#tetsu high&low
tiredlittlewriter · 9 months
2024 will be the year I show off my h&l ocs (I put much thought into them) but until then here are some Sannoh new years thoughts
- Yamato takes it very seriously
- Cobra did in Mugen but now he wants to sleep through it
- Noboru is down to do whatever Yamato is doing which means Cobra always ends up awake and hammered
- Tetsu is in charge of taking the photos
- Naomi forces them to pay their tabs by 11:59 or she will not feed them next year
- Cobra and Yamato totally kissed at midnight one year. Both said they were drunk and don't remember it (or do they?)
- Chiharu makes wishes every new year
- Naomi sticks the best to her resolutions
- Dan breaks his by Jan 2nd
- Noboru ends up in the back of every photo somehow it's not even on purpose
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yume-fanfare · 1 year
favorite moment in 1.5 was when tetsu was cooking and said his intro line "black flames are proof of hard work!!!" and hinata next to him was like "(distressed) no!!!!!!! they're proof you're burning the food!!!"
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insideliascrazyhead · 10 months
Sannoh´s Hoodlum Squad in a horror house
Cobra:doesn´t fear anything,dead inside,doesn´t even startle.Exept once.He knocked the scare actor clean out breaking their nose on reflex.
Yamato:will scream and either push someone foreward as human sacrifice or jump on Cobra with enough force that he collapses under the weight.
Noboru:jumps a little and casually laughs about it,enjoying the whole thing
Dan:nervous laughter,screaming high pitched enough to break glas
Tetsu:probably faints dramatically
Chiharu:grabs what he thinks are Dan and Tetsu and run off.Will later see that he actually grabbed the scare actors and ran off with them.He tries to run again,this time against a wall
Naomi:in tears from laughing,filming the dumbasses.After all it was her idea in the first place.
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hamliet · 1 year
It's A Boys' Love Story, Your Honor: Be Gay, Do Crimes
This review is often satirical and sometimes facetious. Or is it?
Anyways I got dragged into watching HIGH&LOW, a Japanese action show full of pretty boys punching each other. Aside from me wondering how all of them don't have CTE and screaming CHEST COMPRESSIONS when one character codes and the nurse like... walks away (he's ok the power of friendship is stronger than any defibrillator), it turned out to be a surprisingly excellent, enjoyable, and even poignant watch.
The plot is vibes at best and the narrative ideas are less formed than, say, those of Kinnporsche. But, what it does have down pat is characters. Pretty much every character is compelling from their introductory scene (except for the Mighty Warriors who exist purely to suck). The characters may not necessarily be the most complex or psychologically challenging, but they come across as intriguing enough, flawed enough, to carry series on their own. Like, I would honestly watch a full series based on any one of them.
To be honest, this show does more to establish who a character is, what they want, and make them interesting within a character's first 30 seconds than some high-brow directors do with three hours of film. I would honestly recommend it to anyone trying to understand how to characterize.
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Also, it's basically a yaoi but with fighting instead of f*cking. It's just dripping in homoeroticism that they infuse with just enough plausible deniability that insecure straight guys can watch it too!
Although, being straight in this 'verse is pretty much a misery sentence for everyone except Kizzy and Kaito. I haven't seen such flagrant use of bury/break up your straights since Togashi.
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It's not a yaoi! you say.
To which I shall respond with numerous examples of what the f*ck is this then? The power of (b)romance?
Doubt. (Heh ifkyk.)
Cobra + Murayama
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The same episode we get a girl having a crush on Murayama he's shown as completely disinterested because he's too hung up on Cobra. This leads to him seeking Cobra out. And also to him having realizations about himself. He's then kind to the girl, but not romantically interested. The framing of this Cobra-Murayama realization about himself with the episodes opening with a girl pining and ending with his kindness to her is clearly to get the audience thinking about romance and the other interactions in light of that.
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Murayama embarrassingly asks to join Cobra in front of all the other gangs.
Murayama calls him Cobra-chan and sides with Cobra when all the other leaders of SWORD refuse. All three others have left but Murayama still tells Cobra he has his vote, even though it's not going to do anything, just so Cobra knows Murayama's on his side.
In End of Sky Murayama literally going behind Cobra's back to get Hyuga to agree to join Cobra's alliance to protect him, at personal risk to Murayama, even though Cobra will never know what he did for him, when even those most loyal to Cobra have abandoned him, is literally a romance trope as old as time. And it's literally set to inspirational music.
Murayama calls him Cobra-chan and sides with Cobra when all the other leaders of SWORD refuse. All three others have left but Murayama still tells Cobra he has his vote, even though it's not going to do anything, just so Cobra knows Murayama's on his side.
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At the end of the movies, Murayama gets a motorcycle and is implied to join Sannoh eventually with clever color symbolism as @eatprayworm points out.
As if we didn't get it, The Worst literally shows us Murayama calling Cobra-chan on his phone and tells us that he frequently drunk calls Cobra by having him say that he's not calling about bikes... this time. This phone call shows 0 narrative purpose besides reminding us that Murayama's endgame is with Cobra.
Chiharu + Yamato
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Yamato saves his life and then is told he has to "take responsibility for" Chiharu, which is totally not a reference to the common idea of a guy taking responsibility for knocking a girl up--
except it is explicitly because even Yamato's mom directly asks if he knocked someone up when she hears that he has to "take responsibility" for someone.
When they finally reconcile after Chiharu confesses to drugs Tetsu tells them "you look good together."
Chiharu then takes a bullet for Yamato. I mean, not actually, because it was a blank, but no one, not even the person firing the gun, knew it was a blank.
Tetsu + Dan
Whenever Dan expresses interest in a girl Tetsu gets mad at him and when Tetsu cuts off his dreads to be more appealing to girls Dan gets mad at him. They're in love your honor.
They'll leave a gang for one another.
They exist only in proximity with each other.
These old men are so gay. They started the fall. And by old I mean they're supposed to be like 26 but they are clearly played by actors in their mid-40s and so I'll just pack off and head to the Villages then.
Smok(e)y + Hiroto
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Ah yes when you're wandering around Nameless Street looking for your older brother and he's not there so you and your other brother decide to leave but then! then! a sickly man wasting away everywhere but his hair (which remains luscious) walks in front of you, barely glances at you, and you instantaneously walk away from your brother and your life to go follow the twink. Much straight.
Rocky + Koo
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They also use "anata" for one another. Which means "you," but also is frequently translated as "dear" because it's what married couples often refer to each other as.
The manga also implies they live together.
Yasushi + Kiyoshi
Everyone in canon refers to them as "Yasukiyo." They exist in a state of symbiosis with weird hair and insanity.
If anyone implies Yasushi was involved with drugs Kiyoshi will fight to defend his honor.
"He sacrificed himself for me!" ?????? That's a love trope, Your Honor. Don't worry, though. They're gay, so Kiyoshi survives his sacrifice.
Odajima + Todoroki
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Fellas is it gay to spot a man across a battlefield and be so in awe you run over to him right away?
Is it gay if you then ask said man "you're different from the others. Want to play with me?"
Tsukasa + Fujio
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Tsukasa mopes around like Bella after Edward left after Fujio moves away for like a week.
Tsukasa takes a bus ride across the country for the chance to fight his BFF again in the rain (wet, what is symbolism) and then tells him "I'll be waiting for you." And also "I should move here because it's boring without you."
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Tsukasa might be held as a hostage but he knows Fujio will come for him. In fact his relationship with Fujio is explicitly paralleled with Amagai and Suzaki's.
Amagai + Suzaki
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The redemptive power of love, as beautifully written by @eatprayworm here.
I mean Suzaki literally can barely stand and limps over to protect Amagai when Amagai is experiencing the consequences of his actions and then saves Amagai from himself.
At the end of the day all he wants is to be boyfriends with Amagai.
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Probably my favorite ship because it's everything I love, meaning one of them is too good for this world and one is a bastard.
Nakagoshi + Nakaoka
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Nakagoshi sacrifices himself for Nakaoka even in a parallel to Yasushi and Kiyoshi (don't worry, they're gay, so they live too).
Tsuji + Shibaaan
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Do I even need to comment here?
And I didn't even get into Sachio's sunset conversation with Fujio, in which you visibly see the twink fall and then they, not knowing who the other is, subsequently meet and recognized each other on the battlefield like Mr and Mrs Smith.
Themes Too!
High&Low isn't exactly an uber-deep thematic exploration of what it means to be gay and do crimes, but the themes it does do it does pretty well.
One of those is indeed the redemptive power of love, which involves being seen and known. Y'know, that mortifying ordeal. Because love itself leads to freedom. It's true for Chiharu, it's true for Noboru, it's true for Arata.
Rocky and Kizzy/Kaito's story is kind of one of the best examples of the redeeming power of (platonic) love leading to freedom, and it takes like... 3 minutes? of the story. And it's not left unexplored; it's just succinct. Kizzy and Kaito are trafficking women and Rocky comes to stop them, and when fighting, notices that Kizzy is actually a transwoman. He stops the fight and says that he doesn't fight women. That's enough for Kizzy and Kaito to follow Rocky, giving up their life of cruel crime and atoning--truly atoning--by spending the rest of their lives doing exactly the opposite of their crimes: fighting to free women from traffickers and protect them.
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The significance of that moment is that by seeing Kizzy as she really was, Rocky pointed out to Kizzy that she was engaging in self-harm, keeping herself trapped (symbolically) and never able to live as she could. But for Kizzy, to be truly free to be herself means helping other women also be free. It's also, even if unintentional, a good twist on the transphobic trope and conservative talking point of a transwoman trying to harm women (cough, she who shall not be named).
Kizzy also never styles herself super feminine even after gender confirmation surgery (as implied by Rocky that she received), but she still is a woman, and her being herself leads to redemption and freedom for everyone around her. We stan Kizzy and her loyal boyfriend (husband?) Kaito in this house.
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Another theme, and connected to the idea of self-discovery and freedom and love and all that, is how to handle the past, a question everyone is always asking because as long as we're alive, we're evolving. Obviously we see that with the Amamiya brothers and the Mugen backstory, and we also see that in the present with Murayama and Todoroki. But we also see this most sharply highlighted in the conflict between Cain and Smokey.
Cain is not subtly named after the first murderer in the Bible, who kills his brother. Cain, of course, kills Smokey in cold blood, with Smokey asking him "did you come here to kill me?" and Cain affirming that he did indeed because if he doesn't, he won't be able to completely erase his past.
But the thing is, you can't kill your past without killing yourself. You have to embrace it and let it live. And something as precious as a life won't be so easily destroyed. To live, you have to live with all of yourself, the past and the present and the hope of a future. It's a struggle, it's a fight--but with people beside you, it's worth it. Almost like the fights in the series are a metaphor for struggling through life or something.
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And then we have gentrification. Let's just say the horrors of it are not exaggerated. Smokey's death--and life--offer poignant social commentary on what happens when people treat others like they don't deserve to live, like they are forgotten, like they don't exist. Because they do exist, because they love.
When Cain kills Smokey, Smokey tells him--in all sincerity, despite being abandoned by his parents, living in a homeless slum, and being terminally ill his entire life because the rich poisoned the people in the slum--that he lived "the best life." Why? Because the scenes flash back to him meeting his adopted sister Lala, caring for Eri, meeting his gang. He had a family, and he loved them, and they loved him. When he dies, he's buried in that same slum and Takeshi comments that "to Smokey, this [place] is heaven." And it is, because heaven is love.
(Also, the "rich poisoning people by being careless because these people don't matter" is hardly unrealistic. Bhopal would like a word with you, Dow Inc, you sh*theads.)
In Conclusion
Things you'll have to endure: multiple Mighty Warrior music videos.
Things you get to enjoy: Hyuga being a Barbie girl in a Barbie world who shows up to fights with all the Durama Ikka and planned choreography and bespoke songs.
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Things you get to enjoy: multiple twinks needing rescue from being dragged into the drug trade to save their loved ones only to get whumped in true hurt/comfort fanfic fashion before sobbing in the arms of their friends who welcome them home.
Things you have to endure: Noboru trying to convince Cobra et al to join the Mojo Dojo Casa House Kuryu Group.
Things you get to enjoy: The power of friendship saving Noboru from himself, Rocky from dying alone, Smokey from having no meaning to his life, Amagai from himself, Murayama from himself, Todoroki from himself, Arata from himself, setting captives free, and rich bastards who trod all over the poor getting what they deserve.
Things you have to just not think too hard about: gangs seeing drugs as the biggest taboo which I'm pretty sure is not usually the case but hey, hoodlums have standards, and also the evil guys keeping their secrets in a folder literally stamped with the label TOP SECRET.
Things you have to endure: Smokey dying. I'm not over it. Someone fight me to bring him back. But also it's one of the most beautiful death scenes in fiction.
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Things you get to enjoy: Generally no one, unless you're Smokey, straight (Takeru), or yakuza (no one cares).
Things you have to ignore: why no one ever studies at these high schools and why they all look like they're in their 30s-40s.
Things you get to enjoy: pretty great rep of a trans woman that directly counters some of the most harmful tropes.
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Things you have to endure: Noboru being resurrected by the power of True Love's Handholding, because the nurse literally RAN AWAY from a coding patient to "get the doctor" but it's okay, his friends beg him to live and he does.
Things you get to enjoy: a series that founds its premise in action and violence that offers a surprisingly wholesome, kind message on relationships, humanity, redemption, and love... whether that love is platonic or romantic.
But, I mean, Final Mission literally ends with the gangs defeating the evil corporation with a rainbow-colored smoke that takes over the sky of the city. So it's gay.
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murayamasbandana · 11 months
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"think this'll get Cobra to forget that we took off on a road trip without telling him?"
"not at all but worth a shot"
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needtotouchsomegrass · 2 months
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𝐊𝐮𝐫𝐨𝐨 𝐓𝐞𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐨𝐮 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 / 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭 / 𝟏𝟖+
You picked up your boyfriend from volleyball practice. Something seems to upset him….
𝐊𝐮𝐫𝐨𝐨 𝐓𝐞𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐨𝐮 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 / 𝐈‘𝐦 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬
„What’s up with you“, you yell after your boyfriend who seems to be clearly upset about something. He sighs frustrated kicking his shoes of, dropping his training bag to the ground with a loud thump.
You hurry after him to the kitchen.
He chunks down a glass of water slamming the cup onto the counter having you flinch. Annoyance growing in the pit of your stomach.
„What was that at practice.“ His voice is not more than a low growl.
You furrow your brows not getting the meaning of this.
Kuroo turns around facing you from the other side of the kitchen counter. „Tsukishima. You’ve been having your eyes on him.“
Oh. So that’s what’s going on.
Your boyfriend steps around the counter, eyes longing and dark as he makes his way towards you.
You’d be lying if you’d say he wasn’t scaring you the slightest bit.
You swallow, heart rate increasing.
„Tetsu“, you whisper as he lifts your chin with his finger, forcing you to meet his dark gaze. You’ve never felt intimidated by him - until now.
He gets closer until your back is pressed against the edge of the kitchen island, both of his hands placed on each side behind you.
You watch his jaw tense. „There’s no need for you to be jealous or anything.“
A smirk appears on his face. „I’m not jealous. I just don’t like it when someone tries to take what’s mine.“
His strong arms wrap around your waist, lifting you up onto the counter, Kuroo stepping between your legs.
„Kei didn’t try anything Tetsu. He was simply being nice.“
Kuroo chuckles at your words. „Kei...right… I can be nice too, you know.“
Within one swift move you’re laid out on the counter, the skin of your back pressed against the cool marble beneath you, your boyfriend’s knee up against the area between your legs.
You swallow meeting his eyes again, while he towers over you.
His hand cups your cheek. „Tetsu I“, he presses his index onto your lips. „Shh. I don’t wanna hear any of that.“ He steps back pulling down his nekoma shorts and boxers, revealing his growing boner.
Kuroo pushes you back down on the counter, one of his hands pinning yours down above your head. The other one pushes your underwear aside, one finger tracing the outline of your now wet folds.
„Kuroo I - ah“, a moan leaves your mouth as he rubs himself against you, your hand wrapping around his well-formed bicep.
He aligns himself with your entrance.
„I’ll make you remember how nice I can be“, his voice is low, causing you to shiver. „Wait , don’t we wanna do for- ah“, you moan as he pushes into you.
His hot breath in your neck you wrap your arms around his,feeling his sweaty skin from practice, as your cunt gets used to the huge thing inside it.
A whimper passes your lips as he starts to thrust into you without a warning, waiting for you to have adjusted.
His thrusts are deep and fast, hitting every single spot.
His hands pull down the fabric of your dress that’s covering your chest, going all out on your nipples once they’re out.
„Ah-„, you moan as he slams into you so mercilessly you fear yourself to be broken afterwards.
He lifts your legs up to his chest, yours covers in hickeys and bite marks.
His pace changes to something more slow yet still deep, hitting your g-spot so precise you might just burst right there.
His movements come to hold as he sees you close to reaching your high, giving you a second to breathe.
„Bet Kei wouldn’t make you feel like this, would he?“ Even though you‘re quite displeased by his mocking words, you shake your head slowly. Too weak and absent to form a proper response.
Kuroo chuckles before he starts to thrust into you again, hitting that same spot again until you feel your cum dripping down between the cheeks of your ass.
„That’s right princess“, he mumbles into your ear.
You breathe heavily. The air too hot around you, your body exhausted.
You cup Kuroo's cheek with your shaky hand, tears forming in your eyes.
His thrusts have grown out of rhythm. A few slow, a few quick, driving you insane. Coming to stop each time you’re about to hit your high.
One single thrust is enough to shatter you.
„Y/n I need to hear you say it.“
It takes you a few seconds to gather your thoughts. His hand embraces yours on his cheek. You knew what he wanted. It would be foolish and stubborn of you not to or pretend you didn’t know.
„I love you Tetsu. I’m yours.“
You give him a soft smile watching him lean into you, his lips crashing onto yours for a passionate kiss as he thrusts back inside past your dripping folds.
Kuroo pulls you close to his chest as your back arches off the counter as your orgasm washes over you, legs shaking around him as he’s giving you the last couple thrusts before hitting his own high.
Your fingers travel through his hair while his head is resting on your chest. „I love you too“, he mumbles against your skin placing a kiss on your bruised skin.
~ the end ~
𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐚 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐨𝐫 𝐚 𝐟𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐣𝐨𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐞 𝐨𝐧 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 ♡
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hymnserendipity · 24 days
Business man Kuroo and the monthly experiments
Smut, Age up, no gender mentioned
It's not easy for Kuroo to have a day off, even on weekends he often has to be away for a while and answer work calls, or go out together to meet his colleagues or old friends from high school. However, this daily routine does not harm your life as a couple, and certainly not even your life in bed.
"That was... That was incredible. I don't think i've ever felt so... exposed... but in a good way, you know? I don't think I've ever let you have that kind of control over me before." He said, while you both are in bed, naked in each other arms talking about what you guys did just an hour ago, when you asked him if you could tie his hands behind his back as he fuck you deep mating press.
He let out a shaky sigh, his heart still racing.
"Your turn, think about something else and we will try it." You say, kissing him.
It was something you made every two months, you choose a day and spend it in bed, each of you think of something you want to try and you do it.
Kuroo's heart fluttered like the first time, as you kissed him. The sensation was tender and gentle, a stark contrast to the intense experience he had just had.
He took a moment to catch his breath. After a few moments, he looked up at you, a slightly nervous but curious expression on his face.
"Ummm... I would like to spank you" he say, his voice still a little hoarse.
Your face flushed at his suggestion. You didn't expected that, but the idea was intriguing.
“S-spanking?” you repeated, your voice slightly wavering. “You… you want to do that to me? Well yes, i really would like it.” Kuroo's eyes widened in surprise, a mixture of excitement and nervousness washed over him. He hadn’t anticipated the tables turning like this.
"You… you want me to… spank you?" he asked, just to confirm, his voice betraying a hint of excitement."Yes" Kuroo swallowed hard, a flicker of dominance sparking again within him at your agreement.
"Alright," he said, his voice taking on a slightly authoritative tone. "Roll over then. On your stomach."
"I love it when you give me orders" Kuroo watched as you rolled over onto your stomach, a sense of power surging through him. He hadn't expected to like this as much as he was.
He placed his hand tentatively on your backside, his touch soft at first. "Are you sure about this?" he asked, wanting to double check. "I don't want to hurt you."
"Yes, Tetsu" He nodded, his hand still lingering uncertainly on your backside. He took a deep breath, gathering his courage.
"Okay," he said, his voice firm and resolute. "But you let me know if it's too much, yeah?" You nod.
With one more deep breath, Kuroo hesitantly raised his hand and brought it down on your backside. The smack was light but firm, the sound echoing slightly in the room. "Hm" you mumbled in surprise, Kuroo paused for a moment, waiting for your reaction. He was feeling more confident now, his eyes dark with a mixture of excitement and care.
"That wasn't too hard, was it?" he asked, his hand still on your backside, but not quite as tense.
"M-more" Kuroo's heart rate increased at your request. He was starting to find a rhythm now, the power dynamic shifting in a way that was exciting and new to him。
Without hesitation, he brought his hand down again, the smack a little firmer than the last time. Kuroo's breath hitched at the sound of your moan. The knowledge that he was able to elicit such a response from you only heightened his confidence, also while he watch your ass getting more red.
He continued, the spanks becoming a little harder, each one a little less tentative than the last. "You're taking this well" Kuroo murmured, his voice slightly breathless. His hand continued to rain down light yet firm spanks, enjoying the sound of your moans and the way your body pressed into the bed.
He was starting to get lost in the rhythm, the power and sensation taking over. "You like this, don't you?" he asked, his voice low and commanding.
"Good" Kuroo replied, a hint of satisfaction in his voice. "Because I'm enjoying this too."
He increased the intensity a little bit more, the sound of each smack slightly louder than the last. "Let me hear it" he commanded. "Let me know how much you're enjoying this." The sound of your loud moan sent a shiver down Kuroo’s spine. He took a deep breath, his heart hammering in his chest.
"That's better" he murmured, his hand coming down a little harder. "Now I know just how much you're enjoying this." Kuroo took a moment to catch his breath, the mix of excitement and power making his head swim. Then he shifted his attention to you, his hand roaming over your body.
His touch was firm but gentle, his fingers exploring every contour of your body with precision and care. He could feel you responding to his touch, your breathing getting faster.
"Oh... Yes Tetsu...yes yes" Your words of encouragement and the sound of you saying his name like that only heightened his confidence. He continued to touch and explore you, each movement a little bolder than the last.
"God, you're so beautiful" he murmured, his voice rough with desire as he continue to slap your butt cheeks and start to finger you. "I could touch you all day, just like this."
"Don't stop please please don't stop" you scream gripping on the blankets. The sound of your climax, combined with your pleading to not stop, sent a wave of desire through Kuroo. He had never felt this powerful before, the fact that he was bringing you so much pleasure only adding to the sensation.
"Don't worry" he murmured, his voice low and rough. In that moment, the sight of you losing yourself, the way your body convulsed with pleasure, was almost too much for him.
"Ah," he whispered, the voice ragged. "I... I’ve never seen anything so beautiful."
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awritersstuff · 10 months
Do they know how to cook?
High & low characters
Cobra - A little. He can make eggs & toast that's it .
Yamato - no . Can't help it's a Canon event 😔.
Tetsu - will only try viral recipes and later will forget it .
Dan - is better then cobra in cooking. Can make simple dishes .
Chiharu - can make enough to survive 👍.
White rascals-
Rocky - Is legit a great cook and can open a nice restaurant. I think a homemade 3 course dinner is a must with him . 😋
Koo - not as good as rocky but still he also very good . But will only cook if he feels like cooking. ( they are so husband material)
Daruma ikka
Hyuga - can't cook and won't cook . There is no way in hell that you can make me Believe that this man cooks . He will happily order food for you but cooking. Hell nah .
Rude boys
Smoky- Will give his best but ends up cooking like shit somehow . Will be very upset and might also apologize but he will improve time by time .( my baby 😫)
Takashi - gave it a try ended up burning it and gave up on cooking for life .
P - hard to believe but is better then smoky & Takashi . Like he throws in random shit but it ended up tasting good ( eat able)
Lala - is good at cooking but she loves baking and is very good at it . ( please she is my baby 😚)
Murayama- He never tried cooking but will try his best and will improve time by time because he is hard working man . ( he is a big boy now )
Fujio - DON’T LET HIM ENTER THE KITCHEN . Believe me this is for your own good . He will probably Play around with things and will end up burning the whole kitchen. ( he is still a baby 😞)
Tsukasa - Will cook if needs to cook , like if there's nobody home and he dying from hungry.
Todoroki - has zero clue about this thing called cooking but he is a fast learner and will be able to make proper meal in a week . ( he is my FAVORITES BOY )
Sachio - He is a husband material ( its canon) . Is a very good cook but will only cook for some people. Ex - yui ( sometimes) , his mom ( always )
Yuken- can do a decent job but won't because he is just always tired. ( another canon event 😐)
Kohaku -
Can't but will try cooking and maybe later he can cook enough to survive.
Will try cooking and will probably do a decent job .better then kohaku .
Can bake but don't know shit about cooking.
Hiroto -
Is pretty good at cooking. He is the one mostly cooking even if masaki tries to cook he will just tell him to piss off because he doesn't wanna eat cookies for dinner.
Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed it 😊.
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ddorokking · 1 year
HiGH&LOW Character's MBTI Type List — UPDATED!
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Amagai Kohei ISFP
Amamiya Hiroto ISTP
Amamiya Masaki ENFP
Amamiya Takeru INFP
Binzo ESFP
Chiharu ---
Cobra ISFP
Dan ---
Furuya ---
Hanaoka Fujio ESFP
Himuro Reiji ESTP
Hyuga Norihisa ISTP
Ishii Madoka ---
Jamuo ESFJ
Jesse ENTP
Jinkawa Eimei ESFJ
Kaito ---
Kato ---
Kirihara Seiji ---
Kizzy ---
Kohaku ISFP
Maekawa Arata ---
Mercy INTJ
Murayama Yoshiki ESTP
Naomi ---
Nishikawa Yasushi ESTP
Noboru INFP
Odajima Yuken ENTP
Oochi Masaya ---
Oochi Shinya ---
P ---
Ranmaru ---
Rocky ISTJ
Sabakan ESTJ
Saboten ESFJ
Sakyo ---
Sameoka Shoji INTP
Sarah ---
Sawamura Shoji ---
Seki ---
Shibaman ---
Shidaken ESTP
Smoky ENFJ
Suzaki Ryo ISFJ
Takajo Tsukasa ISTJ
Takeshi ISFJ
Tatsuya ENFP
Tetsu ENFP
Todoroki Yosuke INTJ
Tsuji ---
Tsukumo ISFJ
Ueda Sachio INFJ
Ukyo ---
Yamato ESFJ
Yuu ---
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cherrycat-blossom · 1 year
Hunting committee seems cool! Do you mind tell more about it? :3
Hunting committee is a committee created by one of the ninjutsu's staffs, Tamaki Kiriyo. This committee job is to hunt for food for the school at the same time train the members to be more precise and focus, Incase if there's a war and they are low in supplies they know what to do. Most of the members here is viewed to be more mature and serious compared to others students that is more outgoing.
Some facts about this committee is:
- hunting committee is one of the committee that has high budgets because monjirou is good friends with tetsu
- Tamaki is one of the best known marksman hence to why she usually recommend the members to hunts with rifles
- this committee is not located within the school grounds, rather its located in a treehouse on one of the trees in the forest behind the school.
A/N: I didn't develop this committee much yet but I hope this is enough to understand their purpose 🤧🙌
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tiredlittlewriter · 1 year
Thinking about how if Cobra was to let someone in Sannoh use his card to buy something cause he can't go, that man would be waiting outside Itokan the moment they got back talking bout "where my receipt" and go through every single thing. Tetsu probably bought one gummy ring for 75 cents and was almost launched into space
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aqua-tan · 1 year
High&Low Relationships
Kizzy & Kaito: dating, possibly married (they wear matching rings)
Rocky & Koo: according to the manga they do live together
Noboru & Miho: exes, used to date, she broke up with him
Junko: dating a not named man
Asuka: dating a not named man
Yamato & Naomi: said to have feelings for each other, not dating
Tetsu & Nika: on / off dating?
Ice & Sarah: exes, used to date, according to the manga she waited for him to propose (give her a ring) while he fumbled it and "only" gave her a necklace, she also left MW over not specified reasons
Diddy & Dixie: dating
Shinya & Madoka: dating
Masaya & Maho: dating
Shoji & Yui: dating
Miki (Fujio's mother): dating a not named man
Tatsuya & Naomi: siblings
Ukyo & Sakyo: siblings
Takeru & Masaki & Hiroto: siblings, though only Takeru and Masaki are related by blood (Hiroto is the mother's son, while Takeru and Masaki are the sons of the father)
Smokey & Lala: siblings (not related by blood)
Shibaman & Shiba: siblings
Nika & Kabuto & Kakuto: siblings
Ice & Diddy: siblings
Sachio & Yui: siblings
Shinya & Masaya: siblings
Seiji & Nami: cousins
Hyuga & Kato: Kato used to work for Norihisa's oldest brother (right hand man?) though was later made his legal guardian (because bby!Norihisa used to run off)
Kuze & Ryu: biological father and son
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Sannoh Rengokai shenanigans aka Tetsu´s Instagram
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Tetsu:Celebrations in Sannoh´s Hoodlum Squad
Murayama:Those are huge ass shot glasses!You might wanna gulp the entire tequila in one go.
Rocky:That´s a new definition of party.
Hyuga:Who would´ve thought Sannoh Rengokai´s full of party animals?
Shiba:We do!When we find them all nearly dead spread through the Diner in the morning.
Oshiage:Next time I swear we´re gonna get buckets of ice water.
Smokey:You sadists really wanna fight with that nasty hangover? Yamato:Nooo.The only ones with nasty hangover will be the kiddos
Chiharu:That´s just because you and Cobra are literally the last man standing each time.
Junko:Poor Naomi gotta clean your mess....
Naomi:No.Party´s in the diner mean you vomit,you clean.You break shit.You clean.
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Tetsu:Our Itokan´s Sweetheart <3
Naomi:My local Hoodlum squad dumbasses <3
Oshiage:That´s our bestie,find your own.
Shiba:Poor woman gotta deal with you dumbasses.
Dan:Oh shut your cakehole Shiba you deal with Oya guys on a daily.
Shiba:Because we´re literally blood related!You wanna deal with my brother and his crazy friends?Then be my fucking guest Dan!
Murayama:Oi!You wanna take one full timer then you gotta keep them all!There kinda a shitty package deal over here.
Yamato:Don´t.Cobra won´t take more strays.
Dan:You heard the man.You can keep your strays.Don´t wanna get any fleas.
Chiharu:C´mon Dan!You can have my Oya fleas instead!
Rocky:Naomi the leader of the local loony bin escapee hideout.
Noboru:We´re just gonna peacefully share out emotional support Naomi!
Hyuga:Never thought anyone could come close to my insanity.Suprise I guess...
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Tetsu:Painkiller giggles from Cobra!
Murayama:Cobra can smile?!That´s crazy!
Naomi:Can we keep him like this?He´s adorable!
Smokey:Until your precious Cobra-san turns to Cobra twisting.
Noboru:No he´s peaceful like that.He used Yamato as a pillow.
Chiharu:So what?!He said he´s squishy.
Junko:He does eat enough to be squishy.
Yamato:Oi!A hug is better then being Cobra twisted to death!
Tetsu:We also needed to stop at the grocery store because he wanted candy!That´s how dangerous Cobra is medicated Yamato.Not at all.
Noboru:Don´t forget that the day of Sannoh Rengokai´s leader ended in a blanket burrito.
Rocky:Don´t give him any tequila on those meds.someones gotta have a braincell here.
Dan:Well at least sleeping beauty slept peacefully on the way back to Sannoh.
Naomi:Until Yamato and Noboru dropped him brutally on his pretty face.
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Tetsu:On the road
Yamato:Cobra says he´s not gonna bail anyone outta jail.
Murayama:Oh Sannoh´s little guys go into big boy prison!
Hyuga:You´re gonna have a great time in prison guy´s I´ve been there.
Noboru:You gotta save money for therapy after jail later
Dan:Cobra can tell me himself if he´s making himself an account like a normal person
Naomi:The world of instagram wouldnt be ready for that
Junko:man probably has onlyfans anyways already that gas station is normally empty as fuck and Cobra never fucking works!
Shiba:Oh shit!That´s crazy.You´re right.I´ve never seen him work...
Hyuga:So Cobra´s gonna retire as leader for onlyfans now?
Rocky:Naah man can multitask
Murayama:Don´t mind me I´m just gonna wait for the link to drop...
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Tetsu:Art.I call it Party Hoodlum Squad Style
Murayama:No what´s art would be Cobra-chan drunkenly passed out with lipstick and a cheap wig cuddling tequila as painted portrait.
Smokey:I would love that kinda art.
Oshiage:I mean I did find him passed out next to a dumbster once because he couldn´t find the diner
Naomi:Yes.The dumbster literally behind the damn diner.
Dan:Or when Cobra woke up on the billiard table holding a  halloween deko head filled with candy and a bottle of vodka
Hyuga:Oh great.Now I wanna party with Sannoh.Great.Fuck you.
Tetsu:Or the one where Cobra and Yamato woke up bikini tops and covered in body paint.
Noboru:Who tells u all these crazy stories?! Chiharu:Kohaku-san and Tsukumo-san.We learned a lot.
Murayama:I could kiss them
Shiba:We now see Cobra and Yamato in a new light.
Junko:Naah my expectations where pretty low already.
Tetsu:Yeah the glorious light of dumbasses
Yamato:Excuse you?
Chiharu:Dumbassess we love and respect very much as our leaders.
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Tetsu:Sannoh Rengokai is back from the dead!Time to celebrate!
Rocky:Not to rain on your celebrational parade but have you told your leader that too?
Smokey:Cobra looks like he´s heavily debating to pretend not to be able to read.
Naomi:At least the others are happy
Yamato:Happy?!They´re in extacy.
Noboru:Cobra just needs a little shove in the right direction sometimes
Hyuga:No my man needs a kick.
Oshiage:At least we´re all semi fluent in Cobra grumble by now!
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Tetsu:Violence is Cobra´s love language.
Noboru:He must love me very much then.I´m bruising
Chiharu:Cobra can´t give other love bites he´s poisonous
Naomi:he´s kinky if he loves to bite but not poisonous. 
Rocky:That info wasn´t necessary
Murayama:No,yeah it was!
Dan:At least Yamato had a great time
Yamato:Yeah I can still hear Noborus;Cobra no!
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Tetsu:The minute Cobra-san adopted Chiharu!
Chiharu:I´m not a pet.
Yamato:You´re out Oya stray though.
Naomi:That´s cute though.
Rocky:Yeah tiny Chiharu warmed up Cobra´s heart
Smokey:That ain´t a christmas story.Cobra just recently discovered emotions,he´s still learning
Junko:Then he should stop dissosiating in the corner in the diner and interact with humans that don´t wanna kick his teeth outta his head.
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Tetsu:Yamato,what the fuck?!
Smokey:Probably the stool he fell of earlier.
Shiba:Scolding a chair?
Murayma:Bad chair!Go now!Put it in the nearest corner so it can be ashamed of himself.
Naomi:Oww look how emo nemo he looks though poor baby....
Noboru:Didn´t he throw it at Cobra?!
Hyuga:Wanna do that too,not gonna lie.
Yamato:Screw you guys....
Tetsu:We love you too.
Dan:Cobra caught it anyways and Cobra-Twisted him nearly to death.
Junko:Probably caught it because it looked like a bottle of tequila in his drunken haze.
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Tetsu:S.W.O.R.D´s greatest most wanted poster.Shut up Dan,it´s great.
Smokey:You´re gonna search yourself a woman like that?!
Rocky:They got apps for that now kid
Noboru:No it´s not
Shiba:My guy....Nooo
Naomi:That´s cute.I mean a bit pathetic but cute
Tetsu:Thanks.I guess?
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Tetsu:Whatever sugary stuff he´s drinking,this man gotta have a fucking sugarush by now cant´s stop giggling.
Naomi:Or he put tequila in it.
Hyuga:Naah this man mentally broke after all this time
Shiba:Sniffed the gas he´s selling.
Smokey:Isn´t it wrong as fuck to drug your leader?
Noboru:Against popular opinion yeah Cobra can smile.
Yamato:Ladies and gentleman the grown man with eating habits of a toddler!
Junko:Great decision.Offing your leader by giving him diabetes.
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Tetsu:At least someone thinks we´re funny!
Naomi:No you´re entertaining.
Noboru:Also Yamato fell of the bar stool.
Chiharu:Face planted on the floor.
Shiba:Don´t be mean guys!He probably lost his last brain cell!
Yamato:Oi!It isn´t funny!
Chiharu:Sure and Cobra-san didn´t nearly piss himself laughing
Cobra:Quite emberassing actually.
Rocky:Today in S.W.O.R.D,Cobra´s new adventure with electronic.
Tetsu:Fucking finally Cobra!
Cobra:You threatened to break into my damn house at night to install it on my damn phone you lunatic
Tetsu:Never been puplicly stated,gonna contact my lawyer.NOBORU!
Noboru:Ain´t gonna do it.Never finished university anyways.Dan in a cheap suit doesn´t count either.You lost.
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Tetsu:Excluding Cobra from date night isn´t enough anymore.Dan´s gotta go to!Sorry man.
Naomi:You excluded Cobra from date night?
Noboru:Maybe it´s a mistake to get 3 guys to a date that are all insane.Crazy idea I know.
Cobra:Wow Bastard got lucky.She gotta be in for a great dissapointment tonight.
Dan:What the fuck are you talking about playboy I´m a snack!
Cobra:Yeah a sugar free one.Great hopes,miserable dissapointment.
Shiba:Would anyone else wanna know why the fuck Cobra got excluded in the first place.
Hyuga:He looks so shocked by his own success it´s hilarious.
Rocky:Sannoh´s Hoodlum Squad,chronically single.
Smokey:That´s kinda sweet.They´re gonna grow old together and share a elderly home.
Murayama:Yeah beat each other with their canes and loose their teeth on the way.
Yamato:Great visual,thanks.
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Tetsu:„How do you drink fancy wines?!Like tequila?!Fucking help me!“The great leader of Sannoh´s hoodlum squad hissed like a feral kitty cat.
Yamato:I loved Noborus:“Cobra for the love of god behave like a normal adult for once.“
Naomi:No Cobra´s sorry not adulting today was a lot more hilarious
Rocky:Man looks a few wines deep already anyways
Shiba:Get yourself a man that looks at you like Cobra looks at any kinda liqour and you´re great off
Murayama:Isn´t he like super old anyways.
Cobra:You´re grounded then you rugrat.
Noboru:No fighting till you learn to respect your elders.
Hyuga:Yeah like those that could be your grandparents.
Yamato:What´s wrong with you?!
Tetsu:Cobra��s in his early twenties?!
Rocky:Ancient but in fancy leather today.At least he now doesn´t look like a crazy person.
Murayama:Yeah hot leather Cobra is better.
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fluffytriceratops · 1 year
𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐭 - 𝐚. 𝐦𝐢𝐲𝐚 [chapter three]
chapter three: "𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚑𝚎 𝚒𝚜, 𝚖𝚛. 𝚊𝚖𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚌𝚊."
notes: i too really want to take a fat nap with kuroo. 😭👌💕
chapter two: "bootymeat."
chapter four: "i want some lettuce."
««•◦ ✪ ◦•»»
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Saturday, 2:13 pm.
hey bo, does your practice
still start at 3 today?
Saturday, 2:26 pm.
lmao- i think it does.
i can't believe he ignored me ehu– 😭
queen keiji
he's probably just distracted
why'd you want to know?
ik how rude
i wanted to see him play today! i just finished my homework and thought it'd be fun.
finished or gave up on? 😏
do you really want to see him play or is this about seeing if atsumu is the guy you groped?
can it not be both?
it's totally the latter. tho i must admit, i'm curious too.
queen keiji
same here. did you need a ride, y/n?
don't team up on me! and if you're offering, yes, i'd love that.
queen keiji
if you're ready we can leave in five. unlike you i actually finished my homework.
low blow keiji, low blow. but yeah im good to go.
wait, are you home rn? i thought it was just me?
queen keiji
ive been here the whole time...
you have? wait where is everyone rn?
kenma and i went out for food. and kei is out with family.
the second we walked into your room to ask if you wanted to come you threw your stuffed animals at us and told us to get out.
i was trying to study and you guys always distract me!
she has a point.
queen keiji
well if you're ready y/n, we should go.
okie, im coming
if you have leftovers i will forever love you guys
we'll bring you back something tasty
ahh thankies!! 😊  
Y/n slid off her bed, bare feet hitting the cold hard wood floor. She scrunched her nose and moved towards her sock drawer. She pulled on the thickest pair of knee highs she could find, grabbed a scrunchie so she could tie her hair up and walked out her room.
Akaashi was waiting for her in the living room by the door. When Y/n entered, she was holding her phone between her cheek and her shoulder as she tied her hair up into a unkempt bun. "I thought you said you were ready?" Keiji said, slipping his own phone away as he glanced her over. Y/n pouted, "I am." She took her phone and shoved it into the pocket of the hoodie she was wearing. Why she didn't just do that in the first place, she didn't know. That's what happens when you work with half a brain cell.
Akaashi arched a brow. Y/n was in nothing but her pajamas. She wore an black t-shirt that said "sorry I'm late, I didn't want to come", followed by a pair of sweats he was sure belonged to Bokuto. Lastly she wore a sweater he knew to be Kuroo's, she had it unzipped at the moment, but he knew it wouldn't be long till she zipped it up. Y/n was always complaining about being cold.
Y/n's face burned at the sight of him looking her over and she crossed her arms over her chest subconsciously. "Don't look at me like that! I'm comfy!" Akaashi chuckled to himself lightly and shrugged his shoulders. He didn't say anything else as he opened the door of their house and went outside. Y/n pouted to herself as she shoved her feet into her outdoor slippers and followed after him sluggishly. "Meanie." She mumbled as she opened up the passenger side door and hopped inside.
"Baby." He teased, sticking the keys into the ignition and waiting for her to be buckled in before backing out of the driveway.
"It's too cold to dress up, besides we're just going to see Bo's practice so it's not like I have to look good or anything." She reasoned, leaning back in her seat, face inches away from the window to allow her breath to fog up the glass. She drew a little smiley face with her finger, her own lips quirking up.
"I thought you were going to see if the guy you hit on was Atsumu?" Keiji stopped at a red light and peeked over towards her, shaking his head in mild amusement at her antics. Y/n blushed and shot him a look, "I didn't hit on him, I just hit him, accidentally." She didn't miss the light roll of his eyes and she stuck her tongue out at him childishly. "And I was- am? I don't need to dress up for some guy."
Keiji smiled, "No, you don't." And they left it at that. The rest of the drive was relatively silent. They didn't live far from the university, so it didn't take long for them to get there. It was cloudy outside, with a chance of (meatballs) some light rain. Y/n didn't mind such weather, she had always liked the rain.
Once they were inside the building, Y/n stood beside Akaashi as they looked towards the court. Practice should be starting soon and most of the teammates were already here warming up. The h/c haired female spotted Bokuto almost immediately and rose her hand in a wave to try and catch his attention. It didn't take long for Bo to spot them and he grinned nearly as wide as Cheshire cat. Returning the wave vigorously.
"Come, let's go find a seat." Akaashi said, placing a hand on her shoulder and guiding her towards the benches.
Once they had taken their seats, practice had basically begun. Y/n's eyes roamed the room to see if she recognized any of the other players. Leaning close to Akaashi, she whispered, "So which one is Atsumu?"
Keiji started looking for him, humming to himself softly. "I don't see him. I don't think he's here yet. Practice technically doesn't start for another ten minutes, so I'm sure he's just taking his time or got distracted by something."
Y/n nodded in understanding. The male from before wasn't here either, which meant that it was a good chance it could be this Atsumu guy. She began to feel nervous. What exactly was she looking for here? Another chance to embarrass herself? It wasn't like she was planning on asking him out or anything. She was just curious to know who he was. Unfortunately, Y/n had always been too curious for her own good.
Her knee started to bounce anxiously. Akaashi glanced down at it, noticing she was starting to fidget. This normally meant Y/n was in her head too much. She tended to overthink and stress over nothing. He had known her since high school, it was something he had managed to pick up over time. He placed his hand upon her knee and gave it a reassuring pat. Y/n blinked out of her thoughts and peeked up at him. Offering the dark haired male a thankful smile. Keiji sent her a small one in return. "Try not to think about it too much, just focus on Bo's playing. You know he'll want to talk to you about it afterwards."
Y/n nodded in agreement and turned her gaze onto the court. As if by some miracle, her phone dinged with a text notification. The perfect distraction.  
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hey, you guys there yet?
is atsumu the one??  
yeah we're here
and idk, he isn't here yet.
probs on his way tho-  
kenma brought you back a slice of pie
and i have some leftover onigiri if you want it?  
ooh yummy!
yes please!!
thank you~! 🥰🥰
wait- are you guys back now?  
you're welcome!! 😋
and yeah, we just got here a few mins ago  
we could have wait for you if you wanted to come  
ye- but kenma wanted to play video games
and honestly i didn't even think about that lmao  
oh lmao
well it's not too late, you could always drive by yourself?  
but i'm so full-- i could really use a nap  
well you certainly deserve it you do work really hard, tetsu ^^ i'm sure bo wont mind, as long as you come see him play sometime soon, or buy him some meat, he'll forgive ya haha  
you're gonna make me blush
and yeah, i'll probably just go another time and buy him something to eat afterwards  
but it's true!! you do work really hard!
and okie, i'll let him know so he's not too dissapointed  
haha thanks.
and okay- let me know how it goes!
i wanna know if tsumu is the one. 🤗  
lol otay, i will
have a good nap~  
the very many thank yous.
tell akaashi i said hi.  
i will!
night tetsu~~ 😊  
i mean, it's not night but-
night y/n~~ 😊  
Y/n looked up from her phone towards Akaashi. "Kuroo says hi."
Keiji turned his gaze away from his phone, "Is that who you were texting?" She nodded, folding her hands in her lap. "Yeah, he wanted to know what was going on. I told him nothing happened yet. He and Kenma just got back."
Akaashi nodded, "They probably could have come if they wanted. I wouldn't mind waiting for them."
"That's what I said! But Kenma wanted to play video games and Tetsu's taking a fat nap. He'll be out for a while I'm sure."
"Sorry I'm late! Ran into a little trouble on the way here."
"Oh, Atsumu's here."
Y/n turned towards the voice, eyes widening a fraction at the guy who walked in. He looked extremely familiar. Probably because she had at least one class with him and he was the one she slapped. Gasping quietly to herself, Y/n grabbed Akaashi's arm to gain his attention. Not really noticing that she already had it. "That's him! He's the guy I hit!"
As if he had known they were talking about him, Atsumu suddenly looked over towards them. His eyes locked with Y/n's and a sultry smirk crawled onto his lips. She could feel heat rise to her cheeks, and she found herself being unable to tear her gaze away. What was with this guy!? It felt like he could knock the air out of her by looking at her alone. Her grip on Akaashi's arm tightened unintentionally.
It was a mistake coming here, wasn't it?
Oh what she'd give to be napping with Kuroo right about now.
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shadowshrike · 2 years
Miyuki Kazuya Appreciation Post
In honor of his birthday this year, here's a little meta about Miyuki Kazuya's traits that I find most interesting (other than his beloved snark) throughout Act I. This is hardly everything, but I wanted to love on him a bit before the day is out!
Please forgive the fan-translated panels, but they're much more accessible for a quick post.
He's forgiving.
Miyuki forgives his father for not consistently emotionally or physically taking care of him. He may not even see it as something to forgive at all due to his family's circumstances.
He instantly forgives Chris for being a jerk to everyone after his injury, still wishing for him to make first string, and even wonders if he could have helped more.
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He gives Zono an olive branch in the game immediately after their fight in front of the team, never once blaming him for causing a scene, laying hands on him, or damaging morale.
He forgives Tanba for not working with him as the ace. After being snubbed repeatedly as the starting catcher, he's excited when Tanba asks for him to catch, and is the first to back up Tanba's ace speech to the coach directly before the injury happens.
Even as a kid, he doesn't seem to hold a grudge against or tattle on the guys who beat him up in junior high. He just greets them at practice the next day (cheekily) and remains focused on holding onto his position no matter what.
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He's (mostly) selfless.
Even though he can seem like a jerk about it, Miyuki gives up a ton of time to his pitchers even before he's captain. He doesn't mind being hated or misunderstood if it gets them the win, however he gets extremely frustrated with selfish people, notably Mei, Eijun re: Chris, and pitchers shaking off signs because they want to duel the batter one-on-one.
It's true that he's unabashedly ambitious when it comes to baseball. However, Miyuki dismisses internal wants that aren't for the good of the team, such as getting to play with Chris on the first string or worrying about his future health when Koshien is on the line. The only thing he truly refuses to give up is his position as catcher.
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He's a caretaker.
Miyuki's been a physical caretaker since he was a little kid feeding his dad and an emotional one for his Seido teammates. Sometimes it's in a 'tough love' way for the confident ones, and sometimes it's done in a more gentle way for the insecure ones.
Does he always express it appropriately? Definitely not. Is he a little shit when the stakes are low? Absolutely. But his thoughts and actions are usually trying to motivate or support others.
Miyuki feels personal responsibility for the success of his pitchers. He lets them blame him for failure. He feels guilty for failing to notice injuries or distress. He even shifts away from his naturally harsh communication style based on individual needs, such as with the less-aggressive Nori or when Eijun struggles with the yips and he's trying to find the right way to help.
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When Miyuki is named captain, he takes the team's success completely on his shoulders. He refuses to allow himself any moments of weakness as a batter, catcher, or playmaker because the team is counting on him, and redoubles his own training. He even seeks out advice from Tetsu to better handle his role when he realizes he doesn't have the perspective he needs to lead.
This is part of why he contradicts himself during the yips arc about whether he should focus on the team first or help Eijun to help the team. He's being forced to choose if he's going to take care of Seido as a captain or take care of his pitcher as a catcher, and he doesn't know how to balance those priorities yet.
At the end of it all, even when he's injured badly enough to be on the verge of collapse, Miyuki still nags the team to remember their ice.
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During his recovery, we see his caring nature a final time in the guilt he feels around Chris' injury. It's completely irrational. After all, Miyuki was brand new to the team when it happened and probably new to being a real teammate in general. Still, he wonders if he helped his already injured rival senpai enough. The fact he was openly friendly, supportive, and patient with Chris in his second year, even though Chris was short with him, wasn't enough in his mind because someone he cared about dearly suffered.
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He has abandonment issues.
Miyuki can't accept people he cares about, especially those he admires, leaving him. He expects himself to fix the situation if their relationship is threatened. If he can't fix it, his frustration can manifest as atypically childish anger for such an emotionally mature teenager.
Looking at his history, it's unsurprising.
Miyuki doesn't seem to have any junior high friends that have stuck with him into high school. It isn't that they're at odds, like Mochi's, but more like they were kids he just walked home with because his own dad couldn't make games.
His dad appears to be a hard-working widower who doesn't have time to be involved with his son. Miyuki respects rather than resents him for his dedication to his job despite having to raise himself in a lot of ways.
Once he reaches High School following Chris, his idol and should-have-been mentor first ignores him, then disappears due to his injury, then lashes out at him ("First string catcher") even into Miyuki's second year. Miyuki keeps seeking him out all the same.
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The only involved adult figures Miyuki seems to have in his life are Rei, who is one of the few people we see watch out for him from the beginning, and Coach Kataoka, who has been a quiet supporter since Miyuki was made a starter under horrific circumstances.
Given all of this, it's unsurprising that Miyuki has learned to verbally accept that people leave, but he can't do so emotionally. We see this over and over again:
Miyuki losing control over his emotions when Sawamura said Chris should just give up on baseball. He can stand Chris hating him or ignoring him, but having Chris disappear from his world awakens that primal fear and anger of being left behind.
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Miyuki telling the team that they have to win to keep Coach Kataoka. Other players mention it on occasion during the second half of Act I, but he is the first, last, and most consistent to demand they win so Kataoka can't leave. He even plays through a serious injury while internally citing the impending loss of Kataoka as why he has to.
Miyuki gets furious after Mei makes a stupid mistake, denying their match against each other. That petulant rage bleeds over into his conversation with the team afterward, causing him to nihilistically state that everyone moves on in the end, so there's no point in being friends. He instinctively tries (and fails) to protect himself from the pain of people leaving by never building bonds to begin with.
And after all this, when Zono comes at him, he doesn't really fight back. He lets Zono scream at him and listens even if he's stubborn about it in the moment. He seems to believe this as an acceptable consequence for his words like he did with his old bullies.
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He's resilient.
Although baseball comes easily to Miyuki, not much else in his life has, and it makes him roll with the punches. From his home situation, to what happens with Chris, to teammates who hate or bully him, to dealing with losses - he's still always looking forward.
It's what makes him a great player, and ultimately, a great captain.
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geraniumplant · 8 months
Main Muse ⎯⎯⎯ Vash the Stampede from Trigun
High Priority Muses ⎯⎯⎯ Genjo Sanzo from Saiyuki Nicholas D. Wolfwood from Trigun
Secondary Muses ⎯⎯⎯ Cloud Strife from FF7 D from Vampire Hunter D Gene Starwind from Outlaw Star Grimmjow Jaerjaquez from Bleach Mizu from Blue Eye Samurai Vergil from Devil May Cry
Low Activity: Request Only Muse ⎯⎯⎯ Abel Nightroad from Trinity Blood Alucard from Hellsing E "Twin D" from Vampire Hunter D Folken Fanel from Escaflowne Killy from BLAME! Kougaiji from Saiyuki Nero from Devil May Cry Tetsu Hayami from Blue Submarine No. 6
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