#teslen appreciation week
truedairship · 5 months
For the weird asks ❤️
1, 19, 26, 31, 33
Thank you hun❤️
1. who is/are your comfort character(s)?
Helen. Nikola. Bring me the angst of immortality! Helen with young Henry and Ashley as well. Angst and found family is my to go to.
Vala is my baby! Not me projecting so much onto her a few years ago, no not at all😅 But Sanctuary has completely takes over my mind since I first watched it so. Plus the majority of the Vala-centric stories revolve around her relationship with Daniel and, well, I’m not a fan.
19. imagine we’re at a sleepover, would you paint my nails?
Definitely! I’ll have to buy some nail polish first though, so tell me which colour you want😆
26. a scenario that you’ve replayed multiple times?
I think the list of what I haven’t replayed is shorter lol. This cinema is open 24/7.
But there is a kinbaku Teslen one that has been bugging me for a while. Mainly because a plot hole caused by Nikola’s vampire strength has left me with two completely different approaches to the whole thing. And I don’t know which one to choose heh.
31. what type of music keeps you grounded?
Depends on the mood really. If I want to shut my brain off I usually choose songs with lyrics that helps counter whatever thoughts I try to avoid. If I want to focus on work or actually let my mind wander for a while I listen to instrumental, because if there’s lyrics that’s all I’ll focus on.
33. the last adventure you’ve been on?
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To get to the forest we have to ride by some houses and one of them has a trampoline in the garden. It was windy the other day so a beachball on it rolled around and someone decided that the most logical course of action was to do a one-eighty and land in the ditch on the other side… The human did not appreciate getting smacked in the face by branches.
It’s been a while since I’ve been on a real adventure. My studies keep me rather occupied. Me and a friend had a road trip in terrible weather a few weeks ago if that counts. I helped her pick up a couch she had bought, and due to our packed schedule we ended up doing it late at night.
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electricrogue · 3 years
So as suspected I'm tying this to the AU prompt from Teslen appreciation week as well XD (one day late, but ah well XD)
For the Sunshine one, however... Dunno XD. This one doesn't feel too Sunshine-y at the moment but who knows XD.
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captain-sassy-socks · 4 years
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ladyelysandra · 3 years
I posted it far too late, but this was meant as a story for Teslen Appreciation Week in July. Oops XD
M, Helen Magnus/Nikola Tesla, world domination!AU, vampires, biting, feeding - you get the gist^^
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tinknevertalks · 4 years
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Gah, I'm so far behind. Day three of Teslen week - Experiments. Very strong T, established Teslen (because what else do I write?), post series, double drabble.
Ever the scientist, Helen knew the repetition of an experiment and consistent results were key to calling it a success. She knew this, assimilated it as a younger woman, and reaped many benefits from it.
Sitting on her bed, partially dressed, she waited for the next experiment to begin.
"Helen, where's my favourite--" Nikola looked up from his shirt buttons, his mouth agape when he noticed said favourite hanging loosely around her neck, trailing down between her breasts. 
Helen smirked, victorious, knowing exactly what the sight of her in his shirt and tie did to him. Sitting back, one hand on the bed, she asked, "Your favourite…?" Her voice trailed away with glee as Nikola stalked over to her.
"Temptress," he whispered, kissing her soundly, one hand cradling her head. 
"I have no idea where your favourite temptress is," she said between kisses, moaning when his teeth grazed her neck. An involuntary shiver of delight coursed through her, changing to hot desire with his strangled groan. "We have time before the meeting…"
Growling, he begged her, "Kiss me, Helen."
So she did, repeatedly.
Arriving at the meeting - late - all she said was, "An experiment. Took a bit longer than expected."
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aw-eather · 4 years
Teslen Appreciation Week Day 7: Free Choice Day
I wrote some Teslen and I’ve only done this twice so I’m not very good at it.  This is REALLY stupid. But I got the idea in my head and it wouldn’t leave me alone. And I threw it together super fast because I have a lot going on right now but I wanted to post it anyway! I’m super nervous about it, please be kind!!  The prompt was Free Choice Day: Writing Prompt One Holiday (Halloweens kinda a holiday??). 
This is called: Thank You, Dobby.  Rated Teen+ for suggestions Halloween costumes
Also, Happy Birthday, Nikola Tesla! 
“Nikola, what the hell are you wearing?”
When Kate had suggested that they do something for Halloween this year so she could introduce the children of Praxis to Earth traditions, Helen had initially said no. She found that too often the holiday attempted to negatively portray and mock a number of the creatures she cared for.
But when Nikola, who hated the holiday even more than her - “How dare they make my species seem so… pathetic” - had encouraged the idea with a cheeky grin and a wink, Helen had eventually come around. 
But that was before. 
Before the New Sanctuary had been covered in black cats, pumpkins and ghosts that screamed at you as you walked past. Helen had had a heart attack about three times already today. 
Before Nikola had promised that she would more than love his costume. The wink that had followed that sentence had admittedly sent filthy ideas through Helen’s head.
Before she had gone to all the effort to acquire and squeeze into an incredibly uncomfortable but sexy Cat Woman outfit especially for him. 
And before he had walked through her office door dressed as Dobby the House Elf. 
Nikola currently stood before her in what could best be described as a filthy looking pillow case that barely reached his knees. On his head was what she assumed was a swimming cap that had been painted to somewhat match his skin and giant, pointy ears hanging from the side of it. He had even attached a long, pointed nose and gone to the effort to wear bright green contact lenses. On his feet he wore one sock. 
“Well, you keep treating me like your house elf, I thought it was time I started dressing like one.” Nikola said as he walked toward Helen, who was leaning on the edge of her desk, stifling laughter. 
“Darling, you look thoroughly ridiculous!” Helen laughed. Nikola was standing in front of her now and she wrapped her arms around his waist, planting a small kiss on his elongated nose. Nikola nestled himself between her legs so he could stand as close as possible, one hand on her hip and the other reaching up to flick one of the cat ears Helen was wearing. He pulled back from her a little to admire her ensemble.
“Mmm but Helen, you look ravishing! What do you say we skip the party and - “ “Focus, Dobby. This is for the kids. But I might be tempted to turn in for an early night...” she chuckled, a cheeky grin on her face. “Come on then, time to go and entertain the masses!” She pushed against his chest and pushed off the desk. Brushing past him, Helen swayed her hips purposefully making the tail on her costume sway and the faux leather pull against her rear. Nikola suddenly felt as though it was going to be a very long night. 
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cosmic-gate · 4 years
Helen finds a new abnormal which seems particularly attached to Nikola.
For Teslen Appreciation Week! I missed the first prompt, hopefully I don’t miss the rest! 
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cantaby · 4 years
Show and Tell
“Is this a private viewing?" Helen asks. In the cavernous room, the thunder swallows the ensuing echo of her wedges against polished stone. In a small yet stylish summer hideout, far above the underground Sanctuary main, a wall of wide-paneled windows showcases the storm that tumults in the dusky pink sky just before rain
Rated: T
Keep reading here
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minneappleemigre · 4 years
I’m only a little late for some Teslen through history. Kinda. I had a good time with this one, but I hope it does what I wanted it to do!
Summary: For all that Helen lives for the future, sometimes the only place to rest is the past.
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starbuckxcarter · 3 years
Day 2: Favorite relationship
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(Couldn't find any nice Helen/Ashley gif... Tumblr failed me here)
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electricrogue · 3 years
Soooo I guess it's on huh XD (and let's hope I won't forget it's on 😅). Basically this is for Teslen appreciation week day one - Teslen throughout history. I went with the classics of future! Helen and past! Nikola because what can I say I love them XD.
Also fair warning for those who will follow me this week: I'm in... a mood and things might get bloody and not in the nice way XD. There was this joke going around Tumblr that if you feature too much stuff in your fic then that's your kink and what can I say apparently one of my kinks is a girl who is into apocalypse stuff? Sort of? XD. This will make more sense tomorrow I promise XD. Until then, enjoy 😜.
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# Sanctuary appreciation post
Day 2 Favorite Relationship
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I know I'm predictable but it always will be them what can I say i love them ❤️😍
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ladyelysandra · 4 years
Sanctuary OT3 fic: Helen Magnus/Nikola Tesla/Kate Freelander. D/s dynamic, established relationship. Lots of musings.
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tinknevertalks · 4 years
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Day five of Teslen Appreciation Week, using Light as a prompt. You'll have to maybe think out the box for this prompt to work. XD G, post series, established ship. There's some carrying involved. XD
As A Feather
Running for Helen's safety was not on Nikola's list of things to do today. A forest framed walk, sure, but SCIU came up from nowhere and now he had to get back to their pick up point. “How did they find us?” he muttered aloud when he finally stopped.
“Maybe someone tipped them off?” Helen answered, semi-conscious. “What happened?”
“In a nutshell?” Nikola asked, “SCIU showed up and I got to be your knight in shining armour, saving the day.”
Helen narrowed her eyes. “Put me down, I don’t need carrying everywhere.”
If looks could kill he wouldn't argue, but immortality rocked. “You’ve been hurt, Helen.”
“I can walk. Put me--” A gunshot cracked through the forestry. “Nikola?”
Fully synchronised, Nikola moved Helen onto his back. Her heels dug into his stomach, her grip around his neck almost suffocated, but her heartbeat was his biggest distraction. It beat it tandem with his unneeded breathing.
“Running in a suit? Not all it’s cracked up to be.”
“I told you to dress comfortably,” she reminded him. Her arms tightened.
“A suit is comfortable.”
"Then stop complaining."
Grinning, Nikola sped on. So long as she could talk, he wouldn't worry about a thing.
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galactic-pirates · 3 years
The first prompt of that Teslen appreciation week is “Teslen Throughout History” which made me remember the Sanctuary MerMay fic I still haven’t posted. It’s written (I finished it in May) but I’m planning on an illustration for it. I was without the PC for 3 weeks and so I haven’t made any progress obviously in that time.
Anyway, The Tragic Tail is Helen/James ship, with some references to her past with John. However, the only real interaction with the Helen of 1912 is with Nikola. It’s Nikola who holds her when she first breaks down from the horror of what happened. It’s Nikola who sees when the ‘last Titanic survivor’ dies and calls Helen so she can talk with someone who understands. Ever since I wrote it my intent has been to tag it with something like “Nikola is a good friend” because he really was.
My observation of shippers generally (I’ve been writing fanfic for over 20 years now) is that generally “opposition ships” are ignored, or maligned, generally torn down to make ‘your ship’ seem the undisputed best. I’m trying to think if I’ve ever been guilty of that and I think if I have, it’s only when the “opposition ship” was a complete NoTP that I had a real antipathy for. Generally speaking I’m ship and let ship. If I dislike something it’s on it’s own merits (or rather negatives), not just because it’s the opposition to something I like.
I’m not threatened by Teslen. I ship Helen/John/James as an OT3 because it just screamed at me. There was not much choice involved. I saw Revelations and boom - I was done for. But I have eyes and so I can’t deny Nikola’s importance, nor would I ever want to do that.
I freely admit in season 4 the show seemed to be leaning to making Helen/Nikola canon. I can definitely see how their friendship could turn romantic. I don’t object to the pairing, I just don’t see it as a ‘great love’ I guess. To me their interaction seems far more platonic. They are very close, I would definitely say Helen treats Nikola like family. However exasperated she gets with him, there’s always a bit of fondness there and they will always be friends. I’ve always seen Nikola’s flirting with her to be more like banter as there never seems to be any expectation of it going beyond flirting.
I kinda headcanon actually that Nikola started being outrageous soon after The Five met as a way of testing her. Helen never took offense because she liked that she wasn’t being treated like a porcelain doll. I think Helen would always have bristled at being treated like a delicate lady. So Nikola being outrageous, without any intent to go further, was just like a way of affirming her independence.
Man I’m not sure what this rambling is. Thoughts on Teslen I guess. I still don’t know if I will actually do anything for appreciation week. Maybe I’ll do a series of headcanon/meta posts about their friendship. Maybe I’ll make a gifset or two. I don’t know.
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cosmic-gate · 4 years
Nikola tries to write poetry, Helen is upset because he's caused their bed to become cold.
I posted this a while ago then forgot to post it here, oops ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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