jpnpr · 2 years
Thanks for tagging me, @rangergirl3! I love speaking about songs I like!
1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dKlgCk3IGBg Waves by Dean Lewis
For years now this song has been something very special to me. Even though I finally accepted that growing-up and being and adult is not necessarily the worst thing to happen, this song makes me long for simpler times.
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Icddh-l9MuU Buralar Yalan by Emre Aydin
This song makes me experience some kind of sadness that doesn’t really make sense. But for me, it’s one example turkish songs just hitting differently. (Plus, it’s a siblings’ favourite, too, so it’s a mixture between bonding and nostalgia)
3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W0C_VJqjtpw うるうびと  by Radwimps
This one is new, and I have to hold myself back from listening to it too often. Radwimps is an amazing group, I have known their pieces since Kimi No Na Wa, I think, but right now, this one takes the cake. Not only because of the song itself, but also because of the lyrics: It’s about someone who has lost a loved one, and at some point he sings “I wish that all humanity would give just 10 minutes of their lifespan to you.... Or that I could give you exactly half of my remaining life span, so we can count to three and enter our next life together.” (translation as far as I remember it). I think it’s one of the cutest things I’ve heard, and as I said, the song is great in a musical sense, too.
4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZYZPANBF6g Cevapsiz Sorular by Manga
This one’s just a classic, it’s turkish rock, there’s an hungarian poem in the beginning the song’s been inspired by, I love it.
5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K0ibBPhiaG0 Castle on the Hill by Ed Sheeran
Just a “going home, gonna see my loved ones”-song. I love it soo much that it motivated me to master a particularly difficult strumming pattern on the guitar.
This post has turned into a memory lane at some point, but thanks again for tagging me:)
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rangergirl3 · 6 months
The thing about gradually coming to terms with long-repressed traumatic memories is:
Well, you tend to make jokes that no one else finds funny, but it’s how you cope. Sort of.
Mostly to fend off the screaming in your head.
Which can work. Until you have enough faculties to deal with it, which I thankfully do.
Trauma mentions after the cut. Nothing graphic, just yucky.
I made the following joke upon realizing that there is 100% no way I should ever trust my biological father or mother within 100 miles of me or any kids I have.
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Let’s just say that waking up sweating, and visceral panic attacks, intrusive flashbacks, and a literal textbook worth of gradual realizations are a real bitch to work with when it ends up that I also have survived: incest. Wish that was a mistype. But it’s not.
Just YUCK.
Although the stuff my mother would tell me as a kid (aka If you ever tell anyone about the stuff that happens at home the social workers will come and take away your siblings and you’ll NEVER SEE THEM AGAIN) really starts to make sense now. (She was a real mean piece of work too. Each of my parental figures really does deserve the other. It’s a match made in Hades. I wish them a very predictably miserable eternity together.)
At the time, I just figured she really hated anyone knowing we, I don’t know, were noisy and messy at times, like kids tend to be.
But instead, my mind was just doing this: Running from anything I felt I couldn’t control. Which was everything.
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Thank goodness I have stable relationships now. I mean, it still is nasty to deal with all of the health consequences - past and present - and I’ve definitely begun an overhaul of the house, instead of just a typical spring cleaning. Something about just throwing myself into a mountain of tasks can help me feel a little less lost when the noise inside my head gets too loud. (As long as I make sure I get enough sleep, rest, and relaxation, too.)
But yes, that’s…well, the biggest reason I took so much time off of Tumblr. There were other memories I uncovered - to no one’s surprise, I witnessed a LOT of messed up stuff in my early life that just got stuffed under the rug - including two suicides of total strangers because I was in the wrong place at the wrong time- side note - Please Please Please LIVE. Each life is such an irreplaceable treasure. Please choose to live. Please.
So. That was a lot. I’m a little bit nervous posting this, mostly due to some very cruel anons that have interacted with me in the past, but I wanted to update you, my friends🥰, on what all’s been up these last several months.
Just as a reassurance: I’m safe. I’m truly very happy. And I’m not going anywhere. Except maybe the library. Every time I get another set of books, and cart them back home, my husband just looks up at me and laughs, because it’s not even surprising anymore. 😂
Also my kiddo has asked for a Belle dress as a future gift so that she can ‘look and act just like my mama!’ Which made me supremely delighted.
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And now, I’m going to go bake some zucchini bread. And brainstorm my next book. 😎 Because I think some people could really benefit from hearing that people with a terribly painful backstory can still snort milk out through their nose in delight at a funny joke. It just takes some time to get to that point.
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primalsavagery · 9 months
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davokar's crankiest moon witch and her damp rangergirl gf
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b-r1c3 · 7 months
A Court of Mist & Fury 02-11-24
I've been taking a break from reading Adeline's darkest night until I can figure out a way to get it on my ebook reader :/ but in the meantime, I started reading the book two of the other romance novel series I started. Without getting into the details of it, the ending of the first book was very conclusive, and the sequel seems to be a slow start compared to the other. I am likely going to continue with this novel alongside me reading Strange Adventure of Rangergirl.
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punkotrainer · 4 years
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ESCUELA DE BOXEO / TEAM PUNKO TRAINER QUIERES PARTICIPAR EN NUESTRO 🔥"GLADIATOR FEST 2"🔥?? ⚬ ⚬ Recuerda que es REQUISITO INDISPENSABLE tener tu: ⚬ ⚬ ⚠➡POLIZA DEPORTIVA⬅⚠ ⚬ Los amparos en caso de ACCIDENTE por la ACTIVIDAD DEPORTIVA son : ⚬ ☠MUERTE ACCIDENTAL $20.000.000 ☠GASTOS MÉDICOS $3.200.000 ☠INCAPACIDAD TOTAL Y PERMANENTE $20.000.000 ☠GASTOS DE TRASLADO POR ACCIDENTE $300.000 🔴🔴RECUERDA QUE TU POLIZA TIENE UN VALOR DE $100.000 Y TE ASEGURA DURANTE 1 AÑO👌💪👊 ⚬ ⚬ ⚬ 🔴👊Para mayor información ➡@ocammcolombia ✔Un evento organizado por @punkotrainer & SCULTURAL TREATMENT CLUB S.A.S✔✔ ⚬ 📞310 811 63 40//311 222 59 12//6 59 11 46📞 CALLE 149 #12-62 BARRIO CEDRITOS BOGOTÁ COLOMBIA ⚬ ⚬ #ocamm #boxeo #boxeosaludyarte #rangergirl #ufc #mma #mmagirls #fight #jj #mmafight #punkotrainer #gladiatorfest #entrenamientopersonalizado #sculturaltreatmentclub #box #boxing #POWERADE #fitpal #determination #exercise #focus #sports #crossfitpunkotrainer #crossfit&boxeo #familiapunkotrainer #kbla #kettlebell #GLADIATORFEST (en PUNKO Trainer S.T) https://www.instagram.com/p/BhsRkzBBVAp/?igshid=10e89z1esza3k
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familyofpaladins · 6 years
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@rangergirl3 the rest of your message was so SWEET <3<3 ily. i’m actually probably going to make a seperate post for each of these because they’ll probably get long. 
Let’s start with 8 (Keith gets poisoned by Alien Race that they are trying to ally with as part of some test).
Aahhhh this is a good one.
Alright so this one takes place during that time that Shiro is gone, and Keith is the ‘leader’ (I don’t think (???) it’s really important whether or not his in black at this point, but it has been kinda decided that he’s suppose to be the leader now). So they go to this planet that has just barely managed to keep the Galra at bay, and has potential resources that could help team Voltron, so they are meeting with the leaders of the planet to discuss an alliance. 
When they get down to the planet, they have a brief meeting, but then the Leaders ask to speak with Voltron’s Leader alone. And because they’ve kinda named Keith as Leader, he goes (They all have a 5 second silent debate about whether or not it should be Allura or Keith, but they said it was the leader of VOLTRON, so they chose Keith).
So Keith goes into a separate room with these leaders, and the Main Leader starts talking with him about how important Loyalty is to their species, and how they want to make sure that Voltron won’t turn on them like the Empire did. The species is fairly friendly if a little stiff and cold sometimes to strangers, but she (the Leader) offers Keith a drink, and he would honestly rather not, but he thinks it would be rude to refuse it so he drinks it. It doesn’t taste great, but it’s better than nunvil, so he manages to keep a straight face while drinking it.
All the while the Leader is still talking about how they want to make sure that their allies are loyal and “- a crew must be loyal to each other, or there is no chance of loyalty to their ‘allies’ and to have a loyal crew, you must have a loyal leader.” Keith gets a slightly ominous feeling from her words as she stares at him. “In order to make sure the we can trust potential allies, we put their leader through a test.” 
Keith doesn’t really like the sound of this, but he’s also very willing to do it, because this alliance could be very helpful in stopping the galra, and he already kinda messed up in leading the others so he wants to make sure this goes right, and if he has to pass some test then he’ll do it. 
(Keith) “Alright, so what is this “Test” and when does it start?”
(Leader) “Oh it has already begun.”
Oh great, Keith thinks, it’s some behavioral thing to see how he interacts with the rest of them, and he’s probably already blown it-
(Leader) “To show your loyalty to your crew, you must be willing to put their lives ahead of you own in order to protect them.”
Keith jumps up at this point, because if understand’s what she’s saying then that means his team his family is in danger and he will NOT sit for that, and demands to know what they’ve done with his friends. He would get up in the person’s face but he’s got the guards guns pointing at him, and it doesn’t do any good if he gets shot before he finds out what happened to his team. 
The Leader is still sitting calmly and continues, saying that his team isn’t in any danger. Yet. “You have a poison in your system that will get more and more painful until you die in three days time. There is an antidote, but you cannot take the antidote until you have left the planet” (they were planning on spending a little less than three days on the planet with them).”If you take the antidote before that time or tell any of your crew what is happening, it will show that you don’t value their lives, and we will not ally ourselves to people we cannot trust to hold our secrets or who are selfish and would put their own lives higher than those of the people under their care. And if that were to happen we would have to disspose of you and your crew as we cannot trust you to keep the secrets of Our planet that you’ve seen.”
Keith is filled with so many different emotions he doesn’t even know how to react, it appears that his friends aren’t in immediate danger, but their lives were literally just threatened if he says anything or tries to save himself, he’s also been  at some point poisoned with out him know- the drink when he came in, that’s what did it. Quiznak he should have refused. He’s angry relieved and angry again and mostly confused, what was the point of all this. 
He does end up yelling a little and says that they better not hurt his friends. She says they will be fine as long as he endures the poison. He’s handed the antidote (in a bottle or something) and asks why it’s being given now, and why not just keep it until they get ready to leave. She says it serves as a temptation, and they want to see if he will endure the pain even though the cure is right there so that his friends stay safe. He asks what if they figure out something is wrong on their own. She tells him that he must act normal, for if they find out he’s been poisoned, it has the same effect as telling them. 
Keith is pissed at the whole situation, but seeing as how he’s already poisoned there’s not much he can do, so he has to go along with it. He thinks he can start to feel the effects of the poison now (it’s like a very mild pain in his stomach like something he ate didn’t agree with him). 
So they all leave the room, when the others ask what happened in the room they tell them that they were discussing trust between the two groups and that they will continue their negotiations the next morning. 
So now Keith has to keep this from them when really all he wants to do is get his team off this planet as soon as possible, because he’s not sure he wants to team up with a group of people that test the other’s loyalty by poisoning them, but he can’t outright suggest that, because that has the Consequences to it. 
So they spend the night and morning there and the pain has gone from very mild to it feels like his insides are all twisted and his muscles are swore all over like he’s been on the training deck for 8 hours straight. There’s a couple times where he loses his face a little at the pain and the team have been starting to notice something up with him. but they don’t know what’s wrong. They try to ask him whats wrong, but he says its fine, and for a split second they think it looks like he might be panicking a little, but it’s gone before they’re sure, and decide to let it go.
They spend a lot of time going over negotiations but the species is hard to handle and Allura doesn’t understand why they are being so slow in accepting this, and is close to saying they just leave, because if these people don’t want to ally with them fine. But, ... they would be very helpful in the fight, so it’s important that they stay. Keith tells her that it’s her decision, if she feels that they really need these people for allies they’ll stay, but if they will be fine with out them, then they can go home anytime. (Again Keith wants them all off this planet, but does understand the importance of this alliance.) 
Allura keeps trying, but nothing seems to work so after spending over two days there, she decides that they aren’t getting anywhere and that they should leave before wasting anymore time here. Keith is so relieved because now there’s just so much PAIN, it feels like he’s being stabbed with knives that are both made of ice and red hot, and honestly he’s not entirely sure how he’s standing at the moment. 
But as they’re about to leave, the aliens stop them and tell them they can’t go yet, because they haven’t completed the loyalty test yet. Allura and the others are confused as to what this test is, but now Keith is imbetween them and the aliens (He’s so CLOSE to getting them out of here, he is NOT going to let these guys hurt his friends! He will fight them off if he has to) and is in position to fight them, and the others are confused to his reaction because it had seemed that he had been fine with them (in reality it was just Keith doing his best not to anger the aliens so they wouldn’t hurt them) and now he’s ready to fight and demands to know why they can’t leave. he did everything they said!
Turns out that the test they told him wasn’t the full test. The antidote isn’t actually the antidote. Normally the leader given the poison passes out completely after about 30 hours (Keith at this point is running at around 52) (but it still kills you at 72 hours) and then the rest of the test is for the crew to find the ingredients and make the cure for their leader, this way they know that not only is the captain loyal to their crew, the crew is loyal to the captain. 
(this alien race really aren’t bad guys, they just have a VERY messed up system of testing loyalties, and normally no one gets hurt, except for the jerks who actually are selfish and leave the planet (along with their crew) and take the antidote only to die because it didn’t actually cure them)
The team is FURIOUS because one of their own was hurt and they didn’t even know it and these people DARED to hurt him as part of some stupid test, and only now just tell them that they only have like 20 hours to find and make this cure or else Keith’s going to DIE. They’re mad at the aliens for doing this, mad at Keith for not telling them (even though they do understand after they calm down a little) and really mad at themselves for not seeing it sooner that Keith really wasn’t doing too well. 
Keith is still prepared to fight these guys, because with the pain in this head, it hasn’t quite sunk in that his team isn’t actually in danger, only he is, he still wants them all off this planet as soon as possible. ANd he’s angry and scared and protective and in so much PAIN, that he can’t even speak with out screaming. Buuut he does eventually pass out right there, and so starts everyone else’s part in the Loyalty test. And they REALLY need to hurry because they only have like 20 hours left and normally the crew gets more time (the aliens really didn’t expect Keith to stay on his feet that long). 
So the team splits up, most go out to find the ingredients to make it, and one or two stay with Keith because (despite their explanation) they are NOT no way in the history of the universe are they leaving Keith alone with them. 
So the rest of the fic is just a race against the clock to save Keith as they get all these stupid ingredients, and save Keith. 
After they do so, they leave the planet, and they might come back to finish negotiations and  maybe they won’t because Voltron doesn’t like people who poison their potential allies even if it is normally a well meaning test. 
And now that everyone is safe, they ask Keith why he didn’t try to tell them or take the antidote in secret somehow, and Keith tells them that he didn’t want to risk getting any of them hurt because of him, and that he’d much rather endure the pain than lose anyone else he cares about. Then cue the massive group hug that everyone gives him. :D
This would be alot of angst of Keith trying to manage the ever growing pain because HE Will NOT lose anyone else he cares about no matter what. (also he totally kinda panicked when he woke up, because he thought he failed and that his team was going to be killed, and very nearly punched Lance when trying to get up so he could save them. Also a group hung right then and there as well because they were all so relieved that their antidote worked and he’s alive!)
Found family fluff and Keith angst :D my favorite things
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eppaljeck · 7 years
which ones more Me the black and white ranger girls or the anygen pokemaniacs
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a-ramblinrose · 5 years
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7 Book Covers in 7 Days Challenge
Rules: Each day, I will post the cover of a book that I love and nominate someone new to start the challenge. No explanation, no discussion, just post the cover and by doing so spread some literary love!
Day One: The Strange Adventures of Rangergirl by Tim Pratt
Tagging: @vellichorisatis
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hufflepirate · 7 years
Oh my gosh platonic hugs are awesome!!! :D Could I give a hug prompt where Keith is the unsuspecting recepient and Pidge is the giver? Totally love the sibling vibe between those two :D :D
I love their sibling vibe, too!  Hope this works for you!
Keith stumbled to the rendezvous point last, cutting it so close that Hunk barely managed to pull him into the closet where the rest of them were hiding and close the door before the guard on duty rounded the corner.  Lance took a sharp breath in, preparing to say something, but Pidge clapped a hand over his mouth before he could, shaking her head.  They waited, huddled together, while the guard walked past their closet, listening to his footsteps as he passed them, went farther down the hall, rounded the corner, and faded out of hearing distance.
Then Pidge let go, and Lance hissed, "What the heck, Keith?  All that about 'absolutely don't be late' and 'we don't have the power with only four lions to mount a rescue' and you cut it that close?  What were you-"
Hunk put a hand on his arm, shutting him up.  "We were worried, man," he said softly, "We can't lose you, too."
Keith refused to look at them, half shrugging the comment off, and Hunk's hand tightened on Lance's arm before the blue paladin could turn it into a fight.  "I passed a room full of these," he explained, pulling something out of his hip pouch.
He tossed the object at Pidge.  She caught it and turned it over in her hands, realizing what it was.  "This is just like Rover!"  She felt silly about the burst of emotion she felt holding the tiny robot.  It hurt a little, thinking about Rover, but she was having a hard time not grinning like an idiot in the middle of their very dangerous reconnaissance mission anyway.
He nodded, looking her in the eye while he made his case.  "There was a whole room of them.  I figured having our own spy drone would help keep us out of situations like this.  We need to find Shiro without losing anyone else."  He glanced downward, breaking eye contact, "And anyway, I know you miss Rover and we all miss Shiro and I just thought-"
Pidge leapt forward, wrapping her arms around Keith's neck.  He'd been a numbskull about this, by cutting it so close and not warning them, but in the grand scheme of numbskull moves she and her teammates had made it wasn't the biggest.  He seemed surprised, stiffening for a moment, then wrapped his arms around her in return, pulling her close in a hug that was only made awkward by the fact that they were still in armor.
"Well, at least you made it," Lance said, softening a little.  He still wasn't happy about Keith being their new leader, and Hunk still had a hand on his arm to keep him from fighting with Keith, but the atmosphere in the closet was much less tense.
Pidge gave Keith one extra squeeze and then pulled away, shoving the drone into her own hip pocket.  "I'll have to reprogram it back at the castle, but I think we've got everything we need.  Let's get out of here."
Keith nodded, and Hunk opened the door, and then it was back to the mission, as usual.
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punkotrainer-blog · 6 years
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#BOXEOSALUDYARTE EL "CUTMAN" ⚬👊Es una pieza clave en nuestra esquina. Es la persona responsable de la prevención y el tratamiento del daño físico a un luchador durante los descansos, entre asaltos de un combate en los deportes de contacto. En pocas palabras el trabajo del "CUTMAN" es ayudar a que reduzca el sangrado y a cerrar los cortes provocados por los golpes.👊 🔥Te invitamos a que hagas parte de este "GLADIATOR 2 FEST" INSCRIPCIONES ABIERTAS 📝📝 📲 310 811 63 40📲 311 222 59 12📲 6 59 1146📲 CALLE 149 #12-62 BARRIO CEDRITOS #ocam #boxeo #boxeosaludyarte #rangergirl #ufc #mma #mmagirls #fight #jj #mmafight #punkotrainer #gladiatorfest #entrenamientopersonalizado #sculturaltreatmentclub #box #boxing #POWERADE #fitpal #determination #exercise #focus #sports #crossfitpunkotrainer #crossfit&boxeo #familiapunkotrainer #kbla #kettlebell #GLADIATORFEST (en PunkoTrainer)
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matsurik90 · 6 years
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My seal is done! This one was a lot of fun too. Her name is Queen Daringartist and the tiger is Leaping Rangergirl. They’re gonna be good buddies. 
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rangergirl3 · 6 months
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Wow, it’s been awhile.
Short update: Life is (still) busy. Lots of things to manage; but going well. 🥰
Long(er) update: Just after Christmas, I found out that some of the meds I’ve been taking for…oooh, about six years? It had fruit in it (or, at least, a fruit based derivative aka polysorbate which absolutely contributed to the skin on my hands being so, so bad these last few years). So, I ended up switching up some meds last month, and boy, that’s been an adjustment. Not a bad one, as things go, but it was definitely a lot to tackle on top of other stuff.😅 Hubby changed jobs (yay!), lots of paperwork came due (ack!), and I ended a long-term friendship which…eh. It sucks, but it was neccessary. Sad, though, too, not gonna lie.
Good news is, I have finally been able to work on relaxing! And I know that sounds odd, but I really have to W-O-R-K on that - and I’ve been sort of getting better at it!
I’ve been crafting (lots and LOTS of cross-stitching), and reading (Brandon Sanderson and Drew Hayes), and also occasionally brainstorming new fun stories! I don’t have anything definite planned right now, but we’ll see what happens.
Anyway, that’s the latest update from me - more to come soon! I hope. If I have the energy/spoons to do so. 🥰 Hope you’re all well!
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zenthisoror · 7 years
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11/2/2018 ~ Beyris and Lance
For @rangergirl3
There was a little scene at the end of one of Rangergirl’s stories where Lance made an ice flower for a little alien girl, as far as I remember. XD It stuck with me and I’d wanted to draw it for a while. 
Ink + watercolour 
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violetbrock-blog · 7 years
Tagged by @rangergirl3. RULES : answer the questions and tag 20 amazing followers you’d like to get to know better! (Welllll...This is pretty much going to you, Rangergirl, lol) I don't know anyone else! Name: Mommmmmm! Lol Zodiac Sign: Gemini Height: 5’8" Ethnicity: White 
Favourite Fruit: Black Raspberries
Favourite Season: Autumn; changing leaves, hikes, cool air
Favourite Book: "The Fellowship of the Ring" by Tolkien
Favourite Flowers: Daffodils
Favourite Scent: My husband's cologne - on him :)
Favourite Animal: Dog
Coffee, Tea, or Hot Chocolate: Coffee 
Cat or Dog Person: Dog
Favourite Fictional Character: Samwise or Aragorn, and now Shiro
Dream Trip: Been to Ireland for 20th wedding anniversary, maybe Scotland next?
Blog Created: Um...April? Thanks, Rangergirl, lol - I joined here because of your beautiful writing.
What Do I Post About: When I do post, it's mostly Voltron, occasional Star Wars or LOTR. I am a boring blog, I mostly enjoy other's blogs.
Do I Get Asks on a Regular Basis: Nope; I am too tiny for that. Small presence, just how I like it. It takes a lot for me to even post, but I so enjoy other's blogs and creativity and humor.
Aesthetic: Sporty or bohemian, depending upon my mood or schedule for the day. 
Favourite Band: Don’t really have one. I like so many varieties of music.
Fictional Character I’d Date: Married for 22 years to my best friend; he's Han Solo if I ever had to liken him to a fictional character. Ohhhh yeah, definitely Han. ;) Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff @rangergirl3
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punkotrainer · 4 years
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ESCUELA DE BOXEO / TEAM PUNKO TRAINER Los🔥 MEJORES GLADIADORES🔥 se enfrentaran en la báscula en el PESAJE OFICIAL ESTE 4 DE AGOSTO para nuestro ➡ 🔥 🔥"GLADIATOR FEST 2"🔥 Un Épico festival que va más allá de tus expectativas✔✔ ⚬ ⚬ Recuerda nuestros pesos autorizados➡ ⚬ ⚬ CATEGORÍA MASCULINA💪 🔹WÉLTER➡70.3 a 77.1 kg / 155 a 170 lb 🔹 LIGERO ➡65.7 a 70.3 kg /145 a 155 lb 🔹GALLO➡56.7 a 61.2 kg/ 125 a 135 lb ⚬ ⚬ CATEGORÍA FEMENINA🙅👊 🔹PESO MOSCA➡ 52,2 A 56,6 KG / 115 lb A 125 lb ⚬ ⚬ 🔴🔴INSCRÍBETE⬅➡ 310 811 63 40-- 311 222 59 12-- 6 59 11 46📞📞 CALLE 149 #12-62 BARRIO CEDRITOS (PUNKOTRAINER) BOGOTÁ COLOMBIA🔴🔴 ⚬ ⚬ #ocamm #boxeo #boxeosaludyarte #rangergirl #ufc #mma #mmagirls #fight #BOXEADORPROFESIONAL #TACHIRA @proboxcolombia @pandeportes @anmmapanama @shiaikanpanama @immafed #desafiosuperhumanos @proboxcolombia @pandeportes #TEAMPUNKOTRAINER #TEAMCOLOMBIA @STEELDOLLBOX @tatanmejia @flyvefree @total_colombia @maleja_restrepo #ENTRENAMIENTOPROGRESIVO #ESCUELADEBOXEOTEAMPUNKOTRAINER #GLADIATORFEST #BOXEO #BOXEOSALUDYARTE #NOBOXINGNOLIFE #fitpal #crossfit #MALDITOSINFLUENCERS #ENTRENAMIENTOPROGRESIVO (en PUNKO Trainer S.T) https://www.instagram.com/p/BhrJs16h9Z0/?igshid=e9jq3ud276hb
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maggiemoo05 · 7 years
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💙⚾️💙 #RangerGirls #TexasRangers #Besties #lifeWithMaggs #DiamondsAreAGirlsBestFriend
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