i dont know if this is "in" "character" and i dont care because its funny BUT
in the eyeball swap polycule au karin is a BNF in the akatsuki RPF community. she has a brutally defended timeslot of 2 hours a night where she completely ignores all her other responsibilities and either blasts out a bunch of overwrought, aggressively mediocre fic or just absolutely rips someone else on the akatsuki RPF mailing list to shreds. (orochimaru dies during the chuunin exams arc in this fic and karin becomes the nidaime otokage, but she's been writing fic for a few years before that happens. also, hinata, karin, and kabuto are Unhinged Childhood Friends in the hinataverse, btw, but karin & kabuto haven't heard anything from hinata from when she escapes otogakure until after orochimaru dies.)
now, karin is not a sasori girl (sasori being the most popular guy in the akatsuki rpf fandom) because sasori tried to make kabuto a sleeper agent and now kabuto is uno-reverse-card spying on HIM and it just feels too weird, quite frankly, but the second-most-popular blorbo in the akatsuki rpf fandom is itachi and, well, thirteen-year-old karin thought when she was picking a blorbo, she doesn't have ANY weird personal relationships with ITACHI, nor is she likely to form any, right? like, if she ever meets uchiha goddamn itachi irl he's probably going to kill her instantly, at which point the fanfiction is no longer going to be a concern.
fast forward several years. hinata isn't dead after all! cool, karin says, can you beta my itachi/kakashi slash? since you know them irl, and all.
hinata: fine. give it here.
(several minutes pass)
hinata: he would not fucking say that.
karin: which one?
hinata: EITHER OF THEM!! also, i'm banning you from using the phrase "crimson orbs". say ANYTHING else
karin: fine, but i need to get this in the mail by tonight. i need to win an argument with xXx_uchihafucker69_xXx.
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textfromthelookout · 10 months
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narutocharacterpolls · 10 months
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Reasons for submission under the cut
had so much potential and was built up as this super cool and mysterious and strong Genin… and then we don't get much of him after that
he was on the strongest of the Konoha genin teams but he didn't get his proper match in the Chunin Exams and he didn't get to be on the Sasuke Rescue Mission
his power set is so cracked. Chakra eating bugs could take down most opponents that don't have a tailed beast, let's be real
he's really deadpan which is enjoyable
him and the Aburame clan are all very autism-coded, all deadpan and covered up with glasses and coats for sensory issues
with the particular way Shino speaks, it's very much like someone with autism trying to interact with people that aren't neurodivergent
him being so calm and patient probably helped dealing with Kiba's boisterous personality and Hinata's anxiety and lack of self-esteem, and those three make a good team and friend group
cool fight scenes
loves bugs
he's got that autistic rizz
when asked if he was ashamed that Hinata was beating him his response was "no I don't discriminate against opponents" aka King of feminism
Karin was the only girl Kishimoto gave a REAL REASON to like Sasuke and it was actually pretty cute
people treat her like she's the crazy one because she's a tsundere but I think she's funny and actually totally valid
has her flaws but truthfully I think Kishimoto let her be one of the more competent female characters and people didn't like that
she has some of the more interesting jutsu in the series, she is one of the strongest sensory ninjas in the series and her healing jutsu is very interesting, also the chakra chains are very cool as only she and Kushina has been seen using them
she's actually allowed to openly be an unhinged female characetr unlike the other female characters who had to restrain themselves
an amazing addition to Team Taka
amazing haircut in both Shippuuden and Boruto
after Sasuke stabbed her she decided she would get over him and then she actually did which is a huge juxtaposition to Sakuras character
her interaction with Sakura was funny
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fungh0u1 · 13 days
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eeveryone says they love emo bitches until they meet one
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Remembering: Kazuki’s Theme
Has someone talked about the piano piece playing on episodes 7 and 8?
In films and tv series, we encounter character music theme. This is important in order to convey the message to the audience.
When a theme is associated with a character or concept in the film, and referenced effectively, it can have an incredibly powerful impact on the audience. Being aware of the different psychological effects music has when combined with the visuals will also help you carve out the perfect viewing experience for your audience. ( x )
At first I thought it was the same background piano on episode 3 when Kazuki met Misaki at the snack bar where she’s working. But no, this particular piano piece is very distinct to Kazuki and his remembrance for two people in his life: Yuzu and Rei.
On episode 7, it started to play when Kazuki ran away to the hydrangea park where he first met Yuzu. Karin caught him there and K began to reminisce. And later he admitted to her the reason he was still grieving.
On episode 8, K was talking to Miri and explaining to her the complexity of Rei’s relationship with his father and then the very first time he met Rei at Kyutaro’s coffee shop, Yadorigi.
Katsutoshi Kitagawa of Round Table, the anime music composer, and the music editor at PA Works know what’s up, using this piece especially for Kazuki and his recollections of the first times he met these people who have created an impact in his life.
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1pcii · 5 months
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she's so cute 😭
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varyathevillain · 1 year
With the amount of time Kazuki spends with adult entertainment industry workers in the series, I wonder if Yuzuko was also one.
I mean, apparently her and Karin's parents were deceased (maybe recently, maybe not?) prior to the series flashbacks, with Karin being the last remaining member of the family after Yuzuko's death. Her sister never questions specifically where Kazuki's money came from, but if she was aware of Yuzuko making money from sex work/other types of adult entertainment, and might've assumed that her and Kazuki met at work, then it'd make sense for Karin to assume that he's either an adult entertainment worker himself, or is running in those circles. She also could've seen Kazuki hanging out with Carol and Dorothy and extrapolated out of that one way or another.
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dominicsorel · 10 months
Kisuke and Kukaku are still fraternal twins to me.
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forcebookish · 1 year
do they ever have an in-universe reason for why all the kurosaki kids are named after fruit? did i just make it up that it was based on masaki's pregnancy cravings? or was it just... they like fruit......?
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namimikan · 2 years
kind of interested in a hitsukarin(yukio) love triangle fic, where yukio, having fallen in love with karin, decides to court her by... transporting her into an otome game (idk how invaders must die! works and i’m not about to start now), and basically tries to win her heart that way. meanwhile, karin is super confused why one day she just gets hit by truck-kun, and then a second later?? it’s like nothing happened and she’s going to school, and suddenly she can see textboxes in the sky giving her these options but nobody else can see them, but suddenly life just got a bit more... romantic, somehow? and people that she knows start acting a bit... more npc like? but the only person who notices is this new kid called yukio. so now she has to navigate high school life like a game, somehow, and rack up enough ‘heart’ points so she can escape???
anyway, enter hitsugaya. i can’t decide whether yukio somehow manages to erase hitsugaya from her memory, and like whenever hitsugaya appears there’s a glitch in the system, and karin’s never really sure if she’s making him up in her head bc no one else can see him or even knows who he is! or hitsugaya is genuinely trying to break through but can’t enter the game for that long; or karin is trying to get over hitsugaya and wilfully trying to ignore him because she keeps on having daydreams about him and. it’s not like they’re ever going to end up together, right? and this yukio kid is... kind of nice? maybe? (... suspicious, even?) or like hitsugaya got trapped in the game ~somehow~ and doesn’t realize until much later that somehow??? karin is the heroine of the story, and the only way he can escape is by admitting some truths that he’s in denial about.
so. love on paper, love that’s real. how does karin get herself out of this one, and is it the answer maybe by threatening the mastermind to never pull a stunt like this again? or is it by listening to her heart?
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in no particular order, list of absolute nightmare infiltrators whose potential is severely underexploited by canon (partially, i must admit, inspired by caution to the wind)
karin (read caution to the wind!!!)
literally anyone with a byakugan (i hint at/touch on this in many of my hinata fics but i have a hc in my notes that eventually other hidden villages figure out that sufficiently thick layers of lead can block/muffle byakugan-sight, as can sufficiently noisy chakra fields set up by fuuinjutsu, and they immediately set this up around all their sensitive records rooms to stop hinata’s favorite trick of parking herself a block away and reading all the records at her leisure. but, and here’s the part i hadn’t thought as much about, she can also pull much the same trick as cttw karin of getting a near-instant basically unblockable survey of what personnel assets a village has.)
minato (less because of his volume or rate of data collection and more because he can leave hiraishin seals everywhere and then you will never be able to keep him out ever again)
any aburame (depends on how much information they can get out of the bugs, bc like… theyre bugs, but a. its next to impossible to keep bugs out of places, b. they can consume chakra, so you can blanket a hidden village and get a very accurate survey of how many ninja they have and what their chakra levels are, c. if someone DOES develop seals that keep kikaichu out of a sensitive area well that’s interesting information in and of itself, isn’t it!!)
sharingan (between the genjutsu abilities and the photographic memory it’s killer, but we already knew the sharingan is op as fuck; this isn’t exactly a new insight)
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textfromthelookout · 9 months
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narutocharacterpolls · 11 months
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Reasons for submission under the cut
unpleasant weirdo
socially awkward and uncomfortable to watch
obsessed with Sasuke
attractive but died immediately
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quinn-pop · 1 year
i feel like karin and mia have only interacted in canon maybe twice but this is what i imagine their dynamic is like
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The first things I noticed in the new preview teaser are the hydrangeas. ( x )
Now, having been more than two years in the “Kuroshitsuji” fandom, it has severely taught me to pay attention to flowers and their language/significance. Yana Toboso loves to elaborate her background and illustrations through floriography in conveying the meaning/depth/intention of a particular scenario or a character.
Or it could be that the writers and director just throw in the flowers on this mise-en-scène just for the heck of it.
In Victorian England, Englishmen sent hydrangeas to those women who rejected them as a sign of “frigidity mockery.” Because of this practise, they believed that when a woman grew hydrangeas in her garden it meant that she would soon be a spinster. ( x )
Of course, this is just a guess when it comes to this anime. Because in Japan, not only they are heavily cultivated, but they also carry a different connotation.
Long ago, in the land of the rising sun, it is said that an emperor was so busy running errands and businesses that he neglected a maiden that he loves deeply. To make it up to her, he gave her blue hydrangeas as a symbol of his sincere apology and gratitude. ( x )
What do blue hydrangeas mean?
Blue hydrangeas have a meaning of forgiveness, rejection and regret. So, while they may be super pretty, they don’t have the happiest meaning. We’ve all been in an argument with someone and said something we’ve immediately regretted, and if you’re looking to apologise, then blue hydrangeas are a great starting point. ( x )
We saw Kazuki in front of a flower shop. And he definitely feels regret and, possibly, guilt. The desire to apologise to his late wife’s family, but how about the purple ones?
Purple hydrangeas carries the meaning of desire for deep understanding towards someone. It is often gifted during the fourth wedding anniversary of a couple. It is also represented by pride, royalty and gracefulness across different cultures so it is ideal to be gifted as a sign of appreciation to your partner after four years of marriage.
Are hydrangeas Yuzu’s favourite flowers? Are they connected to his relationship with Rei? Or are they connected to the woman, Karin, who showed up at Kyu-chan’s coffeehouse? She has a mole on her left lower lip.
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My suspicion is that she might be the beneficiary of the money K sets aside. She could be related to Kazuki’s late wife’s family, a twin sister or sister? The most important question is: is she a friend or a foe? One way or another they have to introduce her. “She’s” been briefly mentioned in the first and second episodes like Chekhov’s gun. And that gun has to be shot sooner than later.
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if-one-of-us-falls · 2 years
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