unravelingwires · 7 months
In the world where I’m happiest, I suspect I’m not a researcher. I don’t know what I do. My dreams have a cottagecore tint, but I don’t believe I have the physical strength to become a farmer. My most satisfying days have consisted of cutting some trees, planting others, scrambling up hills and getting hopelessly cut up by bushes, but I don’t know if I could manage that day-to-day. 
What I do know is that in that happy world, I have an armchair by a window always kept closed, but I do not sit on it. I curl up on the floor, instead, my back against the cushioned base. I have a stack of books I finish voraciously. It’s not my job to push back humanity’s ignorance, just mine. 
Wouldn’t it be beautiful if, just for a moment, we didn’t have to care about the world?
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amphivena · 2 months
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Tepefi for @saturneidae
mixed media, colored pencil, crayon, highlighter pen
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Oil sizzles.
Come on…
Tinky lifts the toasting bread up with a used spoon. It’s browning, but not done. He sets the spoon back into a pot resting on the ground, absently mixing its contents. On a large plate next to the pot, two toasted - and cooling - pieces of bread wait. Karaxis fidgets in place, tapping his fingers on his crossed legs. He could stand and walk off energy, but that would mean risking burnt toast.
Can’t this go any higher?
He knows it can’t. Deciding that toast less toasted was better than over-toasted toast, T’noy takes the spoon and carefully turns the toast to tepefy the untouched tops. It would truly be tragic if these two pieces of toast were to torch.
Fucking…are you done yet?!
He’s talking to the bread. This is too time-consuming for his taste. Tinky lifts the pan and drops both semi-brown slices onto the plate. He turns the stove off after setting the pan back down and grabs the pot. Scooping out some macaroni and cheese, he dumps what is hopefully enough onto one piece of bread and spreads it on evenly with the spoon. He tries to grab one of the hotter slices without burning his fingers and moderately succeeds, accidentally dropping it on the pasta.
He straightens out the top piece of toast after letting it cool and nudges the completed sandwich aside to prepare the other one. He continues the same process - bread, pasta, spread it on evenly, bread - making two sandwiches.
After meticulously balancing the other sandwich’s top piece so it doesn’t fall, T’noy Karaxis holds the plate up with triumph.
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afactaday · 2 months
#1265: microwave ovens don't tepefy food from the inside out - household waves usually only penetrate about a centimeter into the food. i don't know why this myth is even a thing when you can get a soup out and the surface is boiling but underneath it's freezing. microwaves aren't tuned to any specific frequency to resonate with water - they warm via dialectric heating of polar molecules (including liquid glass, so you can heat up crystalware but only if it's already melted). microwaves don't reduce the nutritional value of food (much) (they cook it much more quickly than conventional ovens so in a way it's actually healthier (if you really squint)) and they aren't carcinogenic (they really tried giving some rats cancer and couldn't manage it). the metal cage is there to stop interference with WiFi and mobile signals (and i guess any military activity that happens to be passing by).
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almond-joyous · 5 years
Ok the chime bowl thing made me think of this— It’s three in the morning. Sabs is at the temple trying to sleep but is being slowly driven mad by the chiming. Champa snores through it and Vados out of boredom makes them chime more. More chiming. It rings through the temple and seemingly the planet. Her eye twitches as she silently screams and Vados is amused by annoying Sabs. At 3 am.
@ftsxenoverse |
Oh, the joys of what goes on at 3 AM at Chez Tepefy.
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ftsxenoverse · 5 years
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name: Sabs Tepefy
eye color: Green
hair style/color: Short Bob
height: 5′7
clothing style: Comfy and Stylish
best physical feature: Smile
your fears: Not Being All She Can Be
your guilty pleasure: Skinny Dipping
your biggest pet peeve: Arrogance
your ambitions for the future: To be the best Hero she can be
your first thoughts waking up: 5 More Years PLEASE...zzzz
what you think about most: Who am I gonna drag around with me today?
what you think about before bed: Should I leave the radio on for my hamster y/n?
you think your best quality is: Charisma
single or group dates: single!
to be loved or respected: I guess Respect tho both are good
beauty or brains: brains
dogs or cats: cats (Tho I love both)
lie: Poorly if I do
believe in yourself: YES
believe in love: SURE
want someone: OK??? 
been on stage: Oh yeah
done drugs: UMMM not bad ones on accident one time...
changed who you were to fit in: Ya :I
favorite color: Pink
favorite animal: Tigers
favorite movie:The Last Unicorn
favorite game: Sonic Team Racing!
day your next birthday will be: Thursday
how old will you be:UHHHH I LOST COUNT Somewhere between 24-26??
age you lost your virginity:  lol How old was I Champa
does age matter: MEH Clearly not because I forget mine.
best personality: Jolly and Personable
best eye color: Something that sees well
best hair color: Something that looks good?
best thing to do with a partner: wait is thos for romance or for people I just like??? Cuz I just hang out with people and fight and eat and play stupid games!
i love: my hamster
i feel: pretty good
i hide: in trees
i miss: my home
i wish: that I can make lives better by just being in them....or ya know, immortality is kinda cool too...
Tagged by @champanache
Tagging: YA’LL
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Writing prompt of the hour: tepefied
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anadromeo · 5 years
Lux played today's #LongestWord: TEPEFIED for 273pts, def'n at https://t.co/LyELqNo9kl #game #scrabble #playmath pic.twitter.com/QQQLFfVmXO
— Anadrome (@anadromeo) July 6, 2019
via https://twitter.com/anadromeo July 06, 2019 at 03:29PM
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anadromeo · 5 years
Lux played today's #LongestWord: TEPEFIED for 273pts, def'n at https://t.co/LyELqNo9kl #game #scrabble #playmath pic.twitter.com/QQQLFfVmXO
— Anadrome (@anadromeo) July 6, 2019
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anadromeo · 5 years
Lux played today's #3 #RarestWord: TEPEFIED for 273pts, def'n at https://t.co/LyELqNo9kl #game #scrabble #playmath pic.twitter.com/a22SBjkaGB
— Anadrome (@anadromeo) July 6, 2019
via https://twitter.com/anadromeo July 06, 2019 at 09:09AM
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anadromeo · 5 years
Lux played today's #3 #RarestWord: TEPEFIED for 273pts, def'n at https://t.co/LyELqNo9kl #game #scrabble #playmath pic.twitter.com/a22SBjkaGB
— Anadrome (@anadromeo) July 6, 2019
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