#but at what cost job
Job. Oh Job. I’m sorry
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Sae Niijima is such a good character it drives me insane a little. She's not a mother nor a maternal or doting older sister but instead a twenty four year old who was thrown into a position of responsibility that she never asked for. She loves Makoto just as much as she resents her and its so apparent every time they talk up until November. "Are you studying?" (I want you to do well) (I need you to get a job and stop making my life harder) "I'll use any method necessary to get this promotion" (Life will be easier for us) (So stop distracting me with your problems) "Focus on your future" (I know that you're capable) (I can't afford to waste my time on you, so stop wasting time on others)
Makoto is not only the sole reason she pushes as hard as she does for a promotion, for success, and the reason that she loses herself in her animosity over her fathers death, but also someone she can't stand for so long. Makoto was 14-15 when their father died. Sae was 21. As soon as she got the career she wanted and things started to look up, her stability was robbed from her and she was disillusioned with the system that her father had taught her to rely on and completely adhere to. How do you manage, the daughter of a cop, following his footsteps towards law enforcement, when you're suddenly reminded of how unfair it is? You can't quit, your little sister relies on you and she's so young and struggling just as badly with this grief. So you pick yourself up and you get moving again. You push harder, press further. You abandon your morals and your ethics because punishing criminals (guilty or not) is almost like punishing the man who killed your father.
And the whole time she's fighting for promotions, going for drinks with the SIU Director to make herself more favourable for promotions, trying to navigate being a woman in a competitive, suffocating, male-dominated field, falling behind despite doing so much where others are promoted for doing so little - all the while your little sister comes back from school and her biggest issues are so small compared to yours.
Persona 5 revolves so heavily around grief and loss and change and Sae embodies all of that so well, all of the sharp and unpleasant and jagged parts of grief.
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reasonsforhope · 2 months
This is now a Kamala Harris for President blog btw
Obviously I'll keep posting good news as usual! And I'm going to pull up as much good news and reasons for hope about Kamala Harris's campaign as I can.
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hanato-hoshi · 2 months
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what if instead of the death game they signed the application form for lobotomy corporation
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rumble-bee-art · 11 months
so let me get this straight: Loki wanted to give Mobius (and the crew but mostly Mobius) the choice whether to stay at the TVA or go back to their lives and in the end of it Mobius is the only one to choose the secret third option of just. waiting. letting the time pass. because he doesn’t seem to want to be with the TVA anymore and he also probably doesn’t belong with his family either?
because his third option this whole time was (I assume) actually being with the person he belongs with who is currently (indefinitely) occupied with being a all-time binding tree?? Did I get it right?
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foldingfittedsheets · 4 months
Todays the day. I need to get a job, even if that jobs not in the gaming industry. So I’m heading to the library to print up a resume and apply at a little local chain of mattress stores.
The guy instantly liked me when I went in to do a secret shop for a competing store and offered to hire me on the spot so I figure if I can chat with him he’ll still like me enough to consider me.
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border-collie · 3 months
Yes, every FDC podcast pisses me off, but the most recent one might be the most so. Dr. O'Neill essentially recommends against all health testing (or disorder testing a he calls it) unless it's a major issue in the breed based on quality of life and population AND the test showing significant value to change population over time. Basically saying unless over 20% of the breed is affected, don't test for it in favor of genetic diversity. I think this is a clouded take of someone who works with population as a whole, and not breeding dogs. Just about every health concern in border collies, less than 20% of the population is affected. And a big part of that? Genetic testing that prevents two carriers being bred to each other. That doesn't mean that carriers are pulled from the gene pool, they just aren't bred to other carriers. I've seen very, VERY few cases of dogs being pulled from breeding on their genetic testing results alone. But pull the genetic tests, and you have NINE different easily tested for genetic diseases common to the breed that it would be exceedingly easy to breed two carriers to each other when breeding blindly. According to OFA, only about 10% of the breed has failing hips, but what kind of life is in store for a high energy dog who's body can't withstand that lifestyle they need? Only two percent fail elbows, but elbow dysplasia in the breed is more likely to be a career ending diagnosis than hip dysplasia and IMO a much worse QOL prognosis.
Sure you can't guarantee the results of any breeding, but coming from a breed where more dogs are washed from breeding for bad temperament than failing a health test, I'll keep spending money to stack the cards in my favor and will buy from breeders who will do the same.
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ahoyimlosingmymind · 6 months
I just know Grizel cares so much about Fitz.
She's known this boy since he was 14 (?) and she's watching him grow up.
She's hung around him for years, day and night.
She's eavesdropped on his conversations, and she was there for all of the aftermath of Alvar's betrayal.
She watched his world fall out from beneath his feet first hand. She heard the whispers that followed him everywhere he went. She watched his shoulders fall.
She probably watched him bake treats for his friends. She probably watched him cry and grieve. She probably dragged him out of his bed and showed him how to work out to get out of his head. She probably reminds him to eat, and to get some vitamin D. She probably listens to him pace his bedroom well into the night. She probably listens to him talk to Mr. Snuggles when he's really overwhelmed and just needs a friend who won't judge him.
She'd die for this little sad, short-tempered baby who has done nothing wrong ever in his entire life. And her heart aches for him. For the way he can be surrounded by people, but still be so lonely.
She probably knows him better than most people just off of observation alone.
idk man. we never talk about it. and the friendship angst/potential is immaculate.
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apas-95 · 1 month
Chinese Steel Giant Makes Production Smarter With Innovation
Ansteel Group, China's leading steel maker is taking steps to turn its plants into smart factories.
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Leverage 4x3 - "The 15 Minutes Job"
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here-comes-the-moose · 2 months
When I’m writing my Modern AU but then try to figure out and calculate how the life I gave the Batch is financially possible:
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thegreatyin · 3 months
oh you haven't played hit MMO final fantasy 14 with an unlimited free trial including the award-winning heavensward and the not-as-renowned-but-still-great stormblood expansions??? that means you haven't known the triumphs and defeats, the epic highs and lows of Tell Me For Whom Do You Fight
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featherwurm · 8 months
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Y'all are nice about line cook Karlach you can have a bit more since I've got the brainworms.
Good Continuity: She works at a local brew pub after her military stint. She'll eventually take the place over (going on Sam Béart's headcanon she'd like to be running a pub if she wasn't adventuring.)
Bad Continuity: She works at a fancy bistro owned by Zariel where she's obligated to stay in her job to keep up her health insurance to care for her heart condition.
Take your pick! Or something else, I'm absolutely not fussed.
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detectiveneve · 1 year
listen it's very. even when playing gale's romance I am guaranteed several solid cutscenes of Astarion talking about his life, his perceptions of things, his ideas; the bite scene, the after that, the talking about your companions blood, the proposition, all the little conversations about being a vampire + how to become a vampire + what life was like that have several dialogue options. whereas these same "stock" conversations with the other companions tend to have ONE, maybe two dialogues with choices following if that much (for example, with Karlach it tends to be 1. ask question 2. she answers and it ends). there's a solid foundation of pacing and work put into astarion's storyline that even without his romance, his presence WILL be felt unless you just straight up never speak to him. which is to say, that THAT writing is really good! but if they couldn't uphold that same standard of effort and time across the board and ensure all the companions have some measure of equality, theeeeeen... something shouldve been done there to make sure it was at least somewhat equal. it also sucks that gale/wyll/lae'zel/shadowheart were all received ""poorly"" in contrast to astarion during EA (or received harsher critique anyways). I still believe there was a lot of solid character work and richness to their EA personalities that I dont know totally carried over in rewrites--decreasing the amount of conflict, lessening the "flaws" of these characters--contrary to what larian says about staying true to their core ideas in some places. so it sucks that you can see how with that effort and focus, astarion's storyline really is really well done for the kind of game that it is, and no one is saying bg3 is wanting for stuff to do, but there is a clear gap in effort and time put into the other companions when they absolutely deserved just as much time and effort as astarion, and the thing is. the writer confirmed it! confirmed that more time was put into him. like cmon man
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jenthebug · 3 months
I went to my appointment and found out that I don’t have cancer anymore.
Then I got home to a letter that I don’t have a job to go back to. Fired for “failure to return from leave.”
I need a fucking drink.
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welcometogrouchland · 4 months
I like to think that when the batfamily inevitably runs out of money and jobless Bruce, Tim, and Dick* find themselves in financial need, Steph reveals that she's made thousands of dollars taking odd jobs around Gotham City that we just never saw bc Steph hasn't been in a comic for months. Nobody checked in on her and while they weren't looking she made 6 grand babysitting and playing piano at a local theatre. Bruce has to grovel for enough money to buff out a scratch on the batmobile and Steph is revelling in it. This is the closest she's ever going to get to being a supervillain
*(Cass and Jason don't need money to survive on account of being homeless as kids + Babs funds Cass' basic needs and Damian is on his mom's payroll, same w/ duke even if it's obvs not al ghul money)
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