#thanis merite
amazing-thailand · 11 months
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🙏 Tak Bat Devo, an elaborate merit-making ceremony that marks the Ok Phansa occasion, is now taking place at Wat Sangkas Ratanakiri in Uthai Thani. Expect the sight of more than 500 monks walking down the 449 stairs of the temple to receive the alms.
This once-in-a-year event is on until October 30.
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🍃🌺🍃 Fatima Al-Zahra (sa) 🍃🌺🍃
🍃🌺🍃 Biography 🍃🌺🍃
Fatima Al-Zahra (sa) belongs to the noblest family to have existed throughout the history of mankind. Her distinguished father, Prophet Muhammad (saw), was the very last messenger of Allah (SWT), a personality that the Noble Qur’an introduce as the Best Paradigm. The mother of Fatima Al-Zahra (sa) was a pure noble lady named Khadijah bint Khuwaylid (sa), a godly woman with unparalleled virtues and merits, who dedicated all her life and wealth to Islam. Fatima Al-Zahra (sa) is the wife of the Leader of all Believers, Ameerul Momineen, Ali ibn Abi Talib (as), mother of the Masters of the youths of heaven (Syed-e-Shabab-e-Ahlul Jannah) and grandmother of the other nine Imams of Islam. Her name is as beautiful and as peaceful as the garden of heaven.
Her other names are: Zahra, Seddiqah, Tahirah, Mubarakah, Batool, Radiah, Mardiah and Muhaddathah. The word Fatimah means separated. She is named Fatimah because her followers are separated from Hell because of her. Zahra means luminous. The sixth Imam, Imam Sadiq (as) said: “When Fatimah prayed, she shined for the heavens as the stars shine for people on earth.” Seddiqah means someone who says nothing except the truth. Tahirah means pure and clean; Mubarakah means full of favour and blessing; Batool means separated from uncleanliness; Radiah means satisfied with Allah’s (SWT) fate and destiny and Mardiah means laudable. Muhaddathah means the one spoken to by angels.
The following are some of her titles: Ensiah (heavenly lady), Haniah (sympathetic), Shahidah (martyr), Afifah (chaste), Sabirah (patient), Alimah (learned), Madhloomah (oppressed), Ma’soomah (infallible), Umm al-Hassan (mother of Hassan), Umm al-Hussain (mother of Hussain), Umm al-A’immah (mother of Imams) and Umme Abiha. Umme Abiha means mother of her father. Prophet Muhammad (saw) gave her this title showing that Fatima Al-Zahra (sa) treated Prophet Muhammad (saw) as his mother. This fact was proved throughout the history as she cured her father during the wars as well as other cases.
According to the Islamic Calendar, Fatima Al-Zahra (sa) was born in Makkah on the 20th day of the Islamic Lunar calendar month, Jumada Al-Thani (615 AD).
🍃 Her Ethical Attributes: 🍃
Fatima al-Zahra (as) inherited the genius and wisdom, the determination and will-power, the piety and sanctity, the generosity and benevolence, the devotion and worship of Allah, the self-sacrifice and hospitality, the forbearance and patience, and the knowledge and nobility of disposition of her illustrious father, both in words and deeds. “I often witnessed my mother,” says Imam Hussain, “absorbed in prayer from dusk to dawn.” Her generosity and compassion for the poor was such that no destitute or beggar ever returned from her door unattended.
🍃 Moral Virtue and Simplicity 🍃
Fatima Al-Zahra (sa) lived in a two room house made out of clay, wore the simplest garments, grinded wheat and barley with her bare hands to prepare meal for her family, and attended to her four children with utmost love and mercy. Yet, she was no ordinary woman. Fatima Al-Zahra (sa) had the highest moral virtues and her life was full of spiritual behaviour. Even on her marriage day, Fatima Al-Zahra (sa) did not forget about those in need. A girl’s wedding dress is probably one of her most cherished belongings however, in the case of the noble Lady Fatima Al-Zahra (sa) it was not.
The Prophet of Islam, Mohammed (saw) bought Fatima Al-Zahra (sa) a new dress for her marriage ceremony. Fatima Al-Zahra (sa) owned a patchy dress before this. A poor woman came to her house and asked for clothes. Fatima Al-Zahra (sa) remembered the verse: “By no means shall you attain to righteousness until you spend (benevolently) out of what you love.” (Noble Qur’an, 3:92) So she gave her the new wedding dress, while she wore her old dress to her wedding, following the teachings on the Noble Qur’an, the lessons of selfless love and helping those in need.
🍃 Sayings of Fatima Al-Zahra (sa) 🍃
🍃~The book of Allah is the guide of its followers towards the pleasure of Allah. Listening to it carefully leads to salvation. The enlightened and conspicuous evidences and proofs of Allah can be obtained through it. Also the knowledge of His (Allah swt) interpreted intentions, fear invoking constraining prohibitions, His sufficing testimonies, conspicuous arguments, desired virtues, allowed endowments and obligatory divine laws (can be obtained from it)[1]
🍃~Allah made the faith for you as a purity from polytheism (and infidelity)[2]
🍃~And (made) service the cause of your getting distant (purification) from pride (egoism)[3]
🍃~And rendered alms for the purity of your soul and flourish and expansion of your sustenance [4]
🍃~And rendered fasting for the maintenance and firmness of your sincerity[5]
🍃The Importance of Fatima (sa) 🍃
Without Fatima Al-Zahra (sa) there is no Islam. Fatima Al-Zahra (sa) is a role model who set an illustration of the highest morals and eloquence. We should aim to imitate her chastity; we should look at her as a source of inspiration. If we live in the west we should have the courage to wear the hijab despite the social pressures as we are making Fatima al-Zahra (sa), Mistress of All Women, proud. When helping others and giving charity we should remember her generosity. Fatima Al-Zahra (sa) is, and should be, the inspiration of all women and should be emulated. She was exactly like her father, Prophet Mohammad, and we too should strive to be like her. We should learn from her honesty, modesty and loyalty.
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mahayanapilgrim · 1 year
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The word "Chan" (meditative absorption or contemplation) doesn't mean one must sit cross-legged to meditate. Chan meditation is truly about bringing the mind to balance.
For example, when you want to puja the Phra, if there is a Buddha image, you can sit and gaze at the Buddha image as Buddhanussati. Recollecting the Dhamma becomes Dhammanussati. Bringing the Phra Song to mind is Sanghanussati.
If you are really proficient in this manner, then even just Itipiso generates great benefit.
Itipiso is describing the goodness, virtue and merit of the Buddha. Svakkhato depicts the goodness, virtue and merit of the Dhamma. And the Supatipanno verse brings out the goodness, virtue and merit of the Sangha.
Just as much as this, all Buddhists, if you are able to do just this everyday, all the time, when it is time to die, you certainly won't be able to go to hell, for sure.
Luang Phor Lersi Lingdam
Wat Tha Sung, Uthai Thani
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thaiamulet-us · 2 years
1st Batch Phra Pid Ta Kra Dook Phee (Most Powerful And Effective Amulet)
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Best Effective amulet Strong Powerful-Phra Pid Ta Kra Dook Phee 
This is a high-level spiritual empowerment which combines many high-level invulnerability and inner strength powers, whose essence has been passed down from Ancient Masters of Thailand , The Power of Phra Pid Ta Kra Dook Phee has been considered very reliable and effective. With God’s permission, with the power granted, you will always become more competitive than any other person who might have magickal powers to compete against you. You will easily overcome enemies as long as you are in the path of light. The power contained is one which has been specially transmitted from a spiritual master Pra Ajarn Wet disciples to assist in any life problems they may be facing. This Phra Pid Ta Kra Dook Phee is extremely powerful in terms of Protection as it contains the actual 108 Prai that are tasked to serve as a Bodyguard for the wearer is one of the most popular and highly in demand amulets in Thailand among collectors now. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ For the benefit of those Brothers and Sisters who don't know about the Legendary "Phra Pid Ta Kra Dook Phee" here's a short introduction. The Pid Ta Kra Dook Phee refers to the Bone Ashes or "Ghost powder" material that is used as the main ingredient in the making of this Phra Pid Ta. This amulet was first introduced by Luang Phor Nhu who used the cremated bone ashes of Hardcore Prisoners who were executed to create this powerful kind of Phra Pidta amulet - hence the name the "Ghost Pidta". He believe that these hardcore spirits who died before their time will end up as vengeful spirits so when he collected the cremated ashes, LP Nhu performed the necessary prayers for these Prais and used the cremated Bones Ashes to make into this Kradook Phee Pidta so that they can protect the wearer and gain merits for themselves. Soon after, this knowledge was shared around to many other Monks and Masters, among them were those who are lucky enough to have access to prison temples and were then able to create more of these Phra Pid Ta Kra Dook Phee Amulets.
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Phra Pid Ta Kra Dook Phee  Made By Luang Phor Viet Surin (or Phra Arjarn Wet Surin) Is a skillful guru monk who spends most of life on a pilgrimage. His amulets are very powerful and effective. They are very popular among foreigners from such as Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, America and some countries of Europe. Although there are many Monks who are making this types of Ghost Pidta, most are definitely not using the same ingredients used in days of Old by Masters such as Luang Phor Hnuu, However Luang Phor Viet Surin is one of the most Reputable Monks who still makes the Ghost Pidta in the old school way using the Ancient Wicha of his esteemed Predecessors, His dedication and high level of skills towards making very powerful amulets with patience and a high understanding of the Dharma has made him a very popular Monk in a very short space of time in his province and this Ghost Pidta is an amulet that has proven very popular in Udon Thani province among local Politicians ,Police officers, Lawmen, Business Owners, and citizens alike.   Holy Materials : Phra Pid Ta Kra Dook Phee Best Effective amulet Strong Powerful This Phra Pid Ta Kra Dook Phee was made using some of the most powerful ingredients that can be used to create Ghost Pidta such as, - Bone ashes from 108 Executed Prisoners - 108 different types of Holy and Sacred Herbs and Pong Putthaman Powders, - Cemetery Soil that had been collected on Saturday Nights from 7 different Cemeteries. - Ashes collected from 108 different Cremations of the Executed Prisoners - Soil collected from Battlefield grounds of the Thai - Laos War, - Salt from 7 different This Phra Pid Ta Kra Dook Phee or Ghost Pid Ta It's extremely powerful in terms of Protection as it contains the actual 108 Prai that are tasked to serve as a Bodyguard for the wearer. Imagine this having a similar Function as a powerfully made Hoon Payon but 108 times more powerful. Now that's just one of the great benefits of the Ghost Pidta we have.
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Highly recommend Phra Pid Ta Kra Dook Phee (The Ghost Pid Ta Amulet)  is extremely powerful in terms of Protection and will bring you Luck, Good things will unexpectedly happen to you. It also make you success in anything you hope for. Phra Pid Ta , it will help attract money and riches. This particular magical quality amulet is especially useful to people who would like to increase their chances of winning in games of change, such as gambling and lotteries and helps win at gambling in all types of games of chance. However, the Phra Pid Ta Kra Dook Phee, can also be used to increase one's financial income; indeed, the mystical properties of the amulet serve to generate more profit through a boost in commercial sales which improves business success and trade ventures, has very strong wealth fetching powers of attraction This Phra Pid Ta, is extremely powerful in terms of Protection as it contains the actual 108 Prai that are tasked to serve as a Bodyguard for the wearer. Imagine this having a similar Function as a powerfully made Hoon Payon but 108 times more powerful. Now that's just one of the great benefits of the Ghost Pid Ta we have. This Phra Pid Ta Kra Dook Phee can protect the wearer from all types of dangers such as injuries from sharp weapons, protection from accidents, allow the the wearer to become invisible from his enemies, strongly block and repel all types of black magic attacks, evil spirits and negative influences and can also bestow strong sixth sense and warn the wearer of any and all incoming dangers. *** Just Imagine having 108 people lending us a helping hand when we need it. How fortunate and lucky would be be then. This is exactly what the Ghost Pid Ta can do for us. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ In Cambodia and Laos, many people are reportedly known to be using this Type of Pidta to help with gambling and win big amounts. There are many stories of the Kra Dook Phee Ghost Pid Ta saving the lifes of peoples in life and Death Scenarios and helping the wearer escape from certain-death situations. Such Articles can be found all over the Internet. It will make a fantastic gift for someone special or for a collector of Asian antiques. Keep it with you for Success power or keep it in your house. Keep it with you for Evil protection & Luck builder power or keep it in your house .This is a fabulous collector's items indeed.
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How to use Phra Pidta Kradook Phee Tips;
Pray Your Wishes , You can carry The Phra Pidta Kradook Phee with you wherever you go as the power of it will inspire other people to like and love you will bring you Luck and for Protection To get maximum power from Phra Pidta Kradook Phee amulet , wear them as much as you can. The Phra Pidta Kradook Phee amulet can be placed in one’s wallet, pocket, If one is a shop owner, the amulet can also be placed in the counter in one’s shop, as this will help to increase the cash-flow and improve one’s finances. Similarly, the consecrated this amulet can also be used to attract customers to your store and keep them coming back, which, of course, will help to boost one’s sales as well. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Phra Pidta Kradook Phee
> Increase one's luck tremendously, hence it can also be used for gambling and lottery (many people have tried and won). It can also be used to solve debts problems and financial difficulties or obstacles. > Victory in any gambling / lottery / game of chance (4D,TOTO,Casino, Sports Betting etc) > Increase wealth and attract fortune / windfall for the owner of this amulet. Increase source of income, helps in sales and closing a business deal. Like how a snake catches its prey easily, its the same as how the wearer of this amulet can catch wealth and business/sales. > Increase Metta and improve interpersonal relationship with others. > Escape from dangers and prevent "backstabbing" or "politics" > Helps the owner achieve happiness, smooth sailing and financian fullfillment in all walks of life > Attracts compassion, love and caring from all sides > Magically enchant your target for love or attraction purposes > Influence people around you with ease > Prevent your partner or spouse from cheating on you > Negotiate with your business or personal associates easily > Attract your soul mate easily > Attract sales and customers into your shop/office or business premises > Increase your personal magnetism and charismatic presence > Strengthen ones Relationship or Marriage > Casts a powerful “long distance” love spell over your target > Requires no physical contact to work > Causes your target to fall in love with you > Can be used to make groups love and respect you > Summons lost or wayward family members and loved back > Commands the respect, affection, and adoration of others > This sacred object is suitable for business man, merchant, singer and performer or we can say that this is for every people in every occupation that should have +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1st Batch Phra Pid Ta Kra Dook Phee (Most Powerful And Effective Amulet) $ 99 Free Shipping Read the full article
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hadeschan · 2 years
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item # K19B14
RARE Pra Somdej Luang Phor Pina Wat Sanomlao, Nua Pong Aa-tăn, Ta Thong. A Buddha amulet made from various types of powder of mystical plants, earth, holy powder, minerals, Lek Lai powder, and raw human flesh and blood. Luang Phor Pina collected all sacred materials while Luang Phor Pina was on his pilgrimage to the north of Thailand, Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, and India .It was painted with gold metallic acrylic paint in the front. Made by Luang Phor Pina of Wat Sanomlao after BE 2530 (CE 1987).
The legend has it that Luang Phor Pina “Plee”, asking the permission from spirit of the dead whose body belongs to with special ritual. The spirit of the dead will stay in the amulet to help the amulet owner for its own merits to the next world, and the spirit won’t do any harm.
BEST FOR: The spirit in the amulet may trick you both visual and auditory hallucinations. The spirit helps comfort you and gives you peace when life is uneasy. You will NEVER be alone EVER, the spirit is with you everywhere you go. She, the spirit follows you all the time. She watches your back. She protects you, and your family and prevents danger. She blinds people who are going to harm you. She casts magic charm and love spells on people around you. Not only the spirit may communicate with you in dreams, or be seen or heard in daily life, but she also provides affection and companionship. This amulet has a tendency to draw positive energy. Kongkraphan Chatrie (it makes you invulnerable to all weapon attack), Maha-ut (it stops gun from shooting at you), Metta Maha Niyom (it helps bring loving, caring, and kindness, and compassion from people all around you to you), Maha Larp (it brings Lucky Wealth / wealth fetching), and Kaa Kaai Dee (it helps tempt your customers to buy whatever you are selling, and it helps attract new customers and then keep them coming back. Ponggan Poot-pee pee-saat Kunsai Mondam Sa-niat jan-rai Sat Meepit (it helps ward off evil spirit, demon, bad ghost, bad omen, bad spell, curse, accursedness, black magic, misfortune, doom, and poisonous animals). It helps protect you from manipulators, backstabbers, and toxic people. And Baihuay, the spirit of the dead may tell/give hints of winning lottery numbers.
Contents of the amulet
- Pong Wan Roi Padd, powder crushed from fresh mystical plants.
- Pong Lek Lai, powder of legendary iron ore that has magic power of Kongkraphan Chatrie (it makes you invulnerable to all weapon attack), Maha-ut (it stops gun from shooting at you), and Ponggan Poot-pee pee-saat Kunsai Mondam Sat Meepit (it helps ward off evil spirit, demon, bad ghost, bad omen, bad spell, curse and black magic, and poisonous animals).
- Pong Din Saksit, sacred earth taken from many holy places in Thailand, Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, and India.
- Pong Din Gon Gru Gao, earth taken from chambers in the stupa that stored ancient Buddha amulets.
- Pong Viset, the Holy Powder made by Luang Phor Pina himself.
- Raw human flesh and blood, the legend has it that Luang Phor Pina “Plee”, asking the permission from spirit of the dead whose body belongs to with special ritual. The spirit of the dead will stay in the amulet to help the amulet owner for its own merits to the next world, and the spirit won’t do any harm.
Luang Phor Pina, the Abbot of Wat Sanomlao, Saraburi Province, living between BE 2456 (CE 1913) to BE 2545 (CE 2002)
Luang Phor Pina, born Tawai Hansarikit on March 1, BE 2456 (CE 1913) at Ban Hua Lamphong, Uthai Thani Province. Tawai was diagnosed with epilepsy, and his parents had no hope of curing Tawai. One day his parents took him to see Luang Phor Sin, the Abbot of Wat Nong Tao, Non Kilek, Uthai Thani Province. Luang Phor Sin advised that his name “Tawai” was not good for him, then Luang Phor Sin changed his name to “Pina” which means “without a care in the world or without worrying about anything”, and months later Luang Phor Pina recovered from epilepsy. In BE 2481 (CE 1938), Pina’s father passed away, and Pina became a novice for a merit to his dead father. Then Pina ordained as Buddhist monk at Wat Nong Tao, Uthai Thani Province. Luang Phor Pina moved to stay at Wat Koh Taypho, Chai Nat Province, and studied A-sup-pha Kammathān, contemplation on loathsomeness of human body from Luang Ta Kam of Wat Taypho, then Luang Phor Pina traveled to Wat Tham Tako, Lopburi Province to practice “Kammaṭṭhāna tradition”, the Thai Forest Tradition. Luang Phor Pina was later on his pilgrimage to the Northern Provinces of Thailand, Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, and India. After coming back, Luang Phor Pina went to learn Kammaṭṭhāna tradition from Pra Archan Mun Bhuridatta Thera the Masters of Kammaṭṭhāna tradition at Wat Pha Suttawas, Sakon Nakhon Province, and Pra Archan Fund Archaro of Wat Pa Udom Somphon, Sakon Nakhon Province, Luang Ta Maha Bua Yanna Sampanno of Wat Pa Ban Tat, Udon Thani Province, and many Guru Monks of School of Pra Archan Mun. In BE 2527 (CE 1984), Luang Phor Pina was on his pilgrimage to Ban Sanomlao Khao Bot, Khok Yae, Nong Khae District, Saraburi, and found a ruin of an ancient  temple building, then Luang Phor Pina decided to stay here for the last chapter of his life, and developed this abandoned “Wat Sanomlao” temple. Luang Phor Pina passed away in BE 2545 (CE 2002). Luang Phor Pina entered into the rare spiritual meditative state of “Thukdam” after death. The Thukdam is a Buddhist phenomenon in which realized master’s consciousness dies in meditation, and remains in the body despite its physical death. Though they are declared clinically dead, their bodies show no signs of decay and are found to remain fresh for days or weeks without preservation.
DIMENSION: 3.50 cm high / 2.30 cm wide / 0.80 cm thick
item # K19B14
Price: price upon request, pls PM and/or email us [email protected]
Item location: Hong Kong, SAR
Ships to: Worldwide
Delivery: Estimated 7 days handling time after receipt of cleared payment. Please allow additional time if international delivery is subject to customs processing.
Shipping: FREE Thailandpost International registered mail. International items may be subject to customs processing and additional charges.
Payments: PayPal / Western Union / MoneyGram /maybank2u.com / DBS iBanking / Wechat Pay / Alipay / INSTAREM / PromptPay International / Remitly
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husky-artz · 3 years
Twst ocs part 3! if you have questions/ wish to know more about you are free to ask!!
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vivelareine · 3 years
Hi! I was wondering if «Les Adieux à la Reine» by Chantal Thomas that you mentioned in your last post has some merits as a novel. I haven't seen the movie, but I'be read that it has been accused of historical inaccuracy for portraying the relationship between Antoinette and the Duchesse de Polignac as an homosexual one (which if possible is even less historically based than the persistent and frankly absurd rumor of a sexual relationship between Antoinette and Fersen). Are the allegations presented in the novel as far-fetched as the ones from the movie despite Chantal Thomas being a professional historian or is it a worthwhile read? Thany you!
Admittedly it has been a few years since I read the book so I may be missing some memories, but I would say the novel has a sort of vague playfulness at times regarding their relationship rather than any sort of direct depiction of a romantic relationship. I want to say there's a scene where they are playfully wrestling around, or its mentioned. I think in the novel it's up to interpretation how you want to view things. The rumors about them being sexual are in the novel, but those rumors are a reflection of contemporary propaganda.
The primary focus of the novel is the degradation of Versailles, the final splitting of a fracture that had been there (after this, it falls apart, people leaving, boundaries crossed that can never be undone 'The queen had never touched a door...' etc) and its told through the interesting conceit of being a memoir written decades after the fact by the elderly, nostalgic Sidonie. Or Agathe, as she goes by in the novel.
In retrospect, considering the director of the film--and the fact that he aged down Sidonie & made her interest in Marie Antoinette romantic and obsessive rather than devotional--the way the film altered things definitely leaves a bad taste. The novel reads like the writings of an elderly woman relieving her old life, recounting her experience as being a small cog in Versailles, a witness of a massive historical event. The film feels like an exploitative love triangle.
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Spider-Man: The Darkest Hours Thoughts
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Many years ago I was contacted by someone who recommended this novel to me and others from a Mary Jane fan point of view. You can read the recommendation here.
Whilst I own the novel and started it at least twice for whatever reason I stopped reading it before the start of the first big action set piece. However since Dreamscape audio released the novel on audiobook I’ve finally been able to experience it for myself.
So how’d it fair? SPOILERS ahead
I don’t usually do this these days but because this story is relatively obscure I’m going to provide a synopsis. Or more accurately marvel.wiki is:
“Even though he is a chemistry teacher, Peter Parker has now been forced to be a substitute basketball coach over at Midtown High where he works. His ineptness soon negatively draws the attention of basketball star Samuel Larkin, who challenges Peter and refuses to cooperate with his own teammates. Going over the player's records, Peter soon discovers that Larkin has not taken all of the required vaccines needed to play at the school, which will mean his automatic expulsion from the team for the remainder of the season, as well as dwindle his chances of getting a scholarship to a good university.
After a long day of coaching, Peter returns home and discovers that Mary Jane has won a part as Lady Macbeth in Shakespeare's Macbeth. However, the play is held in Atlantic City, so in order to compensate for the long drive, MJ bought a car despite not having a driver's license, let alone any idea how to drive. They began discussing whether or not Peter should teach her. In the middle of the talk, however, the Rhino attacks Times Square, so Peter leaves to go fight him as Spider-Man.
While on the way there, Spider-Man runs into Black Cat, who claims the rampage is a trap and that Peter should not go. He ignores her warning, though, and continues to head there. Peter easily defeats Rhino, knocking him unconscious in the process. Just as he does, however, the siblings of Morlun - Thanis, Malos, and Mortia - appear. They blame Spider-Man for their brother's death despite the Other being the true person who ripped his throat out, and now want revenge by killing him. Spidey initially flees, but with the help of a SWAT team and Black Cat he eventually takes them on (he also seeks help from Doctor Strange but is declined, with Strange asserting that his interference would harm the cosmic balance). Mary Jane comes to the fight scene and becomes jealous that Felicia is able to help Peter fight the siblings, as well as how the siblings are treating her husband. Enraged, she takes her car and runs Morlun's siblings over, distracting them and giving Spider-Man the time needed to banish them to a barren netherworld using three trinkets Strange had secretly arranged to be given to him.”
Let me get some admissions out of the way.
a)      I’ve not read a ton of Spider-Man/comic book based novels, although I own the majority of the Spider-Man ones that Wikipedia claim exist. I dunno why, I just never manage to get around to them for whatever reason. Perhaps it’s because comic book superheroes being designed for a visual medium which so often emphasises action makes the jump to prose (or in this case audio) difficult. Indeed I must admit when reading/listening I do zone out a bit when action scenes occur.
b)      I’m not familiar with the work of Jim Butcher although I hear great things
c)       I’d actually forgotten the specifics of the recommendation for this book. I just remember it was recommended and it was because it should feed the MJ fan/shipper in me and others. Forgetting this was lucky actually as it allowed me to enjoy some aspects of the books I’d otherwise have not been surprised by.
Let’s also get the technical aspects out of the way since this is an audio book I am discussing.
The narrator, Jack Meloche is...okay...mostly.
I find his performance of Peter a little too nasaly and early on in the audiobook you do have to kind of power through his performances of Mary Jane and especially Felicia. By the end of the story I grew to tolerate them but never love them. Hearing a grown ass man do his best to convey a sultry kinda sorta femme fatale can be a bit cringe inducing I must admit. His best performance is as the Rhino though.
Other things you should know is that this novel is loosely in continuity with ‘Spider-Man: Drowned in Thunder’ (which I talked about here),
another novel from the same range of books. It was published and is set after the events of this novel and both are set chronologically during the J. Michael Straczynski ASM run prior to Spider-Man joining the New Avengers.
I’ll be upfront with you I found ‘Drowned in Thunder’ to be better for the most part and downright ingenious. It did not however use Mary Jane as much or as critically as this story. She was important but didn’t have as big of a role as she does here. Does that make one novel better or worse than the other? Neither, they’re just different. It’s healthy to mix up the emphasis certain supporting characters get after all.
Looking at ‘Darkest Hours’ on it’s own merits for the most part it nails the characters in terms of the sentiments but my personal problems with it are in the presentation at times. Not even all the time just some of the time.
Let me put it more clearly.
There is exactly one scene featuring Aunt May, specifically a phone conversation. And this phone conversation progresses into a very involved inspirational speech from May to Peter about how awesome he is as a person/hero and the scene’s drama stems from the fact that Peter might be fighting his last battle soon after this. Are the sentiments Aunt May expressing in character? Of course. Are these things she would say? Yes!...but...I felt it was kind of...off that her one scene in the whole story is her showing up and giving the most involved inspirational speech Spider-Man has ever gotten from her or anyone else. Spider-Man 2’s backyard scene was tame by comparison. I just feel it would’ve been better for May to have both featured in some way prior to that scene and for the speech to have been dialled back a bit.
Much more relevantly though is the book’s handling of Peter and MJ’s relationship.
Throughout the novels there are scenes of Peter and Mary Jane being very much in love. The most common way this is expressed is via Peter complimenting Mary Jane in his head.
Would Peter feel this way about Mary Jane. 100% yes! But...I don’t know if it was the vocal performance, the fact that we have this back in the comics now, or really JUST me but personally I kinda...cringed a bit.
I’m not saying it’s bad!
I’m not even saying it could be better!
I’m sure there are many readers who adore this.
I’m not well versed in romance fiction so maybe I’m missing something here and actually it’s perfectly acceptable or great writing.
I’m saying just for me personally again...I’d have wanted it dialled back. It just got a little much, a little cringey for me personally.
But you know that happened sometimes in the JMS run which I loved and agree with everyone else wrote the marriage better than it has ever been written.
Speaking of Straczynski we really need to talk about his Spider-Man work.
Commonly original Spider-Man novels (i.e. not novelizations) that are trying to vaguely present themselves as being canon (so we aren’t talking about stuff like ‘Hostile Takeover’ set in the Marvel Gamerverse) try to have synergy with the status quo of the day or a very recent one.
This novel is no exception. My research tells me it was published in 2006 and whilst it’s not reflective of the then status quo of the comics where Spider-Man was unmasked and a member of the Avengers, it is reflective of the dominant status quo immediately preceding that which ended circa 2004-2005.
To refresh your memory that involves Peter being a teacher at Midtown High, Mary Jane being an aspiring stage actress who recently reconciled with Peter, and both Aunt May and Black Cat knowing his secret. To drive the point home about just when this novel is set there is an entire dialogue exchange discussing the idea of him hypothetically  joining the Avengers. A discussion that in my eyes throws some wonderful shade at the idea.
This is the same status quo that ‘Drowned in Thunder’ was set during but ‘Darkest Hours’ hardcore embraces  this status quo in a way ‘Drowned in Thunder’ never did. ‘Drowned in Thunder’ if anything drew more from the Paul Jenkins PPSM run than JMS’ run and exempting Aunt May being in on the secret felt like with a few changes it could’ve exorcised every other element of his run. Peter’s teaching job was a factor in the story but it was used as a brilliant and organic segue way into a Bugle/Jonah centric investigation.
‘Darkest Hours’ though...doesn’t do that.
Rather it is practically a lost arc from JMS’ run. No, not his ‘era’ wherein we’re talking about every title during his time in charge. I mean that if this was a comic book story it could’ve been straight up slotted in directly before or after ‘Sins Past’ and no one would’ve batted an eye.
The way the story tries to handle Peter’s marriage to Mary Jane, Peter’s teaching job, the inclusion of Doctor Strange and Dex, the potted history of Ezekiel, the direct references to Shathra and friggin ASM #500, and of course Morlun’s siblings. This FEELS like the JMS run!
And for a lot of people that’s going to be a huge deal breaker for this novel.
In my experience of Spider-Man fandom whilst there is a lot of appreciation of JMS’ run it was divisive for various reasons. A lot of people just for whatever reason turned off by Peter being a teacher (or more accurately not being a photographer for the Bugle) and recoil even more over the presence of mystical elements like Morlun or Doctor Strange.
Now if you liked or tolerated that stuff then this novel is a hidden gem of sorts, whether you want a shot of nostalgia or just found that stuff compelling.
Me personally, I liked the first half of the JMS run for the most part. And Jesus Christ looking back at it after what we got after he left it’s a Hell of a lot better.
Say what you want about Ezekiel and Peter being a teacher but I’d take that stuff over fucking Superior Spider-Man and Parker Industries!
Of course the elephant in the room regarding this novel in the modern day is that it predates Spider-Verse and Spider-Geddon as stories establishing Morlun had a family.
In Spider-Verse/Geddon Morlun was the main character and his family had unbearably simplistic personalities that boiled down to being variant action figures of him!
Now don’t get it twisted. Mortia and her brothers are a million miles away from the greatest villains in Spider-Man history. In fact they have LESS personality than Morlun did.
And yet in context this actually works for the story more effectively than in Spider-Verse/Geddon.
Morlun as originally presented was essentially a very eloquent predator and a hunter, not quit a full on force of nature but close to it. He was intimidating because he really didn’t do anything besides hunt Spider-Man and want to eat him.
Where Spider-Verse/Geddon failed was in reintroducing Morlun and then immediately watering him down by having him appear alongside his variant action figure family with moments and even back up stories told specifically from their POVs. Sure JMS gave us moments focussing on Morlun’s character outside of Spider-Man or Morlun, but they existed to introduce  the character and briefly build him up before we realize just how utterly outclassed Spider-Man is against him. When we already know who the Hell Morlun is we don’t need scenes focussing upon him because he isn’t a character who can support that level of attention. Nor should he be because he’s SUPPOSED to be a one not hunting and killing machine basically.
That’s why this novel makes better use of ‘the Ancients’ than S-V/G made of ‘the Inheritors’. We don’t have scenes from their POV thus they can basically be what Morlun was when Spider-Man first met him. Ruthless predators on the hunt, except now there are three of them so Spider-Man is truly screwed!
The plot cleverly focuses instead on the characters who have to DEAL with the impending threat the Ancients pose rather than trying to pretend these guys have actual characters. Butcher also makes them much scarier than the Inheritors because rather than monsters who basically just port in wherever and kill indiscriminately, the Ancients have riches and resources. They are a part of society and Peter is racing against the clock hoping those resources don’t zero in on who he is and where his family lives. This dread, this tension is delectable and far more effective than what Slott of Gage ever did. It helps that we actually see Peter reacting believably to the pressure and stress of his potential demise rather than be a generic and passive as he was in Spider-Verse.
Also the fact they appear alone rather than alongside Morlun is better too as it means Morlun doesn’t look less unique and they look less like variant action figures.
Additionally Butcher does a great job fleshing out the backstory to the Ancients, helping to integrate them well into the established Marvel Universe, developing their abilities and how they worked. Hell he even remembered how they were supposed to work as JMS defined them rather than how Spider-Verse and Spider-Geddon just ignored these abilities and did whatever they wanted. For instance Butcher establishes clearly the Ancients CAN feed off of life forms other than Spider-Man as opposed to S-V/G just having them do that with no explanation and feed off of just anyone. Butcher also remembered Morlun saying that eating Peter would sustain him for a looooooong time and incorporated it into the plot. Similarly he provided a clear explanation for why Spider-Man couldn’t simply use the same trick he used against Morlun again (because he’s outnumbered!) or get help from other heroes like Doctor Strange. Speaking of which we got one of the best ever explanations for how magic works in the Marvel Universe ever. Wasn’t expecting that nor for Wong to be so delightful!
The only real misstep Butcher makes as far as the Ancients are concerned is the idea of the Rhino being a potential snack for them when he never got his powers from a real rhino or anything like that. He was even referenced as one of the pretenders to totem powers by Ezekiel. I guess you could that the Lizard (who was also referenced) should  count so...whatever the rules aren’t clear here.
Let’s leave our main villains behind and talk instead about our more grey characters.
So yeah...Jim Butcher wrote one of the all time great Rhino stories here!
Again wasn’t expecting that!
The Rhino in Aunt May’s home breaking bread with Spider-Man is so insane an image that you’d love it for the absurdity alone, but Butcher makes it totally organic. He also keeps Rhino in character (with the exception of a time he refused to kill Spider-Man which I don’t remember being a real story) and fleshes him out rather wonderfully. He draws some great parallels between Rhino and Spider-Man and frankly the scene where Mary Jane is literally shaking with laughter over these comparisons is unquestionably the highlight of the whole novel!
What was really great was that Butcher didn’t change the Rhino or compromise him. He’s still a mercenary, he’s still not really a good guy, but he’s more human. He doesn’t like Spider-Man, he wants to beat him, but he also on a certain level respects him.
It’s just expertly done!
Then there is Felicia. Had Spencer not already fixed Felicia this story would’ve ignited fury within me. Not because this was bad but rather that this story used Felicia so wonderfully that BND and Slott’s ruination of her would’ve stung all the more.
Felicia is purrrrrrrfect here!
Not quite good, not quite bad, sultry, catty, territorial, smart, aggressive, dangerous, loyal. Butcher NAILED her character!
The fact he uses her to open up a philosophical debate about the differences and moral justifications between Peter, herself and the Rhino is inspired. There are differences but the lines aren’t as clear cut as Peter treats them as. In a sense he really does have a bit of a double standard in regards to her and everyone else. This isn’t the only time Butcher brings out Peter’s flaws very well. The scene where Peter has momentary lapses into light machismo are well done. Spider-Man is a hero but he ain’t perfect that’s why we love him!
This brings us to Felicia and Mary Jane. Sorry...I love it. Maybe it’s problematic, maybe it’s problematic that I do love it...but I just do.
Okay from a strict continuity point of view Butcher puts MJ and Felicia at greater odds than they really should be. By this point in time there were tensions but there was also friendship. Truth be told Butcher puts that friendliness in there but only at the very end of MJ and Felicia’s arc together and the resolution to the tensions are off-page. And yet...what can I say the pure soap opera of it was fun for me on a very base level. Who says marriage is free of tension again?????
The peak of my enjoyment was when the pair were just unrestrained hurling insults at one another. Again, shallow I know, but it was just fun for me and I really loved Peter having to step up and be the grown up in that situation and coldly let everyone know where they all stand. MJ doesn’t get to talk to Felicia that way because she’s their friend. Felicia doesn’t get to talk to MJ that way because she’s his wife.
This brings us to Mary Jane herself. Apart from again the romance stuff for me personally going a bit too far she’s mostly done very well. She’s supportive, she has a subplot of her own dealing with a real life problem (learning to drive), she makes mistakes, she’s great at analysing Peter,  and helping figure things out via being a confidant. Oh and she totally saves the day at the end. No straight up she does. If not for MJ the day would’ve been lost and Spider-Man would’ve been dead.
It was such a baller as fuck scene I am slightly pissed off that it wasn’t realized as a comic. Her throwing shade at Doctor Strange was also priceless.
The final thing to mention is the subplot involving one of Peter’s students.
I am once again going to draw comparisons to both the JMS run and ‘Drowned in Thunder’ as they are apt here.
Okay basically strictly speaking the subplot regarding Peter helping one of his underprivileged kids retain a spot on the basketball team was a weak spot of the storytelling. Not because it was necessarily bad (though a 30something trying to write ‘inner city youths’ leaves something to be desired) but because it really didn’t tie into the main plot all that much.
In ‘Drowned in Thunder’ Peter’s teaching job was integrated seamlessly.
But in this you could tweak the novel and exorcise the whole subplot. It’s relevance really is mostly thematic (Peter and the kid both need to embrace team work to succeed) and to illustrate character traits of Peter Parker. He’s so responsible he would still make time to help out this poor student even whilst his life is potentially ticking away. Nor will he abandon this kid to save his own skin, even though the kid’s physical life might not be endangered at all if he did.
Now that all being said I LIKE the subplot’s inclusion. Not only because it does demonstrate Peter’s character and the lesson he needs to learn for this story, but because I view it as part and parcel of this book’s mission to be a lost JMS story.
Really the subplot could’ve been one of the handful of stories told during the JMS run concerning Peter helping out his impoverished students. If viewed as part and parcel of trying to capture the ‘flavour’ of the era the subplot succeeds.
Finally I must say I loved Peter’s words of defiance before his possible demise.
Over all I’d say this was a very strong story. Okay, as an over all package not quite as good as ‘Drowned in Thunder’ but still up there, with moments and aspects that are as good if not superior to the latter.
Highly recommended.
P.S. I can’t believe we got development and a great use out of Dex of all the obscure characters out there!
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soclaimon · 3 years
8 villas in Samui resort collapse in landslide triggered by heavy rain #SootinClaimon.Com
#SootinClaimon.Com : ขอบคุณแหล่งข้อมูล : หนังสือพิมพ์ The Nation. https://www.nationthailand.com/in-focus/40008788 Torrential overnight rain pulled down eight Merit Resort Samui villas in a landslide in the wee hours of Saturday. Surat Thani’s deputy governor Sutthipong Klaiudom said he has instructed related agencies to survey the area. Meanwhile, Surat Thani governor Wichawut Jinto has…
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julie1971 · 4 years
On last full day in office, Trump decorates Bahrain king for Israel deal
On last full day in office, Trump decorates Bahrain king for Israel deal
US president bestows Legion of Merit on King Hamad in recognition of his ‘extraordinary courage and leadership’ in deciding to normalize ties with Jewish state US President Donald Trump, right, shaking hands with Qatar’s Emir Sheikh Tamim Bin Hamad Al-Thani, during a bilateral meeting at a hotel in the Saudi capital Riyadh, May 21, 2017. (Mandel Ngan/AFP) WASHINGTON — US President Donald…
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thaiamulet-us · 4 years
Most Powerful And Effective Amulet - Phra Pid Ta Kra Dook Phee
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Best Effective amulet Strong Powerful
Phra Pid Ta Kra Dook Phee - Back Ngern Pak Phee ( Money in Mouth of Cadaver)
This is a high-level spiritual empowerment which combines many high-level invulnerability and inner strength powers, whose essence has been passed down from Ancient Masters of Thailand , The Power of Phra Pid Ta Kra Dook Phee has been considered very reliable and effective. With God’s permission, with the power granted, you will always become more competitive than any other person who might have magickal powers to compete against you. You will easily overcome enemies as long as you are in the path of light. The power contained is one which has been specially transmitted from a spiritual master Pra Ajarn Wet disciples to assist in any life problems they may be facing. This Phra Pid Ta Kra Dook Phee is extremely powerful in terms of Protection as it contains the actual 108 Prai that are tasked to serve as a Bodyguard for the wearer is one of the most popular and highly in demand amulets in Thailand among collectors now. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ For the benefit of those Brothers and Sisters who don't know about the Legendary "Phra Pid Ta Kra Dook Phee" here's a short introduction. The Pid Ta Kra Dook Phee refers to the Bone Ashes or "Ghost powder" material that is used as the main ingredient in the making of this Phra Pid Ta. This amulet was first introduced by Luang Phor Nhu who used the cremated bone ashes of Hardcore Prisoners who were executed to create this powerful kind of Phra Pidta amulet - hence the name the "Ghost Pidta". He believe that these hardcore spirits who died before their time will end up as vengeful spirits so when he collected the cremated ashes, LP Nhu performed the necessary prayers for these Prais and used the cremated Bones Ashes to make into this Kradook Phee Pidta so that they can protect the wearer and gain merits for themselves. Soon after, this knowledge was shared around to many other Monks and Masters, among them were those who are lucky enough to have access to prison temples and were then able to create more of these Phra Pid Ta Kra Dook Phee Amulets.
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Holy Materials : Phra Pid Ta Kra Dook Phee Best Effective amulet Strong Powerful This Phra Pid Ta Kra Dook Phee was made using some of the most powerful ingredients that can be used to create Ghost Pidta such as, - Bone ashes from 108 Executed Prisoners - 108 different types of Holy and Sacred Herbs and Pong Putthaman Powders, - Cemetery Soil that had been collected on Saturday Nights from 7 different Cemeteries. - Ashes collected from 108 different Cremations of the Executed Prisoners - Soil collected from Battlefield grounds of the Thai - Laos War, - Salt from 7 different This Phra Pid Ta Kra Dook Phee or Ghost Pid Ta It's extremely powerful in terms of Protection as it contains the actual 108 Prai that are tasked to serve as a Bodyguard for the wearer. Imagine this having a similar Function as a powerfully made Hoon Payon but 108 times more powerful. Now that's just one of the great benefits of the Ghost Pidta we have.
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Phra Pid Ta Kra Dook Phee  Made By Luang Phor Viet Surin (or Phra Arjarn Wet Surin) Is a skillful guru monk who spends most of life on a pilgrimage. His amulets are very powerful and effective. They are very popular among foreigners from such as Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, America and some countries of Europe. Although there are many Monks who are making this types of Ghost Pidta, most are definitely not using the same ingredients used in days of Old by Masters such as Luang Phor Hnuu, However Luang Phor Viet Surin is one of the most Reputable Monks who still makes the Ghost Pidta in the old school way using the Ancient Wicha of his esteemed Predecessors, His dedication and high level of skills towards making very powerful amulets with patience and a high understanding of the Dharma has made him a very popular Monk in a very short space of time in his province and this Ghost Pidta is an amulet that has proven very popular in Udon Thani province among local Politicians ,Police officers, Lawmen, Business Owners, and citizens alike.
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Highly recommend Phra Pid Ta Kra Dook Phee (The Ghost Pid Ta Amulet)  is extremely powerful in terms of Protection and will bring you Luck, Good things will unexpectedly happen to you. It also make you success in anything you hope for. Phra Pid Ta , it will help attract money and riches. This particular magical quality amulet is especially useful to people who would like to increase their chances of winning in games of change, such as gambling and lotteries and helps win at gambling in all types of games of chance. However, the Phra Pid Ta Kra Dook Phee, can also be used to increase one's financial income; indeed, the mystical properties of the amulet serve to generate more profit through a boost in commercial sales which improves business success and trade ventures, has very strong wealth fetching powers of attraction This Phra Pid Ta, is extremely powerful in terms of Protection as it contains the actual 108 Prai that are tasked to serve as a Bodyguard for the wearer. Imagine this having a similar Function as a powerfully made Hoon Payon but 108 times more powerful. Now that's just one of the great benefits of the Ghost Pid Ta we have. This Phra Pid Ta Kra Dook Phee can protect the wearer from all types of dangers such as injuries from sharp weapons, protection from accidents, allow the the wearer to become invisible from his enemies, strongly block and repel all types of black magic attacks, evil spirits and negative influences and can also bestow strong sixth sense and warn the wearer of any and all incoming dangers. *** Just Imagine having 108 people lending us a helping hand when we need it. How fortunate and lucky would be be then. This is exactly what the Ghost Pid Ta can do for us. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ In Cambodia and Laos, many people are reportedly known to be using this Type of Pidta to help with gambling and win big amounts. There are many stories of the Kra Dook Phee Ghost Pid Ta saving the lifes of peoples in life and Death Scenarios and helping the wearer escape from certain-death situations. Such Articles can be found all over the Internet. It will make a fantastic gift for someone special or for a collector of Asian antiques. Keep it with you for Success power or keep it in your house. Keep it with you for Evil protection & Luck builder power or keep it in your house .This is a fabulous collector's items indeed.
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How to use Phra Pidta Kradook Phee Tips;
Pray Your Wishes , You can carry The Phra Pidta Kradook Phee with you wherever you go as the power of it will inspire other people to like and love you will bring you Luck and for Protection To get maximum power from Phra Pidta Kradook Phee amulet , wear them as much as you can. The Phra Pidta Kradook Phee amulet can be placed in one’s wallet, pocket, If one is a shop owner, the amulet can also be placed in the counter in one’s shop, as this will help to increase the cash-flow and improve one’s finances. Similarly, the consecrated this amulet can also be used to attract customers to your store and keep them coming back, which, of course, will help to boost one’s sales as well. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
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> Increase one's luck tremendously, hence it can also be used for gambling and lottery (many people have tried and won). It can also be used to solve debts problems and financial difficulties or obstacles. > Victory in any gambling / lottery / game of chance (4D,TOTO,Casino, Sports Betting etc) > Increase wealth and attract fortune / windfall for the owner of this amulet. Increase source of income, helps in sales and closing a business deal. Like how a snake catches its prey easily, its the same as how the wearer of this amulet can catch wealth and business/sales. > Increase Metta and improve interpersonal relationship with others. > Escape from dangers and prevent "backstabbing" or "politics" > Helps the owner achieve happiness, smooth sailing and financian fullfillment in all walks of life > Attracts compassion, love and caring from all sides > Magically enchant your target for love or attraction purposes > Influence people around you with ease > Prevent your partner or spouse from cheating on you > Negotiate with your business or personal associates easily > Attract your soul mate easily > Attract sales and customers into your shop/office or business premises > Increase your personal magnetism and charismatic presence > Strengthen ones Relationship or Marriage > Casts a powerful “long distance” love spell over your target > Requires no physical contact to work > Causes your target to fall in love with you > Can be used to make groups love and respect you > Summons lost or wayward family members and loved back > Commands the respect, affection, and adoration of others > This sacred object is suitable for business man, merchant, singer and performer or we can say that this is for every people in every occupation that should have +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
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Most Powerful And Effective Amulet - Phra Pid Ta Kra Dook Phee $ 82 Free Shipping Read the full article
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hadeschan · 2 years
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item # K18C22
RARE Pra Somdej Lang Chao Mae Kuan Im, Nua Pong Pasom Wan. A Buddha amulet with Kuan Yin Bodhisattva, the Goddess of Mercy and Compassion in the back. Made from various types of powder of mystical plants, holy powder, minerals. Lek Lai powder and earth from many holy places. Luang Phor Pina collected all sacred materials while Luang Phor Pina was on his pilgrimage to the north of Thailand, Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, and India .It was painted with gold metallic acrylic paint in the front, and silver in the back to preserve the conditions of the amulet. Made by Luang Phor Pina of Wat Sanomlao after BE 2530 (CE 1987).
“Kuan Yin Bodhisattva will instantly perceive the sound of your cry, and you, the suffering one will be liberated”….
BEST FOR: Kuan Yin, a Goddess of mercy and compassion, and a protector and a celestial mother to all who helps those in need. Kuan Yin helps you to cultivate loving kindness and compassion with abundance. Kuan Yin brings positive energy to you and your family. Kuan Yin helps shift your career, wealth and business opportunity. Klawklad Plodpai (it brings safety, and pushes you away from all danger), Kongkraphan (it makes you invulnerable to all weapon attack), Maha-ut (it stops gun from shooting at you), Metta Maha Niyom (it helps bring loving, caring, and kindness, and compassion from people all around you to you), Maha Larp (it brings Lucky Wealth / wealth fetching), and Kaa Kaai Dee (it helps tempt your customers to buy whatever you are selling, and it helps attract new customers and then keep them coming back. And Ponggan Poot-pee pee-saat Kunsai Mondam Sat Meepit (it helps ward off evil spirit, demon, bad ghost, bad omen, bad spell, curse and black magic, and poisonous animals). This amulet helps protect you from manipulators, backstabbers, and toxic people.
Kuan Yin
Kuan Yin, Guan Yin or Guanyin the Buddhist bodhisattva, a Goddess of mercy and compassion who helps those in need. She is the East Asian equivalent of Avalokiteśvara, and has been adopted by other Eastern religions including Chinese folk religion. She was first given the appellation of “goddess of mercy” or the mercy goddess by Jesuit missionaries in China. The Chinese name Guanyin is short for Guanshiyin, which means “the one who perceives the cries of the world”.
Contents of the amulet
- Pong Wan Roi Padd, powder crushed from fresh mystical plants.
- Pong Lek Lai, powder of legendary iron ore that has magic power of Kongkraphan Chatrie (it makes you invulnerable to all weapon attack), Maha-ut (it stops gun from shooting at you), and Ponggan Poot-pee pee-saat Kunsai Mondam Sat Meepit (it helps ward off evil spirit, demon, bad ghost, bad omen, bad spell, curse and black magic, and poisonous animals).
- Pong Din Saksit, sacred earth taken from many holy places in Thailand, Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, and India.
- Pong Din Gon Gru Gao, earth taken from chambers in the stupa that stored ancient Buddha amulets.
- Pong Viset, the Holy Powder made by Luang Phor Pina himself.
Luang Phor Pina, the Abbot of Wat Sanomlao, Saraburi Province, living between BE 2456 (CE 1913) to BE 2545 (CE 2002)
Luang Phor Pina, born Tawai Hansarikit on March 1, BE 2456 (CE 1913) at Ban Hua Lamphong, Uthai Thani Province. Tawai was diagnosed with epilepsy, and his parents had no hope of curing Tawai. One day his parents took him to see Luang Phor Sin, the Abbot of Wat Nong Tao, Non Kilek, Uthai Thani Province. Luang Phor Sin advised that his name “Tawai” was not good for him, then Luang Phor Sin changed his name to “Pina” which means “without a care in the world or without worrying about anything”, and months later Luang Phor Pina recovered from epilepsy. In BE 2481 (CE 1938), Pina’s father passed away, and Pina became a novice for a merit to his dead father. Then Pina ordained as Buddhist monk at Wat Nong Tao, Uthai Thani Province. Luang Phor Pina moved to stay at Wat Koh Taypho, Chai Nat Province, and studied A-sup-pha Kammathān, contemplation on loathsomeness of human body from Luang Ta Kam of Wat Taypho, then Luang Phor Pina traveled to Wat Tham Tako, Lopburi Province to practice "Kammaṭṭhāna tradition", the Thai Forest Tradition. Luang Phor Pina was later on his pilgrimage to the Northern Provinces of Thailand, Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, and India. After coming back, Luang Phor Pina went to learn Kammaṭṭhāna tradition from Pra Archan Mun Bhuridatta Thera the Masters of Kammaṭṭhāna tradition at Wat Pha Suttawas, Sakon Nakhon Province, and Pra Archan Fund Archaro of Wat Pa Udom Somphon, Sakon Nakhon Province, Luang Ta Maha Bua Yanna Sampanno of Wat Pa Ban Tat, Udon Thani Province, and many Guru Monks of School of Pra Archan Mun. In BE 2527 (CE 1984), Luang Phor Pina was on his pilgrimage to Ban Sanomlao Khao Bot, Khok Yae, Nong Khae District, Saraburi, and found a ruin of an ancient  temple building, then Luang Phor Pina decided to stay here for the last chapter of his life, and developed this abandoned “Wat Sanomlao” temple. Luang Phor Pina passed away in BE 2545 (CE 2002). Luang Phor Pina entered into the rare spiritual meditative state of “Thukdam” after death. The Thukdam is a Buddhist phenomenon in which realized master's consciousness dies in meditation, and remains in the body despite its physical death. Though they are declared clinically dead, their bodies show no signs of decay and are found to remain fresh for days or weeks without preservation.
DIMENSION: 2.90 cm high / 2.10 cm wide / 0.50 cm thick
item # K18C22
Price: price upon request, pls PM and/or email us [email protected]
Item location: Hong Kong, SAR
Ships to: Worldwide
Delivery: Estimated 7 days handling time after receipt of cleared payment. Please allow additional time if international delivery is subject to customs processing.
Shipping: FREE Thailandpost International registered mail. International items may be subject to customs processing and additional charges.
Payments: PayPal / Western Union / MoneyGram /maybank2u.com / DBS iBanking / Wechat Pay / Alipay / INSTAREM / PromptPay International / Remitly
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megamikethomson · 5 years
Christmas in Abu Dhabi 2019: a definitive guide
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Presently that The Abu Dhabi Terrific Prix is off the beaten path (we don't think about you, yet despite everything we're recouping), we can continue ahead with being strangely amped up for Christmas.
As you may have anticipated, Abu Dhabi goes hard and fast for the bubbly season and in case you're not previously feeling agreeably Christmassy, you very before long will be.
Throughout the following barely any weeks you can appreciate winter markets, family fun days, Santa Clause pursues, Christmas tree lightings, takeaway turkeys (since who has the opportunity to cook, truly?) and a lot more inspiring happy occasions.
So we've assembled a snappy manual for all the best bits beneath, yet you can likewise look at our full rundown of Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and Boxing Day suppers and informal breakfasts our uncommon Christmas Guide (which accompanies all paid-for duplicates of this magazine) and at timeoutabuhabi.com/christmas.
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So uncover your tackiest Christmas jumper and reindeer prongs, and get ready to have a carefree time to be sure as you prepare for the most magnificent time.
Al MuneeraFamily well disposed winter celebrations will be held in December at Aldar People group in Abu Dhabi. At Al Muneera, from December 11 to 14, families can look at all the Christmas enhancements, as the beachfront goal changes into a winter wonderland. You can likewise get inventive with Christmas ringer painting, live diversion and happy nourishment slows down. It's certain to get you into the Christmas spirit.Free. Dec 11-14. 4pm-10pm. Al Muneera. For more data visit www.aldar.com.
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Sea shore RotanaThe Swiss Market will open for business at Sea shore Rotana this December for four-days of happy fun from December 4 to 7 with a large group of retail, nourishment and beverages slows down, unrecorded music, occasions and exercises. Allowing you to get some one of a kind present for your friends and family you can shop merchandise from a large group of neighborhood and global sellers. Regular nourishment and drink will likewise be on offer including bratwurst, raclette, thought about grape and a lot progressively sweet treats. On a melodic note, Appenzeller Streichmusik Birch will be around the local area to perform Swiss people music and there will likewise be exhibitions from a choice of nearby school ensembles who will sing famous Christmas ditties. Youngsters can likewise keep occupied with gingerbread making exercises, face painting, expressions and artworks and film screenings. Furthermore, the celebrated man with the white facial hair and the red suit will likewise be showing up on Friday December 6. From December 4 to 26 the Gingerbread House will likewise come back to Bistro Colombia to sell a large group of merry treats from taken, gingerbread and yule logs. It sounds great.Free. Marry Dec 4 4pm-9pm; Thu Dec 5 2pm-10pm; Fri Dec 6-Sat Dec 7 11am-10pm. Sea shore Rotana Abu Dhabi, Al Zahiyah.
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Famous in the open air melodic occasion Songs in the Desert is set to profit to the capital for Friday December 6. The free yearly occasion sees many individuals remove the short drive from Abu Dhabi city to the ridges where Christmas hymns are sung as the sun sets. You can chime in with the music, cook some nourishment on the common grills and become involved with the Christmas soul. Once there, there's a little move up a hill to arrive at the site, which merits remembering whether a portion of your gathering has constrained portability. In addition, it gets somewhat cold at night so it merits bringing a cover or jumper and a seat doesn't go a miss either. We don't think about you however we're excited.Free. Fri Dec 6. From 4pm. Sweihan Street (GPS 24.407 59N, 54.96457E)
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Sanderson'sSanderson's bistro in Al Seef is facilitating a Christmas reasonable on Friday Decembe r 14. On the day the healthy eatery will have slows down from gems sellers, Balinese pack producers, wood carvers and progressively cunning organizations. While you're obtaining your presents for loved ones (or yourself, we figure you merit it), the children will be kept occupied with an assortment of exercises like face painting and happy themed games. On the off chance that you feast in the beautiful scene anytime during December you can enter a challenge to win a Christmas hamper, and a happy menu is accessible until Boxing Day, as well. For more data visit www.wearesandersons.com.Free. Dec 14 8am-10pm. Andalus Al Seef Resort, Khalifa Park territory (02 222 1142).
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Tricks BoutikFamily amicable winter celebrations will be held in December at Aldar People group in Abu Dhabi. On Reem Island, the shopping goal will be decked out in happy lights and designs and you can keep occupied with a snowman photograph stall, ensemble exhibitions, gingerbread and cupcake improving and the sky is the limit from there. We likewise heard that the enormous man in the red suit will likewise be showing up to meet kids. The Winter Jamboree will happen on Reem Island from 4pm to 10pm on Wednesday and Thursday and 5pm to 11pm on Friday and Saturday.Is it just us, or is anyon else particularly eager to meet Santa?Free. Dec 18-21. 4pm-10pm. Hoaxes Boutik, Reem Island. For more data visit www.aldar.com.
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Saadiyat Sea shore Golf ClubEnjoy a day of fun exercises and treats at this Bubbly Family Day. The market includes a scope of nourishment, refreshments and hand crafted items and artworks, while grown-ups and children can consume off some vitality in the Santa Clause 5km race or the child's Santa Clause pursue. Passage tickets are completely redeemable on refreshments.Dhs30. Sat Dec 14 early afternoon 7pm. Saadiyat Island (056 6147184).
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The Ritz-Carlton Abu Dhabi, Fantastic CanalGet prepared kiddos in light of the fact that Dolce's famous gingerbread house making classes are back for the Christmas season. Minimal ones can design their own adaptations of the sweet scaled down home before brightening their showstopper with flavorful treats, for example, marshmallows, treat sticks and, each youngster's top pick, sweet floss. Smaller than normal cooks will get some top tips from the master baked good gourmet specialists, while mums and fathers can assist them with getting their little houses just right.Dhs175 (per gingerbread house). Gone for kids matured four to 12. From Sun Dec 15-Sun Jan 5. Day by day with the exception of Fri, Marry Dec 25 and Tue Dec 31.
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The Westin Abu Dhabi Golf Resort and Spa
The yearly Christmas market and Santa Clause Pursue is back with loads for all the family to appreciate. Children of any age can have a go at pursuing Dad Christmas around the staggering green, while everybody can peruse the market selling happy presents and treats and appreciate the live amusement from nearby move schools, DJs and ensembles. You can likewise visit the Wellbeing Vault and have a go at improving your golf swing on the test system, in addition to enter a challenge to win an excursion to Mauritius. Different children exercises incorporate treat beautifying, a meet and welcome with Santa Clause Claus himself and shading sessions.Free. Sat Dec 7 early afternoon 7pm. Khalifa City A (02 616 9999).
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Yas Entryway ParkIf you can hardly wait until December 25 for a merry festival then a free winter celebration is going to the city from December 11 to 16 to help stretch out beyond Santa Clause's visit. Yas Winter Jubilee will take over Yas Entryway Park for six days of merry fun and will include a winter advertise, a tree lighting service, a snow zone where you can manufacture your very own snowman and singalongs to all the happy works of art. In any case, the best part? Firecrackers, obviously. The night's sky above Yas Island is set to illuminate each night at 9pm with an astonishing firecrackers show. The free occasion will likewise highlight bubbly nourishment and beverages slows down, a gingerbread making station, voyaging performers and entertainers and more to keep you occupied as you trust that the firecrackers will begin. All we need currently is to locate the ideal gooey Christmas jumper and to persuade the remainder of the workplace to give us a chance to play our happy playlist. Wish us luck.Free. Dec 11-16. Yas Door Park, Yas Island, www.wintercarnival.ae.
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Abu Dhabi Golf ClubThis Christmas festivity incorporates hymns performed by a skilled ensemble, a visit from the man in red himself and exercises for kids. When every one of the tunes are over you can likewise enjoy a bubbly buffet.Dhs155 (buffet), Dhs85 (buffet kids matured five to 12), free (kids under five). Thu Dec 5 6pm-10pm. Khalifa City A (056 536 2230).
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Anantara Eastern Mangroves Abu Dhabi HotelGet the family together at the inn's Pool Deck to breath life into the happy tree with shining lights with free snack and an ensemble. Watch out for Santa Clause landing by pontoon on the mangroves, as well. Free. Dec 10 6pm-8pm. Eastern Mangroves (02 656 1000).
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Dusit Thani Abu DhabiThe inn's ensemble will engage you with a program of the most happy and much-cherished hymns, while you wonder about the scene's beautiful enlightened Christmas tree in the incredibly high lobby.Wed Dec 4 6pm onwards. Sultan Receptacle Zayed The Principal Road (02 698 8888).     https://boxingday.in/
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Emirates PalaceOf every one of the spots to observe Christmas in the capital, this staggeringly sumptuous inn is surely the most impressive. Here you can wonder about the tremendous tree filling the focal great vault, which will be lit up by a large number of twinkling lights and candles. There will likewise be melodies, refreshments and a visit from Santa Clause Claus to additionally add to the celebrations, too.Tue Dec 10 7pm onwards. West Corniche (02 690 9000).
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Stupendous Thousand years Al WahdaKick off the happy season in style with live stimulation, a visit from Santa Clause and a splendid cluster of sweet and appetizing treats, for example, hand crafted treats, enhanced milks and shock giveaways for the kids.Sat Dec 7 6pm onwards. Hazza Container Zayed the Principal Road (02 443 9999).
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Jumeirah at Etihad TowersWatch the tremendous Christmas tree become completely enlightened in the great anteroom and appreciate conventional songs from an ensemble and merry tunes from a live band. You can likewise attempt some regular treats and refreshments as you sing endlessly with the ensemble. Thu Dec 5 6pm onwards. West Corniche (02 811 5555).
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Le Méridien Abu DhabiSing all your preferred Christmas songs and appreciate the wonderful multi-col
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travelguide6969 · 5 years
Koh Samui Tourism Festival "SAMUI FESTIVAL 2019"
Koh Samui Tourism Festival “SAMUI FESTIVAL 2019”
SAMUI FESTIVAL holds every year on Koh Samui, Surat Thani Thailand. While the area of ​​3 main points does Chaweng, Nathon Pier and Bophut. 14-19 September 2019
The event will fill with fun, delicious food, and watching many special performances for 6 days.
History of Koh SamuiFestival Starting from the 10th-month tradition. It is a tradition of Koh Samui people who make merit for their…
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businessliveme · 5 years
Barclays Acquittal Means More Lawsuits From Dealmaker, Ex-Banker
(Bloomberg) — The verdicts may be in but Barclays Plc’s legal troubles stemming from its financial maneuvers during the global financial crash of 2008 are far from over.
A British jury on Friday cleared three former Barclays executives of fraud in connection with deals to raise 11.2 billion pounds ($14.3 billion) in equity capital 12 years ago. Now the spotlight turns to a pair of lawsuits and regulatory probes that have been placed on hold for years while the criminal proceedings wound through the courts.
Amanda Staveley, the chief executive officer of PCP Capital Partners LLP, is seeking 1.6 billion pounds from Barclays for allegedly cheating her out of profits she claims she should have earned by bringing investors into the bank’s fundraising deal.
Barclays may still face a suit filed by one of the exonerated executives, Richard Boath, who said he was fired after the bank learned that he had talked to prosecutors probing the deal. In addition, the Financial Conduct Authority said it was restarting related disciplinary probes that had been stayed.
PCP’s lawsuit may serve up more revelations about Barclays’ executive suite during that tumultuous period. Staveley, a well-connected dealmaker with ties to the Persian Gulf, is prepared to show how top bankers, including Roger Jenkins, one of the defendants in the criminal case, tried to deny her credit for engineering an investment of 3.5 billion pounds from a billionaire member of Abu Dhabi’s royal family.
Even though the criminal trial was already rife with embarrassing banker talk, she is expected to produce more emails and other internal correspondence that will show the hardball tactics and language used to hash out the deal.
‘Foxy Blonde’
Jenkins referred to Staveley in an email as “a tart” and other executives called her a “foxy blonde,” PCP says in court documents. No bank executives are defendants in the lawsuit, however.
“The criminal trial dealt with the same circumstances as our case, but our claims are based on a totally different set of facts,” Staveley said in an interview. “Our case will not be affected by the outcome of the trial.”
Barclays said the Staveley claim was “misconceived and without merit.” It said it couldn’t comment on Boath’s employment case.
The FCA said in a brief statement Friday afternoon that it would restart disciplinary probes that began before the criminal case. Barclays said in its annual report this month that the regulator was considering a 50 million-pound penalty tied to “disclosure-related listing rules.”
The criminal case dealt with the bank’s negotiations with Qatar, but Staveley is focusing on how those moves affected her clients in Abu Dhabi. While PCP says it was initially owed 720 million pounds from the fundraising, that number has ballooned with interest added up in the decade since the crash.
Boath, Barclays’ former co-head of global finance, had sued the lender for dismissing him after he spoke with prosecutors in connection with the criminal case. But the bank has paid his legal fees during the trial and it’s unclear whether he will move forward with the employment claim.
The PCP case, which is expected to go to trial in June, paints a picture of a bank that was so desperate to bolster its capital ratios and confidence in the marketplace it was willing to sell big stakes at fire sale prices. Over 20 frantic days in October 2008, Staveley hammered out a deal that would make Abu Dhabi’s sovereign wealth fund Barclays’ biggest stockholder through a combination of heavily discounted warrants and convertible debt.
Halloween Sunrise
The negotiation culminated shortly after sunrise that Halloween when John Varley, then the bank’s CEO, chatted on the phone with Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan for about 60 seconds. Making the transaction even sweeter for PCP, it would obtain a 10% interest in Abu Dhabi’s side of the deal.
The deal was a big win for Staveley, a 46-year-old native of Yorkshire in northern England who dropped out of Cambridge University and eventually became a bridge between the royal families of the Middle East and the U.K. investment scene.
Yet her satisfaction in bagging the Barclays transaction didn’t last long. After the fundraising was announced, the bank’s stock tanked as other investors said they were entitled to buy shares at the same terms. With the deal in peril, Jenkins called Staveley on Nov. 12, 2008, and asked her to give up a chunk of her investment group’s shares to placate investors, her lawsuit says. To preserve her relationship with Sheikh Mansour and seal the deal, she agreed to forfeit PCP’s stake.
Staveley eventually pocketed 30 million pounds in fees for her work. But a few years later she learned she could have made multiples of that sum, PCP said in the lawsuit.
Abu Dhabi’s deal had been arranged in tandem with a similar investment by Qatar’s sovereign wealth fund and an affiliated vehicle owned by Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim Al Thani, then the prime minister of the wealthy Gulf nation. Barclays executives assured Staveley that the Qataris would get the same terms as Abu Dhabi.
Instead, PCP argues, Barclays rebated 280 million pounds in undisclosed fees and a $3 billion loan to the Qataris in exchange for their investment.
That meant Sheikh Mansour and PCP were paying more for their investment than the Qataris, the lawsuit says. The hidden fees were also at the center of the criminal trial.
PCP argues that if the truth had been known Staveley would not have been forced to give up her warrants and lose out on hundreds of millions of pounds.
“Barclays October 2008 capital raising was a fraud on its shareholders perpetrated through a series of unlawful transactions and dishonest conduct,” PCP said in its court filings.
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party-hard-or-die · 6 years
‘Be Very Careful’: Conversation Cited to Link Qatar to Hack of G.O.P. Donor
The two men had known each other for years around Capitol Hill. Both were hawkish supporters of Israel and active in the Republican Party. But now they were on opposite sides of a remote dispute between wealthy Persian Gulf monarchs: One was a lobbyist for Qatar, and the other had sided strongly with rivals who sought to blockade the tiny emirate.
“Be very careful,” the lobbyist, Nicolas D. Muzin, warned on March 5, in a conversation quoted Thursday in a legal complaint accusing Qatar of hacking into the computers of its American opponents.
Anyone Mr. Muzin pointed to was “in danger,” he told his old acquaintance, Joel Mowbray, who appears to have recorded their conversation about the Qataris. “Honestly, I know they are after you and after Broidy,” the lobbyist continued, referring to Elliot Broidy, a top Republican donor, critic of Qatar and Mr. Mowbray’s associate.
Their conversation occurred just days after The New York Times and other news organizations began publishing articles based in part on leaked emails from Mr. Broidy’s account.
Many showed him trying to exploit his access to the White House to obtain lucrative contracts with foreign governments for his private security company. Mr. Broidy’s efforts included promoting accusations that Qatar was destabilizing the region while he was landing a contract for hundreds of millions of dollars with its rival, the United Arab Emirates.
All the emails were provided to the news organizations by anonymous sources and they began a run of bad publicity for Mr. Broidy. An unrelated legal proceeding revealed a few weeks later that he had worked through the president’s personal lawyer, Michael D. Cohen, to pay $1.6 million to a former Playboy model who became pregnant during an affair.
The F.B.I. has opened a criminal investigation into allegations of hacking Mr. Broidy’s account, according to people involved.
In a lawsuit filed in a federal court in California, lawyers for Mr. Broidy have argued that the government of Qatar directed the hacking of his emails to punish him for his vocal criticism of the country. An amended complaint filed on Thursday contends that, as a lobbyist for Qatar, Mr. Muzin’s comments amounted to an admission of its guilt.
“Mr. Muzin has admitted culpability,” the complaint charges, and “as its registered foreign agent, Mr. Muzin’s admission also binds the defendant State of Qatar.”
Mr. Muzin did not respond to a request for comment through his firm, Stonington Strategies, but has previously called Mr. Broidy’s allegations “specious” and “hollow.”
Qatar has denied any role in the hacking.
“His claims are completely fabricated and without merit,” Jassim al-Thani, a spokesman for Qatar in Washington, said in a statement. “It was Mr. Broidy who conspired in the shadows against Qatar — not the other way around.”
Elliott Broidy in New York in 2008.CreditDavid Karp/Raoul Wallenberg Committee of the US, via Associated Press
Governments around the world are increasingly capitalizing on hard-to-trace hacking to damage or embarrass their rivals, and Mr. Broidy’s lawsuit and the parallel criminal investigation are rare attempts to use the American court system to try to hold a suspected state accountable.
Another well-known antagonist of Qatar in Washington, the Emirati ambassador, has also endured extensive critical news coverage based on hacked emails leaked to The Times and other news organizations.
But the lawsuit’s reliance on the conversation between Mr. Muzin and Mr. Mowbray underscores the difficulty of proving responsibility for such attacks without using espionage to record an admission. That challenge evidently led Mr. Broidy and his associates to resort to their own surreptitious recording.
Two people involved in the case said on the condition of anonymity that the conversation had been recorded; a lawyer for Mr. Broidy declined to comment on how it was obtained. Mr. Mowbray did not return a call seeking comment.
The amended complaint on Thursday also accused two others identified as former intelligence agents for the United States and Britain of conspiring with Qatar to carry out the hacking.
Lawyers for Mr. Broidy describe Kevin Chalker, founder of the New York-based firm Global Risk Advisors, as “a former C.I.A. cyberoperative” and David Mark Powell as “a former British intelligence operative who runs G.R.A. operations out of Qatar.”
The complaint says that Mr. Powell opened the firm’s Qatar office in October 2017, “just weeks prior to the commencement of the attack on the plaintiff,” but offers no other details or evidence of a role. Mr. Chalker and Mr. Powell did not respond to requests for comment relayed through their firm.
The fragments of conversation with Mr. Muzin appear to be the strongest evidence disclosed in the complaint that connects Qatar with the hacking.
Mr. Muzin told his old acquaintance that “Broidy’s name comes up in embassy meetings often” with Qatari diplomats, the complaint states. “I definitely identified him as somebody who was not, didn’t like them too much,” Mr. Muzin said, and “they knew he had been influential” with the White House.
Speaking after the first articles based on the leaks had appeared, Mr. Muzin knew in advance that “there is more stuff coming,” the complaint says.
But the complaint does not specify the source of his information, and adds that Mr. Muzin said his knowledge did not make him responsible.
“I did not cause the Broidy stuff, just because I have information,” Mr. Muzin reportedly said of the leaks. “I don’t know all the details, but I know that I am hearing repeatedly that there’s a lot more coming.”
Adam Goldman contributed reporting from Washington.
A version of this article appears in print on , on Page A7 of the New York edition with the headline: Citing Conversation, Complaint Links Qatar to Hacking of G.O.P. Donor. Order Reprints | Today’s Paper | Subscribe
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