#tenebra versa
aeridanus · 7 months
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It's an overcast day and I'm going to have the beach to myself, you thought... and then, this fucker trudges along. There's this ghost story of them coming out when it's overcast, and since it's almost never truly overcast, well, who would've thought. They won't eat or harm you, they will mind their business until they disappear behind some lava rocks. Maybe they're there all the time, disguised as rocks, but maybe not? Maybe they live in undiscovered caves beneath the barrancos, where there's always a little stream of water running towards the shore. Who knows?
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elphael · 2 years
It’s not a direct parallel obviously bc. Ophelia terrible times tenebrae but bride era luce pulling Ophelia out of that place and vice versa now. Wah.
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xdeerxhealerx · 2 years
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@electricea​ asked: 💕 💕
🐝  *  ―  let’s bring some more positivity to the rpc by brightening someone’s day ! anonymously or not, send 💕 or ( ‘HEART’ ) for me to randomly pick one of my mutuals and write at least two things about why i love seeing them on my dash, writing with them, talking to them, etc.
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{{ This outta be fun }}
{{ @angelus-x-tenebrae​ }}
{{ Kitsune has been with me since during my FF Series faze. She’s been with me for so long that She and I became almost like real sisters. She made me experience new shows out of my comfort zone and vise versa, She plays so many different muses, and they’re all amazing. She’s been with me through think and thin and so have I for her. }} 
{{ @raichoose​ }}
{{ Rai I’ve known for a year or so. And I admire her own take on some problematic characters and turn them into more enjoyable characters. I love seeing her on my dash. She brings so much to the table and plays many different muses. }}
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Alonso Lobo - Versa est in luctum
Tenebrae conducted by Nigel Short
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mooglecharm · 3 years
Today's morning coffee thoughts are of 18-year-old Ignis taking care of 6-year-old Noctis.
With this, I betray that I continue to stubbornly cling to my initial impression of Ignis and Gladio as being over 10 years older than Noct and Prom.
Noct was a sweet boy. Ignis, having taken care of several brothers and sisters (and nieces and nephews) growing up, had handled difficult children before, and was relieved when he was tasked to care for someone who liked him immediately, and vice versa.
Noct might have been a playful-to-the-point-of-naughty child, but he was kind and generous. He didn't like seeing anyone in pain, even people he didn't like.
From the start, Ignis knew he was going to be a great king - one he would wish to stay beside forever.
But what teenage Ignis DIDN'T have experience dealing with was a wounded child. A child who was fighting a Scourge infection with every ounce of strength his royal blood afforded him. A child who woke screaming from dreams of being swallowed up by darkness, of BECOMING the Dark.
Nothing in Ignis' childcare repertoire worked. None of the words that used to soothe Noct reached him past his pain.
He often sneaked off to cry in a shadowed corner, when he couldn't take the fear and frustration anymore. Citadel staff noticed, but pretended they didn't.
So when Noct was taken by his father to Tenebrae for healing, Ignis knew he had to be stronger. BETTER. He had to be someone Noct could rely on. Someone who could take part - or even all - of Noct's burden from him.
When Noct returned fully healed, he would find not only a carer in Ignis, but a warrior: strong enough to drive away any future shadows that would plague him.
But Noct saw the fall of Tenebrae and came home even more scarred inside, than before. In his suffering, he drifted further away from Ignis' reach.
The only thing that made it bearable for Ignis was that he had taught himself never to cry again about things he couldn't help.
Noct grew up to be a troubled teenager: yet another thing Ignis had never experienced caring for. Every day trying to care for a distrustful, resentful, withdrawn teenager was a challenge, but it was a challenge Ignis was determined to overcome.
He would simply be stronger, ever stronger. But most of all, he would find one thing that made Noct happy, and wield it like a weapon for keeping the worst of the depression at bay.
If it was something as mundane as a cake from Tenebrae - or something as complex as a shoulder to cry on - he would find and use it for Noct's benefit.
There would be nothing he couldn't protect Noct from.
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Languages in Eos
Ok, I might be hitting my head against a brick wall here, but given that I am taking all the language classes right now, I need to talk about this.
First off, I don’t know that much about how languages with Latin as a root language evolved irl. Everything I write below is based on the history lessons I remember and conjecture. Also, my FFXV timeline might be a bit iffy, but please bear with me.
This post is basically me attempting to make sense of how language evolved on Eos by, in part, equivocating the languages there to the ones we have on Earth.
We can all agree that Solheim is a name created with two words from two different languages, sol and heim from Norwegian/Icelandic. This construction is most likely derived from that of the nine worlds on Yggdrasil in Norse mythology (Niflheim, Jotunheim, Muspelheim...).
From this, we could conclude that, in Solheim, the main language is a Germanic one, similar to the ones used by ancient Scandinavians. That said, it is also possible for the sol in Solheim to be Latin, given that, accent aside, the word for “sun” is written the same way in both languages. Given that Latin seems to be the older language (Old Norse was spoken from around the 7th to 15th century) and how prevalent Latin is in FFXV, I think it’s safe to assume that a) Solheim essentially had two main languages, Latin and Old Norse, or b) while Old Norse was the main language, Latin is prevalent enough for there to be exchanges between the two, or vice-versa.
There are two places we can turn towards to gain more insight: the areas of Cleigne and Duscae, where the center of Solheim’s empire is said to be, and Niflheim, Solheim’s spiritual successor.
While most Lucians seem to have names with Latin roots, locations outside of Insomnia seem to have a 50/50 chance of bearing a name with Latin roots or with Germanic roots. Given that some of the locations with Germanic names are Solheim ruins (Costlemark Tower, Steyliff Grove...), it is possible that Germanic languages were more prevalent than Latin.
As for Niflheim, most of the locations explored in-game seem to have names with Latin roots On the flipside, the characters we meet tend to have surnames with Germanic roots. 
Conclusion: Latin and Germanic languages were both prevalent in Solheim. Based on location names, it is possible that Latin originated from areas outside of current day Lucis and came across the sea via magitek transportation.
Given the architecture, the clothing and the names in Somnus’ era, it is probably safe to assume that the most spoken language in the area of current day Lucis was Latin. Either that, or Latin is the language of the nobles while the people mainly speak Germanic languages, which is more reminiscent of European history.
(I am not counting Gilgamesh here, in large part because having a character named Gilgamesh is a reoccurring trope in the Final Fantasy series.)
It is likely that Lucis’ rise to power is one of, if not the main, factors for the prevalence of Latin names across the world, even in Noctis’ day.
And we come to the reason I created this post in the first place.
Why are the street signs in Insomnia both in English and in JAPANESE???
Now, I am aware that Square Enix did this because they mainly target the Japanese and English speaking market. I was fine with it when they did it with FFVII, and I even thought it was a nice touch! The problem I have with them doing the same thing here is that, beyond katanas and daemons inspired by Japanese culture, there seems to be no reason why the Japanese language would be popular enough to warrant bilingual street signs.
(Honestly, I think they could have just stuck with the English and added subtitles for the street signs, since these signs mostly appear in the Kingsglaive movie.)
Japanese aside, it is probably safe to assume that English has become the main language spoken in Insomnia and maybe across Lucis. I say this because names like Regis and Mors are more than a bit awkward if Latin was the main Lucian language. (Insert “King King” jokes here.)
That said, given the sheer prevalence of Latin names in not only Lucis, but across Eos, I would not be surprised if Latin was still a popular language rather than a dying one.
Since Tenebrae was established by the Fleuret line, it is likely that they have brought Latin as the official language, if it wasn’t spoken in that territory already. Location names in Tenebrae are all in Latin, other than the train lodging called “Roues du Repos”, which is in French.
If we assume Latin to be a dying language, then French could be Tenebrae’s main spoken language. Given Tenebrae’s proximity to Niflheim, there may also be some geographical overlap between their languages.
As mentioned in the Solheim section, Niflheim’s linguistic heritage seems to be a mix between Latin and Germanic languages. A possible pattern I noticed with names of Niflheim nobles is (Latin name) + (Germanic surname). One obvious exception is Loqi Tummelt, whose name is likely derived from the Norse god Loki and the word “tumult”.  
Looking at the Niflheim military bases in Lucis, Germanic names are more popular. However, these bases could have been named after the location where they were built, which means that this could be another instance of Germanic location names being popular in Lucis.
Frankly, given that the Aldercapt dynasty’s goal is to create a second Solheim, it is possible that the imperial family promoted a Germanic language like Old Norse. At the very least, it seems that the nobility is composed of families with Germanic roots.
Since Accordo is the center of maritime trade, it is likely that all coastal languages and popular languages spoken across Eos are also spoken here. My hypothesis for the most spoken language in Accordo is (surprise, surprise) either Latin or Italian.
There isn’t much else to say, other than if there is a place where it makes sense for there to be Japanese, it’s here.
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ralphbutler · 4 years
Versa est in luctum - Lobo - Tenebrae
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angelkitty54 · 4 years
Someone on AO3 requested it, so here’s part the next of This AU. I have so many ideas for this AU... this ended up being really long...
Also here’s some songs that make me think of this AU: “Bad Idea” and “You Matter to Me” from the Waitress musical.
So, there’s no scourge or prophecy in this AU but the war with Nifflheim is still happening. The Oracle is a religious figure, and much beloved by the people, hence why the Empire originally wanted to obtain control over Tenebrae. But lately the Emperor is feeling threatened by Lunafreya.
She’s is beloved by the masses, and though her brother has been indoctrinated, and she lacks any real power, it’s clear she still has a mind of her own. So it’s decided that Luna ought to be replaced with a younger cousin, who has also been indoctrinated and is far easier to manipulate.
It doesn’t matter to them that this girl doesn’t possess the powers of the Oracle. The powers that be in Nifflheim are not religious. They couldn’t care less about the magic’s of the Oracle line. If nothing else, they’ll just have Ravus (who is a beta btw) marry and produce a kid at some point.
But first, Luna must disappear. It will be a tragic accident, or perhaps even a plot by the enemy. Either way she has to go.
And yet, for all that Ravus has been thoroughly brainwashed by the Empire, he still loves his sister above all else. He’s not just going to stand by and do nothing while Luna’s life is in danger.
So, swallowing his pride and hatred for the Lucian King, Ravus secretly makes a deal. Luna is spirited away to Insomnia seeking political asylum. To her it feels a little like abandoning her duties and her people, but (as it’s been since the Niffs invaded years ago) she has little say in the matter.
Life is Terrible for omegas in Insomnia, and in Nifflheim it’s just as bad. The only difference being that the Niffs are open about their cruelty, whereas Lucians like to sugar coat it. Luna can’t tell which is worse.
Luna knows exactly what would have happened to her had she presented as anything other than an alpha. And like Noctis, her status and birthright would not have been enough to save her. But she never would have thought such a thing would have happened to him.
Her magic and status as Oracle is the one thing that Nifflheim couldn’t take form her. It strikes a cord in her, seeing Noctis stripped of his own magic and status as prince. And Luna, well, she knows better than anyone what it’s like to be a prisoner in your own home...
The first time she met Noctis he was a shy, damaged child in a wheelchair. The second time he is a boy still not yet a man, yet he is pregnant and far more damaged, for more broken, than the child she met ten years ago. 
She just can’t understand how this could have happened.
It’s typical alpha behavior to offer food to omegas (to show they are a good provider, someone who can put food on the table), but Noctis won’t eat anything Ignis or Gladio give him.
After everything they’ve done to him, all of Noct’s instincts scream that Ignis and Gladio are unsafe alphas. He physically cannot eat the food they provide, which means he’s not eating period. They’ve started force feeding him, which only causes him more distress and he ends up throwing it all back up again.
Furthermore, Noctis hasn’t been sleeping. How can he when he sandwiched between two unsafe alphas (his captors, his rapists) at night? There isn’t a single place safe from them in his home. He’s trapped in an unsafe home with two aggressive, untrustworthy, dangerous alphas. Sleep is impossible when he’s on high alert at all times.
The pregnancy is hard on his body too. He doesn’t want this baby. It’s little more than a lump of cells, not even a person yet, and he already despises it. To Noct, it’s nothing more than a parasite, slowing draining his life away.
“It’s just hormones.” The so-called experts say. “Everything will be fine once the baby is here.” They diagnose him with prenatal depression, and largely brush it off as being “normal” for omegas experiencing their first pregnancy.
Nevermind that Noctis is miserable, that he’s wasting away. That he has been suffering ever since he presented.
And it’s ironic, but before Noct presented, Ignis and Gladio had actually been good alphas. Ignis made Noct feel cared for, while Gladio made him feel safe. They had a healthy dynamic before. If they just stayed the way they were, then Noct would have felt safe with them, might have even accepted them as his alphas. But they didn’t.
The fact of the matter remains, Noctis is dying, and nothing seems to help (naturally, given their version of “helping” is just to be more abusive and controlling).
As an unmated alpha, Luna would normally never be allowed near Noctis, but as it’s the Oracle’s duty to offer guidance and healing, well...
Luna knows how to navigate a conversation peacefully while holding an unpopular opinion. She knows how to probe and question, without rocking the boat. She’s had a lot of practice after all, though she never thought it’d be like this with the likes of Regis and Noct’s friends...
She’s able to gain access to Noctis, alone, without guards or his alphas hovering threateningly over their shoulders. She’s the Oracle, and an old friend. Who is more trustworthy than her?
The fact that Noctis seems so much better after speaking to her just once helps her case quite a bit too.
Luna is the only person who speaks to Noct looking him in the eye. She doesn’t talk over him, or at him, or to his alphas instead of him. She doesn’t touch him without permission. She doesn’t crowd him and keeps a comfortable distance. She’s the only person who truly sees him; sees whats happening to him and understands it’s wrong.
Luna is a good, safe alpha. More than that, she’s still his friend. Where everyone else abandoned him, Luna did not. Even if it’s only for a few hours every other day, she provides a safe haven.
She tries to undo whatever Regis did to seal Noct’s magic, but is unsuccessful, and Regis isn’t sharing what he knows either. Every time she brings it up, he manages to brush the topis aside. Sometimes he even makes his actions sound quite logical.
But Luna knows it’s not right. One look at Noctis is all it takes to realise the truth. It seems that no one else is willing to truly see him though...
Noctis has been her closest friend and confidant over the years, even when they were apart. She wants so badly to help him, but it seems she’s just as powerless here beside him, as she was when they were separated...
As Noct’s pregnancy progresses, his mood swings violently from one end to the other. With Luna he is almost happy, hopeful even. But at other times he is utterly inconsolable. All the while, the pair grow closer and closer.
They don’t mean to fall into bed together. It just sort of happened. They know what they’re doing is a terrible idea, dangerous even, but it’s difficult deny their feelings. Noct has always provided an escape for Luna, and visa versa, and this is just one more way of escaping from their unhappy lives.
For Luna, she has been trapped in a cage for so long, even now, she’s simply traded her old cage for a somewhat nicer one. For Noct, well if he had no choice but to belong to someone, he’d rather belong to Luna. They both want something that’s entirely theirs.
Still, is dangerous and if they get caught, well, never seeing the other again will probably be the least of their worries...
Noct’s 18th birthday has come and gone. In the past he would have faced it with pride and trepidation for the future for it had meant he was one step closer to being king. Now though, well, there’s very little for him to look forward to...
And while others celebrate, dread begins to fill his entire being as his due date is fast approaching...
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aria-i-adagio · 5 years
Arcana Apprentice Ask Game
Rank the LI’s for your apprentice from best to worst couple/fit and explain why in one sentence.
Tag someone with an apprentice you want to get to know better after answering.
I was tagged by @tenebras-autem-nadir / @embersrevived
So I write my apprentice Dema shipped with both Asra and Julian.  It felt ‘right’ when I started that fic and developed itself as I continued on my merry way and developed some personal theories on the psychology behind Asra and Ilya.  
Not tagging, but anyone who cares to can do this and tag me back.
But here’s a ranking with all six:
Asra  -  This would be the most stable of the possible monogamous pairings, but it’ll definitely end up being two bohemian artists living in their own dream world and disappearing at random (possibly to Santa Fe).  No one dies in this version.
Julian  -  Ilya and Dema are far too much alike and would easily amplify each others’ more self destructive tendencies.  On the other hand, they’d probably enjoy it until it went down in flames (i.e. this version ends like a Russian novel: everyone’s dead or exiled to Siberia).  But you see, within the trio, Julian’s extroversion balances out Asra and Dema’s tendency to withdraw.
Portia - I can’t decide whether to put Portia ahead of Muriel or vice versa.  Anyway, two cat ladies who garden and one cooks delicious food.  I feel like it’s a bit trite.
Muriel - Alright, I’m not sure if I really see Dema and Muri as romantically compatible, so much as bro compatible.  I can see Dema talking his off about some new plant variety she found, and comparing notes on how to best encourage snakes to take up residence near the garden, but away from the chickens.  And just sitting and drinking tea outside the hut.
Nadia -  Basically, Dema is never going to be really comfortable in Nadia’s upper crust world, even once she gets past her ‘ugh, rich people’ response and develops some respect for Nadia’s awesomeness.  Romance - it’s just not happening.
Lucio  -  NOPE.  She does not have the time or the patience for his bullshit, even if she likes the puppers.
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aeridanus · 7 months
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The sketch page which also had the raw version of the first "sand slinker" image. I'm not sure whether I like smooth and shiny or smooth and matte skin better. Maybe there's both?
Those sketches came after a series of doodles revolving around Goal, and I started to think about the reasons behind his looks and which came first. Some drawing and worldbuilding groove, yay! :)
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sparklecryptid · 5 years
replied to your post
“aniseandspearmint replied to your post “aniseandspearmint replied to...”
@sparklecryptid​ I read this this morning and have had ALL DAY while running errands to think about it. *drops 600 words on you*
While Cor is carefully pulling Prompto's nightmare history from him, Noctis is probably railing at his father, still grubby and slightly bloody from the attack. Prompto is /not/ a spy, or a secret assassin! There is just no way. He starts listing all the times Prompto could have killed him in scathing detail, backed up by both Gladio and Ignis.
Prompto has been his best friend for /years/ and has been having unsupervised contact with Noctis since his background check went through (which, okay, he admits, someone may have dropped a ball or two there). They have literally /shared a bed/.  He just saved Noctis's /life/.
"He could be a long term plant- blah blah blah.' Nope. Try again. They have found the hill Noctis will die on, and it is called 'Prompto is my sweet sunshine best friend, I love him, I trust him, and anyone who says he is a threat to me can fuck right off.'
No balls were actually dropped in the background check. Prom was listed as a foundling/orphaned child that came in on a boat with a bunch of other refugees from Nifelheim and Tenebrae. Then he was adopted. Prompto Argentum /is/ totally clean. He (and the others) slipped through the /legal/ way, for the most part.
Oh yes! that’s what i was thinking. Everyone probably thinks that prom is just a refugee and he would have loved for it to stay that way but thats not how things played out.
and yes! i imagine that noctis is planting his flag on the ‘prompto is amazing and wouldnt hurt me ever’ hill and he will gladly die on it. prompto is his sunshine sweet friend and people can fight him about it.
oh and imagine how fucking furious noct and ignis and gladio would be when they found out the horrific abuse prompto suffered. the three of them are like, five seconds away from taking on niflheims entire command structure because you ‘don’t fucking hurt prompto’ damn it
I imagine he's going to be in for a slightly traumatizing medical examination, but all that's going to bring to light is that he's essentially no different from any other 15-16 year old human male, save for the barcode on his wrist and probably an alarming collection of old scars that scream SEVERE CHILD ABUSE.
His x-rays make the doctor (and Cor, and Monica, and Clarus and Regis) want to cry, but there is no foreign matter in his body. Nothing that could possibly control him.Things quickly go from assess the threat to holy hells, give Prompto all the therapy and try to find the rest of these kids.
THE OTHERS. So so many died. (How many bodies did Prom help bury/hide/cover in stones, d'you think? ;__;) But scattered across Eos are the lucky ones. The ones that lived and thrived. Prompto hasn't seen any of them since they scattered into different transports, but I bet he thought about them a lot over the years, and vice versa.
They're his first family, his brothers (and sisters! Trans!clones and/or clones that were deliberately tweaked to present as female could be a thing! Or even clones of different people, made for different roles within the Nifelheim's MT project.)
I wonder what the others might have named each other? I'm thinking their names are probably trait based, or just sounds they liked, like the clone troopers in Star Wars. Prompto is actually not a bad name for him to have maybe chosen for himself, because he was one of the fastest clones, maybe he had the best consistent speed in his age group?
Or he might have picked Prompto after he got to Lucis, knowing that the name he had before didn't 'fit'.
And once a handful are found and brought together (SO much hugging and tears. SO MUCH), I bet it strikes home exactly how /evil/ a thing Nifelheim is doing. I'm sure several people try to say that, clearly, Prompto Argentum is an outlier! Surely not /all/ MT troopers are 'people' the way even they cannot deny Prompto is!
But they are. Each of the escaped clones is their own individual person, with their own personality and life, each vibrant and undeniably /human/. (Tho I'm sure Prompto isn't the only one with impostor syndrome and self esteem issues).
I’m not going to lie, i was thinking of the clones from star wars when i said that the mt escapees gave each other names. but i do like the idea of prompto giving himself a name and maybe he was called ‘quickshot’ by the other clones or something.
AND YES! I AM HERE FOR TRANS CLONES AND CLONES THAT WERE TWEAKED TO BE FEMALE PRESENTING I AM HERE FOR IT. And there are so much tears when they all find each other again and just its emotional and hurts those that witness it because no one deserves what happened to them. no one.
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gummysungshine · 6 years
FFXV Loqi Week: Day 6 (Prompto and Loqi as siblings)
Fic masterlist: http://gummysungshine.tumblr.com/post/164077158169
Day and Prompt(s): Day 6, Loqi and Prompto as siblings. Pairing: Noctis/Prompto, Cor/Loqi, mentioned Ardyn/Loqi Rating: Teen??? Word count: 4646 Warnings: Omegaverse A/B/O, arranged marriage, unbeta’d so there might be mistakes.
By far the longest piece for this week. Why is this so long??? You can tell I love Omegaverse Corqi :3
Hosting and preparing for the Lucian prince’s coming of age celebration was certainly an arduous task. The sheer number of people invited to attend made the whole thing so much more troublesome, yet wholly necessary. After all, it wasn’t everyday that the crown prince of Lucis turned 18.
Reaching such an age marked a momentous and pinnacle moment in any royal’s life. It was common practice, among the nations of Eos, for an heir’s 18th birthday to pave the way for their future, with discussions of courting and marriage being the ulterior motive behind the grandeur of the celebratory events. It’d already been assumed that Noctis, only son of Lucian King Regis, would be set to marry the eldest son of Niflheim’s royal family. It was just the mere formalities that needed to be addressed, hence the invitation extended to Emperor Aldercapt and his two sons.
Having an Alpha heir to the throne put Regis in perhaps the most favourable position, especially when the only heirs to Niflheim both happened to be Omegas. The Lucian King knew that Niflheim’s Emperor wouldn’t give his sons away to any old royalty or aristocracy. No, no, no. The man could be very meticulous when it came to that. It was just a shame, Regis thought, that he himself didn’t have a second son - Alpha or Beta - to pair with the remaining Niff heir. But such luck was not on his side.
Standing at the very top of the steps leading up into the Citadel, both Noctis and his father greeted the Niff Emperor, his two sons, and their nation’s Chancellor upon their arrival. The eldest Aldercapt boy was full of warm smiles, his friendly demeanour rubbing off on Noctis, making a smile of his own pull at his lips.
“Prince Noctis.” Prompto bowed his head a little, Noctis doing the same. “It’s nice to see you again.”
“Been a while, hasn’t it?” The Lucian prince looked the blond up and down.
It’d been several years since he’d last seen Prompto in the flesh, being only a young boy around 10 years of age. Noctis could see that he’d certainly changed, his eyes flitting over to the younger of the Aldercapt twins, thinking the same thing about Loqi. Out of the two of them, Loqi was still the more meek of the pair, standing slightly behind his twin with Chancellor Izunia, a somewhat shy air surrounding him. Noctis supposed Loqi fitted the stereotypical nature of an Omega better than this brother.
Leading Niflheim’s royals and Chancellor through the Citadel, Noctis stood close by Prompto’s side, noting how Loqi tried to latch himself onto his brother, seemingly wanting to distance himself from the Chancellor. He didn't know what the deal was between the younger twin and Chancellor Izunia, but it was obvious that Loqi didn't appear to enjoy his company.
“If there’s anything you need, don’t hesitate to ask.” Regis smiled warmly at their guests, arriving at the guest wing, showing them to their rooms.
With the celebratory ball not until later that evening, the spare time gave them all a few hours still to prepare. Leaving them be for the time being - reluctantly, in Noctis’ case - the Aldercapts and the Chancellor were left to their own devices until the start of the celebrations. As much as Noctis wished to spend more time with Prompto, his duties came first. Both Noctis and his father still had the duty of welcoming the Fleuret’s upon their arrival, keeping themselves busy in the meantime while the Citadel’s maidservants handled everything else.
“So, what do you think of Noctis?”
Alone with his twin, while his father and the Chancellor no doubt used their time discussing the evening’s events, Prompto wondered what Loqi’s impression of the Lucian Prince was. It’d been a good few years since he’d last seen him, having changed an awful lot in that time, but his brother’s opinion still mattered to him. In the event that Loqi didn’t like Noctis, Prompto had already decided not to go through with the glaringly obvious marriage arrangement that was sure to be announced that night.
“He seems nice.” The younger twin nodded, standing by the window, looking out onto the view of Insomnia’s city. “I think he’d make a good mate for you. He seems to like you, at least.”
“He does, doesn’t he?” Prompto laughed, sitting on the plush bed of the guest room. “He’s handsome, too.”
Letting out a soft sigh, shoulders slumping ever so slightly, Loqi stayed silent. He wanted to be happy for his brother, he truly did, but he knew that any marriage between Prompto and Noctis would come at an expense - an expense that he would sadly have to live with.
“What's wrong?” Sitting up straighter on the edge of the bed, Prompto could see something was bothering his brother. He had a gut feeling he knew what it was.
“Prom...” Loqi started out sadly. “I really don't want to marry Ardyn. But I know that's what father will have me do if you marry Noctis.”
As much as he didn't want the Chancellor as his mate, it seemed like an inevitable possibility. Regis didn't have another heir, which put him in a rather unfortunate situation.
“But father might try to seek a partnership with the Fleurets, their eldest son is an Alpha.” Prompto reminded him of Tenebrae’s Prince. “There's always that.”
“We’ll be apart still. If you live here with Noctis, and I end up marrying prince Ravus, I'll have to stay with him in Tenebrae.” He tried to get his sibling to understand the bigger problem.
“I know...but it's got to be better than being with Ardyn.”
“I guess. It's just...” Loqi paused, glancing to his brother with a sad smile. “I don't want to leave you.”
Having been rather clingy with his brother growing up, Loqi felt an ominous tug on their brotherly bond ever since talk of marriage had been added to the equation. He didn't wish to be separated from his twin. Such a thought had his heart aching of the loss that was still to happen.
“I know, I know.” Prompto sighed. “But there's not much we can do.”
“I just hope father reconsiders the idea of giving me away to Chancellor Izunia. I don't want to be with him, but I can't tell him that. I pray to the Astrals that he changes his mind.”
Knowing that praying alone wouldn't help his situation, Loqi couldn't do much else but hope things would change, hope that his seemingly sealed fate would be changed by some stroke of luck.
The hall was teeming alive with guests, people having travelled from far and wide to attend the Lucian prince’s coming of age celebrations. Royalty, aristocracy, and government officials made up most of the numbers, followed by the rich and elite of the city and their families. Gifts were bestowed in vast droves as a show of loyalty and honour to His Highness, prince Noctis; the young man accepting each and every one graciously, just as he’d been taught. But the most precious of those gifts were not the material kind. For Noctis cherished his soon-to-be announced betrothal to Prompto the most.
The intricacies had been discussed and agreed, both parties understanding what was to be asked of them and taking on that responsibility. As serious and significant as the betrothal was, Prompto initially agreed with very little thought. He knew it was the right thing to do for both Niflheim and Lucis, the marriage between both he and Noctis would help to strengthen the peace between the two nations as a result. Not only did he agree for the greater good of his nation, but he could tell that Noctis would be able to fulfil his role, as his mate, with utmost competence. Prompto had no qualms with the choice in Alpha. None at all. The thing that topped it all off for him - the cherry on the cake, as it were - was the fact that their liking was mutual. The last thing he wanted was to be paired with a mate that didn’t want him, or vice versa.
Regis ushered both Prompto and Noctis toward him in the midst of the celebrations and mingling, standing besides Emperor Iedolas and Loqi, garnering the room’s attention with ease. The murmuring of the guests slowly dimmed, all eyes watching the two families with focused interest, speculating what was about to be said.
“My esteemed guests, if I may have your undivided attention for just a brief moment.” He started, addressing the room. “With my son coming of age, it is with great happiness that I announce something all the more special to you all. With His Radiance’s approval and permission, my son, prince Noctis Lucis Caelum, is to be wed to prince Prompto Aldercapt of Niflheim.”
The room erupted into rounds of applause, congratulating the couple with smiles, Prompto and Noctis joining hands as they stood close to one another’s side. As happy as Loqi should’ve been for this brother, he couldn’t help but hate the idea of the marriage, knowing that his future with Ardyn seemed all the more plausible. Scanning his eyes over the guests, each of them had their eyes trained on his twin and Noctis, thankful that he was being spared any attention. Each and every person beamed brightly at the new couple, yet a pair of striking blue eyes caught Loqi’s attention among the smattering of people.
For they stared directly at him. Not at his brother. Not at Noctis. But at him.
Just taking a quick look at the owner of that powerful gaze, Loqi could tell the man was an Alpha. He seemed somewhat familiar - like a face he knew but had somehow forgot. The man must’ve been a noble of sorts, Loqi supposed. The sharp gaze never faltered, even as the Omega glanced away in his shyness. He could feel the man’s eyes on him, boring into his being even as the guests dispersed once more, as Prompto and Noctis moved to speak with the plethora of people wishing to congratulate them.
His attention on the stranger was torn all of a sudden, with Ardyn taking him by the arm and leading him away to speak with a bunch of Lucian aristocrats that he didn’t really care for. Being paraded around like the Chancellor’s possession only served to sour his mood further.
Taking Prompto by the hand, Noctis made a beeline for one person in particular that he’d been meaning to speak to all evening, even more so now that he he’d spotted something quite peculiar about the man’s behaviour. Even as he approached the elder Alpha, the man seemed to be a state of very near hypnosis, not even noticing both young princes’ presences.
The sound of his name broke him from his daze, looking away from the one that’d held his attention.
“Your Highnesses.” He bowed his head a little in greeting. “Congratulations to you both.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Noctis waved him off with a roll of his eyes, making even Prompto laugh. “You weren’t even paying that much attention to the announcement.” He smirked.
“My apologies.” Cor looked off to the side in mild embarrassment. “My...attentions were engaged elsewhere.”
“They’ve been ‘engaged elsewhere’ for most of the night.” The young Alpha teased. “Prompto, this is Cor.” He introduced the two. “Not sure if you remember him. He’s Commander of the Crownsguard. Also a close friend of my father.”
“Pleased to see you again, Sir.” Prompto smiled friendlily, vaguely recalling the name from years back.
“Likewise, your Highness.” Cor bowed his head, smiling back politely.
“So...” Noctis nudged the elder man in the arm, nowhere near finished with teasing him. “You gonna tell me who you’ve been ogling all evening?”
“...Noctis.” Cor sighed with a shake of his head. “I was merely admiring.”
“Ah, so you don’t deny you were eyeing them up?” He grinned, Prompto watching on in amusement at his antics.
“Admiring, your Highness. Admiring.” Reminding him with a firm tone, Cor let his gaze wander back to the one that’d caught his attention in the first place.
“Just go talk to Loqi already.” The Lucian Prince nudged him again, this time with more force.
“Loqi? My brother, Loqi?” Looking up at the taller man, Prompto’s eyes widened in surprise, quickly taking a peek over to his twin who stood miserably next to Ardyn while the Chancellor chatted away to the guests.
“I, um, I was just...appreciating the charm your brother has, your Highness. I mean no harm. I apologise.”
Floundering for an explanation, Cor swore he could’ve hit Noctis upside the head for dropping him in it like that, especially in front of Prompto. Noctis had always had an excellent affinity for being perceptive, perhaps too perceptive, the elder Alpha thought.
“Don’t apologise, there’s no need.” Prompto shook his head. “Hey...you know...” The young blond glanced back to his troubled sibling. “You might just be able to help Loqi.”
“Help?” Cor questioned, struck both concerned and intrigued.
Stepping closer to the elder Alpha, Prompto made sure no one was eavesdropping, keeping their conversation between the three of them.
“How much do you like my brother?” He whispered. “Would you consider courting him if you had the chance?”
A little voice in Cor’s head screamed yes. Every inch of him thrummed at the idea of courting an Omega such as the youngest Niff prince.
“The look in your eyes tell me yes.” Prompto continued with a grin, a playful lilt colouring his tone.
“Your Highness.” The elder sighed. “I cannot simply wish for such things. Your brother is out of my reach. I have nothing substantial to offer him that he doesn’t already have.”
And he really didn’t. The Omega was a prince, of royal blood, while Cor was a mere commoner in all actuality. While gaining the title of Crownsguard Commander, one that saw him treated with the same respect as all the Lords and Ladys of Lucis, he was of no prestigious bloodline.
“You could save him from a future he hates, Cor.” The young blond spoke seriously. “I have a feeling he’ll like you. If I like you, then Loqi should, too.”
“I can convince my father to put in a good word for you to Emperor Iedolas.” Noctis piped up. “I’ll tell him how interested you are. I’m sure he’ll have no issues with it.”
“I can talk to my own, too.” Prompto nodded enthusiastically. “I mean, if I get to be happy then Loqi should, too. And being with Chancellor Izunia isn’t gonna do that.” Shaking his head, Prompto urged the man to consider the offer seriously.
“Chancellor Izunia? Is your brother set to marry him?”
Looking over to the other Niff Prince, Cor could definitely see the discomfort he had around the Chancellor, if the distressed look on his face was anything to go by. Watching him being paraded around like the man owned him of sorts, Cor wanted nothing more than to take him away, to calm his unease, to see him smile.
“Not officially. Well, at least not yet.” Prompto briefly explained, face showing his own dislike at the thought. “But I know my father will pair them up, it’s only a matter of time.”
Tired of the elder Alpha’s pussyfooting, practically trying to pull him towards Loqi, Noctis attempted to take matters into his own hands, seeing as Cor evidently wouldn’t.
“Go ask him to dance for Astral’s sake, Cor!” Noctis whispered, urging him to make a move. “I’ll speak to my father while you get Loqi away from Ardyn.”
Flitting his gaze between the two princes before him, the elder Alpha gave in. With a small nod of agreement, he left the two of them, making his way over to the younger twin, his heart beginning to thud heavily in his chest. The thought of what he was about do almost had him turning back, unable to approach him as anxiety rose. But he soldiered on, thinking back to what Prompto said about the prince’s pairing with the Chancellor.
“Your Highness.” He greeted, bowing his head as the young blond turned, the Chancellor busy chatting away with his acquaintances to notice. “I do apologise for intruding. But...would you do me the honour of sharing a dance with me?”
Nodding dumbly at the request, not able to formulate much of a response in front of the man whose eyes had been watching him, Loqi found himself taken by the hand and led into the centre of the room with the other dancing guests. A vast assortment of instruments played as the guests weaved in and around one another, moving and swaying to the sounds, chatting and dancing the evening away with partners of their choosing.
“Uh...I uh...” Loqi stumbled over his words, his shyness getting the better of him as he was pulled close to the Alpha, letting him take the lead in their dance. “Not to sound rude, but...who exactly are you?”
“Do forgive me, your Highness.” Cor chuckled, forgetting his manners. “Not sure if you remember me from your last visit to the Citadel. I’m Cor Leonis, Commander of His Majesty’s Crownsguard.”
“Cor...” Loqi tested the name on his tongue, familiarity hitting him again. “Your name and face ring a bell.”
“I don’t expect you to remember me that well, your Highness. It was a number of years ago since I last saw you myself. You were but a young boy then.”
Recalling the Omega at about ten years of age, he compared the bashful and demure child to the young man that now stood before him. He still retained a degree of his nervousness, but overall he'd matured well.
“If it's not too bold of me to say...” Cor leant in. “You've grown into such an extraordinary Omega.”
Face breaking out into a full on blush, Loqi didn't know what to say or where to look. Such words had never been directed his way before.
“O-oh, I'm not sure about that...but, thank you.” He graciously accepted the compliment, as a prince should.
“Believe what you want, but I’m not one to lie.” Cor smiled softly. “You're a wonderful dancer, your Highness. Has anyone ever told you that?”
Letting out a tiny laugh, a smidge of confidence returned to the Niff. “You're very good at sweet talk, aren't you, Mr. Leonis?”
“I don't sweet talk just anyone. And please, call me Cor.” The Alpha insisted.
Glancing over to Regis, Cor saw his King and Iedolas chattering away with Noctis and Prompto, the four of them looking over in their direction for a moment as they spoke among themselves. He wondered what the two princes were saying about him, how they were trying to convince both parties like they said they would. It would be no easy task, Cor told himself, but it was at least worth a try.
The Chancellor himself didn't exactly look too pleased, now that Cor had noticed. But he didn't plan on letting Loqi walk back into the Ardyn’s clutches so easily, not if he could help it. The only way he could keep the man away from him for the rest of the night was to keep himself and Loqi scarce.
“Loqi.” He grabbed the Omega’s attention once more. “Would you care to take a walk with me through the Citadel gardens? I'd like to talk a little more, away from the...festivities.” He side eyed Ardyn as the man glared at him from across the room.
While Loqi knew the man was of good standing, and wasn't a threat to his safety, a hint of hesitation bubbled up within him.
“Um, I-I don't know...I mean...”
“Don't worry, your Highness. I mean you no harm. I only wish to speak with you privately, you have my word.”
Trusting the look in the Alpha’s eyes, Loqi nodded in agreement, letting himself be led out of the hall and through the Citadel’s corridors. Reaching a large annex, two of His Majesty’s Glaives stood by by the entrance leading out into the royal gardens, keeping guests from wandering in and out.
“Marshal. Your Highness.” One of them spoke as the two of them bowed their heads.
“I need a while in the gardens alone with his Highness.” Cor explained.
“Of course, Sir.”
Without another word, the pair were let through. Smatterings of lights glowed around the walkway and among the flowers as they entered down a small set of stone steps, leading the way into the core of the gardens.
“Wow.” Loqi looked around in awe. “It's beautiful.”
If the inside of the Citadel had been a sight to behold, then the outside was just as remarkable. Loqi could tell the Lucian royals took great pride in appearances, seeing as nothing - both inside and out - around the Citadel seemed out of place.
“I'm sure your own royal gardens are the same, too.” Cor smiled, watching the blond gaze about.
“Pssh. Hardly.” Loqi waved off the remark, gazing around in wonderment. “It's too cold in Gralea for much to grow. We have an artificial bio-dome to grow exotic plants...but it's not the same as this. This is all natural— are those Sylleblossoms?!”
Hearing the excitement in his voice, Cor followed the Omega down the path, chuckling at the child-like innocence he displayed. Stopping at the patch of the native Tenebraen flower, the Alpha plucked one from its stem as they crouched down to get a better look at the plant, and placed it behind Loqi’s ear.
“A charming flower for a charming Omega.” He spoke quietly, acutely aware of the silence around them. “It suits you. Brings out the colour of your eyes.”
The glow of the lit walkway gave the prince’s eyes an almost violet tint, light reflecting off the blue in the most captivating way.
For the second time that night, Loqi found himself speechless. The Alpha before him certainly had a way with words.
“I'm sorry, have I said too much?” Cor apologised, sheepishness suddenly settling into him.
“No, no. It's okay.” With a shake of his head, Loqi assured the man he was fine. “It’s, um...thank you.” He averted his gaze, cheeks warming up yet again.
Taking a slow walk around the gardens, talking away about everything and anything that took their fancy, the evening drew on without much notice from either of the pair. It didn’t take long for the Alpha to know what he wanted from the prince. Though he bearly knew him, there was something, something he couldn’t place about the young blond that had him throwing all caution to the wind, letting him give his damn best at least trying to win the Omega over. Never having been more interested in someone - let alone a person he wished to court - to Cor, Loqi was a rare beauty, something to be treasured and cherished like the most precious of things.
Even as the evening gave way to night, Loqi never ran out of things to say to the Alpha, letting his thoughts flow freely in his company. It was nice, he thought, nice to have someone seem genuinely interested in him as person, and not just for his royal title. All worries of his impending future were forgotten, until the Chancellor’s name was brought up. Even the sound of it struck dismay into his heart.
“Your brother tells me there are plans for you to marry.” Cor recalled what the elder twin had said. “To Chancellor Izunia, correct?”
“Yes.” Loqi sighed. “I believe so.”
“You don't sound too happy. I'm sure the Chancellor has a lot to offer, being a well respected man among your father’s advisors.”
“I don't...” He trailed off, trying to find the right words to say. “Maybe it's foolish of me to think I could marry for love. Or at least companionship.” Playing with the lilies off to the side, Loqi admired them. “Prompto and Noctis seem to like one another well enough. I can see them building a strong bond quickly.”
“Is that what you wish for?” Cor asked, hearing the wistfulness behind his voice. “And you don't think the Chancellor can give you that?”
“I don’t feel anything for him.”
And he didn’t. If there was one thing Loqi did feel about the man, it was unease. It was as if the Chancellor knew of what was to come, knew he would be given a young, ripe Omega to take. Every ounce of Loqi’s being cringed with the thought of having to bear the man’s children.
“Maybe it might be bold of me to ask.” Cor took the Omega by the hand. “But... With your father’s approval, would you consider allowing me to court you?”
Blinking in confusion, wondering if the man was simply jesting with his offer, Loqi couldn’t quite wrap his head around what he’d said.
“You want to court me? But why?”
“Why? It's more a question of why not?”
Finding no fault with his wishes, the Alpha could still see it would be a struggle of sorts to convince Loqi of his sincerity.
“Cor...” Loqi gazed down at his hand in Cor’s own, doing it his utmost best to find the words to let the man down lightly.
It wasn’t that he loathed the idea of being courted by the Alpha, it was the thought that his father would vehemently disagree and immediately pair him with the Chancellor as a consequence.
“Your brother and Noctis were the ones that convinced me to come over to you. They saw me staring, embarrassingly.” Cor explained, a tad mortified at the memory of being caught out by the Lucian prince. “Your brother said he wants to see you happy. He, too, doesn't think the Chancellor is the right mate for you.”
Loqi knew Prompto felt the same. Yet there wasn’t exactly much either of them could do. It was up to their father to make such decisions, and whatever he decided wasn’t something to be contested lightly.
“And you believe you are?” Loqi asked, genuinely wondering what the man’s answer would be.
“If you give me the chance, Your Highness, I can most certainly try to be.” Cor spoke sincerely, squeezing the Omega’s hand gently. “I'm not one to rashly jump into things, but I've never wanted to court anyone more than I do with you.”
Speaking the truth, no matter how inappropriate it seemed in the presence of royalty, Cor sought to win him over, even if it meant being for more frank about his sentiments than he was usually comfortable with.
“You're a very genuine man, Cor. But I can’t see my father ever agreeing.” Loqi sighed with a shake of his head.
“Hmm, I wouldn't be too sure of that.” The Alpha smiled, his tone brightening. “Your brother and Noctis were already trying to convince your father and Regis when I whisked you away.”
Blinking several times in surprise, Loqi could scarcely believe his twin had the audacity to do such a thing. But if his brother had no reservations with Cor’s wants, and was actively trying to make it happen, then maybe the whole idea wasn’t so bad.
“They didn't seem too put off by it, from what I could gather.” Cor recalled the looks of his King and the Niff Emperor. “Perhaps there is a chance. Only if you want the same thing, of course.”
“If...if they agree,” Taking a moment to think things over, Loqi cemented his decision. “I suppose I wouldn't mind giving you a chance.”
Lifting the Omega’s hand to his lips, the Alpha pressed the chastest of kisses to his skin, a newfound sense of challenge twinkling in his eyes.
“You won’t regret it. I promise you.”
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foolforjesus · 2 years
To The Wonder (2012) | Tenebrae conducted by Nigel Short - Versa est in luctum My harp is turned to grieving and my flute to the voice of those who weep. Spare me, O Lord, for my days are as nothing.
0 notes
God & His Priests & His Kings V2: Chapter 7 - A FFXV OC Fanfic
I’m rewriting this fic almost 3 years after I finished it since new ideas and plot bunnies have hit so here’s hoping I can stick with the series and see it through this time around. Sequel to How Rare & Beautiful.
Master list Word Count: 2,329 Upload: 05/23/21
Previous Chapter
I'm Alone – Joon Sung Oh
The stained glass shattered from the impact of gunfire and magitek units smashing through the windows, landing on the outskirts of the throne room in unison. The court erupted into chaotic screaming as the units opened fire on the crowd, blindly gunning down anyone in their path.
I scanned to crowd frantically, looking for Myung-Hee on the steps to the throne. I caught a glimpse of her face between panicking nobles, taking a step towards her only to be yanked back against a hard chest.
I fought wildly to free myself from the strong grip, my eyes losing sight of my mother as I was forcibly turned away from the scene. Ravus holds me tight against his chest, keeping us tight against the wall as I fought against his vice-like grip.
The screaming didn't stop for a long time, slowly dwindling in strength as more and more people fell to the onslaught of gunfire.
By the time the last of the screaming had stopped, I had ceased my struggling, crying into the front of the blonde's coat as silence fell over the throne room.
Ravus' grip slackened at the sound of heavy footfalls to our right. I pulled my head away, my blurry vision focusing on the dead littering the throne room floor in horror.
The footsteps stopped just short of a foot away, the chancellor's voice the only sound in the room aside from the whirring mechanics of the magitek.
"Phenomenal job at protecting your bride, high commander. The guards will take it from here." Ardyn's voice called out mockingly as he picked his way through the corpses towards the throne.
"Was any of this truly necessary, Izunia?" Ravus ground out, curling himself around me in defense. I only watched as the older man crouched down to examine a body, tilting his head slightly.
"But of course. His excellency wanted control of Goryeo, which is why the council and nobility had to be taken care of. We only needed one princess as hostage to ensure the behaviour of the people, and your bride fits the bill." he answered, turning his golden gaze onto me.
My eyes locked onto his in fear, body trembling from shock as the chancellor slowly approached us.
The older man stopped inches away from me, grasping my chin between his fingers so our gazes would remain locked, the chains of my headpiece brushing delicately against my face.
"The well-being of the sole remaining princess guaranteed by the good behaviour of the people, and vice-versa; a much more convenient arrangement than the pitiful treaty, if I do say so myself."
My heart skipped a beat as Ardyn sneered out the words, my body automatically removing itself from his grasp as if it had been burned.
The chancellor's eyes narrowed, glaring down at me before gesturing to the few human soldiers off to the side.
"Gentlemen, please escort the princess to her chambers. It's been such a long day for her." he commanded, flippant tone contrasting with his dark expression.
The soldiers pulled me from Ravus' grasp, neither of us fighting it after the massacre that had occurred out of greed and ill-will.
"Oh," Ardyn called out just before I had exited the throne room, "And congratulations on your marriage, I'm sure all of Eos will speak of the Red Wedding for years to come." he said mockingly as the thick oak doors closed behind me.
I sat silently in the dining area of the princess' apartments, wearing a simple white ruqun with my long black hair free from any sort of style. My hand tightly clasped the hairpin Orion had given me, the last reminder of what my world had been before everything had fallen apart.
The guards had been bringing me minimal food, rationing the supplies that remained in the palace as they established control throughout the island nation. I was truly alone for the first time in years; no court ladies moved between the rooms, and there were no eunuchs walking through the halls. Just the foreign accents of the Nifelheim soldiers and the whirring sounds of Magitek filled the palace's silence.
I remained sitting as the door to the apartments opened and closed, heralding either food or a visitor. My heart sank at the sight of the chancellor, the man accompanied by both soldiers and the high commander.
"Well my dear, shall we discuss your fate now that the finer details have been dealt with?" Ardyn questioned as he took a seat at the table.
"We've been apprehending small rebel groups that believed they could defy the will of the empire, including that little court lady your counsel sent to Lucis. We wouldn't want her to call on the Lucian armies to mount a rescue attempt, now would we?"
That statement jolted a reaction out of me, my head whipping up to stare at the chancellor in horror.
"You will continue to reside in your apartments until the region has been brought under control. Then you will travel to Tenebrae with the high commander while the brigadier general governs the region. I'm sure you'll find Tenebrae to your liking, your highness. It is very beautiful this time of year." The vile man explained, taking pleasure in the pain he was inflicting upon me with his words.
"I do suggest beginning to pack your belongings as your departure may be sooner than you think." The chancellor announced in leu of a proper goodbye, sweeping into a mocking bow before departing from the room.
I twitched at the sound of the door as it closed, eyes locking onto the remaining figure of my husband. Ravus refused to meet my gaze as he slowly made his way into my rooms.
"I'm sure I'm one of the last people you want to see right now but I swear to you, I meant every word of my vows and I did not know Izunia was planning this." he whispered from across the room, his pale gaze firmly locked on the floor.
I offered silence as my only response, remaining impassive in his presence.
The man who was only my husband by name, sighed heavily before moving to sit in the chair opposite of mine.
"The common folk are fleeing the island as fast they can, fighting for space on fishing and trade vessels to take them out of Goryeo. The violence was mostly contained to the palace, but a few noble families who were absent from the wedding were hunted down." Ravus informed me, his words causing my heart to ache even more so than before as I mourned the innocents killed in the conflict.
I was pleased that the people were fleeing the island rather than face the iron hand of the imperial regime. They hadn't chosen to entrust their fate to a foreign power as I had.
"Both the first and second princesses were among the dead, as well as all their court ladies, yours included." These next words shocked me.
Mother. Grandmother. Se-Hyeon. Chae-Ryung. All of them dead. And I couldn't shed a single tear in mourning for them. I couldn't even perform their burial rights so they could find their way to the ancestors.
I closed my eyes, signaling my continued indifference to the blonde's presence, willing him to leave me to mourn privately.
Fabric rustled as Ravus shifted uncomfortably in his chair.
Both the noise and his continued presence irritated me. My eyes opened and met his own for the first time since the massacre. I willed that every ounce of my hatred and anger be conveyed through my eyes.
A fleeting look of shame passed over his face before Ravus schooled his expression into a mask of indifference.
Standing from his chair, he settled into a military parade rest.
"We will be leaving for Tenebrae in two days. Pack what belongings you wish to bring with you. I doubt you will see Goreyo again for many years." He informed me, taking my continued silence as his cue to leave.
As the door slid shut behind him, all my anger rushed forward. I hurled a tea pot at the wall in rage, storming from one room to the next.
I stopped in front of my open wardrobe, pulling random clothes out and tossing them towards the bed. They were all meaningless to me, every piece belonging to the now dead Third Princess. I would not have packed any of it if not for the fact that such an act would raise the suspicions of the Empire.
The only thing I wished to take with me was the small box of jewellery that I had inherited from my mother and the First Princess; my letters from Noctis hidden away among the gold and jewels.
It would be a risk to bring them with me, but I could not find it in myself to part with the only remaining piece of my identity.
Noctis POV
The prince was bored to say the least, stuck reading reports after completing homework. Soo's last letter lay on the coffee table, the portrait of his childhood companion staring up at Noctis with serene features captured in ink. He caught himself daydreaming as he stared at it, only snapping out of it when he heard Ignis exiting the kitchen to check on his progress.
The dark-haired teen was startled out of his zoning at the knocking at the door, Ignis hesitantly stepping out of the kitchen to answer it.
Noctis rose from his place on the couch, making his way down the hall just as a royal courier handed a blank envelope to his friend and retainer. As the door closed, the older boy merely looked at the envelope before handing it to the prince.
Opening it curiously, he pulled out a sheet of parchment that only one person ever used.
"Another letter from the Lady Soo? She usually waits for a response before writing, does she not?" Ignis questioned, adjusting his glasses while gauging his charge's reaction.
"Yeah.." Noctis replied, sapphire eyes focusing on the cursive letters on the page.
My Dearest Noctis,
I know my last letter may have only just reached you, but here I am writing another.
Goryeo has fallen on hard times, and each and every one of us are making sacrifices to keep our country thriving. We have been able to reach a formal peace with Nifelheim, however it deeply impacts our friendship.
Please know I'm completely heartbroken when I say that from this point on, I can no longer receive or send letters to and from you. My duty to my country has grown exponentially in the past few weeks and I can't jeopardize the progress made by continuing our correspondence. I'm so deeply sorry, if I could avoid this, I would. But this peace is too new and fragile to risk it.
Do know that I love you and I'm so proud of who you're becoming. Keep your friends close and treasure them. You need someone to watch your back since I am no longer able.
The hand holding the parchment clenched hard, crumpling the paper as he trembled. Tears welled in Noctis' eyes as his arm dropped to his side, gritting his teeth to choke back his cries.
"What did she say?" his friend inquired, not expecting the page to be shoved in his face as the prince stormed off to his room, slamming the door closed.
Noctis laid curled up in the center of his bed, staring at the photo on his night table.
Among the various photos taken by Prompto over the past two years, there was one that dated back eight years. It was a picture taken by a palace official many years ago that depicted two dark haired children running across the beach in Galdin.
It was his only photo of Soo aside from the drawing she had sent. They had been so carefree then, but now he could never speak to his friend again.
The prince shed silent tears in his solitude, closing his eyes in hopes of escaping through sleep.
It was not meant to be as Ignis entered the bedroom quietly.
"My apologies, Noct, but the citadel has called with information pertaining to Goryeo. Niflheim entered a delicate peace treaty with the kingdom, and has slaughtered nearly all of the aristocracy and ruling class and their households. Their envoy was on standby in Galdin to alert the Crown if the empire planned on breaking the treaty."
Ignis paused for a moment, taking in the tense, trembling form of his prince.
"She was found murdered in her hotel room after she had received information on the invasion and massacre. All that remains apart from the working and lower-class citizens is the Third Princess. The empire is keeping her as a political hostage in her marriage to Ravus nox Fleuret." He continued, avoiding any mention of the one person Noctis cared about in this situation.
"And what of Soo? Any news on her? Is she okay?" The Prince questioned his retainer, his breath hitching as he tried to keep his emotions under control.
"No, your highness. It is likely that she perished during the initial invasion, as the entirety of the palace household was wiped out."
It was then, that the last but of control slipped. Tears slipped freely down his cheeks, sobs wracking his body as he folded into himself.
Ignis was at a loss of what to do. How did one comfort their friend after delivering news of the death of a close friend?
Soo's POV
The smoke was still rising from the island as my personal items were being prepared for transport to Tenebrae. It was hard to tell if it was from mass funeral pyres or the burning of villages and estates.
In the end, it was pointless to wonder as I was being led into the awful airship and removed from my home for the last time.
Next Chapter
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madlysanecatlady · 6 years
Gladnis Valentine’s Day Prompts
Valentine’s Day is around the corner, so I figured a lovely 14 fic prompts is the perfect way to celebrate. If you’d rather, for sure create an Eos stand-in for the holiday.
Ignis is in a really bad mood lately and Gladio asks him what’s wrong. Ignis tells him Valentine’s Day marks the anniversary of something horrible that happened to him. Gladio wants to make him feel better.
Gladio feels Ignis is ignoring him as the holiday approaches. (Or vice versa.)
Ignis notices Gladio watching him while he decorates for the king’s Valentine's Day party.
Gladio finds Ignis drinking alone in a seedy dive bar, seeming a little bitter about the holiday.
Gladio gives Ignis a Valentine. His reaction is unexpected.
Ignis bakes Gladio some heart-shaped cookies but can’t muster up the courage to give them to him. Gladio drops by to deliver some forgotten paperwork and sees them.
The king throws a party to celebrate the occasion and not-so-subtly tries to rig a dance lottery to get Ignis and Gladio partnered so he can stop having to suffer the romantic tension. The problem? One of them can’t dance to save their life.
The gang goes to a Valentine’s Day party. Noctis and Prompto cut early but either Ignis or Gladio gets drunker than intended and needs the help of the other. Hijinks ensue.
Nobody can find Ignis on Valentine’s Day. Except for Gladio, who finds him hiding out in an unexpected place for an unexpected reason.
Ignis finally musters up the courage to tell Gladio how he feels, but misunderstands when he sees Gladio handing a delivered bouquet over to a pretty advisor.
A bouquet of eleven yellow roses with a red one in the centre is a traditional way in Tenebrae to tell your friend you've developed romantic feelings for them. Gladio wonders how Ignis will react to his use of this tradition this Valentine's day.
Gladio keeps bemoaning the commercialism of the holiday, so Ignis decides to make him something.
Gladio admits he's never had a Valentine. Ignis thinks he knows how to fix that.
Noctis and Prompto scheme to try and get Gladio and Ignis together on Valentine's day, but have no idea they've been dating for a long while now. Ignis and Gladio decide to indulge them in their venture.
Please feel free to submit fics to the Gladnis Prompts collection! I look forward to reading. ♥
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