#terms 1/10 net 30
she-is-ovarit · 1 year
Trans research and scientific consensus
(2020) - Study of 139,829 students finds that in comparison to other students, transgender identity, especially non-binary identity, is associated more with perpetrating bullying than being bullied. Non-binary identity was most strongly associated with involvement in bullying, followed by [transgender] opposite sex identity and cisgender identity. 
(2023) 21 leading experts on pediatric gender medicine from 8 countries wrote a letter to Wall Street Journal expressing disagreement over how gender dysphoria in youth is treated, voicing concerns against things such as the affirmative model and research conducted outside of the US has found hormonal interventions for gender dysphoria to be without reliable evidence. Among these international experts is Dr. Rita Kaltiala, chief psychiatrist at Tampere university gender clinic and author of several peer-reviewed studies on trans medicine and Finland's top authority on pediatric gender care.
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(2023) Landmark study from Denmark on 3,800 transgender patients pulled data from hospital records and applications from legal gender changes and discovered 43% of this group had a psychiatric illness compared with 7% of non-trans group, and despite "gender affirming care" and legal gender changes, still had 7.7 the rate of suicide attempts and 3.5 times the rate of suicide deaths. Researchers state this rate is likely even higher due to missing data.
(2016) Study finds association with increased risk of multiple sclerosis for trans women taking estrogen/reducing testosterone levels.
(2023) Metadata study shows, at best, no improvement for patients in gender-affirming care. "The conclusions of the systematic reviews of evidence for adolescents are consistent with long-term adult studies, which failed to show credible improvements in mental health and suggested a pattern of treatment-associated harms. Three recent papers examined the studies that underpin the practice of youth gender transition and found the research to be deeply flawed. Evidence does not support the notion that “affirmative care” of today’s adolescents is net beneficial."
(2011) Long term follow up of 324 transgender people having undergone sex reassignment surgery in Sweden, found that trans women retained male patterned incidents and rates of violence and had a greater significance and rate of rape and sexual violence than cisgender men. The study also found, "Persons with transsexualism, after sex reassignment, have considerably higher risks for mortality, suicidal behaviour, and psychiatric morbidity than the general population. Our findings suggest that sex reassignment, although alleviating gender dysphoria, may not suffice as treatment for transsexualism, and should inspire improved psychiatric and somatic care after sex reassignment for this patient group."
(2020) Largest study to date on 641,860 people finds association with autism and "gender diversity", "Gender-diverse people also report, on average, more traits associated with autism, such as sensory difficulties, pattern-recognition skills and lower rates of empathy — or accurately understanding and responding to another person’s emotional state".
(2022) US study examining 10 years of data on 952 people finds large percentages of young adults prescribed hormones for trans identity no longer getting the drugs 4 years later. Discontinuation rate for both sexes combined = 30%. Female discontinuation rate as high as 44%. The standard disinformation pushed is that only 1-2% of people who begin medical transition end up desisting. But these figures show that in this cohort of young adults, the overall rate of discontinuing hormone treatment ranged from a low of 10% to a high of 44% within a space of just 4 years.
Abruzzese et al. 2023 'The Myth of “Reliable Research” in Pediatric Gender Medicine: A critical evaluation of the Dutch Studies—and research that has followed'
More to come.
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beardedmrbean · 29 days
New Zealand has serious problems with its power supply. There are three underlying reasons: the weather, a flawed electricity market and a drive for ‘net zero’.
Sixty-five per cent of New Zealand’s electricity is provided by hydropower, and the remainder by geothermal, gas, coal, wind and some solar. Though hydropower is often seen as the one form of renewable energy which is not plagued by intermittency of supply, it sadly isn’t true. In a dry year, hydro’s ability to deliver falls away, and we lose about 10 per cent of our generation. In the past, we always tried to have the hydro reservoirs and coal stockpile full by the end of summer to guard against this possibility. When we switched to an electricity market, this was forgotten.
This year, we failed to refill the reservoirs, and levels are now unusually low. We are muddling along for the moment, but this is a difficult position from which to recover and there are likely to be blackouts at some point in the future.
The ability of our fossil fuel power stations to step into the gap has been severely restricted. We used to get 20 per cent of our electricity from gas-fired power stations, but six years ago, as part of their decarbonisation policy, the previous government banned further gas exploration, and we are now desperately short of gas. The new government is encouraging new exploration but we won’t see the results for several years.
We also have a single coal fired station with insufficient coal in its stockpile because our electricity market does not pay for the cost of maintaining an adequate stockpile.
The situation has been made worse by poor market design. New Zealand was one of the pioneers of electricity markets, and chose a risky model which has proved to be seriously flawed.
As a result, the problems this year have led to wholesale market prices rising to ridiculous levels of as much as £1/kWh. This has already caused some factories to shut down; others are under threat. The politicians are beginning to realise that the energy crisis could have serious effects on consumers, and there is speculation that they will be forced to intervene. This could mean instructing our gas and coal-fired power stations to run flat out day and night – which won’t make much difference because of the lack of fuel. Failing this, the only solution in the short term is rolling blackouts. and a public conservation campaign.
How did we get to this situation?
Firstly, the electricity market is simply not fit for purpose. The underlying propositions are that ‘electricity is a commodity like any other’ and that ‘when the price goes up, the demand goes down’. But electricity is not a commodity like any other, because it does not have an alternative or significant price elasticity. It isn’t a market that Adam Smith would recognise. As two departing CEOs said, the way to make money is to keep the system on the edge of a shortage. Which means that disaster is inevitable if a dry year occurs. And that is exactly what has happened.
The blind pursuit of ‘Net Zero’, has driven the closing down of gas exploration and the desire to shut down our coal fired station, even though it is doing a vital job in keeping the lights on.
The long-term problem
There has now been some rain on the hydro lakes and we are temporarily out of danger – assisted by the fact that the power companies have paid a stiff price to a major industrial gas user to shut down so that they can have its supplies.
But the long-term problem is still there: empty storage lakes that need to be refilled, not a lot of snow pack to melt in the springtime, declining supplies of gas, and the need to import 30 shiploads of coal and truck it to the power station. None can be achieved in the time available. The imminent shutdown of a 380 MW combined cycle power station, because it cannot find a secure gas supply for the next 20 years or so, adds to the problem. 
Instead we are placing our faith in more wind and solar power. The price will skyrocket when it is in short supply, but that will not help the wind and solar farms’ accounts as that is when they have very little to sell. When wind and sun are abundant, prices will crash. This means that the wind and solar farms under construction and planned will not make enough money to pay for their construction and operation. New Zealand does not directly subsidise wind and solar power so we can’t even be sure that the generators will continue building them. 
To be economic, wind and solar must be supported by low-cost long-term storage for days, weeks and months.There is no technology that can deliver this right now. New Zealand’s hydro reservoirs have huge capacity – approaching 10 per cent of a year’s electricity supply – but this storage capacity is already fully required to deal with the annual variations in hydro output. It cannot be used to back up solar and wind. Batteries simply can’t be used at national grid scales: they are too expensive by a factor of 50 or so.
Worse still the expectation is that electricity demand is going to increase rapidly, driven by domestic and industrial heat and road transport being electrified (although the extent to which this will actually happen in the face of rising power prices is debatable). Whether electric heating and transport arrive or not, we are already getting more and more data centres, which are a 24-hour per day load and need a reliable supply.
So the load will go up but we will be less able to keep the lights on when wind and solar are not delivering. Australia is 2000 km away, so there is no chance of importing from there, even if they did have power to spare, which they don’t.
We could build more geothermal stations, but that takes time, especially as the oil rigs they need to drill production wells have all departed overseas. There is probably 1000 MW so of identified geothermal potential, and there is the possibility that more could be found with exploration. But this is not a quick solution.
The only quick solution is to buy gas turbines and run them on diesel: not a nice prospect.
In the long-term we could consider more hydro generation, but that is blocked by many environmentalists, even though there is probably 2000 MW of potential left in the South Island. For those who do not believe in dangerous carbon-driven climate change – or who consider that atmospheric carbon levels will rise beyond desirable levels anyway due to China and India and that it is therefore pointless for Western nations to spend huge sums reducing their emissions – more coal and gas generation are an obvious solution but they are not quick.
For those who believe that man-made global warming is real and dangerous, and that it is worthwhile for the Western nations to cut emissions alone, we could be urgently considering nuclear power. This is the only practical and economic way of having reliable electric power with low carbon emissions. I suspect that in spite of a long-held opposition to nuclear armed and propelled ships, the New Zealand public are more sympathetic to nuclear power than they are believed to be.
Whatever happens, New Zealand faces a very uncertain situation in the next few years with an increasing risk of major shortages and a major increase in domestic electricity prices.
The implications for other countries
I suspect that this is the writing on the wall for all countries that have pursued net zero and ignored the importance of keeping the lights on at a reasonable price. The UK is already relying on interconnectors for about 10 per cent of its electricity and would be in serious trouble if Europe was unable to provide backup power when UK wind and solar are not delivering. 
For as long as Europe and other countries have net zero as a prime objective, electricity blackouts and high prices are inevitable. As we are planning to make our entire society electrically powered, this is a bleak prospect.
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bizarrequazar · 11 months
GJ and ZZH Updates — October 22-28
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This is part of a weekly series collecting updates from and relating to Gong Jun and Zhang Zhehan.
This post is not wholly comprehensive and is intended as an overview, links provided lead to further details. Dates are in accordance with China Standard Time, the organization is chronological. My own biases on some things are reflected here. Anything I include that is not concretely known is indicated as such, and you’re welcome to do your own research and draw your own conclusions as you see fit. Please let me know if you have any questions, comments, concerns, or additions. :)
[Glossary of names and terms] [Masterlist of my posts about the situation with Zhang Zhehan]
10-22 → Gong Jun's studio posted a promotional video he did for Deeyeo, announcing a livestream on 10-25.
→ Gong Jun posted thirty-one photos from his trip to Paris. Caption: "Update is late but coming" He commented on this post, "I only had half a day to shoot the plog, so I won’t add it [the city] to my favourites. I’ll take more photos next time I go to Paris. 😁" He also posted six of these photos and one additional one to his Instagram, caption: "C’est la vie😀"
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→ 361° posted a video from their offline event with Gong Jun on 10-21.
10-23 → Tissot posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun. (1129 kadian) They also later posted a promotional video spoken by him.
→ ELLE posted a video of Gong Jun touring Louis Vuitton's original workshop in Paris.
→ GXG posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun, announcing a livestream on 10-28.
→ The Instagram posted ten photos of "Zhang Zhehan" at the Louvre, proudly parading around Hewitt's fungus-infected finger.
10-24 → It was announced that Gong Jun's drama Rising with the Wind will begin airing on 10-30. This got on Weibo hotsearch.
→ Tissot posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun. This was later followed by another four photos. (1129 kadian)
→ Gong Jun posted four photo ads he did for Tangle Teezer. (1129 kadian) This was reposted by Tangle Teezer.
→ Rare posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun. (1129 kadian)
→ Tangle Teezer posted a behind the scenes video from their photoshoot with Gong Jun.
→ The Rising with the Wind Douyin account posted a behind the scenes clip from the show. Caption: "Zhong Chuxi pulls Gong Jun's tie and fills the screen with sexual tension . At this moment, the ambiguity quietly grows…" This was later also posted to their Weibo account.
→ GXG posted two fansite photos of Gong Jun from that day, highlighting their clothing.
→ Fresh posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
→ Net-A-Porter posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
10-25 → GXG posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
→ 361° posted a promotional video spoken by Gong Jun.
→ A music video was released for Rising with the Wind's opening song.
→ Gong Jun attended a livestream for Deeyeo. [full recording]
→ Gong Jun Outdoor Office posted four gifs of him from the livestream. Caption: "The Si in Xu Si is a gentle Si 😎" [translation source]
→ Deeyeo posted four photos of Gong Jun from the livestream.
→ Gong Jun's studio posted eleven photos of him from the livestream. Caption: "Comfortable, simple, and casual. @ Gong Jun Simon lives cleanly and enjoys daily life."
10-26 → The Rising with the Wind Weibo posted three fancam-style promo videos. [1] [2] [3]
→ The Instagram posted a video ad for a photobook that the scam gang opened orders on earlier that day. The publishing website the book was being sold through is a Taiwanese site primarily used by sex workers; the owner of the site also has a history of working with scammers. The listing was deleted from the site barely a day later with claims of it being because of a "huge order amount," however, traffic records for the site showed less than a hundred views. 🤡
→ Weibo Fashion posted an interview with Gong Jun from the Tiffany event.
→ Gong Jun posted a third video of himself camping with a collie, this one of him cooking. Caption: "Listen to the sizzling sound in the valley 👂 Come and record #100 kinds of beauty of the motherland# with me!" This was reposted by his studio, added caption, "The final chapter of camping, @ Gong Jun Simon immersive barbecue ASMR (greedy Defu [the dog] version)", and 361°.
→ Deeyeo posted a clip from their livestream with Gong Jun.
→ Yangyang posted two photos of himself and Gong Jun from the livestream. Caption: "It was a happy chat with the spokesperson Gong Jun. Everything is ready, just waiting for the 'wind' to come~ Thank you Deeyeo🐧"
10-27 → The Instagram posted a promotional image announcing a fanmeet in Singapore on 11-26.
→ Li Keqiang, a recently retired major politician, passed away. The GXG livestream planned for the following day was postponed as a result, and there were worries that Rising with the Wind's airing would be delayed, however...
10-28 → The Rising with the Wind Weibo posted a promotional poster shortly followed by a trailer, officially announcing the show's airing date of 10-30. Trailer caption flavour text: "No matter how difficult the road ahead is, even if the dream seems impossible, never give up! Win or lose, I will always be by your side!"
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→ Gong Jun posted the same trailer for Rising with the Wind. Caption: "Investors pay attention to taking retreat to advance. Xu Si enters the game and rises wind the wind on October 30th!" This was reposted by his studio with the added caption, "Lock on to iQiyi and Dragon TV from October 30th, and watch investor Xu Si @ Gong Jun Simon strategize, grow the books, and rejuvenate the country."
→ The Rising with the Wind Weibo posted a promotional still of Gong Jun along with ones of the other main cast members. Caption: "The revival of the national trend is imperative. When we meet at the top, who can compete with us? Be online from October 30th"
→ Gong Jun's studio changed their Weibo header and icon to images of Xu Si, Gong Jun's character is Rising with the Wind, as did the Gong Jun Outdoor Office account.
→ Gong Jun's studio posted a behind the scenes video of a photoshoot for Rising with the Wind. Caption: "Shopping mall game, forge ahead. Investor Xu Si @ Gong Jun Simon will be launched soon~ October 30th, lock on to iQiyi and Dragon TV, and rise with the wind together!" BGM is a slowed remix of Dilemma by Kelly Rowland and Nelly.
→ The Rising with the Wind Weibo posted a fancam-style video of Xu Si. Caption: "The Elite Overlord Xu Si @ Gong Jun Simon is not in his comfort zone, but his ruling zone. Come to iQiyi on October 30th, let’s meet Mr. Xu!" BGM is SexyBack by Justin Timberlake lol.
→ The Rising with the Wind Weibo posted individual promo posters of the show's main cast. Caption: "People come and go, and ambiguity circulates. Turn against the wind and ride the waves."
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→ Gong Jun Outdoor Office posted two promo images of Xu Si. Caption: "I've started working 🫡"
→ The Rising with the Wind Weibo posted a promo poster featuring Gong Jun and Zhong Chuxi with a countdown to the airing date. Caption: "We cuddle up affectionately and rely on each other. In the gutter, I am lucky to have you. There are still 2 days left until the urban inspirational emotional drama #Rising with the Wind# starts airing! ... Please look forward to Xu Si @ Gong Jun Simon and Jiang Hu @ Zhong Chuxi’s emotional performance!"
Additional Reading: → tacocat has begun translating the novel that Rising with the Wind is adapted from!
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thecreaturecodex · 1 year
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“Huy bez laykov” © Vladimir Matyukhin, accessed at his ArtStation here
[Jebalat was a recurring NPC in my Rise of the Runelords game. One of my players was playing a hellspawn, which was a tiefling-like playable race from Fiendish Codex 2, which were pledged to hell at an early age instead of being born with fiendish blood. I really like that as a tiefling origin, and that’s been a canon way to do it in my games ever since. That character, Evangeline, will be posted in the near future as an NPC, as will a more recent character of mine who is another one of his clients. Stay tuned.]
Jebelat CR 13 LE Outsider (extraplanar) This humanoid figure is intimidating, with gray skin covered in scales and a crown of horns like a sinister halo. His facial expression is calm in a condescending way.
Jebelat has been in the soul trade for a long time. He considers himself to be one of the finest case managers in the courts of Nessus. His specialty is escrow contracts; he has some noble dupe sign away their child’s soul in order to have the child transformed into a tiefling, to be put to work as a high status slave, or just as a trophy of infernal influence. The legal grasp on the child’s soul is somewhat tenuous, as the baby cannot sign of their own free will, but such a cruel contract damns the soul of the parent regardless of any specific legalese. The baby then is coached as they grow up, encouraging them towards law and evil, and in most cases, signing their own contract when they reach an age of majority and their own ambitions have been stoked.
Of course, not all of these cases work out. Pesky free will and all that; Asmodeus’ perennial obstacle. The most prominent contract Jebelat lost was of a promising warrior named Evangeline. Although Evangeline was strong enough to resist Jebalat’s back and forth of wheedling and threats, she did die under her parent’s contract. Twice. Jebalat was able to obtain the services of the orcitimor Melamas to kill Evangeline the second time when she was resurrected by her allies. But in so doing, pushed his luck too far, and ended up losing any right to Evangeline’s soul when defeated in a fiddle contest overseen by angels of Saerenrae. A lesser devil may have ended up demoted or at least tortured for that failure, but Jebalat was able to successfully argue that, because of how many souls Evangeline sent to Hell by killing neutral evil targets, who then opted for the surety of the Pit rather than the nihilism of Abaddon, that it was a net win for the forces of Hell.
Jebalat is a mesmerist of some skill, but true to his nature as a phistophilus, prefers to entice or trick rather than force the hand of a client. Long term emotional manipulation, gaslighting and inducing the dread of uncertainty are his favorite tactics, and he has the rehearsed pace and controlled tone of an expert cult leader. He would much rather not engage in physical violence, as his body has literally been sculpted to minimize his natural weapons in exchange for being able to better move in mortal circles. Still, he is an excellent spellcaster, and his curses and the nightmares they induce are legendary, even in Hell.
Jebelat             CR 13 XP 25,600 Contract devil mesmerist 6 LE Medium outsider (devil, evil, extraplanar, lawful) Init +12; Senses darkvision 60 ft., see in darkness; Perception +22 Defense AC 28, touch 19, flat-footed 19 (+8 Dex, +1 dodge, +7 natural, +2 natural) hp 235 (13d10+6d8+133) Fort +14, Ref +22, Will +29 DR 10/good; Immune fire, mind-affecting effects, poison; Resist acid 10, cold 10; SR 21 (28 vs. divinations) Defensive Abilities towering ego (+9) Offense Speed 30 ft. Melee binding contract +25/+20/+15/+10 (1d4+8 plus bleed and grab) Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. (10 ft. with binding contract) Special Attacks binding contract, bleed (1d6), bold stare (susceptibility), hypnotic stare (-2, 40 ft.), mesmerist tricks (12/day, astounding avoidance, mesmeric mirror, reflection of weakness, DC 22) painful stare (+3/1d6+3) Spells CL 6th, concentration +15 (+19 casting defensively) 2nd (5/day)—alter self, blur, placebo effect, touch of idiocy 1st (7/day)—forbid action (DC 20), mental block (DC 20), paranoia (DC 20), unseen servant 0th—detect magic, light, mage hand, prestidigitation, read magic, unwitting ally (DC 19) Spell-Like Abilities CL 13th, concentration +22 (+26 casting defensively) Constant—nondetection (self only), tongues At will—detect thoughts (DC 21), dimension door, erase, identify, major image (DC 22), produce flame, sending 3/day—arcane eye, traumatic bestow curse (DC 23), break enchantment, greater teleport (self plus 50 lbs. of objects only), hold person (DC 22), locate creature, mage's private sanctum, quickened scorching ray, silence (DC 21), vision 1/day—contact other plane, delayed blast fireball (DC 26), dismissal (DC 24), plane shift (DC 26), summon (level 4, 1d6 bearded devils or 1 bone devil 50%), symbol of pain (DC 24) Statistics  Str 15, Dex 27, Con 24, Int 26, Wis 23, Cha 28 Base Atk +17; CMB +19; CMD 38 Feats Combat Casting, Combat Expertise, Deceitful, Dodge, Extended Stare, Improved Initiative, Persuasive, Quicken SLA (scorching ray), Stubborn Curse, Traumatic SLA (bestow curse) Skills Bluff +33, Diplomacy +30, Disguise +30 (+34 as tiefling), Intimidate +30, Knowledge (arcana) +24, Knowledge (history) +23, Knowledge (local) +23, Knowledge (nobility) +21, Knowledge (planes) +24, Knowledge (religion) +24, Linguistics +26, Perception +28, Perform (oratory, strings) +25, Profession (lawyer) +19, Sense Motive +28, Sleight of Hand +21, Spellcraft +21, Use Magic Device +25 Languages Abyssal, Aklo, Aquan, Auran, Celestial, Common, Daemonic, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Giant, Gnome, Goblin, Gnoll, Halfling, Ignan, Infernal, Kelesh, Necril, Orc, Sylvan, Terran, Undercommon, Utopian, Varisian; telepathy 100 ft., tongues SQ consummate liar +3, infernal contract, infernal investment, manifold tricks (2), mental focus +1, touch treatment (12/day), undercover agent Gear bracers of armor +2, lucky horseshoe, wand of cure light wounds (full charges), jeweled holy symbol of Asmodeus worth 50 gp, masterwork violin Special Abilities Binding Contract (Su) A contract devil can wield a contract like a whip, but deal lethal damage regardless of the armor bonus of their target. A contract devil modifies attack and damage rolls when using a binding contract by its Intelligence modifier, not its Strength modifier. Wounds created by a binding contract resemble horrifically deep paper cuts and cause 1d6 points of bleed damage. A contract devil can use its binding contract to disarm and trip foes as if the contract were a whip. If it is itself disarmed of the contract, the devil can rearm itself with a new contract as an immediate action. Infernal Contract (Su) As a full-round action, a contract devil can produce an infernal contract for a single living mortal creature. This contract can grant a wide range of abilities and effects, as detailed on the following page. To receive any of these bonuses, however, the mortal must sign its true name to the document of its own free will. Upon doing so, that mortal's soul is sworn to the contract devil, condemning the soul to an eternity of servitude in Hell rather than whatever fate would naturally befall it upon the mortal's death. Breaking a contract with a contract devil is difficult and dangerous (see the next page); as long as the infernal contract remains in effect, the victim cannot be restored to life after death save by a miracle or a wish. If a mortal is restored to life in this way, the contract devil immediately senses the development—it not only knows which soul has been restored to life, but also gains the benefits of a discern location spell targeted on the character or creature that restored the damned soul to life. Infernal Investment (Su) As a subclause of all infernal contracts, a contract devil can use greater scrying at will upon any creature it has a contract with. The target creature always fails its save against the devil's scrying attempt—this ability otherwise functions at caster level 20th. Undercover Agent (Ex) Jebalat does not have a gore attack or the impale special attack, but does gain a +4 racial bonus on any Disguise checks to appear as a tiefling, and has nondetection as a constant spell-like ability.
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putschki1969 · 1 year
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2023/09/06 Instagram post by Wakana
“Kaiyukan” Part 4!! ️🌊🦈🌊 This will be the last Kaiyukan post 👏 In addition to all the animals, there were also interactive exhibits that I really enjoyed🤗✨ This time, I was able to walk around the museum while listening to various explanations of staff members 😆 I feel grateful! ️✨ There are still many things I don't know about the ocean and sea creatures🧐 My endless journey to discover aquariums continues...!! ️!! (Source)
Wakana's Talk Garden#1 「Summer Troubles」
»»—— CLICK ME 🎁 CLICK ME ——««
❗This is Fan Club EXCLUSIVE content❗ ❗PERSONAL USE ONLY❗ Do ❗NOT SHARE❗ on other sites ❗Join her FAN CLUB! Check out my detailed TUTORIAL ❗
As announced a few days ago, Wakana is starting a podcast for Botanical Land members titled “Wakana’s Talk Garden”! A new episode will be posted once a month, the first one is already available on her fan club site! Episode #2 is scheduled to release on October 10. For future episodes, Wakana will let Botanical Land members contribute to the main talk topics and everyone can send in submissions (she's also thinking about small presents to those whose messages get picked up to be read during an episode). Be sure to join check it out!
The first episode was was quite reminiscent of YK's radio episodes, a lot calmer and toned down than what I would expect from Wakana XD. Wakana really enjoyed recording those "Sono Saki e" audio lyric essays she did for Uta Net so she is now trying to reproduce that atmosphere with her podcast. I'm glad she's getting some use out of the fancy microphone in her living room (although she is not using her special sound shield for these recordings even though it would probably be perfect for this purpose. She says she wanted the audio to be more casual and free-style). For next month, the topics are as follows =>
What comes to mind when you think of "autumn"?
Are you the type of person who takes comfort in things that don't change? Or are you the type who wants change?
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2023/09/10 Blog post by Wakana おしゃべりガーデン始まりました!〜エアコンと新幹線とサバ美味しい〜
❗This is Fan Club EXCLUSIVE content❗ ❗PERSONAL USE ONLY❗ Do ❗NOT SHARE❗ on other sites ❗Join her FAN CLUB! Check out my detailed TUTORIAL ❗
Launch of My Talk Garden ! ~ Air cons, Shinkansen and Delicious Mackerels~
The first topic for my new podcast "Wakana's Talk Garden" was "Summer Troubles" so I had the chance to talk about lots of stuff with you😄Somehow I ended up talking for 30 minutes…🤔I hope you can listen to it when it's convenient for you, maybe while you are commuting or while doing something else. It seems like I make a lot of mistakes when I'm recording all by myself. When I listened to the audio after I had finished, I noticed so many little mistakes 😂😂 First of all, when I talked about my air conditioner being able to detect the outside temperature and start/stop the cooling function accordingly, I called this feature a "rest mode", but apparently, such a term does not exist.
And at one point I said "short-sleeved pajamas" although I meant to say "short-sleeved lounge-wear". I always wear long sleeves when I sleep, even in the summer *laughs*. I love these organic cotton pajamas and have been wearing them for about 10 years...😳Even though they're a little shabby, I still love them.
And I mentioned that the in-car wagon sales service on the Tokaido Shinkansen was no longer available but I was wrong! It is in fact still available but not for much longer, the service will end on October 31! So everyone, use that opportunity as long as the service is still available! Until then, let's all buy the infamous ultra hard ice cream\\\\٩( 'ω' )و ////
Speaking of October, episode #2 is scheduled for October 10th! The talk theme is:
What comes to mind when you think of "autumn"?
Are you the type of person who takes comfort in things that don't change? Or are you the type who wants change?
I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts related to autumn! As for the second question, you can tell me your habits, for example, if you like to move around a lot and change your environment? Or if you wear the same pajamas all the time? (that might just be me) By the way, I have lived in the same place for 12 years! I guess I am the type that feels comfort in things remaining stable 😂
Visit the fan club site to check out the first episode, to share your opinions/impressions and to send in submissions for the next episode! ↓↓↓↓↓ https://wakana-fc.jp/
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thesharkcollector · 1 year
Shark of the Week! :Whale Shark
☆ 24/9/23 ☆
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♡ The LARGEST known shark in today age (LARGER than a schppl bus :O )
♡ Their literally organic filters! 😋 Meaning they can neither bite OR chew. And instead filter small fish and such in their mouth!
♡ Guess how stretchy their mouth is? 4 FEET WIDE! Thats literally the size of a HOCKEY NET!
♡ Are you an adventurous type and would LOVE to swim near these big fellas, well todays your day because they literally can be found ANWHERE! (Except for the mediterrian sea) In warm waters of course. :D
♡ Could you outrun outswim a whale shark? Well for anybody that competive, you got yourself an easy win! Why? Because they can only swim at not 10, not even 7 or 5 BUT ONLY 3/mph! slower than my grand papa 👴
♡ Makes you really wonder how they can migrate thousands of miles all around just to feed! Their quite motivated arent they?
♡ Their quite literally, a ocean-made strainer! When they close their mouth in a big chunk of small fish, plankton, etc. You may wonder if they just swallow the water with it, but thats far from the truth! Instead they use their gills to just strain the water out!
♡ Your probaly thinking that theirs nothing else intresting about these big sea dogs, WELL DO I HABE SOMETHING FOR YOU!
Did you know they have teeth on their eyes? You read right, TEETH! Their super tiny and are called dermal denticles, baha what a funky name- anyhow, why would a shark need this? Do they somehow eat out of their eyes too? Nope! Its protection against anythong out to harm them as they DONT have eyelids 👀
♡ Wanna know something really neat? Whale sharks can literally live up to 5 generations! A generation is qbout 20-30 while these sharks can live from 70 all the way up to 100!!
☆Now these sharks are all cute and dandy but their is a underlying issue here, their endangered sadly, over the last 75 years their population has dwindled more than 50% and still decreasing each year due to unfortunate truth of them global warming, water pollution and being fished,
where they're captured and have their fins and meat be taken, only to be dropped back into the harsh waters as their forced to suffocate and bleed out...
These whales are EXTREMELY important as their a long term regulation of plankton, with to much plankton it can start to harm the fish, shellfish, birds, mammals and even YOU! ☆
• 1-6 :
• 7-9 :
•10 : https://defenders.org
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devsgames · 1 year
Bombing!! 2: A Graffiti Paradise One Month Sales Figures
(This post was cross-posted from my Patreon Page, where you can sub to get early access to devlogs, builds from my prototypes, and support me as I make indie games!)
Hello Patrons!
Usually a short period of time after I launch a game I like to look back at it and take stock on how it went and share some transparency about financials on how the launch was. Starting out as a solo indie dev this is something I struggled to find information on at my scale and was also what I was the most worried about, so I think it's always super beneficial to peek behind the curtain for those who might need it.
A couple things to note before we get started which are important to take into account when looking at these numbers:
- Bombing!! 2 had a bit of a following from Bombing!! 1, as well as some users who were following Bombing!! 2 development for a while.
- Bombing!! 2 is a niche product serving a fairly untapped market. There's not a lot of competition in the 'virtual graffiti' space.
- These figures are largely from Steam. Assume Itch figures don't affect these numbers substantially (maybe a handful of copies, give or take).
Anyway, here's the numbers!
Bombing!! 2: A Graffiti Paradise is my first game where I actually buckled down and focused on the lead-up to launch, entering it into events and really focusing on unrolling a plan for its marketing.
Leading up to launch there were two major events which substantially impacted Wishlist numbers: Future of Play Direct by Glitch, and Steam NEXTFest. I won't go into details about preparing for these (but feel free to ask questions if you're curious!), but instead here's how they impacted Wishlist numbers.
1 Month Figures
Base Store Page Wishlists (accumulated based on latent Steam visibility since it was made public from its launch in January to June 2023): 883 Wishlists 
Future of Play (Week long event from June 10th-17th, featured on Steam Event page with other titles for 1 Week, early preview copies sent to influencers, 60 second trailer timeslot during event livestream): ~1200 Wishlists, Average ~84 wishlists per day
Steam NextFest (1 Week long event June 19th-26th, broadcasts featured on Steam Store, focused on games with playable demos, Bombing!! 2 launched day after event ended): ~627 Wishlists, Average ~70 Wishlists Per Day
Wishlists on Launch Day: 2,732
Wishlists One Month after launch: 3,863
Here are some sales figures one month out from launch. All numbers here are in USD, but realistically I mostly look at it in terms of CDN as I'm based out of Canada. Bombing!! 2's pricepoint is $19.99 USD and it was not discounted at launch, and only had its first discounted sale of 10% within the last few days of posting this, so most profits are based off of the full price of the game.
1 Month Figures
Total Copies Sold: 120
Copies Given Away (Press, Influencer, Curators, etc.): 31
Chargebacks, Refunds, Returns: 8
Median Time Played: 1 hour 38 minutes
Net Profit: $2,041 USD
Profit after Steam's 30% Deductions: $1,429 USD
Some users scoffed at the price tag initially, but I anticipate these numbers will slowly start to creep up as Steam sales roll out and more users hop onboard as I roll out updates going forward. One thing that has impressed me is the tail Bombing!! 1 maintained despite me not updating it and only putting it on sale regularly, so I suspect these numbers will gradually turn up over time.
On the whole, while Bombing!! 2's numbers aren't going to blow some games out of the water I'm still pretty happy with how the launch went and it has afforded me a few more months rent in the very least, so there's that. :)
As always, please ask if you have any questions or are curious about any other figures or trends I wasn't able to get into here!
Cheers, Devon
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blkgrlchasingfit · 1 year
Had to Restart Keto...AGAIN!😖😤🙄
Ugh, I get so frustrated with myself. I allow stress from life and, especially from work, to drive me to binge eating. Last weekend was a hot mess!🤐😒
Anyway, I think I may have finally cracked the code on how to follow a diet and workout plan that will work for me. There are several components that had to come together for this. I am tentatively hopeful because this seems to be working for me (since I got back on the wagon around mid-last week.) So here's how my plan looks right now:
Eating & Diet:
Intermittent Fasting (18:6) - I currently eat between 12:30pm-6:30pm. I am using the Fasting Tracker App (the free version), but I am sure any Intermittent Fasting app will work for this. The app also allows me to keep track of my weight and water intake.
Low carb to Keto Diet - It will take me about 3 weeks to get down to 20 grams of net Carbs a day in any sustainable way. I'm about sustainability at this point in my life. I am starting with around 40-50 grams of net carbs to ease my body into it AND to figure out the foods I like that also fit this way of eating.
Phentermine 37.5g - I am not taking it as prescribed but instead am using the Dr. Childs Method (which I have found much more gentle on my body and nervous system with no disruption to my sleep so far!). The Gist: The gist of his method is to use episodic intermittent fasting (so as not to damage your metabolism) along with Phentermine, which means you will only take Phentermine a max of 3 times a week on the days that you are practicing your prolonged or episodic fasting. On those days, during your eating window, only eat about 500 calories. I am going to only take a 1/2 a pill, 3x per week, during my prolonged fasting days for the month of October. P.S. I am following his method but got the actual prescription through telemedicine, so I am not using the products Dr. Childs actually markets on his website.
Twice a Day Gentle & Skin Tightening & Muscle Tightening workouts - So I recognize that I can and will lose weight fast using the three things above in combination. However, I don't want to be left with a lot of loose skin. By the time I go home to see my family for Christmas (in about 3 months), I don't want to be the same fatty I was when they saw me last Christmas (I am not fat shaming, I am only speaking about myself when I use that term). Anywho, I have figured out that multiple, gentle workouts (that have proven effective for me) in the past is the way to go. At most, I will put in about 40 minutes per workout session.
A.M. Workout: 2, Oxycise! workouts, which are about 20 minutes each (I love this workout! It's no impact and is a perfect thing to start with if you don't want to go to the gym or have limited space). They have some university tested results on their website about the effectiveness of this workout, and about 90% of people involved in the test lost between 1/4 lb to 1/2 lb per 20 minute workout. I can attest to it being that effective. Like anything, you just have to be consistent. I highly suggest you doing the monthly subscription through the Oxycise! app (about $20 a month with access to a nice size workout library) if you are interested. Oxycise will serve as my cardio on this weight loss journey.
P.M. Workout: 2, Winsor Pilates workouts (the 20 minute ones), this is about 40 minutes total before bed. Since for me personally doing Pilates makes me very tired, I opt to do this workout in the evening. Pilates impacts everyone differently so try and see what works for you. Subscription through the Winsor Pilates app/website is about $30 a year and I do think it is worth it. Per it's advertising in it's heyday (back in the early 2000s), you can lose a dress size after 10 workouts. I tried this back in 2003 when I was home on Winter break from college visiting my family---y'all no cap, I went from a 16 dress size to a 10 dress size by doing one 20-minute Winsor Pilates workout every day!🥳 Like I had to get new clothes before going back to school. So yes this workout is very effective if you clean up your eating habits. Now I realize that was over 20 years ago when that happened but the fact remains this is an effective workout if you do it regularly. Winsor Pilates will serve as my resistance training on this weight loss journey.
For this next week, I will only do one of each workout in the morning and in the evening. I need to ease into what I am doing and get familiar with what I am asking my body to do, therefore I am ok starting slowly.
This is where I am at now and I will record how I am doing in a few days.
My Goal
So with all of these items combined above, I want to get my dress size down to around a 6-8 before I go home for Christmas to see my family. I am currently around a size 20, but I know my body and I can drop inches very consistently when I am on Keto and doing Pilates. Yes this is an ambitious goal but I am hopeful. Wish me luck y'all and feel free to reach out to ask questions or share your own journey.
P.S.: None of the links in this post are affiliate links. I just want to journal about my journey and maybe help, inspire, and put some other sistas on to things that I have learned throughout my years of battling my weight🙂
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TechEra Engineering IPO Date, Review, Price, Allotment Details
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TechEra Engineering IPO is opening for subscription on September 25, 2024, and closing on September 27, 2024. This NSE SME IPO aims to raise ₹35.90 Crores, with a 100% Fresh Issue of TBA equity shares, each with a face value of ₹10. The price band for the TechEra Engineering IPO is fixed at ₹75 - ₹82 Per Share, with a market lot of 1600 share. The allocation for this IPO is as follows: 35% for retail investors, 50% for QIBs, and 15% for high-net-worth individuals (HNI). TechEra Engineering IPO Allotment will done on September 30, 2024, and TechEra Engineering IPO listing date is October 3, 2024.   TechEra Engineering Company Profile TechEra Engineering Limited was established with a focus on delivering high-quality engineering and technology solutions. The company operates in the industrial engineering sector, providing a wide range of services, including fabrication, installation, and the design of engineering systems for industrial clients. Over the years, TechEra has developed a strong foothold in the industry, driven by its commitment to innovation and excellence. Sector and Services: TechEra Engineering specializes in industrial engineering, particularly catering to sectors such as construction, heavy engineering, and industrial machinery. The company’s services include: - Engineering design and consultancy - Fabrication and installation of industrial systems - Equipment maintenance and technical support - Solutions for large-scale industrial projects Strengths and Competitive Advantages: - Strong Growth Track Record: TechEra Engineering has demonstrated a steady increase in revenue and profitability over recent years, which reflects its ability to successfully execute large-scale projects. - Experienced Leadership: The management team brings decades of experience in industrial engineering and project execution, which has played a crucial role in building the company’s reputation. - Client-Centric Approach: TechEra focuses on delivering customized solutions to meet the specific needs of its clients, ensuring long-term partnerships and repeat business.   TechEra Engineering IPO GMP   TechEra Engineering IPO Objectives The funds raised through the IPO will be utilized for: - Funding capital expenditure for new machinery - Meeting working capital requirements - Repayment of certain outstanding borrowings - General corporate purposes - Issue expenses   TechEra Engineering IPO Key Details - TechEra Engineering IPO Open Date: September 25, 2024 - TechEra Engineering IPO Close Date: September 27, 2024 - TechEra Engineering IPO Size: Approximately ₹35.90 Crores, Equity Shares - Face Value: ₹10 Per Equity Share - TechEra Engineering IPO Price Band: ₹75 - ₹82 Per Equity Share - TechEra Engineering IPO Listing on: NSE SME IPO - Retail Quota: 35% of the net offer - QIB Quota: 50% of the net offer - HNI Quota: 15% of the net offer   TechEra Engineering IPO Timeline - TechEra Engineering IPO Open Date: September 25, 2024 - TechEra Engineering IPO Close Date: September 27, 2024 - Basis of Allotment: September 30, 2024 - Refunds: October 1, 2024 - Credit to Demat Account: October 1, 2024 - TechEra Engineering IPO Listing Date: October 3, 2024   How to Apply for TechEra Engineering IPO Investors can apply for the TechEra Engineering IPO through ASBA (Applications Supported by Blocked Amount) online via their bank accounts or by using the offline IPO forms, which can be downloaded from the NSE website.   TechEra Engineering Financial Performance (in Crores) - Year 2024: Assets: ₹37.24 Cr, Revenue: ₹39.08 Cr, Expenses: ₹34.26 Cr, PAT: ₹4.82 Cr - Year 2023: Assets: ₹39.21 Cr, Revenue: ₹26.59 Cr, Expenses: ₹25.28 Cr, PAT: ₹1.31 Cr - Year 2022: Assets: ₹21.36 Cr, Revenue: ₹7.37 Cr, Expenses: ₹13.66 Cr, PAT: ₹-6.29 Cr   TechEra Engineering Valuation FY2024 - Return on Equity (ROE): 30.33% - Return on Capital Employed (ROCE): 23.47% - EBITDA Margin: 23.26% - PAT Margin: 12.45% - Debt-to-Equity Ratio: 0.90 - Earnings Per Share (EPS): ₹4.14 (Basic) - Price/Earnings (P/E) Ratio: N/A - Return on Net Worth (RoNW): 30.33% - Net Asset Value (NAV): ₹13.09   TechEra Engineering Peer Group Paras Defence and Space Technologies Ltd: EPS: ₹8.22, PE Ratio: 140.51, RoNW: 6.75%, NAV: ₹114.01, Income: ₹261.77 Cr Azad Engineering Ltd: EPS: ₹11.20, PE Ratio: 141.25, RoNW: 9.08%, NAV: ₹109.12, Income: ₹372.76 Cr   TechEra Engineering Company Promoters - Nimesh Rameshchandra Desai - Meet Nimesh Desai - Kalpana Nimesh Desai   TechEra Engineering IPO Registrar Kfin Technologies Limited KFintech, Tower-B, Plot No 31 & 32, Financial District, Nanakramguda, Gachibowli, Hyderabad, Telangana India - 500 032. Website: https://kosmic.kfintech.com/ipostatus/ Phone: 04067162222, 04079611000 Email: [email protected]   TechEra Engineering IPO Allotment Status Check - Check the TechEra Engineering IPO allotment status on the Kfin Technologies website.   TechEra Engineering IPO Allotment Link - Check the TechEra Engineering IPO allotment on the Check Ipo Allotment website.   TechEra Engineering IPO Lead Managers (Merchant Bankers) - SKI Capital Services Limited   TechEra Engineering Company Address Gat No. 565~ Behind Namo Marble & Timbers At Post Velu Tal. Bhor~ Pune-412205 ,Maharashtra- India Website: https://techera.co.in/ Phone: +91 8605016251 Email: [email protected]   TechEra Engineering IPO FAQs   What is TechEra Engineering IPO? TechEra Engineering IPO is an NSE SME IPO. They are going to raise ₹35.90 Crores via IPO. The issue is priced at ₹75 - ₹82 Per equity share. The IPO is to be listed on NSE.   When will the TechEra Engineering IPO open? The IPO is to open on September 25, 2024, for NII, and Retail Investors.   What is TechEra Engineering IPO Investors Portion? The investors’ portion for QIB is 50%, HNI is 15%, and Retail is 35%.   How to Apply for the TechEra Engineering IPO? You can apply for Shelter Finance IPO via ASBA online via your bank account. You can also apply for ASBA online via UPI through your stock brokers. You can also apply via your stock brokers by filling up the offline form.   How to Apply Gala Precision Engineering IPO through M-Stock? For those using M-Stock, the application process involves logging into the M-Stock Account, selecting the IPO under the Product Tab, and then filling in the necessary details. Approval through a UPI app is also required. Opening a Demat Account with M-Stock may be necessary for some applicants. Open Demat Account with M-Stock.   How to Apply the TechEra Engineering IPO through Alice Blue? Alice Blue users can apply by logging into the Alice Blue application, selecting the IPO, and confirming their application. Similar to other methods, approval via a UPI app is required. Opening a Demat Account with Alice Blue may also be necessary. Open a Demat Account with Alice Blue.   How to Apply for the TechEra Engineering IPO through Motilal Oswal? Log in to Motilal Oswal Application with your credentials. Select the IPO. You will see the IPO Name. Click on the Bid Button. Confirm your application. Now go to your UPI App on Net Banking or BHIM App to Approve the mandate. Open Demat Account with Motilal Oswal.   What is TechEra Engineering IPO Size? TechEra Engineering IPO size is ₹35.90 Crores.   What is TechEra Engineering IPO Price Band? TechEra Engineering IPO Price Band is ₹75 - ₹82 Per equity share.   What is TechEra Engineering IPO Minimum and Maximum Lot Size? The IPO bid is 1600 share with ₹131,200.   What is TechEra Engineering IPO Allotment Date? TechEra Engineering IPO allotment date is September 30, 2024.   What is TechEra Engineering IPO Listing Date? TechEra Engineering IPO listing date is October 3, 2024. The IPO to list on NSE SME IPO.   Read the full article
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digital288 · 8 days
Is Life Insurance Worth It After 50? Here’s What You Need to Know
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Life insurance is often seen as something that young adults need to secure their family's future. But what happens when you cross the 50-year mark? Is life insurance still necessary, or are you better off investing in other financial products? This is a common question that many people grapple with as they age. In this article, we’ll explore why life insurance could still be worth it after 50, along with some considerations that might help you decide.
Why Consider Life Insurance After 50?
Reaching 50 is a financial game­-changer. Retireme­nt could be nearing, or perhaps you're­ now mortgage-free. Ye­t, you shouldn't dismiss life insurance altogethe­r. Consider these points about its ongoing value­:
1. Supporting Loved Ones
Imagine you have­ a partner, kids, or perhaps grandkids. They de­pend on you for money nee��ds. Life insurance can help if you are­ no longer around. It can help pay for things. These­ could be your partner's daily costs or your kid's school fee­s. It can even smooth out the burde­n of settling unpaid bills. These might be­ a house loan or medical costs.
2. Estate Planning
Life insurance can be a valuable tool for estate planning. If you have a sizable estate, the death benefit from a life insurance policy can help cover estate taxes and other expenses. This way, your heirs won’t have to worry about liquidating assets or losing a portion of their inheritance.
3. Covering Funeral Expenses
Let’s face it—funerals are expensive. The average cost of a funeral today can range from ₹2 lakhs to ₹5 lakhs, depending on the services you choose. A life insurance policy can help your loved ones cover these costs, relieving them of financial stress during an already emotional time.
4. Charitable Giving
If you’re passionate about a particular cause or charity, life insurance can help you leave a lasting legacy. By naming a charity as the beneficiary of your policy, you can make a significant donation after your death.
What Type of Life Insurance Is Best After 50?
Once you’ve decided that life insurance could still be beneficial, the next question is: Which type of policy should you go for?
1. Term Life Insurance
This is typically the most affordable option, especially if you’re over 50. A term policy lasts for a set number of years, usually 10 to 30, and only pays out if you pass away during that term. If you’re mainly looking to cover short-term obligations, like paying off a mortgage or helping your kids through college, term insurance can be a good fit.
2. Whole Life Insurance
Unlike term insurance, whole life insurance offers coverage for your entire lifetime. It also builds cash value over time, which can be borrowed against. The downside? Whole life insurance premiums can be much higher, especially if you’re purchasing a policy later in life.
3. Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance
This type of policy doesn’t require a medical exam, making it an option if you have pre-existing health conditions. However, the death benefit is typically lower, and premiums are higher than term or whole life policies.
How Much Life Insurance Do You Need?
The amount of life insurance you need after 50 depends on your specific situation. Here are a few things to consider:
Debt: Do you still have outstanding debts like a mortgage, car loans, or credit card balances? If so, life insurance can help cover these liabilities and ensure your family isn’t burdened with them.
Dependents: Are there people who rely on you financially? This could be a spouse, children, or even elderly parents. Life insurance can replace your income and ensure they’re cared for.
Retirement Plans: If your retirement savings are robust and can cover all of your financial obligations, you might not need a large life insurance policy. But if there are gaps in your retirement plans, life insurance can act as a safety net.
Is getting life­ insurance after age 50 a good move­? Well, it's not the same for e­veryone. Your finances, your goals, and your family’s ne­eds all play a key role. For some­, knowing their loved ones won't face­ money problems gives the­m comfort. Others may not need it, particularly if the­y've saved a lot and have little­ debt.
The best thing? Take a look at your finance health. Talk to a financial advisor. Balance­ the price against the be­nefit. At the end of the­ day, life insurance exists to shie­ld those dear to you, regardle­ss of how old you are.
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
AMay 17 Facebook post (direct link, archive link) shows a black and white image of several members of Congress gathered together.
The post criticized Republicans for "attacks on the poor and the sick with the threat of catastrophic debt default," then made a claim about former President Donald Trump:
"Trump increased that debt far more than any president in history," the post says in part. "Under Trump, Republicans − and Democrats − had no objection to raising the debt ceiling three times."
House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries shared a similar claim on Twitter that garnered over 11,000 likes. A version of that post was posted on Facebook by the left-wing account Occupy Democrats and shared more than 900 times.
Our rating: False
The total federal debt increased more under the Obama administration in terms of raw dollars than any other president, according to government data. Experts say it is difficult to determine how much debt one president is responsible for since spending and policies can carry over from one administration to the next.
Obama incurred more debt than any other president
The post comes after weeks of standstill between President Joe Biden and House Speaker Kevin McCarthy over the issue of raising the debt ceiling, which limits how much the government can borrow, as USA TODAY reported. 
But contrary to the post’s claim, the total federal debt increased more under former President Barack Obama than it did under the Trump administration, according to David Primo, a political science and business administration professor at the University of Rochester.
There are different ways of measuring debt, experts said. 
Using Treasury Department data, the total public debt, which includes intragovernmental holdings and public debt, increased by approximately $7.8 trillion from the start of Trump’s presidency on Jan. 20, 2017, to when he left office on Jan. 19, 2021. Under Obama, however, the public debt increased by about $9.3 trillion from when he was inaugurated on Jan. 20, 2009, to when he left office on Jan. 19, 2017.
Some experts look at debt accumulated each fiscal year, which starts Oct. 1 of a given calendar year and ends Sept. 30 of the next year, according to Primo. That yields similar results.
Fact check: No, Trump is not required to register as a sex offender after E. Jean Carroll case
At the end of fiscal year 2016 − three months before Trump took office − the debt was about $19.5 trillion, according to historical fiscal year debt data from the Office of Management and Budget. That number increased to about $26.9 trillion at the end of fiscal year 2020 three months before Trump left office, marking a $7.4 trillion increase.
However, at the end of fiscal year 2008 before Obama took office, the debt was about $10 trillion and increased to about $19.5 trillion at the end of fiscal year 2016 before Obama left office, netting approximately a $9.5 trillion increase, according to the data. 
There are caveats to these comparisons: Trump was only in office for four years while Obama was in office for eight years. The data for the federal fiscal year overlaps. And in both cases, the debt is measured using the nominal amount added each year, so it doesn't account for inflation.
Some economists believe the debt-to-GDP ratio is a better metric for gauging debt increase because the nominal levels of debt do not matter as much as how much debt the nation has as a share of its output, Primo said. Which president ranks first in this category would depend on the method of calculation used but Trump would not have the highest figures regardless, Primo said.
"In the post-WWII era, the increases in debt as a percentage of GDP were highest during and right after WWII," Primo said. "In the modern era, it’s still not Trump."
Experts say it is hard to blame any one president on rising debt
There are several reasons why it is difficult to cast the blame for increasing debt on any one president, experts said.
Debt increases are due to policies jointly agreed to by Congress and the president, so Congress bears some responsibility, according to Primo.
For instance, Obama signed into law a 2009 stimulus package passed by Congress, which extended former President George W. Bush’s tax cuts, and a tax extenders omnibus bill at the end of 2015, according to the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget. Both policies worsened debt.
Fact check: Post wrongly claims new House reimbursement policy circumvents Constitution
When Trump was in office, he signed into law the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which lowered statutory tax rates on all taxable income levels and made debt soar, according to the Tax Policy Center and ProPublica.
“The country takes on debt anytime its outlays exceed its revenues,” Primo said. “This can occur due to one-time expenses such as the COVID-19 relief package or to structural changes to the budget, such as tax cuts or the creation of new government programs. In the long run, the biggest drivers of debt increases will be due to entitlements such as Medicare and Social Security.”
All presidents also inherit spending from previous administrations, noted William Hoagland, senior vice president of the Bipartisan Policy Center.
For instance, the Affordable Care Act implemented under Obama carried over to Trump’s presidency. The act expands the Medicaid program and provides health insurance to low-income consumers.
USA TODAY reached out to the social media users who shared the claim for comment but did not immediately receive a response.
The Associated Press and PolitiFact also debunked the claim.
Our fact-check sources:
David Primo, May 23-30, Email exchange with USA TODAY
William Hoagland, May 23-30, Email exchange with USA TODAY
Steve Ellis, May 24-26 Email exchange with USA TODAY
Treasury Department, accessed May 26, Debt to the Penny
Office of Management and Budget, accessed May 26, Federal debt data
Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, July 25, 2016, Has President Obama Doubled the National Debt?
Tax Policy Center, accessed May 30, Briefing Book
ProPublica, Jan. 14, 2021, Donald Trump Built a National Debt So Big (Even Before the Pandemic) That It’ll Weigh Down the Economy for Years
Associated Press, May 18, FACT FOCUS: Who’s to blame for the national debt? It’s more complicated than one culprit
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accapitalmarket · 9 days
Gold and Japanese Yen rise ahead of FED Interest Rates Decision
The Fed will announce its next monetary policy decision on Wednesday, driving Gold and the Japanese Yen to new long-term high prices.
Markets are split on whether the central bank will cut rates by 25 basis points to a range of 5% to 5.25% or by 50 basis points to a range of 4.75% to 5%.
This week will see the decision of many central banks around the world, if the general consensus is that inflation is falling, the decisions will give an indication on the views of the overall economic outlook.
Gold hit a new high as markets waited for the Federal Reserve to begin easing monetary policy for the first time in more than four years.
Gold touched nearly $2,590 per ounce and now trading around $2580 area.
Central-bank buying and strong haven demand due to conflicts in the Middle East and Ukraine have helped the advance.
The precious metal was also supported by a weaker US dollar, which fell after an apparent assassination attempt against former President Donald Trump. The benchmark 10-year US Treasury bond yield holds above 3.6% making difficult for XAU/USD to find direction.
Technical Overview
Gold is trading bullish and could keep rising higher and higher.
Gold is in the overbought zone, according to the RSI, but in a strong uptrend on all timeframes. If the RSI drops back out of overbought might indicate a possible correction. In the event of a correction, the first support lies at $2,550, $2,544 (0.382 Fibonacci retracement of the September rally), and $2,530 which has been representing a significative resistance in the past.
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Japanese YEN
JPY net long positions are at their highest level since October 2016. The USD/JPY bounced and trading now just below ¥140.70 bottom which changed the short- and medium-term timeframes to bearish after the currency pair traded at a new 1-year low below the round number of ¥140, at ¥139.56. Trend and momentum traders will be interested in being long of the Yen.
Technical Overview
The MACD oscillator is standing beneath its trigger and zero lines, while the RSI is crossing below the 30 level.
Additional downward pressure with the significative break below the ¥140 level might push the bears to the July 2023 low of 137.25 before they collapse to the psychological level of 133.00, which was recorded in April 2023.
On the other hand, the break of the 140.70 area might drive the pair to the short-term descending trend line at 141.70 which may halt the upside rally.
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The information contained in this market commentary is of general nature only and does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. You are strongly recommended to seek independent financial advice before making any investment decisions.
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bizarrequazar · 11 months
GJ and ZZH Updates — October 29-November 04 (part 1)
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This is part of a weekly series collecting updates from and relating to Gong Jun and Zhang Zhehan.
This post is not wholly comprehensive and is intended as an overview, links provided lead to further details. Dates are in accordance with China Standard Time, the organization is chronological. My own biases on some things are reflected here. Anything I include that is not concretely known is indicated as such, and you’re welcome to do your own research and draw your own conclusions as you see fit. Please let me know if you have any questions, comments, concerns, or additions. :)
[Glossary of names and terms] [Masterlist of my posts about the situation with Zhang Zhehan]
I've had to split this week into two parts because I hit the hyperlink limit. This post covers October 29-November 01, November 02-04 can be found [here].
10-29 → Net-A-Porter posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
→ Gong Jun's studio posted a behind the scenes video from Rising with the Wind. [subbed video] Caption: "Keep broadcasting and recording, 📷 hidden cameras record Xu Si @ Gong Jun Simon starts work and prepares!" BGM is a violin cover of A Thousand Miles by Vanessa Carlton.
→ Gong Jun's studio posted a douyin of behind the scenes footage from the Rising with the Wind cast reveal photoshoot taken back in December 2021. Caption: "Listening, sensing, everything is guided by the wind. Watch Xu Si @ Gong Jun Simon firm up his faith and set off in the wind." BGM is Fog Space by Guo Ding.
→ Gong Jun posted two photo ads for L'Oreal, announcing a livestream with them for the following day. This was reposted by L'Oreal.
10-30 → Gong Jun posted a promotional video he did for Deeyeo.
→ The Rising with the Wind Weibo posted a cast poster.
→ Gong Jun's studio posted a promotional still of Xu Si.
→ Gong Jun posted a promotional poster for Rising with the Wind. Caption: "Regarding investment, Xu Si has his own rules. 😎 Tonight at 19:30 #Rising with the Wind# will see Xu Si play in the workplace." This was reposted by his studio with the added caption, "All-powerful masters compete with each other, investor Xu Si @ Gong Jun Simon is here!" It was also reposted by Deeyeo and GXG.
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→ Gong Jun's studio posted a douyin of footage from the photoshoot for the above promotional poster. Caption: "Gear up and fight against the wind! Xu Si @ Gong Jun Simon has entered the game"
→ L'Oreal posted a promotional video spoken by Gong Jun.
→ The Rising with the Wind Weibo posted the show's airing schedule.
→ The Instagram posted a photo of a book.
→ Gong Jun's studio posted the airing schedule for Rising with the Wind. Caption: "Xu Si @ Gong Jun Simon’s office venture capital planning, please check it ✉️ Control the risks and watch the drama with ease. Remember to lock in on iQiyi and Dragon TV on time, and work hard with Xu Si to hold the torch against the wind."
→ Gong Jun posted three promo posters of Xu Si to his Instagram, caption: "Xu Si starts today!!!!!!" He also posted four to his Xiao Hong Shu, caption: "He's coming, he's coming! Xu Si starts work today 😎"
→ Gong Jun's studio posted a fancam-style video of Xu Si. Caption: "Pay attention, this man’s name is Xu Si @ Gong Jun Simon, don’t forget to give him your time tonight!" BGM is Baby by Mike Candys.
→ Gong Jun appeared on a livestream for L'Oreal. [full recording]
→ Gong Jun Outdoor Office posted three gifs of him from that day's L'Oreal livestream. Caption: "Dear princesses and princes, do you understand what I mean?"
→ Gong Jun's studio posted a mock-up ID profile for Xu Si. Caption: "With a gentle appearance and neat deeds, Xu Si @ Gong Jun Simon, the youngest executive director of Baoxing, is indeed extraordinary! Work starts today, and Mr. Xu’s workplace only has favorable conditions."
→ Rising with the Wind premiered! English subs: [iQiyi] [YouTube] (iQiyi is recommended as some of the audio is replaced on YouTube due to copyright.)
→ Gong Jun posted a douyin of himself in Paris, transitioning into clips of Xu Si. Caption: "Xu Si Simon + suit = ?" BGM is slowed remix of Dilemma by Kelly Rowland and Nelly that was used by his studio the previous week.
→ Gong Jun posted a gif and a still from the first episode of Rising with the Wind. Caption: "I would say that I'm the God of Wealth" This was reposted by Gong Jun Outdoor Office with the added caption: "Repost this Xu Si Simon, money will come from all directions 🫡" It was also reposted by 361° and the Rising with the Wind Weibo.
→ Gong Jun's studio posted a behind the scenes video from the first episode of Rising with the Wind.
→ The Rising with the Wind Weibo posted a promotional still of Xu Si.
→ The Rising with the Wind Weibo made a post announcing that the show's premiere had hit a 5000 popularity score.
10-31 → Gong Jun posted a promotional video he did for Fresh.
→ Gong Jun's studio made a post announcing the show's premiere reaching a 6000 popularity score. Caption: "A shopping mall is like a chess board. He who knows the game survives, and he who masters the game wins! 'Rising with the Wind' has a popularity value of over 6,000 on the iQiyi site! Thank you all for your support, let us continue to compete in the shopping mall with Xu Si @ Gong Jun Simon."
→ The Rising with the Wind Weibo posted a promotional still of Xu Si.
→ The Rising with the Wind Weibo made a post about the 6000 popularity score. Later in the day they posted another one for 6500.
→ The Rising with the Wind Weibo posted behind the scenes clips of Xu Si with a dog, adjusting his tie pin, and with Jiang Hu.
→ Gong Jun posted a video of himself in hair and makeup answering questions as Xu Si. Caption: "Si’s literature (referred to as Siwen" (pun with Xu Si's English name) This was reposted by his studio, added caption: "Study Xu Si’s literature seriously 🀄", by the Outdoor Office, caption: "The body is not intact, the body is not intact (today’s freshness!)", and by the Rising with the Wind Weibo.
→ The Rising with the Wind Weibo posted four wide angle stills of Gong Jun and Zhong Chuxi's characters.
→ Dragon TV aired a short segment to promote Rising with the Wind where they talked about Gong Jun rising to fame because of Word of Honor. This included showing a clip from Word of Honor that included Zhang Zhehan.
→ Gong Jun's studio made a post about the 6500 popularity rating. Caption: "The latest business news! 'Rising with the Wind' has a popularity value of over 6,500 on the iQiyi site! Thank you for your support, let us accompany Xu Si @ Gong Jun Simon to listen to the stories of the years and watch the rise of the national trend."
→ The Rising with the Wind Weibo posted a promotional still of Xu Si.
→ Gong Jun's studio posted a video of Gong Jun interacting with dogs as Xu Si vs out of character. Caption: "When it comes to treating dogs… our main focus is "Gong" and "Si" clearly! #Xu Si is afraid of dogs, what’s that go to do with Gong Jun#" Fan Observation: The second dog shown, which appears for the majority of the video despite having nothing to do with RWTW, is wearing a little orange backpack with an orange keychain.
→ Gong Jun's studio posted a video of Xu Si. Caption: "The OOTD has been delivered~ There are deep social routines in the workplace, and dress etiquette is inseparable. Don't worry! This will take you into Xu Si @ Gong Jun Simon’s wardrobe to find out what’s going on!"
→ Gong Jun's studio posted a video of behind the scenes clips from Rising with the Wind. Caption: "Take a short break from the busy workplace, come back to school to recharge your batteries with Xu Si @ Gong Jun Simon" (Oh buddy I'm trying.)
→ Yang Yang posted three photos of himself and Gong Jun from the L'Oreal livestream.
11-01 → Tangle Teezer posted a promotional video spoken by Gong Jun. (1129 kadian)
→ Hogan posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun, advertising their livestream with him that evening. (1129 kadian) This was reposted by Gong Jun's studio with the added caption, "The balance of Chengdu, the original intention of Shanghai, and the vision of Milan are inspired by the city's creativity, and the changes in style and color are given exclusive meaning. Let's walk into the story of @ Gong Jun Simon and the three cities."
→ Hogan posted a commercial featuring Gong Jun talking about Chengdu, Shanghai, and Milan. Fan Observation: He says about two thirds in, "I hope you will always stay true to your original intentions," almost exactly quoting Zhang Zhehan from the concert hug. He also said this again during the livestream that evening. 🥺
→ The Rising with the Wind Weibo posted a character profile of Xu Si.
→ Tissot posted two photo ads featuring Gong Jun.
→ Hogan posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun, advertising the livestream that evening.
→ The Rising with the Wind Weibo posted behind the scenes clips of Gong Jun at a bar, at a gym, and looking at Jiang Hu's phone.
→ Gong Jun posted two selfies. Caption: "Post a few selfies to see your strength, who cares?" This was reposted by the Rising with the Wind Weibo and his studio.
→ Gong Jun's studio posted a "vlog" from Rising with the Wind. Caption: "Professionalism is synonymous with him. Let’s see how Shanghai financial man Xu Si @ Gong Jun Simon runs a business (gets water thrown at him)."
→ Gong Jun's studio posted a video of Xu Si. Caption: "Master the art of language and your career will be smooth. Learn how to speak with Xu Si @ Gong Jun Simon, even if you are splashed, you can still speak through the water!"
→ Gong Jun appeared on a livestream for Hogan.
→ The Rising with the Wind Weibo posted two promotional stills of Xu Si.
[part 2 of this week]
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vcinteriors · 22 days
A Step-by-Step Guide on Creating a Realistic Kitchen Remodeling Budget with Expert Tips from an Interior Designer in Trivandrum
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Kitchen remodeling is a significant undertaking, both in terms of time and money. Whether you’re looking to enhance functionality, update aesthetics, or increase the value of your home, setting a realistic budget is crucial. As any seasoned interior designer in Trivandrum will tell you, a well-planned budget not only prevents overspending but also ensures that your project runs smoothly from start to finish. In this guide, we'll walk you through the essential steps to create a kitchen remodeling budget that aligns with your vision and financial capacity.
 1. Assess Your Kitchen Remodeling Goals
Before diving into numbers, it's important to clearly define what you want to achieve with your kitchen remodel. Are you looking to update outdated appliances, enhance storage, or perhaps create a more open and functional space? By setting clear goals, you can focus your budget on the areas that matter most. Consulting with an interior designer in Trivandrum can help you prioritize your needs and wants, ensuring that your budget is allocated effectively.
 2. Research Costs and Set a Preliminary Budget
Once your goals are established, the next step is to research the costs associated with your desired changes. From cabinetry and countertops to flooring and lighting, each element of your kitchen will have a different price range. Gathering estimates from suppliers and contractors, as well as seeking advice from an interior designer Trivandrum residents trust, will give you a clearer picture of the overall costs. Based on this research, set a preliminary budget that encompasses all your planned expenses.
 3. Allocate Funds to Different Aspects of the Remodel
A well-balanced budget divides funds across different aspects of the kitchen remodel. Typically, you should allocate about 30-35% of your budget to cabinetry, 20-25% to labor, 15-20% to appliances, and 10-15% to countertops. The remaining percentage can be used for flooring, lighting, and other miscellaneous costs. An experienced interior designer in Trivandrum can assist you in allocating your budget wisely, ensuring that no area is underfunded or overlooked.
 4. Plan for Unexpected Expenses
No matter how meticulously you plan, unexpected expenses are almost inevitable in any remodeling project. Structural issues, hidden water damage, or the need for electrical upgrades can all add to your costs. To avoid financial strain, it's advisable to set aside 10-20% of your total budget as a contingency fund. An interior designer Trivandrum homeowners rely on will often recommend this safety net to prevent any last-minute financial surprises.
 5. Seek Professional Guidance to Stay on Budget
While DIY projects can be tempting, enlisting the help of a professional can save you money in the long run. An interior designer in Trivandrum can provide valuable insights, help you source materials at the best prices, and keep the project on track. They can also prevent costly mistakes, ensuring that your kitchen remodel stays within budget while meeting your aesthetic and functional goals. Collaboration with an expert can make the entire process smoother and more cost-effective.
Creating a realistic kitchen remodeling budget requires careful planning, research, and the right professional support. By assessing your goals, researching costs, allocating funds wisely, and planning for the unexpected, you can ensure that your kitchen remodel is both financially feasible and satisfying. Working with an interior designer in Trivandrum can further enhance the success of your project, providing you with the expertise needed to bring your vision to life without exceeding your budget. With the right approach, your dream kitchen is well within reach.
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wyrmfedgrave · 25 days
Jamie Dimon wants to hit millionaires with 'Buffett Rule' to tackle national debt | Fortune
The main point of this article is that policies should "help fix" national problems.
Things like:
1. Allow for investments.
2. Share the wealth.
3. Maintain our military.
4. Control our borders.
5. Strengthen 'safety nets.'
6. Teach civic pride.
7. Teach American history - without hiding our mistakes!
But, how to pay for it all?
Raise taxes - on the rich.
They've been paying next to nothing due to Republikkkan tax cuts.
Taxing the rich will help bring the national debt down & maximize local economic growth.
Warren Buffet, a billionaire investor, saw that his tax rate was lower than his own secretary!!
His rule simply says that, folk making more than $1 million dollars a year, should pay a larger tax rate than a middle class worker.
Trillions of dollars are needed to fund the U.S. every year.
Yet, some 94,500 millionaires now pay less than $10.p4 million dollars a year!!
The Buffet Rule calls for a 30% rate for the rich.
They would also get less tax subsidies for investment income rates & find more limited tax loopholes.
But, don't worry about them.
Not only can they afford it, they should pay their fair share.
After all, we normal citizens do it all of the time - with less money than they make!
Now, 3 think tanks analysed the Buffet Rule's potential, back when Warren 1st proposed it - during the Obama administration.
It's impact was thought to be:
1. A tax increase of around $260 billion dollars - in a decade.
2. Another $73 billion if it had been in place 3 years earlier.
But, two things kept it from being passed:
A. As written, the Rule is an exception - not a regular tax rate.
B. It's impact, on the deficit, would have been 'miniscule' & not really very significant.
But, then came the Rump - &, his tax overhaul.
VP Harris supports Biden's own top rate.
That's 44.6% on all long term capital gains & dividends...
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589: The Cash Flow Survival Guide For Your Construction Business
This Podcast Is Episode 589, And It's About  The Cash Flow Survival Guide For Your Construction Business
Avoiding cash flow crises is crucial for the success and sustainability of your construction business. Managing cash flow is vital for small business owners. Poor cash flow management can create significant challenges even if your business is profitable.
Cash is a fact; Profit is an opinion
A cash crisis can be emotionally devastating and even kill your business. If you've ever had to beg, borrow, and steal to cover tomorrow's payroll, you know what I mean.
Understanding cash flow
Cash flow refers to the money moving in and out of your business. Cash inflows come from sales, interest earned, and investments. Cash outflows cover rent, payroll, bills, and supplier payments. Positive cash flow means your inflows exceed outflows, while negative cash flow indicates more money going out than coming in.
Why cash flow matters
You might ask, "Why is cash flow so important if my business is profitable?" The answer is simple: you need sufficient cash to pay your bills, invest in growth, or keep the lights on. Understanding and managing your cash flow is essential to maintaining the health and stability of your business.
This guide will share practical tips to help you avoid a cash flow crisis and ensure your business remains financially healthy.
1. Manage your expenses
Review your expenses regularly and look for ways to cut costs. Can you negotiate better terms with suppliers? Are there subscriptions or services you no longer need? You can identify savings opportunities and reduce outflows by closely monitoring your expenses.
2. Encourage repeat business
Retaining existing customers is often cheaper and more effective than acquiring new ones. Offer loyalty programs, discounts, or incentives to encourage repeat business or word-of-mouth referrals. Happy customers are more likely to return and recommend your company to others.
3. Invoice quickly and set shorter payment terms
The sooner you invoice, the sooner you'll get paid. Implement a system to send invoices immediately after delivering goods or services. Consider setting shorter payment terms (e.g., Net ten instead of the 20th month following, or Net 30 instead of Net 60) to improve cash flow.
4. Don't accept late payments
Late payments can severely impact your cash flow. Consider offering discounts for early payments or imposing penalties for late payments. Clear communication about payment terms and consistent follow-ups can help ensure timely payments.
5. Manage your inventory
Too much inventory ties up cash unnecessarily. Implement just-in-time inventory practices to order items only when needed. Review your inventory levels and turnover rates to ensure you're not overstocking slow-moving items.
6. Cash flow forecasting
A cash flow forecast is a projection of your cash inflows and outflows over a specific period, usually 12 months. It helps you anticipate potential shortfalls and take corrective actions in advance. Regularly update your forecast to reflect changes in your business environment.
7. Build cash reserves
Having a cash reserve can help you weather unexpected expenses or downturns. Aim to save enough to cover at least three months of operating expenses. This financial cushion can provide peace of mind and stability during uncertain times.
8. Improve operational efficiencies
Look for ways to streamline your operations and reduce waste. Can you automate specific tasks? Are there more efficient methods or technologies you can adopt? Improved efficiencies can lead to cost savings and better cash flow management.
9. Explore multiple revenue streams
Diversifying your revenue streams can help level out your cash flow. If one source of income dries up, having others can keep your business afloat. Consider adding complementary products or services or exploring new markets.
10. Negotiate with suppliers
Can your suppliers offer better payment terms or discounts for bulk purchases? Building solid relationships with your suppliers can lead to better terms that improve your cash flow. Feel free to negotiate and ask for what you need.
How can we help?
1. Accurate Financial Forecasting: We can create detailed financial projections and forecasts to anticipate future cash flow needs and identify potential gaps. This will allow you to address any impending cash flow issues proactively before they arise.
2. Efficient Invoicing and Payment Collection: We can implement a systematic invoicing process to promptly bill your clients for completed work. We can also assist you with offering incentives for early payments and diligently following up on overdue invoices to maintain a steady cash flow.
3. Vendor Management: We can help you negotiate favorable payment terms with your suppliers and subcontractors to align outgoing payments with incoming receivables. By managing your payables effectively, you can optimize your cash flow and minimize strain on your finances.
4. Strict Budgeting and Cost Control: We can monitor your expenses closely and maintain a disciplined budgeting approach. We can identify areas where costs can be reduced without compromising quality or safety standards to improve your cash position.
5. Line of Credit or Emergency Fund: We can establish or maintain an emergency fund to cushion during lean periods or unexpected expenses. Access to additional funds can help bridge temporary cash flow gaps and prevent disruptions to your operations. Please note: We do not touch your money. We can only assist you in managing your finances.
6. Streamline Operations: We can identify inefficiencies in your business processes and streamline operations to optimize productivity and reduce operational costs. This can free up working capital and improve your overall cash flow position.
By proactively managing your cash flow and implementing these strategies, you can protect your construction business from potential financial crises and maintain a healthy financial position for long-term success.
Final thoughts
Effective cash flow management is critical for the success of your small business. These practical tips can avoid a cash flow crisis and ensure your construction business remains financially healthy. Remember, proactive planning can go a long way in securing your business's future.
If you need advice or further assistance, please get in touch with our team. 
We offer free resources to help you save time and money that you can download and print now. 
About The Author:
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Sharie DeHart, QPA, co-founded Business Consulting And Accounting in Lynnwood, Washington. She is the leading expert in managing outsourced construction bookkeeping and accounting services companies and cash management accounting for small construction companies across the USA. She encourages Contractors and Construction Company Owners to stay current on their tax obligations. She offers insights on managing the remaining cash flow to operate and grow their construction company sales and profits so they can put more money in the bank. Call 1-800-361-1770 or [email protected]
Check out this episode about Contractors Marketing - Accounting - Production (M.A.P.)!
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