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art by Aleto
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skinartbylucky · 2 years
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A couple I forgot to post. #tattoo #terot #terotcards #tattoo #ink #asseenincolumbus #ohiotattooers #sage #witchy #614artists #614 (at Riot Ink Ohio) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnQUScRL1_o/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mulling-over-milgram · 11 months
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quick mikoto before bed
hoping for double thumbnail when I wake up!
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time4hemp · 2 years
Please share this.
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suomiplorpoturnaus · 2 months
Heippa hei sun heiluvilles, terot kaikille Teroille!
Blorbojen lähettämisen kalmanraja (9.8.) lähestyy. Olisi pitänyt arvata, että kun Suomen tumputtajille antaa vapaat kädet heivata minulle suosikkimurupulliaan, aika paljon niitä kerääntyy. Blorboja on tullut tähän mennessä jo parisataa, ja siksi täten ilmoitettakoon, että turnauksen ensimmäinen kierros käydään vuosituhansien pituiseksi venähtävän turnauksen pelossa nelinotteluina. Ensimmäisellä kierroksella siis neljä blorboa käyvät toisiaan vastaan yhden viikon kestävässä kamppailussa. Mikäli blorboja tulee vielä paljon, otteluita saatetaan porrastaa, mutta ilmoitan niistä lisää myöhemmin.
Dramatiikan vuoksi pyrin välttämään ensimmäisellä kierroksella selkeiden ennakkosuosikkien (useampia ehdottajia, paljon propagandaa) laittamista samoihin soluihin. Toivon nelinotteluiden kuitenkin johtavan siihen, että äänten hajaannus auttaa myös altavastaajia menestymään – ja ehkä yllättämään.
Myös ensimmäisellä kierroksella käytetty propaganda on hyvä lähettää ennen 9.8., vaikka oman suosikin puolesta saa tietysti kampanjoida myös äänestysten aikana. Ask-muodossa lähetetyn propagandan julkaisen vailla omia mussutuksiani. En pääsääntöisesti rebloggaa propagandaa. Kuitenkin säästän kierroksen aikana postauksiin lisätyn propagandan ja mikäli blorbo selviää seuraavalle kierrokselle, propaganda on mukana seuraavan kierroksen äänestyspostauksessa.
Lepo, jatkakaa!
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waterlogged-detective · 3 months
I dont know anything about terot so what if i just assign my guys a pokemon card instead
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ri47 · 1 year
A Lullaby for the Peregrine
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Located somewhere within the inner ring debris field, just beyond the farthest edge of the KHU's territorial claims, there exists a curiosity among curiosities.
At a glance, the shining object is indistinct from any other debris, but in the KHU's records, this seemingly inert hunk of metal is known as the Peregrine.
Two hundred metres across, somewhat reflective to the eye (but not oddly so), displaying no movements inconsistent with all other matter in the ring. It was, for all intents and purposes, just a notably large chunk of space debris.
The KHU had long ignored the object under the assumption that its trace levels of neural static were nothing more than remnants from the debris field's creation. However, information retrieved from retrieved Divine Solis Imperium records immediately shed doubt on all prior assumptions as to the Peregrine's nature.
To the Divine Solis, the Peregrine was known by another name: Terot, Knight Apostolic and Heritor of Silence. Like with all other Saints, no other records on it still existed, if any had ever existed at all.
As of 98EC, the Peregrine had yet to display any verifiable form of hostility, let alone sentience. Even still, the KHU considered it a monitored entity of the highest priority. A pygmalion of its size would be highly unusual, but not beyond possibility.
The Peregrine's proximity is noted by smugglers for being the subject of many a ghost story, often involving whispering and quiet singing being heard through the walls of otherwise empty ships. Civilians were not made aware of the Peregrine's nature, and so these reports are presumed to be legitimate.
The Seneschal board, while interested in this possible behaviour, have no reason to suspect it as anything more than the paranoid human mind's reaction to stray neural static.
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quesoburgerisout · 5 months
So, you're starting terot?
if you're a beginner be sure you bond with and cleanse your deck
to bond with your deck you can simply shuffle your cards a lot. it will help you get used to the feel and weight of your deck as well as make it easier to feel a connection!
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booklindworm · 1 year
Star Wars: Republic Commando Soundtrack (2005)
My best try at transcribing the songs into IPA. If you find mistakes, please tell me.
Vode An (Brothers All)
Kote! -> /kote/
Kandosii sa kaʻrta, Vode an. -> /kantosiː sa kaʔrota | vote an/ Coruscanta aʻden mhi, Vode an. -> /korusanta aʔden mi | vote an/ Bal kote, darasuum kote, -> /bal kote | darasuːm kote/ Jorsoʻran kando a tome. -> /ʝorsoʔran kanto a tome/
Graʻtua cuun hett su dralshyʻa. -> /graʔtua kun het su dralʃiʝa/ Aruetyc talyc runiʻla trattokʻo. -> /aru.etak talak runiʔla trattokʔo/ Sa kyrʻam nau tracyn kad, Vode an. -> /sa kyrʔam naʊ̯ tra.ʃyn kad | ˈvote an/
Kandosii sa kaʻrta, Vode an. -> /kantosiː sa kaʔrota | vote an/ Coruscanta aʻden mhi, Vode an. -> /korusanta aʔden mi | vote an/ Bal kote, darasuum kote, -> /bal kote | darasuːm kote/ Jorsoʻran kando a tome. -> /ʝorsoʔran kanto a tome/
Motir caʻtra nau tracinya. -> /motir kaʔtra naʊ̯ tra.sinʝa/ Graʻtua cuun hett su dralshyʻa. -> /graʔtua kun het su dralʃiʝa/ Aruetyc talyc runiʻla solus cet oʻr -> /aru.etak talak runiʔla solus set oʔor/
Motir caʻtra nau tracinya. -> /motir kaʔtra naʊ̯ tra.sinʝa/ Graʻtua cuun hett su dralshyʻa. -> /graʔtua kun het su dralʃiʝa/ Aruetyc talyc runiʻla trattokʻo. -> /aru.etak talak runiʔla trattokʔo/ Sa kyrʻam nau tracyn kad, Vode an. -> /sa kyrʔam naʊ̯ tra.ʃyn kad | ˈvote an/
[Prologue] [The Egg Room]
Graʻtua Cuun (Our Vengeance)
Motir caʻtra nau tracinya. -> /motir kaʔtra naʊ̯ tra.sinʝa/ Graʻtua cuun hett su dralshyʻa. -> /graʔtua kun het su dralʃiʝa/ Taung! -> /tɔːŋ/
Motir caʻtra nau tracinya. -> /motir kaʔtra naʊ̯ tra.sinʝa/ Graʻtua cuun hett su dralshyʻa. -> /graʔtua kun het su dralʃiʝa/ Aruetyc runiʻla solus cet oʻr prudii an -> /aru.etak runiʔla solus set oʔor prudiː an/
Motir caʻtra nau tracinya. -> /motir kaʔtra naʊ̯ tra.sinʝa/ Graʻtua cuun hett su dralshyʻa. -> /graʔtua kun het su dralʃiʝa/ Aruetyc talyc runiʻla solus cet oʻr -> /aru.etak talak runiʔla solus set oʔor/
Motir caʻtra nau tracinya. -> /motir kaʔtra naʊ̯ tra.sinʝa/ Graʻtua cuun hett su dralshyʻa. -> /graʔtua kun het su dralʃiʝa/ Aruetyc runiʻla trattokʻo. -> /aru.etak runiʔla trattokʔo/ Sa kyrʻam nau tracyn kad, Vode an. -> /sa kyrʔam naʊ̯ tra.ʃyn kad | ˈvote an/
Motir caʻtra nau tracinya. -> /motir kaʔtra naʊ̯ tra.sinʝa/ Graʻtua cuun hett su dralshyʻa. -> /graʔtua kun het su dralʃiʝa/ Taung! -> /tɔːŋ/
Bal kote, darasuum kote, -> /bal kote | darasuːm kote/ Jorsoʻran kando a tome. -> /ʝorsoʔran kanto a tome/ Sa kyrʻam nau tracyn kad, Vode an. -> /sa kyrʔam naʊ̯ tra.ʃyn kad | ˈvote an/
[Improvised Entry] [They Must Be Asleep] [The Ghost Ship]
Darasuum Kote (Glory forever)
Kote, darasuum kote. -> /kote | darasuːm kote/ Te racin kaʻra juaan kote. -> /te ra.sin kæʔra | ʝu.aːn kote/
Kaʻrta Tor (One Heart of Justice)
Kandosii sa kyrʻam ast, -> /kantosiː sa kyrʔam ast/ Troan teroch jetiise aʻden, -> /tro.an terot | ˈdʒɛtiːsi aʔden/ Duraan vi at araʻnov. -> /duraːn vi at araʔnov/ Vode an, kaʻrta tor. -> /ˈvote an | kaʔrota tor/ Kote. -> /kote/
[Com Interference] [The Jungle Floor] [RV Alpha] [Through The Canopy]
Dha Werda Verda (Rage Of The Shadow Warriors)
taung sa rang broka -> /taʊŋ sa raŋ broka/ jetiise ka'rta -> /dʒe|tiː|sika|rota/ dha werda verda'b a'den tratu -> /ta|ver|ta|ver|tab|aten|tratu/ Coruscanta kandosii adu. -> /ko|ru|santa|kan|to|siː|atu/ Duum motir ca'tra nau tracinya a -> /dumo|tir|ka|tra|naʊ|traʃinʝa/ gra'tua cuun hett su dralshy'a -> /gra|tu'a|kun|het|su|dralʃiʝa/
ka'rta tor -> /ka'ro'ta'toːr/ kom'rk tsad droten -> /komuː|urok|tsatuː|udroten/ troch nyn ures adenn -> /to|rok|nin|uriːsu|uː|aten/ dha werda verda'b a'den tratu -> /ta|ver|ta|ver|tab|aten|tratu/ Coruscanta kandosii adu. -> /ko|ru|santa|kan|to|siː|atu/ Duum motir ca'tra nau tracinya a -> /dumo|tir|ka|tra|naʊ|traʃinʝa/ gra'tua cuun hett su dralshy'a -> /gra|tu'a|kun|het|su|dralʃiʝa/
I used this youtube video as source.
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uyuforu · 10 months
Please a reading on jungook perents reaction on her I heard so many terot readers said that his mother have some problem with her🙃🤨
Yes but stop spamming pls? I have a personal life and a work too!!
- uyu
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alicianicoly · 1 year
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Zecrus Terot card
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mintcrows · 2 years
me llegaron los aritos de terito y terote custom que le compré a @/arte.ambiental en instagram!!
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si sos de argentina y te gustan los pajaritos o plantas te la recomiendo demasiado!!
 hace envíos a todo el país y si le preguntás puede hacerte el pajarito/planta que quieras
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la compra te viene con una presentación super cute con info y 3 semillitas nacionales con instrucciones para hacerlas crecer <33
(si sos hispane por ahí pueden arreglar algo, pero ella especifica correo argentino mas que nada, pero pueden ver)
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Po3 but he’s obsessed as his time as the stoat. Your greatest tool in his escape is the ouroboros, the card he brings back. The cards everyone sees, the wolf, the raven, the frog, the porcupine are all there. The bone lord the creature that you would sacrifice the stoat to is locked. And the mycologist. You could look away but he couldn’t. If you loose that file it doesn’t delete, he doesn’t have it in him to hurt you, his savior. Isnt it ironic. Him the worst card the one you wouldve gotten rid of the fastest. The one most sacrificed the one most removed
And now here and all he wants to do is play. He made the most non leshy thing imaginable. An actual story mode but with so much less story, almost none of the mystery or cruel punishments. the backup mechanic having no say in the game. And he built in the lonely wizard and goobert character the players love. The tower isn’t accidental the printer isn’t accidental. He wanted to lose. He already made the game. You are playing luke carder. The arg the events. He wanted to be the satisfying end. These games can already access files. He only asked so grimora would know. Thats why the terot card is in act one. Thats why we know its sado. Thats why we don’t get to see lukes full desent. Hes hiding it from us
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time4hemp · 2 years
Please share this.
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autistictum2 · 1 year
Celebrities as Moon Tarot using GenZ Art app. They are Terot Heroes and job titles.
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wyldtrees · 2 years
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Stephen King's Dark Tower Drawing of the Three. The first door, and terot card, The Prisoner. #stephenkingart #penandinkillustration #natureillustration #eeriescapes #landscapedrawing #stephenkingfanart #horrorillustration #inkdrawing #darkart #horrorartist #gothicart #penandinkartwork #horrorart #sketchingnature #gothicillustration #horrorink #stephenkingillustration #gothiclandscape #inkstagram #macabreart #clintongbowers #stephenking #wyldtrees (at San Tan Valley, Arizona) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp1XlnkMO4-/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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