#terrance simpson
Round Two Part Four - Match 32
Manuela gives her first statement today in Dark Matter, which is up against Civilian Casualties, which is coming in with 130 votes!
MAG 135 - Dark Matter | Spotify - Acast - YT | Wiki | Transcript
Statement of Manuela Dominguez regarding her unconventional religious beliefs and their intersection with her project aboard the space station Daedalus.
MAG 125 - Civilian Casualties | Spotify - Acast - YT | Wiki | Transcript
Statement of Sergeant Terrance Simpson, regarding an outbreak of violence in the crofting community of Lanncraig, Ross-shire.
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thesillygoosecompany · 3 months
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my brother is doing a sweet stall so I made him a poster. Spot your favourite character :P
7 notes · View notes
popculturebuffet · 1 year
September Striketacular! (Last Exit To Springfield, Canada on Strike, Lucky Strike and Blue Collar Scrooge Reviews( Comission for WeirdKev27)
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Hello all you happy union supporters and welcome to a very special event for this labor day weekend in honor of those brave souls in the WGA and SAG who are striking right now to create a better future for media: The SEPTEMBER STRIKETACULAR!
For those of you somehow out of the loop, Back in May the WGA went on strike for the understandable asks of better wages, better residuals for their work in the streaming era, and limits on AI to prevent Studios from using them as half assed replacements. Naturally this being Hollywood, the CEOS all bellowed no from their stygian towers and it was strike o clock.
Things esclated in July when SAG-AFTRA, already fully supporting the strike since it started and having similar needs, went on strike. Since then it's been mostly a stalemate. AMPTP has gone to the bargining tables a few times, but mostly with offers that don't even attempt compromise and attempted to shame them into accepting said offers. They've also flat out said they want to drag it out till "People start loosing their apartments and houses"
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Thankfully unlike the previous writers strike, this one.. is working. While AMPTP is digging their heels in like the spoiled chlidren they are, support seems to be pretty much unanimously in favor of the striking workers. Not only that SAG has gone out of it's way to encourage it's wealthier members to donate to the strike fund to allow the members living on a more paycheck to paycheck basis to not "loose their houses and apartments" with The Rock giving a 7 figure statment. The AMPTP tried a counter narrative of it being wealthy elites.. and it seems to have utterly failed. All the blame on any delays in production and any possible content droughts.. is on the AMPTP.
So with AMPTP not seeming to give up the ghost any time soon, Kev had the brillliant idea to look at a bunch of episodes centering around strikes, letting me do most of the choosing while he made with the money. So I choose ones that fit the themes of this strike. So join me as I go thorugh some classic episodes of Simpsons, Ducktales, and Daria and a classic-ish episode of South Park to disect this strike, why i'ts important while also spotlighting some good episodes. And honestly while october is mostly full and november is getting that way, if this goes on i'll defintley be doing this again. Probably not as well made but frankly if AMPTP drags this shit out past halloween as they plan, they deserve the mockery. Four fresh and full reviews under the cut!
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Last Exit to Springfield (The Simpsons) Last Exit To Springfield is an episode that for the longest time.. I never wanted to rewatch. See as a kid my little brain focused mostly on the braces part of it, and thus Lisa being forced into clunky awful braces, tormented by her doctor and told by a camera man "there is no god" and was likely a depressing slog. I foollishly assumed for YEARS chlid me was right and avoided it when possible.
So what changed? Simple, another critic. A few months ago I got introduced to simpsons youtuber TheRealJims via one of fellow youtuber ToonrificTariqs videos. Once I checked him out I was hooked on the guys positve nature, great takes and deep dives into simpsons, from showing the history of characters, to digging into weird questions like "who REALLY shot mr burns" and "what's up with Kearny's age?", to just reviewing episodes.
I mostly either agreed with his takes or could at least respect them... until we got to season 4 with one that puzzled me due to my childhood biases: he ranked Last Exit #1, citing it's rapid fire humor..a nd also revealing da lot of simpsons bits I truly loved, including one of my all time faviorites:
Just this two minute scene alone from HOmer's confused tone, to him repeating it despite it being pretty clear from context what a hired goon is, the guy straightining his tie and of course burn's justification of "I prefer the hands on touch you only get with hired goons". So with this new info I decided to at least give it one more try. And as you can probably guess by the fact it's in this collection, I did a full 180, crazy, thinkin bout the way I was.. and more importantly the years I wasted not watching this episode multiple times a year. Last Exit went from one of my most hated episodes to one of my personal faviorites.
Does this mean the dentist stuff played better to a 30 year old me versus baby boy me?
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I got a few laughs this time: I love how all the dentists tools are horribly named and how casual he was about it, the laughting gas thing is fun and the book of british smiles is stupid enough to wrap around to being funny. I also absolutely loved the refrence to the burton batman film. So great.
But the stuff with LIsa herself.. still didn't work for the most part. Or marge, as the guy shouting LIAR to the nicest character in the show because she.. lied about her baby using a pacifier, isn't QUITE funny enough to make the bit work. Likewise his projection of lisa's teeth if she dosen't wear braces is needlessly mean. One of the co writers REALLY hated his orthdontist and it finally made all of this make sense. It's just not very good.
I will share some fun trivia I got from this episodes oral history though: they approached two diffrent guest stars for it: the first was Clint eastwood whose exact response was "Hell No". I half assume they brought up Paint Your Wagon years later out of spite. Or because they love gay polyamorus cowboy icons, Whose to say?
The other is more intresting and was more game, Psycho's Anthony Perkins. He was totally on board, but his failing health sadly meant he died before they could get it all worked out.
The thing is though while Lisa needing braces sets off the plot and gives homer a reason to get involved at all, it's not a huge part of the episode. We get a photographer responding to her smile with "There is no god" later, which I gotta admit has grown on me for the deliver and lisa joining in the protest sans braces, but it's mostly there for setup and to give the episode some emotoinal weight: We care about the strike because we care about lisa. It's why the episode needs it's weakest part: because nothing else would work as well without geninely weight behind homer's fight.
The real meat is the core conflict: the head of the union has mysteriously been buried in a football field somewhere, so Burns, being what your standard greedy ceo acts like when no one's looking, wants to gut their benifits starting with the dental plan.... just as homer needs it. So Homer, after taking a bit to put "Dental plan!" "Lisa needs braces' "dental plan" "Lisa needs braces' "Dental Plan" "Lisan needs braces" together into the right conclusion, ends up becoming head of the union despite it paying nothing.. unless your crooked (Woo-hoo!)
Really from the moment Burns enters musing on a childhood where his grandfather could have a boy taken away for stealing "atoms", and with said boy having warned him about uninons ("If only we'd listend to that boy instead of walling him up in the abandoned coke oven") , this episode pivots from depressing story of lisa getting braces, to one of the series finest farces. It's really a looney tune if bugs bunny was too stupid to notice anything happening to him.
As a result the episode is DENSELY packed with jokes. We have classics such as "Now do classical gas!" , "first thing tomorrow I'm gonna punch lenny in the back of the head!", "The blurst of times?!", "Where's my Burrito?!" (A personal faviorite), "it was the style at the time", along with less noted gems like Homer's weird Godfather fantasy sequence ("Mmmm organized crime"), Marge's hair getting chopped off by burns hellicotper, burns really needing to stop ending with the basement, homer being so clueless he assumes Burns trying to butter him up is Burns hitting on him, and what' sbecome my faviorite joke of the episode...
Every second of this is gold and it's hard to decide if homer screaming and then cheering or burns getting an "opneing tirade" nad his casual response of "yes thank you kent.
And this bit also underlines how well the episode gets labor disputes. It has some rough edges, the frequent mob allusions, the idea that most uninons are crooked, a lot of that is horribly out dated. But the core of it works: Burns isn't cutting benefits for any practical reason, he's cutting them to save them an extra penny; this whole strike, the money lost, burns various backfiring attempts to stop it, is simply because, like the current strike, someone wants to greedily horde money and the workers simply want want's fair. Burns tries most common strike tactics: breaking it up, sending goons to break it up, trying to make threats to the public at large. And while this being the social media age the former two aren't really in the AMPTP's book , Paramount at least trimmed a tree to take away shade from the strikers, while the "starve them out" tactic is just as petty. It also gives us even MORE great gags from Burns hose mishap, to him and smithers having a dandy time togehter as they run the plant, to the afformentiond abe simpson rant of legend. Burns is potrayed as cartoonishly evil.. but it speaks to the episodes strength that none of it is out of the bounds of reality for a change. Even trying to replace them with "loyal robot workers" is exactly the kind of threat the AMPTP is striking against. So yeah Last Exit is both a fantastic episode in it's own right.. and a great episode on unions that's held up well. Now for one that hasn't exactly held up so good.
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Canada on Strike (South Park)
Canada On Strike is an intresting one as it's the only one of today's episodes directly about a previous strike.. and said strike is one that's vitally important to the ongoing one. COS was Matt and Trey's commentary the 07-08 writer's guild strike, the predecessor to the current one. And while South Park has had episodes that's incise takes were AHEAD of their time (the brittnay spears episode), or who despite the direct subject still have plenty of relevance (The bar), Canada on Strike falls into the category of "Has aged aabout as well as hot cheese on a glacier being set adrift because it's not your friend guy". It's not "Reinforcing harmful myths about trans women using a randy savage parody" bad mind but it's a reminder that while Matt and Trey sometimes hit an issue right on the head and do it perfectly like any person they can really, really fuck up. Also not remotely fun fact: i wasn't kidding that really is the episode.
In this case Matt and Trey , while sympathetic to the writers involved.. were not at all on board with the 07-08 writers strike, and outright said their concerns were overblown, particularly wanting residuals for internet content... after having just made a large deal for future streaming residuals for THEMSELVES long before streaming was viable, which still pays off to this day.
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Creators were aware the internet wasn't FULLY monitizeable yet, but with itunes and amazon starting the digtial episode market, they could see it was the future. And given we now live in a world with about 80 streaming platforms and where family collectively subscribes to NINE as of this article, not to mention countless free ones and on demand services like Vudu, they were right on the target. As said in a speech by writer Harold Gould.
Soon, when computers and your TV are connected, that's how we're all going to watch. Okay? Those residuals are going to go from what they are towards zero if we don't make a stand now. ...
And you know what THEY DID. I know part of this is hindsight, but the fact remains they knew exactly what they were fighting for... and had to fight for it again. And even then they were also fighting for DVD residuals which were a bigger industry then and still exist enough to have been worth fighting for now. Matt and Trey were talking.. straight out of their ass thinking this was a fight over nothing.
Instead they portray the rest of the strikers (here as candains) as people caught along on the tides who just want to get back to work instead of people fighting so they can get paid fairly for work, and the leadership as a cluless asshat , steve abootman who has no idea who he's fighting for. The ONLY thing they get right is that the amptp, as one scene has the World's Natoins wondering if they can make otowa into an amusement park once everyone's dead from exaustion and hunger. Matt and Trey aren't REMOTELY sympathetic to them.. but their not to the strike itself either, just the people involved.
The other part of the plot.. is just horribly dated. The boys do a viral video based on a real viral video, aforementioned what what in my asshole, to get money only to get nothing. A bunch of dated at the time and even more dated now memes figh tto the death, our heroes get nothing, and matt and trey don't understand that montization from films and shows that were being SOLD online is diffrent from monetization of free content, which didn't exist yet and weirdly lump them together. The more I think about this episode the worse it gets and that's NEVER a good sign. I can only hope that like they've done in the past with Manbearpig, they make an episode that's an apology for this one.. and that transphobia shit. Seriously
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This episode is an important cautionary tale though: because I watched it as a teen and didn't know that creators could be *gasp* wrong about things, I assumed they were right and the wga strike failed on it's own merits. It's a dangerous thing to put an idea out there when you know young people are watching and might belivie it. Just saying. IT's worth it if you can do it right.. but you have to or you'll just end up hurting people in the future.
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Lucky Strike (Daria) And now we've gone from an episode I used to hate and absolutely love, to an episode I used to like but now hate.. to an episode I loved before and was reminded why I loved it so much.
Fun Fact: This was one of the first episodes of daria I ever saw See I got into the show via finding the first movie and the thing I keep missing the chance ot cover most, Daria: Is it Fall Yet?, which had two bonus episodes that helpfully set up the film and it's sequel Daria: Is it College Yet? that one ALSO had two bonuses, if a bit looser linked. Lucky Strike was one of them.
Why is this important? WHy didn't I just watch the seris in full? Well ti's simple: I couldn't. I didn't know you could find stuff like this online, and the dvds hadn't come out yet. I know because I got the complete series with some of my high school graduation money. I still own it. SO all I had were recaps online and these 4 episodes and 2 films.
And honestly while Lucky Strikes work even better with 4 seasons wroth of build up to it's conclusion.. it was a great early episode to watch on it's own and is one of Daria's best. Hands down. Rewatching it reminded me of so many great jokes.
Loudspeaker: Attention Lawndale Students! Jane: Is that the voice that tells me to kill and kill again? Daria: No. Satan's voice is lower and has a british accent.
The episode itself follows a teachers strike and shows it off really well. IT's probably the best teacher's strike i've seen in a cartoon and most strike episodes are teacher's strikes. It's a high bar. It points out how those in charge can deny a fair proposal.. simply because they don't want to. Ms. Li, the school's principal and money hungry tyrant, tries to bribe the teachers with a new coffee machine instead of a fair 5% raise. What helps the episode is like Mr Burns.. Mrs. Li is portrayred realistically for a company head despite being over the top petty for comedy purposes. If you haven't seen Daria, Mrs. Li is a horribly greedy person whose worried more about avoiding a lawsuit or getting the school, and herself, money than actually FUNDING said school or helping the students. Highlights of her dickery include: Punishing Daria for NOT selling Choclate to a woman who had severe health issues, forcing Mr. DiMartino, lawndales super stressed teacher and as we learn here union rep, to go on a casnio night the school was having despite having a gambling problem and him TELLING her this, selling the school out to a soft drink company, and finally at the top of season 2 censoring Daria and Jane's piece on anorexia then trying to punish them both for breaking in and vandalizing it. I saved that one for last as while ti's one of the earliest.. it also has one of Ms. Li's bigger compuances and one of the series finest moments.
So the episode both does a good job from context (the coffee machine dosen't even seem that fancY), and from history telling us "yeah she has the money she just won't pay it" just like the AMPTP, and just like them tries to villanize the striking teachers for darring to.. want actual money for having to deal with the kind of students who go to lawndale. It's a fair request. Ms. Li just won't pony up. It also heavily focuses on something the other episodes don't: scabs. South Park has a one off gag about scandivanivans I honestly forgot and simpsons just has smithers and burns do it in an entirely wholesome and hilarous montage. Here we see the scabs effect on the school.. and it isn't really good for the most part. Daria's class gets an elderly woman who calls her Darlene instead because Daria "Sounds like a hippie name" and seems to think she's teaching kindergarten, and is so out of it she FORGETS Darlene isn't daria's actual name when Daria leaves when called on the loud speaker ("I'm going to get daria"). I do love how she calls kevin QB thanks to his catchphrase though. Admitely I was worried this character would grate.. but forgot she's really only in about 2-3 minutes of episode total so she's there JUST long enough to work.
The other teacher... is just plain creepy and pathetic. We have Ken for Quinn's class. Ken is a pedophile. Him trying to groom tiffany is played as a joke. That said.. I do like that it , intetnionally or not, serves as a deconstruction for this kind of character in teen shows like this: in many , as iv'e found out via various retrospectives and watching them with my own eyes in some cases, have the pedophile teacher as a cool guy talking about game stop who woos one of the characters and is treated sympathetically.
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Here Ken TRIES to be that.. but the fashion club don't take to it: Sandy is annoyed, Quinn dosen't get what's happening and Tiffany, who he's directly trying to groom.. is Tiffany, so dense no light can get through to her and thankfully no pedophiles. The scene itself is INTENDED to be funny but is just uncomfortable. While ti's mildly played for laughs that just don't work anymore, I can still respect that they throughly treat ken as a creep, treating his pedophila as
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The next scene however is comedy gold. The Morgendorfers have dinner and Daria's Mom helen is doing what she tends to do when Quinn talks about her day unless i'ts plot relevant: Just kinda goes mhmmm. What makes the scene work though is as Daria hears the story she gets up... so that by the time we get to "Ken" stroking Tiffany's hair and Helen FINALLY getting the memo that "OH SHIT MY DAUGHTER'S BEING TAUGHT BY A PEDOPHILE AND HER FRIEND COULD BE GROOMED AND ASSAULTED" she ask sfor the phone.. and daria has it at the ready. It's just such a nice visual gag I tried to do it justice but can't. It also just works because Helen.. takes it super seriously and it shows how all too easily a parent can miss the signs of grooming. It also shows how this shit should be handled: the fucker needs to be sacked and Ms. Li does.. then goes further down the moral sewer as she not only clearly only did it for a lawsuit.. but tries to BLAME helen for doing it. "We wouldn't be in this fix if it wern't for your mother" "Yeah. Hire one pedophile and she gets all bent out of shape"
This leads to what the episodes REALLY about and what the strike was really for: Ms. Li asks daria to be a scab teacher for Quinn's class. She refuses at first, as anyone should.. but eventually buckles because it'd make Quinn miserable. She's still sympathetic though: she gives the class her best despite having every reason not to and she's 17 at this point. OF course she'd priortize bugging her sister over striking and it's nice that none of her teachers really seem to hold it against daria. Plus frankly if Daria refused Mrs. Li woul dlikely of found some way to try and railroad her into it anyway. As you heard when Helen evicerated her Daria undeerstandably wanting to withdraw her work was met with a hell no.
The result is pure comedy gold. Helen and Jake don't really object: Helen is happy Quinn now has access to her teacher 24/7 and Jake, my boy and sharer of the name and the stress and anger issues, is happy to have model train time. God bless this trainwreck of a human being. We also get Daria adressing her as "Class" at breakfast just to piss quinn off and threanting to fail her for funsies.
That said Daria DOES take the job seriously.. or as seriously as Daria can at this point in her life. THat is to say we still get even more comic gold with my faviorite being who she refers to Jamie, Joey and Jeffy, three meatheaded jocks who take turns dating quinn and fighting over quinn, as "Jamie, Joey or Jeffy" no matter which one she speaks to. Which
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I can't either. I could look it up but they only LOOK diffrent. They don't act diffrent. We also get some nice bits here and there like one of the j's actually impressing her with his interpretation mercutio was into romeo ("Even if your thoguhts on keeping him out of the shower were a little close minded) and figuring out their talking romeo and juliet in the first place because he describes Romeo as a stalker. The real meat character wise though is with Quinn, daria's sister. For those less familiar with the show, from the first episdoe to this point, Quinn has always come up with some excuse for who daria is: her cousin, foreign exchange student, etc. Sandy, her main rival and head of the fashion club, thehir shared clique, saw through it pretty quickly, and tends to hold it over her head when possible without spilling the tea.
Here's where that reaches a breaking point: Sandy wants Quinn to tell Daria to give them all good grades, and as usual implies she'll drop the hammer if she dosen't. Daria naturally. has no intention of doing this when Quinn asks that night. Also Tom her boyfriend is here for a scene. Hi tom. I'll get to you again someday. What's telling though in how far both characters have come.. is how Daria responds "Why are you defendign the stupid quinn, your not one of them?" Quinn assumes she's going to do bad too.. but when talking to Jake, finds she actually knows this stuff.. and the confidence to just try her hardest herself , come what may. While she didn't get the message at first... she realizes Daria ACTAULLY belivies in her. She wouldn't say it directly.. but the setiment is there and it shows how far both have come: Daria can actually compliment her sister easily, if roundaboutly and Quinn has the confidence to try being smart without doing so just for attention.
So naturally Sandy fails, and Quinn finally admits Daria is her sister. And what happens with her other friends, the aformentioned Tiffany and Stacey, who gets a LOT of development this season but is weridly out of focus this episode and I should probably do a special on at some point in herself.. take it fine. They also saw though it and were just being polite to Quinn, who clearly didn't WANT to admit Daria was her sister and Sandy, who they assumed didn't know. It's a perfect payoff to the series biggest running gag and a nice moment of character growth.
As for the actual strike stuff we're here for what's neat is that it isn't just.. thrown away. It becomes the b-plot once Daria becomes a teacher, halfway in no less... but it's not forgotten: We get some fun bits with Jane and Trent, jane's slacker brother as Trent gets asked by cheery sunshiny mr. o'neil to help make a protest song, while Jane gets roped by the art teacher (and the only teacher she reallly likes and who supports her) int ohelping with signs (And has "the scab) sign her a note to get out of class. ).
The main attraction here though is Mr. Demartino. I mean it usually is, he's the best, but after apparently botching the last time they struck, he refuses to give up when the teachers get worn down a bit and spends an ENTIRE NIGHT negotating and not backing down. The best bit is easily:
Ms. Li: Don't think you can intimiate—intermolate—don't think you can scare me with your threat to picket naked!
Mr. DeMartino: You think I'm bluffing?! This is Goodwill polyester I've been sweating in all night. I want to picket naked!
Ms. Li: All right! A two percent raise and a space heater for the teacher's lounge.
Mr. DeMartino: (tugs on collar) Boy! It's getting hot in here!
That last line lives rent free in my head. The delivery is so good. And... Mr. D gets a RARE victory. I mean he still has his shitty job but he actually WINS the strike and gets ms li to sign in her delrium. Granted his confidence boost dies the moment he has to teach kevin again but still it's a nice little victory for a guy who life is determined to kick in the crotch till he has an ulcer and dies.
Lucky Strike is excellent: if you haven't watched daria it's a good episode to try it out and if you have it' sworth a rewatch. It's hilarious, gets striking down well, and has a lot of great character stuff. As I said one of the series best.
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Blue Collar Scrooge (Ducktales0 This one came late in the process as we WERE going to do Squid on Strike.. but remembering this existed, it fit the themes of this strike better and was another half hour show so we went with it. It's also the only episode in this special I hadn't seen before.. and while I'm the one who brought it up.. I was also dreading it
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See this episode centers around amnesia and i'm not a fan of amnesia episodes most of the time: they usually go thorugh the same beats of the person acting diffrent, being diffrent and ocsasionaly being tricked into thinknig their completely diffrent. It just gets old after a while. There are exceptions, such as bloom county's take on it
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Usually though I hate these kinds of episodes.. so it was an utterly plesant suprise to see Ducktales 87, a show I've mostly thoguht of as "okay"... do a REALLY intresting take on it that also handles the plight of the working person with tact for the most part.
What makes it truly work.. is rooting it in character: Scrooge is doing his usual thing making a suprise interaction on his skateboard factory
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And I love the joke of his employees just.. humoring him as they alwasy know when it's happening. This episode is REALLY funny and it's something that suprised me as outside of .. a certain moment
I never think of DuckTales 87 of being a paticuarlly funny show but this episode man. Lots of nice gags. The owner gives the boys one on the house which they sneak back after Scrooge says "they have enough toys". And somehow he's STILL the better guardian than donald
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God I missed these ducks. Anyways Scrooge gets conked on the head with it a ways from home and ends up with Amensia. And weirdly.. it's not even as much of a stretch as it should be that no one finds him and he goes unoticed. Scrooge dosen't have his top hat, cane, pocket full of miracles or nifty specs. He just has his coat, and thus looks like any other old man and thanks to his amensia defaults to alan young's regular voice. Also alan young is southeren apparently
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Yup. And we get some actually good amnesia gags: Scrooge calling his usual accent silly, having no luck with money and in a bit that's both kind of funny but also sad looking for himeslf on milk cartons.. and getting thrown out because the guy thinks he's teling a joke despite having been dead serious.
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Anyways he finds his way to fenton's mom's garbage. Fenton.. dosen't go home because he's looking for scrooge. Okay that one's a bit more of a leap in logic as you think he'd at least go home to tell his mom he wont' be or call, but hey everything else checks out: scrooge is lost in a big city without anything ot idefnity him other than his neat sideburns. It stands to reason that unless the nephews, mrs. b, Fenton or Webby if she was in this episode saw him face to face, it woudln't be that easy for someone else to and as Fenton later poitns out they can't exactly tell the police or anyone who'd wrap this up as it could sink his buisnesses till he's found. And given how this episode ephasies he owns most of Duckburg that's a LOT of people who end up out of a job.
Anyways she's worried at first because EWWWW HOMELESS.. god the 90's were shitty to homeless people. and the 2000's. and the 2010's and present day. At least media is nicer? A little? Anyways, he compliments her dinner and we get another great bit as she makes sure he's single and asks if he has a pulse.. and him checking it is just great. It'd be the best pulse checking joke of all time if this didn't exist
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And is it mildly creepy Fenton's mom is hitting on any avaliable man? Yes. Is Fenton's mom the best character here? No. Is it mildly classit to use tv dinners as a symbol of the working class. A little.
But weirdly.. their romance works fo rme. Scrooge with his amnesia is sweet to her and Mrs. C , while clearly into him because again he has a pulse, geninley tries to help, is touched when he later uses his days wages to take her out for dinner as thanks, and helps him when he has a hard day working at the skate board factory as he can only remember skateboards and his boss just.. takes the guy in because why not. It shows how some workplaces will just take every body they can get..a nd then abuse them as lunch break is literally just a minute. Which if employers coudl do that they would. It's why we need strikes and unions.. as this special has shown if an employer CAN get away with something they will. Scrooge plans to sell his factory, putting everyone in it out of work for a profit before his skateboard to the head. and to Mr. Trumpcard. I mean if you can sell your workplace to trump you truly are without a soul.
Scrooge's does show as this scrooge. .is an intresting what if: He's Scrooge if he never got his big break with the goose egg nugget. He has all the work ethic, gumption and desire for money as the regular scrooge but without the greed, cynisim and selfishness he picked up along the way. He's a kinder gentler scrooge whose happy to splurge on a pizza to make someone who was nice to him happy and who ends up leading a strike at work after Scrooge's own secretary leaks the sale to the one at the skateboard plant. He's got the fire, as he ironically grows to hate himself even before the strike, it's just better directed without any prodding or a loved one in danger.
This gets the attention of ... Fenton who dresses up as scrooge to keep the deal going and then has to go attend to the factory and get sso lost in the role he thinks he IS scrooge leading to a hilarious and engaging showdown.. and Scrooge getting his momeroy back and stealing his clothes off fenton
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What I like though is the symbolism here> It's about as subtle as a brick, but it works: Scrooge literallys ees himself an dhow he was acting... and through his amensia learned what it was like. They never overly focus on that last part and that's why it works: thorugh his time not knowing who he was, Scrooge got in touch with his routes and stopped being AS corrupt an asshole. It's a true problem in labor disputes: the people at the top lack emptathy and just want money, and it was easy to put scrooge and someone who thought he was scrooge breifly in the villian roll as those are two of his biggest flaws. Even once he snaps out of it he has to be glarred into giving them a dollar an hour raise.
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He dosen't even abandon Mrs. Crackshell which is nice. She assumes he will.. but he still has his soaps and the two walk off together. Does this go anywhere? No. But should it if the show comes back. And do I want to think about this relationship beyond how cute it is because it'll lead me to some very dark and horrifying places? NOPE.
Bluecollar Scrooge restored my faith in 87 ducktales after the mini series burned me out on it. It's funny, has a good message, is well animated and while a bit of a stretch, it's just far enough to work without being frustrating. So all in all a good crop of episodes and one dud. Not bad at all. Support the strikers, fuck the AMPTP and thanks for reading.
PS: I almost didn't metnion the greatest scene in comedy history. Behold.
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feministsouthpark · 3 months
South Park Filler Guide - Season 6
Link for Season 1  Link for Season 2 Link for Season 3 Link for Season 4 Link for Season 5
The classifications are CANON (an episode with major storylines present), LORE (in which we get significant backstory or world building, but could be skippable)  and FILLER (completely skippable episodic storytelling, not connected to overarching story arcs)
PLS my analysis will have spoilers, if you’re a first time viewer, just scroll to the bottom and read the list and only read full text if you are familiar with the content of the show already! No season has a clearer narrative structure than season 6, which is reflected both by my choice of images and the fact that almost none of them are considered to be filler. What might be new for some of you, is the correct order, since I listed this one in production order, so don't say "Jared has Aides" is the season premiere, because it isn't. "Freak Strike" is the season premiere, and I'll ask you to follow this order if you're a first-time viewer. S6E1 Freak Strike is CANON
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Because the first scene exists to remind viewers of S5E13 and its long-term consequences with a trick reveal. If you watched it in TV and saw another episode as the season premiere, you missed out on this joke. The episode otherwise cements Butters' place in the group. S6E2 Jared has Aides is CANON
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Some of what the boys do to Butters has to be canon, since his later villain arc is based on his experiences of being bullied by his "friends". S6E3 Asspen is CANON
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The Stotch's get really friendly with the Marshes and the Broflovskis, which bonds will stay alive and sometimes Butters gets included because of this, even after he is ceremoniously kicked out of the friend group. S6E4 The Terrance and Phillip Movie Trailer is LORE
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More bullying Butters shenanigans. Butters will mention events from this one and the next one, and in-series they add to his breaking point, but these two episodes can be omitted if we're looking at this list rationally. S6E5 Fun with Veal is LORE
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This whole arc is really a journey of self-discovery for the boys, however this one is not for the long-term consequences. S6E6 Professor Chaos is CANON
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They had it with Butters and Butters had it with them. Diane dies, Tweek gets into the group, Butters gets a new persona. S6E7 The Simpsons Already Did It is CANON
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Basically every arc from Professor Chaos continues. S6E8 Red Hot Chatolic Love is LORE
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I really hate to say it, because this episode is really fun, but other than giving Tweek the same amount of screen presence as Butters, this is pretty much a nonexistent thread in an already jam-packed season. But it shows how much they care about the idea of replacing Butters with Tweek. S6E9 Free Hat is LORE
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Again, it's one of those episodes that show the boys' commitment to the fourth friend replacement bit. S6E10 Bebe's Boobs Destroy Society is LORE
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Again, even further commitment to the bit. S6E11 Child Abduction is Not Funny is CANON
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This is the last main Tweek episode, and we have to include AT LEAST one. And this one features both Randy's emergence and a plot with an intruiging side character, Dr. Janus. S6E12 A Ladder to Heaven is CANON
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Another major change happens, when Eric drinks Kenny's ashes and his soul. This is a big part of the Kenny rebirth storyline. S6E13 The Return of the Fellowship of the Ring to the Two Towers is LORE
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This one doesn't make sense without the context (Kenny's soul in Eric's body) but doesn't provide further context, except that the costumes will be reused later. S6E14 The Death Camp of Tolerance is CANON
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Herbert Garrison's triumphant return as the fourth grade teacher is finally here! Also an interesting bit is both Tweek and Butters being present in the episode's beginning, but only Butters stays relevant to the story. S6E15 The Biggest Douche in the Universe is CANON
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Kenny's spirit moves on from Eric to Rob Schneider and then dies again. Big events. S6E16 My Future Self n' Me is CANON
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Stan learns about Professor Chaos, we see the first glimpses into Eric's possible future and not plot-related, but we have to give props for this episode incorporating the first sighting of Craig's gang! S6E17 Red Sleigh Down is CANON
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Kyle helps Eric, while Kyle 2 helps Mr. Hankey. Jesus sacrifices himself and Kenny is resurrected in his place as a christmas miracle, finishing the season and the 'Kenny Dies' arc.
Again, CANON means you should watch it, any episode with the LORE label will have an explanation that helps you decide if you should include it or not. S6E1 Freak Strike is CANON S6E2 Jared has Aides is CANON S6E3 Asspen is CANON S6E4 The Terrance and Phillip Movie Trailer is LORE* S6E5 Fun with Veal is LORE* S6E6 Professor Chaos is CANON S6E7 The Simpsons Already Did It is CANON S6E8 Red Hot Chatolic Love is LORE** S6E9 Free Hat is LORE** S6E10 Bebe's Boobs Destroy Society is LORE** S6E11 Child Abduction is Not Funny is CANON S6E12 A Ladder to Heaven is CANON S6E13 The Return of the Fellowship of the Ring to the Two Towers is LORE*** S6E14 The Death Camp of Tolerance is CANON S6E15 The Biggest Douche in the Universe is CANON S6E16 My Future Self n' Me is CANON S6E17 Red Sleigh Down is CANON *If you need more context of Butters being the fourth friend **If you need more content of Tweek being the fourth friend ***If you need more content of Eric sharing his body with Kenny
CANON counter:
S1: 9 out of 13 S2: 3 out of 18 S3: 6 out of 18 S4: 10 out of 17 S5: 8 out of 14 S6: 11 out of 17 Overall: 47 out of 97 Personal notes: My favorite season ever, I'd honestly recommend watching it all without any episode skipped, the whole thing carries on so nicely. Possibly the most plot-heavy season out of the first 18 seasons anyway.
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checkergoat · 5 months
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Hi I'm Todd and this is an introduction so you know me 👍
My favorite interests are
South Park
Hell park
Cyberpunk 2077
That's not my neighbor
No straight roads
Manhunt (2003 version)
Silent hill
The suffering
Amazing frog
Bob's burgers
Animal Crossing
Old Minecraft role plays
Happy humble burger farm
Teen Titans Go
Aquateen force hunger
Garten of banban
Papa louie
Grand theft auto
Mortal Kombat
Ouran high
Total Drama
Jack ass
Naughty bear
All saint street
My favourite movie
Tokyo godfather
Fantastic Mr fox
Little miss sunshine
Forrest gump
South park covid special
The people I related to
Stan marsh
Noah (Total drama)
Judy Álvarez
Clyde Donovan
Randy marsh
Owen (total drama)
Wayne (total drama)
Ripper (total drama)
Kyle broflvski
Bowie (Total drama)
Trevor Phillips
Jimmy valmer
Gary smith
Happy gilmore
Pete thelman
Damien thorn
Craig tucker
Beast Boy
Ashton fox
Craig tucker
dwayne hoover
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And lastly my favorite South park characters
Stan marsh
Damien thorn
Gary harrison
The sixth grade leader
Eric Cartman
Firkle Smith
Pete thelman
Richard Tweak
Craig tucker
Pip pirrup
Clyde Donovan
Wendy testaburger
Terrance and Phillip
Gregory of yardale
Ze mole
I make Southpark head canons and redesigns, however I also want to make like actual art (like with Oc's and shit) along with making stories but for now I mainly want to shit post
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especiallykenny · 2 years
South Park WOWOW Japanese dub
I remember someone asking years ago if there was a place to watch the Japanese dub of SP, so here's a masterpost of all the episodes I've found so far. Links go to NicoNico Douga, the quality isn't the best but this is the only place I've found them.
SP has three Japanese dubs, from what I can see: the WOWOW dub (seasons 1 - 7), the Fox Japan dub (season 8), and the Netflix dub (seasons 15 - 23). If I find any more, I'll update the post!
S1 Cartman Gets An Anal Probe Volcano Weight Gain 4000 Big Gay Al's Big Gay Boat Ride An Elephant Makes Love to a Pig Death Pinkeye Damien Starvin' Marvin Mr Hankey the Christmas Poo Tom's Rhinoplasty Mecha-Streisand Cartman's Mom is a Dirty Slut
S2 Terrance and Phillip in Not Without My Anus Cartman's Mom is Still a Dirty Slut Ike's Wee Wee Conjoined Fetus Lady The Mexican Staring Frog of Southern Sri Lanka Chef's Chocolate Salty Balls Clubhouses Chef Aid Prehistoric Ice Man
S3 Tweek vs. Craig Cat Orgy Two Guys Naked in a Hot Tub Jewbilee Korn's Groovy Pirate Ghost Mystery The Red Badge of Gayness Rainforest Shmainforest Spontaneous Combustion
S4 Chef Goes Nanners: https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm30705955 Fourth Grade: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm30929504 Trapper Keeper: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm30348936 Wacky Molestation Adventure: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm30349143 A Very Crappy Christmas: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm31008074 Fat Camp: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm30516034 Quintuplets: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm30356271
S5 It Hits the Fan: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm30124613 Terrance and Phillip Behind the Blow: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm30083139 How to Eat with Your Butt: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm30921495 The Entity: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm29808088 Cripple Fight: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm30018362 Super Best Friends: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm30617392 Cartmanland: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm30538922 Kenny Dies: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm28735933 Butters' Very Own Episode: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm30090561
S6 Jared Has Aides: ?? Asspen: ?? Freak Strike: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm30920499 Fun with Veal: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm30462646 The New Terrance and Phillip Movie Trailer: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm30920999 Professor Chaos: ?? The Simpsons Already Did It: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm30920542 Red Hot Catholic Love: ?? Free Hat: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm30929378 Bebe's Boobs Destroy Society: ?? Child Abduction is Not Funny: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm30645677 The Return of the Fellowship of the Ring to the Two Towers: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm30931754 Death Camp of Tolerance: ?? My Future Self n Me: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm30092199 The Biggest Douche in the Universe: https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm31201541 Red Sleigh Down: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm30124798
S7 Cancelled: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm28743918 Krazy Kripples: ?? Toilet Paper: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm31201795 I'm A Little Bit Country: https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm26685470 Fat Butt and Pancake Head: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm29870596 Li'l Crime Stoppers: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm31201694 Red Man's Greed: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm31201849 South Park Is Gay: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm29808088 Christian Rock Hard: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm30392155 Grey Dawn: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm30068528 Casa Bonita: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm31201759 Butt Out: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm30110514 All About Mormons: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm30648800 Raisins: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm30414330 It's Christmas In Canada: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm29872351
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portuguesedisaster · 8 months
I don't know what I was expecting from Players but a thanks from Terrance Dicks to Wallis Simpson is a new one.
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shpadoinkle-day · 1 year
Annoying Trey Parker
If you don't know who Trey Parker is, might I suggest that that huge, dark object over your head is a rock you've been under for three years and you should come out from under it? I've been a fan of Trey Parker and Matt Stone since seeing Alferd Packer: The Musical about four years ago. I missed out on South Park at first, but when I finally did start watching it, I had no idea it was also by Trey and Matt. It did make a lot of sense when someone finally told me...anywho, how did I get ahold of Trey Parker to ask him these questions? Well, back when I first started the old website, I had a bunch of South Park stuff up, and one of the things was a series of questions I'd ask Matt and Trey...but not really. They were mostly stupid things that were just jokes. Well, somehow, Trey found the site and answered all the questions. This is why he got out of my standard Bad Taste and Simpsons questions. Yes, I feel stupid, but since I am so good at looking like an ass, anyway, what's a little help from one of the world's best satirists?
Me: In the song ''Blame Canada,'' Terrance and Phillip are referred to as cartoons, yet they interact with the people of South Park. Does this mean that the people are all cartoons and aware of that fact, or was ''cartoon'' just a better word in the song than ''movie?''
Trey: Shiela said they are actors, but Cartman said they were animated, but the movie IS a cartoon, dude.
M: In the South Park movie, was Big Gay Al cast in an anti-Canadian role as a testimony to the fact that ANYONE can succumb to biases, or was it just a cheap way to bring back a popular character?
T: It's just funny that they like him because it's a gay guy at a USO Show, gay and army usually don't mix.
M: Since it hurts to do Cartman's voice, do you find yourself sometimes conciously reducing his part or writing him out all together?
T: No, Cartman is the one who says the politically incorrect stuff that nobody else has the balls to say.
M: Does it bother you that people are always curious if you're gay even though it has absolutely NO baring whatsoever on your work and is a completely meaningless, stupid thing to wonder?
T: They do?
M: So...are you gay?
T: No, you seem like a big fan, ever heard of Lianne or Toddy?
(Lianne is the horse in Alferd Packer, but I don't know who Toddy is...)
M: How come the South Park home videos are still censored?
T: The people at Rhino are dicks sometimes.
M: Was the re-use of the stage name ''Juan Schwartz'' on the Mr. Hankey CD a signal to long time fans that there will be a Cannibal 2, or was it just a way to try and hide the fact that you two do all the voices?
T: We have long time fans?
M: Why the fuck was Orgazmo NC-17? Was it the dog humping scene? Was that scene fun to shoot? If you had to shoot that scene again, would you pick a different breed?
T: There is an unrated version out there somewhere too.
M: Was South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut always going to be an attack on the biased, idiotic MPAA, or did that just evovle because they really suck?
T: Both, just another group we hadn't offended enough yet
M: Tell me, if a group is an ''advisory'' board for parents, giving out ''suggestions,'' how is it that NO ONE under 17 was allowed into South Park without an adult, when surely a suggestion implies that parents should not allow their children to see it, not that the theatres should become some sort of police state just to keep underagers from YOUR film?
T: Ask the wangs who sell the tickets.
M: Whenever Hitler appears, he is always speaking gibberish. Is this a statement that people will follow along with anything if it's said well, or merely an indication of your lack of German skills?
T: That is all Matt's fault!!
M: How annoying is it when fans spot ''goofs'' that are actually jokes and make a big deal about how you fucked up? Like if someone said that Mr. Garrison's history lessons are very inaccurate or something.
T: Some people are complete retards.
M: DVDA should release an EP or something. You've already got at least 3 songs down.
T: In our spare time, right?
M: I hope you didn't try to answer that last one, as it wasn't a question.
T: I hate you now.
M: Nor was that.
T: I want to hit you.
M: If you two could be any type of fish, would you prefer Scooby Doo or erasable pens?
T: I want to bitchslap you and shoot frozen paintballs at you.
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methinmycoffee · 2 years
Season 6 rankings!
From Best to Worst:
A Ladder To Heaven (Ep. 12)
Free Hat (Ep. 9)
Professor Chaos (Ep. 6)
The Simpsons Already Did It (Ep. 7)
Child Abduction is Not Funny (Ep. 11)
Red Hot Catholic Love (Ep. 8)
Bebe’s Boobs Destroy Society (Ep. 10)
The Return of the Fellowship of the Ring to the Two Towers (Ep. 13)
The Death Camp of Tolerance (Ep. 14)
My Future Self ‘N’ Me (Ep. 16)
Fun With Veal (Ep. 4)
The Biggest Douche in the Universe (Ep. 15)
Red Sleigh Down (Ep. 17)
Freak Strike (Ep. 3)
Asspen (Ep. 2)
The New Terrance and Phillip Movie Trailer (Ep. 5)
Jared has Aides (Ep. 1)
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South Park Facts You Probably Didn’t Know
1. The pilot episode, “Cartman Gets An Anal Probe,” was the only episode that creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone animated entire on their own, using cardboard paper cutouts and stop-motion. All subsequent episodes were animated digitally.
2. Ever since streaming moved to Max, five episodes are missing from the streaming service: “Super Best Friends,” “Cartoon Wars, pts I & II,” “200,” and “201.” All episodes were pulled due to the depiction of Muhammad.
3. PC Principal, who replaced Principal Victoria as the principal of South Park Elementary as of season 19, is actually named Peter Charles.
4. Terrence and Phillip were made to be a parody of South Park itself. When the show first aired, people have criticized it for being a crudely animated TV show that consisted of nothing but fart jokes. Terrance & Phillip, the show within a show, is a crudely animated TV show that consisted of nothing but fart jokes!
5. South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut has a total of 399 curse words, as any film at the time that had at least 400 curse words would be given the NC-17 rating, and Paramount couldn’t distribute films with that rating. Just one curse word away from losing that R rating.
6. In the earlier seasons, upon Kenny’s inevitable gruesome death in every episode, Stan and Kyle would shout “Oh my God! They killed Kenny!,” and “You bastards!,” respectively. The “bastards” they refer to are Stone and Parker themselves. Stan and Kyle are calling the creators out for killing Kenny, those bastards!
7. Before the season 5 episode “Kenny Dies,” Parker and Stone originally intended to kill off Kyle, but eventually settled for Kenny since they were running out of ways to kill him every episode. This death was originally going to be “permanent,” as he was absent for the majority of season 6, before finally reappearing in the season 6 finale, “Red Sleigh Down,” for the last scene.
8. Singer/songwriter Isaac Hayes, the voice behind Jerome “Chef” McElroy was originally rumored to have left the show due to the episode “Trapped In The Closet” poking fun at Scientology, as Hates was a Scientologist himself. Hayes’s Scientology entourage has written to the creators, supposedly on Hayes’s behalf, asking for Chef’s voice being released from the show. It was later revealed his son Isaac III that Hayes had actually left due to suffering a stroke. Chef’s final appearance before the characters death was voiced using past recordings, making the character sound like a deviant brainwashed by a cult.
9. Trey Parker even admitted that the “ectoplasm” scene in “Over Logging” was “the most offensive shot he’s ever done in the whole show.” When even the creators have said their jokes have crossed the line, that’s really saying something.
10. The “Cartoon Wars” two-parter is a roast against Family Guy. Upon the airing of those two episodes, South Park was given praise from the creators of The Simpsons and King of the Hill, with Simpsons creators sending Stone and Parker flowers, and King of the Hill creators stating that South Park was “doing God’s work.” Even though those two episodes showed how much Stone and Parker hated Family Guy, Family Guy creator Seth MacFarlane actually praised the two-parter and actually agreed with their statement on what the show actually was, minus the writing staff being manatees. To this day, MacFarlane remains a good sport about this, despite Stone and Parker’s blatant disrespect for him.
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nixines · 2 years
RANKING SOUTH PARK EPISODES FROM uh BEST TO WORST BUT ONLY RANKING SEASON 1-15 because those are the only ones i watched
season 1:
Cartman Gets An Anal Probe (best)
Weight Gain 4000
Cartman’s Mom Is a Dirty Slut
An Elephant Makes Love to a Pig
Mr. Hankey, the Christmas Poo
Big Gay Al’s Big Gay Boat Ride
Starvin’ Marvin
Tom’s Rhinoplasty (worst)
season 2:
Spookyfish (best)
Merry Christmas, Charlie Manson!
Cow Days
City on the Edge of Forever
Cartman’s Mom Is Still a Dirty Slut
Terrance and Philip in Not Without My Anus
Chef Aid
Roger Ebert Should Lay Off the Fatty Foods
The Mexican Staring Frog of Southern Sri Lanka
Summer Sucks
Chef’s Chocolate Salty Balls
Ike’s Wee Wee
Conjoined Fetus Lady
Prehistoric Ice Man (worst)
season 3:
Cat Orgy (best)
The Succubus
Mr. Hankey’s Christmas Classics
Two Guys Naked in a Hot Tub
Tweek vs. Craig
Hooked on Monkey Fonics
Rainforest Shmainforest
Spontaneous Combustion
The Red Badge of Gayness
World Wide Recorder Concert
Are You There God? It’s Me, Jesus
Sexual Harassment Panda
Starvin’ Marvin in Space
Korn’s Groovy Pirate Ghost Mystery
Jakovasaurs (god i hate this episode)
season 4:
Fat Camp (best)
Cartman’s Silly Hate Crime 2000
The Wacky Molestation Adventure
A Very Crappy Christmas
Do the Handicapped Go to Hell?
4th Grade
Trapper Keeper
Helen Keller! The Musical
Cartman Joins NAMBLA
Something You Can Do with Your Finger
The Tooth Fairy’s Tats 2000
Cherokee Hair Tampons
Timmy 2000
Chef Goes Nanners (worst)
season 5:
Butters’ Very Own Episode (best)
Scott Tenorman Must Die
Super Best Friend
Kenny Dies
How to Eat with Your Butt
It Hits The Fan
Terrance and Philip: Behind the Blow
Osama bin Laden Has Farty Pants
The Entity
Here Comes the Neighborhood
Cripple Fight
Proper Condom Use (worst)
season 6:
My Future Self ‘n’ Me
Jared Has Aides
Red Sleigh Down
Free Hat
The Biggest Douche in the Universe
Red Hot Catholic Love
Child Abduction Is Not Funny
The Return of the Fellowship of the Rings to the Two Towers
Fun with Veal
A Ladder to Heaven
Freak Strike
Professor Chaos
Simpsons Already Did It
The New Terrance and Philip Movie Trailer
Bebe’s Boobs Destroy Society
The Death Camp of Tolerance
season 7:
Butt Out
Fat Butt and Pancake Head
Casa Bonita
Toilet Paper
All About Mormons
Lil’ Crime Stoppers
It’s Christmas in Canada
South Park Is Gay!
Christian Rock Hard
Red Man’s Greed
I’m a Little Bit Country
Grey Dawn
Krazy Kripples
season 8:
Woodland Critter Christmas
The Jeffersons
Good Times With Weapons
The Passion of the Jew
Cartman’s Incredible Gift
Something Wall-Mart This Way Comes
Up the Down Steroid
You Got F’d in the A
Quest for Ratings
Stupid Spoiled Whore Video Playset
Douche and Turd
season 9:
The Death of Eric Cartman
Ginger Kids
Follow That Egg!
Die Hippie, Die
Two Days Before the Day After Tomorrow
Erection Day
Trapped in the Closet
The Losing Edge
Best Friends Forever
Free Willzyx
Mr. Garrison’s Fancy New Vagina
Bloody Mary
season 10:
Smug Alert!
Make Love, Not Warcraft
The Return of Chef (god i miss chef)
Cartoon Wars Part II
Go God Go XII
Go God Go
Miss Teacher Bangs a Boy
Mystery of the Urinal Deuce
Cartoon Wars Part I
A Million Little Fibers
Hell on Earth 2006
Stanley’s Cup
season 11:
Imaginationland Episode II
Imaginationland Episode III
Imaginationland Episode I
Le Petit Tourette
Night of the Living Homeless
Cartman Sucks
The List
With Apologies to Jesse Jackson
Guitar Queer-O
More Crap
The Snuke
Lice Capades
Fantastic Easter Special (not even a bad episode, it’s a 7.5/10 honestly)
season 12:
The China Problem
Super Fun Time
Elementary School Musical
Tonsil Trouble
The Ungroundable
Over Logging
Pandemic 2: The Startling
About Last Night…
Eek, a Penis!
Canada on Strike
Major Boobage
Breast Cancer Show Ever
Britney’s New Look
season 13:
Dead Celebrities
Dances with Smurfs
The Ring
The Coon
The F Word
Whale Whores
Butters’ Bottom Bitch
Pinewood Derby
Eat, Pray, Queef
season 14:
It’s a Jersey Thing
Coon vs. Coon and Friends
Crème Fraiche
Mysterion Rises
Coon 2: Hindsight
Poor and Stupid
Crippled Summer
You Have 0 Friends
Medicinal Fried Chicken
Sexual Healing
The Tale of Scrotie McBoogerballs (not even a bad episode, gets a 7 from me)
season 15:
Ass Burgers
City Sushi
Crack Baby Athletic Association
You’re Getting Old
The Last of the Meheecans
The Poor Kid
A History Channel Thanksgiving
Broadway Bro Down
Royal Pudding
Bass to Mouth
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Redemption Round 2 - Match 32
Civilian Casualties has been a consistent hitter, with half-rounded-up (131) of its total 261 votes coming from Round Two. Decrypted received only 88 votes in Round One.
MAG 125 - Civilian Casualties | Spotify - Acast - YT | Wiki | Transcript
Statement of Sergeant Terrance Simpson, regarding an outbreak of violence in the crofting community of Lanncraig, Ross-shire.
MAG 144 - Decrypted | Spotify - Acast - YT | Wiki | Transcript
Statement of Gary Boylan, regarding a strange track on his iPod.
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onenettvchannel · 1 month
#OnlyOnOneNETnews: The Astonishing Prediction from 'Totally Spies' that came true with American tech independent streaming giant 'Apple TV+'
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(Written by Ridley Terrance / Contributed News Writer of OneNETnews & Master Control for ONC)
MALIBU, CALIFORNIA -- Re-living the moments of the beloved French-Canadian animated series "Totally Spies" reveals an intriguing prediction on a 5th season finale made over a decade ago.
In the episode entitled "Totally Dunzo", which was aired as a 2-parter on February 3rd and 10th, 2008 in France on Sundays, and later internationally aired for global syndication in the early March this said year, the authors have placed a barely noticeable store sign with a simple word "TV+", nearly at the 18th minute mark. Fast forward to November 2019, when a new tech streaming giant 'Apple' launched its highly anticipated American streaming service 'Apple TV+', marking an uncanny prediction made by the show's creator duos between 'Vincent Chalvon-Demersay' and 'David Michel'.
Many of these individuals or observers as audience on national television have drawn comparisons between this foresight and the prophetic qualities of "The Simpsons", highlighting the notable similarities between the two. The animated series is well-known for its ability to predict future events with remarkable precision. However, the prediction from "Totally Spies" concerning the future of its said American tech streaming giant is even more astonishing, given that it was made years ahead of the legal paid service's actual launch that many consumers in the industry of streaming are all going digital.
For those of us who do not know when no one is seriously talking about, aside from both cartoon shows for legitimate prediction points… "Totally Spies!" is a spy-themed French-Canadian animated cartoon series following 3 teenage college girls of Malibu University are all named Ms. Samantha Simpson, Clover Ewing and Alexandra Vasquez (known as Alex, Sam and Clover, in short), who were worked together as secret agents at WHOOP (The World Organization of Human Protection). It is the blend of action, gags and gadgets, that showers an appeal to both kids and teens. Through past seasons, the spies use their skills to track down and investigate criminal cases. It balances serious spy missions with everyday teenage life in California.
"The Simpsons" on the other hand, is a long-running adult animated sitcom created by 'Matthew Abram Groening', known for its satirical take on American culture, family dynamics and social issues. Set in the fictional town of Springfield, Wyoming; the series features characters with distinctive yellow skin and primarily appeals to an older demographic with its irreverent humor. Interestingly, some prediction events may possibly come true but do turn out anywhere between a few to several years time. It's like you're watching a future weather forecast right before your very eyes. Not all of those are satirical about some events that are connected with predictions; it may be changed later on according to the story, as the show requires in its episodes.
The timing is eerily similar to the prediction in "Totally Dunzo". So, I asked myself on our news team of OneNETnews. Did the show's creators possess some mystical foresight? Or was it just a coincidence?
You see, real-world events occured to predict the reality or fiction, and is no laughing matter. From the presidency of 'Donald John Trump' for upcoming re-election, to the discovery of the Higgs boson particle; the show's track record on these was surprisingly accurate.
But how did the authors of "Totally Spies" envision this technological shift? Entertainment insiders, both local and within the fan base, say these writers from France, Canada, and the United States of America were actually pretty detailed-oriented guys who often wrote subtly indicative messages into their storylines.
The above-mentioned episode airing title coincides with a time when high-definition television sets was gaining popularity, and online streaming was starting to emerge as a viable alternative to traditional cable and satellite television in some supported providers like 'Spectrum'.
While it cannot be known for sure if the people behind "Totally Spies" put this prophecy in on purpose or if it was just an accident, older or newer generations of the show keep wondering what other secrets might be hiding in the episodes for once in a lifetime. There is also a moment when the background characters are walking on the road in some sort of apparent marching band, which is totally unrelated to the prediction. However, some have speculated that it actually could be more important than one may think at first glance.
In conclusion, the prediction of Apple TV+ in the 5th season finale of "Totally Spies" stands as an impressive example of foresight and creativity. The uncanny prediction in "Totally Dunzo" has sparked renewed interest in the show, merely inspired by 'The Simpsons' and its potential for revealing hidden truths about the future.
As we continue to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of technology and media, it is fascinating to reflect on how even animated series on both sides can provide valuable insights into the future.
SCREENGRAB and STOCK PHOTOS COURTESY: Banijay Kids and Family (formerly Marathon Media) & Google Images BACKGROUND PROVIDED BY: Tegna
-- OneNETnews Online Publication Team
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ulkaralakbarova · 2 months
A trio of female soul singers cross over to the pop charts in the early 1960s, facing their own personal struggles along the way. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Curtis Taylor Jr.: Jamie Foxx Deena Jones: Beyoncé James “Thunder” Early: Eddie Murphy Marty Madison: Danny Glover Effie White: Jennifer Hudson Lorrell Robinson: Anika Noni Rose C.C. White: Keith D. Robinson Michelle Morris: Sharon Leal Wayne: Hinton Battle Magic: Mariah Iman Wilson May: Yvette Cason Max Washington: Ken Page M.C.: Ralph Louis Harris Tiny Joe Dixon: Michael-Leon Wooley Jazz Singer: Loretta Devine Jerry Harris: John Lithgow Sam Walsh: John Krasinski Ronald White: Alexander Folk Aunt Ethel: Esther Scott Miami Comic: Bobby Slayton Teddy Campbell: Jordan Wright Melba Early: Dawnn Lewis Talent Booker: Jaleel White Joann: JoNell Kennedy Charlene: Sybyl Walker Stepp Sister: Lesley Nicole Lewis Stepp Sister: Eboni Nichols Stepp Sister: Arike Rice Stepp Sister: Fatima Robinson Little Albert: Aakomon Jones Tru-Tone: Bernard Fowler Tru-Tone: Anwar Burton Tru-Tone: Tyrell Washington Dave: Rory O’Malley Sweetheart: Laura Bell Bundy Sweetheart: Anne Elizabeth Warren David Bennett: Ivar Brogger Jimmy’s Piano Player: Daren A. Herbert Elvis Kelly: Jocko Sims Rhonda: Pam Trotter Janice: Cleo King Club Manager: Eddie Mekka Case Worker: Alejandro Furth TV Reporter: Dilva Henry American Bandstand Producer: Vince Grant Nicky Cassaro: Robert Cicchini TV Director: Thomas Crawford Carl: Charles Jones Technical Director: Robert Curtis Brown Tania Williams: Stephanie Owens Man with Gun: Gilbert Glenn Brown Stagehand: Marty Ryan Detroit Reporter: Michael Villani Chicago Deejay: Gregg Berger L.A. Deejay: Daniel Riordan Photographer: David James Promo Film Narrator (voice): Paul Kirby Security Guard: Derick Alexander Curtis’ Secretary: Yvette Nicole Brown Go-Go Dancer: Nancy Anderson Go-Go Dancer: Joelle Cosentino Go-Go Dancer: Lisa Eaton Go-Go Dancer: Clare Kutsko Go-Go Dancer: Tracy Phillips Go-Go Dancer: Kelleia Sheerin Campbell Connection Dancer: Mykel Brooks Campbell Connection Dancer: Johnny Erasme Campbell Connection Dancer: Cory Graves Campbell Connection Dancer: J.R. Taylor Bad Side Dancer: Corinthea Henderson Bad Side Dancer: Craig Hollamon Bad Side Dancer: Reginald Jackson Bad Side Dancer: Chuck Maldonado Bad Side Dancer: Anthony Rue II Bad Side Dancer: John Silver Bad Side Dancer: Larry Sims Bad Side Dancer: Black Thomas Bad Side Dancer: Kevin Wilson Bad Side Dancer: Adrian Wiltshire Bad Side Dancer: Earl Wright Bad Side Dancer: Russell “Goofy” Wright Disco Dancer: Dominic Chaiduang Disco Dancer: Jose Cueva Disco Dancer: Omhmar Griffin Disco Dancer: Sky Hoffmann Disco Dancer: Trevor Lopez-Daggett Disco Dancer: Leo Moctezuma Disco Dancer: Gabriel Paige Disco Dancer: Terrance Spencer Disco Dancer: Tony Testa Disco Dancer: Quinton Weathers Disco Dancer: Jull Weber Disco Dancer: Marcel Wilson Jimmy’s Band: Stevie Ray Anthony Jimmy’s Band: Matthew Dickens Jimmy’s Band: Jerohn Garnett Jimmy’s Band: Mario Mosley Jimmy’s Band: Jimmy R.O. Smith Film Crew: Casting: Debra Zane Set Decoration: Nancy Haigh Executive Producer: Patricia Whitcher Producer: David Geffen Foley Artist: Catherine Harper Foley Artist: Christopher Moriana Producer: Laurence Mark Director: Bill Condon Musical: Tom Eyen Director of Photography: Tobias A. Schliessler Editor: Virginia Katz Original Music Composer: Henry Krieger Production Design: John Myhre Costume Design: Sharen Davis Digital Intermediate: Stefan Sonnenfeld Dialogue Editor: Kimberly Lowe Voigt Sound Effects Editor: George Simpson Stunts: Dick Ziker Makeup Artist: Judy Murdock Stunts: John Cenatiempo Second Unit Director of Photography: Dino Parks Assistant Costume Designer: Lizz Wolf First Assistant Editor: Ian Slater Casting Associate: Jeremy Rich Casting Associate: Tannis Vallely Music Arranger: Harvey Mason Gaffer: Newton TerMeer Assistant Art Director: Jann K. Engel Costume Supervisor: Elaine Ramires Sound Effects Editor: Donald Flick Script Supervisor: Carolyn Tolley Choreographer: Aakomon Jones Camer...
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infinatenoise · 3 months
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This episode fucking rules. No other words for it. It's a great standalone horror story, the way its told after everything happened, the descriptions of assumptions of what went on, I just love this episode so much :)
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mothocean · 11 months
Trick or treat!!!
You get... a locket with a picture of drumbot brian!!
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[Image id: the heart locket gif, but with the text on the left side reading 'Drumbot Brian <333', and the picture of the right side being drumbot brian's face edited into a painting of jesus christ. End ID]
(As you open the locket, a piece of paper falls out. Surprise! It is the transcript for MAG 125, Civillian Casualties!!)
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[Image ID: a screenshot of the unofficial magnus archives transcript for MAG 125. The text in the screenshot reads:
MAG125 - #9931907
Civilian Casualties
February 6, 2019
Statement of Sergeant Terrance Simpson, regarding an outbreak of violence in the crofting community of Lanncraig, Ross-shire. Original statement given 19th July 1993.
End ID]
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