#tftsmp negative
esters-reblogs · 6 months
god i miss tales from the smp
the inbetween/other side?
white perfect pristine castle that's supposed to be good but has a black rose (yin) vs dark gloomy castle with a white tulip (yang)?
and they're just as bad and good as one anotherm
yin yang, good and evil being together, etc. very nice aesthetically.
all part of a sick god of chaos's dream.
really good lore. rip dsmp but i will take this concept and idea and hold it forever in my heart.
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awesamcozy · 2 years
Rant incoming
To me, as a Boober ig
I think the ending, when put into a vacuum, was okay. Not overtly spectacular or anything, but not bad for what we got. Did I think that they could've done more with their character, especially with how intertwined they were to the """main""" plot? Well yeah, but c!Ranboo has been through enough and cc!Ranboo the story has already put them through the ringer as is, so maybe it's best to put them to rest with a soft ending.
Especially when being left with Michael, who they tried to at least protect above all else in the end. I think that was pretty sweet at least.
From an overall perspective tho?
Holy shit
"The embodiment of love"???
c!Ranboo was fucking responsible for destroying c!Tommy's house, the TNT on top of the prison, and had fucking lessons that revolved around detaching themselves and about taking advantage of other fucking people.
What do you MEAN the embodiment of fucking love?
For fucks sake, you could've gone with any other final answer, but chose the fucking ONE thing that didn't align with everything that's happened with c!Ranboo atp???
Maybe if c!Ranboo- once combined with his other state- started going in that direction, sure, fuck it! Why not!
But really??? You're telling me that not even their attachment to their canonical husband (RIP IG)? Their friends? Their fucking family?? They didn't want to go back to any of that or try to fight for them?? Just fucking Michael ???? And I'M supposed to be the fool that believed he was the embodiment/culmination of the idea of fucking love?????
I could rant for days about how much c!Ranboo deserves justice, not just from a story perspective, but just in general.
cc!Ranboo didn't fumble the bag, they fucking looked at that shit, tossed it into the incinerator while fanning the flames with their bullshit "self-deprecating" jokes about their terrible lore schedule for the #th time this week. While their rabid fanbase goes to talk about how dogshit everyone else is with their lore
(NEVER gonna forgive them for dropping those TFTSMP ideas with Karl, that shit is haunting me even after I drop dead)
I know I sound super negative, but I really can't emphasis just how much I like cc!Ranboo's content, honest I do. But any mention of them and the DSMP and I slowly go from Boober to feral.
You are like the credible guest speaker on my news channel
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bugflies00 · 2 years
seeing dt criticism on my dash i feel the need 2 add. gnf has always been boring & ive always thought of it as to each their own but hes genuinely just unfunny .. i tried to forcw myself to like him at some point bc i thought i was supposed to as a damp fan but like. hes so boring. it numbs my brain his humor's just SCREAMing. thats it.. he needs other people to be funny
sapnap is whatever i enjoyed him in tftsmp. he also yells soosooo much but his val etc stuff also just isn't for me..
but fuck dream. genuinely fuck dream & also How come gnf is friends with drm still like Dont you know.. fucking What the fucl tjats so gross??!!! i donr keep up with dt for aforementioned reasons but im like 90% sure they are still friendly. WHAT!!
i like how my inbox has basically become dteam shittalk nation not complaining lmao (btw for people who dont want to see it bc theres starting to be a lot of these posts, block the negativity tag)
i agree with the george thing i think its also because i need content thats like. pretty high energy or at least more like entertaining than that . but hes just always bored me
im just not really into the games sapnap streamed i liked some of his lore stuff (like c!fiances or the (abandoned) plotline w ctommy) but thats literally it . out of the three hes probably the one that grates the least on me but eh
and oh no yeah the only reason i feel comfortable shitting on these guys is because theyre still full on roommates and bffs with dream lmao like otherwise itd just be like. Eh they bore me but everyones got different tastes yknow. but now i just do not care they suck LMAO
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qskeppy · 2 years
i’ll be honest i love scrolling through the karl neg tag.. U guys make me LOL sometimes with your takes like it’ll be so funny. karl jacobs is an attention seeking WHORE and he purposefully sabotaged tftsmp and that’s why s2 died. TRUE!
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oceantail-oceantail · 4 years
why don’t you like tales from the smp? or do you not like karl’s content? /nm /gen, interested in your opinion, i respect it
Heads up, this is all my opinion and I am very tftsmp negative/critical:
Tales from the smp is very poorly executed. Karl is incredibly handhold-y and not a good narrator (though he is improving slightly). There is hardly any emotional weight to it because c!Karl has no distinct personality or characterization and overall falls very flat. 
The fact that it’s one-off stories is interesting but also not for me. I simply do not care about these characters. They’re not well developed, we don’t know anything about them, and immersion in the story is often ruined when CCs themselves keep forgetting character names. 
Speaking of immersion, breaking character is very common as is breaking the 4th wall. I remember in the Masquerade episode, Karl was visibly texting someone on his phone to shut off the lights and move the story along. The breaks are awkward and make the viewing experience unenjoyable. 
I’ve never been able to make it through a single one without clicking off because it got too boring or dragged on too long. 
The quality of the builds seems to be prioritized over the actual storytelling and half the times the ccs participating are half-assing their way though the plot. 
It uncomfortably straddles the line of meaningful lore and funny improv. You can’t have both without it meshing awkwardly together. We all know that Quackity and Bad can roleplay seriously, but in every episode they’re comic relief for no reason. Commit to either actual lore or a fun sidestory!! 
If I could summarize every episode it would be this: We are forcibly introduced to a bunch of random characters (many of which are dumb comic relief), a bunch of CCs fuck around and try to improv up a storyline, then Karl tries to awkwardly force lore/angst at the end with zero build up. 
I also don’t like how Karl tried to connect every episode to current SMP lore that actually had clear heart to it. My biggest example of this is how he tied the Masquerade the Bloodvines arc. It was forced in to create relevancy for TFTSMP, but it rubbed me the wrong way that Bad/the Badlands spent months creating and developing that storyline for Karl just shove it into TFTSMP for no real reason. Karl himself has never interacted with the Bloodvines arc and it felt like he was just using the work of other CCs. 
The end sequences of the Inbetween are not great for accessibility. Forcing the audience to silently read though a book on screen with no narration? There are a million better ways to execute that.
And yeah, I also don’t love Karl himself as a CC, but that’s something for another day (or never)
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revarova · 4 years
My gripe about how it’s so difficult to get attached to any of the characters in tftsmp, because we railroad into the ‘plot’ and there’s so many of them in one episode that no one ever gets a chance to really shine and develop. And the skins, nice as they are, are very sameface and the only real difference between them is their outfits, which are often similar (how many characters have had that gold eyepiece?). Plenty of these characters have the potential to be very interesting (using examples from The Pit; Watson being immortal Phil, Porkius being connected to Billiam, Levi’s brief backstory sounds interesting, Bartholomew having purple eyes in comparison to Jack’s red and blue, I want to know more about Genevive in general, what ever the hell was up with Ran he was clearly supposed to have lore where the fuck was it). But we’re never shown more than surface level, more often then not characters are either jokes, or come across as slightly bland because we don’t know anything about them, and we’ll never get to learn.
My immediate reaction to Bartholomew being ‘BARTHY MY BELOVED’
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sp-ud · 4 years
tftsmp liveblog by someone whos very critical/negative about tftsmp which is why its under a “keep reading”
i know part of the point of tftsmp is the constant improving, but im so sick of hearing him say “this is the best/biggest one yet” every week. like yes karl, thats the point of improving.
“i know you guys look forward to the future tftsmps” actually i hate them more than the past ones.
“this takes a little bit in the future” says cc!karl, c!connor “schlatts been dead for a few months” hasnt schlatt already been dead for a couple of months? shouldnt it be longer if this is a “bit in the future”???
Damn this is really railroady and cringe. At least schlatt is explicit with the fact he is railroading
Also schlatt not having proper permissions. Embarrassing.
im worried about how this might go south and angsty, but also who knows. its going too easy. also damn its so linear. at least they are acknowledging it.
while this map is cool and interactive, i once again dont like the favortism tftsmp seems to get? like almost every other lore doesnt get non-mc-survival elements. the only other non-mc-surv stuff is the egg hurting back, and ranboos silk touch hands, which is a lot less than a whole modded server
aw fuck post limit hell. 11pm cst where are you.
The 4th wall breaks finally don't feel awkward, maybe because they're finally all doing them and it's not a serious tftsmp
is karl saying “their moms” is probably forgetting theyre twins, but im taking it to mean wlw moms
wait... why did that one bit look like the egg when i glanced back up? should i be worried...?
so wait, is schlatt genuinely drunk? idk how to feel about that if he actually is
dont touch the egg lore please. especially because bbh was a last minute addition and idk if that means he had any input on it or not
so this is what glatt has canonically been up too? also why is his tomb here... if his grave is in the dsmp?
that. thats the ending? really? that? for real?
wait why does karl have no brim in this video.
exhausted sigh. the inbetween, you’re so well built but i fucking hate how you look
where was the close lore ties. where. we got glatt and connor lore, which is cool but. what?
at least this song is a bop.
“so much time” yeah into the map. and thats it. where the fuck was the story. where. 
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snbouz · 4 years
Cool build bro but where are the proper trigger warnings ?? Flashes and rapid movements??
Also still no narration?? ...
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mapicccubito · 3 years
No sorry I actually don’t want c!Ranboo to be the previous time traveler like yes it would feel good for the fans to be right but also think of the fuckin top tier content we could get if it were c!connor
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sussyamogusnutz · 3 years
"tftsmp is clout chasing"
the definition of clout-chasing is when someone takes something and puts absolutely no effort in it, just because they want to be popular.
karl took the dsmp and actually puts fucking effort into his lore.
if you think the writing is choppy and shoddy and only the raw concepts are okay, then i have news for you, the entire DSMP lore is also like this, improvised and just for FUN. just say you have bias and go
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the-king-of-lemons · 3 years
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inbetween otherside lore boring
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captain-lonagan · 4 years
long one here we go. some discussion of why tftsmp is often found lacking by different people and an idea for how a certain twitch streamer might go about making improvements
tftsmp is such a difficult thing because it’s permanently caught between being a comedic adventure map with very light roleplay/story and being heavy lore that mixes with the rest of the dsmp.
they can’t do pure comedic adventure map because karl promises big Lore. they can’t do heavy lore because a variety of reasons. for one thing there’s never been a time where Everyone decided to do actual acting, there’s also karl needing to hand hold people through a lot of the maps, the lack of lore related stuff that makes sense in the context of the greater smp (lost city of mizu what is Up).
a lot of those heavy lore problems could be ignored if you viewed this as a goofy spin off of the dream smp but again that’s not how it’s presented.
so karl ended up doing this big split where there’s the comedic fun adventure map where the gang goofs around and OwO egg sighting, and then after that he switches over to a completely silent book reading with some lore. and theoretically that could be pulled off if there’s something to even slightly tie the two settings and moods together. 
the solution: make c!karl a character.
have c!karl remember that he’s a time traveler and make little winks and nudges to the problems he’s facing. instead of breaking the fourth wall all of the time, maybe mention something about fiances or worries about time travel. make c!karl cope with his impending amnesia via humor or something. that way you can keep the comedy, but then you still get something tying in the lore. there’s a bigger, sadder, heavier lore thing lurking below the surface that you can tap in or out of whenever you want. give him consistent feelings and memories and wants, give him a Character.
not only would that help tie together the lore and the comedy bits, it would make tftsmp more...not exactly interesting, but it would give the audience a lot more to care about? right now we’re told that c!karl is losing or will lose his memories, but we never actually See that because we never actually See c!karl do anything other than silently read books. just. give c!karl a character. karl. play c!karl on stream, don’t just refer to him in books. practice voice acting or something if you want and turn off face cam if that makes you more comfortable acting. yes i know karl isn’t reading this but i must speak to him regardless.
don’t silently read books all the time. give us a character to give a shit about. draft up a google doc of ideas for who your character is and how they behave. do NOT copy and paste that google doc into a book or a twitter thread for the audience to read. act it out.
thx bestie
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terrible-leviathan · 3 years
Y'know I kinda find it funny and sad that the fandom's main complaint of lore back in December was that it was going way too fast with hours of streams from different pov's to catch up on but now lore is just so fucking slow that it's been months since anything has happened
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comradeboyhalo · 4 years
sometimes i wish viewers hyped up bad and puffys lore streams as much as they hype up tales from the smp
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crazy-purple-kitten · 3 years
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mARTch day 8 - complimentary colors
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the bg which i think looks cool and swapped glasses! almost spamtn
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cat-26 · 4 years
This tales is lacking phil content.
This tales is lacking techno-phil content.
This tales is lacking techno-ranboo content.
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