#tenebris the queen
bisexualenbyblueberry · 9 months
It's not you it's the tdp characters who are most likely all dead by now that have the most insanely beautiful character design you've ever seen
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thefoxtherapist · 1 year
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Akira was always particular to kiss. He kissed like he tried to always match your rhythm. While appreciated at times, you couldn't help but be a tad disappointed at his lack of initiation. Still he managed to be pleasant to kiss. His lips were always warm and never chapped. He had a surprising fondness for a vanilla latte chapstick he got at the import store. But for as much as he tried to match you, follow what you enjoyed most about kissing. His lips always curled into a smile after a few seconds too many. He couldn't help it! Something about kissing you always made him smile.
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Tae never had any issues leading. She was always forward. Once she'd opened up to you, she admitted it was because she was afraid to not take the chance. You were something she didn't want to let escape due to her inaction. It was sweet in a way. While she wasn't big on PDA, Tae rarely hesitated to give you a kiss before you left her office or before she left your place. Those ones were quicker typically, almost shy in a way. Her usual ones however, those were your favourite. They were always longer lasting, emphasized by her hands on your hips, fingertips gently pressing into your skin. 
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Sometimes kissing Goro was like playing an ongoing chess game. You could never really predict his next move. Sometimes it was gentle and soft, a hand on your lower back, the other by his side. The utmost respectful of men. Other times though, there was a tad more.. Passion. In his actions. Gloved fingers tugging you closer, lips moving hastily against yours. He certainly was something when he pulled back, eyes wide and cheeks flushed red. As if he couldn't believe his own actions. He always apologized when he got that like, but his flustered expression was always something to look forward to. Especially when you followed up with another kiss and the prince detective became horrendously flustered by it.
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Makoto was always respectful when she kissed you. Her arms around your neck, standing a respectful distance away from you. It was endearing really, she was very cute. Though her chaste and respectful kisses nearly never lasted. She'd get ten or fifteen seconds in before she pulled you in closer to her. Her eyebrows furrowed with determination, a rebellious spirit burned in her touch, in her kiss, her actions. Makoto was so used to being a certain way, acting a certain way. With you, that all seemed to melt away. With you she found her walls crumbling, and her kisses conveyed she wouldn't want it any other way.
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kilfeur · 4 months
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J'ai remarqué quelque chose dans cette affiche : c'est que justement le livre que tient Aaravos, on peut voir des griffes et ça m'a fait penser à ceux de Sol Regem. Donc je suis allée vérifier et avant qu'il perde sa vue, ses griffes étaient dorés. Et sur l'arrière du livre, on peut voir une sorte de symbole mais j'arrive pas à voir ce que c'est.
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Quand aux oiseaux, je me demandais ce que c'était jusqu'à me rappeler de celui que Callum a vu avec l'associé du seigneur des corbeaux. Et apparemment ils ont une relation symbolique avec Sol Regem. Donc ouais il va jouer un rôle important dans la saison 6 !
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Et quand à ces petites créatures inconnues qui entourent Aaravos. Ce sont des Will O'Kitt alors on ne sait pas encore ce qu'il sont exactement mais ils semblent réagir au cube. Mais j'aime bien les imaginer en petits esprits de feu pur ! Et puis leur description est assez drôle !
Sinon je remarque quelque chose concernant le bas d'Aaravos, c'est que la manière dont est dessiné sa tunique, on dirait qu'il fusionne avec chaque arcanum. Est ce que c'est ça l'effet que ça fait de pouvoir utiliser plusieurs arcanums ? Pouvoir ne faire qu'un avec lui ?
D'ailleurs la phrase qui l'accompagne fait hausser un sourcil, car il est dit qu'après tout c'est le soleil qui a trahit les étoiles ? Alors c'est soit par rapport au fait que le soleil est justement une étoile. Ou alors ça pourrait suggérer qu'il s'est passé quelque chose entre Aditi et Aaravos. Et que ça coïncidera justement avec sa disparition ! Pour ce qui est de la disparition de Lunas Tenebris, je me souviens en avoir parlé avec @konmaao3 et on avait suggéré qu'il était possible qu'Aaravos et Kim'Dael s'étaient unis pour se débarrasser d'Aditi et de Luna Tenebris. Kim'Dael s'occupant de la reine des dragons et Aaravos d'Aditi. Après ce n'est que pur spéculation ! Si ça se trouve, on a fait fausse route. Mais ça seule la saison 6 nous le dira.
I noticed something in this poster: you can see the claws on the book Aaravos is holding, and it reminded me of Sol Regem's claws. So I went to check and before he lost his sight, his claws were gold. And on the back of the book, you can see some kind of symbol, but I can't make out what it is.
As for the birds, I wondered what they were until I remembered the one Callum saw with the crow lord's associate. And apparently they have a symbolic relationship with Sol Regem. So yeah he's going to play an important role in season 6!
And as for those unknown little creatures surrounding Aaravos. They're Will O'Kitt, so we don't know exactly what they are yet, but they seem to react to the cube. But I like to imagine them as little spirits of pure fire! And their description is pretty funny!
Moreover, the sentence that accompanies it makes me raise an eyebrow, because it says that after all it was the sun that betrayed the stars? So it could be that the sun is a star. Or it could suggest that there was something going on between Aditi and Aaravos. And that it coincides with his disappearance! As for the disappearance of Lunas Tenebris, I remember talking about it with konmaao3 and we suggested that it was possible that Aaravos and Kim'Dael had joined forces to get rid of Aditi and Luna Tenebris. Kim'Dael taking care of the dragon queen and Aaravos of Aditi. Of course, this is pure speculation! Maybe we headed off on the wrong track. But only season 6 will tell.
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tenebristhequeen · 3 months
@the-delightful-temptation from here //
Oh, how much she missed him during those days...it had bees so lonely without him by her side, without the sound of his beautiful voice and the warmth of his hugs.
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“ xë ma-reih itte vœ ”
Those words answer his questions which meanin seem to be translated into his mind.
"yes my king, I'm pregnant/expecting"
Despite being in such a state for just a few days, her behavior is already changing towards the extreme mother instinct.
But after a deep breath, Tenebris returns to speak normally.
“ I can't tell for sure....us dragons usually know it by instinct, we simply know.
But I had no more doubts the day you announced your trip, something inside of me snapped..as if I suddenly become afraid of not being able to protect something alone..
That's when it hit me: O was afraid of not being able to protect what's growing inside of me without my mate.
I didn't wish to force you to stay...I didn't wish for us to not be able to talk properly, so I decided to make the chocolate box, leaving the last one with the news..
I didn't want you to be distracted, I know how important it is your work, my love. ”
Her breathing rhythm is slow, her eyes full of worry, fear..but also love and hope.
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baatarthefirst · 1 year
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snakeguy999 · 1 year
Can you tell us about your 2 ocs? :3c
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Ofcourse! Here is an illustration of the three most important characters. I will be reblogging with more info next time. : )
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The Dragon Prince but it’s just the kill count.
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poetinprose · 2 years
I drew my OC Kendra!
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The horns didn't turn out 100% like I imagined them but they're very close ^-^
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dragonsimagehoard · 6 days
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the-nexus · 5 months
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{ the first usurper } ; aniketos arkhos
{ the cinder lady } ; aeron pyreborn
{ little heart } ; cordula woolweaver
{ candidus } ; calytrix candidus
{ stardust } ; cassiopeia praeustus
{ delphinium } ; delphina albarruya
{ her contrary knight } ; lord domitianus
{ the dragon spawn heiress } ; eurybia drakiádēs
{ the dreadful damsel } ; lady etheldreda
{ the elf queen of the white waste } ; firamodor of the line of ælflæd
{ morning dew on jasmine blooms } ; gelvira of the line of selwyn
{ the harrowing } ; hedwig hornbyrd
{ a wandering eternal } ; idonea of the line of selwyn
{ bellatrix de tenebris } ; lysistrata de demeke
{ the human prince }
{ mermaids moonbeam }
{ heiress of the foam }
{ a mermaid named silk }
{ elfson }
{ blood of the dark } ; obscurus
{ rams crown }
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raayllum · 7 days
Invert Life and Death Theory
Yesterday, the fandom received two season seven synopses that detail similar mysterious concepts:
The stakes have never been higher as Aaravos and Claudia are on the warpath, determined to destroy the Cosmic Order and invert life and death. With the world’s fate on the line, our heroes must be ready to sacrifice everything to save it.
As Aaravos and Claudia seek to destroy the Cosmic Order and invert life and death, our heroes must be literally ready to sacrifice anything and everything love and believe in to save the world!
I will touch on the 'sacrifice' portion likely here, and then further in another meta that was actually already sitting in my drafts about it (as we've known for a while that S7's main theme is sacrifice, even if I didn't expect it to be so blatantly spelled out in the summaries). But I digress.
Aaravos (and Claudia) want to destroy the Cosmic Order. They want to invert life and death, to turn it upside down (much like Aaravos' chest star I might imagine). Presumably this is to make the Cosmic Order mortal-mortal so that they can be permanently killed and Aaravos can have his proper revenge. He might also be working towards trying to reassemble Leola's spirit somehow.
But what is that attempted inversion going to look like? Well... It does contextualize the weird consistent emphasis his plans have had on the Moon and Sun specifically:
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And we might finally know why:
Sun and Moon, Life and Death
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In previous posts, I'd speculated there was more than just politics or revenge at stake in Aaravos seemingly killing Luna Tenebris and Queen Aditi 300 years ago. Of course the in-story explanation that's most obvious is that he wanted political instability, which I think is certainly true.
However, thus far there's not really a Reason in-text that it had to be those two. Why not another Earth dragon instead, or a Tidebound king? Throughout the series the elves that have gotten the most focus and worldbuilding have routinely been Moonshadow and Sunfire elves, and it didn't really have to be. And of course we could get into the weeds and say that Earth could've been associated with Life and Sun with death, etc etc. but the point stands that I think this series long focus on Moonshadow and Sunfire elves/philosophies in addition to Aditi and Luna Tenebris' deaths/disappearances makes a lot of sense if Sun = Life and Moon = Death, and these are the things that Aaravos wishes to invert upside down.
The fact that this reflective relationship between Sun and Moon possibly ties into Aaravos being in a mirror, characters having shadow selves running around in the narrative, and the emphasis on mirrored images in the dark magic dreams we see also makes sense.
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Aaravos already toppled the Sun Forge and thereby Sun Primal on his way through to the Storm Spire. Going back to the Moon Nexus in S6 was a welcome callback to Through the Moon, but the Moon Nexus specifically having a portal between life and death... reminding us of that location because it's going to play a much bigger role next season (potentially like other characters, like Aanya) could be on the table. In taking Lux Aurea, Aaravos got the corrupted Sun staff after all.
Speaking of which, let's talk about
Rayla and Claudia
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I don't think I have to explain why or routinely how Rayla is associated with the Moon as a Moonshadow elf. Secretive yet open, caught between love and duty, life and death, truth and lies, light and dark, Rayla embodies all this and more. Callum has also asked for her to be his Death if push comes to shove and he's possessed again, but she's also what has saved him in S6 from said threat of possession (and likely will again). This isn't to say that Aaravos needs a Moon arcanum and is going to take Rayla's (though I suppose he could), I think the likelier outcome is corrupting the Moon Nexus (and hence why you animate/rig Lujanne, Allen, and a new Phoe-Phoe design under your software at all). But it does mean I think Rayla will be a mirror to Claudia / whatever is happening with the Moon Nexus as a way to manipulate Callum, per usual.
Conversely, Claudia has wielded the corrupted Sun staff — a literally corrupted light that represents dark magic to her outright in S6, and one that she uses as a literal and metaphorical crutch — since season three, only occasionally using her father's staff with Viren only using the Sun staff for the Hearts of Cinder spell. She's a sun that's already been eclipsed by Aaravos, by death, in more ways than one. Someone who's walked a continually bloodier, darker path the further the show has gone on.
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If and when Claudia gives up dark magic, she'll be 'restored' as the Sun — uncorrupted, bolstered by the truth ("Careful, if you tell the truth you will lose her"), shining brightly again. In the meantime, though, if Claudia is brought home in parallel with Callum being saved from dark magic corruption in S6, I think someone else will be Claudia's 'sun'. So let's talk about it.
Trials and Tests of Love
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While we might see more — I could see Karim getting a trial on a technicality in S7 — as it stands now we see three former trials in the series. The first is in S4 among the Sunfire elves with Lucia, who ruined a sacred ritual by putting out a light, and is declared not innocent but worthy of life over death. Then we see Leola, who despite being truly innocent is condemned to death by the Star/First Elves and is made into nothing more than a light star known as Leola's Last Wish. Finally, we're going to seemingly have Rayla, whose actions did lead to the death of her troupe of Moonshadow assassins in the Silvergrove.
Just like with starlight vs moonlight vs sunlight with the Celestial elves, and Astrid + star magic creatures like Sir Sparklepuff in particular....
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AARAVOS: Otherwise the sun will rise, and you will not.
We see this pattern of sun, star, and moon again with the trials alongside ideas of mercy, innocence, and concepts of paying the price.
Meanwhile, in season six, both Claudia and Callum were searching for their deep truths. Their path. Callum found his in Rayla and accepted it wholeheartedly. Claudia thought she'd find hers in Viren ("I'll look at him and I'll know / I need him to show me the right path"), but found only his body and the prison he left behind. Of course, the main reason that Viren died in season six was that he wanted to save Katolis, and more than that, he wanted to save his son.
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She said that this was my home, and that my brother and I needed each other.
If Claudia is an eclipsed sun, a form of life turned death, than Soren is the uncorrupted version of the sun, ready and willing to guide her back if she'll just give him the chance. And in going back to Katolis, in sparing/saving Soren, Viren did help give Claudia what she needed in order to find her true path some day, too: a life with her brother and Terry at her side.
Claudia's first real test of love in the series was whether to choose the egg — the world, her father's wishes — over the safety and wellbeing of her family — her brother. She made the right choice.
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I'm here.
It'd make sense if one of her final tests of love was a similar trial — maybe even if Callum under possession/Aaravos' control hurts Soren ("Oh I've been stabbed by the stab-prince!") — and Claudia once again chooses her brother over everything, just as he chooses for and fights for her. She ultimately chooses life over death, reflecting the massive change in herself and her character arc.
Likewise, Rayla being a Moonshadow elf saved from death ("I leapt to my certain death, but you spread your wings and you saved me" / "Finnegrin was going to kill you, I didn't have a choice") from Callum means breaking his promise, yes.
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However, it also frees her up from needing to be an assassin and therefore from needing to behave like she's "already dead" or that Callum is. The possession/corruption would be a fate worse than death / metaphorical to literal death and rather than delivering either, Rayla would save him in turn. Like Claudia, she chooses life over death, symbolizing the same turning point. Callum, meanwhile, could get the Moon arcanum by realizing he has dark and light inside him; this may not mean a total blank slate (idk if they'd repeat that) from corruption, but a way to permanently throw off Aaravos' control of him regardless.
Life, over death.
Life and death working in harmony under principles of justice, mercy, and compassion.
This is more of rambling "notes on top of all this" place than a proper conclusion, but just a summary of stuff / some speculation for later:
Aaravos needed Moon and Sun stuff specifically from Luna Tenebris and Queen Aditi and that's why he killed them
Aaravos is going to successfully make the Cosmic Council mortal, even if that means making himself mortal.
This makes him more powerful than the Council and they may have reason to ally with our main team in order to take down Aaravos and/or be destroyed themselves
Rayla as Moon and Claudia as Sun reflect both life and death, but each will likely choose life over death; for Rayla this is about a certainty, for Claudia it's more up in the air if she'll have her redemption arc yet (I could see it getting pushed further to arc 3).
I think it'd be really nice if the inversion of life and death had broad implications meant some characters got to say goodbye, like Callum and Ez having a moment with Harrow and/or Sarai
And I think that's about it! What do you think inverting life and death may mean?
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raylasrightbraid · 2 months
S6 Predictions/Speculations
now that the trailer is out, its time. LETS GET TO IT
Possessed callum and rayla big fight sequence (my speculation? it doesn’t end well for rayla 😨)
Karim dies 🤷🏻‍♀️
Astrid and Kosmo are either siblings or best friends (or maybe just co-workers idk) but i love their vibe so we’ll see on the 26
a LOT of nightmares/illusion moments for all characters (poor things sm trauma)
Rayla catches callum by stealing Kosmo’s bracelets (i very much see it happening 😭)
i think the episode “moonless night” would have something to do with the disappearance of luna tenebris. but i have NO idea why rayla and callum are fighting the snow moon dragon thing 😗
Rayla finds out callum used dark magic again either by him telling her, OR when rayla talks? to the snow moon dragon thing and what im assuming is her asking for help, the dragon refuses because “i smell dark magic on human” and boom more drama 🥰😜
“The Frozen Ship”? rayllum heavy episode.
“Love, War, and Mushrooms”? sorvus heavy episode.
Queen Aanya and King Ezran bonding time (yes go child rulers!)
Super big rayllum argument 🙁 (idk i sense it)
viren is alive (somehow??) and he goes back to katolis, which is what ezran, the knights, and opeli are looking at in that one image. (my guess is that they lock him up on sight 😭)
TDP said a favorited character is going to die so heres my list of suspects (Amaya, Terry, Zubeia, SOREN 😭, )
moonfam is NOT going to be freed (either they tried and failed, or they couldnt at all)
snake boi callum. this time? he has a white streak in his hair
AND FINALLY. Aaravos is free on parole (Go starboy!)
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madulsha-388444 · 1 month
What I want to see in season 7:
-Flashbacks about the Orphan queen
- How the orphan queen helped to trap Aaravos and how they trapped his soul, I am also curious about the relationship between Aaravos and the Orphan queen.
-Flashbacks about Luna Tenebris
- The disappearance and death of Luna Tenebris and its cause
-Flashbacks about Laurelion
- Laurelion's death and its cause
-Flashbacks about queen Aditi
- The answer to why Aaravos killed Queen Aditi
- A kind of father-daughter relationship develops between Aaravos and Claudia, Aaravos begins to see Claudia as his daughter,He will become a father-figure to her
- Flashbacks about Leola
- Astrid joins the dragang
- Claudia's necklace will have significance
- A romantic relationship begins to develop between Ezran and Aanya
- Aaravos doesn't die at the end of the season
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tenebristhequeen · 6 months
/ @trondopeacekeeper from here /
Tenebris doesn't usually leave her Kingdom, for it's always needed her presence for her beloved subjects...but this time?
Pain and destruction were dominating over a place so full of innocent beings. She couldn't just let this happen after learning about it.
And, during that time, The Ancient Queen saw how someone who was there to help had been attacked and injured.
“ Oh? Oh my... you're awake! ”
She'll say in a cheerful but gentle tone, moving her attention away from the book she was reading as she sat next to him while he wasn't awake.
“ I'm so happy..but please do not move too quickly, you're safe now..those who harmed you will not be a threat to anyone else.”
20' feet tall, that is her current size, for now.
“ Allow me to introduce myself, Ma-Kea..And if you want, you'll tell me your name too.
I'm Tenebris Queen of Dragons and Existence. ”
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"ma-kea".. that's ancient draconic, it means "My young one/little one".
Her glowing eyes do not move away from his figure, trying to understand if he's still in pain, like a mother with her child. It's part of her nature to be like this.
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baatarthefirst · 1 year
The song To Kill an Archdragon will focus on Sol Regem death?
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I'd guess he's the most likely option, with a flashback of Luna Tenebris being a close second and Aaravos killing Queen Zubeia in a distant third.
As for Sol Regem, this could go in so many ways. Is Janai fighting him to save her human lover (who may be recovering from injury and unable to defend herself)?
Are Janai AND Amaya trying to save the humans in the Sunfire Camp (and any elven bystanders) from the homicidal maniac?
Is Janaya working with Karim ( and possibly Callum and Rayla) to stop a corrupted Sol Regem (who went down in a plan Karim was SURE would end the corruption and make him the hero of his people)?
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