aurorawest · 11 days
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Title: The General Mess and Imprecision of Feeling Author: @aurorawest​​ Rating: M (language, violence, sexual content) Relationships: Loki/Stephen Strange, Loki & Thor, Jane Foster & Loki, Jane Foster/Thor Major Archive Warnings: Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings Word Count: 152.9k Summary: Loki knows his feelings for Stephen Strange are a capital B-Bad Idea. Whatever character growth he’s struggled through hasn’t changed the fact that he’s uniquely incapable of making another person that kind of happy for more than a night.
When a powerful Asgardian artifact goes missing, Loki and Stephen must team up to track it down—especially once it becomes clear that the theft is part of a larger, insidious plot.
Can Loki tie together the loose threads of his life: the threat to New Asgard, his friendship with Stephen, and the feelings he can’t stop no matter how hard he fights, and write himself a happy ending?
Thank you to my betas, @mareebird​​​​​​​​​​​​ and AsgardianHarmony!
Epilogue is posted!
Their kissing turned slower until finally, Stephen gave Loki’s bottom lip one final suck and pulled away. He raised a hand and brushed the backs of his knuckles along Loki’s cheekbone, then traced his jawline. “I’m really glad you came over today.” Loki stretched, his body flexing against Stephen’s. The crack and pop of his joints was a weirdly intimate thing to share with another person. “Even though I dropped in unannounced?” Stephen chuckled and put his hand over Loki’s heart. “You’re my favorite unannounced guest.” “Considering most of your announced guests are demons of various stripes, that’s a pretty low bar to clear.”
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aurorawest · 24 days
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Title: The General Mess and Imprecision of Feeling Author: @aurorawest​​ Rating: M (language, violence, sexual content) Relationships: Loki/Stephen Strange, Loki & Thor, Jane Foster & Loki, Jane Foster/Thor Major Archive Warnings: Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings Word Count (so far): 146.5k Summary: Loki knows his feelings for Stephen Strange are a capital B-Bad Idea. Whatever character growth he’s struggled through hasn’t changed the fact that he’s uniquely incapable of making another person that kind of happy for more than a night.
When a powerful Asgardian artifact goes missing, Loki and Stephen must team up to track it down—especially once it becomes clear that the theft is part of a larger, insidious plot.
Can Loki tie together the loose threads of his life: the threat to New Asgard, his friendship with Stephen, and the feelings he can’t stop no matter how hard he fights, and write himself a happy ending?
Thank you to my betas, @mareebird​​​​​​​​​​​​ and AsgardianHarmony!
Chapter 39 God of Stories, is posted!
Thor looked at him steadily, as though he hadn’t just had a fire hose of Loki-patented sarcasm turned on him. “The part where you and Stephen are great for each other.” Loki froze. A lump formed in his throat. “Don’t,” he said. “I’m only going to say this once.” Thor put his hands on the table. No. No no no. This needed to stop. Thor needed to stop. He needed to not say this once. He needed to not say whatever he was going to say ever.
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aurorawest · 2 months
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Title: The General Mess and Imprecision of Feeling Author: @aurorawest​​ Rating: M (language, violence, sexual content) Relationships: Loki/Stephen Strange, Loki & Thor, Jane Foster & Loki, Jane Foster/Thor Major Archive Warnings: Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings Word Count (so far): 128.6k Summary: Loki knows his feelings for Stephen Strange are a capital B-Bad Idea. Whatever character growth he’s struggled through hasn’t changed the fact that he’s uniquely incapable of making another person that kind of happy for more than a night.
When a powerful Asgardian artifact goes missing, Loki and Stephen must team up to track it down—especially once it becomes clear that the theft is part of a larger, insidious plot.
Can Loki tie together the loose threads of his life: the threat to New Asgard, his friendship with Stephen, and the feelings he can’t stop no matter how hard he fights, and write himself a happy ending?
Thank you to my betas, @mareebird​​​​​​​​​​​​ and AsgardianHarmony!
Chapter 36, My Father's Drinking Horn, is posted!
Ten, fifteen, twenty steps; Loki stopped in front of a café with a board on the sidewalk and yanked Stephen to a stop. “Talk to me,” Loki said in a low voice. “Anything specific you’re looking for? Smalltalk? Pillow talk? Dirty talk? The Talk?” “God, you really are insufferable,” Loki said, keeping his eye on Spencer while he pretended to study the restaurant board. Stephen squeezed his hand. “I think you kind of like it.”
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aurorawest · 4 days
Hey you! I just wanted to send a nice note your way, and congratulations on finishing It's not going to matter if we fall down twice! Dude, 814,000 words (so far) is such an incredible accomplishment! I can't wait to see the epilogue on The General Mess! Your writing is just so enjoyable- I personally adore the way you write Loki and Thor's relationship, it's got such a good balance of banter and bickering, and tender moments.
Additionally, you just seem like such an incredible person. I love hearing the updates on your travels and your life, and your successes in getting published! You've got such a great experienced and mature mentality in the fandom(s), and it's very stabilizing and pleasant.
So thanks for all you do, and here's to the next chapter(s)!
Anon, I've been holding onto this ask for a week and a half now because it made me tear up, and it was so amazingly kind that I kept reading it, and then I kept thinking I wouldn't be able to respond in a way that expressed how much this meant to me!
Thank you so, so much for reading it's not going to matter if we fall down twice and enjoying it! I'm so happy in particular that you like how I write Loki and Thor's relationship—the series very much started because I love the two of them and their messed up, loving dynamic. Sometimes I tell irl friends that I wrote a 1 million word series about Loki and it's funny to watch their brains 404 Not Found when they try to think of a response.
Also ahhhhhh I do not know how to accept compliments about my personality lol, but thank you and I can't tell you how happy I am that that's the energy I'm putting out into the fandom! Or as the corporate lingo goes, I'm glad I'm casting a positive leadership shadow. It's important to me to try to make fandom a fun and pleasant place (I have my moments and haven't always succeeded), because when I was a fandom youngster, there were people who were clearly much older than me who did the same.
Thank you again so so much for taking the time to send this. It really meant the world to me to receive it!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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aurorawest · 3 months
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Title: The General Mess and Imprecision of Feeling Author: @aurorawest​​ Rating: M (language, violence, sexual content) Relationships: Loki/Stephen Strange, Loki & Thor, Jane Foster & Loki, Jane Foster/Thor Major Archive Warnings: Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings Word Count (so far): 109.7k Summary: Loki knows his feelings for Stephen Strange are a capital B-Bad Idea. Whatever character growth he’s struggled through hasn’t changed the fact that he’s uniquely incapable of making another person that kind of happy for more than a night.
When a powerful Asgardian artifact goes missing, Loki and Stephen must team up to track it down—especially once it becomes clear that the theft is part of a larger, insidious plot.
Can Loki tie together the loose threads of his life: the threat to New Asgard, his friendship with Stephen, and the feelings he can’t stop no matter how hard he fights, and write himself a happy ending?
Thank you to my betas, @mareebird​​​​​​​​​​​​ and AsgardianHarmony!
Chapter 31, Skarde, is posted!
They made it about halfway down before Stephen let out a muted yelp and lost his footing. Loki whipped around, arms open, flinging himself towards Stephen to make sure he didn’t topple over the edge of the path to the rocks below. “Are you okay?” Loki asked, his face pressed against the side of Stephen’s. Stephen’s arms were around him, too. When had that happened? “Yeah,” Stephen said. “Thanks. Maybe I should have let the Cloak come along, after all.” “Hindsight,” Loki murmured. One of his hands cupped Stephen’s shoulder blade and his body buzzed. God, he wanted to kiss this man. How was it possible to want to kiss someone so much? Before he actually did it, he let go of Stephen, turning around to keep picking his way down the path. The image of Stephen tumbling to his death kept gnawing at him. After a second, he reached back. Stephen took his hand wordlessly.
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aurorawest · 6 months
Sorry for the delay in updating The General Mess and Imprecision of Feeling this week. I'm busy, my beta is even busier, and frankly I'm drained.
Maybe more importantly, I've gotten several comments demanding more frequent updates. Nothing makes me want to update less. Every time I try to force myself to open the Scrivener doc, I remember the commenter who apparently can't conceive of a single reason I might "only" update once a week, and I just feel ill. Needless to say, I haven't done any editing since I got that one.
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aurorawest · 11 days
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help how do i deal with this
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aurorawest · 1 month
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Title: The General Mess and Imprecision of Feeling Author: @aurorawest​​ Rating: M (language, violence, sexual content) Relationships: Loki/Stephen Strange, Loki & Thor, Jane Foster & Loki, Jane Foster/Thor Major Archive Warnings: Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings Word Count (so far): 136.2k Summary: Loki knows his feelings for Stephen Strange are a capital B-Bad Idea. Whatever character growth he’s struggled through hasn’t changed the fact that he’s uniquely incapable of making another person that kind of happy for more than a night.
When a powerful Asgardian artifact goes missing, Loki and Stephen must team up to track it down—especially once it becomes clear that the theft is part of a larger, insidious plot.
Can Loki tie together the loose threads of his life: the threat to New Asgard, his friendship with Stephen, and the feelings he can’t stop no matter how hard he fights, and write himself a happy ending?
Thank you to my betas, @mareebird​​​​​​​​​​​​ and AsgardianHarmony!
Chapter 37, Six Fucking Years, is posted!
His glass refilled without Stephen looking at it, let alone gesturing. “Show-off,” Loki said. “Maybe I just like impressing you.” “Pfft.” Loki waved a hand. “That doesn’t impress me.” “Oh yeah?” Swinging his arm out—and sloshing a little whiskey out of his glass—Loki said, “I never seem to impress you, which, you know what? Kind of annoys me, because I’m a very impressive sorcerer.” “You impress me,” Stephen said. “You think you’re better than me.” Laughing again, Stephen said, “I don’t.”
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8 notes · View notes
aurorawest · 17 days
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Title: The General Mess and Imprecision of Feeling Author: @aurorawest​​ Rating: M (language, violence, sexual content) Relationships: Loki/Stephen Strange, Loki & Thor, Jane Foster & Loki, Jane Foster/Thor Major Archive Warnings: Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings Word Count (so far): 150.6k Summary: Loki knows his feelings for Stephen Strange are a capital B-Bad Idea. Whatever character growth he’s struggled through hasn’t changed the fact that he’s uniquely incapable of making another person that kind of happy for more than a night.
When a powerful Asgardian artifact goes missing, Loki and Stephen must team up to track it down—especially once it becomes clear that the theft is part of a larger, insidious plot.
Can Loki tie together the loose threads of his life: the threat to New Asgard, his friendship with Stephen, and the feelings he can’t stop no matter how hard he fights, and write himself a happy ending?
Thank you to my betas, @mareebird​​​​​​​​​​​​ and AsgardianHarmony!
Chapter 40, You Come to Me Wild and Wired, is posted!
Stephen’s hair fluttered in the breeze as he stood at the base of the cliff, his expression…not quite open, not quite closed. Waiting. Hesitant. Unsure. “Hey,” Stephen said. His hands shook at his sides and he pressed them against his jeans. Loki stared. “Hi,” he finally replied. His heart pounded. Stephen looked around, then said, sounding apologetic, “Your brother said I would probably find you here.” A wild laugh threatened to bubble from Loki’s throat. “And people think I betray him,” he managed to get out, almost normally.
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aurorawest · 2 months
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Title: The General Mess and Imprecision of Feeling Author: @aurorawest​​ Rating: M (language, violence, sexual content) Relationships: Loki/Stephen Strange, Loki & Thor, Jane Foster & Loki, Jane Foster/Thor Major Archive Warnings: Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings Word Count (so far): 114.2k Summary: Loki knows his feelings for Stephen Strange are a capital B-Bad Idea. Whatever character growth he’s struggled through hasn’t changed the fact that he’s uniquely incapable of making another person that kind of happy for more than a night.
When a powerful Asgardian artifact goes missing, Loki and Stephen must team up to track it down—especially once it becomes clear that the theft is part of a larger, insidious plot.
Can Loki tie together the loose threads of his life: the threat to New Asgard, his friendship with Stephen, and the feelings he can’t stop no matter how hard he fights, and write himself a happy ending?
Thank you to my betas, @mareebird​​​​​​​​​​​​ and AsgardianHarmony!
Chapter 32, God of Hacking, is posted!
“Hey.” Stephen’s hand was suddenly on his shoulder. “Are you okay?” “I’m fine,” Loki lied. Something trickled over his upper lip from his nose, and he put his fingers to the spot. They came away red and wet with blood. When Stephen gave him a flat, unimpressed look, Loki amended, “I’ll live. This is the best way to do this. It’s probably the only way to do this.” The look on Stephen’s face didn’t get any less unimpressed. “Can I help?” When Loki shook his head, Stephen said, “Can you borrow some of my magic or something?” “No,” Loki began. “I—” But then he stopped.
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aurorawest · 5 months
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Title: The General Mess and Imprecision of Feeling Author: @aurorawest​​ Rating: M (language, violence, sexual content) Relationships: Loki/Stephen Strange, Loki & Thor, Jane Foster & Loki, Jane Foster/Thor Major Archive Warnings: Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings Word Count (so far): 70k Summary: Loki knows his feelings for Stephen Strange are a capital B-Bad Idea. Whatever character growth he’s struggled through hasn’t changed the fact that he’s uniquely incapable of making another person that kind of happy for more than a night.
When a powerful Asgardian artifact goes missing, Loki and Stephen must team up to track it down—especially once it becomes clear that the theft is part of a larger, insidious plot.
Can Loki tie together the loose threads of his life: the threat to New Asgard, his friendship with Stephen, and the feelings he can’t stop no matter how hard he fights, and write himself a happy ending?
Thank you to my betas, @mareebird​​​​​​​​​​​​ and AsgardianHarmony!
Chapter 20, God of Stubbornness, is posted!
Loki grunted in pain and turned away, hoping Stephen would keep quiet about it. Right. Stephen Strange, keep quiet about something? Pigs might fly. “How’s your shoulder?” Stephen asked, in a tone that very much suggested he knew exactly how Loki’s shoulder was, but he wanted to make Loki say it. “You didn’t take your antibiotic last night. Take it now.” “I took it,” Loki lied. “You didn’t.” Stephen got up and came closer. “How is it?” “Fine,” Loki said shortly. Stephen looked exasperated. “C’mon, Loki. You think I didn’t see that?” “See what?” Loki gave him a stubborn look and went to the window.
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aurorawest · 4 months
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Title: The General Mess and Imprecision of Feeling Author: @aurorawest​​ Rating: M (language, violence, sexual content) Relationships: Loki/Stephen Strange, Loki & Thor, Jane Foster & Loki, Jane Foster/Thor Major Archive Warnings: Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings Word Count (so far): 92.7k Summary: Loki knows his feelings for Stephen Strange are a capital B-Bad Idea. Whatever character growth he’s struggled through hasn’t changed the fact that he’s uniquely incapable of making another person that kind of happy for more than a night.
When a powerful Asgardian artifact goes missing, Loki and Stephen must team up to track it down—especially once it becomes clear that the theft is part of a larger, insidious plot.
Can Loki tie together the loose threads of his life: the threat to New Asgard, his friendship with Stephen, and the feelings he can’t stop no matter how hard he fights, and write himself a happy ending?
Thank you to my betas, @mareebird​​​​​​​​​​​​ and AsgardianHarmony!
Chapter 27, Eight-Legged Horses, is posted!
Loki woke with a gasp, sitting bolt upright and clawing at his throat. His fingers caught at his tie, which was wrapped around his neck. He unwound it, breathing heavily, his chest heaving. At his side, Stephen groggily pushed himself onto an elbow, slurring, “What? What’s going on?” For a second, Loki sat there, sucking in air, his hands still on his tie. The dream clung to him in shreds, scoring revelations into his brain. “I know how they did it,” he said slowly, still feeling half-stuck in the nightmare, drowning at the bottom of a pool. He looked at Stephen and repeated with more certainty, “I know how they did it.”
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aurorawest · 4 months
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Title: The General Mess and Imprecision of Feeling Author: @aurorawest​​ Rating: M (language, violence, sexual content) Relationships: Loki/Stephen Strange, Loki & Thor, Jane Foster & Loki, Jane Foster/Thor Major Archive Warnings: Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings Word Count (so far): 89.2k Summary: Loki knows his feelings for Stephen Strange are a capital B-Bad Idea. Whatever character growth he’s struggled through hasn’t changed the fact that he’s uniquely incapable of making another person that kind of happy for more than a night.
When a powerful Asgardian artifact goes missing, Loki and Stephen must team up to track it down—especially once it becomes clear that the theft is part of a larger, insidious plot.
Can Loki tie together the loose threads of his life: the threat to New Asgard, his friendship with Stephen, and the feelings he can’t stop no matter how hard he fights, and write himself a happy ending?
Thank you to my betas, @mareebird​​​​​​​​​​​​ and AsgardianHarmony!
Chapter 26, Clan Mainframe, is posted!
When they emerged outside, magic flaring around them like a corona, Loki held his arms out with a flourish. “Ta-da!” The sound of about fifteen blasters being charged and aimed at them rather stepped on his moment.
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aurorawest · 4 months
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Title: The General Mess and Imprecision of Feeling Author: @aurorawest​​ Rating: M (language, violence, sexual content) Relationships: Loki/Stephen Strange, Loki & Thor, Jane Foster & Loki, Jane Foster/Thor Major Archive Warnings: Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings Word Count (so far): 78.6k Summary: Loki knows his feelings for Stephen Strange are a capital B-Bad Idea. Whatever character growth he’s struggled through hasn’t changed the fact that he’s uniquely incapable of making another person that kind of happy for more than a night.
When a powerful Asgardian artifact goes missing, Loki and Stephen must team up to track it down—especially once it becomes clear that the theft is part of a larger, insidious plot.
Can Loki tie together the loose threads of his life: the threat to New Asgard, his friendship with Stephen, and the feelings he can’t stop no matter how hard he fights, and write himself a happy ending?
Thank you to my betas, @mareebird​​​​​​​​​​​​ and AsgardianHarmony!
Chapter 25, Gram, is posted!
Gram was there. It was mounted above a case full of illuminated Asgardian manuscripts, the gold on their pages swirling. Literally all he needed to do was climb on top of the case and pluck it off the wall. “Is that it?” Stephen asked, following Loki’s gaze. “Yeah,” Loki said. His old sword. It was shorter than he remembered. He’d thought it would feel more momentous to find it, but mostly he just felt like he needed to sneeze from the dust still floating in the air. “I guess I’ll have to climb up there—” He stopped when Stephen quirked an eyebrow. “Oh. You can—right. Obviously.” He closed his eyes and rubbed a thumb into his temple.
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aurorawest · 7 months
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Title: The General Mess and Imprecision of Feeling Author: @aurorawest​​ Rating: M (language, violence, sexual content) Relationships: Loki/Stephen Strange, Loki & Thor, Jane Foster & Loki, Jane Foster/Thor Major Archive Warnings: Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings Word Count (so far): 44.5k Summary: Loki knows his feelings for Stephen Strange are a capital B-Bad Idea. Whatever character growth he’s struggled through hasn’t changed the fact that he’s uniquely incapable of making another person that kind of happy for more than a night.
When a powerful Asgardian artifact goes missing, Loki and Stephen must team up to track it down—especially once it becomes clear that the theft is part of a larger, insidious plot.
Can Loki tie together the loose threads of his life: the threat to New Asgard, his friendship with Stephen, and the feelings he can’t stop no matter how hard he fights, and write himself a happy ending?
Thank you to my betas, @mareebird​​​​​​​​​​​​ and AsgardianHarmony!
Chapter 13, Guest Bedroom, is posted!
As Loki got to his feet, Stephen asked, “You need me to show you where everything is? Extra toothbrush, that kind of thing?” “No. I remember.” “Okay. Let me know if you need anything.” Loki turned away to head upstairs. “Aren’t you coming to bed? Going,” he corrected himself. “Going to bed.”
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aurorawest · 5 months
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Title: The General Mess and Imprecision of Feeling Author: @aurorawest​​ Rating: M (language, violence, sexual content) Relationships: Loki/Stephen Strange, Loki & Thor, Jane Foster & Loki, Jane Foster/Thor Major Archive Warnings: Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings Word Count (so far): 78.6k Summary: Loki knows his feelings for Stephen Strange are a capital B-Bad Idea. Whatever character growth he’s struggled through hasn’t changed the fact that he’s uniquely incapable of making another person that kind of happy for more than a night.
When a powerful Asgardian artifact goes missing, Loki and Stephen must team up to track it down—especially once it becomes clear that the theft is part of a larger, insidious plot.
Can Loki tie together the loose threads of his life: the threat to New Asgard, his friendship with Stephen, and the feelings he can’t stop no matter how hard he fights, and write himself a happy ending?
Thank you to my betas, @mareebird​​​​​​​​​​​​ and AsgardianHarmony!
Chapter 23, The Tivan Group, is posted!
Skadi went still. “Bloody hel.” “I know, it’s ironic that a notorious liar would have a sword that reveals the truth, blah blah, et cetera et cetera, trust me, I’ve heard it,” Loki said. “No,” Skadi said. “You said it’s called Gram? It’s an Asgardian sword called Gram? Does it say that on the hilt?” “Er, yes?” Skadi rose to her feet. “Wait here. Atla, come help me?” Without any further clarification, they left the room, letting the door thud closed behind them. The only sound for a moment was the crackle of the fire. Loki flicked his eyes to Stephen. “So, how do you find Jotunheim so far?”
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