yumethefrostypanda · 8 months
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König 🎃🧡
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adpndrgn · 3 months
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I love your art so much and april with the torts are so adorable <3<3<3
Thank you sm!! Glad you enjoying it >w<
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randomositycat · 5 months
Oh so... okay it IS the inferiority complex... wow.... it's okay man :(
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Maybe one day she'll want you idk chin up brother
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crunchy-soup222 · 1 year
get to know the person behind the blog! when you get this answer with 3 random facts about yourself and send to 5 people who reblogged from you recently if you like!
- I am a competitive archer
- I'm Canadian!
- My favorite food is udon >:3
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bigshoeswamp · 8 months
8, 34, 39 <3
Hey!! Thanks for the asks <2
8: Want any tattoos?
I have 4 and I'm pretty happy with them at the moment, but i really really want to do one more in the future. Post top-op, I wanna do a tattoo with wild roses branches going from under the scars to the middle of my chest, and then in the middle, a rose stained glass from utena broken into pieces (but still reminiscent of a circular shape). It will take years still tho, since i haven't even done the top-op
i might also do one inspired by this stanza from franny choi's poem "catastrophe is next to godliness":
Lord, I confess I want the clarity of catastrophe but not the catastrophe. Like everyone else, I want a storm I can dance in. I want an excuse to change my life.
But i'm not sure what exactly
34: What I find attractive in women
Hmm, thinking about it, the only women i've fallen for/ had a crush on were people i admire, who are firm and responsible on their conduct and, this part is kind of funny, who are at the same time charismatic but hard to know deeply. Also... tattoos and looking queer in some way are a bonus
39: My favorite ice cream flavor
Pistacchio! This one was easy lmao
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pirrusstuff · 8 months
ice blue 🩵🩵🩵🩵 mwah
Hiii, I really need it now love thanks 💛
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have left the coconut cookies at your door so that we dont have to socially interact. enjoy. they were made by me and my pokémon (due to my left side being out of comission).
- @fairymime
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jpnpr · 1 year
Thanks for tagging me, @rangergirl3! I love speaking about songs I like!
1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dKlgCk3IGBg Waves by Dean Lewis
For years now this song has been something very special to me. Even though I finally accepted that growing-up and being and adult is not necessarily the worst thing to happen, this song makes me long for simpler times.
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Icddh-l9MuU Buralar Yalan by Emre Aydin
This song makes me experience some kind of sadness that doesn’t really make sense. But for me, it’s one example turkish songs just hitting differently. (Plus, it’s a siblings’ favourite, too, so it’s a mixture between bonding and nostalgia)
3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W0C_VJqjtpw うるうびと  by Radwimps
This one is new, and I have to hold myself back from listening to it too often. Radwimps is an amazing group, I have known their pieces since Kimi No Na Wa, I think, but right now, this one takes the cake. Not only because of the song itself, but also because of the lyrics: It’s about someone who has lost a loved one, and at some point he sings “I wish that all humanity would give just 10 minutes of their lifespan to you.... Or that I could give you exactly half of my remaining life span, so we can count to three and enter our next life together.” (translation as far as I remember it). I think it’s one of the cutest things I’ve heard, and as I said, the song is great in a musical sense, too.
4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZYZPANBF6g Cevapsiz Sorular by Manga
This one’s just a classic, it’s turkish rock, there’s an hungarian poem in the beginning the song’s been inspired by, I love it.
5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K0ibBPhiaG0 Castle on the Hill by Ed Sheeran
Just a “going home, gonna see my loved ones”-song. I love it soo much that it motivated me to master a particularly difficult strumming pattern on the guitar.
This post has turned into a memory lane at some point, but thanks again for tagging me:)
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eyebulb · 1 year
Eyy thanks! T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending?  I'm not usually a HC kinda guy. I mean apart from shipping which is just a bunch of headcanons cus none of them's ever been confirmed, but I usually like to keep things close to canon. And I have a shitty imagination, pffff. But! I do have one, and it's about music and my favourite hard boy. Kirishima Eijirou listens to Symphonic Metal.. and I take no criticism! Look, I've thought long and hard about this. - He had an emo/goth-phase, we know this because he found stuff in Tokoyami's room that he also had in middle school. - His costume is all about hard edges and torn up fabric, also typical for the general rocker. - His attempt at singing was low and growly.. sounded a little like an attempt at a sea-shanty but pirate-metal is a thing too. - Horikoshi matches personalities after quirks.. Kirishima is sturdy and loyal, like a rock you can lean on. Dependable and all that kinda shit. A Rock listens to rock music, duh. And why Symphonic Metal in particular? Well, the themes of a lot of symphonic metal is about chivalry, quests and glory. Things that matches Kirishima's values and influences. It's not as dark and "hellish" as a lot of other metal (although I think he likes that kind too). Also, In my experience, Metalheads are music nerds in general, meaning that a lot of them listen to a looot of different genres, not just metal or rock. You'll find a lot of metal-heads getting excited over ABBA for example. They just appreciate good music.. and if it's something I DON'T Think Kirishima would ever be, is a music elitist.
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macademia-shithead · 26 days
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been a while aint it
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silvervictory · 7 months
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Only I know the truth.
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cosmicchasms · 3 months
dan and phil have a voice activated bin that only response to American accents????
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Oop, looks like you scheduled for AM accidentally. ^^
Believe it or not it wouldn’t be the first time it’s happened recently lmao
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froyocorp · 11 months
hi yes i'm a black girlthing and my workplace caught fire a few weeks ago!
making the post uhhh now bc i thought it would be finished repairing by now but its not and i'm nervous. i've been in employed / unemployed limbo, only getting 60$ last week for left over days. not only that but a check up i have for thursday is coming up, my mom's telling my the co-pay will be 100$ due to our dogshit last ditch effort to get me insurance so i don't have to pay all out of pocket and i don't have that.
my commission & portfolio page is here !! my paypal is here, my cashapp is $slugmahearts . any money thrown my way helps immensely!
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goldiipond · 7 months
YOUR ART IS SOOO SWEET AND YUMMY ive been sucked in by your raydon propaganda i need to hear more
and i am soooooo normal about raydon you have no idea<3 i've been meaning to make a more in-depth analysis on their dynamic and why i like them as a ship for someone else who asked but i haven't had the chance to organize all my thoughts yet </3
tbh the biggest thing is i just really like their development through the series because like. don is shown to really admire ray and obviously pre-escape ray is experiencing the horrors and is actively pushing everyone besides emma and norman away and i really like seeing them grow closer after ray is finally allowed to begin healing it's very sweet to me <3
their dynamic is just really good in general and i think it is very underappreciated. and in the context of romance specifically i like the idea of them finally being allowed to get to know each other and seeing don's admiration turn into genuine love while ray tries to process his feelings (and probably has a few crises over it<3) and i think don being such an openly affectionate and caring person would definitely help ray as he learns to handle recieving affection and giving it as well. also it's really sweet seeing how emotional ray makes don at several points in canon and i like thinking about him just being so overjoyed whenever ray shows him any sort of affection (and ray noticing this and making a mental note to do it more often <3)
tldr theyre both very sensitive people in different ways and their development is very sweet and the would be so good to each other and they are cute. also they are funny as fuck
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