bogbatt · 8 months
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m... dnd.... Not gonna go into detail lest a fellow campaign member follows, but tree guy is named Halcyon and they are my Hexblood, Circle of the Shepherd Druid :3c They are also from the Tepest Domain from the Domains of Dread!
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darklordazalin · 7 months
Azalin Reviews: Mother Lorinda
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Domain: Tepest Domain Formation:  Not specified (691 BC older sources) Power Level:💀💀💀 ⚫⚫ Sources: Van Richten’s Guide to Ravenloft (5e)
The background for the Three Hags of Tepest in 5e is almost exactly the same as previous editions, except they also killed and ate their brothers and father after disposing of the gentlemen they all wanted for themselves. For the complete story, see The Three Hags.
Not only has the latest changes in Ravenloft resulted in a single Darklord for Tepest, but also reduced the land to contain a single village. Though, it seems that the Shadow Rift and Prince Loht and Queen Mab now dwell beneath Tepest instead of within their own realm. These fey are said to be responsible for much mischief and misery that occurs within the wild regions of Tepest. 
Once they were established in Tepest as Hags, the three sisters worked, for the most part, reluctantly together. Lorinda, the green hag, longed for a child. And when she asked her sisters, Laveeda and Leticia, to use their combined magics to make her one, they refused. If you think about it, it is a rather strange request to make of your siblings...AND Hags are known for seeing other Hag’s children as delicious treats...
Lorinda retaliated by secretly creating a construct and ambushing her sisters with it. Once subdued, she trapped them in their magical cauldron. Now, shep taps into their powers to continue her endless pursuit of having a child of her own. I will assume that traditional means or the clone spell are not an option for Lorinda…Not that the clone spell is without its faults.
Lorinda rules over Tepest as “Mother”, a guise she weaves over her true Hag form. She creates “daughters” from parts of animals and twigs woven with her magic and the magic she steals from her trapped sisters. She names every single one of these short-lasting constructs as “Laoirse”. I suppose after the 100th or so coming up with a new name would get difficult.
Mother moves about in a Gurgyl and “protects” the people (or her children as she likes to think of them) of Viktal - granting them bountiful harvests and protection from the fey and goblins that overrun the wild areas of her realm. In return, she asks for absolute devotion and adoration and some are apparently so devoted to their “Mother” they pluck out their own eyes for her...She can see through their empty eye sockets as if they were Hag Eyes. I find the need to collect my servant's eyes not necessary to be able to do this, but the idea of it intrigues me.
Mother also asks for a sacrifice during seasonal tithes to feed her precious Laoirse...so said “daughter” can live a little longer than normal. Four sacrifices a year seems a little low for a Darklord, but I cannot deny the power that accompanies a seasonal shift. Seems like a waste to use such energy to ensure your fake twig daughter lives for a few more days but...well, I...cannot be sure if I would not do the same for Irik.
Though Lorinda was clever enough to trap her own more powerful sisters, she still only rules over a single town. Nor would I enlist her to create the Crystal Orb I had the three sisters make for me as a single Hag will never have the same level of power as a complete coven. Lorinda will not be able to hide her true nature forever. Eventually her mask will fall and her sisters will escape. 
OOC: Someday I'll run a one shot set in this version of Tepest. Maybe this Halloween...
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Despite Vlad Drakov's efforts to rebrand Falkovnia, it appears the nation is floundering. As recently reported, Falkovnia's citizens are fleeing the domain like rats from a sinking ship- except it's perhaps the rats that are staying behind in charge. Drakov has in recent days attempted numerous strategies to regain lost tax revenues. However, success in keeping to keep his borders closed for Drakov seems as slippery as Soth's resolve. This is because efforts rarely address the core problem- that his management is running it into the ground. Drakov's nightly impalings to lively dinner music do little to earn subject loyalty, for example. Apparently, offering Bloody Red Verified User checkmarks to speedup time through military checkpoints hardly seems to make up for the daily threat of having a spear through your gut.
Still, Drakov considers his land's lack of popularity to be a mere branding problem- hence renaming it "Super Happy Fun Land." (His initial idea of a name was inexplicably "Y"- perhaps as in "Y are you leaving?"- though his Ministry of Marketing at least managed to convince him only the greatest fools would rename a domain to a single letter. Whatever the case, it seems to have little effect in helping Falkovnia reestablish itself. And so once again, Falkovnia invaded the market but was repulsed- or perhaps it was repulsive.
Super Happy Fun Land's failures occur in the context of newly rising competition- though in some cases the competition seems to be doing little better. The Rex has established a nearby community on the border called "Dreads" to lure in Falkovnian defectors- though for various reasons it seems to be doing only slightly better. Darkon Zuckerberg seems to be seeking more souls to sacrifice for some farfetched plan or another- like blowing up the demiplane in another escape attempt or popularizing tire-sized VR goggles. Meanwhile, a Falkovnian defector is attempting to setup a BlueDie on Tepestani shores. Only time will tell if it will survive or go the way of Super Happy Fun Land's now extinct blue bird.
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Two of my friend's characters for a Ravenloft game!
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sherrydotjpeg · 1 year
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okay so pixel art has been a hobby of mine for the past While. I started more actively practicing and all sometime in 2020/21. Over the last few years, I have improved and now I want to start to post stuff-- and tumblr seems like the place to start.
I mostly do pixel art for my D&D campaigns-- be it "start screens" like this one for a one-shot I did, VTT tokens, tiles/maps, and so on.
So here's to a return to tumblr! Welcome to my art dumping ground:)
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the-inking-cartoonist · 9 months
I was practicing a little and I actually wanted to make some sort of design for the eerily motherly guise of Mother Lorinda. She looks intimidating but could still be a mother figure for the people of Viktal (although the religious fanatics from the rest of Tepest still considers her to be an abomination, a cruel Fey, which they aren't very wrong)
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hartrathaway · 2 months
the worst part about being a player and a dungeon master is that now that I'm a player I want to run some dnd for my friends... ravenloft is calling me...
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intellectures · 2 years
Sexualität: »Viele haben das Bedürfnis, zum Objekt zu werden«
Eva Tepest, Berliner Autor:in, Theatermacher:in und queer-lesbische Aktivist:in, wurde vom Berliner Stadtmagazin tip zu einer der 25 wichtigsten Newcomer:innen für 2023 angekündigt. In ihrem Debüt »Power Bottom« begibt sie sich selbstlos in die Echokammern der Lust und fragt nach dem Potenzial der unterlegenen Position. Ich konnte mit Tepest an einem sonnigen Berliner Nachmittag über die…
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While wandering the Mists, after visiting Tepest, took a detour to Richemulot. Thankfully few rodents, plenty of neat architecture and fancy artwork.
// hello from Paris.
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transratsactivist · 1 year
„Es macht einen riesigen Unterschied, von den richtigen Menschen begehrt zu werden“, sagt die Kurator*in und Café-Betreiber*in Sandy Brede bei der von ihr veranstalteten Dyke*Night in Witten zu mir. Von denen, die wir nicht nur aufgrund ihrer unerreichbaren Andersartigkeit begehren, sondern weil sie ein Fenster in ein anderes Leben sind. Weil sie uns aufzeigen, wie wir auch in der Welt sein dürfen.
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schalotte · 10 days
ok ich gebe auf goodbye evan tepest u have tortured me enough
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demiplanardemagogue · 11 months
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Be nice to your dear old mother.
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fllagellant · 1 year
What’ s the point of making a gaggle of ocs in a horror based setting if their love for each other doesn’ t bleed into devotion into obsession into being able to form pacts and deals with each other due to the fact your respect and love and devotion to eachother has become its own force . Anyways this is me introducing the small group I have been pondering over . Hi
I call this post
Julek’ s self indulgent DnD Oc List aka Those Suckers in Ravenloft
Nos is a Blackguard Paladin Centaur who is regularly called Shire . Since he matches the Shire horse breed in size and strength . However , this nickname is regularly mistaken for being Sire . Any art or descriptions of him usually end up leaving out the fact he is a Centaur , meaning he usually isn’ t identified upon first glance . Nos regularly uses this to his advantage , since his reputation precedes him . He has sworn off all loyalty ( except for his pack ) and has no qualms with using people he meets to get further ahead in his journeys . Unashamed of it , he sees backstabbing and lying as a necessary to move forward in his journeys, and expects strangers to do the same to him . Kindness from anyone he doesn’ t already care for serves little for him , and doesn’ t change his mind about the sort of fates he will be sending people to . He doesn’ t see his past as his own , and rarely makes any mention of it . He used to follow an Oath of Devotion , and makes rare jokes about how it seems that he still does . His devotions have just proven to be less holy then they should he . To prove his undying loyalty to his people after forsaking his oaths , his old gods , and the people he used to serve , he entered a Pact , courtesy of the groups Hexblood , allowing him the ability Power Word Kill . The Pact states that his access to this ability is to show his permanent loyalty to them . If they decide someone must die , he is told to deal with them . The Pact states that if he refuses for whatever purpose , he will die , since he is now holding everyone back and it is clear he no longer aligns with the others . This part of the Pact is more for formalities , given the fact that Nos will never see a reason to refuse .
Inclementia is a Tiefling Hexblood, born from an Eldritch Hag’ s powers, Necromancer Wizard . She was born in Tepest , to parents she cannot remember . The Domain’ s Darklord , Lorinda , never got a chance to claim her , as an Eldritch Hag from outside the realm managed to claim her first . She feels no ill will to either Lorinda or her Eldritch mother , but demands that she will never undergo the rituals to become a hag . Not out of spite or out of hate , but simply because she knows she is at her most best , in every way , in her current form . She couldn’ t care about the idea of being in a coven , even if it offers boon and riches and power . She needs no sister , no mother . She has herself . And she has her people . And , if she really wishes , she could make her own out of corpses and skeletons . Inclementia regularly indulges in pulling out tooth and hair to give as love letters and kind messages to the others I her group , and sees no issue in raising the dead for any purpose they may require . No magic to her is too dark , too forbidden , and she regularly performs rites and magic that , to most other wizards , is seen as too far . To give her powers beyond her own grasp , she finds herself in worship to the group Cleric . He gives her access to powers that would normally wound or kill her , making her slightly more unstoppable then she already is . Her offerings to the Cleric are small trinkets and bites of food off her plate , and a necklace lined with her teeth .
Oros , also known as Torch or Umberhorn , is a War Priest Cleric Satyr who follows Baphomet . Once a follower of Cyric , Oros once felt quite fulfilled in his worship and following of his God . Issue was , the longer he was in service to him , the less it felt like he was connected to his god. He felt as if he was being shunned by his own god , watching as prayers and offerings went unanswered and uncared for , leading him to resent him . Oros cannot fully explain how he had come face to face with an offering from Baphomet , but he knew he had to take the chance to follow another when it was shown to him . As a part of their dealings , Oros kept the powers blessed upon him from Cyric , allowing him to still masquerade as a Cleric of him , while using his newfound connection to Baphomet to spread his word and power to people . Oros wonders if it was because of his own appearance that Baphomet chose him , but he rarely lingers on ideas like that . Oros is still in contact with followers of Cyric , and learned that he needed to keep his secret far buried from them if he wanted to be allowed to keep them as contacts . Fortunately , the Collage of Spirit Bard was happy to allow him access to parts of her power , in return for promised protection while they travelled . Oros casted permanent spells of protection over her , allowing him the ability to hear the whispers of ghost she hears . These whispers are happy to blabber on about going - ons and strange events surrounding Cyric’ s followers , allowing Oros to keep up his façade
Desdemona is a Reborn Duergar Collage of Spirits Bard who hails from Lamorida . Her birthname is not Deademona , but she happily adopted it upon behind reborn . She knows she did not originally hail from Lamorida , she knows she entered the domain via a chance encounter . And she knows she was a failed experiment from Dr. Mordernheim’ s hands . Now , free and with a stolen homunculus companion she managed to bring to life before escaping Lamorida , she has a few muses she finds herself drawn to . One , is death . Her own death . She wishes to have been conscious during those hours she was dead , Wishing she could remember anything about what it was life after her heart had stopped . If she could memorialize that moment , she would be happy . The second is to return to Lamorida and try to rediscover who she was before she had died . So many old parts of herself no longer make sense , and she wishes to know what made her the way she was , even if she knows she would never return to that life . The third is far more difficult , and something she only fantasizes about and rarely makes mentions to . But she wants the Unbreakable heart . Further more , she wants to do what Dr. Mordenheim cannot . She wants to make replicas of it . Living forever alone sounds frightening , even with the ghosts to chat with . But living forever with her current pack ? That’ s something to work towards . She knows she is the weakest , physically , of the group . No one is upset with this , but she still wishes to feel the power the others can . Her Deal with the Yuan-Ti member of the group allows her a dip into animalistic power , knowing that she gives up a bit of her own life to use the power, fuelling the other until she halts the rage . She takes any pain he feels , and still has to carry her own . It means little to someone without a fear of death
Acanthus is the Yuan-Ti Eagle Wildheart Barbarian of the group . Lovingly called Boa by the other of the pack , and commonly responds to Ouroboros when called it by others , he knows little about how his family first came to live in Darkon . Nor does he know the exact circumstances of his parents vanishing . He knows the Shroud must have them by now , but he wonders if they survived in the wilds for a time before succumbing , if they even did . Regardless of his feelings on the subject , he feels no desire to return to Darkon to try and learn the truth . It would be a cruel journey in an out , and regardless on his joy when it comes to the dangerous and the deadly , he would rather not risk any of his pack. If anything , to return would mean to destroy , and allow the Domain to collapse . Or see it reborn as something anew . Acanthus has no desire to become the Dark Lord of the realm , only the desire to see it spiral in on itself and watch it finally die , or see it rebirth itself . Return is inevitable, but he waits for the right moment to take everyone along to witness the last moments that they can . Unashamed of being seen as eager , he lunged at the chance to gain a bit of magical prowess to help his fighting chances . Their Warlock was all too happy to allow him to partake in her powers , in exchange of him showing his worship in the form of drinking small amounts of oozes from slimes and similar monsters they end up fighting . He had little issue with this , the most he’ d deal with as consequence was a sore throat .
Binne is a Deep Gnome Pact of the Tome Warlock who is in a Pact with Ghaunadaur . She knows of Ghaunadaur’ s reputation, taking a great delight in learning about how he will destroy or offer grand boons at the drop of a hat , and she uses his downfall as her own sort of motivations . She doesn’ t wish to have more people follow Ghaunadaur , she wishes to be the one powerful enough to fuel him again . Not to allow him a space back on the major pantheon , but to usurper him . She knows her plan is grand , likely to collapse beneath her , and she has heard of the many different ways people have attempted godhood or to beat their patrons , and the many different fates that befell them . None of them desirable . Her pack , however , are willing to try and provide their own sort of worship to her , to try and bolster her standing when the day finally comes . Because she knows it must . For now , however , she is content with travelling and bettering herself , in ways of power . Regularly , she finds herself on the receiving end of dreams and visions that seems to be messages from Ghaunadaur . She finds these to be … mild annoyances . And knows that these things are best offered as sustenance to the group’ s Dhampir . Everyone offers them their own life energy , but they admit to prefer the taste and energy from dreams . Binne’ s are the personal favourite . In return , the relationship makes sure to say symbiotic , as the Dhampir regularly uses their abilities to gather hard to find or reach information and ancient , worshiping texts , aiding in her power collection .
Valenbrand is the pack’ s Orc Dhampir Hunter Ranger . And they like to believe they’ re rather adept at what they can do . A master of the chase , both for flesh and for information , Valenbrand was able to quickly trace family back to Barovia , and gave them answers to their condition . Dream Vampire is a strange title , but one Valenbrand learned to carry well . Upon travel to Barovia , a tedious task , Valenbrand wasn’ t surprised to learn their distance family was long gone . With little to hold onto , no connection to the land and knowing that they had been exiled for what they are , Valenbrand had to make the best of what they had . Falling into the pack was easy , and allowed them to finally grow into what they must be . Valenbrand feels no ill will for vampires or any related beings , they don’ t mind they fact they are one themself . Same as they don’ t feel any ill will for the Dark Lord or any devout followers for them . But a hunt is a hunt , and Valenbrand will fulfill it . No matter what the target is . They haven’ t yet taken on a Dark Lord for the object of a hunt , but they know they must . Valenbrand wishes to return to Barovia for their first hunt for a Dark Lord . Like a full circle , in a way . Valenbrand knew their hunts could last days , and knew they lacked that connection to beasts that could have aided them . It made sense , then , to turn to the Shifter of the pack and make a Deal . To allow Valenbrand a form of dominion over the beasts of their hunting grounds , they simply had to bring back proof of their hunts as a offering of fresh meat . The Shifter is never picky in what they are offered , and Valenbrand is more then happy to bring back trophies for them .
Swill is the Shifter Eldritch Knight Fighter of the group , and is proud to boast about their Werebear ancestry to whoever can hear them . Stemming from a dark fascination , after hearing a tale about Ravenloft and its domains as a child , Swill knew they had to , somehow , travel to it . No matter what the cost of apprising the Mists may be . To embrace the macabre and the unknown , while embracing the parts of themselves that made people shutter with fear , made Swill feel incredibly powerful . Any past they had is now abandoned , any family or friends or lovers pale in comparison to what they found within the Mists and within Ravenloft . The pack is something they will never give up , and they’ re prepared to defend it to the very ends . None of them would demand this of Swill , but know that they cannot have their mind changed . Swill regularly challenges other fighters and adventurers along the travelling paths , making sure to show know mercy once the fighting begins . Rarely does anyone come out the other side alive . But that never upsets Swill . To lessen competition , or possible enemies , while they’ re still weak and unsuspecting is important . If they , and their pack , want any chance our there , they’ ll be the one to make things easy . If they cannot fight and tear the possible opposition apart , then , Swill feels no guilt over using intimidation and threats to keep any possible issue away . The true benefit of being a Shifter is the ability to bear think fangs and hands that are more like bear paws at anything that may be stupid enough to approach , and watch how they’ ll scare themselves into running away . Swill knows they are not without weakness . Even the small pull of magic they know is not enough to beat other spellcasters and fighters . But , taking an Oath to serve the Blackguard was easy . Easy to uphold and easy to prove their devotion to it . And it was just as easy to make use of the extra abilities that Oath provided them
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knowingoverseer · 2 years
Running Out
The festival, the Tithe, is tomorrow, and the town was buzzing with energy. Everyone was so excited, and everyone seemed to be trying to hype you up for it as well. Perhaps you might have been, had you not spent the past month here, but now it just filled you with anxious anticipation. That feeling that something was wrong never went away, and you’re not stupid. The writing was on the wall, and the fact you’ve got a chaperone keeping you from leaving under the guise of looking out for your safety right before the festival was to take place… yeah, you’ve picked up on the danger you’re facing. Not that you personally were in that much permanent danger, no, but you don’t know what could happen to Buddy during… whatever the hell would be going on. And then there’d be dealing with whatever the aftermath would be. So yeah, if Serket could somehow get you out of here before any of that even started? That sounded great. Probably too great to be realistic, but hey. Worth a shot. 
Making sure you had all your belongings before you headed out today was simple, you didn’t really keep much out of your sylledex while you’d been here anyway. What you did leave out were your sword and cape, of which you’d be wearing, and a handful of gold you’d fished out of your magical wallet. You don’t know the currency conversion rate, but you trusted your wallet to roughly give you the amount you wanted to leave. You put the money in the night stand, just in case you’d be back again tonight. You’d been gifted a Glass Butterfly Wing someone had won at a previous festival in hopes it would entice you to still try some of the less active games, since your sprained ankle would hinder you, but even that had failed as it was apparently a prize for a live moth eating contest- eww. You fasten that to the side of Buddy’s rein harness before heading out. Luckily it was pretty normal this week to see you, hovering an inch or so above your Porcuparrot companion’s flattened quills, holding on to his reins as he willed you about around town. You could feel eyes on you, and without much difficulty saw that Kalvin was near the south entrance of town, waiting for you both to try and get through as per usual. The festival grounds were southward too, and if you wanted that way badly enough you could probably pester him about taking you there, but you wanted north… You could start heading around the lake… but then he’d just follow you at best, at worst, probably try and stop you…. Buddy, while very determined not to be forced anywhere, was at least listening to your directions. But could you get him to listen even if your direction sounded impossible? You found yourself by the lake soon, at an inlet the town was stationed under. The lake was huge, easily the largest water source in all of Tepest, but there was a shoreline within sight that… if you could fly would be an easy distance to cross, but you couldn’t with Buddy in tow… Otherwise it would likely take at least an hour to go around the river. A perfect head start.
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“alright bUddy, this is going to be a little weird, bUt trUst me on this okay?” Your ears perk at the sound of your name, that damned catboy heading your way, wanting to see what you were up to. Okay, now or never. You reach up and grab the hilt of your sword. “magic non-anon: wings like a bUtterfly, as long as yoU wear yoUr harness yoU can be light as a bUtterfly and able to boUnd across land and water near weightlessly” You can feel the magic in your sword travel through you, into the reins in your other hand. The glass wing you fastened to the harness before glows and grows, and you pull up leaning forward. “go bUddy go! go!” Buddy has no idea what is going on, but he understands ‘go’, and starts bounding toward the water. He hesitates, but you urge him forward, grabbing onto the reins with both hands. You settle down against his quills best you can, looking back toward the town. Kalvin is running toward you both now, yelling out for you to stop. You turn back to the water just as Buddy jumps in- There’s a splash against the surface, but he’s able to bounce off as the glass wing flutters and flaps to show it’s working. A few clumsy bounds out onto the water Buddy gets his footing and starts a mad dash toward the other side, finding he’s able to leap and stride longer than he had ever before. You were on the water for a little more than a minute at most before reaching the other side, the alarmed and possibly angry cries of Kalvin barely audible over the rush of wind wiping past you both. You direct Buddy to keep close to the shore for now, but eventually you know you’ll need to head through the northern forest to reach the mists. You really hope Serket’s plan works. You’re not sure if you’d get away with this again.
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xxx-stim-xxx · 3 years
Muffy for @tepest
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💜.💜.💜 - 🐑.🐑.🐑 - 🖤.🖤.🖤
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hartrathaway · 4 months
thought about my favorite dnd character again and I feel so scorned for her never getting the ravenloft campaign she deserved
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