#than martyrship
Job. Oh Job. I’m sorry
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clementine-kesh · 1 year
to me the voyager crew is like one of those species of fish or whatever who evolved to fill a niche in some extremely specific possibly hostile to most other life environment like one specific deep sea volcano and even though it’s not optimal conditions by most other creatures’ standards they’ve managed to adapt through developing things like unethical nonmonogamy and recreational martyrship so they are in fact healthy there and removing them from that environment will do far more harm than good even if the toxic volcano fumes are making them all a little crazy
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coolclaytony · 1 year
Ok but consider, Ruby seeing that mural and all the good her martyrship has done in the time she was gone and getting the slightest fear, if only for a brief moment, that she accomplished more by being dead than she ever did alive.
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yhwhrulz · 6 months
Today's Daily Encounter Friday, March 22, 2024
Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.1
Serving and living for others; putting the needs of others before your own — This is probably the greatest lesson we can learn from our Lord Jesus, who selflessly loved, gave, and died for all mankind. Unfortunately, this task seems to be strictly Divine, for, many times, it is nearly impossible for humans to be this selfless! And should you ask anyone what makes this task so difficult the answer is always: Others!
Others are difficult to live with. Others get in the way. Yes, others' decisions have consequences for my life which I don't choose, but, if I want to be more like my Savior, then living for others is a must. Others can leave us with feelings of resentment and bitterness. The actions of others took Jesus to the cross. Others caused Him pain and suffering. Others mocked and mistreated Him. In return, Jesus gave His life to pay for others' wrongdoings!
So, how do we get to that place of forgiveness? How can we see past others' faults and look to the cross instead? We pray! Prayer is the only way to reach a life's transformation. It was only after praying that Jesus was able to say, "Not my will". It was only through prayer that He was able to bear the torture bestowed on Him by others. He was able to give His life without resentment; without feeling like a victim of others' vicious attempts to ruin Him. He gave up His freedom without bearing a grudge towards others. And in the midst of it all, He prayed for others! "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do." (Luke 23:34) No one signs up for martyrship, but ultimately we, God's children, are asked to move beyond ourselves and sacrifice ourselves in the name of love. Allow yourself to live for others today!
Suggested Prayer:
Lord, help me live from day to day, In such a self-forgetful way That even when I kneel to pray, My prayer shall be for others.
Help me in all the work I do, To ever be sincere and true And know that all I'd do for You, Must needs be done for others.
Let self be crucified and slain, And buried deep: and all in vain May efforts be to rise again, Unless to live for others.
And when my work on earth is done, And my new work in Heav'n's begun, May I forget the crown I've won, While thinking still of others.3 In Jesus' name, amen.
John 15:13 (ESV).
"Others" by Charles D. Meigs, 1907.
"Others" by Charles D. Meigs, 1907.
Today's Encounter was written by: Veronica B.
NOTE: If you would like to accept God's forgiveness for all your sins and His invitation for a full pardon Click on: http://www.actsweb.org/invitation.php. Or if you would like to re-commit your life to Jesus Christ, please click on http://www.actsweb.org/decision.php to note this.
Daily Encounter is published at no charge by ACTS International, a non-profit organization, and made possible through the donations of interested friends. Donations can be sent at: http://www.actscom.com
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When copying or forwarding include the following: "Daily Encounter by Richard (Dick) Innes (c) 2005-2023 ACTS International
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marisakage · 5 years
Why I dislike Kagura's character
“I’m your best chance at happiness/you’ll never have any better.”
I don’t hate many people, characters, or things...but I hate Kagura. She’s very self-absorbed and the fakest member of the Zodiac.
Every Zodiac member demonstrates some sort of self-awareness and acknowledges the truth behind their flaws and self-concept, except for her (and Akito). Just like last episode, Yuki admits to participating in fake generosity, so other people will like him without him needing to expend more labor to form a deeper connection with them. Kyo has always been straightforward with himself. Even Shigure is more honest than her. While he lies to others, at least he doesn’t lie to himself.
Manga Spoilers: 
For years, Kagura has stubbornly lied to herself and roots her self-concept and identity as “a good person” in her “love” for Kyo. In later chapters, Isuzu “Rin” Sohma expresses her disgust by how Kagura “throws herself at that boy like that,” and Kazuma Sohma looks at her sadly after he implied that her love was rooted in pity and Kagura rejects that idea. Love rooted in guilt is not love at all. It is selfish and dehumanizing. She even admits that she “decided” to start “loving” Kyo after she saw his true form as a child instead of seeing him like a human and individual, Cat Spirit and all, like Tohru does. While Kagura can be kind to others, I wonder how much of that kindness is rooted in sincerity versus her need to be liked and solidify her identity as a “good person,” which contrasts with Tohru’s sincere goodness.
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The above quote exemplifies how self-centered Kagura is. Notice how the word choice positions her as the only person who can make Kyo happy, emphasizing herself as the source of Kyo’s happiness. Her definitive word choices don’t focus on Kyo’s happiness—it focuses on Kyo’s happiness in relation to and because of her. If she truly cared about Kyo’s well-being, she would focus on complimenting Kyo as a person like Tohru does—“I see your plum...He is honest and awkward but gentle and kind...I like his smile.”—without resorting to manipulating and trapping Kyo like that. If someone truly cared for another, they would not bring up the other’s deepest, darkest secret in front of strangers in public to inflate their ego as Kagura did: “I love Kyo, in spite of his true form.”
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Much like a little kid who wants to be liked by having a boyfriend/girlfriend, Kagura’s “reasons” for loving Kyo aren’t convincing. She fails to list specific traits that draw her to Kyo, and she grows uncomfortable, doesn’t respond, and redirects the conversation when Tohru asks when she first began to love Kyo. Given Kagura’s manic tendencies around Kyo, it’s interesting how she doesn’t respond to that question with the same fervor that she demonstrates when it comes to anything else about Kyo.
Tohru compliments Kagura on her ability to love the good parts of everyone, but aside from me wondering about the veracity of that, I wonder if that shortsightedness is one of Kagura’s flaws. When someone refuses to address any negative aspect about someone else, they refuse to accept all of that person. Yet, that’s exactly what Kyo needs—someone to accept all of him. Kagura isn’t that person for him. Nor do I think Tohru’s blind admiration for Kagura without knowing more about her will help Kagura. Not only do people seem reluctant to hold Kagura accountable, due to her “moods,” Tohru’s kindness only encourages Kagura’s sense of martyrship and her treatment of Kyo.
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Diary of a teenage Christian girl
Monday 1st August 2024
Writing late at night so this makes no sense. I’m under the covers in Esther’s bunk bed and she’s drawing me. She draws me much prettier than I am and she says I write her much prettier than she used to. I am truly blessed by the lord for such a good friend.
So here’s what happened when we arrived
Apparently we have a room switch up, after we’d unpacked which was annoying but expected. Camp is apparently always sorta unorganised like that! I’m still with Esther, Praise the Lord on high, but with an entirely different group.
In the group there’s 4 other girls, and my sister isnt here. I don’t really mind though. It’s not that we don’t get along, but me and Darlene aren’t very buddy buddy. We chat but run in different circles, it’s fine. I have 8 siblings, I don’t have to be super close with all of them.
The four girls are : Rachel, Mary, Ruth (not the other Ruth, we have a lot of Ruth’s in our church) and Sarah.
It’s kind of encouraged to talk bad about your roommates. Me and Esther do it a lot, and I know they do it too. It seems ingrained into church culture. I see mom do it, I see the ladies at church do it. Everyone’s a judge.
Like how Mary’s a glutton who probably loves food more than the Lord and Rachel’s a slut who admitted to wearing a certain outfit for male attention and Ruth has a necklace with a crystal on it which she swears is fake but I don’t believe it.
Me and Esther are sinners too, everyone is. I think I am the worst and ye the best, I think that I am so much better but the scum of the earth, I am the best Christian in this room and yet the most unworthy in the eyes of the Lord. Ive done a lot for christ, and so has Esther. Esther fasts. She fasts most of her time, and barely eats. I admire her dedication. I fast a lot too, and supliment never eating with praying. Praying so much. I scream to the Lord. Always
If I’m not thinking about God then what am I thinking of? Picture God and Jesus standing on heaven looking at me and judging me. They see everything and every thought. They KNOW!
But other than that I chatted with my roommates and other than the stuff I mentioned they all seemed great. We went to the sermon, which was powerful.
We spent the first hour thirty minutes singing worship songs and praise. I might have permanent hearing problems sorry Lord that last comment was ungrateful for even if the Lord brings sorrow I will rejoice and rejoice in my suffering suffering suffering. I am not suffering. I have the Lord.
I cried during the sermon, when they talked about how Jesus died for me. The guilt could have crushed me and I felt so happy. Happy that I was feeling the right emotions, guilt. Esther was crying too, and I knew she wouldn’t eat tomorrow. Good for her. I should fast too. I would, praying and fasting and praying and begging to be forgiven. Forgiven for what? The crime of existing.
A couple kids collapsed, sobbing, touched by the spirit. It didn’t happen to me. I felt awful, why didn’t I happen to me. It happened to Rachel and she cried about her parents divorce tainting her. At least she’s self aware. I’ll fall to the ground next time. We’re here for threee weeks.
The sermon was on sacrifice. I remember hearing a similar one when I was 7, the day I knew I would gladly die a martyr. I had my martyrship perfectly planned since I was 7, and with a bit of tweaking I’d made a perfect death.
It would be when I was still young, because it would be more inspiring that way. Id be in a situation of oppression. A shooter would come in to my class room, a big scary atheist who hated Christian’s and wanted us dead. And I wouldn’t hide, and would sing Amazing Grace. I would sing amazing grace while he shot me and my final words would be praising the Lord. I would be loved and adored even in death. I would certainly go to heaven. That was my dream. My greatest wish is to die.
Esther showed me her drawing. She’s a great artist, and drew me adorable . She says I am adorable.
She’s adorable too. I’m gonna sleep now.
Forever the Lords
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