#teo's rambles
crumbtrails · 7 months
homies im gonna be so real rn
the vibes r not vibing
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p-kmatt · 9 months
saw like a dark, fucked up version of my best friend Finfin on the outer edges of Planet Teo.... be careful.e.......
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mpekamitzii · 9 months
they're tiny!!
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Nora and Teo were inseparable since they were born,both adventure seeking troublemakers that were a pain to deal with if you were a teacher.When they were separated in class for the first time, teo met Sydney.A few hours later,he introduced them to his cousin, Nora, who was chasing plants at the time and was covered in mud.It didnt take long for them to become friends!
Their early teens designs are directly inspired from their original designs i made for them when i was 16 !! her pink overalls were so iconic to me at the time
Also shout out to my friend for suggesting i give teo a sand aura. all pharaoh's curse memes apply
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newtafterdark · 11 months
Shout-out to the FinFin discord for being incredibly kind and welcoming! 💙
We might've already figured out a way to get "The Book of FinFin" to you all exactly how it was originally intended in terms of looks! There are folks on there who are wizards with HTML and I bow before them!
That and I'll even edit images that have German text on them to be in English but retain their original charm for the translation!
An example, the original:
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the edit:
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I am so excited to get to work on this with the team behind the homepage & gift us all a bit more FinFin in our lives! :>
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transatoru · 1 year
i'm literally so angry about konoha and how they differently treated sasuke and orochimaru. sasuke was right all the time, he had every right to avenge his clan and avenge his brother as well for being used as a tool to protect a village that always saw uchihas as scum but pretended it didn't. he was also right not be fond of sakura and despise her because she never ever tried to understand his feelings, his emotions (not that she would have been able to, since sasuke states only naruto can understand his heart - and sasuke naruto's). that kid never did anything wrong and i'm being absolutely serious in this. even naruto said so, when they met after danzo's death - naruto understood why sasuke was doing all that. and at the end? he marries the one who always saw him as a doll and nothing else, out of guilt? and he never gets his arm back? and he's put in freaking prison? for what? hating on a fascist system?
on the other hand we have orochimaru who is a villain, pure villain. they experimented on innocent people, even children, for their own sake and for the sake of danzo. they groomed traumatized children, even sasuke, for their own sake. like- they're a villain, ok? and they're free. they're... free. no prison. actually! they put yamato, one of the children they experimented on, to watch them???? hello??????? what is this????
i'm not even saying orochimaru should die or something, i'd be an hypocrate since i love them and they're my fav character. but at least, at very least something a little worse than sasuke, since they did much worse than him!
there's this freaking huge gap and i hate it. i hate how they treated sasuke at the end of naruto. what the fuck. and we are back on the main issue of it all: the entire shinoby system is fucked up. you can't have justice, you can't have fair treatment (despite all the problems of what fair treatment could be uh), you can't have a serious peace, you can't have anything good from a system that lives on such venomous seeds. the system must be destroyed for peace to truly come.
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antsyandpantsy · 3 months
So finally!!! Agent lore!!!
It’s a bit… patchy to say the least but it’s a lot of the main stuff so if ur curious to learn more about my agents, here u go!!!
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lemonlinelights · 2 months
So like I randomly chose to listen to The Edge of Sleep and going into the tag hoping for some fanart (which there is a lot of beautiful fanart) and finding out that there’s supposed to be a tv show and that there’s a book is NOT what I was expecting
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wayfinderships · 4 months
Panchi/D.imitri my beloveds <3 one of these days I'll draw them together
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llumimoon · 1 year
my sister, who hero reminds me of, took me out for driving lessons and noticed i was shakinf a little and in like a teasinf but concerned voice she was like u r ok ??? ur hyperventilating baby. and i wanted to weep bc i got smacked with a feeling of love
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barkingangelbaby · 21 days
ph my fucking god, not colie telling me we took 9 shots tonight???? ooooops, total scc8rent accident *** !!!!!
hehehehehhew we made some content for when I get to 2k followers (fucking wild to me!!!) and I'm ugggg uhhhh*** kinda toing going* feral over the video of her topping ripping* my panries panties* off omg. too lazy to fix typos so u get asterisks. I'm about to fuck myself and make her watch, hehehehehehehehhehehe <33333
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cafedanslanuit · 2 years
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i want to congratulate teo on his new endeavour as an ao3 author 💖
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macaronnya · 2 years
I've seen some people be disappointed with The Ssum for various reasons. Some I can understand but others I think people are too hasty. So here are some thoughts (not sorted through).
Regarding the many things you can pay for, I get that. It is kinda very in your face (literal game ads, that are kinda cute tho and only 5 sec) and pricey. I myself am very tempted but will see after the first round of 200 days. Pretty sure I'll know if it's worth it, after that. Cheritz is a small company after all and they've been working on this for quite a while. But for now I don't think it's necessary to buy anything to enjoy the game.
He might type slowly but you can just do smth else while waiting and somehow work with that. Now, the Aurora Batteries, those are already more iffy. Per chat, there are 1 to 3 options, where you can use them. Some even give you a call? I really hate this kind of limitation. It's so direct in telling "you may have missed juicy content~", which makes it a lot worse than the hourglasses in Mysme (not that they were bad in the first place). You have a lot of free opportunities to get them there (❤->⏳, through chats, invited guests) and even then, it's completely fine to go without. (Some calls were really 😙🤌 though, but it's very much optional) Here, I'm not sure you can get any without paying or unlocking achievments. But we'll see how it is since it's only the first week after all. Dunno about the other things yet but I'll just wait to see if it's too much, that I'm missing out on.
Regarding Teo, I don't really get how some people are already writing him off as boring and comparing him to Mysme characters. Like, ofc they'd be different. Not only is Teo the only person you're gonna talk to, you have 200 days for that. You'll have plenty of time to discover hidden mysteries and flags or whatever. Apparently, he's even gonna mold his personality based on our conversations. So it makes sense, that he'd be more blank in the beginning, especially during the first 2 days. Now look at Mysme, where you have 11 days for each of the 5, later 7, characters. You have to know which ones you wanna go first and everyone is interacting with one another. And there's a whole very forefront plot that needs to be told. While in The Ssum, for now at least, the plot is just getting to know about a guy in roughly 6 months and fall in love(?). The situations are too different to compare them. Besides that, he's actually just like a normal guy you first meet somewhere randomly. Is everyone able to figure out a stranger's personality and background after a few conversations on the first day or am I just the outlier here? I'm sure you've met at least one person whose personality on the outside differs greatly from the truth after getting to know them more.
I'm not saying you can't say what you think for first impressions; if he seems boring rn then that's just how it is for you. But it's stupid to complain already when the game is barely out, yet.
Anyways, that's all I have to rant about for now. Maybe I am too optimistic from the perspective of smn in the future reading this but I truly think you can't tell anything yet by Day 2. Hopefully, this will age well....
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skyburger · 3 months
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happy one-year anniversary of me getting into finfin. compilation of some of my first thoughts on finfin from this time last year
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newtafterdark · 11 months
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Since I know that the translation process of "The Book of FinFin" will take a considerable amount of time, including the creation of two pdf's, I've decided to upload the .iso file ahead of time & make it available for you all.
I've put it up on MEGA and I hope it works as intended on an instance of Windows 95 (either proper or DosBox).
Download it here.
Please let me know if there are any errors with it or if I have exported it wrong in some way. I plan on talking to a punch of folks who know much more about this process this upcoming weekend.
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verineo · 3 months
girlhood is creating an oc completely based on your fav character just so you can do whatever you want to him out of canon and people wont get mad at you
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fettery-fetterie · 3 months
Red lights spin, the alarms are going off
-An intruder.
Run around, pick what you gotta fast, they know I'm here
-This is gonna be fun.
Shit. They got me
-Too easy.
Here my life lies, my future spilling from my head, I can barely feel my body
And they laugh, they laugh so bastardly, I wish I could have the strength to cry it out
It's helpless. I'm helpless
And then, the first hit
And the second
And the third
All cooled out
Do I have to wonder where I got this from? I can't afford that, the pipe leads my way
-Oh, it's you again.
Rush through, knock them, it's about survival now
-Now this is where the fun begins.
-My specialty.
And I bleed
-And you bleed.
The adrenaline gets to me
-Precious wounds from you for me.
Your boys are down
-We're alone
You're alone
-And so scared. My heart rushes. You...it's you!
-You're War! You're what I have been looking for!
-Please...! Your end! My end! All here and now!
I'm just so tired, and I don't feel like working overtime
My shift's over. I'm done here.
-No...! NO!
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