pics-and-fanfics · 4 months
Gonna watch a poppy playtime chapter 3 play thru (link at the bottom)
Pray for me, I hate horror and I need to watch a play thru that has someone talking while they play or I will piss my pants, I am not a horror girlie
Anyways, as soon as it starts to get dark I will be watching young justice on my phone so I can hopefully not have nightmares! (I saw like 2 seconds of the walking dead when I was like 7-ish? and then had a nightmare about one of my dogs being a zombie and trying to eat my other dog and my mom had to shoot him (the first dog) and I woke up crying)
And I love this dudes videos, I don’t feel like im going to piss myself bc he talks the whole time and also he’s got kind of a calm voice
Have fun!
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fawnheartedly · 4 months
I'm watching Tericho's latest theory video and it got me thinking about the Prototype's true intention towards the player, and maybe why he killed Catnap.
Neither Huggy Wuggy, Mommy Long Leg nor Catnap attacked us right away. They lurked around. Well Mommy was more directly present. But all three starts off not being a danger. I guess Catnap putting us in the trash compactor was dangerous but seeing how he loves to play cat and mouse and can immediatly be seen lurking around, I think he knew we'd get away anyways.
Added to that, Catnap tells us to leave constantly through the chapter. Not just once, not twice. He wrote everywhere that we had to leave.
We know how eagerly he obeys tye Prototype, so we can assume most of the things he does, the Prototype asked him to. Probably same for Huggy. And Mommy could have been an outlier in following the Prototype but she seemed to be scared of him enough to at least not go against him.
So my theory is that the Prototype doesn't want us dead. He just wants us to leave the factory. He had two occasions to kill us himself, yet he didn't. All three main antagonists eventually tried to kill us in the end of each chapter but Huggy ended up seemingly dead (we know he's not tho), Mommy killed by us and then retrieved by him. He didn't had the time to punish them for trying to kill us. But he did for Catnap. And i think that's why he ended up killing him. Either Catnap wasn't supposed to end us or it was punishment for failing to drive us away without coming to harm.
Poppy and the Prototype are on opposed sides, that much is clear. Poppy wants us to uncover the full truth behind Playtime Co, the Prototype wants us to leave and forget about it all.
So that means there is far more to discover down that damned Factory. Things the Prototype doesn't want us to discover.
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purplemninja · 23 days
So how'd you get into the Little Nightmares franchise? What made Six your favorite character?
That’s a bit of a tough question, since it’ll test my memory.
I think I heard of LN and learned a bunch of stuff about it from a video called 107 facts about Little Nightmares, and that video included the 2017 comics, so I was able to know about their existence fairly quickly. Plus I misremembered a part of the video and thought that Six’s name was something like Eliza, lol. The video also included pointing out Shadow Six though I didn’t remember it at the time and when someone pointed out “look on top of the table” of the Nome hunger scene, I thought it was the silhouette of the Lady’s head, so I thought that the Lady was there, knowing what was happening in the room and possibly made Six eat the Nome. Especially since she is seen entering the elevator a moment afterwards. And when I saw the secret ending of LN2, I was like “What? Why is there a shadowy copy of Six now?”. I saw Tericho’s “is Six a villain or victim?” Video and he showed one of the moments where Shadow Six appeared in LN1 and I was like “What?! She was in the first game too?!”. Rewatching the 107 facts video, it confirmed the existence of Shadow Six in the first game.
And I don’t remember who, maybe GamingBeaver, I learned some more about the events of the game, and I saw play throughs of LN1 and got to know the events of the game. And when I watched a video on the events of LN1, it of course was the classic “Six is the Lady’s daughter” conclusion (before the devs debunked it). Though I do like AUs where the Lady and Six are mother and daughter. And it was TheLeaderboard's videos of what happens in each part of the DLCs that informed me of what happened in RK's journey.
I think my interest in LN fizzled out a little until GamingBeaver made his video on the ending of VLN, so I thankfully was able to learn of RCG and a piece of Six’s story that a bunch of the fandom doesn’t know about even to this day. So I got to know a little more about Six.
Then some time passed and I somehow heard of LN2 being in development and was excited about it. And I didn’t find out of when it was released until a couple months after its release. I saw and watched GamingBeaver’s video about the story of LN2 and that’s where I learned of the “Six is the Lady” theory that I despise so much. And I watched CoryKenshi’s play through of it to learn more about the events of that game, and I’m still bitter about how he so easily dumped Sasha Six in favour of Baggy and that he denied that Six is a kid just trying to survive and even reprimanded her for “doing this to all of these people”, you know, the people who tried to kill or eat her. I’m still bitter at CoryKenshi for that.
I’ve been really into LN since the release of the second game and I’m still into it currently.
As for the girl in question, I think she’s my favourite protagonist mostly because she was the one I was introduced to first.
It took a bit to realise that Six doesn’t have anything visible on her legs, so I got scared that she might not be wearing anything underneath the raincoat, but then I watched Crazy Cowboy’s video “Funny Chef Six” and it contained this official PNG of Six:
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I spotted the white shorts (though I thought they were yellow at first) and felt relieved that she does have other clothes on under the raincoat. And VLN and LN2 reinforced that fact.
Then VLN and LN2 added more to her story and character, which made me like her even more.
And after LN2 came out and time passed after that, I myself went through character development with judging Mono and Six. At first I didn’t want to believe that Six was selfish and sadistic (which Beaver said she was in his video) and I blamed everything on Mono, but later GamerSault made his “Who is Six?” video (which is private now 😞) where he talked about Six’s selfish side but he didn’t demonize her for it, and I also saw a long but great comment on that video where they compared the sh*tty treatment Six gets from the fandom to the sh*tty treatment Chara gets from the Undertale fandom. These two things helped me accept that Six does have a selfish side, though I still don’t believe that she’s sadistic, especially considering the hypocrisy from the fans when Mono does similar things that gets Six labeled as sadistic for, but he does them to a bigger extent and often did them first.
I don’t place all the blame on Mono anymore, but I still do vehemently sympathize with Six. One because I spent my teen years watching Mr Enter’s Animated Atrocities - where I got my strong sense of justice from, and two, I think I slightly see myself in Six. Call me petty or childish but I relate to Six in the way that her efforts are swept under the rug. Back in school, in P.E we were doing a little exercise where we repeatedly go into the starting position that athletes go into for sprinting, and for some reason we were put into pairs for this. I was paired with someone who apparently had something wrong with her legs so she couldn’t go into the ‘sprint start’ position (understandable), so she decided that I had to do it for her turns as well as mine (not understandable). And when I tried to refuse (I couldn't stand up for myself back then, plus the pose is uncomfortable for me) she just whined "BuT yOu HaVe To". And another time in college, we had to design a magazine front cover for a bricklaying competition and I think I misheard the lecturer because everyone made 6 different covers, while ended up making 12, because I thought that’s how many we had to make. Both of these instances I did literally twice as much work as everyone else, but my efforts were not acknowledged or compensated at all. It's a loose and very specific connection between me and Six, but it's still a connection, so I think I feel some resentment when the fandom does the same thing but far, far worse to Six.
So yeah. Sorry for the long read, but this is how I got into Little Nightmares and why I'm a really strong defender of Six.
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jorality · 4 months
I need to play Poppy Playtime for myself cuz even with all the videos I've seen I'm still confused, BUT what if people who HAVE played the games are just as confused as me? So here are my spoiler filled thoughts.
Warning it's long but hopefully coherent.
First off, the thing that's been bothering me since chapter 2.
What the FUCK was Playtime Co.'s plan once Elliot died? Like it's been posited that Elliot wanted to immortalize a child he lost by putting their consciousness into a toy. Y'know, like a crazy person.
Like the idea was immortality, but did the toy company sell the meat toys to the public? Why were there so many of them? Who would want a toy that used to be a person?! Who signed off on that?
When it comes to PlayCo's overarching goal I just wanna understand what it was. They put people into the meat toys to save their lives, but did they sell the meat toys? Can someone just give me an answer? I need to know.
Then there's the frickin' civil war between Poppy and The Prototype. Several people have pointed out that CatNap, while terrifying, doesn't really do anything to you until his boss fight.
But, we also get told that he will stalk you throughout the chapter, and he does. Mans will be right behind you, or next to you in the shadows. It's a game of cat and mouse. Others have pointed out that Huggy also was more of a stalker who didn't bother you until the end, and Mommy was hands off too, but she was by far the most antagonistic of the three and I think that's because Huggy and CatNap were for sure followers of the Prototype while Mommy was her own faction who didn't care for Poppy or The Prototype.
I mean if we go by the idea that The Prototype just wants the PC to leave then why let Mommy ruin the PC's chances of getting on the train?Mommy was just chillin' in her area full of death traps.
Then there's the player character and how everyone knows they used to work there. The PC missed the Hour of Joy even though they were supposed to be at the factory. We don't know why they didn't come into work that day.
In the video 10 Things You Might Have Missed in Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 by Tericho on YouTube, Tericho points out that the CCTV footage the PC has been shown throughout the games has been tampered with. Meaning that the PC still hasn't been given the whole truth.
Which Tericho pointed out by showing footage of Kissy Missy being transported via the train only for there to be a sharp cut to PlayCo workers lying dead around her while she's perfectly still.
There is footage we the audience have been shown that Kissy Missy did in fact kill those people during the Hour of Joy.
So then, that brings back the age old question, should the Player Character trust Poppy?
Survey says No.
Kissy Missy and Poppy are allies, besties even.
Poppy makes it sound like the Hour of Joy was all the Prototype's doing. She says he's the one who put her in her case from Chapter 1. So then why would her bestie participate in the massacre? Why would Kissy have aligned herself with The Prototype even though her best friend was imprisoned by him?
At the end of Chapter 3 something happens to Kissy, presumably she gets attacked by the Prototype and what happens to big toys that the Prototype gets his umbrella skeleton hands on? ASSIMILATION!
But why?
Why are Poppy and the Prototype at odds? Is it simply because Poppy doesn't condone the Prototype's murderous habits? Every other toy was aligned with the Prototype. But what the hell does he want?
Poppy repeatedly says that she needs the PC's help to save lives. Whose lives? All the humans in the factory are dead, most of the meat toys are dead (especially the Bunzos) are we supposed to believe that The Prototype is going to be a threat to the outside world? Why? All the people who did him wrong are dead. I don't think The Prototype wants to bother the outside world, I think he wants PlayCo and everything about it to disappear.
But what does Poppy want? I've been turning it over in my head and while I can come up with a few motives for the Prototype such as revenge, solitude, maybe find a way to die. Poppy though? I mean if I were her I'd want to go home with the Player Character and leave the horror of PlayCo behind.
What is the beef between Poppy and The Prototype?
On one hand I want MOB to follow through on the prototype being the big bad he's been hyped up to be, but I also think there are a few ways this could go.
Okay hear me out. Here are some ways I think the saga could end.
(PC ending) The player character burns the factory to the ground after killing both The Prototype AND Poppy.
(The Prototype's ending) The PC finally comes face to face with The Prototype, and they recognize each other. "You didn't deserve this." the PC says looking up at what was once someone they cared for. The Prototype hands the PC a tape, it's a compilation of the truth, it's confessions from the scientists, it's Elliot Ludwig's last words. The public has to know, the factory has to be destroyed. "What about you?" the PC asks. The Prototype reaches out his um without the brella hand, the PC hands over Poppy, who is now motionless blood staining the back of her dress, her artificial spine severed. "We die with the building." The Prototype says Poppy is silently crying unable to speak. The PC leaves and we cut to the credits. It's a news broadcast detailing every crime committed, the death toll, the aftermath. There's a press conference and the PC is finally revealed to be Rich from that one tape in Chapter 3.
(Poppy's ending) The Prototype has been slain, but it feels wrong somehow. "You did it!" Poppy cheers as she walks over to The Prototype's convulsing body and she starts kicking it. "This is all your fault! I never wanted it to be this way! We could've done something good but you ruined it! All I wanted was a family! And you took that from me, TWICE! WAS IT WORTH IT? TELL ME!" Poppy's pathetic little kicks should seem comical, but she's screaming and crying. It's so uncomfortable. Soon the crying stops. Poppy takes deep breaths and turns to face the PC. "The threat is gone. Thank you for helping me stop him. Now there's just one more thing to do." The PC carries Poppy to a bank of computers and she types something and a secret elevator arrives, a small Cat-Bee toy sitting in the middle of it. "Is it over?" The little toy asks. "Yes Ollie, it's over." Poppy says. "Once I flip this switch the factory will self destruct." The PC picks up Ollie and gets in the elevator. Poppy flips the switch and the PC grabs her with the grabpack. They go home.
Those are just the ones that I came up with, I REALLY want to see what MOB comes up with. Because truly what is the end goal? What do Poppy and the Prototype want?????
And also, whom the fuck is Ollie? This lil guy came outta nowhere! (Well almost nowhere there's a chance we met them in the ARG in the form of a tape) but why? What is Ollie's purpose, other than to give MatPat heart palpitations?
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jubilant-ronin · 3 years
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P.I. Thin man,
Inspired by a theory about who The Thin man used to be
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underworldsys · 2 years
Tericho has bought all of the lore NFT’s and posted the vids on YouTube for everyone to watch!
His video can be found here and I've put an explanation under the cut for anyone who doesn’t know what I’m talking about
Mob Games (the team that made poppy playtime) has made NFT's that you need to buy to access the new digital lore VHS tapes. The video linked is a horror youtuber called Tericho who has uploaded all of the tapes on youtube so no one else buys them and everyone can still get the new lore pieces
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shrapnelstars · 3 years
I really like the Poppy Playtime theory that you're a toy as well, and are actually the experiment 1006 that went missing.
Tericho brought up the solid point that it can't be Huggy, because the scientist in the tape said that 1006 went missing while you can clearly hear Huggy tearing people to shreds in the background. The scientist is already aware that he's outside and is attempting to break in and kill him, which he isn't afraid of.
I just hope to god that all of this information actually goes somewhere, and this series doesn't go down the shitter like Be.ndy did. The chapter format has me paranoid of that. I don't want to deal with any more stories where the developer is just winging it and building the parachute after they've already jumped out of the plane.
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mythicmarbles · 2 years
each characters video attached to it had different computerized voices, all of them periodically saying some random letters (which was admittedly really spooky and I liked the atmosphere of it but that's literally all my praise for it)
For all the characters, and then on the last one that's just about the orphans, it makes a key and tells you like 'first word, five letters' and so on
If you manage to find it out, the code is 'mommy long legs is coming'
So kissy missy/cat bee is gonna have a more spider-like form (I wanna say kissy missy but catbee was on the cameras and left, and then they're the only one who didn't have a poster ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
Ok??? In the trailer poppy was singing 'itsy bitsy spider', that's enough of a goddamn hint
The loving and excited fans not unlike myself deserved so much better
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mykalarosestar · 3 years
Detective Thin Man???
A couple days ago I watched one of Tericho’s videos about the Thin Man being a detective to try and find the missing kids and I was in awe of it. So, I decided to do two doodles and an icon (of what the “Pale City” police & detective unit logo could have been like-) from inspiration from his theory video as well as the concept art that was posted up.
Warning for the Art:
Please do not repost my artwork anywhere else UNLESS you have asked permission from me & give credit! Thank you!!
(Current) Tumblr Blogs are: @mykalarosestar13-gallery-art & @mykalarosestar​ (main account)
New Ask Blog: @detectivethinman​
Ask Blog for the Thin Man & the “Pale City Forces” are now open! :D
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pandoraarti · 3 years
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"So...anything new with those missing cases they got you working on?"
"No, but god I hope something comes up..."
Pic inspired by Tericho's theory video which you can watch here
Plus me trying to build a story on how things were before things went to hell.
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d0d0-b0i · 3 years
So could you explain your little nightmares AU a bit more? 🤔 If you don't mind
ok, i shall try my best!
so, it is essentially one of those “six didn’t drop mono” AUs, and just me expanding onto what i believe would happen. they escape the pale city together, and kind of just travel around the world trying to find some part of it that isn’t broken. putting under a read more, this became a lot more words than i thought :D
-mono still has the powers he has in game, albeit not as strong as before(either due to a lack of using them a lot, or because he’s further away from the broadcast, i’m not sure of yet)
-(thinking the timeline goes as follows: very little nightmares, little nightmares 2, little nightmares) they end up going to the maw some way or other. do they drift to it, does the ferryman find them? unknown currently(assume i don’t wanna tell just yet ;D).
-six does get those hunger pangs, but this time with Emotional Support! mono barely stops them from eating RK, who then becomes a travel buddy during the last bit of the game. eventually, there’s the face down with the lady. here’s the thing. i. don’t think six would become the lady anyway? the lady is vain and sad, and from what we’ve seen of six, she’s mainly apathetic with lowkey crackhead energy(there’s a great video from Tericho on youtube about it). so as far as i’ve planned the lady gets killed by six, this time not out of the reason in the first game, but to protect her friends essentially(also hunger makes you fuckign snap sometimes and that’s valid). huh. i wonder if six could turn back nomes to kids with their powers they got from the lady.....
-since i’m feeling “quirky” i have also decided to believe that the only reason the thin man is so fucking tall is because of the flesh tower, in the same way that six became a giant fucking thing because of the tower. i’m saying that a mono in normal adulthood is not above average height for me(plus i’m a bit of a sucker for the dynamic of someone being shorter/taller than their friend, and then having the opposite be true in adulthood)
-my main thoughts about this is pretty much the theme of overcoming the path set before you by the world. neither six nor mono want to end up as monsters, and in this AU, they actively take strides to not becoming that.
-eventually they start growing up, but not in the way everyone usually does in their world. they dont ever really grow to the size of even the viewers. not sure why(i mean i know why, but im leaving it up to interpretation i suppose :P i mean according to the comics villages /do/ exist so who knows if those adults also are gigantic)
-during their traveling, six and mono eventually create an entourage of younger kids(sort of by mistake? it mainly happens from them saving kids from big monsters, of which there are many everywhere) that they pseudo-adopt as younger siblings. 
i guess you can boil this au down to “the power of friendship and coping mechanisms can help you become a better person and can also ripple into something bigger and more positive! :D” 
i don’t really have any thoughts other than that that i can put into words, so if anyone reading this also has something theyd like to share i’d love to hear it!
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mandysgamingblog · 3 years
Little Nightmares theories go brrr
So we know the timeline of the LN series is messed up, right?
What we know is that the only confirmed prequel is Very Little Nightmares on mobile. Then everything else is confusing.
So in Very Little Nightmares, the protagonist is wearing a yellow raincoat, although it isn’t Six. At the end of the mobile game, the Pretender and the protagonist fall into the water, leaving behind the raincoat. Before LN2, people assumed that Six (who had been helping out the protagonist) had retrieved the raincoat and made her way to the Maw.
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In the comics, Six said that the Ferryman brought her to the Maw so she couldn’t have ended up there on the raft from the end of Very Little Nightmares.
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In LN2, Six didn’t have her signature raincoat until the second chapter. Maybe her raft washed up on the shore of the Hunter’s place (with or without the raincoat and the Hunter took it.) At the end of LN2 she starts to get hunger pains and sees a poster for the Maw and ends up there.
We know there’s a time loop with Mono and the Thin Man but how does Six come back to continue the loop?
Also, (credit to Tericho on YT, he does awesome LN theories) maybe it isn’t just Mono in a loop, but the whole Pale City’s time is in shambles. My favorite pieces evidence of this (from Tericho) is A) around the city you see buckets catching water but not overflowing and cigarette trays that are still smoking in abandoned buildings and B) you can sometimes see ash falling from the Doctor before he was incinerated.
So we first meet Six at the Nest. Then she ends up at the Hunters then goes to the Pale City with Mono where time is corrupted (most likely by the Signal Tower.) She herself is altered in the Signal Tower, betrays Mono causing him to become the Thin Man, and ends up at the Maw.
Is Six the Lady? Does she become the villain of her game like Mono did in his?
There are so many things that could be happening and it leaves us with so many questions, but it’s fun to theorize.
Bonus theory: The Teacher provided children to the Maw (there is a picture of the Teacher in the first Little Nightmares DLC) and/ or the Nest (could it be the Teacher next to the Pretender?)
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purplemninja · 2 years
Here is my best explanation on why Six dropped Mono:
---------------Context: This is copy and pasted from a comment I made on Tericho’s part 2 Shadow Six video where he unfortunately joined the ‘pin all of the blame of the world’s distortion on Six and only Six’ party, and the whole 'the world's distortion is all Six's fault' argument is the one that pisses me off the most. I pointed out that Mono not releasing Thin Man and Thin Man not kidnapping Six could've also prevented the time loop, but some people replied saying that if Six didn't betray Mono then Thin Man wouldn't exist. I replied showing some information that David Mervik gave in an interview that Tericho failed to look at, while also using all of the official answers that the devs gave us on why Six dropped Mono, in-game stuff that is mostly ignored and a few other things that few people consider. I’ve already copy and pasted this explanation of mine a couple of times on the LN subreddit, on Six’s page on the fandom wiki and a post I made on the LN community on Amino, so I thought I’d put it here too for more people to see and gain some new insight as people have told me that my explanation is a good one. Without further ado, here is my copy and pasted reply, and quick warning, this will be a bit long so prepare yourself:-------------
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I need to mention this point to debunk the ‘The world’s distortion is all Six’s fault argument’, which as I said is the one that pisses me off the most, as it shows that while it’s unclear how it works, that Thin Man existed before Mono’s cycle began. I’ll kind of get back to this later.
So here are all of the answers that the devs would give us on why Six dropped Mono:
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The LN Twitter shed a bit more light on this:
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And so with all of these breadcrumbs, here is my best explanation on why Six dropped Mono:
These point to the reason why she let go of Mono is because the way he forced her back into the reality she hated against her will. Because the music box in the signal tower put Six into a fantasy that she didn't want to be separated from, similar to the viewers with the tvs. And what happens when you interrupt the fantasy that the TVs give the viewers? The viewers turn hostile, just like Six when Mono begins to smash the music box. The only difference is that the viewers will try to kill Mono if he disturbs them without turning off the TVs too, but Six initially shares her escapism and fantasy with Mono, she wanted Mono to join her in the fantasy too, and when he begins to force her out of it she then turns hostile. And like the Twitter said: the more of us understand the pain Mono caused Six than we realise.
And remember, the two of them used to call to each other as safety and communication, and now Mono is using that calling system against her. Mono shouts at Six to get to her music box to break it, and each time he hits it Six hunches over and screams in pain, so every hit to the music box causes Six physical pain. Mono tortured Six in his attempt to save her in signal tower. Sure it may be a necessary evil, but that's easily said when you're not the one on the receiving end of said torture, and for her own good or not it was still torturous for Six.
And so finally, after being kidnapped and practically torn in half (Shadow Six's creation) by the monster that Mono let out (and Six tried to prevent that from happening), being twisted and turned into a monster, torturously forced back to the reality she hated by Mono, given no time to process what just happened because the flesh walls start giving chase immediately afterwards and just barely managing to get onto the ledge near the exit - do you really think that an already mentally ill 9 year old kid would be in the right state of mind to think rationally and make a well thought out decision? Especially when everything around her is literally still collapsing? The platform that Six was on broke off and fell shortly after she began entering the exit, so whether she knew that would happen or not either way she had to think fast but was not in the right state of mind to think rationally, so she let go.
Obviously none of this justifies Mono getting dropped, but it explains why she did it and shows that it's not really her fault, it's not Mono's fault either because he didn't know that the Thin Man was behind the door and it seemed like breaking the music box was the only way to get Six out of the Signal Tower. And like Mervik said, they both have different perspectives on this:
Mono sees this as "I was trying to help her and this how she thanks me?"
And Six sees it as "I tried to stop him from releasing a monster from the TV that tore something out of me and took me to a horrible place that tortured me and turned me into a monster but took me to a fantasy that helped ease my pain. Later my friend came and I was so excited to see him again despite him releasing a monster that did this to me and even offered him to join me in the fantasy, but instead he forces me back to the reality that I hate. No matter how much I screamed from the pain, he kept doing it anyway. After everything I did for him, this is the thanks I get?"
Of course we play the game as Mono, so we get only his perspective of this, making it biased since the game doesn't easily offer Six's perspective of this.
So in conclusion: there was once a Thin Man that wasn't Mono, so Thin Man's existence isn't Six's doing. Thin Man's, Mono's AND Six's actions ALL cause the cycle to repeat, but none of them were in the right state of mind or knew that any of this would happen, so it's neither of their fault. What happened on that ledge was all a misunderstanding and miscommunication didn't help in that regard, but of course the signal tower ensured that this would happen because the flesh walls subtly help Mono make it to the ledge to ensure that Six dropping him does happen, because if he falls into the pit normally it just goes back to the previous checkpoint, the game only continued when Mono gets betrayed by Six. The Signal Tower needed Mono to be broken by Six's betrayal to infect him with escapism and turn him into Thin Man. It also needed Six to not be in the state of mind to think rationally, so every hit to the music box caused Six pain and tortured her and it began chasing immediately afterwards to make sure that Mono couldn't explain to Six why he did that. Only after an unknown number of years does it offer escapism to Mono, now Thin Man, being 
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so he goes back to the past and betrays Six by kidnapping her and creating Shadow Six, whatever Shadow Six might be. Keep in mind that this version of Six was innocent; she did nothing wrong to Mono at that point, so it's grossly unfair for Mono to lash out at her for betraying him because this version of Six didn't do that yet. And whether it was out of vengeance or for a 'second chance', Six didn't consent to being taken away to the Signal Tower, so Mono's actions of kidnapping the innocent version of Six is both selfish of him and betraying her. And in doing so it allowed the Signal Tower to set up its trap for young Mono again.
So Mono and Six betrayed each other, and the Signal Tower wanted this to happen. Since neither of them knew that this would happen, and didn't intend for everything to turn out like this, it's neither of their fault.
Apologies that this is an essay, but this everything I have to say about why the blame shouldn't be pinned on Six or Mono. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk, hope you enjoyed.
Bonus. If anyone is still asking why Six are the Nome instead of the sausage, the devs have already answered this too:
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fawnheartedly · 3 years
So I didn't originally believed the Six is The Lady Theory. But with Tericho's video about the four children of the comic app becoming adults antagonists ? It has me rethinking that now.
So I would like to introduce to you a thought. The theory in which The Raincoat Girl was actually The Lady's daughter who could have escaped the maw on a balloon. You can see where i'm going.
Linking those two theories together would mean that Six saw her own future daughter die.
That's all folks, thanks for your time :D
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detectivethinman · 3 years
Description, Rules, & Blog Details
This blog was inspired from a theory made by Tericho, a horror game player that has been recently into Little Nightmares.  Going into his theory a little bit, he stated that the Thin Mans’ possible true (and original) identity was indeed a detective of some sort due to how in the concept art (of which he brinks up) has a “detective” office, but also an interrogation room.  Tericho explains the theory a bit better in his video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3oQ1Mn4vpWw&t=1s
Feel free to ask the Thin Man & the “Pale City Forces” anything that is on your mind (especially if it is more than one thing)!
OC’s and characters from the Little Nightmares universe are more than welcome to be here, ask questions/comments/concerns/etc., and get involved with the “Pale City Forces” & the Thin Man
Send in requests!  If you want the Thin Man and/or the “Pale City Forces” to have a reaction to a meme, video, etc, ask away!
Once in a while there might be a “special” guest appearance if the Thin Man is not around (example: he is not in for the day due to being sick)
If you want to ask the artist, go right on a head! :3
Please feel free to re-blog the drawing on here (Tumblr)
And lastly... HAVE FUN! (*^▽^*)
 ———————————————————————- DON’T RULES:
NO N**W (s**ual) is allowed in this ask blog.
Please do not steal my artwork from this channel (or the ones I post on down below). If you want to repost it, please ask for permission & give credit!  My other accounts are @mykalarosestar   &     @mykalarosestar13-gallery-art
Harassment, homophobia, bullying, use of any kind of slur (example: racial slurs), threats (towards the audience & artist with intention to harm) and more are NOT allowed.  If you do any of that, you will be block & reported.
If a person does start to spam the same question (example: 20 - 30 times over a single day), I will block.  Spamming does no good to blogs and will not get your question answered.
 Blog Details About the Artist:
• I am in college/university full time so if I am delayed on going a drawing out to you all, I will make sure to set aside time within the next few days to do so or on the weekend.
• Still getting used to drawing people so if one day the Thin Man doesn’t look okay, but another day it does that is the reason why!  This ask blog was also created to help me draw people better XD
• I normally do my art in color if it is backgrounds while the people are in black & white, but if you want color for your question, please ask for it!
My mediums for art:
o   Pen & Ink
o   Pencil & Shaders
o   Digital (Phone -IbispaintX)
o   Digital (Drawing tablet – no screen)
• I do not do commissions, sadly, though I plan on figuring it out in the future if this ask blog gets more people!
• I have been drawing for about 4 years (1 & 1/2 for the drawing tablet) so if some of my artwork looks “beginner” like, that is one of the reasons why.
 Version 0.0.6 (3/11/2021)
Ask Blog Began (3/7/2021)
This Ask Blog is being done by a single artist by the name of Mykala.  Their pronouns are She/They.  Panromantic, Demisexual & Asexual.
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seacic13 · 3 years
things i like to rewatch(for my sake im just posting it here so i can find it)
ace attorney- kubz scouts
kindergarten- coryxkenshin
kindergarten 2- kubz scouts
kindergarten 2- jacksepticeye
kindergarten 2- gloom
sally face- jacksepticeye
sally face- gloom
fran bow- jacksepticeye
little nightmares- coryxkenshin
little nightmares 2- coryxkenshin
night in the woods- jacksepticeye
cat lady gets what she deserves - 60 seconds w/ kubz scouts- gloom
the miracle run w/ kubzscouts- gloom
detroit become human- coryxkenshin
frida kahlo’s ‘the two fridas”: great art explained
i hope these are the right links
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