#I wouldn’t be as strong
Job. Oh Job. I’m sorry
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touchlikethesun · 7 months
you’re telling me people are doubting the cultural relevancy of destiel, THEE destiel??? the first and the last Great American Queerbait??? that destiel???
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epicthemusicalstuff · 2 months
Odysseus Headcanon-
Odysseus as a vegetarian. He doesn’t start out that way, but after the Polyphemus’ sheep, and the Sun Gods cows, I wouldn’t be surprised if those experiences were enough to make anyone sick at the sight of meat. I would imagine it doesn’t kick in until he gets home, when he is safe for the first time in a long time (it takes him much longer to feel safe, but that’s another story). Maybe just one night at dinner, the sight of meat making him sick to his stomach, reminding him of loosing him men. So then he just never eats meat again. What if :).
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amariram · 2 months
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In my mind, after his death, Merlin tried so hard to remember all Arthur’s little details.
The way he used to wrinkle his eyes when he smiled at him. The shape of his mouth. That perfectly imperfect curve of his nose. The Crown on his blonde hair. His callous hands.
But after years he realized that he couldn’t really remember any of it. Not his face. Not his voice. Not the way he used to make fun of him.
Five hundred years later he still misses him with all his heart but the truth is he doesn’t even remember Arthur anymore, not really.
He is in love with a memory.
And still, he will wait for him forever.
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Danny leaned over the guy who summoned him. The blue eyed man in a hoodie and boxers, was quite fit but compared to Danny he had nothing.
“So let me see if I got the story straight. You, Richard Grayson, son of one of the most wealthy men in the known cosmos, summoned me, the high king of the infinite realms,to Bludhaven.”
Dick shifted one foot to the other as and refused eye contact.
“And you summoned me here at 3 am. Because you fucked up and told your family that you had a partner for the gala your dad holds every New Year’s Eve.”
Danny sighed and brought a hand to his temple,
“So how am I supposed to help you man? Like I can’t exactly order one of my people for this kind of thing.”
Somehow the guy seemed to get more sheepish as he ran a hand through his hair.
“Well about that-“
“No fucking- Did you really summon to me-“
“Listen, I’m desperate ok!?”
“Desperate!? My god that’s when you ask a friend or pay a hooker or something like that! Not try to seal a deal with the king of the infinite realms!”
Richard Grayson for his part started to pace, Danny didn’t know rather to laugh or cry over the absurdity of the situation.
“Any friend I could bring and pull a lie like this is already going to be there. I specifically said a plus one! My family works close with all of Gotham they would figure out a hooker before we would enter the venue.”
Dick turned and went to his knees,
“Please your majesty, I have like seven younger siblings, I will never live this down, all I ask is one night, please.”
Danny sighed,
“Be lucky that I am not Pariah Dark. He would’ve killed you where you kneel. Alright dumbass get up. I will help you but you will owe me one IOU for me to redeem whenever I wish.”
Danny knelt and offered his hand,
“Do we have a deal?”
With a shake of a hand Danny brought them both off the ground and he changed back to human.
Danny felt himself smirk as he plopped himself onto the couch.
“Alright, then let’s begin to get ready, we want to be believable yeah? So let’s get to know each other. I’ll go first my human name is Danny Fenton nice to meet you.”
Richard Grayson seemed to gape for a moment before joining him.
“I go by Dick, do you like acrobatics?”
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independent-fics · 4 months
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I find myself noticing so many things I haven’t noticed about Leverage season 3 that I hadn’t noticed before even though this is my nth rewatch I’m sure.
But it’s such a strong season and the Moreau build up was great.
I think this scene stuck out to me because it’s only the fourth episode but it’s beginning to hint at Eliot thinking about what he knows about Moreau and his past. I feel like her words remind him why he’s changed what he does but also you can see in his face that he’s thinking about how what he was involved in in the past is now coming back for the team.
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rinisdrawing · 1 year
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amidst the ruin
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Me seeing people talking about time lords in a way that contradicts how I see them: it’s fine, this is fine, people can have their opinions, the opinions you have on them aren’t even actually canon anyways, it’s fine
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skyward-floored · 4 months
Another fic with my one zelda au, where Link is corrupted and forced to hunt Zelda. Takes place sometime after this fic here.
Even corrupted heroes need their sleep... which luckily gives Link a bit of a break. Along with more than he expects.
Thunder rumbles, and Link drifts into awareness.
It takes him a moment to get himself to move, even when the sound of a sword swinging drifts through the air, and he slowly blinks his eyes open and looks around.
The sky is grey above his head, thick with clouds that threaten to release a steady rain. Link carefully sits up, a deep, heavy ache in his chest, and realizes the ground around him is a vast expanse of water, stretching as far as he can see. Somehow he isn’t wet though, and he touches a hesitant hand to the liquid, tilting his head at the odd feeling.
It strikes him then that he’s moving of his own volition, no darkness instructing his steps, no whispered orders aiming his sword.
He can think clearly.
Link takes in a shuddering breath, almost unable to believe it. He doesn’t remember how long he’s been under Vaati’s control, but it feels like it’s been weeks. And he’s finally able to move, and breathe, and stand up without a voice screaming in his head that he needs to kill all of his master’s enemies.
The sounds of a fight ring out again, and Link looks to his side, eyes widening at the sight.
A mass of darkness lurks mere feet away, swirling with faint dashes of purple and red. The dread that hits Link when he sees it is like an arrow to his chest, but then he sees something else.
There’s a man moving among the shadows, moving so fast that Link can’t easily focus on him. From where Link is standing it looks like he’s faintly glowing, green and gold, and his sword flashes in the light as he swings it. The mass of shadows the man is currently fighting lets out an odd howl, and he slices it neatly in two, before turning to another behind him.
Link would help him, but he feels rooted in place, unable to do anything but watch as the glowing man dispenses the shadows with terrifying efficiency.
He thrusts his sword into the last heaving mass of darkness, and Link hears a faint wail as it shrivels away, the space finally clear of enemies.
The man exhales, taking a moment to breathe, and Link isn’t sure what to do.
He’s saved from deciding when the man turns towards him, and Link is struck with the sheer presence he exudes, something ancient and strong, like one of the towering trees in Faron’s woods. He isn’t sure whether to bow or try to fight, but the decision is taken from him when the man lowers his sword, and looks at him fondly.
“Hello, Link,” he greets, voice gentle, but strong. “I’ll admit I’m somewhat surprised you’re here.”
Link narrows his eyes at the odd familiarity, and the man hums.
“I apologize, this must be strange to you. You’re asleep,” the man explains, and Link nods, relaxing a bit. Ah. A dream, then.
He’s a little surprised he can dream in his current state, but he won’t complain. Being able to trust his actions and make decisions for himself, even in nothing but a dream that won’t last, is extremely relieving.
Apparently he hasn’t lost all of his humanity.
“Don’t be mistaken though. You’re asleep, yes, but this isn’t... exactly a dream,” the man says, as if reading his thoughts. “Which is why I was surprised to see you here.”
“And where is here?” Link asks quietly, breaking his usual silence.
The man sighs, resting his hands on his sword as he gently plants it into the ground before him. “That is a complicated question. I guess the simplest way to put it would be... inside you. Deep in your very being. Your mind, or soul. Spirit perhaps. The part of you that makes you, you.”
Link must make a face, because the man chuckles, a warm smile pulling at his cheeks.
“I know that’s strange to hear. It’s very odd that you’re this deep in your own psyche.” His face turns suddenly serious, brows creasing his previously warm expression. “It’s doubtless a product of the corruption that is attempting to fully overtake you.”
A chill runs over Link at the words, and the spot on his back where Vaati hit him with the spell aches with a bitter cold.
His legs tremble, and suddenly he’s on his knees, the heaviness he experienced upon first waking up here hitting him again. It’s worse then the first time though, and Link grits his teeth, trying to fight through it.
The glowing man looks at him in deep concern, but then a swirling mass of deep darkness wells up from the ground, approaching them both with an unholy moan.
He whirls around and slices at it, and Link is unable to do much except watch him fight. He’s not sure how the man is landing hits on a literal mass of darkness, but fight he does, and he fights well. The more the man slices at the darkness, the better Link feels, and the thick shadows are no match for his incredible swordsmanship.
They’re soon dispensed with a wail, and Link can breathe again, though shakily.
The man lowers his sword with a sigh, and returns to Link’s side, offering him a hand up. Link takes it, a warmth running through him at the contact, and the man doesn’t let go once he’s upright, looking into his eyes with such an intense sadness that Link isn’t sure what to do.
“You are in quite the difficult situation,” he says gently, and Link looks away.
“I was attacked with dark magic,” he quietly admits. “In my waking hours it forces me to obey its master. I’m powerless to stop it.”
The spirit nods, a grieved look on his face. “Yes. I know. The corruption runs deep. It was a very cleverly designed spell... it cut straight to your spirit, deep enough that I have to actively fight it off. It’s attempting to corrupt even me. You’ve shielded me well so far, but I don’t know how long I’ll last.”
Link looks back at the man, feeling a strange recognition in his face, the brightness in his eyes, the kindness in his gaze. There’s a feeling of other about the man, something dangerous as a lighting strike, but also something so familiar and warm that it aches.
“Who are you?” Link asks.
The man smiles gently, and lifts his hand, placing it on Link’s shoulder.
“I’m you. I’m all of us. I’m Courage,” he says, and the word strikes deep, a warmth blossoming in Link’s middle like a flower in spring. “I’m the Spirit of the Hero, forged in fire and trial. I’m a gift, and a burden, one that emerges only in great time of need. I’m you. You’re me.”
A tear falls down Link’s cheek, and the man tenderly wipes it away, his touch like that of a parent.
“Not many heroes meet me face-to-face during their life,” he admits. “You’re one of very few... I only wish our meeting could be under better circumstances. Unfortunately you have to take what you can get sometimes.”
“I’m no hero,” Link interrupts, speaking around the lump in his throat.
The spirit raises an eyebrow, and Link swallows. “I allowed myself to be ambushed and corrupted, I fought against my fellow knights— I don’t know the fate of any of them, but some of them must be dead. I’ve harmed innocents. Vaati is planning to use me to hunt down the princess herself. What’s heroic about any of that?”
“You didn’t want to do any of those things, did you?” The spirit asks in a firm voice.
Link slowly shakes his head.
“That’s what I thought. The fact that you’re still fighting now is a testament to your nature,” he says gently, cupping Link’s cheek. “If you weren’t a hero, you already would have given in.”
Link doesn’t reply, not willing to argue, but not entirely willing to believe him either. Zelda may have believed he was a hero, but all he’s done is fail from the moment she told him so.
What kind of a hero fails before he even begins?
The spirit searches his gaze a moment, then lets out a heavy sigh, dropping his hand back to Link’s shoulder.
“Our enemy was cleverer than usual this time around. He knew that if he corrupted you, Hyrule’s defenses would be severely weakened,” he says more quietly. “He hit us where it hurts. Even now the darkness is attempting to corrupt me. If it succeeds, you will remain a servant of darkness forever.”
Link stills, and the man squeezes his shoulder.
“Take courage, Link. You are strong, and so is your kingdom, and princess. We will not stop in our fight against the darkness,” he says firmly, and Link nods, blinking back the sting in his eyes. Hero or not, he’s not planning on giving up just yet. “You’ve been given a hard fight, harder than most, but I know that you can endure until you are freed.”
“Do you have any advice?” Link asks quietly, wiping his sleeve across his face.
“Our enemy may overestimate himself with you in his clutches. If he does, it will be up to you and your princess to take that opportunity if it arises,” he says, and Link nods. He isn’t really sure if that will ever happen, but he’ll remain hopeful just the same.
For Zelda’s sake, at least.
The spirit’s expression softens again as he looks at Link, and he glances up at the sky, then looks back at him.
“You’ll wake soon I’m afraid,” he says, and Link swallows thickly, stomach churning as the clouds above them darken.
It feels like he just got here. He doesn’t want to go back to being a mindless soldier, locked in darkness and unable to resist. The thought of being under Vaati’s control for the foreseeable future makes him want to curl up in a ball, as cowardly as that sounds, but waking from even this brief comfort threatens to make him wail.
It must show on his face, for the man gives his shoulders one last bracing squeeze.
“Courage, little brother. You’re not alone,” he says, and gives Link a hug, one so soft and safe that Link feels like he’s a child again, held in his parents’s arms.
The spirit holds him for several long moments, and Link closes his eyes. He can’t remember the last time he was hugged like this, and the spirit is warm, and safe. Normally he’d bristle at hugging someone who’s essentially a stranger to him, but this is different, and he...
He needed this.
A light kiss is pressed to his hair, and then the spirit pulls back, giving him an unimaginably fond look.
“I don’t know if we’ll be able to speak again,” he cautions, and the edges of Link’s vision suddenly darken somewhat. “But I will be here fighting all the same. Don’t lose hope.”
“Thank you,” Link says in a stronger voice than he thought he was capable of, and the spirit unsheathes his sword, the hilt glowing bright.
He smiles back at him. “You’re welcome.”
Darkness rears from the water at their feet yet again, increasing in the edges of Link’s vision, nearly overtaking his sight. He stumbles to his knees, and one of the last things he sees is the spirit thrusting his sword into the shadows, fighting for them both.
And the darkness overtakes him once again.
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velvetjune · 7 months
still can’t get over the fact that casey is a part of saga’s family. not even just a workplace friendship—he cooks and cleans at her house on birthdays, logan jokes around him, he’s softer around her, his survival is essential to saga
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praxeus-13 · 6 months
Paloma Faith just picking Jodie up I wish that was me
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serrennedyanonwriter · 3 months
Guys, hear me out, in AUs where Luis survives, instead of Luis being a biologist that works at the B.S.A.A. or whatever, what if he’s just a professor at a college?
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why-the-heck-not · 6 months
started a sourdough starter!!! It’s not even that much abt bread; I just like the idea of having a pet and this is about the max amount of responsibility I’m looking for rn
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cometrose · 6 months
queen of tears pisses me off because haein and hyunwoo know each other so well but don't know each other at all like
"she doesn't like it when people touch her hair" "he doesn't drink coffee on an empty stomach" "she doesn't like the bathroom floor wet" "she's not a lightweight so how did you get her drunk"
And the phone password...
they make me sick!!!!
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blueper-saiyan · 6 months
I have a firm heartfelt belief that neither Goku nor Vegeta is at all normal for a Saiyan but some of the ways that they’re weird overlap perfectly, so they’re both convinced that they’re normal and that’s just what Saiyans are like
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wildsaltair · 2 days
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I will need 3-5 business days to catch my breath from this picture
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