born to Victor and Emma Finch in the United States, Arthur lost his father at the age of 10. His mother remarried to Benjamin Willaims, an investigator under the American version of the CCG, The Department of Ghoul Defense. His mother died when he was 12, leaving him with his stepfather who got more invested in his work due to Arthur’s mother dying from a ghoul attack. The ghoul who was framed for the murder was eventually killed, and his wife was arrested for harboring a ghoul under her care. 
The ghoul who supposedly killed his mother had two offspring: Mira and Milo Walsh, two natural born half-ghouls who initially befriended Arthur out of petty revenge, though the former of the two grew to have an actual friendship with him while the other kept his resentment at the forefront of their interactions. It was thanks to his friend Mira that Arthur was able to find other options for himself, and to aid him with a surgery before making further plans for the future. 
While distant with his stepfather, Arthur decided to leave the country to pursue his life goals, taking his best friend Mira with him as the two settled into Japan to start a new life together. Arthur has no idea that Mira and Milo are half ghouls.  Arthur's gun is a black 44 magnum that has 6 rounds. The gun uses Q bullets. Arthur only uses this gun as his last and finally option.
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Ships I'm okay with: Arthur x Kaneki, Arthur x Hide, Arthur x Hide x Kaneki. Mira X Arthur. Ships I'm not okay with: Arthur with anyone who Identifies as being female. (Arthur is gay sooo) Shuu Tsukiyama (I would be okay with it if their personalities didn't clash so much.) I'm okay with: Gore, NSFW, and even death of my OC (I'm pretty much cool with it all.) If you have any more questions about Arthur Finch Please DM me @websterweaver or @oneeyedsparrow @tokyoghoulartfight2024 This is my TG OC Feel free to attack me as I will definitely will do revenge! >:3 Ships I'm okay with: Arthur x Kaneki, Arthur x Hide, Arthur x Hide x Kaneki. Mira X Arthur. Ships I'm not okay with: Arthur with anyone who Identifies as being female. (Arthur is gay sooo) Shuu Tsukiyama (I would be okay with it if their personalities didn't clash so much.) I'm okay with: Gore, NSFW, and even death of my OC (I'm pretty much cool with it all.) If you have any more questions about Arthur Finch Please DM me @websterweaver or @oneeyedsparrow @tokyoghoulartfight2024 This is my TG OC Feel free to attack me as I will definitely will do revenge! >:3 dividers by @nymphfrills
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larz-barz · 9 months
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The final au of 2023🥺
Alright so this is the Milo Kocho au.
Basically, Shinobu and Kanae saved her from her uncle when she was younger and they raised her.
They found out about her healing abilities and allowed her to help take care of injured slayers.
She passes out after a lot of healing though so they don’t let her do any more healing after a certain point so she can rest.
There are certain people she bends that rule for though (@kimetsu-chan and @aceofstars0 hehe y’all know~).
In this au she’s even more of a pacifist than she already is.
She hates that she has to take breaks after healing a lot.
That’s why she bends the rule for a certain 2 people😏.
It’s Yuna and Basil btw-
She and Basil grew up together.
Basil was taken in first.
Hehe :3
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anotheroceanid · 10 days
Hector, Milo and Luke if Gaia participated in their upbringing and they grew up at a normal pace.
Hector - Orion's lieutenant, his favorite pupil, great with a bow but mediocre at fencing. Misses his mother very much and secretly wants to return to the island where he spent his happy half of childhood.
Milo - Gaia's assistant, one of her favorites, equally good with a bow and a sword. He keeps their mother's last things and takes care of the conservation of endangered animal species.
Luke - he is something of a priest of Gaia and keeps several temples in absolutely chaotically scattered places, he provides help and protection to everyone who comes and to everyone who asks. A Pacifist to the core.
If Gaea had her way on the boys’ upbringing I fear they’d be terrifying 😭😭😭 Like, bye bye Zeus, you’re not surviving that.
They’re very, very powerful and unfortunately for Gaea, she didn’t get to explore those powers during their early years.
Only thing the gods have going on for themselves in the fic is that Percy refused to turn her sons into soldiers.
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the-jade-jester27 · 5 months
Turtle Power AU character art - The Other Turtles
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Venus De Milo is the Mighty Champion of The Battle Nexus, she's a pacifist at heart and will not fight unless necessary. Venus is calm and collected and her family is always her first priority
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Jennika is a gladiator of The Battle Nexus, much like Venus, and while she might not be champion she's a force to be reckoned with. Jenny is quick to anger and strong enough to break you in two.
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Little Lita is young, and she looks up to her sisters and parents(her sisters being Mertle and Mayday). She's gullible and full of potential, and is currently learning how to use a bow.
Go to masterpost
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gauntsghostsfieldguide · 10 months
Anarch- Part 21 and last
"‘When were you hit?’ asked Mabbon. ‘Doesn’t matter,’ said Rawne. ‘You’re hit?’ asked Varl. ‘I said it doesn’t matter,’ said Rawne." I think you'll find it very much does, Rawne. You idiot.
"‘Oh feth, Eli,’ said Varl." I know Rawne's in a bad way when Varl says that and he doesn't snap at him.
"‘Now I’ve met the only fething pacifist objector in this whole fething galaxy.’" Technically not, since he met Dorden a long time ago. Though Mabbon's the only one now that Dorden's dead.
"He felt himself slipping into the dark place he’d spent his life fighting to avoid." ;_;
"The launcher tube had been buckled when the blast slammed it against the wall. He’d noticed that the moment he’d picked it up." Aww, darn.
Poor Mabbon. He may be done with war, but he lives in the world of always war.
"‘A curse,’ said Mabbon. ‘It let me see the truth. The deranged hell of the immaterium and those gods which dwell within it. I saw them all. I saw myself. I saw how he had changed me. I saw what he had made me. It was enough. I turned my back on war forever.'" Interesting, that he saw how Chaos works and responded by turning away from it, instead of going insane or joining closer.
"‘I never asked for it,’ said Mabbon. He spat yellow blood, his eyes neon fire. ‘I never wanted it. But he blessed me anyway.’" And he turned it on Sek as much as he could.
There's now eight stones in Imperial custody, four mostly burned. That's more than five, but less than the ten that would indicate two sets (one fake). It's gonna show up again.
"But something either side could use." So they're gonna try and use it. So much for Mabbon figuring the Imperium wouldn't figure it out.
"‘I didn’t mean to disturb you,’ Criid said, wiping her eyes. ‘This is just the first chance I’ve had to come down here. To see.'" ;_;
"‘They weren’t tricks to me,’" D: ;_;
I hate this whole plotline so much, tbh. Retconning the two kids in the regiment, the hope of the future, into a Chaos sleeper weapon is just... too grimdark. Too "haha, you thought things could look up?"
"It should be easier to issue commendations now the Tanith First is the formal escort brigade of the Lord Executor." Of course they are. They won't be parted from Gaunt, if he can help it.
"It may get very ceremonial from now on." Until the next book, anyway. Ceremonial's too boring for a plot.
"He took off his cap, stepped forwards, and kissed her cheek. She stayed very still." Fucking finally. Please no more love triangles.
"But just to be on the safe side, you know, he should try to be the best fething person he can possibly be for the rest of his born days. See? Just to hedge his bets? In case the absolution didn’t take." Please, Blenner, please take this advice. Don't be an asshole anymore.
"‘Yes, that was a mistake,’ said Rawne. ‘It didn’t hurt when I was unconscious.'" And now he's feeling better, because he's instantly dry and sarcastic.
"‘We lost a lot. It’s hard to take in.’ ‘It always is,’ said Rawne." Good old unexpectedly sincere Rawne.
"‘I was holding this for you,’ Bonin said, matter-of-factly. ‘That cot’s free, so you can have that.’" Oh, Bonin, so deadpan about Mkoll showing back up. And Milo.
"The boy was never coming back" That's what you think. He's already back, he just hasn't seen you yet.
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elliottjpg · 2 years
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Lupin III OCs
🌻❤️‍🩹Milo Clarke❤️‍🩹🌻
(character belonging to @whosayscrimedoesntpay )
Milo is Hiro's boyfriend. He came to Japan to study medicine, and met Hiro and Kanako in uni. He got roped into their criminal activities, and eventually dropped out of uni to join the Meiwaku Gang.
He's a pacifist, and mostly acts as the gang's babysitter/voice-of-reason. He's the dedignated getaway driver and medic, and does the occasional impersonation (he does a very good Zenigata).
Milo is very kind and sweet, and he doesn't like to resort to violence. However, he won't hesitate to whoop ass if you hurt or threaten the people he loves.
👊Weapon of choice: kindness ❤ and brass knuckles
💬Send me or @whosayscrimedoesntpay asks, we're always happy to talk about our brainchildren!
Old reference sheet under the cut! 👇
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melodythebunny · 2 years
Time to ramble about your OCs. Any OCs you have, tell us about them? What's lore do you wish to tell of them? Funniest things about your OCs? What inspired your OCs?
I wanna ramble about my original work ocs... Bc its been a while since i talked/thought about them. Let alone drawn any of them.
So ill answer this with my original characters if that alright
i have a bunch of ocs. Many are still in drafts cuz ive been busy with fan works. But i have two to 3 series one i am trying to turn into an animation series (@the-mis-adventurers ) and another that is gonna be a collab comic series with @strawberry-mangoprincess (she's more active one her Insta compared to me lol) one is just merely a fun concept i think about every now and then.
Overall my ocs are inspired by other fictional characters. mainly from whatever media i consume and enjoy.
Starting with the concept one.
I only have two ocs made for it so far. Ember and Crystal. They are sisters with fire and ice elemental powers hence their names. Ember like fire embers and crystal like ice Crystals. Orphans dunno who there parents were. Not clear if their powers ran in the family/curse/etc.
Ember always had trouble controlling her powers especially with having a fiery temper. She's the more friendlier sibling however. Crystal despises her ice powers. She has an easier time hiding them so she can blend in with normal people. (I gotta draw them again sometime)
Crystal doesnt hate her sister but isn't close to her either. Feeling the need to take care of her since she's the last of kin.
And now for my (slightly) more thought out ocs from my wip series, the misadventurers
In a nutshell i want this series to be about the power of friendship (i blame my mlp phase for this-)
There's four main characters. All girls bc why not?
Their names are mink, jing, Raine and jennifer.
Mink is the more calm and responsible one out of her friends. Mom friend type. Her hair was actually blonde but turned pink to unknown reasons. (I took inspiration from lofi music when creating her) She proudly owns a pet turtle named fern. Will kick butt if her friends are hurt.
Jing is a goth who enjoys making music. she plans on startd her own band someday. (Eventually she does with her friends. Its called rock n pop. Pending title for now) has a rivalry with another oc of mines, Lillian. Loves to scare the others with pranks and horror movies.
Raine is the artist of the group. She tends to break the fourth wall whenever she wants. Also whatever she draws with her paint brush becomes real. her name is also a pun. Raine strom. (You can see her on my tumblr header harassing my old sona) Very zany in a good way. Has a crush on a dense boi*
Jennifer is a social butterfly. Heart's too big for her sleeve. Pacifist. Tends to let wild animals in the house. And thats how she got a pet goat who may or may not actually be one. Her mother wishes she'd be more responsible.
Now for some reccuring characters-
Lillian - famous star, used to be childhood friends with jing. And now they hate eachothers guts. Primadonna gurrrrllll. All she ever wanted was the worrrrldddd(Took alot of inspiration from the song for her) is an attention hog and will do anything to be popular.
*Milo - Also known as peppermint boi/j. But seriously look at his color pallet-. He does enjoy mints and always passing one out to people. Very dense and doesn't get when he is getting on someone nerves. Just as zany as raine. Uber positive. Don't let him get too excited tho. Cuz he'll LITERALLY explode.
Cole - college drop out. Wonders why the haystack milo and raine won't leave him be. Also tends to be their third wheel on their 'not' dates. He hates it. Very moody. Legend has it he's never laughed or smiled before.
Derek - just some rich dude. Comes up with so many back stories like Horst from ratatouille so its hard to tell which is fake and what is real. Tries really hard for Jennifer to fall for him but doesn't work out.
I already rambled to you about max and min. Buttt I can tell you a it more about them at least about their absent/missing parents
Thymes (pronounced Times) and Divid are the twins and Equan’s Parents.
They are both scientists who worked for [REDACTED]. Thymes and Divid were both pretty much crazy but in a ‘not so dangerous’ type of way.  always ready to invent stuff even if it held no actual purpose.
It did concern them greatly when Equan started going through a Frankenstein phase. At least they assumed it was. Probably didn’t help much they were pretty much working even at home leaving their kids pretty much unattended(And boy oh boy did they learn…)
And sadly disappeared due to unknown circumstances.
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misssakurapetal28 · 2 years
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Mei Pieh Chi (aka: Venus De Milo)
Date of Birth/Age: July 27th, 2002 (age 16-18, the same age as April)
Aliases/Nicknames: Mei (pronounced May), Venus, Mimi, Milo, Vee, Mystic Angel, Battle Angel, Pink (mostly by Splinter), Pinky
Species: Asian Box Turtle
Gender: Female (She/Her pronouns)
Height: 5’3 (Taller than Mikey, but shorter than Leo/Donnie)
Preference: Biromantic Demi
Color: Pink (Main Color), White (Sub Main), Black (Enemy)
Eye Color: Black, Brown (theoretically speaking)
Hair Color: None (Mutant), Maroon (Real hair color), Dark Sapphire (Dyed)
Weapon of Choice: Mystic Hook Swords, Twin Mystic Tessens
Home: New York City
Affiliation: The Hamato Clan, Mad Dogs, Unnamed Clan (Previously)
((More info about her under the cut!))
Positive Traits
A sweetheart
Neutral Traits
Bit of a airhead
A bit ditzy
Tends to apologize a lot, even when it’s not her fault
A bit shy
Negative Traits
Low self esteem
Tends to blame herself a lot, even when she’s not at fault
Sometimes Naïve
Can be a bit of a pushover, even if unintentionally
A bit of a nag
Can be a bit of a spaz
Likes & Strengths
Anime & Manga
Trying new things
Mystic Power
Being part of a team
Dislikes & Fears
Gruesome/Disturbing injuries
Horror Movies
Air horns
Arguments between friends
Ninjutsu: Venus had Ninjutsu abilities before she made her appearance. She had an unnamed ninjutsu teacher in the past who taught her many skills. So of course, these skills stay with her until her appearance, even if she’s a bit “rusty” at first.
Kenjutsu: Venus has the ability to use hook swords. She uses them in offense and defense, mostly the latter.
Tessenjutsu: Venus is skilled with the tessen.
Stealth: As a practitioner of ninjutsu, Venus can slip in and out of areas undetected.
Speed: Since her mutation, many of Venus’s abilities have enhanced, including speed. She’s capable of moving faster than the eye can follow.
Agility: Due to her mutation, Venus’s agility has also enhanced, allowing her to successfully dodge attacks and perform sharp twists and flips. This could also be due to her ninjustu.
Durability: Venus have always had a high tolerance for pain and trauma, but since her mutation, Venus’s body can experience it without lasting repercussions a lot more than she was human.
Shell Retraction: Being a mutant turtle, Venus can now retreat in her shell. Though she does have a problem with this in the beginning.
Mystic Wings: Venus has the ability to retract a pair of feather-like mystic wings, gaining the ability to fly. However, they also act as real wings, connecting to Venus’s nervous system. So if her wings get injured or removed without her personally undoing them, she will feel pain. However, this is something that happens a lot less as she starts to get a better understanding of her mystic power and abilities.
Mystic Healing: Venus has the ability to heal external injuries with her mystic power (cuts, burns, open wounds etc.). However, she’s unable to heal internal injuries.
Mystic Power: Like the 4 turtles, Venus has good control and access of her mystic power. However, she has trouble calculating and estimating exactly how much mystic power that she should use, especially regarding her healing power. As a result of that, she sometimes ends up in a weak or powerless state, which can lead to her passing out, or in a worst case scenario, ending up in a coma. 
Music: Venus is a musician. She’s a very talented singer and is skilled with the guitar, drums and tambourine. She owns a acoustic guitar, in which she loves making songs with Michelangelo.
Art: She’s not very skilled with drawing nor painting, but Mikey is teaching her how.
Cooking: Venus is a fair cook, but she also learns to be better from Mikey and April.
Skateboarding/Skating: A skill that she lacked in the beginning, before the turtles taught her how.
Intelligence: Venus is more intelligent than she leads on. She’s slightly more intelligent than average, but Donatello beats her by a long shot.
Raphael: Venus and Raph get along very well, and they think highly of each other. Venus values and respects Raph a lot as a teammate, leader, and friend. Even though Raph had his doubts about her in the beginning, he soon warms up to her. He admires her and respects her a lot, viewing her as “a amazing person”. Venus has a unrequited crush on him.
Leonardo: Venus and Leo get along well. Despite his immaturity at times, Venus sees past this and believes Leo to be a good person deep down. She sometimes even laughs at his one-liners and jokes (she’s the only one who honestly finds them funny lol). Leo has a slight unrequited crush on her, but keeps it to himself and stays friends with her. Leo admires Venus and sees her as a good person, but he sometimes believes that “she’s too nice for her own good”.
Michelangelo: Mikey is the quickest to forgive and accept Venus into their family. Within time, Venus and Mikey become very close, forming a sibling-like relationship. They are often there for each other for emotional support and to talk sense into each other when the other falters. Venus considers Mikey someone very precious to her, while Mikey feels the same.
Donatello: Venus and Donnie got off to a bad start in the beginning, since Venus was once against them and her actions lead to almost himself, his brothers and even April getting hurt. As a result, Donnie found it hard to trust her as easily as the others did when she finally joined the team. However, Donnie does eventually warm up to her, as he was able to tell that Venus had a pure heart. Despite her goofy antics towards him and her playful teasing at times (much to his chagrin), Venus shows great concern for Donnie and his well-being. She also sees a good person pass his “bad boy” shtick. Like with Leo though, Donnie often thinks that Venus is “too sweet for her own good”.
April: Venus has her first encounter with April at school. Both were friendless girls who met each other alone one day. Venus claimed that she was a new student who “transferred” a few months ago. Venus and April have “conflicting personalities”, but despite this, they were able to become good friends in no time. She’s one of April’s best female friends and talks about female things with her.
Splinter: Splinter is like a teacher to Venus and even in some cases like a father. Venus respects Splinter while Splinter views Venus as a nice young girl. He sometimes jokes about marrying Venus’s off to one of his sons one day, much to Venus’s chagrin and embarrassment.
Cassandra: Venus and Casey becomes friends after Casey switches sides. Even though Cass can sometimes be a little bit too extreme for Vee, Venus is still very fond of her and her strong personality. She also can see her more “mother hen/big sister” side in the subsequent times that they have together. She often calls her “Cass” for short instead of Casey.
Sunita: Venus and Sunita had a feud to see who’s April’s “best friend” at one point. However, they eventually saw that April cherishes them both as friends equally and they all settle their differences. Now, they get along very well, sharing some interest and even having girls’ nights along with April and Cassandra.
Baron Draxum: One of Baron’s ooze mosquitoes mutated Venus into a mutant turtle, but she doesn’t know that HE was the true culprit behind it at first. Baron manipulated Venus into working under him for a short while as a means of revenge against the turtles, who she believed at the time was responsible for the ooze mosquitoes getting free. However, she eventually finds out the truth and once again crosses to the side of good. When he eventually redeems, even though she’s wary of him like the others at first, she accepts him due to Mikey’s wishes and her own empathy. 
Highlights of her History
Venus was introduced as a teenage girl who April met in the hallways at school one day.
April assumed that she was a new student, considering that she never seen her around school before. When in actuality, Venus was there for about 3 months at most.
She was introduced as a “loner” who had no friends to speak of.
She was an only child who lived with her mom.
Venus was curious one day of April’s “hidden life” and followed her.
She got caught in the crossfire and was mistakenly bit/stung by an ooze mosquito with the DNA of a Asian Box Turtle.
She was found by Baron after her mutation and when the Mad Dogs fled the scene. They didn’t know that Venus was mutated, but Baron tricked her and manipulated her into thinking that they was responsible for all that happened to her, convincing her that “they did this to her, without even staying to help her”.
She was their enemy for a little while until she finally found out the truth, coming back to her senses and joining their side. She’s now part of the Hamato clan.
She changed her color from black + dark pink, to pink + white.
She leaves a note for her mom, explaining that she needs to get away for a while, not to worry about her. She promises to see her mom again in better circumstances.
She renames herself Venus De Milo, after one of her favorite art pieces. Her reason for this is to separate her old self from her new self (friendless and alone, to having friends and accompanied). She also found it easier this way so no one can find out that “Venus De Milo” is NOT Mei Pieh Chi.
Venus is part of the autistic spectrum.
She loves cherries, especially cherrychangas (a chimichanga filled with cherry pie filling, topped with cherries), but she’s ironically allergic to cherries.
She has a male pet turtle, Loki. This is meant to be somewhat of a reference to 2012! Raph owning a pet tortoise named Spike in the earlier seasons, until he was mutated into Slash. This also is a reference to him owning Chompy.
Venus is of Chinese, Japanese and Caucasian descendant. Her father is Japanese & Chinese, while her mother is Caucasian American.
Venus’s real name is Mei Pei Chi like in the original Next Mutation series, in which she is referred to as Mei (pronounced as May). When she's mutated into a mutant turtle, she takes on the name of Venus De Milo, named after one of her favorite pieces of art/statues. I imagine both Leo and Mikey helping her out with this.
Rise! Venus's colors are different than her Next Mutation conterpart. Instead of teal and different shades of blue, her colors are different shades of pink and white.
Venus wields different weapons in the beginning. Instead of having twin tessens like her Next Mutation counterpart, she wields two mystic hook swords. However, she does gain two mystic tessens as her upgraded weapons later in “the season 2 finale”.
She has two necklaces: A yin & yang locket and a teal colored crystal necklace. Both necklaces are crucial to her, which I plan to explain later.
Venus’s backstory is completely different than her original conterpart. While she was originally a baby turtle that gotten separated from the pack in Next Mutation, in this version of Venus, she was born as a normal human girl.
Venus is shown to be a lot like her mother: a kind and gentle soul. I have a theory on who her father could be, but I’m still taking this idea into consideration. However, it might be scrapped due to the “inconsistencies” of the idea.
Even though the team (the turtles, April and Splinter) sees her as part of the family and she feels the same, they are more like her found family, rather than her adoptive family. So somewhat similar to her Next Mutation counterpart, although she does see Michelangelo as her little brother, she doesn’t see the other members that way.
Venus is 16-18, the same age as April. However, since her birthday is before April’s, she’s considered older than her.
Venus is taller than Mikey, but shorter than Leo/Donnie.
I tend to elaborate more on Venus’s unnamed Ninjustu teacher in the future. However, for now, they will remain unknown. What is known about him though is that they were very close. She saw him as a father figure.
Venus’s development/arc is gaining more confidence and respect for herself. She also learns to accept that she’s a being with valid emotions. So she deserves to feel other emotions other than “happiness” or “sorrow”, without fear of “making things worse for everyone else”. She doesn’t have to put up with everything.
Though it may seem like that Venus and Leo are the same tone of green, Venus is a lighter color. I might change her tone of green to a more darker green in the future, but not too dark.
Venus’s many skills can be due to her being a loner, leaving her to have quite a lot of time on her hands. lol
Venus actually knows a lot about mystic power, as she was told about it from her previous teacher, in which HE knew of the mystic/Yokai world.
Venus claimed that she transferred schools in the beginning, but it was later revealed that she was actually expelled from her old private school for getting into a fight with her bullies.
Hope you guys enjoyed this! I’ll most likely add more details in the future, in this post or in another post. If you have any more questions, just ask me.
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fireskarr · 1 year
Asura Appreciation Week - Day 3
DAY THREE - AUGUST 22nd Does your OC have a krewe? What do they specialize in? How do they get along with each other? @asura-appreciation-corner
A bit late with this one because y'know, new expansion launch and all. And I'm dumb and didn't prepare any of these posts in advance
The story of Tenakk's little band of misfits is going to be a bit of a long post.
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So I'll start with the first three:
Tenakk Aside from the krewes he was a part of during college, Tenakk never really had a krewe of his own for a while. He was content to work alone most of the time, which was part of the reason he ended up joining the Durmand Priory later on. Aside from his research into destroyers, he was also a really talented artificer, which he used to earn a little extra income.
Milo Milo was raised by humans, and so his mannerisms and world view is quite different from the average asura. His first visit to Rata Sum didn't go so well, and he struggled to understand and fit into asuran society. This is where he met Tenakk for the first time, and they became good friends. What Milo lacks in fighting ability, he more than makes up for it with his talents in healing magic and crafting medicines. He is very sociable, and has many contacts from the medical work he carried out around Divinity's Reach. If Tenakk ever needs a particular item or information, Milo probably knows someone who can provide it.
Sparxxi A typical Dynamics student; she likes tinkering with machines, and creating gadgets to tinker with more machines. She used to be part of a krewe in Lion's Arch, creating festival decorations and organising fireworks displays. When Scarlet's attack on the city destroyed everything she knew, she was left sitting around in one of the refugee camps with no home or friends. She noticed Milo and Tenakk helping out some of the refugees, and she pretty much latched onto them, refusing to go until they gave her a job. Tenakk eventually relented and offered her a job as an assistant.
For a short time, the three of them worked together in Tenakk's workshop/makeshift lab. They didn't consider themselves an official krewe at the time, it was pretty much 'Tenakk and Friends' doing odd jobs and projects.
And then Sparxxi heard about the Pact forces mustering in the Silverwastes, preparing to go to war against an Elder Dragon. She really wanted to get a closer look at the airships, and ended up sneaking aboard one of them. Just before the fleet set off into Maguuma to fight Mordremoth. Oops.
About two years later, Tenakk recieved a letter from her which essentially read: "Hey I found these awesome Mists researchers, you should come join us! Also, I'm alive!"
Which leads us on to the next three:
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Tenkatt One of Tenakk's best kept secrets is his failed experiment with the Infinity Ball; a device intended to show a glimpse of a possible future. But unbeknownst to him it did kind of work, and an alternate future version of himself materialised. But unlike the in-game story character of 'Grand High Sovereign', this alternate Tenakk has no desire to conquer the world, he just wants it to not fall into Void as a result of killing Elder Dragons. So it's safe to say he's not a fan of the Commander.
He stayed out of sight for a while, and joined up with the Aetherblades to poke around with their Mist portal technology. He had no interest in working for Scarlet, so when the 'Blades ended up trapped in the Mists after Scarlet's death, he took the first opportunity he could to steal one of their airships and escape the Mists long before the others figured out how to do it (he's done this before). Problem is, the portal he opened up just happened to lead right into the middle of the battle between Pact forces and the Mouth of Mordremoth in the jungle.
Here he crossed paths with Sparxxi, and her reaction was basically: "Wow, Tenakk has a twin brother!" She offered to fix up his airship and persuaded him not to go after the Commander. Many of the events he had witnessed were different from the ones he knew from his alternate reality, so he decided to stick around to see how things play out.
He and Tenakk often bicker about the best course of action, and he still doesn't agree they should be helping the Commander. The one thing they seem to agree on is that cats are great. And if anyone asks: they really are brothers.
Trellia Not actually an asura, but an inquisitive Mist creature that Tenkatt encountered while stuck in the Mists (if you're a GW1 fan, basically like Razah). Technically genderless, but has chosen to take the form of a female asura in an attempt to blend in. Trellia is a skilled Chronomancer, and also seems to have the ability to detect and manipulate some Mists-related anomalies without the need for technology.
Mellu (The hat isn't canon, it's just the best screenshot I have right now) Mellu is a seasoned Mist Warrior who seems to have lost all memory of her life outside the Mists. She often ventures out into the Mist War and returns with a variety of resources ranging from useful materials to odd/bizarre trinkets.
Special mention: Fluffy
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Fluffy was adopted as an adorable griffon chick under threat by Icebrood monsters in the Shiverpeaks. He allows the krewe to go places where an airship would draw too much attention (or can't reach). He likes griffon races, fish, and Aurene.
**---The Moebius Krewe---**
(sometimes I call them the Infinity Krewe because I still can't decide)
Officially formed in 1331AE to track and deal with the rifts left by Kralkatorrik's rampage through the Mists, although they had been tracking other anomalies prior to that event. They often collaborate with the Commander to collect data and send help to citizens affected by creatures which have escaped from the Mists. I guess you could call them a first response & rescue team specialising in Mists-related events and disasters, though they often take on side-projects in general Mists research.
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I think milo deserves a chance to help grace, I think milo should see some demons chasing grace or some shit and just go “oh it’s feral hours” or something
milo:*sees grace getting chased by demons**pulls out potions and crossbow* this week has been awful Time to Unwind
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bosherjin · 7 years
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I felt like drawing a cinnamon roll eating cinnamon rolls :)
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Master (Of Puppets) List
(I’m sorry that is a bad sort of pun …)
Stranger Things
Mini series:
Eddie Munson:
The Cheerleader’s Friend The Freak:
Cheerleader's Friend The Freak
Eddie Munson:
Sick with a Cold
Gareth Emerson:
None yet
Robin Buckley:
None yet
Steve Harrington:
None yet
Eddie Munson:
Reader finds out she has autism
Eddie Munson:
Ultimate Rock Concert
Steve Harrington:
1 step forward and 3 steps back
Stranger Things x reader
Vox Machina
Percy de Rolo:
Once An Enemy
Keyleth and reader spend the night together
Reader gets injured
Vox Machina:
HC for relationship
One Shots:
Milo Morbius:
DC Universe
One Shots:
Cameron Mahkent:
The World Was Wide Enough
Hand Holding (Chatgpt)
What Its Like To Date (multi character) - Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Wally West, Jason Todd, Clark Kent, and Martian Manhunter
Doctor Who
One Shots:
None yet
The Doctor:
The Walking Dead
One Shots:
Daryl Dixon:
A Reunion
I Am Not Okay With This
One Shots:
Stanley Barber:
Charlie Boy
None yet
Umbrella Academy
None yet
Mini series:
Panic Room part 1
Ragnarok (Netflix)
Laurits Seier:
First Date HC
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bluemoondust · 2 years
My thought, yandere milo would never get jealous because everyone knows she dating him, but darling has someone so precious to her like her Pokemon, friends, family etc. she often spend time with them instead with her boyfriend, she cares about them more than him and she loves them more than him.
Even he would never get jealous but he's envied. And he would do something terrible like 'pretend' to be gentle, kind and sweet, made people misunderstood besides acts like victim and observe.
If darling already has a bad news before they are together, it would be easy for him. His will plan work and darling is his again.
Sorry if my concept are too dark, just never judge a book by its cover that's it.
Nah, you're all good anon! This is a dark content blog, so you all are free to go crazy with your ideas! 。^‿^。
But I completely agree! I mentioned in the general yan headcanons for Milo that he's a yandere who has complete faith in his darling and is not one to get jealous.
He isn't an aggressive man, but I do see the idea of him having a breaking point if you, his darling, just... Neglect him. Milo is happy that he has you, but ignoring him like this is unfair on your part. He usually forgives you, because he loves you. However, it'll eventually get under his skin to the point where he can't take it anymore. It's very interesting to see a very kind character snap and go nuts, you know? (like that 'Aren't you tired of being nice? Don't you wanna go apeshit?' meme)
A whole 'break/corrupt the cutie' situation (but even more since he's already a yandere here).
Worst part. If he ever crosses any lines; no one would ever consider him as a possible suspect. He's Milo. The Grass Type gym leader known to always hold back in battling. The man who is a pure pacifist to the public.
You'd be none the wiser as well, as you seek him for comfort. You're finally paying attention to him. Only him. This would just make him think, "Huh... So that's what'll take to have you look at me." It will act as justification for his actions.
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discet · 2 years
Anon Time 02 - AU’s
got a few of these and I don’t have super lot to say so here they are as a batch. For people who sent these in, thanks, wish I had greater insight.
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This just sounds funny. I never saw Milo Murphy’s Law, but from clips I have seen it seems like an easy slip in for Marcy and Anne. Sasha might be a little more bitter about constantly dealing with it than Milo’s friends. Overall seems like a fun little AU for some bits and jokes. 
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Marcy as spiderman would be fun, but I’m not familiar enough with spiderman enough to know of any classic plotlines that would fit her. This is one of those AU’s that I think would be really fun to draw moments for, but lacks the meat to get a good story out of it. At least for me personally. If you have an idea go for it. 
By moving Marcy, she is largely removed from her own canon relationships (Anne/Sasha) and wouldn’t naturally have Peter’s or Mile’s (best friends/family). So it would mostly just be a classic super hero story, which is totally fine but they’ve never been my thing. 
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Sorry, this was really funny to me, cause blindly hiking an entire mountain is a very funny image.
More seriously, I don’t think Marcy’s pathing would be much different from the average player’s back in 2015. She’d approach it like a gamer, getting some XP, killing some and sparing others. Then after a few resets probably find the pacifist route. 
From there it depends on if she gets to enjoy the epilogue or if she gets cut at the end credits like the player does. If the former I think she enjoys her new found family, if the latter she would probably eventually work her way to the genocide route wanting to experience what she can of her new world. 
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Honestly I cannot really think about this while Im outlining Season 2 of my own Swap AU. It’s a good question and one I would love to answer when I don’t have headspace for it. But as is I can’t start down that rabbit hole rn
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